2017-12-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:46:19 <NoobAlice> (Something is bothering my computer, so I need to shut it down for the night. Thank you anyway.)
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11:48:50 <codesmythe> The use of GNUInstallDIrs in the CMake build causes the installed lib directory to be lib64 on Fedora 27 (and I assume other distros), which other parts of the code/build don't like. I'm working through that now.
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11:59:50 *** NoobAlice has joined #gnucash
12:01:48 <NoobAlice> I'm back, same question as last night. How do I fix the mess I made of trying to update Finance::Quote?
12:02:09 <NoobAlice> Repeating: Please help me fix my botched update of Finance::Quote. I tried to pull quotes today, found it broken, learned it was due to Yahoo removing their API, and found advice on the GnuCash FAQs (https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_online_quoting_work.3F), then tried to install the new Finance::Quote from here: http://search.cpan.org/~ecoc
12:02:25 <NoobAlice> Repeating: Something went horribly wrong, and now GnuCash tells me that "Warning: Finance::Quote not installed properly" I can't even go back to the version currently available in my software manager.
12:02:37 <NoobAlice> Repeating: I am using Linux Mint 17.3 (based on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr). GnuCash is 2.6.16 installed from self-made deb.
12:03:48 <codesmythe> NoobAlice: Did you get an API key from the Alphavantage website?
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12:05:08 <NoobAlice> Not yet because I haven't even reached that step. So far I have only somehow ruined the current install of F::Q so that it doesn't consistently show up as installed at all.
12:05:15 <NoobAlice> BRB
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12:14:44 *** NoobAlice10 has joined #gnucash
12:15:33 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: I'm so sorry. Back now.
12:17:17 <NoobAlice10> I can't get anything such as gnc-fq-check to work at all.
12:18:49 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: No problem. What is the output of gnc-fq-check? (Please use a pastebin.)
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12:20:23 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: https://pastebin.com/0fy0dAsY
12:20:45 <NoobAlice10> ...but Gnucash itself is working fine.
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12:23:33 <codesmythe> Is GnuCash at /usr/bin/gnucash?
12:26:10 <NoobAlice10> /usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16
12:27:00 <codesmythe> Does 'ls /usr/bin/gnc-fq-check*' show anything?
12:28:20 <NoobAlice10> https://pastebin.com/qFABsCZH
12:29:26 <NoobAlice10> So, not really.
12:30:14 <codesmythe> OK. If you run 'dpkg -c' on your self made deb, is gnc-fq-check present?
12:31:15 <NoobAlice10> Does this help ? - https://pastebin.com/UsmbfPs7
12:31:22 <codesmythe> Back backing up a bit, why are you using a self-made deb?
12:32:34 <NoobAlice10> My Linux Mint has really old GnuCash in the repositories, something like 2.4?? And I was running into bugs that had been fixed in later versions.
12:33:11 <NoobAlice10> I couldn't find a current PPA for anything based on Ubuntu Trusty, so I tried to update myself.
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12:36:08 <jralls> codesmythe: Does setting -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR make a difference?
12:37:29 <jralls> codesmythe: OTOH I had the impression from the CMake docs that it only messes with libdir if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr or /usr/local. Not so?
12:38:07 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: I don't use deb based distros, but our wiki page suggests using getdeb to get a more recent package. Would this work for you (2.6.17): http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/17.04/?q=gnucash
12:41:17 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Trusty is 14.04, so the newest GnuCash is 2.6.12 ( http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/14.04/?q=gnucash ). I'm not sure that's okay.
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12:44:45 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: I had followed the instructions here: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building#Ubuntu_14.04_LTS_.28Trusty_Tahr.29
12:45:47 <jralls> Back in 2 hours
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12:49:27 <codesmythe> jralls_afk: For your second question, I usually use /tmp/gnucash as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, and I'm definitely getting a lib64 directory.
12:50:36 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: What is the output of /usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16/bin/gnc-fq-check?
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12:51:42 <NoobAlice10> https://pastebin.com/RhfP7ZU1
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12:53:19 <codesmythe> Do you know if you have Finance::Quote installed?
