2019-09-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:45:06 <rklehm> Unfortunately I have to report for gnucash-3.7 on a Gentoo Linux with aqbanking-5.99.35beta (before aqbanking-5.99.33beta) and gwenhywfar-4.99.18rc2 (before gwenhywfar-4.99.16beta) that transactions from comdirect Bank have from the import dialog down to the account transactions linebreaks and spaces where German umlauts are expected. Seams to be an encoding issue. When I click such imported transaction in the gnucash account I see this transaction in on
02:45:06 <rklehm> linebreaks have a 0d0a sign, that I would have to manually remove to get the whole description in one line. So the update to the latest aqbanking, gwenhywfar did not solve this issue. Thanks for any feedback in advance.
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03:33:03 <fell> rklehm: I believe, you should report it on this https://lists.aquamaniac.de/listinfo/aqbanking-user list.
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04:59:50 <fell> @tell gjanssens jralls, I don't know pacmans conventions, but isn't it the other way: pacman.exe : warning: mingw-w64-i686-aspell: local (0.60.7.rc1-1) is newer than mingw32 (0.60.7-1)?
04:59:50 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
05:00:26 <fell> 1 (=final) newer than rc1
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05:08:57 <fell> Huh? 3:2019/09/27 03-38-24:gwen(11012):C:/gcdev64/gnucash/maint/src/gwenhywfar-4.99.17rc1/src/base/i18n.c: 121: No translation found for WIN32 locale [English_United States.1252]
05:10:07 <fell> Error copying file "LICENSE" to "COPYING".
05:12:58 <fell> @tell gjanssens The Windows build of the docs does not find the entities.
05:12:58 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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05:32:54 <fell> Goedemorgen
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09:14:58 <shipitkthx83> updated to 3.7 this morning, getting this error: "File "/home/shipitkthx/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/piecash/core/session.py", line 350, in open_book
09:14:59 <shipitkthx83> raise ValueError("Unsupported table versions")" when running python scripts now, I've verified that piecash is up to date but that doesn't fix the problem, is there something else I need to update or did the latest version break PieCash?
09:17:01 <warlord> You'll have to ask the PieCash people. It's not our code.
09:17:25 <warlord> Most likely there was a small DB change.
09:17:40 <shipitkthx83> ok thanks, i'll try to track them down
09:18:08 <warlord> But we don't support PieCash; in fact, they violate our support by not going through the official GnuCash APIs
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10:04:13 <warlord> jralls, gjanssens -- not sure if I reported, but I *finally* have power at my house. Still don't have power to where the racks will live, but having permanent power is a step forward. Now I'm just hoping the UPSes still work.
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10:12:24 <fell> congrats, warlord!
10:16:54 <warlord> fell, thanks.
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10:17:33 <warlord> Still a lot of work to wire everything up, make sure the racks themselves are powered, and then, eventually, migrate all my systems back. Still at least 6-10 weeks out.
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10:43:43 <fell> BI~3h
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12:15:22 <BenB> fell, hi. I've fetched the latest GnuCash flatpak build from today https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/master/gnucash-master-C3.7-207-gb49109b78-D3.7-39-g4b85e45.flatpakref
12:16:07 <BenB> fell, https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Flatpak says: "The current version contains Aqbanking 5.99.33 (PSD2 capable of online banking via FinTS/HBCI (german) protocol; date of this information: 2019-09-23)."
12:17:04 <BenB> fell, this is great news. so, I've tried it with the Naspa (Sparkasse) which told me "not PSD2 capable, please update" when we talked on Monday.
12:17:27 <BenB> I see changes in the HBCI account setup in aqbanking, which is great.
12:17:55 <BenB> I found a bug - it appears to be to be a GUI bug, i.e. GnuCash, not aqbanking:
12:19:31 <BenB> I click on all the "get info" buttons. The "get accounts list" fails with "not PSD2 capable". I notice that the TAN method is empty. I select the right value. I click "get accounts" again. Same error again. And the TAN method is empty again! I select it again, close the dialog, open it again, the TAN method is still selected, and I click "get accounts" again, and now I don't get an error anymore.
12:20:19 <BenB> It appears that the dialog does not properly save the values. This is catastrophic, because the functions below in the same dialog do not work and give misleading error messages, leaving to a substantial hair loss of the end user.
