[Gnucash-changes] Convert scheduled transactions over to the new preferences dialog and

David Hampton hampton at cvs.gnucash.org
Tue Aug 2 23:05:23 EDT 2005

Log Message:
Convert scheduled transactions over to the new preferences dialog and
gconf storage.  Fix register menu problems when in embedded windows.
Use C side hooks to set up the "since last run" dialog.


Modified Files:

Added Files:

Revision Data
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.1487.2.260
retrieving revision 1.1487.2.261
diff -LChangeLog -LChangeLog -u -r1.1487.2.260 -r1.1487.2.261
--- ChangeLog
+++ ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
+2005-08-02  David Hampton  <hampton at employees.org>
+	* src/app-utils/prefs.scm:
+	* src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.[ch]:
+	* src/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c:
+	* src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.[ch]:
+	* src/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm:
+	* src/gnome/top-level.c:
+	* src/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade:
+	* src/gnome/schemas/apps_gnucash_dialog_scheduled_transctions.schemas:
+	* src/gnome/ui/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml:
+	* src/gnome/ui/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml:
+	* src/scm/main.scm: Convert scheduled transactions over to the new
+	preferences dialog and gconf storage.  Fix register menu problems
+	when in embedded windows.  Use C side hooks to set up the "since
+	last run" dialog.
+	* src/gnome/gnc-plugin-page-register.c: Properly set the window
+	field in the gnc_split_register data structure when installing the
+	page into a GncEmbeddedWindow.
+	* src/core-utils/gnc-gobject-utils.c: Enhance object tracking to
+	catch the deletion of an object that hasn't been removed from the
+	tracking list.
+	* src/gnome-utils/gnc-embedded-window.c:
+	* src/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c:
+	* src/gnome-utils/gnc-window.[ch]: Add method for retrieving the
+	GtkWindow associated with a GncWindow.
+	* src/gnome-utils/dialog-preferences.c:
+	* src/gnome-utils/preferences.glade: Clean up xml data structures
+	when the dialog is destroyed.  Connect signals in all add-in
+	preference pages.  Don't show the dialog until completely built
+	and moved to the remembered position.
 2005-07-30  David Hampton  <hampton at employees.org>
 	* Lots 'o files: Remove unnecessary includes.
Index: dialog-sx-from-trans.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c -u -r1.26.4.4 -r1.26.4.5
--- src/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c
+++ src/gnome/dialog-sx-from-trans.c
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 #include "gnc-book.h"
 #include "gnc-date-edit.h"
 #include "gnc-engine-util.h"
+#include "gnc-gconf-utils.h"
 #include "gnc-ui.h"
 #include "gnc-ui-util.h"
 #include "gnc-dense-cal.h"
@@ -59,8 +60,6 @@
 #define SXFTD_EX_CAL_FRAME "ex_cal_frame"
 #define SXFTD_END_DATE_BOX "end_date_hbox"
-#define SX_OPT_STR "Scheduled Transactions"
@@ -515,27 +514,19 @@
     gint daysInAdvance;
     autoCreateState =
-      gnc_lookup_boolean_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                 "Auto-Create new Scheduled "
-                                 "Transactions by default", FALSE );
+      gnc_gconf_get_bool( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_CREATE_AUTO, NULL );
     notifyState =
-      gnc_lookup_boolean_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                 "Notify on new, auto-created "
-                                 "Scheduled Transactions", FALSE );
+      gnc_gconf_get_bool( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_NOTIFY, NULL );
     xaccSchedXactionSetAutoCreate( sx,
                                    (autoCreateState & notifyState) );
     daysInAdvance =
-      (int)gnc_lookup_number_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                     "Default number of days in "
-                                     "advance to create", 0 );
+      gnc_gconf_get_float( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_CREATE_DAYS, NULL );
     xaccSchedXactionSetAdvanceCreation( sx, daysInAdvance );
     daysInAdvance =
-      (int)gnc_lookup_number_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                     "Default number of days in "
-                                     "advance to remind", 0 );
+      gnc_gconf_get_float( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_NOTIFY_DAYS, NULL );
     xaccSchedXactionSetAdvanceReminder( sx, daysInAdvance );
Index: dialog-sxsincelast.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.h -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.h -u -r1.4 -r1.4.4.1
--- src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.h
+++ src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
  *  dialog stating there's nothing to do.]
