2019-09-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:07:31 <rklehm> Using now gnucash-3.7 on a Gentoo Linux because of PSD2 in Germany I'd like to ask if gnucash is able to display the photoTAN image itself. I currently has to use a workaround solution, that greps the aqbanking log file and displays the photoTAN.
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03:29:43 <fell> klehm: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=667490
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03:30:08 <gjanssens> .
03:30:08 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 10 hours and 53 minutes ago: <fell> we will see tomorrow.
03:31:02 <fell> gjanssens: did you start a new build after fixing the include dirs?
03:34:12 <gjanssens> yes. But as nothing changed in the gnucash source code it has overwritten yesterday's build.
03:36:00 <fell> 2019-09-25 15:43 means 21:43 CEST
03:36:01 <gjanssens> So you have to download the same installer, which now has date 2019-09-25 15:43
03:36:21 <gjanssens> When I informed you yesterday that build had just finished
03:36:46 <gjanssens> It's the one with fixed include dirs
03:37:22 <gjanssens> Reading the aqbanking messages this morning, it may well be the cause of the gnucash issue on Windows
03:38:34 <fell> We should have announced it. It could explain the bug, which Martin can not find, i.e. because the type or dimensions of the array changed between the versions.
03:46:21 <fell> announced
03:49:08 <fell> gjanssens: I see no build having started this morning. Because nothing in the sources changed?
03:57:22 <gjanssens> Indeed
03:57:43 <fell> But do not start it now
03:58:02 <fell> Let us see for updates first.
03:58:32 <fell> aqb 35beta is out
03:59:53 <gjanssens> Ok. For the next build I'm inclined to start a truly clean build. Too much has shifted recently that I worry a bit about additional undiscovered contamination in there.
04:00:06 <gjanssens> Yes I saw the message.
04:41:23 <fell> gjanssens the new file is the old file
04:41:38 <fell> markus reported on aqb-user
04:53:25 <gjanssens> I believe he's mistaken because of the name didn't change (and the size difference is probably marginal, at best a few bytes)
04:54:01 <gjanssens> I have just verified that the installer we are referring to does include the fix from yesterday evening's build.
05:00:52 <rklehm> Thanks to fell for the link. So I have to wait for it. May I ask another one on gnucash-3.7 on a Gentoo Linux with aqbanking-5.99.33beta? I can call the account transactions from comdirect Bank. But in gnucash the transaction descriptions have now linebreaks. Before all was displayed in one line. And after the import I see only the first line in the account and have to manually remove all linebreaks. Is this a gnucash linked issue or should I post this t
05:02:26 <fell> gjanssens: After reading your answer to Markus I understand the issue ways better. :-)
05:02:36 <gjanssens> fell: you're welcome :)
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05:03:53 <fell> rklem: IIRC, x42 tries to build for gentoo.
05:06:07 <fell> AqBanking 5.99.35beta, Gwenhywfar 4.99.18rc2 are recent according https://www.aquamaniac.de/rdm/
05:06:55 <fell> I believe some of your issues are fixed there.
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06:12:01 <rklehm> Thank again to fell. I'll give AqBanking 5.99.35beta, Gwenhywfar 4.99.18rc2 a try this evening and will report my findings. If x42 likes to get my ebuild files for Gentoo, please feel free to contact me.
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08:03:35 <fell> gjanssens: after merging maint into master on docs, I run in ls: Zugriff auf '/home/frank/git/gnucash-docs/help/C/figures/*.svg' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
08:03:47 <fell> for each LANG
08:05:01 <fell> seems related to 'Autotools - add svg files to dist. They are used for pdf generation.'
08:05:28 <fell> Wait will reconfigure
08:12:26 <fell> That was it. I do not always remember, in which projects I have branch-specific dirs.
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08:42:30 <warlord> .
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08:42:56 <fell> warlord, pong!
08:43:01 <gjanssens> fell: looking at the build scripts I can see where that error comes from
08:43:28 <gjanssens> The help directories don't have svg files, only the guide ones do
08:43:36 <gjanssens> (At least not on maint)
08:44:01 <gjanssens> It shouldn't break the build though, it's only a warning.
