[Gnucash-changes] r13405 - gnucash/trunk - Move a couple of ditro specific files.

David Hampton hampton at cvs.gnucash.org
Sun Feb 26 16:08:54 EST 2006

Author: hampton
Date: 2006-02-26 16:08:54 -0500 (Sun, 26 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 13405
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/13405

Move a couple of ditro specific files.

Deleted: gnucash/trunk/gentoo/gnucash-1.9.x.ebuild
--- gnucash/trunk/gentoo/gnucash-1.9.x.ebuild	2006-02-26 21:05:21 UTC (rev 13404)
+++ gnucash/trunk/gentoo/gnucash-1.9.x.ebuild	2006-02-26 21:08:54 UTC (rev 13405)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header$
-# This script should work fine for the whole 1.9.x (and hopefully 2.0.x)
-# releases with a simple rename. See
-# http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122337 for discussion and history
-# about this file.  -- jsled
-inherit gnome2 
-DESCRIPTION="A personal finance manager (unstable version)."
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="postgres ofx hbci chipcard doc debug quotes"
-# mt940 qof
-	>=dev-util/guile-1.6
-	amd64? ( >=dev-util/guile-1.6.4-r2 )
-	>=dev-libs/slib-2.3.8
-	>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4
-	>=dev-libs/popt-1.5
-	>=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4
-	>=gnome-base/libgnomeui-2.4
-	>=gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.10
-	>=gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.10
-	>=gnome-base/libglade-2.4
-	>=gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.6
-	>=dev-libs/libxml2-2.5.10
-	>=dev-libs/g-wrap-1.3.4
-	>=gnome-base/gconf-2
-	>=app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3
-	>=x11-libs/goffice-0.0.4
-	doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )
-	ofx? ( >=dev-libs/libofx-0.7.0 )
-	hbci? ( net-libs/aqbanking
-		chipcard? ( sys-libs/libchipcard )
-	)
-	quotes? ( dev-perl/DateManip
-		dev-perl/Finance-Quote
-		dev-perl/HTML-TableExtract )
-	postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )"
-# See http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118517
-#	qof? ( >=qof-0.6.1 )
-# or... same pattern as above?
-# I [jsled-gentoo at asynchronous.org] don't think these are used by gnucash;
-# maybe -docs...
-#	app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
-#	=app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1.2
-	dev-util/pkgconfig
-	nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-src_compile() {
-	EXTRA_ECONF="--enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings"
-	# We'd like to only define --prefix, but the econf definition seems
-	# to check, but then promptly forget, that we've redefined it. :p
-	# Thus, set {man,info,data,sysconf,localstate}dir too.
-	econf \
-		--prefix /opt/${P} \
-		--mandir=/opt/${P}/man \
-		--infodir=/opt/${P}/info \
-		--datadir=/opt/${P}/share \
-		--sysconfdir=/opt/${P}/etc \
-		--localstatedir=/opt/${P}/var/lib \
-		`use_enable debug` \
-		`use_enable postgres sql` \
-		`use_enable ofx` \
-		`use_enable doc doxygen` \
-		`use_enable hbci` \
-			|| die "econf failed"
-	emake || die "emake failed"
-# copied+mods from gnome2.eclass:
-gnome2_gconf_install() {
-	if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2 ]
-	then
-		export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
-		einfo "Installing GNOME 2 GConf schemas"
-		grep "obj /opt/${P}/etc/gconf/schemas" ${ROOT}/var/db/pkg/*/${PF}/CONTENTS | sed 's:obj \([^ ]*\) .*:\1:' | while read F; do
-			if [ -e "${F}" ]; then
-				#echo "DEBUG::gconf install  ${F}"
-				${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2  --makefile-install-rule ${F} 1>/dev/null
-			fi
-		done
-	fi
-# copied+mods from gnome2.eclass:
-gnome2_gconf_uninstall() {
-	if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2 ]
-	then
-		export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
-		einfo "Uninstalling GNOME 2 GConf schemas"
-		cat ${ROOT}/var/db/pkg/*/${PN}-${PVR}/CONTENTS | grep "obj /opt/${PN}-${PVR}/etc/gconf/schemas" | sed 's:obj \([^ ]*\) .*:\1:' |while read F; do
-			#echo "DEBUG::gconf install  ${F}"
-			${ROOT}/usr/bin/gconftool-2  --makefile-uninstall-rule ${F} 1>/dev/null
-		done
-	fi
-src_install() {
-	gnome2_src_install || die "gnome2_src_install failed"
-	# @fixme -- add menu, icon, &c.

