2014-05-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:42:07 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> Hi, I was wondering if anyone could advice me on how i can edit autocomplete/quickfill data
11:42:35 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> There are some entries that are now redundant but keep coming up
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11:43:34 <warlord> Sudhanshu_Biyani: gnucash creates that database from your entries. There is no way to "edit" it per se except by adding new data.
11:43:54 <warlord> Generally it'll use the "most recent" match.. But it will also, generally, use the shortest match (I think)
11:49:02 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> Thanks warlord. On google i found a file called quickfill.h and quickfill.c. I am guessing this is where the information is stored. Would there be a way to be able to edit the database?
11:50:33 <warlord> Sudhanshu_Biyani: yes, that is part of the quickfill implementation, but no, I don't think you can really "edit" the "database" because the database is "created" at data-load time from your actual data.
11:50:40 <warlord> Sudhanshu_Biyani: what exactly do you want/need?
11:50:48 <warlord> What is it doing that you don't want it to do?
11:56:33 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> I guess i am just being a bit picky. The guy previously had some entries in all CAPs and some in small, so when i print the report, its, well ugly. So i was hoping to be able to purge the database or edit it to have some consistency. But i guess thats not going to be possible eh.
11:59:25 <warlord> Sudhanshu_Biyani: that's not quickfill. That's your data. If you want to change it then you'll need to go edit all your old data to remove the all-caps
12:00:53 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> I cant do that. For example, if the entry was "Taxi", I am not able to change it to "TAXI" as the quickfill automatically changes its to "Taxi"
12:02:40 <warlord> Sudhanshu_Biyani: sure you can. Type: T a x i [space] [backspace]. The extra space will override the quickfill, and then the backspace will remove it, but it will still be over-written
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12:06:15 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> Ok, I guess its going to be a bit of a manual process for now. But thanks anyways.
12:06:22 <Sudhanshu_Biyani> Have a good day.
12:06:57 <warlord> Yes, if you need to edit your data it is a manual process.
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12:09:06 <warlord> (theoretically you could go behind gnucash's back and manually edit the data store... but that could be error-prone so really you dont want to do that without good backups)
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13:11:01 <lmat> warlord: no way!
13:11:01 <gncbot> lmat: Sent 5 days, 0 hours, and 10 minutes ago: <jralls> Maybe we can typedef char\[16\] GncUUID and then reinterpret_cast<> it inside the implementation code.
13:11:16 <lmat> oh
13:11:28 <lmat> warlord: save as sqlite, and get in there and fix the data! ^_^
13:12:12 <lmat> warlord: "error-prone" ? Having looked at the schema, it seems very straightforward. I can't imagine how changing a memo or description could go awry ^_^ (But this is programming after all)
13:12:14 <warlord> lmat: you could do it as XML, too..
13:12:29 <lmat> warlord: Yeah, that might be easier. Find and replace in vim is really a breeze ^_^
13:12:35 <warlord> lmat: well, it's more that if you're doing it as XML you might be more error-prone
13:12:55 <lmat> warlord: I see. White space changes, syntactical changes (<, /, etc) ?
13:13:37 <warlord> or changing the wrong fields
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18:03:41 <erythrocyte> hi folks, where do i submit comments about documentation?
18:05:16 <erythrocyte> I think that the debit/credit system of accounting can be better explained in the documentation for noobs. Examples here and here: http://www.keynotesupport.com/accounting/accounting-basics-debits-credits.shtml & http://basicaccountingconcepts.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/making-sense-of-debits-and-credits-in-accounting/
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