2015-09-22 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:23:35 <adrellias> :D
08:24:02 <adrellias> hey :) i hope that you can help, for some reason my version of gnucash doesn't have the option to import MT940 files
08:24:44 <adrellias> I am running version 2.6.7 on gentoo
08:30:03 <gjanssens> adrellias: do you have aqbanking installed ? MT940 import requires it.
08:30:59 <adrellias> gjanssens: hrmm let me check :D
08:31:32 <adrellias> Seems not that means the ebuild might be borked for gnucash on gentoo ill take a stab at getting it recompiled to check if it works :)
08:31:36 <adrellias> awesome thanks for the direction ;)
08:34:43 <gjanssens> you're welcome
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10:53:05 <adrellias> gjanssens: it worked :) thanks again for the clarification
10:54:57 <gjanssens> adrellias: glad you got it working :)
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13:11:41 <MechtiIde> Beside the translation of the Guide I try to create screenshots in German similar to the English one.
13:12:07 <warlord> MechtiIde: great! thanks!
13:12:09 <MechtiIde> I didn't understand the first one in chapter 4.2.2
13:12:48 <MechtiIde> how dit they get the first line?
13:12:55 <warlord> URL, please?
13:13:09 <warlord> (sorry, I'm being lazy)
13:13:24 <MechtiIde> http://code.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-guide/txns-register-oview.html#txns-regstyle1
13:15:49 <warlord> Which first line? The "Buying Clothes"? Or the "Jeans R Us"?
13:16:17 <MechtiIde> The Buying Clothes
13:16:36 <warlord> It's just a description of the transaction.
13:17:53 <MechtiIde> I didn't have 1000 for withdraw there
13:18:22 <MechtiIde> and the 9000
13:19:07 <MechtiIde> if this is only the description, why there are theses amongs
13:19:33 <MechtiIde> s/amongs/amounts
13:19:46 <warlord> The 1000 is the total withdrawal; it's a read-only copy of the 4th split.
13:20:01 <warlord> the $9000 is the account balance; it means there was a balance of $10000 before this transaction
13:20:30 <MechtiIde> and that I didn't get in this line
13:20:44 <MechtiIde> If I di a transcaction before
13:20:48 <warlord> Did you finish entering the trnasaction?
13:20:51 <MechtiIde> I have one line more
13:21:36 <warlord> Finish entering the rest and then after you commit those items will get filled in.
13:24:03 <MechtiIde> I thought I finished it after leaving this line
13:24:12 <MechtiIde> s/this/the last
13:24:43 <warlord> no, you need to actually commit the transaction.
13:25:28 <MechtiIde> the symbol with the two arrows?
13:26:16 <MechtiIde> Then the translation is for misunderstanding
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13:26:37 <warlord> Sorry, what double arrows?
13:26:58 <MechtiIde> there is a symbol in the toolbar
13:27:14 <MechtiIde> or how do I commit such a split transaction
13:27:24 <warlord> The same way you commit any other transaction.
13:27:32 <warlord> You finish it and leave it.
13:27:53 <warlord> .. then you'll need to return back to it to get the screenshot
13:28:55 <MechtiIde> I have problems to do so
13:29:07 <MechtiIde> and I want to understand it
13:29:15 <warlord> What problem(s)?
13:30:41 <MechtiIde> How do I save these split entries
13:31:08 <MechtiIde> I can't leave it with Tab
13:31:25 <MechtiIde> I can't leave it with mouseclick otside
13:31:46 <warlord> Why not? What happens when you try?
13:31:52 <MechtiIde> nothing
13:32:07 <MechtiIde> I click on the save symbol
13:32:11 <MechtiIde> and lost the entry
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13:32:25 <warlord> That means you didn't commit the transaction before clicking save
13:32:42 <MechtiIde> and how do I commit
13:32:59 <warlord> Walk me through, keystroke/mouseclick by keystroke/mouseclick exactly how you are trying to enter the split transaction.
13:33:18 <warlord> This is like basic split-transaction-entry 101
13:34:05 <MechtiIde> first the date then Buying Clothes, click on the symbol Split
13:34:26 <warlord> okay..
13:34:27 <MechtiIde> then entry the three splits as in the screenshot
13:34:42 <warlord> wait... What account register do you have open?
13:35:20 <MechtiIde> Checking Account (Girokonto)
13:35:40 <warlord> right, ... then you need to enter that split first
13:36:02 <warlord> your first split *must* be a split tying the transaction to the current open register.
