2015-08-09 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:50 *** sachin has joined #gnucash
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06:39:03 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
06:39:21 <mikee> @op warlord
06:39:21 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
06:40:01 <mikee> @op warlord
06:40:02 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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09:24:31 <warlord> thanks mikee
10:01:37 <TomServo> While going through the mortgage/loan assistant, at the repayment screen, how do I increase the scheduled payment and have the remainder go towards principle?
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11:01:23 <TomServo> According to this: http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-help/trans-sched-loans.html
11:01:35 <TomServo> "The next screen is used to setup the details of the scheduled transaction for the Loan Repayment."
11:04:33 <TomServo> There are no 'Transaction Memo' or 'Remainder to' fields/options as described in the doc.
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13:48:09 <warlord> TomServo: unfortunately the system does not deal with principal pre-payments properly. You can add to the principal payment (by adding to the 'total' and 'principal' splits), but the auto-computed principal/interest amounts will be wrong.
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18:24:07 <bozonius> is there a way to get cusip info in a report?
18:24:51 <bozonius> I'm using portfolio for retail inventory, and I store the UPC in the CUSIP field. I'd like to see the UPC on the report so I can use it for reconciling physical inventory
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19:32:14 <warlord> bozonius, have you tried: (gnc:commodity-get-cusip cmdy)
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20:23:57 <bozonius> ty warlord, I will look at that
20:24:48 <warlord> it might be named something slightly different... you might need to look around a bit to find it.
20:24:58 <bozonius> is that a url?
20:26:01 <warlord> no...
20:26:06 <warlord> it's a scheme api
20:26:47 <bozonius> how do I use/access that then? Sorry, I am not savvy on scheme
20:27:57 <warlord> Sorry, let me be more explicit: you will have to modify the report implementation (in scheme) to get that data.
20:28:14 <warlord> I.e., you will need to reprogram the report... in scheme..
20:31:27 <bozonius> oh
20:31:52 <bozonius> is there a workbench I'm supposed to use, or can I manually edit it in vi?
20:32:07 <bozonius> scheme is lisp isn't it?
20:37:18 <bozonius> does it matter which one I use? I mean, does Gnucash use a customized scheme version?
20:37:25 <bozonius> that's why I am asking.
20:40:55 <bozonius> I'm browsing the wiki to figure out a starting point for doing this...
20:42:25 <warlord> it's guile.
20:42:30 <warlord> yes, it's a lisp variant
20:42:42 <warlord> and yes, you can use vi, or emacs, to edit the scheme file(s)
20:42:47 <warlord> See the FAQ on Custom Reports
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