2017-04-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:06:42 <jotrago> I have posted a credit note to an account against an older invoice (not the most recent one) The balance on the account is correct but the original invoice shows as unpaid and appears in the Process Payment list for the account, and in the Business > Find Invoice >Unpaid list. How can I correct this?
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08:30:34 <yrc> Hi! I started importing transactions from CSV, and canceled the import, but my transactions are still there (and unbalanced) with a crossed-square symbol next to them. How do I get rid of those transactions?
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08:45:27 <warlord> yrc: Exit without saving?
08:46:24 <yrc> Seriously? I did a correct import afterwards; I’d loose it too… Canceling an import should be straightforward!
08:46:39 <yrc> Well, thanks for helping anyway, warlord :-)
08:48:03 <warlord> Unfortunately the architecture of the "generic import" is that it kind of creates "real" transactions "too early" in the process (unlike the QIF import).. So once you reach a certain point, your data has been modified even if you cancel.
08:48:26 <warlord> If you still have lots of extra transactions you'll need to delete them by hand.
08:48:27 <warlord> Soryr.
08:48:28 <warlord> sorry.
08:50:11 <yrc> Thanks again warlord. I surmised as much, so I did as you said: I deleted the transactions one by one… Bye, have a nice day!
08:50:21 <warlord> You too.
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09:15:49 <gjanssens> jotrago: Is the credit note also appearing as unpaid ?
09:18:13 <jotrago> The Credit note appeared as payed, but it's balance was applied across several invoices which were posted after the one credited, which meant that when I processed the payments for the newer invoices they either did not come up in the payment list, or they showed as partly paid.
09:18:58 <jotrago> I managed to sort it out in the Lots View by unhooking the various splits, and re-hooking them to the correct transactions
09:19:46 <jotrago> Surely A credit note should be allocated to the item it is crediting?
09:20:33 <gjanssens> jotrago: no not necessarily
09:21:21 <gjanssens> It could well be you had already paid the invoice for which you later received a credit note. In that case the credit note could be used as credit for a future invoice
09:22:22 <gjanssens> Gnucash allows you this choice, unless you have configured it to automatically apply outstanding payments on posting
09:23:04 <jotrago> But in that case would you not still apply the credit note against the original invoice but the account would then show a positive balance, presumably showing as a pre-payment, to be allocated against future invoices?
09:23:56 <gjanssens> No.
09:24:33 <gjanssens> In double entry accounting there are two flows - a document flow and a money flow
09:24:49 <gjanssens> The part that got mixed up in your example is the money flow
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09:25:26 <gjanssens> Simply by creating the credit note, you have done all that's needed for the document flow. The credit note document cancels the invoice document.
09:25:58 <gjanssens> But both documents represent a money flow and how you handle this is completely independent from the actual documents
09:26:20 <jotrago> It didnt, it cancelled a bunch of different more recent invoices
09:26:34 <gjanssens> To illustrate with other examples you could choose to pay on invoice in 5 smaller payments, or pay 2 invoices in one payment
09:27:04 <gjanssens> Similarly you can "pay" an invoice's monetary worth with (part of) a credit note's worth.
09:27:20 <gjanssens> Which invoice you pay with your credit note is free.
09:27:48 <gjanssens> Again your credit note didn't cancel these invoices. It "payed" for them.
09:28:11 <gjanssens> If that happened automatically that is because you have configured gnucash to automatically apply payments.
09:28:27 <gjanssens> If you want to choose this yourself, disable this option
09:29:13 <gjanssens> For your immediate solution: unpost the credit note, unset the option (in Edit->Preferences->Business) and repost the credit note
09:29:46 <gjanssens> Gnucash will then no longer attempt to "pay" your credit note with any outstanding invoices
09:30:10 <gjanssens> And that will allow you to choose how to handle this side yourself
09:30:56 <gjanssens> And strictly speaking "Again your credit note didn't cancel these invoices. It "payed" for them." was not right. It was the other way around:
09:31:57 <gjanssens> Upon posting the credit note, gnucash looked for possible "payments" for your credit note, which could be either real payments or open invoices. As it found valid open invoices it applied those as "payements" to your CN.
09:32:45 <gjanssens> So in your terms the invoices "canceled" the CN the moment it got posted.
