2013-11-25 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:40:15 <jmd> I'm trying to install gnucash 2.4.13
03:40:26 <jmd> in the configure stage I get:
03:40:42 <jmd> checking for SLIB support... configure: error:
03:40:42 <jmd> Cannot find SLIB. Are you sure you have it installed?
03:40:42 <jmd> See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347922
03:40:42 <jmd> and http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=483631
03:41:15 <jmd> Those two URLS, while relevant, are not helpfull.
03:41:50 <jmd> It seems that while there are a lot of people who have encountered this problem, nobody knows the solution.
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03:55:23 <Unhammer> If I want to keep a gnucash database in version control (e.g. git), should I use XML?
03:55:53 <Unhammer> wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git was not as relevant as I hoped :)
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04:40:25 <gjanssens> Unhammer: yes, to keep your data file under git, the best format would be xml
04:40:37 <gjanssens> And you should make sure it doesn't get compressed
04:40:54 <gjanssens> There's an option in the GnuCash preferences to enable/disable file compression
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04:42:11 <gjanssens> Strictly speaking you can use any format (plain xml, compressed xml, sqlite) to store your data file in git
04:42:43 <gjanssens> But for any format that's not purely text based, git can only store them as binary blobs
04:43:24 <gjanssens> With plain xml, you can at least see diffs between commits
04:44:03 <gjanssens> Don't be tempted to do full branching and merging cycles on this data file though
04:44:43 <gjanssens> Git is not aware of any relationships inside the data file, it only sees textual changes
04:45:02 <gjanssens> So it could make very unfortunate automatic merging decisions...
04:47:33 <gjanssens> jmd: what os are you on ? and which versions of guile do you have installed ?
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04:50:26 <jmd> gjanssens: guile version is 2.0.9
04:50:43 <gjanssens> jmd: there's your problem
04:50:54 <gjanssens> GnuCash 2.4.x doesn't work with guile 2
04:50:55 <jmd> where ?
04:51:02 <gjanssens> You'll need guile 1.8
04:51:05 <jmd> Oh.
04:51:22 <jmd> Isn't 2.4.13 the latest released version?
04:51:36 <gjanssens> It is, but it doesn't support guile 2
04:51:47 <gjanssens> That's only available in the development series
04:51:56 <jmd> Ok. I'll try again with guile 1.8
04:51:57 <gjanssens> and will be released as 2.6 in december
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04:55:01 <jmd> Unfortunately, I get the same result with guile 1.8 :(
04:55:28 <gjanssens> @tell warlord: I have no idea why yesterday's nightly didn't run. But today's nightly has run fine.
04:55:28 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
04:56:13 <jmd> Guile 1.8.8 to be precise.
04:56:37 <gjanssens> jmd: and do you have slib installed ?
04:57:34 <jmd> It comes standard with guile-2.0 - not sure about 1.8
04:57:53 <gjanssens> hmm, that's one of the issues with slib we had in the past
04:58:12 <gjanssens> on some platforms it comes with guile 1.6, and not guile 1.8
04:58:36 <gjanssens> and then some manual steps had to be taken to make slib available to 1.8 as well
04:58:52 <gjanssens> I never had the problem myself, so I don't recall the steps in detail
04:59:33 <gjanssens> I believe there was either a softlink to make or to call some command that generated some catalogs for guile
05:00:18 <gjanssens> what os are you on ?
05:01:12 <jmd> Well I'm using debian, but the build environment is guix which has its own very isolated build environment.
05:02:14 <gjanssens> hmm, never heard of guix
05:02:28 <gjanssens> But I know that debian is one of the distros that may need extra steps
05:02:48 <jmd> http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/
05:03:34 <gjanssens> regarding guile/slib: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building#slib_Issues
05:04:48 <jmd> Ok. Thanks. If guile-1.8 does not include slib, then that would explain the issue.
05:05:17 <gjanssens> NP
05:10:25 <jmd> (although doesn't make it any less annoying)
05:11:45 <gjanssens> Obviously not.
05:12:15 <gjanssens> But for compensation, we have stopped using slib in the development series
05:12:25 <gjanssens> So the issue will die automatically
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05:36:09 <Unhammer> gjanssens, thanks :)
05:37:49 <Unhammer> disabling compression, hadn't noticed that
05:38:19 <gjanssens> You're welcome
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06:02:27 <jmd> gjanssens: 2.5.8 should work with guile-2.x ??
06:03:48 <gjanssens> jmd: yes
06:03:59 <jmd> Thanks.
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07:57:02 <mikee-afk> @tell johnsmal Can you file a bug report if you think the docs are wrong at: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
07:57:03 <gncbot> mikee-afk: The operation succeeded.
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08:12:42 <warlord> .
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08:15:42 <mikee> ...---...
08:18:01 <warlord> something wrong mikee? why the SOS? Me, I was trying to kick gncbot to release gjanssens' message to me
08:18:20 <warlord> Except he's holding it for "warlord:" not "warlord"
08:18:36 <mikee> warlord: Just testing :)
08:18:50 <warlord> ... and I cannot set my nick to that.. Sounds like a supybot bug.
