2017-12-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:39:14 <warlord> jralls: I've got a question for you: how do you connect to ovirt from your Mac? (or don't you?)
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11:14:26 <Sillion> hi
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11:15:54 <Sillion> I'd like to know if there are french (language) template for gnucash ?
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11:21:10 <warlord> Sillion: what do you mean by "template"?
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11:23:36 <Sillion> i mean an empty file wich is in french to open in gnucash
11:23:53 <Sillion> with all the title in french in place of english
11:24:09 <Sillion> my distro is not configured in french
11:27:06 <warlord> Sillion: yes, there are.. If you're running a french locale then you can get to it; but you must be running gnucash in the french locale to access it.
11:29:05 <Sillion> if i run it in the french locale the menu and interface are in french but not the names as assets, bond, stock, etc.
11:30:29 <warlord> Sillion: Did you create a new data file while in the french locale?
11:30:45 <warlord> gnucash wont translate data file entries
11:30:48 <Sillion> yes i did
11:31:30 <warlord> what locale are you running?
11:31:53 <Sillion> with gnucash french
11:32:41 <Sillion> LANGUAGE=fr
11:32:48 <warlord> try fr_FR
11:33:08 <warlord> and what is LANG set at?
11:33:26 <Sillion> lang is io
11:33:31 <Sillion> eo
11:33:52 <Sillion> i think have to look at
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11:34:33 <Sillion> eo.utf8
11:34:53 <Sillion> eo.utf-8
11:36:10 <Sillion> still the same with fr_FR
11:36:19 <warlord> try setting both LANG and LANGUAGE to fr_FR.utf8
11:37:50 <Sillion> That's it . It works
11:37:58 <Sillion> thank a lot warlord
11:38:06 <Sillion> sometimes more easy with help
11:39:22 <warlord> You're welcome
12:09:33 <jralls> warlord: I use the Mac bundle of RemoteViewer.
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14:35:52 <warlord> jralls: I seem to be having trouble finding that..
14:37:16 <warlord> The version I can find is RemoteViewer 0.5.7 and it doesn't seem to support the .vv files from ovirt?
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14:40:46 <jralls> https://www.spice-space.org/page/OSX_Client. I have v 0.5.7 and it works fine with console.vv. It has the same problem as GnuCash WRT launching from Finder, it can't handle the NSFileOpenNotification. Launch it from the command line, /Applications/RemoteViewer.app/Contents/MacOS/RemoteViewer /path/to/console.vv
14:43:06 <jralls> Well, I shouldn't say that it "works fine". It works, but it crashes if I switch to a VMWare VM and freezes up if there isn't any activity for a while.
14:43:33 <warlord> the freezing happens to me too.
14:46:36 <jralls> Have you gotten a mac or is this for someone else?
14:48:44 <warlord> I have a MBA as a secondary platform
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15:05:57 <warlord> So, okay, it needs to be run from the command line. That's what I didn't expect. I was thinking there would be a File -> Open or some other UI command. But I guess not.
15:08:52 <jralls> No, they did the absolute minimum to get it to bundle.
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15:11:49 <jralls> In fact, considering how much noise it writes to its terminal I'd say they did the absolute minimum to get it to run at all.
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15:20:25 <jralls> And it seems they've abandoned development. Fedorahosted is no more and the github repo https://github.com/SPICE/virt-viewer shows the last commit in April 2016.
15:20:46 <jralls> How much would it cost to switch to VMWare?
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15:29:52 <warlord> jralls: I dont know. I think the real cost would be the time to migrate all the VMs. There's a tool that converts from vmware -> KVM, but I don't know of a tool to convert in the other direction.
15:30:41 <warlord> It would, most likely, require a secondary system in order to migrate. I don't think I could just reinstall the current hardware with vmware.
15:30:58 <warlord> Also, I dont think modern vmware has a good web-based UI anymore.
15:31:56 <jralls> You mean for controlling the VM as opposed to connecting to it?
15:32:09 <warlord> yes.
15:32:18 <warlord> (or possibly both)
15:33:01 <warlord> I think you could use vm-player and/or vmware workstation to connect to a VMXi server, but I dont know how to secure that link, or authorize it..
15:34:54 <jralls> There's always ssh tunnel.
15:35:56 <jralls> But I don't imagine you'd want to start from scratch on the VMs at this point.
15:36:54 <Sillion> bye
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15:38:59 <warlord> jralls: well, I did have two machines running when I converted over to ovirt.
15:39:31 <warlord> the old machine is still up -- still running my old mail server, because I haven't had the time to really upgrade/migrate it yet.
15:39:42 <warlord> and ovirt gave a good tool to migrate
15:40:01 <warlord> note that you could also use VNC instead of Spice for the console.
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15:45:59 <jralls> Well, yes. The spice folks think that it's faster than VNC. Maybe it is, I haven't tried and of course there's no way of knowing if the Ovirt VNC implementation is any good.
15:46:59 <jralls> But none of the Spice github repos show any commits this year, so it looks like a science fair project whose authors moved on to something else as soon as they got it mostly working.
15:51:36 <warlord> The strange thing is that on my Linux box I have remote-viewer 5.0-1
15:52:08 <warlord> But that was built a year ago.
15:55:01 <jralls> Hmm. The last release on virt-viewer was 3.1 in December 2015. I wonder if they have another repo and Github isn't getting synced?
15:57:27 <jralls> Indeed: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/spice/. Doesn't have virt-viewer on it, that must be somewhere else.
15:58:43 <jralls> And it's here: https://github.com/virt-manager/virt-manager
16:00:00 <jralls> Except that's not virt-viewer either.
16:10:48 <warlord> the URL in the virt-viewer RPM claims http://virt-manager.org/
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16:23:59 <jralls> Yeah, looked there already. It's what points at github/virt-manager.
16:27:59 <warlord> There's activity at https://cgit.freedesktop.org/spice/
16:28:31 <warlord> Looks like most recent commit is 11 hours ago
16:29:14 <jralls> Right, but no virt-viewer. The debian virt-viewer copyright says that it was downloaded from http://virt-manager.et.redhat.com/download.html. That timed out when I tried to visit.
16:29:41 <warlord> virt-manager.org/download seems to have a 6.0 release, but not for Mac
16:30:34 <jralls> I think it's just that someone built it for mac back in 2013 and hasn't been interested since. That's a fixable problem especially since they used my gtk-osx project to do it.
16:30:59 <warlord> Yeah, that's what it definitely looks like.
16:31:33 <jralls> So the latest sources would be a nice place to start...
16:33:12 <warlord> Indeed.
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16:41:22 <jralls> So the debian 6.0 sources are at https://anonscm.debian.org/git/git/pkg-libvirt/virt-viewer.git, release this August. All the contributors in the changelog are RedHat employees so they may be releasing only tarballs to keep packagers from shipping unreleased code.
16:43:25 <warlord> Hmm. That could be; if RHEV/oVirt is so dependent on spice.
16:45:16 <jralls> I've cloned the repo, but I'll need to also get the dependencies and set up a moduleset to build everything... that will take some motivation and time.
16:46:44 <warlord> ok
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