12:54:30 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Software manager shows libfinance-quote-perl installed, version 1.18-2
12:55:57 <NoobAlice10> If it helps, doing a search on my filesystem for "gnc-fq-check" finds it in both usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16/bin and /home/adminlynn/gnucash-2.6.16/src/quotes
12:58:56 <NoobAlice10> Is there a good way to wipe out F::Q entirely, both original 1.18-2 and my attempt at updating to the new version, so that I can start afresh? If you think it would help to wipe out and reinstall GnuCash as well, I would certainly be willing.
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13:01:27 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: Unfortunately, you've reach the end of my troubleshooting skills. :-) I'd suggest next that you ask on the gnucash-user mailing list. Someone who knows more about F::Q maybe able to help you, or suggest some other way to get GnuCash working on 14.04.
13:03:54 <fell> NoobAlice10: which distri are you using?
13:04:19 <NoobAlice10> Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa, based on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
13:04:33 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: I appreciate you trying to help me! Maybe the answer will end up being "please just upgrade your distro so that you stop doing these work-arounds to update all the really old programs."
13:05:13 <NoobAlice10> fell: Mate desktop, I think, but probably that part doesn't matter.
13:05:58 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: You're welcome. That is definitely one option. I usually assume that a user has reasons for running older distros, and try to meet them where they are. :-)
13:07:44 <fell> I *believe* ubuntu is crippling that part: removing our gnc-fq-... scripts, and the path where cpan installs perl modules.
13:08:12 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: In my case, last summer was my first time installing any Linux. I was avoiding the Win10 "upgrade." Apparently I installed Mint 17.3 right before 18 came out. I should switch soon, but I'm trying to figure out one that is maybe rolling but also friendly to noobs such as myself, haha.
13:08:30 <NoobAlice10> fell: Well, that would certainly cause me issues. Hmm.
13:09:40 <fell> A few tips might be in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes and realted pages.
13:13:56 <NoobAlice10> fell: Thank you. I did see that page but haven't had any luck with it. Both trying to install the tar.gz file from the CPAN site and trying to use the gnc-fq-update failed miserably.
13:15:01 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: Output of your failed attempts to install F::Q?
13:15:24 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Oh boy. Umm, here comes.
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13:16:39 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Attempt to install from tar.gz from CPAN site: https://pastebin.com/31M5gBMv
13:18:45 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Attempt to get gnc-fq-quote or anything to work: https://paste.ee/p/V8czg
13:20:19 <fell> install/uninstall are subcommands of apt, IIRC.
13:20:37 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: Additionally, I have tried double-clicking the gnc-fq-update file, selecting "run in terminal," and following the prompts. The first time it had a LOT of output and had me click through options, but then it just closed the terminal window on its own before I could copy and save it. Subsequent attempts to open any gnc-fq-XXX files in that manner have resulted in a terminal window briefyl flashing on my screen before d
13:22:13 <fell> Ah, better, to open first a terminal and then run 'sudo gnc-fq-update'
13:22:39 <NoobAlice10> Should I be in a certain folder first?
13:23:41 <fell> If 'which gnc-fq-update' returns a path, it is not required to cd.
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13:24:10 <NoobAlice10> That did nothing.
13:24:13 <codesmythe> NoobAlice: sudo /usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16/bin/gnc-fq-update
13:25:02 <NoobAlice10> https://pastebin.com/tUBfaBrJ
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13:25:58 <codesmythe> What is the first line of /usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16/bin/gnc-fq-update? (This will be a path to the perl executable)
13:26:12 <NoobAlice10> So, it says "F::Q up to date," but GnuCash (just opened now) still doesn't see it.
13:27:05 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: #!/usr/bin/perl -w
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13:29:40 <codesmythe> Does '/usr/bin/gnucash2.6.16/bin/gnc-fq-check' still say that F::Q needs to be installed?
13:30:22 <NoobAlice10> Yes.
13:31:09 <codesmythe> What is the output of this line:
13:31:23 <codesmythe> /usr/bin/perl -e 'use Finance::Quote;'
13:32:25 <NoobAlice10> Output: https://pastebin.com/Mn90sRS6
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13:32:55 <codesmythe> ok, you need to install the JSON module from CPAN
13:33:38 <NoobAlice10> This one? http://search.cpan.org/~ishigaki/JSON-2.97000/lib/JSON.pm
13:35:29 <NoobAlice10> There seem to be a lot of JSONs with different suffixes, so I don't want to grab the wrong one.