08:19:02 <mikee> I thought it was goung to be morse code lesson.
08:20:05 <mikee> That's all the morse I know.
08:20:33 <warlord> -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
08:22:02 <mikee> http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html is my friend.
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08:33:06 <warlord> :)
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08:40:47 <johnsmal> I have a question about matching the billed and paying customer in the deptors account. I make an invoice for customer x. Booking gives two transactions; one in the debtors account "To pay" and one in the relevant income account. I reconsiliate via import of MT940. Customer x has payed his invoice. In my vision I have to book that line in the account "To pay". But how do I get the connection with customer x? Now I get two items: one with
08:40:47 <gncbot> johnsmal: Sent 43 minutes ago: <mikee-afk> Can you file a bug report if you think the docs are wrong at: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
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08:50:13 <mikee> johnsmal: The tail of your post got cut off.
08:52:06 <johnsmal> mikee: what is the last word?
08:56:27 <mikee> Now I get two items: one with
09:00:57 *** fell_ is now known as fell
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09:12:13 <Unhammer> Anyone here use the template from http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Accounting_your_Business_in_Norway ? There really are a lot of accounts here, wondering if I should just delete the ones that don't seem relevant or what …
09:13:22 <Unhammer> (Mogget?)
09:14:07 <warlord> johnsmal: you cannot.. You need to Process Payment first and then when you import you need to mark the imported txn as a Dup. in 2.4 there is no way to apply an entered transaction as a payment. (In 2.6 you will be able to do so)
09:14:55 <warlord> Unhammer: I don't know the legalities of your jurisdiction, and IANAA, but if an account doesn't apply I would guess you could safely delete it.
09:17:20 <Unhammer> OK. Might make it a bit less overwhelming :) or … hmm, there's not a way to "hide" accounts?
09:17:46 <Unhammer> oh there is =D
09:21:02 <fell> Unhammer: compared with the german SKR04 it is really small. ;-)
09:22:11 <fell> I would suggest, you mark the (currently) unused as placeholder. So they disappear from the selection list.
09:22:19 <warlord> yes, there is.
09:22:25 <Unhammer> heheh I guess I'll take comfort in that (or schadenfreude, that works too =P)
09:23:03 <warlord> Also, as fell suggested, if you not just hide it, but also mark it placeholder, it wont show up in the drop-down lists in the registers either.
09:23:16 <Unhammer> oh, but hidden ones show up? hm
09:25:15 <warlord> Hidden will hide it from the Chart of Accounts, but it'll still show up in the drop-down list.
09:25:22 <Unhammer> OK
09:25:33 <warlord> placeholder will hide it in the drop-down list (and make it read-only) but it will still show up in the CoA
09:30:17 <johnsmal> Warlord: Is Dup Duplicate? How can in your workaround the report of no paying deptors be accurate?
09:35:42 <warlord> johnsmal: Sorry, I dont understand your question, what report?
09:35:52 <warlord> And yes, Dup.
09:37:10 <johnsmal> Warlord: How can in your workaround the report of no paying customers be accurate?
09:37:58 <warlord> What "report of no paying customers"?
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09:44:05 <JoTraGo> Is there a way to set a blanket filter so that any register opened shows only the transactions set in the filter.
09:44:06 <johnsmal> Warlord: in the version 2.5.7 we have in the menu Business as first item "Klantenoverzicht" [Report/overview of customers].
09:46:59 <warlord> JoTraGo: Depends on the filter. IN some cases yes, in some no. (I believe some of this might be changing in 2.6)
09:47:23 <warlord> johnsmal: I don't know about 2.5.7; it's a test version so not recommended for real use yet.
09:47:44 <warlord> Also, you didn't specify 2.5; so I was answering for 2.4, our latest stable release
09:50:10 <JoTraGo> I was kind of expecting that setting an accounting period in preferences would achieve this but that only seems to apply to reports, which is great. And it would have been nice, if once you had set a filter that it was remembered between uses, at least then one would just have to apply the filter for each register, rather than having to manually set both dates for every register opened.
09:52:19 <johnsmal> Warlord: I am using 2.4 again, after import of my customers in 2.5; thanks to John.
09:53:01 <warlord> JoTraGo: Understood.
09:53:01 <Mogget> Unhammer: I don't have the knowledge to give you an answer. I use those I need and leave then ones i don't use there.
09:53:20 <warlord> johnsmal: okay. So I still have no idea what report you're talking about or what issue you think you're having.
09:53:43 <Unhammer> Mogget, ok :)
09:54:10 <Unhammer> and it works fine wrt. the required reports etc?
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09:55:47 <Mogget> Unhammer: Do you use gnucash with your company?
09:56:04 <johnsmal> But the account with double items, one for the credit and one for the debet, without a recorded connection between them, is not accurate. In the next version the report will be no accurate either. Or, did I not understand your workaround?
09:56:13 <Unhammer> Mogget, planning to use it with my girlfriend's photo business
09:57:29 <Mogget> Unhammer: Can I priv. msg. you? So I don't spam this channel with unrelevant stuff?
09:57:35 <Unhammer> sure :)
09:57:38 <warlord> johnsmal: Which issue are we talking about now? You've had 3 or 4 and I've lost track
09:57:52 <warlord> Are you still talking about Customers and Payments?
