2019-05-07 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:29:25 <peanutbutterandcrackers> Everyone, here is my script: https://github.com/peanutbutterandcrackers/gnucash_invoice_automator that I was writing. What it is used for is this: Instead of adding every single daily user and processing their payments one-at-a-time, the user uses LibreOffice Calc to enter the records (the column names have to follow the standards in the script), and save it as csv and the script handles the rest. (I hope that makes sense)
01:30:54 <peanutbutterandcrackers> It does work. But there are still quite a bit of things that could be done to make it better. If there are any inputs that you might have, or if any of you would be interested in making a PR, please do.
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03:23:43 <gjanssens> .
03:23:43 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 8 hours and 18 minutes ago: <jralls> fell, warlord, I'll be mostly AFK through Sunday. I'll be at a genealogy conference in St. Louis.
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07:54:31 <chris> .
07:59:11 <chris> is anyone's equity-statement.scm barfing
07:59:13 <chris> ?
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08:13:09 <warlord> Haven't tried it.. Let me test.
08:13:56 <warlord> The version I have on F29 seems to run just fine.
08:14:32 <chris> my commodity-utilities.scm changes may have been overzealous... may need to bisect
08:14:58 <warlord> I am running 3.5
08:15:39 <chris> ah i'm on maint
08:17:27 <warlord> Well, we know it works in 3.5, so you can bisect from the 3.5 tag to HEAD ;)
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08:26:18 <chris> found the offending commit which simplifies many fns, not sure which one :(
08:31:01 <warlord> And this is why commits should be small ;)
08:39:30 <chris> well thankfully I've found it; I had noted the discrepancy during commit eac79bd506395120 and have now fixed it.
08:40:25 <warlord> chris, Yay!
08:41:10 <chris> oh well I fixed the problem but mislabelled it; it's the 375013f9ea4 commit that was offending
08:44:44 <chris> I have small dilemma regarding balsheet-pnl.scm -- to my eyes, I have pushed to my comfortable limit how much information to display in the report, and think it's not easy to add anything anymore.
08:46:32 <chris> in 1 report it shows: multiperiod balsheet/pnl, original monetaries, converted monetaries, multi-level subtotals, links to charts, links to register, links to transaction-report
08:47:42 <warlord> chris, you can always set up display options to control what gets displayed?
08:48:44 <chris> https://imgur.com/a/OCv5N25
08:48:56 <chris> yes it's all customizable
08:50:32 <chris> i was *considering* upgrading/modifying *all* other similar reports eg equity-statement, income-statement, sx-summary etc -- they all use make-html-acct-table to create their charts, and imho rather ugly; and use my more capable make-multicolumn-acct-table instead
08:50:44 <chris> but (1) i think this is overwhelming
08:51:09 <chris> (2) they carry too much buggy behaviour that I won't wish to support
08:51:35 <chris> example of buggy behaviour: 'canonically-tabbed option which is very hopelessly broken
08:52:20 <chris> another example - they support non-sensical subtotal reporting options whereas mine offers only 2 strategies.
08:56:53 <chris> another example - original reports require a report-currency whereas mine does not enforce
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09:02:55 * chris wished to create a dashboard-type report and has succeeded
09:03:40 <warlord> :)
09:03:55 <warlord> A long long time ago, the main screen of gnucash was supposed to be a dashboard-style report.
09:17:22 <chris> so I could merge balsheet-pnl now as it is... it has a lot of lambdas but is otherwise rather tame (because it has no set! calls <g>)
09:17:51 <chris> and leave the old-school reports with their baggage behind
09:19:38 <chris> (and there's a lot of baggage!)
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09:28:03 <warlord> leaving behind baggage is a good thing.. Except, of course, when people are using that baggage to build a ladder! :)
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11:37:09 <fell> I just opened dialog-ab.glade with glade and got a warning that it was written for gtk 2.16.
11:39:02 <fell> so it seems, its conversion was forgotten.
11:42:32 <fell> grep -inr '<requires lib="gtk' gnucash says it the only gtk2 file
11:44:07 <fell> gjanssens: best way to inform BobIT?
11:54:43 <gjanssens> fell: probably via bug report and cc him
11:59:18 <fell> gjanssens, thanks!
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20:59:36 <CDB-Man_> hmm, so my balence sheet report no longer runs, and it looks like its because it breaks somewhere when it reaches my stock account for microsoft
20:59:48 <CDB-Man_> how do I debug, view the debug logs?
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21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> In unknown file:
21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> ?: 0 [gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-nearest-price-t64 # 105 # ...]
21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> ERROR: Throw to key `numerical-overflow' with args `("/" "Numerical overflow" #f #f)'.
21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> * 21:07:08 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> * 21:07:08 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:11:55 <CDB-Man_> * 21:07:08 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:11:57 <CDB-Man_> * 21:07:08 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:11:59 <CDB-Man_> hmm
21:12:35 <CDB-Man_> In unknown file:
21:12:35 <CDB-Man_> ?: 0 [gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-nearest-price-t64 # 105 # ...]
21:12:35 <CDB-Man_> ERROR: Throw to key `numerical-overflow' with args `("/" "Numerical overflow" #f #f)'.
21:12:35 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:33 INFO <qof.object> [qof_object_foreach] type=Split
21:12:35 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:33 INFO <qof.engine> [qof_collection_foreach] Hash Table size of Split before is 10008
21:12:36 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:33 INFO <qof.engine> [qof_collection_foreach] Hash Table size of Split after is 10008
21:12:39 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:33 INFO <qof.query> [qof_query_run_internal] matching objects=13d51070 count=17
21:12:41 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:33 WARN <gnc.scm> In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
21:12:43 <CDB-Man_> 44: 19 [read-and-eval #<input: string f4f8310> #:lang ...]
21:12:45 <CDB-Man_> 37: 18 [lp (gnc:report-run 7)]
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> =======
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> In unknown file:
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> ?: 0 [gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-nearest-price-t64 # 105 # ...]
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> ERROR: Throw to key `numerical-overflow' with args `("/" "Numerical overflow" #f #f)'.
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:35 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:13:20 <CDB-Man_> * 21:08:35 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
21:13:23 <CDB-Man_> * 21:09:11 INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_plugin_page_report_destroy_widget] destroy widget
21:13:25 <CDB-Man_> * 21:09:11 INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_plugin_page_report_realize_uri] Realized Container size is 2158w x 1188h
21:13:27 <CDB-Man_> * 21:09:11 INFO <gnc.gui> [gnc_plugin_page_report_realize_uri] Realized Container size is 2158w x 1188h
21:13:31 <CDB-Man_> so, some type of overflow error...?
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21:29:00 <CDB-Man_> hmm, the current value of my MSFT account is "Shares 115 MSFT, Current Value $" without any $ value assigned
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