13:37:27 <codesmythe> maybe you should install the one from your package manager. Does 'apt-cache search perl-JSON' return anything?
13:37:48 <NoobAlice10> Nope
13:39:59 <codesmythe> how about libjson-perl
13:40:08 <NoobAlice10> Ooo, if I try 'apt-cache search JSON', I get a lot... Anything good? https://pastebin.com/WgqXBEKi
13:40:52 <NoobAlice10> Yes for libjson-perl https://pastebin.com/0Edt4h2Y
13:41:05 <codesmythe> ok, install that
13:41:16 <codesmythe> then rerun the perl command above
13:42:50 <NoobAlice10> Now /usr/bin/perl -e 'use Finance::Quote;' turns up nothing at all.
13:43:13 <codesmythe> that's what we want. :-) Not run gnc-fq-check (full path)
13:43:15 <codesmythe> Now
13:44:20 <NoobAlice10> Eww.... https://pastebin.com/Mkmad8qP
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13:45:58 <codesmythe> apt-get install libdatetime-perl, then try again
13:46:55 <fell> Is there no command to install all dependencies?
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13:47:35 <gjanssens> codesmythe: regarding the lib64 thing, I believe the issue is a longstanding bug in gnc_gbr_find_lib_dir
13:48:00 <gjanssens> It hardcodes "/lib" even when this is not the system's default libdir.
13:48:31 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe: installed, tried again: https://paste.ee/p/sfsMo
13:49:15 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Agreed. I've fixed that in my local branch. I've also hardcoded lib in various CMakeLists.txt files.
13:49:59 <NoobAlice10> fell: Internet search turns up this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/214746/how-to-run-apt-get-install-to-install-all-dependencies
13:50:08 <gjanssens> Eh, I would have fixed it the other way around: make sure that function uses lib64 if that's what is the system default libdir
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13:50:42 <gjanssens> Or did I misunderstand what you meant with "I've also hardcoded lib in various CMakeLIsts.txt files" ?
13:51:12 <NoobAlice10> fell: So shall I try 'sudo apt-get install -f' ?
13:51:52 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Meaning that I have mistakenly hardcoded lib in various places. Its a bug I need to fix.
13:51:53 <fell> Yep, else it will become a long night again ;-)
13:52:06 <gjanssens> codesmythe: oh, alright then :)
13:53:18 <NoobAlice10> fell: Oh that did not work. Shoot. https://paste.ee/p/E27zz
13:54:35 <fell> sudo apt-get install -f libfinace-quote or however it is called.
13:55:27 <codesmythe> Don't do that: We don't want that old version of libfinance-quote
13:55:54 <NoobAlice10> ...
13:57:06 <fell> Oh, they still have this old version?
13:57:12 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: Install this from CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/~abh/Mozilla-CA-20160104/lib/Mozilla/CA.pm. This should be the last dependency
13:57:36 <NoobAlice10> Okay, grabbing it now
13:57:45 <codesmythe> On NoobAlice10's ubuntu 14.04 system, F::Q is 1.18
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13:59:04 <codesmythe> For devs: I'm guessing the need for JSON.pm is a recent change to F::Q. We should have gnc-fq-update check for and update that module.
13:59:59 <codesmythe> Probably for DateTime.pm and Mozilla:CA as well.
14:02:16 <fell> codesmythe: JSON was already used in F::Q 1.38 https://code.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-help/apas01.html#idm140390399001360
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14:03:15 <fell> And I believe, by proper use CPAN will install all dependencies.
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14:03:51 <fell> At least did we remove a bunch some time ago from gnc-fq-update.
14:04:12 <codesmythe> fell: Ah, so not so recent. I agree about proper use of CPAN should handle this.
14:04:50 <fell> But that is different from apt*
14:05:15 <codesmythe> I haven't used CPAN in 20 years, so I maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. :-)
14:06:42 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe and fell: Finally done installing. I am bad at this. Ran sudo command again, and it doesn't call for dependencies that I see! https://paste.ee/p/anHnF
14:07:17 <codesmythe> ok, that's progress
14:07:33 <NoobAlice10> Indeed, and thank you both!
14:09:13 <NoobAlice10> !!!!!!!
14:09:46 <NoobAlice10> Just opened up GnuCash, and it is no longer telling me that F::Q is broken! I am able to select "Other" as "alphavantage"!!!