09:58:39 <fell> Klantenoverzicht=Customer Summary
10:00:30 <warlord> fell: thanks, but said report isn't in 2.4, so I have no idea what it does
10:00:44 <warlord> (honestly, my business books are still on 2.0.5)
10:02:13 <fell> In 2.4.13 I have Reports:Business:Customer Overview and ... Report
10:03:11 <fell> Overview=Summary
10:03:52 <warlord> Oh, Hmm.. Well, like I said, my business accounts are still on 2.0.5 so I haven't looked at the business reports recently. :-/
10:09:59 <JoTraGo> Unhammer, sri to butt in, I didn't see your original question, but if you are relatively new to GnuCash and planning to use it for a business I can highly recommend "Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting - Beginner's Guide" (ISBN 978-1-849513-86-9 ) by Ashok Ramachandran. I t helped me no end to get my business up on GnuC.
10:10:20 <Unhammer> aha, thanks for the tip JoTraGo :)
10:10:56 <JoTraGo> Especially it introduced the "Business" features which work really nicely for me.
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10:35:59 <gjanssens> warlord: is there a way I can tell the bot to drop the message (as the original sender) ?
10:36:12 <gjanssens> Or will it just stay stuck ?
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10:56:58 <gjanssens> johnsmall: I think you didn't understand the workaround properly
10:57:58 <gjanssens> When warlord said "Process the payment first" he meant that you would first pay the invoice using business->pay invoice *before* you start the import from your bank
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11:32:16 <warlord> gjanssens: i know of no way to tell gncbot to clear the message.
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11:42:34 <gjanssens> oh well, then the message will just stay there...
11:42:37 <warlord> I tried to change my nick to include the colon, but it didn't let me
11:43:01 <gjanssens> yeah, I tried as well with no luck
11:43:07 <warlord> It just seems to ignore the request.
11:43:17 <warlord> So, sounds like a supybot bug. But I'm not sure how to report it.
11:47:37 <gjanssens> warlord: I found two useful commands for this issue: notes and remove
11:47:45 <gjanssens> remove will remove all pending notes for a nick
11:47:54 <gjanssens> but there are several in the list for warlord:
11:48:04 <gjanssens> you may first want to read them with the notes command
11:48:18 <gjanssens> (the oldest is more than 6 years old)
11:48:40 <warlord> hmm...
11:48:48 <warlord> @notes warlord:
11:48:48 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 6 years, 26 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, and 30 minutes ago: <jsled> can you add me as a sourceforge admin, please? TIA., Sent 6 years, 22 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, and 50 minutes ago: <cstim> I don't know w.r.t. 2.0.6. as well., Sent 6 years, 22 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, and 49 minutes ago: <cstim> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.2.0 Are the quotes from you in that announcement fine? You can just (4 more messages)
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11:49:22 <gjanssens> it does truncate the list though
11:49:29 <gjanssens> no idea how to read the full list
11:49:35 <warlord> indeed
11:50:30 <warlord> not sure how to get the rest
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11:53:16 <fell> There is http://sourceforge.net/p/supybot/bugs/, but I don't know how to enter a new one.
11:56:45 <fell> @notes warlord:
11:56:45 <gncbot> fell: Sent 6 years, 26 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, and 38 minutes ago: <jsled> can you add me as a sourceforge admin, please? TIA., Sent 6 years, 22 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, and 58 minutes ago: <cstim> I don't know w.r.t. 2.0.6. as well., Sent 6 years, 22 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, and 57 minutes ago: <cstim> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.2.0 Are the quotes from you in that announcement fine? You can just go (4 more messages)
11:59:47 <warlord> Right, that's as far as I can get. I don't see how to get the 4 more messages displayed.
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12:05:30 <fell> after login to sf, one can create a new ticket.
12:12:27 <john> gjanssens: Geert, did you see my email yesterday in gnucash-devel about setlocale?
12:13:55 <gjanssens> john: yes I did
12:14:16 <gjanssens> I'm still looking into it, but got sidetracked by a failing test in the xml backend
12:14:37 <gjanssens> that is even after your test fixes this morning
12:14:54 <gjanssens> The test-xml-pricedb test segfaults here
12:15:19 <gjanssens> But regarding the setlocale issue: I can reproduce it here (at least with guile 1.8)
12:15:41 <gjanssens> My next test is with guile2
12:16:04 <gjanssens> I am told string handling had a major overhaul in guile 2
12:16:28 <john> Really? I thought I'd gotten all of the xml backend tests working. Your failure is on F19, right?
12:16:36 <gjanssens> yes
12:17:04 <gjanssens> I just sent a mail to the list with a backtrace a couple of minutes ago
12:17:36 <john> Yeah, guile2 follows Python into unicode-land. Unfortunately they're using a not-well-maintained unicode lib called libunicodestring that won't build under clang.
12:19:13 <john> Your mail hasn't made it through my two levels of polling yet. ;-) I'll check it in F18 and see if it fails for me, too.