12:20:29 <BenB> ...leading...
12:33:55 <BenB> https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797431
12:35:18 <warlord> BenB, you need to be running maint, not master.
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13:07:27 <jralls> mohave: Look for gdk-pixbuf errors in the tracefile. How are you providing the dependencies?
13:16:07 *** TownsendHardware has joined #gnucash
13:16:20 <jralls> warlord: +1 on getting power. Did the utility pull the meter for a service upgrade or something else?
13:17:47 <TownsendHardware> We've been using GnuCash for a couple of months and have run into a recurring problem. When we enter a New Bill, that bill will eventually display in the payment due notification popup. However, if we pay the bill before the notification is triggered, it appears the bill's status in the notification queue is not removed. It's still there, forcing us to unpost the payment and repost it. Is this a bug or are we doing something wrong?
13:22:24 <warlord> They had to bore and pull a new feeder line! That's what took so long.
13:27:21 <jralls> warlord: I guess that qualifies as a service upgrade, even if you didn't wind up with more amps. I'm puzzled about no power to the server area though. Is that just because the electricians haven't finished installing receptacles?
13:29:45 <warlord> Well, I did upgrade my service, too.
13:30:10 <warlord> Yes, they have not installed the multiple L5-30 circuits I need.
13:30:27 <warlord> (several things they missed from the plans)
13:30:42 <warlord> Although in this case, because it's all unfinished space, it's pretty easy to add.
13:33:54 <jralls> The distribution panel is also in the unfinished space?
13:34:16 <BenB> warlord, what's the difference between maintainer and master?
13:34:30 <BenB> normally, master is the latest development version.
13:35:10 <BenB> master builds appear to be newer than maint builds, too.
13:35:14 <jralls> BenB: Exactly. master will lead to GnuCash 4.0, maint is the current stable branch, the next release of which will be 3.8.
13:35:46 <BenB> jralls, right, but I need the latest dev build, because the release stuff is broken. Doesn't support PSD2 at all.
13:35:51 <BenB> even master is buggy.
13:36:06 <BenB> or rather, lacking key PSD2 functions that allow it to work.
13:36:22 <warlord> jralls, one (well, two) of them are, only a few feet away from where the racks will be. So it's an easy run, just hasn't been done, yet.
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13:37:00 <warlord> BenB, sorry, you're wrong. Latest master supports latests AqB
13:37:13 <BenB> So, "BenB, you need to be running maint, not master." is flat out wrong, given that I'm specifically looking for PSD2 support that's in development right now.
13:37:54 <BenB> warlord, "Latest master supports latests AqB" ... That's what I'm saying, yes. that's why I run master, not maint. *confused*
13:38:32 <warlord> Sorry, TYPO ... Latest MAINT support latests AqB
13:38:35 <jralls> BenB: No. The AQB6 API was added to maint. I believe it has since been merged up to master.
13:39:01 <BenB> I'm confused? Which one is the newest? where does dev happen?
13:39:27 <jralls> BenB: The critical bit you seem to be missing is that we're not developing the PSD2 stuff, it's part of AQBanking not GnuCash.
13:39:52 <jralls> BenB: For your purposes, dev happens in another project.
13:40:05 <BenB> I understand that difference. But the new aqbanking API also needs updates in GnuCash to work.
13:40:23 <warlord> BenB, that was done in MAINT
13:40:42 <jralls> Those are supposed to be in place and other users have reported successful communication with their banks.
13:40:59 <jralls> The best place to learn about all of this is the gnucash-de mailing list.
13:41:01 <BenB> changes in setup dialog. and, most importantly, GnuCash needs to show an image to generate a TAN, and do login with a TAN (not just wire transfers). is that implemented in maint?
13:41:27 <warlord> That's implemented in AqB
13:41:35 <BenB> jralls, frankly, given that 100% of the German users are broken right now, that should be on the frontpage of your webpage.
13:42:00 <warlord> BenB, No, it's not 100%, because there are multiple reports of success as of at least this morning
13:42:19 <BenB> warlord, so, which exact flatpak should I use?
13:42:32 <BenB> warlord, I think you focused on the wrong part of the sentence.
13:42:52 <warlord> I think you're over-reacting to this
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13:43:06 <warlord> Like jralls and I have said, use Maint
13:43:22 <warlord> gjanssens, has there been a maint flatpak build with the AqB updates?