13:36:04 <MechtiIde> yes
13:36:21 <MechtiIde> If I leave the last entry with 200
13:36:39 <MechtiIde> I get a line with 1000 under Withdraw
13:36:51 <MechtiIde> and now?
13:37:06 <warlord> And now you correct the "current account" split.
13:38:16 <warlord> (maybe send me a screen shot of what you're seeing?)
13:38:22 <MechtiIde> I must do it maually?
13:41:26 <warlord> Based on how you're entering your transaction, yes, because you had to have created a zero-split to keep the transaction in the account.
13:41:46 <MechtiIde> mail address?
13:42:22 <warlord> post it to imagebin
13:46:50 <MechtiIde> http://imagebin.ca/v/2GY9ytG2j7Ff
13:50:56 <warlord> Right.... you need to enter in the "current" account!
13:51:31 <MechtiIde> where? which line?
13:51:36 <warlord> The 1000 line
13:51:43 <warlord> You haven't entered the balancing split!
13:52:06 <warlord> (like I said, this is basic, double-entry-accounting 101 --- the sum of the credits must == the sum of the debits)
13:53:57 <MechtiIde> yes now I entered it
13:54:05 <warlord> and....
13:54:05 <warlord> ???
13:54:08 <MechtiIde> And leave with tab
13:54:16 <warlord> Okay... and...??
13:54:19 <MechtiIde> and get another ne line
13:54:29 <warlord> Right... and then you hit "enter"
13:54:57 <warlord> .. and....??
13:55:57 <MechtiIde> and all entries are lost
13:56:31 <warlord> Did you enter in the current account into the transfer column?
13:56:59 <warlord> How about this: Do it the way the documentation says to do it:
13:58:19 <warlord> Enter in the date, description, and then in the transfer column enter in one of the expense accounts, and then put in the total amount in the withdrawal column, and *THEN* click the "SPlit" button..
13:58:23 <warlord> THEN fill in all the splits....
14:00:01 <MechtiIde> http://imagebin.ca/v/2GYEDSvmuTYK
14:02:31 <warlord> Yes, that looks right... Now commit it.
14:02:58 <MechtiIde> Which symbol should I click?
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14:04:54 <MechtiIde> the save button?
14:05:03 <MechtiIde> or the ...?
14:11:00 <warlord> Just use the enter key
14:11:09 <warlord> This is entering a transaction 101.
14:11:31 <MechtiIde> No
14:11:36 <MechtiIde> Now I found it
14:11:50 <MechtiIde> I have to click on the Split button again
14:12:19 <MechtiIde> but the result is not I expect
14:12:25 <MechtiIde> for the transaction
14:13:43 <warlord> Of course you have to click on "Split" again!!!
14:14:04 <warlord> How is it not what you expected?
14:14:35 <MechtiIde> then I see in the deposit column the firwst entry of 500
14:14:42 <MechtiIde> and not more
14:15:03 <MechtiIde> in the line "buying clothes2
14:15:20 <warlord> Show me a screenshot, please
14:16:48 <MechtiIde> http://imagebin.ca/v/2GYJPMX6WPmY
14:20:05 <warlord> MechtiIde: I see nothing wrong in that image.. That's the default for how a split transaction displays in a Basic Register Mode
14:20:17 <warlord> Then if you click on "Split"..... you should see the fully expanded split.
14:20:27 <MechtiIde> yes
14:20:34 <warlord> But... the fact it says '500' implies that you messed up your split values along the way.
14:20:45 <MechtiIde> I expected to see the 1000 €
14:20:48 <warlord> (so I'm wrong -- there is something wrong)
14:21:04 <warlord> You entered the split values wrong. Show me a screen shot of the expanded transaction.
14:21:36 <MechtiIde> http://ibin.co/2GYEDSvmuTYK
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14:23:06 <warlord> Yeah, that is weird.. It looks like images from different transactions.
14:24:06 <MechtiIde> but they are the same
14:24:20 <MechtiIde> only clicking the split button
14:24:38 <MechtiIde> which is marked in the screenshot
14:26:55 <warlord> I don't see how/why it would show 500 when collapsed and 1000 when expanded.
14:28:37 <MechtiIde> I did't understand it
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15:04:29 <gjanssens> Mechtilde: what happens if you click in the line Anfangsbestand ?