 gint gnc_ui_sxsincelast_dialog_create( void );
-void gnc_ui_sxsincelast_guile_wrapper( char* );
+void gnc_sx_sxsincelast_book_opened (void);
  * Returns the varaibles from the Splits of the given SchedXaction as the
Index: dialog-sxsincelast.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.c -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.c -u -r1.65.4.11 -r1.65.4.12
--- src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.c
+++ src/gnome/dialog-sxsincelast.c
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
 #include "gnc-engine-util.h"
 #include "gnc-exp-parser.h"
 #include "gnc-embedded-window.h"
+#include "gnc-gconf-utils.h"
 #include "gnc-main-window.h"
 #include "gnc-numeric.h"
 #include "gnc-plugin-page.h"
@@ -416,9 +417,13 @@
  * Used to wrap for the book-open hook, where the book filename is given.
-gnc_ui_sxsincelast_guile_wrapper( char *bookfile )
+gnc_sx_sxsincelast_book_opened (void)
   gint ret;
+  if (!gnc_gconf_get_bool(GCONF_SECTION, "show_at_file_open", NULL))
+    return;
   ret = gnc_ui_sxsincelast_dialog_create();
   if ( ret < 0 ) {
@@ -433,6 +438,7 @@
 static gboolean
 show_handler (const char *class, gint component_id,
               gpointer user_data, gpointer iter_data)
Index: dialog-scheduledxaction.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.h,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.h -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.h -u -r1.6 -r1.6.4.1
--- src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.h
+++ src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.h
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
 #define DIALOG_SCHEDXACTION_CM_CLASS "dialog-scheduledtransactions"
 #define DIALOG_SCHEDXACTION_EDITOR_CM_CLASS "dialog-scheduledtransaction-editor"
+#define SXED_GCONF_SECTION "dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor"
+#define KEY_CREATE_AUTO	"create_auto"
+#define KEY_CREATE_DAYS	"create_days"
+#define KEY_NOTIFY	"notify"
+#define KEY_NOTIFY_DAYS	"notify_days"
 struct _SchedXactionDialog;
 struct _SchedXactionEditorDialog;
@@ -50,4 +56,10 @@
 void gnc_ui_scheduled_xaction_editor_dialog_destroy( SchedXactionEditorDialog *sxd );
+ * Sets up a book opened hook.  The function called may open a "since
+ * last run" dialog based upon the user's preferences.
+ **/
+void gnc_ui_sx_initialize (void);
Index: top-level.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/top-level.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/top-level.c -Lsrc/gnome/top-level.c -u -r1.140.4.26 -r1.140.4.27
--- src/gnome/top-level.c
+++ src/gnome/top-level.c
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 #include "dialog-account.h"
 #include "dialog-commodity.h"
 #include "dialog-options.h"
+#include "dialog-scheduledxaction.h"
 #include "dialog-transfer.h"
 #include "dialog-totd.h"
 #include "dialog-utils.h"
@@ -309,6 +310,7 @@
     gnc_options_dialog_set_global_help_cb (gnc_global_options_help_cb, NULL);
     gnc_totd_dialog(NULL, TRUE);
+    gnc_ui_sx_initialize();
     main_window = gnc_main_window_new ();
     gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (main_window));
Index: dialog-scheduledxaction.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.c -Lsrc/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.c -u -r1.71.2.15 -r1.71.2.16
--- src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.c
+++ src/gnome/dialog-scheduledxaction.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "SchedXaction.h"
 #include "SX-book.h"
 #include "SX-book-p.h"
+#include "dialog-preferences.h"
 #include "dialog-scheduledxaction.h"
 #include "dialog-utils.h"
 #include "gnc-book.h"
@@ -41,7 +42,9 @@
 #include "gnc-embedded-window.h"
 #include "gnc-engine-util.h"
 #include "gnc-frequency.h"
+#include "gnc-gconf-utils.h"
 #include "gnc-gui-query.h"
+#include "gnc-hooks.h"
 #include "gnc-ledger-display.h"
 #include "gnc-plugin-page.h"
 #include "gnc-plugin-page-register.h"
@@ -68,9 +71,7 @@
 #define SX_LIST "sched_xact_list"
 #define SX_LIST_UPCOMING_FRAME "upcoming_cal_frame"
 #define SX_EDITOR_GLADE_NAME "Scheduled Transaction Editor"
-#define SX_OPT_STR "Scheduled Transactions"
-#define SXED_GCONF_SECTION "dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor"
 #define SXED_WIN_PREFIX "sx_editor_win"
 #define SXED_NAME_ENTRY "sxe_name"
 #define SXED_LAST_OCCUR_LABEL "last_occur_label"
@@ -84,6 +85,8 @@
 #define END_ENTRY "end_nentry"
 #define REMAIN_ENTRY "remain_nentry"
+#define SX_GLADE_FILE "sched-xact.glade"
 #define END_DATE_OPTION  1
@@ -238,7 +241,9 @@
 	/* Toplevel */
