2015-08-31 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:24 *** mike_ has joined #gnucash
00:01:06 <mike_> Hello
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00:07:39 <kimmo> jralls, is there some kind of automatic reload for sql backend? For cases where someone has the book open 24/7 and someone else just makes entries every now and then
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03:51:20 <jscinoz> Willing to donate to whoever can help me figure out this gnucash budget issue
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06:49:04 <Olivia_> anyone here?
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07:06:04 <Olivia_> hey mikee
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07:40:09 <warlord> kimmo: no. there is not.
07:40:27 <warlord> kimmo: that's why we say gnucash is not multi-user... because it does not have that.
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07:48:42 <warlord> Olivia_: don't ask to ask -- just ask your question and wait for a response.
07:48:49 <warlord> (see the /topic)
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09:47:13 <warlord> gjanssens: I just got my Onofre email ;)
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10:54:53 <gjanssens> warlord: :) They seem to build in a random delay...
10:54:53 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 18 hours and 23 minutes ago: <jralls> The last hunk is a major improvement; it's too easy to get lost in the forest of (list) invocations in the original, and the named function makes it much clearer what's being done.
10:54:54 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 18 hours and 10 minutes ago: <jralls> The other two strike me as just being Lisp-pedantic and overly verbose. For-each is perfectly good Scheme, but not available in Lisp. I find them less readable.
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11:21:40 <gjanssens> jralls: regarding PR32 - I understand your opinion about the first commit (re for-each)
11:22:35 <gjanssens> I'm understand enough guile/lisp to be able to do simple things but never managed to get really fluent in it
11:23:17 <gjanssens> The guy's right though that even the guile people like tail recursions. It's even mentioned in the docs as being very efficicient.
11:23:52 <gjanssens> (I haven't searched for it before writing this, but I'm sure I came across it while trying to understand other parts of gnucash)
11:24:28 <gjanssens> I don't have a strong opinion about it per se.
11:26:48 <gjanssens> However I'm tempted to accept the patch because a. it's well understood in guile circles, b. the author went to the trouble of writing and submitting it which I appreciate and c. getting it included may be an incentive for him to continue to work on the scheme code
11:27:17 <gjanssens> The currently active devs only really want to touch it when absolutely needed
11:27:34 <gjanssens> So we could use some fresh contributors in that area
11:30:12 <warlord> gjanssens: indeed. :)
11:30:16 <gjanssens> We can also give your valid remark about the needlessly verbose nature of the patch as feedback in addition
11:30:48 <gjanssens> To gently guide him into doing work that really matters
11:31:06 <gjanssens> I'd accept the patch regardless though
11:35:50 <jralls> gjanssens: OK.
11:41:08 <jralls> gjanssens: I was thinking more about the pricedb and flipping rates to always be > 1. There's a small issue with rates that are near 1, like USD=CAD. They can bounce around 1 and might manage to create a price going each way in a particular day.
11:44:20 <jralls> gnc_pricedb_lookup_day() is called twice, first in the requested direction and then in the other direction if the first call doesn't find anything. That might produce interesting results.
11:50:51 <jralls> I think sticking with a price direction once it's recorded will take care of that.
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11:57:55 <gjanssens> jralls: the prices near 1 are an interesting corner case indeed.
11:58:46 <gjanssens> IIRC didn't you also added code to prefer the book's currency in one direction ?
11:59:03 <gjanssens> Or is that superceded with the alwasy > 1 rule ?
11:59:35 <gjanssens> s/alwasy/always/
12:02:57 <jralls> The preference for the book currency was already there. I want to replace it with the >1 rule so that we can avoid dealing with huge denominators.
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12:12:06 <gjanssens> Ah, ok. Then I agree we should stick with the recorded direction.
12:12:29 <gjanssens> It's probably more like "recorded F::Q direction" though
12:12:39 <gjanssens> Eh never mind
12:12:57 <gjanssens> We can query F::Q for both directions and store in the one that's already recorded ?
12:13:28 <gjanssens> I'm trying to find a clean way to deal with F::Q only working in one direction
12:14:21 <gjanssens> But if thta direction happens to result in huge denominators, we can internally choose to store it the other way around, I suppose
12:14:44 <gjanssens> And as such still attain the primary goal of not having to deal with huge denominators.
12:14:49 <gjanssens> Does that make sense ?
