2019-12-08 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:25:50 <gjanssens> .
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07:27:27 <chris> gjanssens merging maint to master: gnc-ui-util.c cannot access gnc-features.c functions. I suppose this is a benign side effect of your recent changes? I can safely #include "gnc-features.h" in gnc-ui-util.c ?
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07:37:30 <gjanssens> chris: gnc-features.h lives in engine, gnc-ui-utils.c in app-utils
07:37:52 <gjanssens> app-utils is allowed to depend on engine, so yes you can safely include gnc-features.h in there
07:38:17 <chris> is there a canonical hierarchy that I can rely on?
07:38:47 <chris> (the reason for above is the unreversed-budget work needs further amendments for master)
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07:59:00 <gjanssens> (Got called away for a minute...)
07:59:41 <gjanssens> In theory you should additionally validate that the build rules for app-utils are properly set up to find the headers and libraries in engine, but in practise that's already done so no need to worry about this.
08:00:39 <gjanssens> The "formal" hieararchy is core-utils/backends/engine/app-utils
08:00:49 <gjanssens> But with the move to cmake this has loosened a bit
08:01:13 <gjanssens> In cmake we define targets and targets depend on other targets
08:02:16 <gjanssens> In the cmake rules for libgncmod-app-utils you'll find this target depends on the gnc-engine target for example
08:02:44 <gjanssens> That in turn means gnc-engine can't depend on the gncmod-app-utils target.
08:07:56 <chris> which CMake file are you referring to/
08:10:01 <gjanssens> Sorry - https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/master/libgnucash/app-utils/CMakeLists.txt#L74
08:10:38 <gjanssens> This list of libraries is later passed to the target_link_libraries command https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/master/libgnucash/app-utils/CMakeLists.txt#L98
08:11:17 <gjanssens> That tells cmake the gnc-app-utils target depends on all of the elements in the library list.
08:11:59 <gjanssens> This list is a mix of other targets (such as gnc-engine) and flags set by external dependencies (like GIO_LDFLAGS)
08:12:29 <gjanssens> I see I have been mixing library and target names from maint and master in my earlier explanations. Sorry for the confusion.
08:13:00 <chris> That's fine, it'll be clearer eventually :)
08:13:21 <gjanssens> Perhaps also nice to know: for C/C++ library targets the library that is effectively created on linux will be lib<targetname>.so
08:13:45 <gjanssens> So if there's a target named gnc-app-utils, that will eventually produce a library named libgnc-app-utils.so
08:14:22 <gjanssens> By the way I have just come across a few commands to make a visual representation of the dependency tree.
08:15:45 <gjanssens> It's a fairly impressive svg file...
08:16:03 <gjanssens> Hopefully we can simplify our dependency graph some more over time
08:16:28 <gjanssens> Unfortunately imgur won't take svg files...
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08:18:35 <chris> maybe pastebin ;)
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08:26:15 <gjanssens> I'm preparing in wiki page to hold the current dependency graphs and instructions to generate them yourself.
08:30:27 <warlord> .
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08:41:28 <gjanssens> Hey warlord, just the person I needed :)
08:41:48 <gjanssens> I would like to upload two svg files to our wiki, but that file format is not allowed
08:42:15 <gjanssens> Can I add this format myself or do you have to update a list somewhere on the server ?
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08:52:57 <warlord> Uh oh
08:53:12 <warlord> Um, honestly, I don't know.
08:53:23 <warlord> You can try adding it. It's PROBABLY in a special page somewhere.
08:53:40 <chris> jralls we shall await and see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2019-12/msg00020.html
08:53:47 <chris> @tell jralls we shall await and see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2019-12/msg00020.html
08:53:47 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
08:58:39 <gjanssens> warlord: I'll need your help - see this page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Image_administration#SVG
09:00:12 <gjanssens> It requires editing a local config file and making sure one of the suggested image converters is installed on the server
09:01:41 <gjanssens> chris: while waiting for the required wiki configuration, I have sent two visualizations to the devel list
09:07:06 <warlord> gjanssens, I'm not sure when I'll have time to look at that; I'm getting on a plane this afternoon.
09:07:51 <gjanssens> warlord: np. It's not that urgent.