13:43:55 <BenB> warlord, the accounting of the company is broken right now. Hardly overreacting.
13:44:02 <BenB> warlord, again, which flatpak?
13:44:13 <warlord> The latest.
13:44:17 <BenB> WHERE=
13:44:18 <BenB> ?
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13:44:41 <BenB> boy, is it so hard to give me an exact URL, given that I tried 2 flatpaks without success already?
13:44:55 <jralls> BenB: Maybe you should be paying for software instead of depending upon the charity of others.
13:45:13 <warlord> BenB, well, gnucash-maint-C3.7-65-gca01ce170-D3.7-25-g56dced3.flatpakref has a timestamp of 1am ET today.
13:45:13 <BenB> jralls, I'd be happy to pay for GnuCash.
13:45:38 <warlord> BenB, is it so hard for you look at the website and find the URL yourself?
13:46:26 <jralls> GnucAsh is not for sale. It's a gift of thousands of hours of work by dozens of volunteers.
13:46:42 <BenB> warlord, given that you know the exact timestamp, I think you're just being mean to me by not giving me the right URL. I've wasted 2 days on this already.
13:47:39 <BenB> jralls, right, so why the accusation of not paying? I'd be happy to pay for working software.
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13:47:48 <BenB> I just refuse to use proprietary software.
13:48:05 <warlord> You found master -- just look at maint.
13:48:19 <warlord> Same base URL, just different directory
13:48:45 <BenB> like I said, you're just deliberately not helping.
13:48:49 <BenB> nevermind.
13:49:46 <warlord> BenB, Take the URL you posted above. s#/master/#/maint/# and use the package I said above. VOILA! You have your URL.
13:50:23 <BenB> nevermind
13:51:07 <gjanssens> FYI, this is the flatpak manifest used to build the most recent flatpak: https://code.gnucash.org/builds/flatpak/manifests/maint/org.gnucash.GnuCash-maint-C3.7-65-gca01ce170-D3.7-25-g56dced3.json
13:51:07 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 8 hours and 51 minutes ago: <fell> jralls, I don't know pacmans conventions, but isn't it the other way: pacman.exe : warning: mingw-w64-i686-aspell: local (0.60.7.rc1-1) is newer than mingw32 (0.60.7-1)?
13:51:08 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 8 hours and 38 minutes ago: <fell> The Windows build of the docs does not find the entities.
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13:51:40 <BenB> gjanssens, thank you for your kindness.
13:51:45 <TownsendHardware> I apologize for butting in, but does anyone know why processing a payment for a bill before that bill appears in the payment due popup doesn't remove the bill from the popup?
13:52:08 <gjanssens> It indicates it was built with aqbanking-5.99.34beta and gwenhywfar-4.99.17rc1.tar.gz
13:53:13 <gjanssens> jralls: I have no idea about the pacman convention.
13:53:33 <jralls> gjanssens, that was from fell.
13:53:50 <jralls> gjanssens, can you answer TownsendHardware's question?
13:53:53 <gjanssens> Oh, now I see it as well...
13:54:07 <gjanssens> Eh no, I have no idea why that would happen
13:54:19 <warlord> TownsendHardware, I'm not sure I understand the question or what's going on. Are you sure that the bill is being fully paid when you process the payment?
13:54:22 <gjanssens> TownsendHardware: can you give some more details ?
13:56:17 <TownsendHardware> For example, a $100 bill having terms of Net 30, 1% 10 days is posted on September 1. The payment due dialog is set for 10 days. If left unpaid, the dialog will popup on the 20th and tell us the $100 is due. We decide to take advantage of the 1% early payment. We create a credit note for $10 and officially pay the bill via "process payment" using both the CN and a check for $90. However, on the 20th the bill pops up as due.
13:57:16 <TownsendHardware> Given our limited experience, it appears that if you don't pay a bill via the payment due popup, it isn't removed from the payment due popup no matter how it's paid.
13:57:59 <mohave> jralls, here is a pixbuf error: "Could not load a pixbuf from /org/gtk/libgtk/theme/Adwaita/assets/check-symbolic.svg."
13:58:27 <mohave> jralls, dependencies are installed in /Users/chris/gnucash-stable
13:58:47 <jralls> mohave, how did you install them, not where did you get them.