12:19:30 <mike_> Whenever I try to set up online banking using v. 2.6.1 on Linux Mint 17.2, I get the following in terminal: ThinkPad-T400 ~ $ gnucash Found Finance::Quote version 1.18 gnucash: list1.c:59: GWEN_List1_GetCount: Assertion `l' failed. Aborted
12:19:56 <mike_> Can someone help me sort it out?
12:21:58 <jralls> mike_: You need to upgrade to a later GnuCash.
12:23:09 <mike_> Thank you! I tried upgrading to 2.6.7, it would not even open, even after I purged 2.6.1
12:23:50 <jralls> gjanssens: There's two ways of dealing with F::Q. The easy way is just to invert whatever it returns if it's < 0. The less easy is to ask it for a new quote in the other direction.
12:23:57 <mike_> (The program would not even open.)
12:24:06 <jralls> mike_: Where did you get the upgrade?
12:24:28 <mike_> The PPA
12:25:26 <jralls> Then you need to go to the packager and get help. It's likely that you need to upgrade some dependency but the package isn't configured correctly to require it.
12:25:41 <mike_> micha@libaqbanking
12:26:10 <mike_> Okay, thank you very much
12:26:15 <gjanssens> jralls: That less easy way is what doesn't seem to work in my limited experience
12:26:45 <gjanssens> I haven't tested recently but I remember from a couple of years back that F::Q only gave me a quote in one direction
12:27:02 <gjanssens> Perhaps that's outdated info though.
12:27:17 <gjanssens> I'm not in a position to easily test this right now.
12:31:50 <jralls> gjanssens: gnc-fq-dump works in both directions for USD-EUR and EUR-HKD but only EUR-STD works; STD-EUR doesn't, it returns <unknown>.
12:32:52 <gjanssens> Thanks for testing. So it's still not bidirectional for all currencies.
12:33:17 <gjanssens> (What's STD by the way ?)
12:34:32 <jralls> Sao Tome & Principe Dobra. Mike A used it as the example of why a fixed 10^6 denom wouldn't work for prices.
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12:40:18 <jralls> Checking with the F::Q Examplss/currency-lookup.pl, USD-STD returns a price but STD-USD returns "Urgh! Nothing back", so it's not our fault.
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12:42:41 <jralls> mikee_afk: What was *that* all about?
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12:49:59 <jralls> So F::Q returns the direction we want anyway. I'll have to look at gnc-fq-helper and make sure that it checks both directions if necessary and inverts when it gets only the wrong direction.
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13:11:59 <gjanssens> Ok
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18:04:01 *** tanderson has joined #gnucash
18:04:40 <tanderson> hello. could I inquire why you use AC_PATH_PROG for pkg-config in configure.ac when the macro PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG is preferred?
18:05:21 <tanderson> fwiw having AC_PATH_PROG breaks when cross-compiling (or on a multiarch distro more generally, where the build tools are e.g. ${prefix}-pkg-config)
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18:22:39 <warlord> tanderson: history...
18:22:55 <warlord> the configure script has been around for, oh, 15+ years. That macro has not.
18:23:40 <tanderson> I understand. We've hit a lot of packages that have that bit of history still around.
18:23:49 <warlord> moreover, gnucash has many other places that prevent cross compiling, so that's not a good reason to fix this one issue.
18:23:52 <tanderson> where we = a linux distro with multiarch packages
18:24:07 <warlord> gnucash really does not lend itself to multi-arch
18:24:56 <tanderson> understood, but simply for building for a single host on a distro that has ${target}-${tool} even for the main (host) compiler/tools it does break things
18:25:13 <tanderson> and there really is no reason not to use PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG anymore, right?
18:26:02 <warlord> patches welcome
18:26:28 <tanderson> great, I'll send one your way later
18:26:40 <tanderson> i think it was one or two lines
18:26:44 <warlord> file in bugzilla or a github PR
18:26:52 <tanderson> ok
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21:04:42 <david> hi, does anyone know if there are any problems with help on Linux in gnucash 2.6.7. When i select help from the menu for the tutorials and concepts guide i get a popup with
21:04:47 <david> " The URI ‘ghelp:gnucash-guide’ does not point to a valid page."
21:15:00 <david> I compiled gnucash 2.6.7 from sources on Linux Mint Raphaela (17.2)
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22:07:49 <david> Apologies. I think i have it -installing the docs for a development version of gnucash! pls ignore
22:14:19 <david> bye
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23:15:36 <jscinoz> Logged https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=754374 for the budget issue I'm encountering. Occurs on both 2.6.6 & 2.6.7, and with a brand new data file also
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