 	{ "EditAction", NULL, N_("_Edit"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
 	{ "ViewAction", NULL, N_("_View"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
+	{ "ViewAction", NULL, N_("_View"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
 	{ "ActionsAction", NULL, N_("_Actions"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
+	{ "TransactionAction", NULL, N_("_Transaction"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
 	/* Edit menu */
 	{ "EditCutAction", GTK_STOCK_CUT, N_("Cu_t"), "<control>x",
@@ -1206,7 +1211,7 @@
         sxd = g_new0( SchedXactionDialog, 1 );
-        sxd->gxml = gnc_glade_xml_new( "sched-xact.glade", SX_LIST_GLADE_NAME );
+        sxd->gxml = gnc_glade_xml_new( SX_GLADE_FILE, SX_LIST_GLADE_NAME );
         sxd->dialog = glade_xml_get_widget( sxd->gxml, SX_LIST_GLADE_NAME );
         sxd->sxData = g_hash_table_new( NULL, NULL );
@@ -1420,7 +1425,7 @@
         sxed         = g_new0( SchedXactionEditorDialog, 1 );
-        sxed->gxml   = gnc_glade_xml_new( "sched-xact.glade",
+        sxed->gxml   = gnc_glade_xml_new( SX_GLADE_FILE,
                                         SX_EDITOR_GLADE_NAME );
         sxed->dialog = glade_xml_get_widget( sxed->gxml, SX_EDITOR_GLADE_NAME );
@@ -1585,8 +1590,8 @@
 	gnc_plugin_page_register_set_ui_description (sxed->plugin_page,
 	gnc_plugin_page_register_set_options (sxed->plugin_page,
-					      SX_OPT_STR,
-					      "Template Register Lines",
+					      KEY_NUMBER_OF_ROWS,
 					      (CAP_JUMP | CAP_SCHEDULE) );
 	gnc_embedded_window_open_page (sxed->embed_window, sxed->plugin_page);
@@ -1666,13 +1671,9 @@
         /* Do auto-create/notify setup */
         if ( sxed->newsxP ) {
                 autoCreateState =
-                        gnc_lookup_boolean_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                                   "Auto-Create new Scheduled "
-                                                   "Transactions by default", FALSE );
+		  gnc_gconf_get_bool( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_CREATE_AUTO, NULL );
                 notifyState =
-                        gnc_lookup_boolean_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                                   "Notify on new, auto-created "
-                                                   "Scheduled Transactions", FALSE );
+		  gnc_gconf_get_bool( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_NOTIFY, NULL );
         } else {
                 xaccSchedXactionGetAutoCreate( sxed->sx,
@@ -1688,9 +1689,7 @@
         /* Do days-in-advance-to-create widget[s] setup. */
         if ( sxed->newsxP ) {
                 daysInAdvance =
-                        (int)gnc_lookup_number_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                                       "Default number of days in "
-                                                       "advance to create", 0 );
+		  gnc_gconf_get_float( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_CREATE_DAYS, NULL );
         } else {
                 daysInAdvance =
                         xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceCreation( sxed->sx );
@@ -1704,9 +1703,7 @@
         /* Do days-in-advance-to-remind widget[s] setup. */
         if ( sxed->newsxP ) {
                 daysInAdvance =
-                        (int)gnc_lookup_number_option( SX_OPT_STR,
-                                                       "Default number of days in "
-                                                       "advance to remind", 0 );
+		  gnc_gconf_get_float( SXED_GCONF_SECTION, KEY_NOTIFY_DAYS, NULL );
         } else {
                 daysInAdvance =
                         xaccSchedXactionGetAdvanceReminder( sxed->sx );
@@ -2458,3 +2455,45 @@
 gnc_sxed_cmd_edit_paste (GtkAction *action, SchedXactionEditorDialog *sxed)
+void on_sx_check_toggled (GtkWidget *togglebutton, gpointer user_data);
+on_sx_check_toggled (GtkWidget *togglebutton,
+		     gpointer user_data)
+  GtkWidget *widget;
+  gboolean create, notify;
+  /* The gnc_glade_lookup_widget() function works because all of these
+   * widgets come from the same glade file. */
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton,
+	"gconf/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_auto");
+  create = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget));
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton,
+	"gconf/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify");
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, create);
+  notify = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget));