14:09:55 <NoobAlice10> ***unknown, not other
14:10:46 <NoobAlice10> Let me try the rest of the instructions on the FAQs page for setting up AlphaVantage quotes and get back to you. :)
14:13:05 <codesmythe> NoobAlice10: Excellent!
14:13:47 <fell> :-)
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14:26:42 <codesmythe> I'll be back later ...
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14:35:56 <NoobAlice10> Mixed success, grabbing lunch, back in a while.
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15:10:49 <jralls> codesmythe: I think I replaced all of the hard-coded instances of lib, share, and bin with CMAKE_INSTALL_FOO for the install functions. ISTM we want to leave the ones hanging off of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR.
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15:22:49 <jralls> codesmythe: Related question, do you remember why you decided to to install kvp_frame.hpp, qofbook.h, qofinstance.h, qofobject.h, and qofsession.h in libexec/gnucash? They're all installed in include/gnucash and nothing is likely to find them in libexec.
15:36:06 <jralls> gjanssens: Dmitry-from-Debian noticed that we're putting the override scripts in /usr/libexec. We've been doing that for at least 16 years but it's wrong. You probably saw the bugmail about it.
15:37:14 <NoobAlice10> codesmythe and/or fell: Following the instructions on the FAQs page to set up Alphavantage quotes, I got my API key (check!), added the line to the environment file (check!), opened GnuCash, set my stock quote sources to "Unknown - alphavantage," and tried the "Get Quotes" button. No dice. I get a little popup box that says "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: NASDAQ:GOOG" (the only security in my test file). If I swi
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15:39:26 <jralls> gjanssens: I'm inclined to think that the override scripts ought not be installed at all, and perhaps should be simply deleted as not being terribly useful. If we keep them and install them I think they should go either in bin or somewhere in share/gnucash. Any thoughts?
15:39:50 <fell> I never saw NASDAQ:GOOG. shouldn't the symbol be GOOG?
15:40:43 <jralls> fell: That dialog says "category:symbol", presumably to make it easier to find.
15:40:55 <NoobAlice10> Its "Type" is NASDAQ, the exchange. I have the symbol in as just GOOG. I'm not sure why GnuCash/F::Q calls it NASDAQ:GOOG.
15:41:01 <fell> Ah, ok
15:42:00 <jralls> NoobAlice10: Does `gnc-fq-dump alphavantage GOOG` produce a useful quote?
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15:42:23 <jralls> NoobAlice10: You may need to provide the path for gnc-fq-dump...
15:43:37 <jralls> And you'll need to create a shell environment variable to match the one in gnucash's environment file.
15:43:47 <fell> ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX gnc-fq-dump -v alphavantage GOOG
15:44:38 <fell> replace XX with your key
15:46:25 <NoobAlice10> Fell/Jralls: It's missing date and currency? Also, "service unavailable," but that may be related. https://paste.ee/p/dfPxO
15:48:29 <fell> 'errormsg: Service Unavailable' could mean retry later. The server timed out
15:50:05 <gjanssens> jralls: I think both overrides scripts are terribly outdated and should simply be removed
15:50:30 <jralls> OK, will do.
15:51:41 <gjanssens> jralls: except our wiki refers to gnucash-make-guids in several spots
15:52:12 <gjanssens> We should provide some alternative there for users that need to generate a guid outside of gnucash
15:53:54 <NoobAlice10> Fell/Jralls: Would it be a decent long-term solution to switch the quote source to "Unknown - Yahoo JSON," as that one seems to be working? Or would I be better off trying Alphavantage again at a low-use time such as 3 AM? I'd rather do all my quote source switching as few times as possible, as I have a few dozen securities in my working file (not this test one I've been using).
15:54:16 <codesmythe> jralls: Those are qof test headers, right? I was copying what autotools does here: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/src/libqof/qof/test/Makefile.am#L33 , but that snippet isn't in unstable.
15:57:11 <jralls> codemythe: Except that test_qofdir isn't actually used anywhere.
15:57:24 <fell> NoobAlice10: As long as Yahoo JSON is still working, you can use it, but we fear, they could drop it, too.
15:57:57 <codesmythe> Well, that's what happens when I copy too slavishly. :-)
15:58:20 <NoobAlice10> Fell: That's what I'd feared. :( Yahoo has been actively working to make things worse for the past few years.
