2015-09-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:34:03 *** fell has quit IRC
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08:48:39 *** mechtilde has joined #gnucash
08:49:27 <mechtilde> It seems there is a problem with the github repo for GnuCash
08:49:27 <gncbot> mechtilde: Sent 3 years, 24 weeks, 0 days, 23 hours, and 53 minutes ago: <warlord> First, it helps if you stay in channel to see your responses. Second, the way to move your data is to copy your data file and then File -> Open it on the other side.
08:49:28 <gncbot> mechtilde: Sent 1 year, 0 weeks, 2 days, 18 hours, and 48 minutes ago: <fell> It seems, recent versions of the aqbanking manual are part of the respective aqbanking packet. I found it on my system as /usr/share/aqbanking/aqbanking-handbook.pdf
08:49:29 <gncbot> mechtilde: Sent 49 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, and 13 minutes ago: <fell> The pair Aktiva - Passiva (= 1. level of balance sheet) is not so common in english, but all other languages, which I checked (romanic, germanic, finugric). Thats the reason, I replaced equity & liability with Passiva in the german translation.
08:49:30 <gncbot> mechtilde: Sent 7 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, and 6 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I have merged your latest work in master. Should be in the next nightly
08:58:20 <mechtilde> de.po is truncated
09:11:03 *** fell has quit IRC
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09:42:33 <warlord> mechtilde: who made the commit?
09:48:47 <mechtilde> I guess jralls
09:49:43 <mechtilde> Update all message catalogs with the 2.6.7 gnucash.pot and fix all wa…
09:53:55 <warlord> Well, jralls is sleeping right now (it's only 6:53am where he is)
09:54:06 <warlord> So just hang out here until he wakes?
10:03:38 *** fell has quit IRC
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10:30:44 <mechtilde> I'll come back nearly in 1 h
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11:28:44 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
11:39:02 <jralls> MechtiIde: I'm up. What's the problem with the repo?
11:40:52 <MechtiIde> I get the message This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
11:41:14 <MechtiIde> when I try to open de.po aof gnucash
11:41:22 <MechtiIde> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/po/de.po
11:45:02 <MechtiIde> I have some problems with the network here I come back asap
11:49:11 <jralls> MechtiIde: That's because the file is too big for Github's formatter. Click the "view raw" link to see it as plain text.
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12:00:51 <MechtiIde> re
12:03:03 <warlord> MechtiIde: did you see jralls' last message?
12:03:33 <MechtiIde> after my tip about leaving?
12:03:39 <MechtiIde> then no
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12:04:47 <MechtiIde> warlord, can you repeat it
12:05:35 <jralls> MechtiIde: I'll repreat it. There's no problem with the repo on Github, it's just that de.po is too big for Github's formatter. You can look at the file as plain text by clicking the "view raw" link.
12:05:37 <warlord> <jralls> MechtiIde: That's because the file is too big for Github's formatter. Click the "view raw" link to see it as plain text.
12:06:11 <MechtiIde> then it's ok
12:10:45 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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13:48:16 <jralls> warlord: Do you use postfix?
13:48:26 <warlord> I do for ihtfp, not for code.
13:48:30 <warlord> code is running sendmal
13:48:32 <warlord> sendmail
13:55:32 <jralls> I'm having trouble getting postfix to work with spammass-milter, postfix won't connect to spamass-milter's socket. Any experience with that?
13:56:14 <warlord> jralls: nope; my postfix is connected to maia, which uses spamassassin. postfix isn't using it directly.
13:57:30 <jralls> Oh, OK. I don't want to deal with a web interface for this.
13:57:43 <warlord> yeah.. i just didn't do that integration
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18:58:14 *** swincher4391 has joined #gnucash
18:58:56 <swincher4391> Is there a way to import bank account balance into GnuCash so that the balance is kept dynamically rather than having to update it?
19:12:10 *** slidesinger-ss has joined #gnucash
19:16:05 <slidesinger-ss> Is there any way to calculate a field in a scheduled transaction as ten percent of a different field from another transaction?
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20:00:25 <warlord> swincher4391: I'm not sure I understand the question.. gnucash doesn't store balances; balances are computed from transactions. So I'm not sure what you mean by "import bank account balance", because gnucash just doesn't do that.
20:00:44 <warlord> slidesinger-ss: sorry, no. there's no references to other transactions.
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20:52:25 <swincher4391> Thanks warlord, I am trying to find a program that can access the API of banks in order to parse out the bank info so I would not have to update the bank balance.
21:06:22 <slidesinger-ss> warlord: Thanks.
21:07:13 <slidesinger-ss> Was looking to do a calculated split that referred to multiple revenue streams.
21:47:30 <warlord> swincher4391: I think you're misunderstanding the fundamental aspect here -- it's not the balance that matters, it's the transaction history. If *ALL* you care about is the balance you're pretty much out of luck (and frankly you're going to get yourself into trouble)
21:47:45 <warlord> slidesinger-ss: yeah, I dont think you'll be able to do that easily. Sorry.
21:53:25 <warlord> swincher4391: GnuCash *can* download your *transactions* from your bank (most likely -- it doesn't work with all banks).. But it wont balance your checkbook for you -- that process is still manual.
21:53:58 <warlord> and even if you do download your transactions, you still need to manually categorize them properly into the correct income and expense accounts.
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