2015-09-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:33:52 <Sandip> How do I set up an account of type 'Stock' that will hold individual stock accounts? The moment I select 'Stock' in account type, it asks me for commodity. But it will have multiple individual stock accounts. On the other hand, if I create new account hirearchy, there is indeed a 'Stock' account to which I can add multiple stocks
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10:02:16 <JeremyK> I just had a thought about holdbacks. If I could post the invoice and then make a 10% payment to the Holdback A/R account. Then It will show as a payment being paid. This will still allow for the "Net Price" to show the complete amount. What I need to do is change the fancy invoice "Payment, Thankyou". To check if the payment was made to the "Holdback A/R" account.
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11:00:27 <warlord> That could work.
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11:41:41 <lmat> JeremyK: Did you just make a pastebin.com entry?
11:41:59 <JeremyK> yes I did
11:42:01 <JeremyK> http://pastebin.com/sDgR6BBu
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11:42:56 <JeremyK> I just need to figure how to check if made from a certain account instead of a check mark box
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11:43:07 <lmat> I just saw it and remembered your comment ^_^
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11:43:20 <lmat> I fear I can't help in any way however...
11:48:41 <warlord> JeremyK: once you have a handle on the split you can get the 'other' split (which only works with non-split transactions -- if it's a split transaction you've got to do this another way).. and then from the other split you can get the account. and then the account name.
11:54:48 <JeremyK> Thanks warlord. I will look into this. I have never dealt with splits before. Looking into the "split" in the fancy invoice now.
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12:13:59 <warlord> Well, you only need to deal with it for the payment transactions... It's not a part of the "invoice" per se.
12:17:54 <kimmo> I stumbled on your mugshot on linkedin :D
12:18:14 <warlord> kimmo: who's?
12:18:20 <kimmo> yours
12:18:47 <kimmo> ihtfp and connection with linas was a dead giveaway
12:19:17 <warlord> LOL
12:21:12 <kimmo> funny I always figured linas to look younger
12:21:21 <kimmo> I mean, to be younger
12:21:21 <kimmo> :D
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12:44:14 <JeremyK> I think I am on the right way now but still getting an error
12:44:28 <JeremyK> (if (name (xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount split))="Holdback A/R")
12:46:39 <warlord> JeremyK: that's not valid scheme..
12:46:51 <warlord> unless "name" is a procedure you defined elsehwere?
12:47:26 <JeremyK> nope name is not a procedure that I defined elsewhere
12:48:22 <warlord> The correct syntax would be: (if (equal? "Holdback A/R" (xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount split))) .... )
12:48:49 <JeremyK> (if ((xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount split))="Holdback A/R")
12:51:07 <warlord> JeremyK: your syntax is still wrong.
12:51:07 <JeremyK> please ignore last line I types
12:51:12 <warlord> okay... :)
13:09:14 <JeremyK> warlord Thanks I no longer have errors. however now is not recognizing "Holdback A/R" and just skipping to else statement. http://pastebin.com/sDgR6BBu
13:09:46 <warlord> JeremyK: are you sure you have the right split?
13:09:59 <warlord> remember, a transaction always has at least TWO splits..
13:10:08 <warlord> so most likely you want the "other" one.
13:12:02 <warlord> you may need to use xaccSplitGetOtherSplit to get the other one... which only works IFF the transaction has EXACTLY 2 splits.
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13:39:43 <JeremyK> (if (equal? "Holdback A/R" (xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))))
13:39:52 <JeremyK> warlord you are incredible
13:40:05 <JeremyK> thanks so much
13:40:14 <warlord> Note that this will *ONLY* work with basic, 2-split transactions.
13:40:25 <warlord> It will NOT work if you have a SPLIT transaction (> 2 splits)
13:41:38 <JeremyK> I will try to remember. thanks again
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