15:05:06 <gjanssens> (Just trying to verify the transaction was really completed)
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15:05:33 <gjanssens> It doesn't look like it because there's no empty transaction line to enter the next transaction
15:08:05 <MechtiIde> save the changed transaction
15:08:54 <MechtiIde> then my split transactions about buying clothes are lsot
15:08:57 <MechtiIde> lost
15:12:16 <warlord> Do you perhaps have multiple accounts at different places in the hierarchy called "Girokonto"?
15:12:33 <gjanssens> That would have been my next question
15:13:11 <warlord> If it disappears then you enter it that means that it's not tied to the current open account. I.e., none of the splits have a Konto of the "current account"
15:15:25 <MechtiIde> one for opening balance and one in current assets
15:16:13 <warlord> MechtiIde: and which is the open register?
15:16:41 <MechtiIde> ok, you have it
15:16:42 <warlord> (my guess is the "opening balance" and not the "current assets". What does "Ausgleichskonto" mean? "Imbalance Account"?
15:17:38 <MechtiIde> yes
15:17:47 <gjanssens> jralls: just saw your push to master
15:17:59 <gjanssens> it looks like I forgot to push my own merge to master
15:18:03 <warlord> MechtiIde: okay, so that transaction is bad (you should NEVER have anything going to Imbalance)
15:18:17 <MechtiIde> warlord gjanssens now I hope I understand the problem
15:18:20 <warlord> ... and it's disappearing because, as I said, none of the splits are tied to the current open register.
15:18:22 <gjanssens> it got picked up by your push instead
15:18:43 <gjanssens> (which is fine, it just got me puzzled for a moment :)
15:18:52 <MechtiIde> warlord, thanks for your patient
15:28:55 <warlord> you're welcome.
15:28:59 <warlord> (sometimes it's hard) ;)
15:30:32 <gjanssens> jralls: I also saw your note on replacing gnomecanvas with cairo in the register code
15:30:47 <gjanssens> I'm not sure that would be sufficient
15:31:01 <gjanssens> I'll admit I'm ver slow to grasp the full register code
15:31:39 <gjanssens> Took me 3 full days to finally realize the register only really has got one widget and the rest is static canvas drawing
15:32:10 <gjanssens> However I haven't found a way in cairo to draw a widget, nor ways to tie events to the canvas
15:32:58 <gjanssens> My cairo experience just started with the conversion of the SX preview calendar from GraphicContexts to Cairo
15:33:04 <gjanssens> So I'm still novice
15:33:27 <gjanssens> Do you have more experience with cairo/thoughts on how these issues can be tackled ?
15:33:45 <gjanssens> For myself I had started to experiment with goocanvas as a replacement
15:33:59 <gjanssens> It's roughly like the gnomecanvas but based on cairo instead.
15:34:57 <gjanssens> BTW my slowness to grasp the register code comes partly from the fact that it doesn't follow the typical coding patterns used everywhere else in the gnucash code
15:35:37 <gjanssens> It's a totally different modelling style (it appears to predate gtk's MVC model)
15:36:11 <gjanssens> So in that sense trying to get the register2 rewrite finished might be a more practical approach
15:36:51 <gjanssens> I say 'might' because that code looks like some hybrid to me, using parts of the core register code and part gtk widgets
15:37:10 <gjanssens> I'm not decided yet whether the best or the worst parts were kept :(
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16:43:46 <jralls> @tell gjanssens Sorry, I was out to lunch. I don't have much experience with cairo either. Goocanvas might be a better choice as it's a bit higher level.
16:43:46 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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16:50:38 <jralls> @tell gjanssens The Register code seems to have been lifted from Gnumeric. It looks like most of it predates Gtk2, but the basic architecture of list and tree controls is pretty similar to the current GtkTreeView code, including the separation of the "model", which has the code for assembling the list/tree, and the "view", which has the widgets that make up a line in the displayed list. The main problem is that there's a l
16:50:38 <jralls> ot of data manipulation code that lives in the "model" section and belongs somewhere else.
16:50:38 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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16:57:47 <jralls> @tell gjanssens The Reg2 code is mixed because Bob started out by copying the Reg1 code and then modifying only the stuff he needed. Unfortunately he's in the copy & paste camp instead of the extract function camp, so there's tons of duplicated code everywhere. I pushed back his latest patches in part for that reason.
16:57:47 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
17:00:54 <jralls> @tell gjanssens Reg2 was pretty close to ready when we released 2.6 and set it aside. Since it's based on much more modern controls it's probably a better use of time to fix it up rather than trying to modernize Reg1.
17:00:54 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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