2015-12-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:20:12 *** gnomey has quit IRC
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04:57:09 <fell> Merry Christmas!
05:01:11 <fell> Mechtilde, your first change is a revert of my creativity: Price editor
05:02:01 <fell> IIRC it was discussed some time ago on the german mailing list.
05:02:08 <Mechtilde> Do you want "Kurs-Datenbank" oder "Kurs-Editor"
05:02:36 <fell> I forgot to change the english term
05:03:11 <fell> If you open it, you get the full database.
05:03:19 <Mechtilde> I stumpled over problems to describe it in the tutorial in German
05:03:50 <fell> Inside is another dialog to edit a single price.
05:04:20 <fell> I was alway confused, because both windows had the same title.
05:04:31 <Mechtilde> so I have to look if this had different strings for the titel of the dialog
05:05:04 <Mechtilde> fell that was the confusion
05:07:34 <fell> Do you remember more discrepancies of this type?
05:08:37 <Mechtilde> not yet
05:09:36 <Mechtilde> ok I'm not sure to use "assets" in the right way every time
05:10:12 <Mechtilde> sometimes it means "Aktiva" as a whole and sometimes "Anlagen"
05:10:22 <fell> Then I will now review your changes...
05:10:57 <Mechtilde> thats more a problem in the tutorial not in de.po
05:11:22 <fell> Yeah, all continental languages have the pair aktiva - passiva except english
05:12:07 <Mechtilde> in the tuturial I will work it out, when I do the screenshots in Geman too
05:13:19 <fell> IMHO we should add a section to the englisch tutorial with the continental view: active and passiv as first level of the balance sheet.
05:14:22 <fell> T account form vs. scala form, ...
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05:17:26 <fell> About the asset, it depend on the context, e.g. for "current assets" I would use Umlaufvermögen or similar
05:21:21 <Mechtilde> ok then it is only a problem in the tutorial
05:24:25 <fell> Did you edit the Changelog?
05:25:07 <fell> AFAIK it is generated by the commit messages.
05:26:08 <fell> So choose your commit messages wise, e.g. "Update de.po x% complete"
05:26:16 <Mechtilde> no I didn't change Changelog
05:26:46 <fell> The last commit 2 days ago
05:30:48 <fell> ": " missing after "Abstand zwischen Dokumenten"
05:32:23 <Mechtilde> the canges may are from building
05:32:35 <Mechtilde> gnucash myself
05:33:18 <fell> Then you should unselect the file in your commit.
05:34:25 <fell> BTW: do you know, how to check the schema strings? dconf-editor
05:34:41 <Mechtilde> so I have to renew the PR?
05:35:02 <Mechtilde> to use dconf-editor will be one of the next steps
05:35:21 <fell> Let us first finish the review
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05:36:44 <Mechtilde> ok
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05:51:36 <fell> yesterday you could have used commit --amend, because all 3 commits are part of only one logical step.
05:51:59 <fell> for commit 2 and 3
06:02:12 <fell> The rest is OK for me.
06:24:03 <fell> Mechtilde, about "price": in most cases we should use Kurs instead of Preis. If you see places, where it is hard to distinguish, we should add a messagecontext to the source.
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14:54:26 <fell> Ha, running make check with a separate build dir aborts with build/po/missing having the same content as build/po/POTFILES but build/src/... instead of /home/frank/git/gnucash/src/...
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17:29:20 <just1602> On the testing wiki page (http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Testing) it's write that somes modules are unit tested, but they're not all test with the same test framework. Do you plan to use the same for every test in the future ?
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18:41:22 <mikee> Next time (no pun intended) there a query about how GnuCash stores date/time point them to this video...
18:41:27 <mikee> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY&feature=iv&src_vid=PZRI1IfStY0&annotation_id=annotation_1590088163
18:42:44 <mikee> There's another one about floating point numbers which is equally amusing. I mean educational, obviously.
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23:23:29 <fell> Good Morning!
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