12:20:48 <gjanssens> :)
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12:32:26 <john> Worked fine for me. Did you do a distclean && ./autogen.sh && ./configure ?
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12:39:38 <gjanssens> Yes, I have even competely wiped my build directory and started over
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12:39:58 <gjanssens> I continue to get a segfault in test-xml-pricedb
12:40:14 <warlord> gjanssens: run the test under gdb?
12:40:59 <gjanssens> Done that. The backtrace is in the mail I sent to the list
12:41:22 <gjanssens> It's a reply to Mike Alexander's question whether xml v1 is still in use
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12:42:55 <gjanssens> warlord: regarding the remove command I mentioned earlier, only a channel admin can use it
12:43:17 <gjanssens> I tried by queuing up some messages for gjanssens:
12:43:25 <gjanssens> (also with colon)
12:43:37 <gjanssens> They're stuck now as well :(
12:44:08 <gjanssens> We have messages in the queue for quite a few nicks btw:
12:44:12 <gjanssens> @notes
12:44:12 <gncbot> gjanssens: I currently have notes waiting for accounting, alberto, andi, andi5:, aqua_, aqua__, ari, Arnaud, audiomuze, brewster, chan, chintan, cinix, conrad:, crimsoncor, cstim,, cstim:, cstimm, dbr,, ddfsdf, endikos, ericrathhaus, esadan, eweb, faga, flabbergaster, fubar, gjanssens:, grantbow, hansfbaier, harej, Hinnerk, jakob, Jannick, jb49, joliver, jsled:, KentonSmith,, krk, larz3, Legba, lianto, lifebird64, (2 more messages)
12:45:05 <warlord> interesting
12:50:18 <warlord> gjanssens: want me to remove them for you?
12:50:46 <gjanssens> sure, I didn't know you're an admin on this channel
12:50:49 <warlord> @remove gjanssens:
12:50:49 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
12:50:52 <warlord> I am
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12:51:05 <gjanssens> cool and tx
12:51:56 <warlord> NP
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13:12:59 <warlord> I also removed jsled:
13:13:19 <warlord> Apparently there is a command, 'more' that will show you the rest. Alas, I already deleted my messages. Oh well.
13:15:56 <john> gjanssens: Geert, your crash in test-xml-pricedb looks like it's the pointer to the function file_rw_feedback getting corrupted. I suggest that you set a bp on gnc_sixtp_gdv2_new, run it to the end, then set a watchpoint on *(gd->countCallback) after making sure that it is properly set to point to file_rw_feedback.
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13:26:20 <gjanssens> john: I'll do that
13:26:32 <gjanssens> The report tests fail in guile 2 as well
13:27:05 * gjanssens is afraid he's opened a can of worms by messing with the locale...
13:27:24 <gjanssens> That is: the locale should have been set a long time ago
13:27:48 <gjanssens> I fear we have worked around the missing locale issues in the code
13:28:17 <gjanssens> but the work arounds start failing now the locale is set properly
13:28:56 <gjanssens> Oh well, this time is as good as any to clean up...
13:31:18 <gjanssens> john: I don't have the full test log handy for the failed report tests with guile 1.8
13:31:23 <gjanssens> (I'm currently in guile 2 mode)
13:32:09 <gjanssens> Do your logs also start with two critical gnc.scm errors ?
13:32:14 <gjanssens> CRIT <gnc.scm> Illegal Multichoice option set
13:33:13 <gjanssens> (two times)
13:36:53 <gjanssens> Another question: how can I increase the verbosity of the log output for the tests ?
13:37:18 <gjanssens> I'd like to see some debug information printed from the gnc.scm log
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13:50:11 <gjanssens> concerning the test-xml-pricedb test
13:50:31 <gjanssens> it looks like it crashes even earlier, or I did something wrong
13:50:41 <gjanssens> These are the steps I took
13:51:16 <john> Geert, yes, I see those errors as well.
13:51:25 <gjanssens> 1. change the test-xml-pricedb script to launch gdb for the pricedb test (instead of just running the program)
13:51:38 <gjanssens> 2. manually execute test-xml-pricedb
13:51:49 <gjanssens> This gives me a gdb prompt
13:51:53 <gjanssens> then:
13:51:57 <gjanssens> Reading symbols from /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Builds/gnucash-f19-trunk/src/backend/xml/test/.libs/lt-test-xml-pricedb...done.
13:51:59 <gjanssens> (gdb) break gnc_sixtp_gdv2_new
13:51:59 <john> As for calling setlocale(), it's done before guile is started. Does that not get passed on to guile?
13:52:00 <gjanssens> Breakpoint 1 at 0x41828c: file /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/EclipseGnuCash/GnuCash-git/src/backend/xml/io-gncxml-v2.c, line 668.
