2013-10-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:12:53 <soa2ii> Hi. I manage my accounts together with my girlfriend. What's the best way to show wins/losses in just my accounts so I have an idea of our overall situation and just my accounts.
04:20:06 <againstdemons> soa2ii: I'm quite a new user so I'm sure a more experienced hand will help later. In the meantime I wondered if you could expand a little on how your accounts are set up? Do you have multiple asset accounts of which some are your girlfriends, some are yours and some are shared?
04:21:59 <soa2ii> againstdemons: We don't have any shared accounts. So basically I just created 2 sets of accounts for all our savings and so on. Then our earnings are split too like "earnings (me)" and "earnings (gf)"
04:22:22 <soa2ii> What we pay goes al to one account … like standard food, rent, whatever
04:22:49 <soa2ii> againstdemons: Why?
04:23:37 <againstdemons> I am just trying to understand your setup to see if I can help
04:24:43 <soa2ii> againstdemons: Basically I'd like to see how my savings evolve over time. It doesn't matter where this money goes … just how it's getting less/more.
04:26:44 <againstdemons> do I understand what you are looking for if I say you are wanting something like the "Asset Barchart" report but which only reports on your savings account?
04:26:46 <PaulFertser> soa2ii: i think your own asset accounts should be subaccounts of Assets and your friend's account should be subaccounts of the same Assets "virtual" account.
04:27:03 <PaulFertser> soa2ii: so if you want to see all of them combined, you choose the high-level Assets
04:28:57 <soa2ii> PaulFertser: (since I'm german I'm struggling a little with the words) But yeah, right now it like a tree asstes -> liquid funds -> [me | gf] -> …
04:29:23 <soa2ii> So yeah, I can choose my subset of asset accounts by only selecting "me"
04:29:37 <PaulFertser> soa2ii: so, what's the question?
04:29:37 <PaulFertser> :)
04:30:21 <soa2ii> But which chart do you recommend? I find for example the "average account balance" chart really confusing since it says I got earnings a lot higher than I really got …
04:31:16 <soa2ii> Maybe I dont's understand the meaning of "capital growth"
04:33:35 <soa2ii> againstdemons: The asses barchart looks quite fine. It would be great though if it could show the increase too (this month - last month)
04:34:38 <soa2ii> Or what is the "average account balance" chart for then?
04:36:17 <soa2ii> maybe I don't get the translation right. It's the 5th chart under assets.
04:37:10 <soa2ii> Because the difference in the bar chart from 1th to today is for example 100€
04:37:45 <soa2ii> in the average account chart the difference between earnings and losses is about 300€
04:37:53 <soa2ii> why's that?
04:38:47 <againstdemons> maybe post a screenshot into imagebin.org so we can see exactly and avoid any confusion (5th report down for me is "Balance Sheet" which I'm certain isn't what you are referring to)
04:39:04 <againstdemons> in "report options" have you restricted the report to only report on soa2ii's savings account?
04:39:35 <soa2ii> againstdemons: yeah
04:43:45 <soa2ii> againstdemons: http://lagom.de/tmp/gc00.png http://lagom.de/tmp/gc01.png
04:44:19 <soa2ii> againstdemons: Shouldn't the green bar be as high as the difference on gc00.png?
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04:58:12 <soa2ii> So?
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06:32:25 <soa2ii> If you get a return from your elictricity bill (normally at the end of the year if you used less than predicted) this is not a profit, is it? Should I book it to my expense:electricity?
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07:13:36 <againstdemons> re. gc00 gc01 I'm out of my expertise so I need to leave that for more experienced members of this channel
07:14:00 <againstdemons> re. the return from your electricity that should be booked to your expense:electricity account -- it definitely is not income
07:14:56 <againstdemons> English (sorry) docs: http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.4/C/gnucash-guide/cc-enterpay1.html "A common mistake is to enter a refund as income. It is not income, but rather a “negative expense”. That is why you must transfer money from the expense account to your credit card when you receive a refund."
07:15:18 <againstdemons> same applies for your electricity expense account
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08:15:53 <warlord> soa2ii: IANAA but I would book that as a rebate from the Ex:electricity
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08:32:03 <soa2ii> thanks
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09:38:17 <gncbot> warlord: Error: Someone else is already using that nick.
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10:12:20 <mikee> gjanssens: warlord: fell: can someone re-nick gncbot?
10:13:27 <gjanssens> I can, but what's the proper command ?
10:13:33 <mikee> with: @nick gncbot.
10:13:40 <gjanssens> @nick gncbot
10:13:40 <gncbot`> gjanssens: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
10:14:06 <mikee> Oh.
10:14:08 <gjanssens> @nick gncbot` gncbot
10:14:08 <gncbot`> gjanssens: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
10:14:15 <gjanssens> not me it seems...
10:15:26 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot`
10:15:31 <warlord> @nick gncbot
10:15:31 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
10:15:34 <mikee> Yay!