08:45:08 <fell> After running configure again, they had gone.
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09:04:16 <fell> on gnucash-de we have a happy user with Postbank and Sparda. :-)
09:04:28 <fell> under Windows.
09:05:17 <warlord> great!
09:06:12 <chris> \o/ are they using nightlies?
09:06:54 <fell> gjanssens: so, fixing the registry pathes had some meaning.
09:07:06 <fell> chris: yes.
09:09:23 <fell> before he got displayed the settings from both versions - not knowing which are related.
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09:38:02 <RandomGuyOnIrc> Is there a standard way of doing "journal entries" where I debit several accounts, and credit several accounts in a single transaction?
09:38:35 <RandomGuyOnIrc> My CPA sent a set of "adjustments", and this is how he has the adjustments entered
09:39:31 <RandomGuyOnIrc> Of course, I could just set up an account, "journal entry adjustments", and do all the transactions in that account. The balance of the account after each set of transactions, would be 0.
09:40:26 <chris> you need a multisplit transaction https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v3/C/gnucash-help/trans-multi-enter.html
09:40:32 <RandomGuyOnIrc> thanks
09:40:47 <chris> I wouldn't use a separate account for this unless there's a real reason to
09:40:54 <RandomGuyOnIrc> thank you
09:41:38 <chris> it all depends why you need these adjustment accounts- are these fixing errors? closing the books? tax-specific adjustments?
09:42:36 <chris> eg you claimed an item as Marketing expense when it should really be a Education expense... is a simple Marketing->Expense transfer
09:42:43 <chris> eg you claimed an item as Marketing expense when it should really be a Education expense... is a simple Marketing->Education transfer
09:44:12 <chris> (IMHO IANAA)
09:46:50 <RandomGuyOnIrc> That is a good point
09:46:58 <RandomGuyOnIrc> I need to understand each adjustment
09:47:12 <warlord> RandomGuyOnIrc, gnucash can handle either way. You could create a single, large, multi-split transaction.. Or you could create a bunch of small transactions into, e.g., an Equity-type account, e.g. Equity:Adjustments.
09:47:31 <RandomGuyOnIrc> Thanks
09:48:49 <chris> IMO Equity is a funny one... tends to get lost and 'unaccounted for' unless the documentation/description is clear beyond all doubt
09:49:25 <RandomGuyOnIrc> I agree. I have seen odd things labeled as equity.
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09:50:04 <chris> as experiment try Closing Book and analyse the txn it creates
09:50:25 <chris> you can delete it afterwards with no consequences
09:52:16 <warlord> Equity is a wrapper around anything that is not an Asset or Liability, a place to put things that happen "outside the books", or a roll-up of things that happen inside the books.
09:53:41 <chris> warlord: so equity is where cooking is done :)
09:54:37 <warlord> No, that would be the kitchen
10:03:41 <warlord> gjanssens, I presume the win32 build succeeded last night after your removal of the old build system?
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11:01:54 <gjanssens> warlord: yes
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11:02:21 <gjanssens> I looks like the new build system has no hidden dependencies on the old one, which is good to know...
11:10:51 <warlord> yep.
11:11:03 <warlord> I can still wait a day or two more before I delete the snapshot.
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12:49:28 <jralls> chris: The only reason to do a re-release of a GnuCash version would be a build system problem that makes the original release not buildable. Any thing else increments the minor number so that everyone knows what is the state of the source code. Doing otherwise really ticks off the distro packagers.
12:50:17 *** fell_laptop is now known as fell
12:53:14 <fell> The good thing of PSD2: a few users are learning about trace file and stacktrace. ;-)
12:55:00 <fell> But one is complaining in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Stack_Trace#Windows the usage of gdb is not very well explained.
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13:02:26 <fell> E.g. the link https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows#gdb is dead.
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13:19:20 <jralls> fell: I've removed that link. ghanssens moved what it pointed to in 2013 and I deleted that in 2017. It had some notes about debugging really old GnuCash versions that didn't actually add anything to the information in the Stack Trace article.