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton, "create_days_label");
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, create);
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton, "create_days_hbox");
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, create);
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton, "notify_days_label");
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, create && notify);
+  widget = gnc_glade_lookup_widget(togglebutton, "notify_days_hbox");
+  gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, create && notify);
+gnc_ui_sx_initialize (void)
+  gnc_hook_add_dangler(HOOK_BOOK_OPENED,
+		       (GFunc)gnc_sx_sxsincelast_book_opened, NULL);
+  gnc_preferences_add_page (SX_GLADE_FILE,
+			    "sx_prefs",
+			    "Scheduled Transactions");
Index: gw-gnc-spec.scm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm -Lsrc/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm -u -r1.14.4.16 -r1.14.4.17
--- src/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm
+++ src/gnome/gw-gnc-spec.scm
@@ -233,16 +233,4 @@
 order to destroy the dialog. The dialog will not be destroyed
 by the user closing the window.")
-  (gw:wrap-function
-   ws
-   'gnc:sx-editor
-   '<gw:void>
-   "gnc_ui_scheduled_xaction_dialog_create" '()
-   "Open the Scheduled Transaction Editor" )
-  (gw:wrap-function
-   ws
-   'gnc:sx-since-last-run-wrapper
-   '<gw:void>
-   "gnc_ui_sxsincelast_guile_wrapper" '(((<gw:mchars> caller-owned) bookfile))
-   "Wrapper to open the since-last-run dialog from a book-open hook." ))
Index: gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/ui/Attic/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/ui/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml -Lsrc/gnome/ui/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml -u -r1.1.2.1 -r1.1.2.2
--- src/gnome/ui/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml
+++ src/gnome/ui/gnc-sxed-window-ui.xml
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
       <placeholder name="ViewPlaceholder"/>
+    <menu name="Transaction" action="TransactionAction">
+    </menu>
     <menu name="Actions" action="ActionsAction">
       <placeholder name="ActionsPlaceholder"/>
Index: gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/ui/Attic/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/ui/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml -Lsrc/gnome/ui/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml -u -r1.1.2.2 -r1.1.2.3
--- src/gnome/ui/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml
+++ src/gnome/ui/gnc-plugin-page-sxregister-ui.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-    <menu name="Edit" action="EditAction">
-      <placeholder name="EditSelectedPlaceholder">
-        <separator name="EditSep22"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditCutTransaction"     action="EditCutTransactionAction"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditCopyTransaction"    action="EditCopyTransactionAction"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditPasteTransaction"   action="EditPasteTransactionAction"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditVoidTransaction"    action="EditVoidTransactionAction"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditUnvoidTransaction"  action="EditUnvoidTransactionAction"/>
-        <menuitem name="EditReverseTransaction" action="EditReverseTransactionAction"/>
-      </placeholder>
+    <menu name="Transaction" action="TransactionAction">
+      <menuitem name="CutTransaction"     	action="CutTransactionAction"/>
+      <menuitem name="CopyTransaction"    	action="CopyTransactionAction"/>
+      <menuitem name="PasteTransaction"   	action="PasteTransactionAction"/>
+      <separator name="TransactionSep2"/>
+      <menuitem name="VoidTransaction"    	action="VoidTransactionAction"/>
+      <menuitem name="UnvoidTransaction"  	action="UnvoidTransactionAction"/>
+      <menuitem name="ReverseTransaction" 	action="ReverseTransactionAction"/>
     <menu name="View" action="ViewAction">
Index: prefs.scm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/app-utils/prefs.scm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/app-utils/prefs.scm -Lsrc/app-utils/prefs.scm -u -r1.28.4.11 -r1.28.4.12
--- src/app-utils/prefs.scm
+++ src/app-utils/prefs.scm
@@ -282,66 +282,6 @@
 ;;  "www.gnucash.org"))
-;; Scheduled|Recurring Transactions
- (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Run on GnuCash start")
-  "a" (N_ "Should the Since-Last-Run window appear on GnuCash startup?")