13:52:02 <gjanssens> (gdb) run
13:52:03 <gjanssens> Starting program: /kobaltnet/janssege/Development/Builds/gnucash-f19-trunk/src/backend/xml/test/.libs/lt-test-xml-pricedb
13:52:39 <gjanssens> Traceback (most recent call last):
13:52:41 <gjanssens> File "/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib64/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.3-gdb.py", line 9, in <module>
13:52:43 <gjanssens> from gobject import register
13:52:44 <gjanssens> File "/usr/share/glib-2.0/gdb/gobject.py", line 3, in <module>
13:52:46 <gjanssens> import gdb.backtrace
13:52:47 <gjanssens> ImportError: No module named backtrace
13:52:49 <gjanssens> Traceback (most recent call last):
13:52:50 <gjanssens> File "/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib64/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3600.3-gdb.py", line 9, in <module>
13:52:51 <gjanssens> from gobject import register
13:52:53 <gjanssens> File "/usr/share/glib-2.0/gdb/gobject.py", line 3, in <module>
13:52:54 <gjanssens> import gdb.backtrace
13:52:56 <gjanssens> ImportError: No module named backtrace
13:52:57 <john> Don't you know about libtool --mode=execute? You don't need to mess with the libtool script.
13:52:57 <gjanssens> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
13:52:59 <gjanssens> Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
13:53:21 <gjanssens> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
13:53:22 <gjanssens> 0x0000000000643930 in ?? ()
13:53:44 <gjanssens> libtool --mode=execute ? no, never heard of
13:53:49 <gjanssens> learning something new every day
13:53:52 <john> What's all that python about?
13:54:24 * gjanssens was wondering about that as well
13:54:43 <john> So (from src/backend/xml/test) run ../../../../libtool --mode=execute gdb test-xml-pricedb
13:56:43 <gjanssens> I think I'd better reboot my system, perhaps a few updates I ran this morning are waiting for a reboot
13:58:51 <john> Looking at the python a bit closer, it looks like a gdb-7 customization for doing something clever with gobject. Since we don't use that in the backend, maybe you should check your ~/gdbinit and see if you can turn it off.
14:00:36 <john> But the bp didn't fire, so the global data isn't getting initialized. That's the reason for the crash. But why would it work OK for me and not for you?
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14:07:02 <john> Ah, a bp on run_callback answers the question: It's initializing global_data to all zeros here, so the if(data->countCallback) guard works.
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14:15:21 <gjanssens> john, I'm a bit slow here (too many context switches)
14:15:44 * john ;-)
14:15:46 <gjanssens> how is global_data related to data in run_callback
14:17:19 <john> global_data is a struct sixtp_gdv2 with a pointer countCallback which is what run_callback() tries to run.
14:20:03 <john> Except that there seem to be 57 varieties of that struct running around. The one in test-xml-pricedb is a pricedb_data, I just started looking for its definition. But I suspect the quick solution to the crash is to add a memset(&data, sizeof(data), 0) at ttest-xml-pricedb.c line 96.
14:22:57 <john> Nope, that ain't it. Struct pricedb_data is defined in test-xml-pricedb.c, and it doesn't have a countCallback member, so memsetting it won't fix the problem.
14:23:48 <john> This is a classic example of the evils of void*.
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14:27:48 <gjanssens> Ok, so there is a type mismatch between the data struct generated in the test and the one expected in run_callback
14:27:50 <gjanssens> Is that it ?
14:30:35 <john> That's the essence of it, but it's not that simple because there's more going on in the middle that I haven't yet figured out.
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14:43:03 <jmd> Gnucash 2.5.8 has this rather self contradictory line in confugure.ac
14:43:07 <jmd> PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GOFFICE, libgoffice-0.8 >= 0.7.0, [goffice=1], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find libgoffice.>= 0.5.1])])
14:44:35 <jmd> More strangely, although I have [lib]goffice 0.8.17 installed. It thinks there is none.
14:44:43 <john> Yeah, I noticed that the other day.
14:44:55 <john> You probably don't have the dev package installed.
14:45:15 <jmd> no. I have checked the .pc file
14:46:11 <warlord> jmd: are you sure you have the -devel package? What does config.log say about the failed test?
14:46:39 <jmd> Hmm. I looked at that. I always have problems interpreting those.
14:46:58 <jmd> I can pastebin it if you like.
14:47:06 <john> what does pkg-config --modversion libgoffice-0.8 say?
14:47:42 <jmd> All I can really see is :
14:47:46 <jmd> configure:23050: checking for libgoffice-0.8 >= 0.7.0
14:47:46 <jmd> configure:23070: result: no
14:47:46 <jmd> configure:23091: error: Cannot find libgoffice.>= 0.5.1
14:48:51 <warlord> what about john's question?
14:49:04 <jmd> I'm trying that now.
14:49:42 <jmd> 0.8.17
14:50:49 <gjanssens> jmd: I have libgoffice-0.8.17 on Fedora 19
14:51:00 <gjanssens> My configure run doesn't have issues with it
14:51:09 <gjanssens> odd that it fails on your system
14:51:11 <john> As do I on F18.
14:54:22 <john> Might you have passed a bad $PKG_CONFIG_PATH to configure?
14:55:05 <warlord> I've got 0.8.17-8 on F18
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14:57:07 <jmd> john: Well I'm not infallable.