13:20:44 <fell> OK
13:21:54 <jralls> Aside from that what info did the user want?
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13:28:02 <fell> 367/5000
13:28:03 <fell> attached my first attempt to create a stack trace - but probably not the true, because GnuCash is indeed started by the "gdb", but then gets stuck shortly after starting. But decide, if this is something to start with:
13:28:05 <fell> :
13:28:06 <fell> Unfortunately, the wiki does not explain the use of "gdb" under Windows, at least for my rather amateurish understanding.
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13:34:46 <jralls> What's there is for the single purpose of getting a stack trace for a crash. Nearly all users would freeze up if we went into more technical detail, but for those who are interested there's no shortage of tutorials and documentation elsewhere for gdb.
13:39:14 <fell> The SF/mingw download link is a specific version, what might be the first issu.
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13:43:50 <jralls> That aside I know very well that it's not a satisfactory solution. There's a project called Dr. Mingw (https://github.com/jrfonseca/drmingw) that I've been mulling for a couple of years. I just noticed Alex packages it for Mingw64...
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13:49:54 <fell> looks nice
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16:07:08 <gjanssens> fell, jralls: could we lower the burden a bit by bundling gdb with our nightly builds ?
16:07:39 <gjanssens> These builds *are* meant for testing after all, not for use as a production install
16:08:29 <fell> gjanssens: this Dr. Mingw (https://github.com/jrfonseca/drmingw) looks more nice.
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16:10:56 <fell> BTW, do we ship debug symbols?
16:11:49 <gjanssens> we do on the nightly builds
16:11:59 <fell> IMHO in the current state it would be useful for Gnucash and the aqbanking famiily.
16:12:16 <jralls> But only GnuCash's.
16:12:38 <gjanssens> Oh right
16:13:19 <fell> Currently I suspect the crashes somewhere between Gnucash, Gwen, and aqbanking.
16:15:02 <jralls> Gwen and AQB will have some symbols, we don't strip them. The Mingw64-provided packges are stripped so you don't get anything more than the library name.
16:15:54 <jralls> And since we build Gwen and AQB ourselves we could certainly pass -g for the nightlies.
16:17:12 <fell> That would be useful, I think
16:17:17 <jralls> Looks like /mingw32/bin/gdb is pretty self-contained. The MSYS2 one, /usr/bin/gdb, has a bunch of dependencies that we probably don't want in the bundle.
16:17:47 <fell> https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797430#c3
16:18:27 <fell> gjanssens, you ooked in this. ^
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16:20:31 <fell> It got also confirmed by another gncash-de poster.
16:21:30 <gjanssens> fell: I unfortunately don't have spare time to go deeper on this. I only asked because I saw the OP mentioned master.
16:22:04 <gjanssens> It's probably a low-hanging-fruit-fix, but I can't really tell without some code reading.
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16:31:31 <pfadi> f
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17:07:51 <fell> We should update to AqBanking 5.99.35beta, Gwenhywfar 4.99.18rc2
17:10:11 <fell> Is there a way to get the sha from the md5 or have I to download the file for calculation?
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17:40:59 <jralls> fell: There's no way to convert an md5 into a sha256.
17:41:54 <fell> @tell gjanssens: You can update your fork in the web interface: 1. go in your fork, 2. compare with Gnucash, 3. Create a PR, 4. merge the PR. :-)
17:41:54 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
17:43:58 <fell> jralls, yes I did it manually: 1. download, 2. compare md5, 3. calculate sha256sum.
17:47:26 <jralls> OK. You asked, I answered.
17:56:44 <fell> jralls, I created the update PRs, but I don't know, how our pachtsets behave with them.
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18:33:09 <mohave> I compiled gnucash on MacOS and when I run it from the build dir, there are many missing icons and frequent crashes. Is there some setup that needs to be done when running from the build dir? Works fine when I run from the install dir (xcodebuild -scheme install)
18:37:04 <mohave> In case it matters, build dir and src dir are separate directories.
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