-  #t ))
- (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Auto-Create new Scheduled Transactions by default")
-  "b" (N_ "Should new Scheduled Transactions have the 'Auto Create' flag set by default?")
-  #f ))
- (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Notify on new, auto-created Scheduled Transactions")
-  "c" (N_ "Should new Scheduled Transactions with the 'AutoCreate' flag set also be set to notify?")
-  #t ))
- (gnc:make-number-range-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Default number of days in advance to create")
-  "d" (N_ "Default number of days in advance to create new Scheduled Transactions.")
-  0 ; default
-  0 ; min
-  99999 ; max
-  0 ; num decimals
-  1 ; step size
-  ))
- (gnc:make-number-range-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Default number of days in advance to remind")
-  "e" (N_ "Default number of days in advance to remind on new Scheduled Transactions.")
-  0 ; default
-  0 ; min
-  99999 ; max
-  0 ; num-decimals
-  1 ; step size
-  ))
- (gnc:make-number-range-option
-  (N_ "Scheduled Transactions")
-  (N_ "Template Register Lines")
-  "f" (N_ "How many lines in the template register?")
-  6  ; default
-  1  ; min
-  50 ; max
-  0  ; num-decimals
-  1  ; step size
-  ))
 ;;; Advanced Options
Index: sched-xact.glade
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade -Lsrc/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade -u -r1.42.2.11 -r1.42.2.12
--- src/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade
+++ src/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade
@@ -8671,4 +8671,451 @@
+<widget class="GtkWindow" id="Preferences">
+  <property name="visible">True</property>
+  <property name="title" translatable="yes">Preferences</property>
+  <property name="type">GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL</property>
+  <property name="window_position">GTK_WIN_POS_NONE</property>
+  <property name="modal">False</property>
+  <property name="resizable">True</property>
+  <property name="destroy_with_parent">False</property>
+  <property name="decorated">True</property>
+  <property name="skip_taskbar_hint">False</property>
+  <property name="skip_pager_hint">False</property>
+  <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL</property>
+  <property name="gravity">GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST</property>
+  <child>
+    <widget class="GtkTable" id="sx_prefs">
+      <property name="visible">True</property>
+      <property name="n_rows">12</property>
+      <property name="n_columns">4</property>
+      <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+      <property name="row_spacing">0</property>
+      <property name="column_spacing">12</property>
+      <child>
+	<widget class="GtkLabel" id="label847981">
+	  <property name="visible">True</property>
+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Since Last Run Dialog&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+	  <property name="use_underline">False</property>
+	  <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+	  <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+	  <property name="wrap">False</property>
+	  <property name="selectable">False</property>
+	  <property name="xalign">0</property>
+	  <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+	  <property name="xpad">0</property>
+	  <property name="ypad">0</property>
+	</widget>
+	<packing>
+	  <property name="left_attach">0</property>
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+	  <property name="y_options"></property>
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+      <child>
+	<widget class="GtkLabel" id="label847983">
+	  <property name="visible">True</property>
+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Transaction Editor Defaults&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+	  <property name="use_underline">False</property>
+	  <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+	  <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
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+	  <property name="y_options"></property>
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+	  <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Show the &quot;since last run&quot; window when a file is opened.</property>
+	  <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Run when data file opened</property>
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+	  <property name="y_options"></property>
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+      <child>
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+	  <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Set the 'auto-create' flag on newly created scheduled transactions.</property>
+	  <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Auto-create new transactions</property>
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+	  <property name="y_options"></property>
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+      <child>
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+	  <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Set the 'notify' flag on newly created scheduled transactions.</property>
+	  <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Notify before transactions are created </property>
+	  <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+	  <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
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+	  <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
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+	      <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Days in advance:</property>
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+	      <property name="use_markup">False</property>
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+	  <property name="label" translatable="yes">Register _Lines</property>
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+	  <property name="mnemonic_widget">gconf/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/number_of_lines</property>
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+	      <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Make the template register large enough to show this many lines.</property>
+	      <property name="can_focus">True</property>
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+	  <property name="y_options">fill</property>
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+	    <widget class="GtkSpinButton" id="gconf/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify_days">
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+	      <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Begin notifications this many days before the transaction is created.</property>
