2019-08-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:02:39 <magic_ninja> so I've been working on the bank statement parsing thing. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty
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13:47:26 <Robert847> Hello. I thought I was close to having time to test release 3.6 in Ubuntu 18.04 and/or Debian 9, so I decided to try Flapack in Debian first. The install went ok, but my data is on a NAS on my LAN. Flatpack GnuCash cannot find LAN resources here so I tried setting up a local file for testing. Except for the LAN issue it looks promising for my purposes. When I get serious about updating my actual data file I will want to continu
13:47:26 <gncbot> Robert847: Sent 2 weeks, 1 day, 0 hours, and 7 minutes ago: <jralls> You know darn well that we're not maintaining 2.6 anymore and that 3.x has a completely new CSV importer. There are three crashers on that version of the CSV import, all closed as obsolete : https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796939, https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=691252, and https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688555.
13:47:26 <Robert847> eping it on my NAS without setting up a CRON file or other accessory to deal with. This leads up to my question, is there a way to get GnuCash 3.6 or newer in Linux with LAN privileges?
13:52:59 <Robert847> BTW, I do know that the CSV importer is much changed from 2.6, but I was not sure whether the issue I had 2 weeks ago was fixed or not in 3.x, since it was not directly a UI issue. If I still have the bad CSV file I will try it when I get a chance in this flatpack instance I just got running.
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13:58:09 <jralls> Robert847: My understanding is that the NFS issue is with flatpak's sandboxing and that a natively installed GnuCash on Linux has no problem with remote file systems.
13:59:04 <jralls> As for CSV, it wasn't the UI that changed, gjanssens redesigned and rewrote the whole thing.
14:01:07 <Robert847> It definitely needed it. Thanks for that, gjanssens
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15:40:38 <gjanssens> Robert847: you can relax the sandbox restrictions on the flatpak to suit your needs
15:41:09 <gjanssens> So if you need network access it should be possible to set override the default permissions in your environment
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15:42:33 <gjanssens> However having said that, the gnucash flatpak should be configured for network access so I'm curious why it's not working
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15:43:26 <gjanssens> The permissions are desribed in more detail here: http://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/sandbox-permissions-reference.html
15:43:54 <gjanssens> It's likely you have to add an extra --filesystem=/path/to/your/nfs/root to fix this
15:44:45 <gjanssens> As for the csv importer, you're welcome
15:45:44 <gjanssens> While what's there should work pretty well, it won't work very well for importing transactions involving shares or multiple currencies.
15:46:21 <gjanssens> I hope to pick up work where I left off at some point, but life has given me other priorities in the near future
15:46:47 <gjanssens> So I currently can only do small fixes and projects here and there.
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