13:58:58 <mohave> jhbuild
13:59:09 <jralls> jhbuild with gtk-osx?
13:59:41 <BenB> OK, I tried with flatpak maint-C3.7-65-gca01ce170-D3.7-25-g56dced3, and it's still failing (albeit different from before).
14:00:07 <mohave> started with jhbuild bootstrap-gtk-osx
14:00:25 <warlord> TownsendHardware, the underlying process payment should be the same regardless of whether you go via the Bills Due reminder or directly. If it's still in the Bills Due reminder, that implies the bill isn't paid fully.
14:00:34 <BenB> HBCI: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. (M)
14:00:34 <BenB> HBCI: 9370 - Anzahl Signaturen für diesen Auftrag unzureichend laut UPD oder BPD. (S)
14:00:41 <warlord> Could you run an Invoice Report on the bill in question and set it to "Display Payments"?
14:00:52 <BenB> That's from the Sparkasse
14:01:28 <TownsendHardware> @warlord, thanks. I'll do that and report back shortly.
14:01:28 <gncbot> TownsendHardware: Error: "warlord," is not a valid command.
14:01:36 <warlord> ok
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14:01:41 <TownsendHardware> :-) How do I direct a comment to one user?
14:01:46 <BenB> with norisbank, I can get the account balance, but not the transaction. That fails with:
14:01:46 <BenB> HBCI: 9050 - Teilweise fehlerhaft. (M)
14:01:47 <BenB> HBCI: 9160 - Nicht belegt. (S)
14:01:54 <warlord> TownsendHardware, just don't include the @
14:01:54 <mohave> jralls, if I make the install target, where gnucash is installed in /Users/chris/gnucash-stable, all works fine.
14:02:27 <warlord> TownsendHardware, I don't (necessarily) need to see the report output, but it should tell you if the bill as been paid.
14:02:37 <gjanssens> TownsendHardware: can you 'xplain in more detail how exactly did you pay the bill via "process payment" ?
14:02:41 <jralls> BenB: Take it to gnucash-de. Nobody here can help you with the details.
14:03:14 <jralls> Especially since fell, the only German, seems to be AFK right now.
14:03:37 <gjanssens> You can also open an invoice report on that particular bill, enable payments and check what payments show up on your bill.
14:03:55 <BenB> jralls, I'd file a bug against aqbanking, and registered, but the bug tracker is approval-only, so I can't even post a bug. I won't have further time to work on this.
14:04:06 <gjanssens> If it was paid correctly it should show both the $90 payment and the credit note.
14:05:06 <warlord> gjanssens, he's off doing that already. I suggested that a few minutes ago :)
14:07:57 <gjanssens> Duh, missed that :(
14:08:06 <warlord> gjanssens, it's okay -- it's late over there.
14:09:13 <TownsendHardware> Warlord I'm not finding an invoice report with a show payments option. This isn't an invoice I'm sending to a customer, it's a bill I'm receiving from a vendor. Am I simply not looking in the right place? I can view the bill and "print invoice" but neither appear to have a "show payments" option.
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14:12:30 <warlord> Open the Report Options once the report is up.
14:12:43 <warlord> I think in the Display tab is a "Show Payments" option
14:13:08 <gjanssens> TownsendHardware: "Reports->Business->Printable invoice" does have an option on the Display tab named "Payments"
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14:22:21 <TownsendHardware> gjanssens Thanks. We've not had to use the report before and it's complaining about not having selected an invoice. We've tried selecting the invoice in the AP account, running the report from the View Bill window, and selecting the bill from the Find Bill dialog without luck. How do we select an invoice for printing?
14:24:27 <warlord> TownsendHardware, from the invoice report options, click on "select". You SHOULD be able to select the bill that way.
14:24:36 <warlord> ( I think it's on the General page )
14:29:14 <TownsendHardware> warlord Ah-hah! OK, let us surf this around a bit. It's not showing any payments and we need to figure out why since a payment was made. Thanks!
14:29:42 <warlord> My initial guess is that the bill was not selected during the Process Payment step.
14:29:58 <warlord> (note that you will need to reload the report manually -- it wont auto-refresh on changes)
14:50:23 <TownsendHardware> warlord, what appears to have happened is that we did not check the "Print Check" checkbox. Left unchecked, the payment is not actually associated with the selected bill. Checked, and the payment is associated with the selected bill. We don't use GnuCash's check printing abilities (which are sorely lacking), but we can "cancel" the check printing dialog and everything is OK.