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09:25:14 <chris> @tell jralls I've made a discovery....... structs are directly accessible from guile
09:25:14 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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09:33:06 <chris> @tell jralls given the struct { Split *car; gpointer *cdr } splitpair_s, guile will create the functions splitpair-s-car-get / splitpair-s-car-set / splitpair-s-cdr-get / splitpair-s-cdr-set
09:33:06 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
09:34:50 <chris> how interesting...
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09:38:08 <gjanssens> That would of course be swig generating these functions to use in guile...
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09:38:50 <gjanssens> Out of curiosity was that a cpp file or a plain c file ?
09:38:53 <chris> C
09:39:06 <gjanssens> Ok, interesting indeed
09:39:34 <gjanssens> And isn't a GList a struct ?
09:40:25 <chris> yes, however SWIG will convert the GList to an SCM list
09:40:31 <gjanssens> So I'd assume you could directly use glist-data-get and glist-next-get if we wrap glist
09:40:41 <gjanssens> Hmm, that's probably because we tell it to ?
09:40:55 <chris> yes I think so... but this will break pretty much everything .scm
09:41:26 <chris> see my Guile REPL playground https://pastebin.com/raw/YC2HpY8J ... run by loading datafile, running report including a Guile REPL server
09:42:19 <chris> yes, however SWIG will convert the GList to an SCM list --> that's not automatic BTW; it's what base-typemaps.i does and I'm not 100% happy about
09:43:33 <chris> you'll see in my playground, I defined pair to be (xaccAccountSplitsPair acc)
09:44:26 <chris> then I typed in emacs: "splitspair<TAB>" to see whether I could access splitspair_s via (system foreign) API, and splitspair-s-car-get splitspair-s-cdr-get etc just popped up :)
09:45:02 <chris> also (gnc:dump-book) etc works well, i.e. interactive GnuCash playground
09:45:34 * chris is a leet h4cker
09:45:53 <gjanssens> :)
09:46:44 <gjanssens> The thing is this reinforces jralls' earlier suggestion there's no need to write wrapper functions for each of the functions that return a GList
09:47:59 <chris> agree, just need to think how to make a safe transition
09:48:37 <chris> lots of GLists in API calls
09:48:41 <gjanssens> What we need to find is how to tell guile (via swig) what the actual data type is of the more specialized GList definitions like SplitList, AccountList
09:48:47 <gjanssens> I know
09:52:05 <chris> I've also found that defining struct { Split *car; splitpair_s *cdr } splitpair_s; is not possible isn't it? A C struct cannot have a recursive variable? This puts a spanner in the works in my implementation
09:53:22 <chris> gtg soon
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10:01:45 <gjanssens> That may indeed be an issue
10:02:00 <gjanssens> I also don't know how write support would work
10:02:22 <gjanssens> Or more precisely - adding elements to the list or removing them
10:07:28 <gjanssens> However it looks like you can have a struct having a data member of struct itself:
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10:08:57 <gjanssens> chris: https://pastebin.com/NyxcDS7Y
10:08:58 <jralls> .
10:08:58 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 1 hour and 15 minutes ago: <chris> we shall await and see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2019-12/msg00020.html
10:08:59 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 43 minutes ago: <chris> I've made a discovery....... structs are directly accessible from guile
10:09:00 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 35 minutes ago: <chris> given the struct { Split *car; gpointer *cdr } splitpair_s, guile will create the functions splitpair-s-car-get / splitpair-s-car-set / splitpair-s-cdr-get / splitpair-s-cdr-set
10:10:19 <chris> gjanssens you're right the getters and setters were created from CPP's .H files
10:10:23 <chris> Oops
10:10:38 <jralls> chris, C structs absolutely can have recursive ptrs. typedef struct (int bar, foo* next} foo; is the common way to create a single-linked list.
10:10:40 <chris> ah nice one
10:11:52 <gjanssens> jralls: I think that should be typedef struct (int bar, struct foo* next} foo; or typedef struct _foo foo; struct _foo (int bar, foo* next};
10:12:20 <gjanssens> At least my compiler complained about your version as requiring struct before foo*next
10:12:43 <gjanssens> But the idea stands
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10:17:08 <jralls> Yeah, probably the typedef first so foo is a known symbol.