15:58:22 <codesmythe> Plus, I'm not sure how all those autotools majic variables work
15:58:48 <jralls> codesmythe: ;-)
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16:01:09 <jralls> gjanssens: There's uuidgen, but I'm not sure how widely available it is. Alternatively there's https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ and https://www.guidgenerator.com/.
16:01:35 <codesmythe> jralls. On CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/lib, if the install directory is going to use lib64, I'd like the build dir to have lib64 also.
16:01:58 <jralls> gjanssens: Or we can keep gnucash-make-guids and put it somewhere else.
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16:02:48 <jralls> codesmythe: But what if CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, as it is on Debian and derivatives?
16:03:33 <codesmythe> jralls: I've created LIBDIR_BUILD, derived from CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR.
16:04:01 <jralls> OK, I guess.
16:07:37 <gjanssens> jralls: I wouldn't keep gnucash-make-guids as it depends on gnucash-env. They don't even work if gnucash is not installed on the default /usr prefix because several shared libraries are not found
16:08:14 <gjanssens> Or perhaps that's just due to the flux the source code is in currently due to moving lib stuff around...
16:08:57 <gjanssens> Anyway, I prefer to point users at an online uuid generator (or uuidgen). I'll note the Translation wiki page already mentioned uuidgen
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16:09:31 <gjanssens> I'll just replace the part about gnucash-make-guids with a link to an online uuidgenerator
16:09:36 <fell> When I wrote SKR04, it was very handy to have such a script - offline.
16:09:53 <codesmythe> gjanssens: When you install unstable on Fedora 26, do you get a lib64 directory?
16:10:17 <gjanssens> codesmythe: yes. I have had this for quite some time now
16:10:38 <gjanssens> And fyi I have since upgraded to F27 which also gives a lib64 directory
16:10:47 <codesmythe> gjanssens: But then how does your install work?
16:11:01 <jralls> fell: If you need offline, install uuidgen.
16:11:02 <fell> For account templates we need it.
16:11:42 <gjanssens> codesmythe: what do you mean ?
16:13:10 <codesmythe> gjanssens: I started down this path because an installed unstable gnucash would not launch for me on F27, because modules could not be found.
16:14:04 <fell> NP to use uuidgen, but can you document it, also in dependencies/suggestions. I am still busy with my answer for sunfish
16:16:13 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Plus, I had the impression that this lib64 stuff would have started when GNUInstallDirs was added a few days ago.
16:17:12 <codesmythe> (This is assuming your installs are done via cmake.)
16:17:49 <gjanssens> They are
16:18:13 <lmat> @tell chris I just pushed an updated time64-ftw with the updates you requested some time ago.
16:18:13 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
16:18:30 <gjanssens> And you have me doubt about how it worked before the GNUInstallDirs patch.
16:18:52 <gjanssens> Give me a sec, I'll redo a build from before the changes
16:23:35 <gjanssens> codesmythe: I was mistaken
16:24:00 <gjanssens> Before the GNUInstallDirs change all libs are installed in lib, not lib64
16:24:10 <gjanssens> The only thing in lib64 is the python bindings
16:24:59 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Ah, that makes sense. If you build and install current unstable, does it launch for you?
16:25:20 <gjanssens> I seem to remember I did manually tweak my build configuration at one point to get the libs installed into lib64, but this appears to have been removed in one of my last system upgrades
16:26:41 <lmat> Are we wanting to get rid of webkit longtem?
16:27:21 <gjanssens> lmat: if we find an alternative that gives us html and javascript on all platforms we care about, then yes
16:28:43 <lmat> We want to support print-on-screen, print-to-file (PDF), print-to-printer, and user-editable/extendable templates; anything else?
16:29:38 <codesmythe> anyone ever looked into the chromium embedded framework? https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef
16:30:07 <lmat> gjanssens: You've said HTML and javascript, but I'm wondering if we would consider something else. I'm not sure what exists, but I could easily imagine a C++ graph/report framework capable of these things.
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16:31:54 <gjanssens> jralls and I have been looking for alternatives a while back, but I can't find the thread right now.