09:33:35 <jotrago> OK, I follow that, let me unpost the CN and clean things up. I'll let you know how it goes, Thanks
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09:49:04 <jotrago> OK that did it. Revelation:- During my earlier research I saw a comment about using credits as payments by select both the Inv and the Credit In the Process Payment List, I hadn't thought of doing that and was always selecting the invoice and wondering how to enter the CN details in the Amount Box.
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09:51:36 <jotrago> SO after unposting and reposting the CN I was able to "Allocate" the CN to the original Inv by selecting both in the Payment window and they magically disappeared., Check the Lots they were both closed successfully. Easy when you know how! Thanks again
10:00:43 <gjanssens> jotrago: you're welcome.
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11:48:13 <gjanssens> jralls: fyi, I didn't have that much luck with my vector of classes implementation to manage the date formats and their corresponding regexes.
11:48:30 <gjanssens> I still don't see why that should be in this case unfortunatly
11:48:53 <gjanssens> If you're willing to cast your more experienced eye on this, I've pushed the latest iteration to my PR.
11:50:33 <gjanssens> Some extra info on the implementation: I've made the vector a static member variable of the GncDate class because I like it is then referenced as GncDate::formats. This clearly conveys it's only relevant for GncDates.
11:51:55 <gjanssens> I had to create a predicate object as well to query for a certain date format in the vector as I'm only interested in fmt equality when looking for a GncDateFormat.
11:52:54 <gjanssens> This was an advantage of the map over a vector of classes, but it works out well as I've written now using find_if and the custom predicate object.
11:53:43 <gjanssens> I've also had to make GncDateImpl a friend class of the GncDateFormat class as that's the only class that needs access to the private regex.
11:55:24 <gjanssens> I considered only making the specific GncDateImpl str/fmt constructor a friend, but would expose the GncDateImpl details in the header or I'd have to apply pimpl to the otherwise extremely simple GncDateFormat helper class as well
11:55:32 <gjanssens> That seemed serious overkill to me...
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12:28:57 <jralls> gjanssens: I've got to go AFK for a few hours, but I can mull over the vector problem while I'm away. What went wrong?
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12:44:34 <jralls> gjanssens: I have to go now but I'll check the logs from my phone to see your reply.
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12:56:21 <gjanssens> jralls_afk: I was afk for diner...
12:58:33 <gjanssens> With the last implementation using a static const vector<GncDateFormat> to store the date formats with accompanying regexes, the tests themselve run fine, but at the end of the run the test program segfaults on a double free.
12:59:19 <gjanssens> Contrary to what I had a couple of days back this time I automatically got a stack trace.
13:01:08 <gjanssens> Here's a pastebin of that trace:
13:01:10 <gjanssens> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/mseYsut46pe8W7x9CCwlnV5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=
13:03:06 <gjanssens> Running the test under gdb gives me another backtrace (slightly more detailed):
13:03:08 <gjanssens> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/HjLNoCgfMU6nlRGoGT8xZV5M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=
13:03:39 <gjanssens> Oh, it's not a segfault it's an abort. But regardless, it shouldn't happen.
13:05:12 <gjanssens> Anyway, my time today is almost up and tomorrow I'll be afk most of the time so there's no rush.
13:07:30 <gjanssens> Oh, I just now see your comments on the PR.
13:07:51 <gjanssens> I'll respond there.
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13:26:47 <gjanssens> jralls_afk: I have force pushed my changes based on your PR feedback. While I'm very happy you pointed me to a lambda function, it's currently still aborting. Must be something subtle.
13:26:54 <gjanssens> Anyway that will be for later.
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18:40:57 <stevecoh1> hello
18:41:16 <stevecoh1> newbie with two questions
18:42:02 <stevecoh1> 1. Why would I want to use a database format rather than XML?
18:43:11 <stevecoh1> 2. I've got 25 years of Quicken data to import. Better to do this in a separate file or together with current usage? I am storing personal financial data, not a business.
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19:06:22 <stevecoh1> 3rd question: trying to import 25 years of data. Seems to be stuck on "Finding Duplicate Transactions". I could well understand that this might take awhile. Is there anything I can look at to see if the process is ongoing or dead?
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21:05:57 <stevecoh1> finding duplicate transactions took 2 hours. Not particularly happy with import, but after 25 years of crap, I'm not surprised. Think I will just start a new file going forward and keep Quicken 2014 for viewing the old stuff.
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