14:57:49 <jmd> but with the same PKG_CONFIG_PATH, pkg-config --modversion libgoffice-0.8 returns 0.8.17
14:58:06 <jmd> but configure --disable-dbi sayes:
14:58:16 <jmd> checking for libgoffice-0.8 >= 0.7.0... no
14:58:16 <jmd> configure: error: Cannot find libgoffice.>= 0.5.1
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14:59:28 <john> Geert, the "stuff in the middle" is just a series of gpointers, so the basic problem is that Mike's change added a cast of that pricedb_data* into a sixtp_gdv2*. So the right thing to do is to use sixtp_gdv2_new() instead of the pricedb_data decl on the stack.
15:02:45 <john> jmd: just for drill, try `grep PKG_CONFIG config.log`
15:03:23 <jmd> Well that tells me what I expect.
15:04:02 <john> which is PKG_CONFIG='/usr/bin/pkg-config'
15:04:02 <john> PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=''
15:04:03 <john> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=''
15:04:04 <john> ?
15:04:44 <jmd> Well no. I'm building under guix, so it's rather more complicated than that. But nevertheless correct, so far as I can tell.
15:06:50 <john> OK. Are you building Gnucash from SVN/Git or from a tarball?
15:07:01 <jmd> I'm wondering if pkg-config can't handle a long PKG_CONFIG_PATH
15:07:09 <jmd> from the 2.5.8 tarball.
15:09:22 <gjanssens> john, I believe you reg the pricedb_data issue
15:09:33 <gjanssens> But I'm unsure where that change should happen
15:09:34 <john> A long PKG_CONFIG_PATH, particularly if it's more than 1024 characters, is a possibility. Another is that you need to autoreconf Gnucash so that the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro in configure matches what guix needs.
15:10:00 <gjanssens> The pricedb test is modeled very much like the account test
15:10:07 <jmd> The second possibility has already been taken care of.
15:10:41 <john> Geert, try
15:10:49 <john> --- a/src/backend/xml/test/test-xml-pricedb.c
15:10:49 <john> +++ b/src/backend/xml/test/test-xml-pricedb.c
15:10:50 <john> @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ test_db (int i, GNCPriceDB *db)
15:10:51 <gncbot> john: Error: "@" is not a valid command.
15:10:52 <john>
15:10:53 <john> {
15:10:55 <john> sixtp *parser;
15:10:56 <john> - pricedb_data data;
15:10:58 <john> -
15:10:59 <john> + sixtp_gdv2 data;
15:11:01 <john> + memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));
15:11:02 <john> data.db = db;
15:11:03 <john> data.value = i;
15:11:04 <john>
15:11:10 <jmd> echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH | wc
15:11:10 <jmd> 1 1 2327
15:14:01 <gjanssens> john: that won't work
15:14:11 <gjanssens> sixtp_gdv2 is a private struct
15:14:12 <john> jmd, you'll have to look in the pkg-config code to see.
15:14:30 <gjanssens> so data.db will give compiler errors
15:15:39 <jmd> but it seems odd that pkg-config --mod-version works perfectly
15:16:42 <gjanssens> test-xml-pricedb.c:99:13: error: ‘sixtp_gdv2’ has no member named ‘db’
15:17:25 <john> That's not the error I'd expect for a private struct.
15:20:13 <john> Besides, it's defined in io-gncxml-v2.h. Not at all private.
15:20:46 <gjanssens> you're right, but the error is real
15:20:51 <john> But it doesn't have a db member, or anything usable as one.
15:22:02 <gjanssens> yeah, just got there as well
15:22:42 <gjanssens> I note that most calls to run_callback originate in io-gncxml-v2.c
15:22:58 <gjanssens> from functions add_<some-object>_local
15:23:12 <gjanssens> there's also an add_pricedb_local, but it's empty
15:24:43 <gjanssens> the pricedb related call to run_callback is in gnc-pricedb-xml.v2.c
15:25:15 <gjanssens> One has to wonder if both paths use different preparational steps before run_callback is invoked
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15:26:13 <john> No, I think Mike just jammed it into pricedb_after_child_handler without thorough study.
15:27:07 <john> But it also looks like test-xml-pricedb has suffered a fair amount of bit-rot.
15:28:17 <john> Or maybe it just doesn't do any actual testing.
15:30:14 <jmd> Hmm. It seems that with a long PKG_CONFIG_PATH,
15:30:31 <jmd> pkg-config --mod-version libgoffice-0.8 works fine.
15:30:58 <jmd> however pkg-config --exists libgoffice-0.8 erroneously returns 1
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15:55:32 <gjanssens> john: unless you are working on it and need me to run some additional tests,
15:55:50 <gjanssens> I'll just leave the pricedb problem for now
15:56:29 <gjanssens> I have more pressing matters to look at
15:57:09 <john> Geert, OK. I'm trying to figure out where the PriceDB* is supposed to go. I'm pretty sure that global_data isn't it, though.
15:57:12 <gjanssens> I'm available for running tests though as I seem to be the only one capable of crashing the test
15:57:57 <john> I can actually see in the debugger whether it's correct or not, no crashing required. ;-)
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16:03:26 <gjanssens> Nice, me I'm not really efficient in a debugger
16:03:38 <gjanssens> I don't use it enough to remember the commands
16:04:02 <gjanssens> When I can use it through a gui (like Eclipse) it's better
16:04:23 <johnsmal> gjansens: your comment has been truncated. I didn't understand the workaround properly.
