2014-06-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:09:08 *** rborbonth has quit IRC
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04:06:15 <Infiltrator> madduck: What about a Profit and Loss statement, then?
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04:13:02 <warlord> madduck: it depends whether you use the business features (Invoices/Bills)
04:13:28 <warlord> But it sounds like you want the P&L (Income Statement) report
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05:58:39 <warlord> Hmm.. I sent mail to -user at 05:21EDT and it still hasn't been processed. *ponders*
06:01:15 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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06:23:04 <madduck> warlord: profit and losses is not cash-based accounting, right?
06:24:17 <warlord> madduck: Reports themselves do not convert between Accrual- and Cash-based accounting. So it all depends on how you enter your data.
06:24:26 <warlord> If your raw data is entered cash-based, the reports will be cash based
06:24:39 <warlord> If your raw data is entered accrual-based, your reports will be accrual based
06:33:03 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
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07:34:08 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
07:34:45 <warlord> Hmm, it appears to be taking 10-20s / outbound message.. This is... not good.
07:36:00 <warlord> There are 13,000 items in the "out" queue..
07:37:42 <warlord> At the current rate it'll take 36 hours to process the queue!
07:37:57 <warlord> I need to figure out why it's taking so long to process each message.
07:38:42 <fell> Turn on the afterburner! ;-)
07:41:07 <warlord> LOL. I wish.
07:41:12 <warlord> I wonder if this is due to DMARC?
07:46:33 <warlord> Actually, it looks like the issue is being bombarded with subscribe requests!
07:47:26 <fell> Some kind of DOS?
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07:49:54 <warlord> There have been 24,699 subscription requests since June 22!
07:51:47 <fell> Perhaps requests of spammers?
07:53:02 <warlord> Possibly.. it's all come from only 50 IPs
07:53:45 <fell> Should we enable captchas for subscriptions?
07:54:45 <warlord> c.f. https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2014-May/076902.html
07:54:48 <warlord> No, they are just hitting the server directly.
07:57:22 *** Krzysiek_K has joined #gnucash
07:58:13 <warlord> I need to set up fail2ban to block the flood..
07:59:18 <warlord> There are two issues going on -- one is the subscription flood. The other is taking 10s per message.
07:59:25 <warlord> the former I can handle with fail2ban
08:02:46 <warlord> The latter, however, I'm not sure how to correct..
08:02:50 *** Krzysiek_K has quit IRC
08:05:48 <warlord> Okay, I have manually banned them, for now..
08:05:53 <warlord> I'll keep watching..
08:06:37 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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08:08:00 <warlord> hiya gjanssens
08:08:18 <gjanssens> hey warlrd
08:08:28 <gjanssens> (slip of the fingers...) hey warlord
08:10:49 * gjanssens will be afk most of the day...
08:11:10 <warlord> hey.
08:11:29 * warlord is dealing with some mailman DOS against code (that's been going on all week)
08:11:52 <gjanssens> ugly...
08:12:17 <gjanssens> (got to run...)
08:12:30 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_
08:15:05 <warlord> Yeah. I'm going to manually flush all the requests...
08:15:50 <warlord> Alas, it means any real person who subscribed in the past 36-48 hours may lose their subscription
08:16:59 <warlord> For example, the list is still delivering messages from the 24th!
08:17:09 <fell> Can you put a note in news?
08:18:49 <warlord> well, that just dropped the number from 13000 to 344
08:22:03 <warlord> Well, that will *help*.. But the attack hasn't been stopped.. fail2ban appears not to have banned..
08:24:49 *** Krzysiek_K has joined #gnucash
08:27:39 <warlord> Okay, manually blocked...
08:27:47 <warlord> (hopefully)
08:29:30 <madduck> warlord: sure, that makes sense. I am looking for something else and am having a language barrier problem (from de_DE)
08:29:50 <warlord> madduck: maybe fell can help?
08:30:28 <fell> Worum geht's?
08:33:41 <fell> maddduck: Ist http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Referenz#Gewinnermittlungsmethoden_Ist-_und_Soll-Besteuerung das Thema?
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08:36:51 <madduck> fell: ne, ich mache richtige buchführung, aber ich will am ende ne einnahmen-überschuss-rechnung
08:37:08 <madduck> geht das überhaupt?
08:39:41 <fell> Klar! Ich habe seinerzeit das Geschäftsmodul nicht genutzt, wodurch ich vermeiden konnte offene Forderungen im Einkommen zu haben.
08:40:52 <fell> Im Prinzip gibt aber es mehrere Möglichkeiten, da heran zu gehen.
08:42:57 <fell> Welche für dich günstiger ist, hängt davon ab, wie wichtig dir die Möglichkeiten des Geschäftsmoduls sind und wieviele offene Posten du am Ablußtag erwartest.
08:43:49 <fell> und wie häufig der Abschlußtag ist: UStVA monatlich, pro Quartal, jährlich?
08:44:37 <madduck> fell: monatlich befürchte ich erstmal
08:44:48 <madduck> Was ist das "Geschäftsmodul", fell?
