2019-04-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:25:46 <warlord> .
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06:27:06 <chris> .
06:27:06 <gncbot> chris: Sent 1 day, 1 hour, and 45 minutes ago: <fell> https://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2019/04/09.html#T17:11:21
06:27:22 <chris> fell I know that was a blip
06:28:08 <fell> OK
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06:34:13 <chris> I'm not sure what to do about 797188 - I've fixed the Credit-Note string
06:35:00 <chris> I've changed the invoice-title from <H3> to <div span="invoice-title"> for customizability of CSS, but the report-system uses the H3 title as the HTML title, so, this can't be fixed without removing the CSS functionality
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07:10:11 <fell> chris: I think the H3 is an ancient hack, which predates CSS (gtkhtml had no CSS)
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07:12:03 <chris> https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/commit/213c7ee537168678e63a88625f9c44edfc95fe32
07:12:25 <chris> I think we should push this commit as well which restores H3 and TITLE but removes .invoice-title CSS class
07:17:48 <fell> Chris, I think that would be a step back. How about asking the OP to adjust the gnucash.css?
07:18:49 <fell> Ahem, where in the report system is the H3?
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07:26:51 <chris> it's in stylesheet-*.scm
07:27:32 <fell> But if it is a major task, you can delay the <H3> conversion.
07:28:34 <chris> stylesheets pick up document-title and sets h3
07:28:49 <chris> html-document.scm also picks up document-title and sets <title>
07:36:45 <mikee> chris: Have you looked at Bug-735596 I started working on making the tax-invoice better. Is anything there useful or compatible with your work?
07:42:11 <chris> mikee the other team know there are a few things I don't touch:
07:42:18 <chris> taxtxf and eguile :)
07:42:46 <chris> I've stretched myself to budget and business recently...
07:43:18 <chris> I'd love to nuke eguile myself
07:43:41 <mikee> Me too.
07:45:50 <warlord> I am fine with nuking eguile IFF there is an equivalent replacement.
07:47:06 <chris> we discussed that, there's mustache which but nobody has converted to guile
07:47:44 <fell> I heard LaTex if fine for printing reports. ;-)
07:47:44 <chris> anyway the h3+title vs css issue remains
07:49:22 * mikee looks up mustache
07:49:59 <warlord> Don't joke -- at one point there WAS a call for outputting LaTeX instead of HTML
07:50:07 <chris> https://mustache.github.io/
07:50:30 <mikee> chris: Thanks
07:51:39 <chris> I also had it in my mind, simple-css as a storage mechanism for stylesheets instead of live-guile.
07:51:41 <mikee> Not this then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWJFfnHNOWI
07:51:41 <fell> chris, you could now use the the old style and create bug "review HTML parts for CSS ..."
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08:30:23 <chris> @tell jralls who missed dilemma - so are we happy to restore h3+title and remove .invoice-title which forms part of custom-css option?
08:30:23 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
08:45:44 <chris> CSV kinda ready... see last 2 commits in https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/commits/maint-export-csv
08:47:22 <chris> outputs: https://pastebin.com/raw/3USbSRmP
08:50:37 <mikee> That's the data I need for the HMRC MTD bridge.
08:51:07 <mikee> Except I've not got to dealing with VAT(GST) yet.
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08:54:23 <warlord> cool!
09:03:56 <chris> the dilemma is whether to extract gnc-monetary into pure numbers, which means losing the currency... also what to do with multiple-currencies -- currently the code will output something like "Totals","$12,000","C$15,000" in 1 line
09:04:27 <warlord> I think it may depend on the context.
09:19:22 <chris> if we enable csv there'll be rfe for full html-table csv for transaction.scm ;-;
09:20:55 <fell> The tax office usually is interested in statements in the countries currency.
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09:21:40 <fell> But the may have special rules for converting like ECB refernce rates.
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09:28:00 <warlord> I just found an interesting use case for an RFE: I have a tree of accounts that I want to keep but are no longer active; it would be nice if I could set the whole subtree to be Placeholder.
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09:55:28 <fell> Warlord: See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla ;-9
09:56:41 <warlord> fell, what about it?
09:57:07 <warlord> (or were you jokingly saying "file in BZ" -- which I will do)
09:57:36 <fell> I like your idea. File an ER
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10:09:59 <chris> the wishlist for 4.0 is enormous
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10:15:00 <fell> ... and I am still busy with fixing 2->3 regressions
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10:19:21 * chris wish the book-reports and book-accounting-period could be done soon enough
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11:25:23 <chris> @tell gjanssens I still think we should modularise transaction.scm so that standard-reports can be loaded with (load) calls. let me know what you think.
11:25:23 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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13:04:09 <jralls> .
13:04:09 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 1 day, 16 hours, and 56 minutes ago: <fell> I still see bugzilla.gnome.org in inno_setup/gnucash.iss:47 and extra_dist/gnc-path-check:7. BTW does gnucash-mingw64.iss replace gnucash.iss? If yes, should we remove the latter?
13:04:10 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 1 day, 16 hours, and 49 minutes ago: <fell> We should also replace http://*.gnucash.org by https;... as we did elsewere.
13:04:11 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 4 hours and 33 minutes ago: <chris> who missed dilemma - so are we happy to restore h3+title and remove .invoice-title which forms part of custom-css option?
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13:05:58 <jralls> fell: gnucash.iss is obsolete, from the old bash-script based Windows build system. It's probably time to clean all of that out, it's become cruft.
13:08:55 <jralls> chris: How much of transaction-report should be extracted to report-system so that it can be used in other reports?
13:13:35 <jralls> chris: Don't we want both the <H3> and <TITLE> tags as they serve different purposes? I don't see how having a class on the <H3> tag affects the <TITLE> tag.
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14:54:52 <chris> jralls most of transaction.scm meaty parts must be upgraded...
14:55:25 <jralls> chris: Upgraded to what?
14:56:31 <chris> upgraded to report-system
14:57:05 <chris> perhaps i'll do test branch to illus
14:57:13 * chris back to bed!
14:57:17 <jralls> Don't you mean extracted to report-system?
14:57:27 <jralls> Later...
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19:56:47 <chris> I'll imagine most of transaction.scm extracted into a module trep-engine.scm
19:56:55 <chris> reconcile-report spun off
19:57:03 <chris> transaction report becomes a very thin wrapper
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