2017-10-08 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:50:49 <JayJay> Hey all, I had a quick question about using Gnucash. Hopefully someone here can answer it?
09:52:15 <JayJay> My net assets are currently showing a sum which include future scheduled payments (due for the 11th). Is there a way I can turn this off, like in the mobile app?
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11:39:09 <jralls> JayJay: Do you mean on the Accounts page or the status bar? No, there's no date function AFAIK, though it could easily be argued that those should ignore future transactions.
11:40:58 <JayJay> The accounts page. My assets show that I have more money than I currently do
11:42:20 <jralls> warlord: The only way I can think of to test independently of the modem is to somehow generate enough traffic without the modem.
11:43:46 <jralls> IIUC code and FGN each do enough on their own to cause the problem. How much is that?
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17:46:31 <cjholly> Just checking if I made some obvious mistake while installing 2.6.18. I can't get the help documentation to work in the program. I d/l'd the Win version from gnucash.org
17:48:22 <jralls> cjholly: Nope, you didn't make a mistake. The windows bundle is missing the help file.
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19:47:25 <warlord> .
19:47:56 <warlord> jralls: yeah, but I'm not sure how to generate that with one computer.
19:48:06 <warlord> I'm not even sure what kind of pattern is causing the badness.
19:48:26 <warlord> I think it's lots of different streams. I don't think it's a single massive stream.
19:49:33 <jralls> warlord: I suppose you mean *two* computers, the VH host and your laptop. But a single computer can run dozens of connections, though it is generally limited to one wire.
19:51:14 <jralls> Some suggestions at https://serverfault.com/questions/112131/network-stress-test-tool.
19:52:38 <warlord> jralls: Well, right now it's two computers. To prove to AT&T that it's their issue I need to be able to do it with my laptop.
19:52:47 <warlord> (alone) With nothing else connected.
19:54:04 <warlord> I'm already using mtr. iperf requires a server on the other end.
19:54:06 <jralls> You mean with your laptop banging away on some system on the outside via their modem, yes?
19:54:13 <warlord> yes
19:55:05 <warlord> The other thing I plan to test is to revert back to my Mikrotik router -- just to test if my edgerouter is bad. But I still think it's the Arris.
19:57:52 <warlord> I just need to be able to prove it, somehow.
19:57:59 <jralls> So you need a system to bang on? I can set up iperf3 on my server and you can bang on that for a little bit, but it's just a residential cable-modem connection, only 10MB/s up.
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19:58:43 <warlord> Honestly I think I need to run many different streams moreso than the amount of bandwidth.
19:58:56 <warlord> I'm not using lots of bandwidth when the issues occur.
19:59:03 <warlord> Barely even 1mbps
19:59:31 <jralls> Ah, OK, that makes it much easier. So 50 instances of iperf...
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20:01:13 <warlord> Maybe. Or 300.. Hard to say. Or just something that's doing lots of random DNS queries to lots of random servers... Or..
20:03:54 <warlord> I'll play with it more tomorrow.
20:10:38 <jralls> This looks like what you need: http://curl-loader.sourceforge.net/
20:15:26 <jralls> Though it might take some tweaking to get it working, as it hasn't been updated since Linux kernel 2.6.
20:16:27 <warlord> Hmm.
20:18:04 <warlord> It may work; I more want the reverse, tho.. I want to start with one internal address and contact hundreds or thousands of external links.
20:18:17 <warlord> Anyways, I'll look more tomorrow. I need to go. Have a good night.
20:18:39 <jralls> Good night.
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