2015-06-30 GnuCash IRC logs

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03:48:02 <bankimon> hi - i am on gnucash 2.4.10, and i have a question about an apparent rounding or display issue. I am entering "820" in the "Increase" field, and it displays 819.99 instead of 820.00. Any ideas what could be going wrong?
03:50:28 <bankimon> btw, it is binary package on debian wheezy. gnucash package is 1:2.4.10-6 (amd64)
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08:52:07 <gjanssens> bankimon: that's pretty odd
08:52:40 <gjanssens> what's the account you are entering this amount for, and what is the account type, commodity and smallest fraction ?
09:01:26 <kimmo2> maybe he's using a P90 and is internally using some /100000 precision? ;)
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11:29:06 <bankimon> gjanssens�: Asset account (cash), security is PLN (Zloty), smallest fraction is "Use Commodity Value". I could not find a separate "Commodity" attribute. This was a transaction to transfer from a cash EUR asset acct, at exchange rate 20812/81999
11:34:40 <bankimon> kimmo2: machine is AMD Phenom, Debian Wheezy amd64 fully updated
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12:19:22 <gjanssens> bankimon: what was the original amount in Eur ?
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13:37:42 <bankimon> gjanssens: 200 EUR
13:39:49 <bankimon> but I noticed I did not pay much attention to the EUR acct, and it reflected as 208.12
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13:40:35 <bankimon> it's probably my fault for entering the transaction badly, but it was the first time that I noticed that gnucash did not simply accept the value I entered
13:40:57 <gjanssens> So your transaction exactly matches the numbers in your exchange rate
13:41:21 <gjanssens> I would suggest to remove the transaction and enter it again.
13:41:30 <bankimon> will do, thanks
13:41:42 <gjanssens> Note that I'm not really familiar with multi-currency transactions myself
13:42:06 <gjanssens> But at first sight it looks like you made a mistake while entering yours
13:42:06 <bankimon> thanks for your help anyway
13:42:12 <gjanssens> You're welcome
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17:45:00 <mikee> @op
17:45:00 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:45:47 <mikee> @op
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23:11:26 <XelNagah> Hey guys, anyone around?
23:12:26 <XelNagah> I just updated gnucash for android to the last version, and found out that export of the QIF file to dropbox has stopped working.
23:12:40 <XelNagah> Just wanted to check if it was a known bug.
23:13:49 <XelNagah> It creates says it has exported QIF to "Dropbox -> apps -> Gnucash", but the file never gets there.
23:14:11 <XelNagah> it did create the folder though.
23:27:28 *** BJ has joined #gnucash
23:32:19 <BJ> Hi all. I am setting up a small business and beginning to use gnucash. How do I customize to collect GST? What account would it apply to? Also, how do I track the GST that I pay? Thx!
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