2024-05-04 GnuCash IRC logs
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15:00:01 <Robert847> Hi I want to copy the user files from a linux release 4.14 instance to a windows 5.6.1 instance. When I read the FAQ about backups there is no information about restoring or copying the files. I suspect that it is not straightforward to get custom trports copied from Linux to Windows
15:04:49 <Robert847> Am I overlooking something?
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16:38:34 <jralls> Robert847 https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Backup#Related_Files seems pretty clear to me. What's your confusion?
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17:05:34 <grip> Did Englishman ever get his issue installing F::Q worked out? Logs show a few suggestions from John, but no further replies from Englishman. For further review would like to what version of OSX? AMD/Intel or ARM chip? F::Q/Perl installation instructions for OSX will have to change. Apple considers Python, Ruby, and Perl as deprecated. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-catalina-10_15-release-notes.
17:06:01 <grip> BTW - grip == Bruce S
17:07:13 <jralls> Hi, Bruce. IRC tip: handles are case-sensitive so you have to say englishman for his client to light up.
17:08:19 <jralls> His perl version tells us he's on Sonoma and IIRC he's using the ARCH flags so he's probably on Apple Silicon.
17:11:55 <jralls> Apple did say that but so far it doesn't look like they've acted on it except that last I checked you have to install Xcode or command-line-tools to get Python, but I haven't checked lately.
17:13:09 <jralls> Also since they said that they've been a lot better about keeping Perl up to date. Before BigSur they'd been stuck on 5.14 for years.
17:16:41 <grip> I haven't used IRC in probably 20 years... Ah, Sonoma and Ventura are also incompatible with x86 arch. As I theorized on the email list, since INC is baked in to the Perl executable, I'm not entirely sure that the Perl on englishman's Macbook may even have /System/Library/Perl/Extras. An online search reveals others having issue where they had to compile and install Net::SSLeay on new Macs, where it *is* installed on older releases
17:16:41 <grip> like my Ventura (M1) and Catalina (x86) Macs.
17:19:56 <jralls> No, we did check that. It's there, just not included in @INC. The last thing I had him try was symlinking the two Extras directories to /Library/Perl/Updates/5.34 which is in his @INC. He reported that it didn't work.
17:20:49 <grip> I'd like to see what he gets as output for:
17:20:51 <grip> find /Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl -path '*/Net/*' -type f -name
17:20:52 <grip> 'SSLeay.pm'
17:20:59 <jralls> FWIW /System/Library/Perl/Extras *is* in @INC on all of my Macs running Sonoma.
17:21:08 <grip> Hmmm...
17:21:54 <jralls> We did that. It's in /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level where it belongs.
17:22:23 <grip> Odd indeed. While he did say he installed the XCode command line tools, I wonder if that isn't entirely true.
17:23:30 <jralls> Hang on a minute. I'll go check my wife's MBP, she doesn't have Xcode or command-line tools installed and has stock Sonoma instead of Developer Beta like I have.
17:26:23 <jralls> Fooey. She's gone out and it turns out I don't know her password. I thought I did.
17:33:08 <grip> heh-heh
17:36:51 <grip> On your Mac, what does "pkgutil --file-info /System/Library/Perl/Extras" return. It should be part of the com.apple.pkg.Core package. Another command for englishman to try.
17:37:22 <grip> Hell, give it the path of SSLeay.pm
17:39:01 <jralls> It just says volume: / path: /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.34/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Net/SSLeay.pm
17:39:50 <jralls> Which isn't very helpful. It does the same thing if I give it a bogus path.
17:41:07 <grip> What about pkgutil --files com.apple.pkg.Core | grep 'SSLeay.pm'
17:42:16 <jralls> Without the grep it says No receipt for 'com.apple.pkg.Core' found at '/'.
17:43:39 <grip> Okay, my Ventura mac is at the office.
17:49:15 <jralls> I looked through the groups and found com.apple.pkg.CoreTypes.1600A24 in com.apple.FindSystemFiles. It doesn't have an entry for SSLeay.
17:51:02 <jralls> Instead it seems to be about the contents of /System/Library/CoreServices.
18:00:16 <grip> I'm thinking packages are slightly rearranged on the ARM based systems. I can compare side-by-side when I'm in the office next week.
18:02:50 <grip> On to other things. Have a good rest of the day sir.
18:02:57 <jralls> OK. I don't have any Intel macs that can do Sonoma nor any Apple Silicon macs with anything older so I can't compare. However, I think I've found a possible answer: check out `perldoc perlmacosx` and scroll down to @INC.
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18:08:14 <jralls> englishman Does /Library/Perl/5.34/AppendToPath exist? If not `sudo cat > /Library/Perl/5.34/AppendtoPath` and paste in `/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.34` then hit return and <ctrl>D. Do `perl -e 'print(join("\n", @INC), "\n");'` and see if it has added the paths.
18:08:59 <jralls> englishman Leave of the back-ticks as usual.
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20:21:13 <Robert847> The first page makes it look like the Windows user configuration is buried in the registry. Anyway, I copied the .gcm files that I wanted and the saved-reports-2.8 file, but the Windows instance of GnuCash did not see the reports.
20:49:39 <Robert847> Could that be another bug in release 5.6.1 or did I make a misteak....
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21:28:48 <grip> jralls - Nice find on AppendPath. On OSX Catalina it is part of the com.apple.files.data-template package.
21:31:35 <grip> Everything else Perl related looks to be specific to the SNMP.pm module and a few NetSNMP::... modules.
21:32:42 <grip> Meaning Perl related in the com.apple.files.data-template package.
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22:34:33 <frazelle09> Good evening!
22:36:25 <frazelle09> i'm having trouble printing an Income Statement. We are a small religious organization and receive donations in Mexican pesos and U.S. dollars.
22:38:02 <frazelle09> So, i tried to set up accounts for each currency. The problem is that the Income Statment will not reflect both currencies. This is not so much as probllem but i would like it to at least convert the dollars into pesos and then show the totals.
22:39:24 <frazelle09> Instead it shows the correct amounts of each currency but the amounts in dollars are not converted into pesos so when it adds all the contributions up, the sum is incorrect (it's adding apples and oranges) - lol.
22:39:56 <frazelle09> Any ideas as where we should begin to correct this situation?