2013-08-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:32:14 <herm> hi! is it possible to script gnucash actions. I would like to call a shell script that gets data from my bank account and then call the CSV import with the results of this script
09:35:10 <warlord> Nope, not in that way. The importers all require user input.
09:35:22 <warlord> You could write a Python script if you really want to script something.
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12:47:39 <haclong> hello
12:49:04 <haclong> i'm trying to do something with gnucash
12:49:21 <haclong> i'm buying stocks on a regular basis (once per month)
12:50:29 <haclong> is there a way (in a report) to view how much i have invested into my funds and how much value they are...
12:51:12 <haclong> how much value is easy -> just set the stock value with the correct screen. i do know this part
12:51:17 <haclong> but how much i have invested ?
12:51:53 <haclong> (sorry, i may be difficult to understand since my gnucash is in french)
12:52:41 <warlord> haclong: have you tried the portfolio or advanced portfolio reports?
12:52:53 <haclong> mmh
12:52:55 <haclong> i will
12:53:14 <haclong> i don't have my gnucash right here
12:53:20 <haclong> i may return here later
12:53:25 <haclong> the portfollio report
12:53:50 <haclong> oh, by the way, in my reports, all the lines looks weird as if the lines and the cols are not correctly line up
12:54:02 <haclong> do you know if its normal or do you know how to fix it ?
12:55:13 <haclong> i have gnucash 2.4 on ubuntu
12:55:18 <warlord> Some reports are designed that way -- they indent "extra" based on the level of account.
12:55:26 <warlord> (At least this is what I assume you are seeing)
12:55:47 <haclong> oh ok
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16:28:43 <leaper> Hi everybody - I'd like Gnucash to automatically balance my accounts based on description. For example if a booking contains "LIDL" or "SAFEWAY" (supermarkets) I know for 90% it's food, so automatically assign the amount to the "Food" account. is this possible?
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16:31:22 <leaper> I read that assigning accounts to bookings makes Gnucash "learn", but how do i predefine some matches like the above?
16:44:31 <warlord> leaper: how are you entering your transactions?
16:44:49 <warlord> if you're using an importer, there is no way to pre-assign those mappings.
16:45:12 <leaper> HBCI
16:45:31 <leaper> i.e. by directly connecting to my bank via API and downloading the transactions
16:46:14 <warlord> Yep, I know what HBCI is.
16:46:37 <warlord> So, my statement still stands -- there is no way to pre-set mappings. You have to train gnucash manually.
16:46:52 <warlord> (although I've never heard of "Safeway" in germany)
16:51:03 <leaper> it was just an example
16:51:11 <leaper> LIDL, ALDI, etc. :)
16:51:43 <leaper> how do I see the training results? does Gnucash at some point start auto-assigning transactions by itself?
16:52:40 <warlord> There is no UI method to view the training.
16:52:44 <warlord> (or to reset it)
16:53:15 <warlord> and yes, it will start auto-assigning once you start training (the next import)
17:01:07 <leaper> do I start training by starting to assign accounts, or is this a separat eprocess?
17:01:50 <leaper> and: can I tell Gnucash to redo an automatic assignment when it has learnt enough?
17:02:27 <leaper> (I am planning to import 8 years of bookkeeping into Gnucash - and I doubt it'll get everything right the first time. But when I have assigned a few dozen accounts I want it to continue with the imported date.)
17:02:29 <warlord> You just start assigning accounts in the importer..
17:02:31 <leaper> s/date/data/
17:02:41 <warlord> I recommend turning on Bayesian Matching first
17:02:53 <leaper> ok
17:02:55 <warlord> Are you importing via QIF? Or something else
17:03:02 <leaper> CSV, probably
17:03:08 <leaper> from another application
17:03:18 <warlord> Okay.. Import small pieces first..
17:03:23 <leaper> so automatic assignment can't happen once the data is imported?
17:03:28 <warlord> Correct.
17:03:36 <warlord> It's an importer function
17:03:40 <leaper> ok
17:04:32 <leaper> can I write a plugin or script that does the assignment? ;) this might be easier
17:05:41 <warlord> You're better off writing a script to convert the CSV to QIF and adding appropriate QIF Category and QIF Account mappings.. Then you actually *can* pre-assign by creating a properly formed qif account map file.
17:06:48 <warlord> the map allows you to to map QIF Category -> GNC Income/Expense Account, QIF Account -> GNC Asset/Liability, and even Payee/Memo to GNC Income/Expense.. Although the Payee/Memo matching is full-string, not substring
17:07:03 <warlord> If you're comfortable scripting then I'd recommend that approach.
17:08:36 <leaper> hm, I have no idea how the QIF file format looks like
17:10:21 <leaper> but it looks rather simple (quick google search)
17:10:22 <warlord> It's text. it's simple. google is your friend
17:10:27 <leaper> yup
17:10:28 <warlord> :)
17:10:28 <leaper> thanks
17:10:47 <warlord> you;re welcome. I'm going to have to go soon.
17:10:57 <leaper> will this preassignment train the bayes database too?
17:11:02 <leaper> or is it static?
17:11:11 <leaper> last question ;)
17:14:19 <warlord> QIF doesn't use Bayes
17:14:32 <warlord> it's a completely separate importer
17:16:32 <leaper> ok thanks
17:16:35 <leaper> good night ;)
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