2019-09-03 GnuCash IRC logs
01:02:48 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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02:00:30 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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03:06:46 *** Aussie_matt has quit IRC
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04:08:16 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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08:23:25 <gjanssens> .
08:31:39 *** fell_laptop has joined #gnucash
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09:17:34 <warlord> .
09:17:48 <warlord> I am wondering if it is safe to turn off group moderation for now?
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10:26:34 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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12:34:18 <andreas^> hello.
12:39:05 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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13:15:17 <gjanssens> warlord: we'll quickly know if you try...
13:29:35 <warlord> Heheh... True
13:29:41 *** warlord sets mode: -m
13:29:54 <warlord> Okay, let's see what happens now.
13:42:47 <Simon> I tried to fix https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796969 myself but the Scheme code is frustrating
13:44:35 *** jervin has joined #gnucash
13:46:36 <Simon> I'm back to having some quote lookups fail because it has several others in front of them and it's utterly pointless asking for the same quote again when there's only one price per day
13:48:53 *** jervin has quit IRC
13:59:34 <fell> Chris, why do we have in income-gst-statement.scm:113, 271 "Tax payable", but in 273 "Tax Payable"?
14:03:56 *** frakturfreak has joined #gnucash
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14:22:49 <fell> warlord: if yoou change the mode, you should also change the topic.
14:23:22 *** andreas^ has joined #gnucash
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14:24:11 <andreas^> I wonder why the placeholders gets hidden when I scroll my budget sideways.
14:24:24 <andreas^> there's no way to know what field I'm at.
14:25:45 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 3.6 || https://www.gnucash.org || https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
14:25:48 <warlord> fell, okay
14:27:33 <fell> warlord: and wiki:IRC
14:28:56 <warlord> Eh, might as well leave it there in case we do need to moderate it again.
14:29:39 <warlord> Actually...
14:30:22 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Moderation note: When moderated, get a voice by registering with NickServ and then re-joining. || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 3.6 || https://www.gnucash.org || https://wi"
14:30:39 <warlord> There we go. Now the topic applies regardless. :)
14:43:09 *** omnireq has quit IRC
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14:47:45 *** storyjesse has quit IRC
14:51:45 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
14:56:24 *** boldstripe_ has joined #gnucash
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15:16:36 <fell> warlord: limit(topic)=307
15:17:11 <fell> wiki gots truncated
15:24:31 *** frakturfreak has joined #gnucash
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15:49:35 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
16:08:06 *** gour has quit IRC
16:18:45 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
16:23:14 <warlord> oops
16:23:58 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Moderation note: When moderated, to get voice register with NickServ, then re-join. || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 3.6 || https://www.gnucash.org || https://wiki.gnucash."
16:24:21 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Moderation note: To get voice register with NickServ, then re-join. || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 3.6 || https://www.gnucash.org || https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
16:24:49 <warlord> fell, thanks. I've truncated to this.
16:24:56 <warlord> I think it still applies.
16:51:04 *** fell has quit IRC
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17:04:33 *** jralls_a_ is now known as jralls
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17:07:07 <jralls> .
17:07:07 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 4 days, 1 hour, and 27 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I would be fine going with 18.04LTS as baseline rather than 16.04LTS
17:41:37 *** Cuare has joined #gnucash
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23:37:53 *** Agfarmer18 has quit IRC