2015-08-18 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:29:01 <warlord> SpacedOut: cool. thanks. Glad I could help!
02:29:07 <warlord> What was the issue?
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06:07:53 <Outlander> hi, first time gnucash user here. I've imported my bank transactions so all appear in my "checking account" but now I'm after a way to multi-edit sets of the same type of transaction and set the transfer field to the appropriate account. eg salary payments all to salary account.
06:08:29 <Outlander> Is there an easy way to multi-edit or multi-select sets of transactions so that I can bulk change them? Otherwise I need to do each one manually
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07:00:14 <gjanssens> Outlander: that's something you should do during the import step itself. That way GnuCash can learn from it and propose the proper accounts in the future.
07:00:38 <gjanssens> There is no way to multi-edit transactions afterwards.
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07:01:43 <gjanssens> It's also best to import first in small batches, so you benefit quickly from the training.
07:02:26 <gjanssens> (I have read all this on the mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash.org - I don't use the importers myself)
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07:40:57 <Outlander> gjanssens: ok thanks
07:42:07 <Outlander> so I have the full export of my bank transactions, I should be importing those in batches into the specific accounts each time?
07:42:29 <Outlander> will gnucash learn as I adjust transactions?
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07:46:26 <Outlander> also, I'm on osx, moved the data files, seems to have borked it entirely
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07:46:26 <Outlander> ah no it's all good, opens up again fine
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07:58:12 <Outlander> gjanssens: ok so you export a month of transactions, learn them into gnucash, then import the rest and it should kinda know most of them if a month is indicative?
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11:38:10 <jralls> gjannsens, linas, mikee: Could one of you op gncbot?
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12:08:31 *** MarcGuay has joined #gnucash
12:08:46 <MarcGuay> Hi folks. Is it possible to modify the default invoice PDF filename?
12:09:01 <MarcGuay> Found some threads but instructions aren't clear...
12:09:15 <MarcGuay> v2.6.1
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13:36:25 <warlord> MarcGuay: I dont think so. (and 2.6.7 is current)
13:36:38 <linas> @op gncbot
13:36:38 <gncbot> linas: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
13:36:40 <linas> oops
13:37:29 <warlord> linas: try /op gncbot
13:49:21 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
13:49:46 <mikee> @op warlord
13:49:46 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
13:49:56 <mikee> @op warlord
13:49:56 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
13:52:40 <warlord> Thanks mikee
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14:14:08 <MarcGuay> Does this make sense: I have a business expense ($10) with taxes (+$1) that I want to keep a record of, so I have a split with 3 lines: Account:Expense, Expense $10, Account:Liability:Tax paid Expense $1, and Account:Assets:Checking Rebate $11.
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14:25:00 <warlord> linas: Just heard back from ISC -- the DLV system cron job wasn't running properly. They've fixed that, so the new signatures should go out tonight.
14:25:47 <warlord> MarcGuay: is it an actual expense or something you expect to get reimbursed? (Is this your personal books or the business books?) And why keep track of the tax?
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14:30:33 <MarcGuay> warlord: It's a business expense like telephone or internet service and I keep track of the tax because I'm in Canada and we need to.
14:33:15 <warlord> MarcGuay: is this for your personal books or the company books?
14:35:40 <MarcGuay> warlord: Company
14:36:32 <warlord> Ah, okay. Then yes, that's probably a good way to record it. Credit Asset, Debit Expense + "Taxes Paid"
14:40:13 <MarcGuay> warlord: Ok. So it's normal that my expenses are positive afterwards?
14:40:33 <MarcGuay> (Very new to proper accounting)
14:41:00 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jralls
14:41:05 <MarcGuay> I see that in my checking account it's a withdrawl, which is correct.
14:45:16 <warlord> Yes
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16:40:53 <frozenjim> If I purchase an online service for someone I need to invoice them when the VISA bill arrives. My plan so far is to debit their "online service" expense and then invoice them for reimbursement. The problem comes because invoices need Income and Cash accounts. How would I set up the chart of accounts to handle this? My suspicion is that a lot of splits are required...?
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16:43:20 <warlord> frozenjim: an invoice can use an asset account. It just doesn't show up in the drop down
16:44:00 <gjanssens> MarcGuay: re the name of the pdf file, there is a hidden preference that controls this
16:44:01 <frozenjim> #warlord Well, there is really no asset as this is expensing online services.
16:44:17 <gjanssens> Depending on your operating system the way to change is differs
16:44:26 <MarcGuay> gjanssens: Linux/ubuntu
16:44:39 <gjanssens> Ok - then you can use dconf-editor
16:44:42 <MarcGuay> Couldn't find it in gconf-editor
16:45:17 <gjanssens> The option is org.gnucash.general.report.pdfexport:filename-format
16:45:20 <MarcGuay> gjanssens: Do you know where it's located in the config editor? I don't have gnucash under apps...
16:46:11 <gjanssens> apps is deprecated in dconf. org is the new base.
16:46:49 <MarcGuay> I don't seem to have a program called dconf-editor, only gconf-editor, are they different names for the same thing?
16:47:21 <MarcGuay> I don't see "org" anywhere in the root... apps, desktop, schemes, system...
16:47:31 <MarcGuay> Using Ubuntu 14.04 and gnucash 2.6.1.
16:47:32 <gjanssens> No. gconf-editor is used with gconf (the old gnome preferences system), dconf-editor manages preferences stored in dconf
16:47:56 <MarcGuay> Perhaps I need to install it then, doesn't seem to be available ootb
16:48:10 <warlord> frozenjim: but if you're invoicing it it's not an expense to you
16:48:19 <gjanssens> On my fedora system it comes in a package called dconf-editor
16:48:39 <gjanssens> Hope you find it with these hints. I have to leave now.
16:48:40 <gjanssens> Bye
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16:49:16 <MarcGuay> Thanks
16:49:48 <frozenjim> #warlord So, would I credit an asset account rather than an expense account?
16:50:26 <frozenjim> #warlord when item appears on Visa as debit, I offset that by crediting the asset?
16:59:12 <warlord> yes... because if you're invoicing it it's not an expense
17:21:42 <frozenjim> #warlord OK. How do I get the online service into assets? Is that a split on the Visa account?
17:23:25 <warlord> yes, credit visa, debit asset
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