2024-06-09 GnuCash IRC logs
01:48:49 *** fell has quit IRC
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03:24:33 *** Cork has joined #gnucash
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14:06:01 *** null has joined #gnucash
14:07:32 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v null
14:08:33 <null> (sorry if there's issues in my text, I currently cannot see what I'm typing.) My bank changed how the CSVs are exported, and now the only way to tell whether a transaction is positive or negative is a column that either says "debit" or "credit". Does anyone know how to configure the transaction import to understand this?
14:24:49 *** jralls-m1 is now known as jralls
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14:25:45 <jralls> null, Sure. Use Amount for credit and Amount (Negated) for debit. In the unlikely event that comes out backwards--ie deposits get imported as withdrawals, switch the choices and try again.
14:44:05 *** FeuerwehrMichael has joined #gnucash
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15:19:48 <null> I am missing part of your respoonse, but thta looks like how you handle if you have a debit column and a credit column. Unfortunatly, that's not how it's set up.
15:20:29 <null> The column that says credit or debit is one column. The amount column has only numers, all of which are positive.
15:21:20 <null> For context, this is the full body of what I see from you: "and Amount (Negated) for debit. In the unlikely event that comes out backwards--ie deposits get imported as withdrawals, switch the choices and try again." (it also has no name associated? I think it's time for a new irc client :/)
15:24:56 <Simon> so there's a separate column that says "debit" or "credit" as literal text?
15:25:19 <AdrienM> @tell fin-newb501, you probably don't need a custom report. Just play with the Transaction Report limiting your account selection to those used to record the fees expenses.
15:25:19 <gncbot> AdrienM: The operation succeeded.
15:27:12 <CDB-Man> @tell chris for the IFRS report, have you built in the reclassification of return of capital transactions into the truth table? specifically in bug 797796 attachment CDB Cost Basis Tool - USD with shorts without conversion with truth table v03.07.xlsx -- row 12 and 27 of the truth table tab in excel
15:27:12 <gncbot> CDB-Man: The operation succeeded.
15:36:36 <jralls> null You can see my full response at https://code.gnucash.org/logs/2024/06/09.html#T14:25:45
15:44:40 <jralls> null If there's only one column and all the numbers are positive then are they exporting deposits and withdrawals as separate files?
16:08:06 <null> @Simon yep, seperate column that says "debit" or "credit". (quotes mine).
16:08:06 <gncbot> null: Error: "Simon" is not a valid command.
16:09:15 <null> Jralls, no - there are not seperate files. Seperate files would be pretty easy to work around
16:18:11 <CDB-Man> @tell chris also rows 13, 14, 28, 29 yellow highlighted in the same excel, for notional distributions
16:18:11 <gncbot> CDB-Man: The operation succeeded.
16:19:10 <jralls> null, so how then are deposits and withdrawals indicated?
16:20:50 <jralls> null, never mind, I didn't see your reply to Simon. GnuCash doesn't know how to handle that case, you'll have to preprocess the file.
16:21:20 <jralls> null I suppose a spreadsheet macro would be easiest for most non-programmers.
16:51:25 <null> bleh. I really gotta switch who I'm banking with then.
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