08:45:53 <fell> Alles, was im Menü unter Geschäft ist + entsprechende Berichte.
08:48:02 <fell> insbes. offene Posten, also offene Forderungen und verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferanten- und Kunden-Rechnungen.
08:49:40 <fell> Ich versiche gerade noch mal http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Cash_Based_Accounting zu rekapitulieren, wo die Möglichkeiten im wesentlichen erläutert werden.
08:50:31 *** naught102 has joined #gnucash
08:52:25 <fell> Das Mittagessen ist fertig. Ich bin in 0,5-1h zurück.
08:52:29 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
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08:58:02 <warlord> madduck: did that help?
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09:26:42 *** rborbonth has joined #gnucash
09:27:05 <rborbonth> hello
09:34:26 <warlord> rborbonth: did you perhaps use your A/R account instead of your Income account in the invoice line-items?
09:50:33 <warlord> AHA!! Having a DNS issue at home. That would explain part of the slowness.
09:53:12 <warlord> Awesome... reduced delay from 4+secs/person to 0.24s/person
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10:16:50 <warlord> Now only to get through 239 messages in the queue
10:23:14 <warlord> down to 201
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10:29:28 <warlord> Down to 157
10:36:43 <warlord> Down to 94
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10:43:51 <fell> Madduck: Sorry, hat was länger gedauert, weil noch eine real life Anfrage kam.
10:44:52 *** SteveG has quit IRC
10:46:49 <warlord> Down to 65
10:53:38 <warlord> Down to 1
10:57:16 <warlord> And now handling messages as they come in.. Whee
11:07:19 *** Mer|in has joined #GnuCash
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14:24:47 <madduck> fell, macht ja nix.
14:26:13 <fell> gjanssens_: At a first glimpse online-cursus-boekhouden-voor-ondernemers-met-gnucash announced on the dutch list looks nice to me. So I added a link in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Documentation#nl. Can you answer the posting?
14:28:48 <fell> madduck: Ich habe http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Cash_Based_Accounting#Workaround vorhin noch ergänzt.
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14:39:34 <fell> madduck: googlen nach "buchung ist-besteuerung" liefert eine Reihe interessanter Ansätze, wie es andere machen.
14:42:39 <madduck> fell: danke, werde ich nachgehen.
14:42:51 <madduck> ich verwende nur kein google…
14:49:00 <fell> Es steht dir natürlich frei eine Suchmaschine deiner Wahl zu benutzen, aber das ist mir meist zu lang zu tippen. ;-)
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16:03:26 <rborbonth> warlord: I decided to post inversed transactions in A/P so I could cancel those charges
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16:46:48 <rborbonth> warlord: I decided to post inversed transactions in A/P so I could cancel those charges
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17:15:02 <warlord> rborbonth: Uhhh... I'm not sure that makes sense, but so long as it makes you happy..
17:15:12 <warlord> Just make sure you dont "duplicate" invoices.
17:15:58 <rborbonth> ok
17:16:13 <rborbonth> I don't know how it got duplicated
17:16:28 <warlord> Are you sure you didn't try "duplicate transaction"?
17:16:41 <rborbonth> It's not my favorite solution
17:16:57 <rborbonth> but at least all the numbers get into whack again
17:17:13 <rborbonth> yes I didn't use duplicate
17:17:31 <warlord> I'm just trying to think about how it might've been duplicated in a way that unposting the transaction wouldn't remove it.
17:18:17 <rborbonth> yes ... that's the big question
17:18:50 <rborbonth> I just figured it when I ran P/L and saw I was way off this month :'(
17:18:54 <warlord> Short of the duplication.... which could've been done as easily as using the 'quickfill' operation...
17:19:13 <warlord> i dont know how you could do it and also not be able to delete it.
17:19:18 <warlord> (I presume you tried to delete it?)
17:19:56 <rborbonth> Yes... it gave me the error that it was a read only transaction, because it was created from a bill
17:20:17 <warlord> and when you unposted the bill....
17:20:31 <rborbonth> why don't you think it doesn't makes sense
17:20:39 <rborbonth> I had unposted it before
17:20:56 <rborbonth> can I have an email so i can show you an image?
17:22:25 <warlord> Can you just post it to imagebin?
17:38:59 <warlord> rborbonth: sorry, i've timed out... going to bed. i'll take a look in the morning.
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17:52:06 <rborbonth> thanks for all you're help and patience
17:52:14 <rborbonth> good evening
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18:54:32 <fell> @op warlord
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18:59:33 <fell> rborbonth: you can read the logs like http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2014/06/2014-06-25.html#T23:23:16
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19:07:59 <rborbonth> thx fell
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19:44:33 <rogersja> is there a way to make the ‘trading accounts’ functionality work when performing split transactios? seems like everything I do i get left with an imbalance transaction
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20:11:20 <ioannes> ..
20:11:24 <ioannes> In the Profit & Loss Account report, as well as the amount figure for eg income line, I also get a 0.00 on the same line and the main column. The value is to the left of the 0.00. Also the Total Revenue seems to add to 0.00 even though there are values in the column. Same for Expenses. Any idea what this might be due to?
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