16:33:03 <gjanssens> I say html and javascript because they do have some advantages: html because it's accessible to non-developers as well, javascript because I want to keep interaction in the reports as an option
16:33:34 <lmat> gjanssens: c++ can be pretty interactive.
16:33:35 <gjanssens> html also because it's easily copy-pasted into a spreadsheet for further manipulation
16:37:01 <lmat> I would think it's a good deal less work with comparable results to use HTML, javascript, and some renderer rather than C++ rendering with the necessary exports.
16:43:50 <jralls> codesmythe: chromium is just a fork of webkit. And one of the requirements for now is that we need to be able to draw easily on a Gtk or cairo surface. WebKitGtk provides a drop-in WebKitGtkWebView.
16:44:13 <gjanssens> codesmythe: current unstable doesn't launch
16:47:48 <gjanssens> codesmythe: aside from gnc_br_pkg_libdir, there's also a hardcoded "lib" reference in static char* get_default_module_dir(const char* rel_path) in qof-backend.cpp
16:48:03 <jralls> gjanssens: What if you override GNC_LIB in etc/gnucash/environment?
16:48:21 <jralls> To point at lib64 that is.
16:48:25 <gjanssens> This will cause gnucash to abort because the backends are not found
16:48:51 <jralls> Isn't that where the backends are?
16:51:15 <gjanssens> jralls: it helps, but the backends aren't found because the code is hardwired to search in "lib/gnucash"
16:52:01 <gjanssens> But it does fix all the missing gnc-module interface errors so gnc-module works now
16:52:05 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Thanks for the report. I've got 5 failing tests to look at that are having backend issues that I think your suggestion will fix. Thanks for the pointer.
16:52:37 <codesmythe> Back in a bit.
16:53:41 <gjanssens> codesmythe: that function differentiates between a run from the build dir and from the install dir
16:54:40 <gjanssens> In case of a run from install dir it will query gnc_path_get_pkglibdir which I believe you have fixed to properly return lib64 if needed.
16:55:05 <gjanssens> It when running from the build dir it hardcodes lib/gnucash on anything but Windows
16:59:52 <gjanssens> When I change gnc_gbr_find_lib_dir to return lib64, gnucash runs from the install dir, except webkit still seems to have issues.
17:06:26 <jralls> gjanssens, codesmythe: When I tell CMake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/testing/gnucash on Debian lib is lib, no x86_64-linux-gnu subdir.
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17:10:13 <fell> The move of the news page broke the rss feed: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=791103
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17:21:43 <jralls> fell: The xml at atom.php looks mostly OK to me and Feedly doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
17:22:01 <codesmythe> jralls: What version of CMake are you using on Debian?
17:22:27 <jralls> codesmythe: 3.7.2.
17:25:17 <jralls> codesmythe: Is there a recent-ish change to GNUInstallDirs behavior?
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17:28:03 <codesmythe> jralls: Well I was speculating that perhaps an old version of cmake/GNUInstallsDirs might not have the Debian specific behavior. But 3.7.2 seems like it should be recent enough.
17:28:50 <jralls> It has the right behavior when CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr.
17:29:42 <codesmythe> jralls: Ah. I guess I need to read the docs on GNUInstallDirs.
17:29:58 <gjanssens> jralls, codesmythe: fwiw the x86_64-linux-gnu subdir seems to be debian specific
17:30:08 <gjanssens> Fedora doesn't use it
17:30:29 <gjanssens> Instead it has a lib and a lib64 directory to differentiate on cpu architecture
17:30:30 <jralls> Well, Debian and descendants. I think Ubuntu and Arch also use it.
17:30:49 <gjanssens> Yes got that
17:31:14 <gjanssens> Is cmake supposed to be aware of these distro specific rules ?
17:31:37 <gjanssens> Or do distros have a way to configure cmake for their purpose ?
17:32:26 <gjanssens> FWIW I didn't find much on multi-arch on the upstream guide Dmitri pointed at, nor on the link to the FHS on that page
17:32:31 <jralls> gjanssens: CMake is supposed to be aware of the distro-specific rules. Whether that's coded into CMake or there's some way to ask the OS I don't know.
17:32:43 <gjanssens> Ok
17:36:31 <gjanssens> I read in the cmake 3.4 documentation it is aware of the lib vs lib64 or lib/<archtuple> difference. So it's odd it isn't working on your system...