10:15:37 <warlord> sorry, I was on the phone..
10:15:47 <mikee> @op
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10:16:17 <mikee> My wireless router is playing up.
10:16:40 <gjanssens> warlord, could I have done this if I first op'ed gncbot ?
10:16:50 <gjanssens> Or do I really not have the proper permissions ?
10:17:00 <gjanssens> Just curiosity
10:18:44 <warlord> gjanssens: i dont know
10:20:21 <gjanssens> Ok
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12:14:31 * gjanssens is wondering how flexible qof-queries really are
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12:15:00 <gjanssens> Is there a way to do calculations on parameters during query run
12:15:02 <gjanssens> ?
12:15:26 <gjanssens> something like in sql: select value+1 from table
12:15:38 <gjanssens> (obviously where value is a number)
12:27:29 <warlord> I dont think QofQuery gives that.
12:27:36 <warlord> (what exactly are you trying to do?)
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12:36:36 <gjanssens> I'm looking at the bills due reminder
12:36:42 <gjanssens> It doesn't work well with credit notes
12:37:08 <gjanssens> Currently all due amounts are displayed as absolutes
12:37:40 <gjanssens> but in that way it's not obvious if you are looking at a bill or credit note
12:37:57 <gjanssens> I can remove the abs converter (it's a boolean option)
12:38:18 <gjanssens> but then bills are listed with negative amounts and credit notes with positive amounts
12:38:37 <gjanssens> That's correct from the point of view of a balance, but confusing for a user
12:39:23 <gjanssens> What I really need is for some flexibility in the gnc-query-view widget
12:39:36 <gjanssens> Not in the qof query itself
12:40:15 <gjanssens> Can I add a param converter to it is some way ?
12:41:10 <warlord> Mmmmm....
12:42:27 <warlord> I'm trying to think how you would add a param for whether to show the value as positive or negative. Is there some hint that you could use that the object is a credit note vs an invoice/bill? Then you could use abs() for non-credit-note and (neg(abs()) for credit note
12:45:35 <gjanssens> There is a boolean is_cn, which is set for each invoice object to either true (for credit-notes) or false (for non-credit notes)
12:46:02 <gjanssens> It's not clear to me though at which point I could use that hint
12:46:42 <gjanssens> Can I manipulate the display code of gnc-query-view for a given param ?
12:46:53 <gjanssens> I mean from the outside
12:47:12 <warlord> mmmm... probably not.
12:47:19 <gjanssens> gnc-query-view is very generic, it doesn't know about invoices/bills or whatever
12:47:20 <warlord> it was supposed to be generic, I think.
12:47:38 <gjanssens> probably :(
12:47:47 <warlord> You could just add another column for 'is credit note'
12:48:29 <gjanssens> Ugh, but probably the easiest way out right now...
12:48:54 <gjanssens> The dialog may be in for a rewrite, but I don't want to do that before 2.6 anymore
12:49:03 <gjanssens> There are still plenty of other issues to fix
12:49:09 <warlord> Sure.. It's 10 years old now.
12:49:17 <warlord> Lots of this code was written around 2001-2003
12:49:31 <gjanssens> Yes, by warlord even :)
12:51:12 <warlord> Funny that ;)
12:54:18 <gjanssens> LOL
12:54:35 <gjanssens> But thanks for your advice
12:54:51 <gjanssens> An extra column it will be for now
12:56:20 <warlord> Okay. I wish we had a "checkbox" column (for a boolean)
12:58:04 <gjanssens> Oh, we do. That's how is_cn gets represented automatically
12:58:58 <gjanssens> You did better than you rember ;)
12:59:09 <warlord> I meant in the GUI..
12:59:12 <warlord> (like the register)
12:59:28 <warlord> There wasn't a "checkbox" widget (at least when I wrote the code)
13:01:05 <gjanssens> Oh, ok
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13:05:05 <mikee> @op
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17:55:54 <gjanssens> What would be a guaranteed invalid date in time64 format ?
17:57:20 <gjanssens> Would a value of 0 work ? Or does that represent a valid date/time and should I rather use -1 ?
17:57:47 <gjanssens> Hmm, too bad John isn't here tonight. He wrote most of this stuff...
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18:18:48 <MoPac> Hello. I'm trying to work out how to enable fractions smaller than 1/100th for currency (partiularly USD). When I select a smaller "smallest" fraction, GNUCash still seems to round every entry to two decimal places, even though it displays trailing zeros
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18:42:31 <MoPac> Apologies; I had a crash. Would anyone be able to help me configure gnucash to refrain from rounding currency amounts to two decimal places?
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19:56:45 <warlord> MoPac: you cannot. Currencies by definition have a smallest fraction.. Please show me how you can pay me $0..001.
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19:57:01 <warlord> (answer: you cannot.. You have to round to the nearest penny)
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