Deleted: gnucash/trunk/packaging/README
--- gnucash/trunk/packaging/README	2006-02-26 21:05:21 UTC (rev 13404)
+++ gnucash/trunk/packaging/README	2006-02-26 21:08:54 UTC (rev 13405)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains spec files for building an RPM
-  WATCH OUT: These spec file(s) might be heavily out of date and/or
-  absolutely NOT SUITED to your distribution! They are particularly
-  matched for the Fedora Core 4 distribution, but DO NOT USE THEM if
-  you don't have exactly that distribution! Your own distribution
-  probably has its own source RPM of gnucash, and this source RPM
-  includes a spec file that is much better suited to your
-  distribution.
-  I repeat: DO NOT USE THIS SPEC file unless you either have Fedora
-  Core 4 or you really know how you can modify it to suit your
-  distribution.
-  For German-speaking users, there are German build instructions for
-  RPMs on http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash/RpmInstallieren . 
-Original file content:
-Short instructions:
-> I've never built an rpm; given a spec file, how do I do this?
-> I understand the theory, just not clear on what to type up.
-You'll need to be root in many distributions.  (It is possible to
-avoid this requirement, but I haven't done the work to the RPM.) 
-However, in some distributions (e.g. SuSE) these instructions will
-work even as a normal user.
-cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
-tar -zxvf xacc-1.x.tar.gz
-cp xacc-1.x/rpm/xacc.spec ../SPECS
-cp xacc-1.x/rpm/xacc.wmconfig .
-cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
-rpm -ba xacc.spec
-wait a bit, and a new binary rpm will be in
-/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/<arch> and a new src.rpm will be in
-JPL version:
-1) Obtain a GnuCash distribution (source code .tar.gz file), 
-   either by downloading from an ftp site somewhere, or building
-   from CVS using "make dist".  The file should have the nomenclature
-   gnucash-X.Y.Z.tar.gz where X.Y.Z are the release numbers.
-2) Copy and uncompress/tar the distribution in your 
-   /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES directory.  You will need to do this as the 
-   root user.  Note, use your distribution-specific path here, only 
-   redhat uses "/usr/src/redhat".
-   cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
-   cp /SOMEPATH/gnucash-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
-   tar xvzf gnucash-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
-3) Copy the rpm spec file to /usr/src/redhat/SPEC.
-   cp gnucash-X.Y.Z/rpm/gnucash.spec /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/.
-4) Edit the spec file, you probably will only need to modify the 
-   following 3 lines, depending on what features you want to include 
-   in the rpm:
-   %define _with_postgres 0      (use postgres backend?)
-   %define _with_ofx 0           (use openofx package?)
-   %define _with_hbci 0          (use hbci package?)
-5) Build the binary and source RPMs
-   cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
-   rpmbuild -ba gnucash.spec
-   (note: older versions of rpm use "rpm -ba FILE.spec" to build) 
-6) Wait a bit, and a new binary rpm will be in
-   /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/<arch> and a new src.rpm will be in
-   /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS.

Copied: gnucash/trunk/packaging/README.RPM (from rev 13404, gnucash/trunk/packaging/README)

Copied: gnucash/trunk/packaging/gnucash-1.9.x.ebuild (from rev 13403, gnucash/trunk/gentoo/gnucash-1.9.x.ebuild)

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