17:36:40 <codesmythe> From the docs for GNUInstallDIrs here https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.7/module/GNUInstallDirs.html, it doesn't seem that the value for CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR should be affected by special case handling for /usr.
17:38:27 <jralls> gjanssens: It works just fine on my system, but only if you set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr or maybe /usr/local. That's how it's supposed to work.
17:39:20 <gjanssens> Oh. I thought on Debian it would always add the arch tuple
17:39:45 <codesmythe> Supposed to work according to what? The GNUInstallDirs docs?
17:39:46 <gjanssens> From reading that page, it seems you can also use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ to the same effect
17:40:06 <gjanssens> codesmythe: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.4/module/GNUInstallDirs.html
17:40:26 <gjanssens> But I may be interpreting it incorrectly as jralls pointed out
17:41:18 <codesmythe> gjanssens: But the special case handling mentioned there for /usr does not seem to apply to the value for CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR
17:44:54 <gjanssens> codesmythe: the special case handling only deals with the prefix. Whether it should be lib, lib64 or lib/<some arch tuple> seems to be independent of that.
17:46:12 <gjanssens> As the prefix /usr is the default /usr/lib needs no special treatment. With that prefix, only /usr/etc should become /etc and /usr/var should become /var
17:46:18 <gjanssens> Which makes sense to me.
17:46:35 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Right. That's why I'm confused when jralls says that LIBDIR=lib when installed to /testing/gnucash and LIBDIR=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu when installed to /usr.
17:46:52 <codesmythe> prefix should make no difference
17:47:01 <gjanssens> codesmythe: well, that confuses me too indeed
17:47:30 <gjanssens> If that's what you meant, I'm with you :)
17:49:33 <gjanssens> Anyway, time to go to bed here.
17:49:47 <gjanssens> Good luck further with the lib dance
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17:50:09 <codesmythe> I think I've got it. Tests pass, can launch from build and install dir
17:51:24 <jralls> codesmythe: Kitware docs suck. See https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/GNUInstallDirs.cmake#L204 for what the devs think is supposed to happen.
17:56:03 <jralls> codesmythe: Excellent. I just pushed my changes including all of the INSTALL DESTINATION hard-codes. I'm ready for your PR.
17:56:41 <codesmythe> OK. I'll submit it in a few minutes
17:59:45 <codesmythe> my rebase isn't clean. More minutes required.
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18:11:15 <codesmythe> ok, submitted: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/241
18:27:55 <jralls> And pushed, thanks!
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18:47:04 <codesmythe> jralls: A couple of changes were left out of my commit. I'll submit this later this evening.
18:47:29 <jralls> codesmythe: What filenames and I'll fix it now...
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19:25:04 <jralls> codesmythe: Contrary to popular legend, #include <foo.h> does *not* mean "search the system dirs". On the contrary, #include "foo.h" does exactly the same search *except* that it searches the current dir first, so the latter form should be used only when the included and including files are in the same directory.
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19:30:55 <codesmythe> jralls: Hmmm, Didn't know that.
19:33:42 <codesmythe> jralls: The foreach loop I was talking about turns out to be in gnucash/CMakeLists.txt, not the top level one. This for loop can be removed: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/unstable/gnucash/CMakeLists.txt#L94 . And then the reference to SCRIPT_LIST on line 194 can be removed.
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19:46:45 <jralls> codesmythe: Yeah, actually just found that thanks to failing the gnc-version test in gnucash/tests. There's an analog in Makefile.am that I'm also removing along with the gnucash/tests dir because that was the only test in it.
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20:42:41 <jvapr27> hi everyone
20:43:01 <jvapr27> I am using mibbit could not get pidgin to work with this.. anyways
20:43:12 <jvapr27> anyone have success connecting gnucash to american express?
20:45:45 <fell> hi jvapr27, start here: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings#American_Express
20:46:19 <fell> There is more in the table above
20:50:52 <jvapr27> I think I looked there already.. let review it again.
20:50:59 <jvapr27> I am glad i found this IRC
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21:28:25 <NoobAlice> jvapr27: I just got IRC working on Pidgin today. :) Do you want help with that as well? (I don't know anything about the AMEX connection.) Some of the screens look a little different, but this tutorial helped: https://blog.artofmemory.com/how-to-use-irc-pidgin-tutorial-3538.html
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