16:04:53 <gjanssens> johnsmal, I stopped typing when I noticed you got offline
16:05:54 <johnsmal> gjanssen (you double s, me one l): can you repeat your comment for me?
16:07:04 <gjanssens> tripple s actually, you forgot the one at the end ;)
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16:08:51 <johnsmal> gjanssens: Yep. Son of the son of Jan.
16:10:44 <gjanssens> :)
16:10:56 <gjanssens> My comment went:
16:10:59 <gjanssens> When warlord said "Process the payment first" he meant that you would first pay the invoice using business->pay invoice *before* you start the import from your bank
16:12:11 <gjanssens> Then when you start the import, you mark the payments in the import as dups of the ones you did pay before the import
16:12:16 <gjanssens> or something like that
16:14:52 <gjanssens> that's how I understood warlord's message
16:15:09 <gjanssens> And it looked like you interpreted it differently
16:15:11 <warlord> that's what I meant
16:15:55 <johnsmal> gjanssens: I understand. Not logic for me; booking the line in the import should trigger the payment. But how do I mark the payment as a dup of the virtual one?
16:16:56 <warlord> johnsmal: in the importer there is a way to mark the import a dup
16:17:01 <johnsmal> gjanssens, warlord:
16:18:07 <johnsmal> The layout of the lines in a deptors account supposes the connection with a cutomer. Right?
16:18:22 <gjanssens> johnsmal: it's not logical no. Things are as they are due to technical limitations
16:19:06 <gjanssens> well, the technical limitations were resolved in the 2.5 cycle, but nobody so far has spent time to fix the import/business integration
16:19:52 <gjanssens> john: I suppose you pushed the reverting commit for setlocale by accident ?
16:20:39 <john> Geert, You mean the one that says "DON
16:21:02 <john> 'T PUSH THIS"? Yeah.
16:21:10 <john> Damn.
16:21:24 <gjanssens> It actually says TEMPORARY -- REBASE THIS OUT
16:21:29 <gjanssens> but I guess that's what you mean
16:21:35 <john> Close enough. :-(
16:21:39 <gjanssens> :)
16:22:32 <john> I wonder if I can write a hook to catch something like that.
16:23:07 <gjanssens> probably
16:23:12 <john> Which makes me wonder if git-svn even respects local hooks.
16:25:04 <gjanssens> hmm, I don't even see a hook that is triggered pre-push
16:25:11 <gjanssens> only pre- and post-commit
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16:26:12 <john> Pre-rebase would have worked here, because I was in a bug-fix branch and rebased it onto trunk.
16:26:35 <john> But that's not really a general enough case, because I do often work in trunk.
16:28:06 <gjanssens> Different topic: I need to get the python bindings fixed
16:28:22 <gjanssens> I obviously broke them in the gsettings migration
16:28:29 <gjanssens> Oh... writing too fast
16:28:40 <gjanssens> Insight seeps in slowly...
16:28:56 <gjanssens> python bindings themselves are not really broken
16:29:07 <gjanssens> but the python test is
16:30:06 <gjanssens> and that is because somewhere in the initialization gsettings is called
16:30:37 <gjanssens> but the test is run in the build environment
16:30:50 <gjanssens> which doesn't have the proper gsettings schemas installed
16:31:28 <gjanssens> gsettings make rules only set up valid schemas during install :(
16:32:34 <john> Well, where did you add the gsettings init?
16:33:25 <john> Wrap it with something so that it doesn't get called unless gc is starting up.
16:34:48 <john> Or better yet, make the gsettings* a singleton that doesn't get initiated until something wants to look at a setting.
16:42:59 <gjanssens> It's already set up like that
16:43:34 <gjanssens> Unfortunately, some preferences are read by the xml backend
16:43:56 <gjanssens> (compress data file or not, keep backups and for how long)
16:44:18 <gjanssens> The backend is not directly dependent on gsettings
16:44:58 <john> It is if it's calling settings functions.
16:45:03 <gjanssens> It uses proxy functions
16:45:30 <john> Can you set the proxy functions to no-ops in the test initialization?
16:45:43 <gjanssens> I can look into that
16:45:55 <john> And why don't the xml backend tests trigger gsettings?
16:46:29 <gjanssens> But that would also mean that when you modify a data file, it may not be resaved with the same preferences
16:46:46 <gjanssens> which could potentially result in unwanted data loss
16:46:57 <gjanssens> I mean if a user had set keep backup files forever
16:47:08 <gjanssens> but the python bindings assume the default of 30 days
16:47:14 <john> By proxy functions do you mean function* or wrapper functions?
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16:47:40 <gjanssens> So I should actually try to get the parameters from gsettings
16:48:12 <gjanssens> Re the xml backend tests pass through code the properly sets up everything
16:48:30 * gjanssens has to dig in again to remember how he did this exactly
16:48:34 <john> Gsettings is for the Preferences menu item, isn't it? Not the Edit>Options, which sets per-book opts ions.
16:48:54 <john> Oops, options.
