2014-08-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:58:13 *** HerrK has quit IRC
01:19:07 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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01:25:05 *** fell has quit IRC
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01:53:34 *** fell_ has quit IRC
02:35:57 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
03:32:54 *** StuM has quit IRC
04:28:13 *** StuM has joined #gnucash
04:35:16 *** Bodhi-Baum has joined #gnucash
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05:24:02 *** GabrieleV_ has joined #gnucash
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05:37:10 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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06:25:04 *** GabrieleV_ has joined #gnucash
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06:28:13 *** floh1111_ has joined #gnucash
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06:42:45 *** Chymera1 has joined #gnucash
06:44:04 <Chymera1> hi guys, I'm trying to set up HBCI via gnucash and stuff seems to have worked up until now - I want to get my INI letter, but all buttons which would print that don't do anything. I guess that might be because I do not have a printer and I have tried to purge all CUPS-related stuff from my machine. Could you help me out?
06:46:56 <Chymera1> I tried to get the letter via the aqmoney command as well (possibly outdated advice from here: http://www.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2003-June/000587.html ) but, even though I have aqbanking installed, there seems to be no aqmoney command to run
06:55:28 <Chymera1> also, gnucash --debug doesnt give me any additonal info on this :-/
06:58:33 *** Bodhi-Baum has joined #gnucash
07:53:26 *** StuM has quit IRC
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13:00:51 *** alexanderjames10 has joined #gnucash
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13:13:56 *** rpg_ has quit IRC
13:23:15 *** HerrK has joined #gnucash
13:54:09 *** StuM has joined #gnucash
14:04:27 *** StuM has quit IRC
14:08:41 *** GabrieleV has quit IRC
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14:28:24 *** fell has quit IRC
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15:42:58 *** HerrK has quit IRC
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15:55:41 *** MechtiIde has quit IRC
16:00:07 *** rpg has quit IRC
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16:33:39 *** gjanssens has quit IRC