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14:52:22 <TownsendHardware> To be fair, we have but one point of data. We're going to roll with this and see if it solves the problem for future pre-notice payments.
14:52:29 <TownsendHardware> Thanks for everyone's help!
14:55:41 <warlord> TownsendHardware, that's odd.. I don't see why "Print Check" would affect attaching the payment to the bill.
14:55:44 <warlord> gjanssens, any ideas?
15:03:15 <TownsendHardware> warlord, that's my point about a single data point. We checked it, and it worked. We didn't check it, and it didn't work. But that doesn't mean there isn't something somewhere else we're not paying enough attention to.
15:04:49 <fell> Good evening! Guten Abend!
15:07:10 <fell> BenB lies bitte die deutschen wki-Seiten zu Flatpak und verfolge die Diskussionen auf https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2019-September/
15:07:34 <BenB> fell, Hi!
15:08:57 <fell> gjanssens, jralls, did you get my PRs about updading AQB?
15:09:34 <fell> If not they are in patch-fellen-1 in my repos
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15:10:50 <jralls> fell: There aren't any PRs on gnucash-on-*.
15:11:22 <fell> I feared that.
15:11:47 <jralls> It looks like you made PRs on your own repos. Oops.
15:11:59 <fell> Perhaps they went in the wrong direction.
15:12:34 <warlord> Oops
15:12:40 <warlord> TownsendHardware, So noted.
15:12:45 <jralls> No, to the wrong repo. E.g. https://github.com/fellen/gnucash-on-flatpak/pull/1.
15:13:36 <jralls> It's from your fellen-patch-1 to your own master, not to https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-on-flatpak.
15:14:28 <fell> To update my repo in the weg interface, I had sent me a PR from the gnucash repo. And now they took the same direction.
15:16:10 <fell> (In eclipse I still have serveral docs-commits)
15:17:37 <fell> The other thing is to set -g on all not stable packages.
15:19:17 <gjanssens> TownsendHardware, warlord there should be no connection between the Print check button and actually assigning a payment to a bill
15:19:38 <gjanssens> Did you run process payment again and then checked the print check option ?
15:20:04 <gjanssens> In that case you may have created two payments of which only the second is now linked to your bill.
15:23:58 <TownsendHardware> gjanssens, no, we deleted the payment each time we tried.
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15:49:36 <gjanssens> TownsendHardware: ok, quite odd
15:51:39 <gjanssens> fell: I have applied your PR
15:52:42 <gjanssens> That is the one for gnucash-on-flatpak
15:52:47 <fell> gjanssens: Thanks! The other task is to compile the aqb tools with debug symbols
15:53:05 <gjanssens> The one on gnucash-on-windows contains an unwanted merge commit.
15:53:33 <fell> just rebase it
15:53:46 <gjanssens> That's created when you try to merge a PR from Gnucash to fellen directly via GitHub
15:54:04 <fell> yes
15:54:31 <gjanssens> Their interface is refusing fast-forwards, making it a mess when trying to update your fork via their website
15:54:57 <gjanssens> It will get worse the longer you continue purely on GitHub
15:55:09 <gjanssens> I have experimented with it in the past, it's not a good workflow.
15:55:19 <fell> After I have reviwed Dave Cs docs PR, I will configure my system better.
15:55:31 <gjanssens> Of course I can rebase and I will. Just wanted to point this out.
15:56:26 <fell> We should mention such thing in the wiki. It had saved me time. ;-)
15:57:36 <gjanssens> I *thought* I did make a note of it somewhere when David T was trying the same thing
16:00:52 <fell> A review of wiki's git pages should be done, too, later ...
16:03:18 * gjanssens doesn't find such a note so I may have dreamed I did it :(
16:03:47 <gjanssens> GTG
16:03:56 <warlord> good night gjanssens
16:04:02 <gjanssens> Bye
16:04:12 <fell> bye
16:04:12 <jralls> Goodnight.
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17:20:23 <fell> Consorsbank to a client:
17:20:25 <fell> Unfortunately, there is currently an error with the HBCI interface.
17:20:26 <fell> Our IT colleagues work hand in hand with financial software providers.
17:22:46 <fell> So the other is also not free from error.
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