+	      <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+	      <property name="climb_rate">1</property>
+	      <property name="digits">0</property>
+	      <property name="numeric">False</property>
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+	  <child>
+	    <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label847986">
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+	      <property name="label" translatable="yes">days</property>
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+      <child>
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+	    <widget class="GtkSpinButton" id="gconf/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_days">
+	      <property name="visible">True</property>
+	      <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Create the transaction this many days before its effective date.</property>
+	      <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+	      <property name="climb_rate">1</property>
+	      <property name="digits">0</property>
+	      <property name="numeric">False</property>
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+	  <child>
+	    <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label847985">
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+	      <property name="label" translatable="yes">days</property>
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+	      <property name="use_markup">False</property>
+	      <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+	      <property name="wrap">False</property>
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+	      <property name="xpad">0</property>
+	      <property name="ypad">0</property>
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+	    <packing>
+	      <property name="padding">0</property>
+	      <property name="expand">False</property>
+	      <property name="fill">False</property>
+	    </packing>
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+	<packing>
+	  <property name="left_attach">1</property>
+	  <property name="right_attach">2</property>
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+	  <property name="bottom_attach">6</property>
+	  <property name="x_options">fill</property>
+	  <property name="y_options">fill</property>
+	</packing>
+      </child>
+    </widget>
+  </child>
--- /dev/null
+++ src/gnome/schemas/apps_gnucash_dialog_scheduled_transctions.schemas
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <schemalist>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/since_last_run/show_at_file_open</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/since_last_run/show_at_file_open</applyto>
+aa      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/window_position</applyto>
+aa      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_list/window_position</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>bool</type>
+      <default>TRUE</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>Show "since last run" dialog when a file is opened.</short>
+        <long>
+	  Whether or not to show scheduled transactions "since last
+	  run" dialog when a data file is opened.  This includes the
+	  initial data file open when GnuCash starts.  A value of TRUE
+	  says to show the dialog; FALSE says not to show the dialog.
+	</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_auto</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_auto</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>bool</type>
+      <default>FALSE</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>Set the "auto create" flag by default</short>
+        <long>
+	  If set to TRUE then any newly created scheduled transactions
+	  will have its 'auto create' flag set by default.  The user
+	  can change this pre-transaction flag during transaction
+	  creation, or at any later time by editing the transaction.
+	</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_days</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/create_days</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>float</type>
+      <default>0</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>How many days in advance to notify the user.</short>
+        <long>How many days in advance to notify the user.</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>bool</type>
+      <default>TRUE</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>Set the "notify" flag by default</short>
+        <long>
+	  If set to TRUE then any newly created scheduled transactions
+	  will have its 'notify' flag set by default.  The user can
+	  change this pre-transaction flag during transaction
+	  creation, or at any later time by editing the transaction.
+	  This setting only has meaning of the create_auto setting is
+	  TRUE.
+	</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify_days</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/notify_days</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>float</type>
+      <default>0</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>How many days in advance to notify the user.</short>
+        <long>How many days in advance to notify the user.</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
+      <key>/schemas/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/number_of_rows</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/gnucash/dialogs/scheduled_trans/transaction_editor/number_of_rows</applyto>
+      <owner>gnucash</owner>
+      <type>float</type>
+      <default>6.0</default>
+      <locale name="C">
+        <short>The number of rows in an scheduled transaction.</short>
+        <long>
+	  This field sets the number of rows to show in a scheduled
+	  transaction.  It does not actually affect the display of the
+	  contents of the window.  It is only used to set the size of
+	  the dialog when first opened.
+	</long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+  </schemalist>
Index: main.scm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/src/scm/main.scm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -Lsrc/scm/main.scm -Lsrc/scm/main.scm -u -r1.109.2.23 -r1.109.2.24
--- src/scm/main.scm
+++ src/scm/main.scm
@@ -459,15 +459,6 @@
     (set-current-module original-module))
-  (gnc:hook-add-dangler gnc:*book-opened-hook*
-                        (lambda (session)
-                          (if ((gnc:option-getter
-                                (gnc:lookup-global-option
-                                 "Scheduled Transactions"
-                                 "Run on GnuCash start" )))
-                              (gnc:sx-since-last-run-wrapper
-			       (gnc:session-get-url session)))))
   ;; Load the system configs
   (gnc:update-splash-screen (_ "Loading configs..."))
   (if (not (gnc:load-system-config-if-needed))

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