16:49:00 <gjanssens> It's Edit->Preferences, yes
16:49:34 <gjanssens> The per-book opions are in File->Properties
16:49:57 <john> OK, right.
16:50:47 <john> And they're not handled by GSettings, right? They save mostly through KVP IIRC.
16:51:34 <gjanssens> I believe so yes
16:51:54 <john> Anyway, if the xml backend tests use a code path that gets around the problem, why can't the python tests do the same?
16:51:57 <gjanssens> Of course, for the python test, I could ignore the preferences
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16:52:10 <gjanssens> We're not running tests on actual user's data
16:52:23 <john> I sure as heck hope not!
16:52:41 <gjanssens> But contrary to the xml backend tests, the python bindings can also be used for other things than testing
16:53:18 <gjanssens> That uses the same python initialization stuff, so it should have its act together in any case
16:53:54 <gjanssens> Anyway, just thinking out loud like this has given me sufficient pointers to go hunting :)
16:59:56 <gjanssens> Ok first piece of the puzzle is the prefix used for gsettings groups
17:00:03 <gjanssens> default is "org.gnucash"
17:00:39 <gjanssens> but can be overridden via a command line parameter to gnucash or alternatively via an environment variable
17:00:51 <gjanssens> Isn't that slightly overkill ?
17:01:09 <gjanssens> Wouldn't just an environment variable not be sufficient ?
17:01:30 <john> It's totally overkill. It shouldn't be configurable at all.
17:01:48 <gjanssens> Not for ordinary users, but useful for testers
17:02:13 <john> Then version it. org.gnucash.Gnucash-2.5.8.
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17:02:46 <gjanssens> Which would mean you'd have to provide migration mechanisms
17:03:31 <gjanssens> And the point is the same - to version it, you need a customizable prefix
17:03:43 <gjanssens> in code or otherwise
17:04:08 <gjanssens> Obviously in the absense of an override value, a sensible default should be used
17:04:25 <gjanssens> that part is currently only working when the gnucash binary is used
17:04:33 <gjanssens> not when starting from the python bindings
17:04:56 <gjanssens> I'll fix that first and see what else is needed
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17:20:04 <john> Shall I revert r23437? Will you have time to fix it before the weekend's release?
17:21:14 <john> And what do you think of calling it 2.5.90, to indicate that it's beta rather than alpha?
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17:38:27 <gjanssens> Bwah, you don't have to revert the commit
17:38:42 <gjanssens> I know I have to fix the tests before it can go into release
17:38:57 <gjanssens> So when I get the test fixed, I'll revert the commit at the same time
17:39:25 <john> OK. That way I can still make distcheck if you don't get to it by the weekend.
17:39:36 <gjanssens> That's the idea
17:39:44 <gjanssens> I hope to get it fixed by then though
17:40:03 <john> I finally beat test-xml-pricedb into submission. Pushing in a moment...
17:40:10 <gjanssens> It will depend a bit on other work that should get done this week
17:40:18 <gjanssens> good !
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17:54:28 <gjanssens> PASS: test-xml-pricedb
17:54:30 <gjanssens> :)
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17:54:57 <gjanssens> Time to go to bed here now
17:55:06 <gjanssens> See you later
17:55:08 <john> G'night, Geert.
17:55:26 <john> johnsmal, I guess you're a night owl! ;-)
17:55:41 <john> What problem are you having with MT940?
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18:04:44 <johnsmal> gjanssens, john, warlord: I found out another workaround, not waterproof, but with steps in a more logical order. After making the (duplicated) invoices for my customers (donators of our Foundation in my case), I book all the invoices in the income account "donations" and the account "To pay". After importing the bank data of our current bank account I recognise the donation payments and the donators. Then I go back to the relevant invoi
18:05:04 <johnsmal> Pay" consistent.
18:06:27 <johnsmal> And the control of my customers is in the relevant reports also.
18:07:38 <johnsmal> Automated 'matching' still an urgent wish.
18:09:07 <john> johnsmal: Have you turned on Bayesian matching in Preferences?
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18:09:18 <johnsmal> An night owl in Holland indeed. Midnight here in Zwolle.
18:14:33 <john> Yeah, I know. Geert went to bed just before you came back. ;-)
18:17:32 <johnsmal> John: Yes, Bayesian matching is on. Problem with MT940 is solved.
18:20:29 <john> Oh, good. It may take a few imports to get the Bayesian matching trained.
18:22:46 <johnsmal> john: I understand that the customer and vendor so can be recognised from the description of the bank transaction. But if so, what is then procedure?
18:25:21 <johnsmal> john: and how can I train the Bayesian matching?
18:29:49 <john> You just keep doing imports and using the matcher. Over time it builds up patterns and starts doing some of the matches for you. You need to check those as well at first to make sure it's got them right. After a dozen or so imports, it will be making most of the assignments correctly.
18:30:35 <john> Do note that it sets up a different matching database per account, so e.g. if you import a bank account and a credit card you have to train each separately.
18:30:45 <john> I've got to go now.
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18:31:11 <johnsmal> Bye
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18:40:01 <johnsmal> Talking about owls in Zwolle: http://dearkitty1.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/rare-northern-hawk-owl-in-zwolle-videos/
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