10:19:56 <gjanssens> Indeed
10:27:06 <jralls> chris, about your email to guile-user: They'll answer the question about C access by pointing at the C interface in https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Pairs.html#Pairs.
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10:41:23 <jralls> chris: Re https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797279, if the base language of a report is RTL then the report should be laid out RTL, even if the numbers are displayed LTR.
10:43:23 <jralls> gjanssens: I wonder if there's a way to convince dot to lay out those dependency graphs a bit more vertically.
10:44:37 <gjanssens> jralls: that would indeed be more useful. I haven't experimented much with it yet. Just learned about the existence ...
10:47:35 <chris> dot -Grankdir=LR
10:47:46 <chris> nite all
10:53:50 <gjanssens> Good night chris
10:54:33 <jralls> Gnight, chris.
10:56:12 <gjanssens> Looks better indeed :)
11:07:44 <jralls> gjanssens: You can also tell dot -Tpng to get a png that you can put on the wiki without needing warlord to reconfigure it.
11:10:29 <gjanssens> True, but I figured an svg would be more useful considering the size of the graph. svg allows zooming in.
11:11:02 <gjanssens> I can do so for now until warlord finds time to do the configurations.
11:13:48 <gjanssens> Output is actually reasonable. For a readable graph, the size is 8.8Mb for png vs 386K for svg
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11:17:20 <gjanssens> Duh, won't work either. 8.8Mb is bigger than the server allows :(
11:18:09 <gjanssens> And even a jpeg version is still 3.3M
11:18:17 <gjanssens> While server only allows 2M
11:18:24 <gjanssens> Will wait for warlord.
11:18:32 <gjanssens> There are more pressing matters to attend to...
11:19:13 <jralls> Indeed.
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12:21:23 <fell> gjanssens, you should link Dependency Graphs fom other pages.
12:22:56 <gjanssens> fell: ok. Suggestions ?
12:23:36 <fell> Good question
12:24:51 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash#Documentation_for_Developers ?
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12:31:56 <gjanssens> fell: ok, that seems like a reasonable start
12:34:21 <gjanssens> done
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15:19:59 <fell> gjanssens: because the Dependency Graphs are a floating target, how about the update policy?
15:21:08 <fell> Perhaps we should add them to the API generation?
15:22:27 <fell> ... instead of adding them to the wiki.
15:23:27 <fell> How time consuming are they?
15:29:56 <gjanssens> It takes 5 to 10 seconds to run
15:30:37 <gjanssens> It's not worth automating. The wiki has the commands to generate them and I wanted to add two charts for illustration purposes only.
15:31:08 <gjanssens> I won't spend more time on it than this.
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20:36:36 <CDB-Man> hmm, is anyone else seeing this? on the budget report, for budgeted income items, in the total column its treating actuals as negatives (so as credits), causing a massive variance
20:37:26 <CDB-Man> for example on the monthly detaiols, budgeted income is $+5K and actual income is $+5k so that's fine, but in the totals column total budget for the year is $+60k vs actuals of $-60k, causing me a $-120k variance
20:37:30 <CDB-Man> it was fine in 3.6
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20:39:26 <CDB-Man> ill try one of the nightlies
20:40:12 <CDB-Man> looks like the bug exists at https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797448
20:40:48 <CDB-Man> err, https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797418
21:07:17 <CDB-Man> fixed in the nightly!
21:10:23 <CDB-Man> hmm, chris, did you already have a bug ticket for some of your new reports? for the multicolumn balanse shee, a positive balance in current year retained earnings is showing as a negative (as a credit), instead of being set absolute. in other words, a net profit is reducing my equity. sign reversal
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21:21:03 <CDB-Man> https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797520 bug submitted
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23:36:22 <CDB-Man> chris: is the "receivable aging" report still very much draft? I'm getting some weird behaviour where all of my prepayments have already been applied, but the report still says they out open/outstanding. not sure if i can recreate it in a new file since it's quite complex, but I can try maybe...
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23:39:48 <CDB-Man> it seems like there isnt any logic yet to apply prepayments against outstanding AR. the receivable aging report shows no AR invoices outstanding, but the prepayments reflect as outstanding/unapplied
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23:56:35 <CDB-Man> aha, after a lot of heartache, I've managed to create a sample file for this
23:56:44 <CDB-Man> i'll open a ticket, with file and screenshots :)