r15334 - gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda - Add missing files

Phil Longstaff plongstaff at cvs.gnucash.org
Tue Jan 9 15:59:04 EST 2007

Author: plongstaff
Date: 2007-01-09 15:59:02 -0500 (Tue, 09 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 15334
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/15334

Add missing files

Added: gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.c
--- gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.c	2007-01-09 20:32:32 UTC (rev 15333)
+++ gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.c	2007-01-09 20:59:02 UTC (rev 15334)
@@ -0,0 +1,1412 @@
+ * gnc-backend-util-gda.c: load and save data to SQL via libgda     *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
+ * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
+ * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org                   *
+/** @file gnc-backend-util-gda.c
+ *  @brief load and save data to SQL - utility functions
+ *  @author Copyright (c) 2006 Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at rogers.com>
+ *
+ * This file implements the top-level QofBackend API for saving/
+ * restoring data to/from an SQL db using libgda
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gi18n.h>
+#include <libgda/libgda.h>
+#include "qof.h"
+#include "qofquery-p.h"
+#include "qofquerycore-p.h"
+#include "TransLog.h"
+#include "gnc-engine.h"
+#include "gnc-backend-util-gda.h"
+#include "gnc-gconf-utils.h"
+static const gchar* convert_search_obj( QofIdType objType );
+static void gnc_gda_init_object_handlers( void );
+static void add_table_column( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const gchar* arg, const gchar* dbms_type,
+			gint size, gint flags );
+typedef struct {
+	QofIdType searchObj;
+	gpointer pCompiledQuery;
+} gnc_gda_query_info;
+/* callback structure */
+typedef struct {
+	gboolean ok;
+	GncGdaBackend* be;
+	QofInstance* inst;
+	QofQuery* pQuery;
+	gpointer pCompiledQuery;
+	gnc_gda_query_info* pQueryInfo;
+} gda_backend;
+static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_BACKEND;
+typedef void (*GNC_GDA_LOAD_FN)( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+								QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+								const col_cvt_t* table );
+typedef void (*GNC_GDA_CREATE_COL_FN)( GdaServerProvider* server,
+						GdaConnection* cnn, xmlNodePtr array_data,
+						const col_cvt_t* table_row );
+typedef void (*GNC_GDA_GET_GVALUE_QUERY_FN)( GncGdaBackend* be,
+				QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query );
+typedef GdaQueryCondition* (*GNC_GDA_GET_GVALUE_COND_FN)( GncGdaBackend* be,
+				QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query );
+typedef struct {
+	GNC_GDA_LOAD_FN			load_fn;
+	GNC_GDA_CREATE_COL_FN	create_col_fn;
+	GNC_GDA_GET_GVALUE_QUERY_FN	get_gvalue_query_fn;
+	GNC_GDA_GET_GVALUE_COND_FN	get_gvalue_cond_fn;
+} col_type_handler_t;
+/* ================================================================= */
+static void
+add_field_to_query( GdaQuery* query, const gchar* col_name, const GValue* value )
+	GdaQueryField* field;
+	GdaQueryField* field_value;
+	field = gda_query_field_field_new( query, col_name );
+	gda_query_field_set_visible( field, TRUE );
+	field_value = gda_query_field_value_new( query, G_VALUE_TYPE(value) );
+	gda_query_field_set_visible( field_value, TRUE );
+	gda_query_field_value_set_value( GDA_QUERY_FIELD_VALUE(field_value), value );
+	g_object_set( field, "value-provider", field_value, NULL );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(field_value) );
+	gda_entity_add_field( GDA_ENTITY(query), GDA_ENTITY_FIELD(field) );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(field) );
+gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( GdaQuery* query, const gchar* col_name,
+								const GValue* value )
+	GdaQueryCondition* cond;
+	GdaQueryField* key;
+	GdaQueryField* key_value;
+	cond = gda_query_condition_new( query, GDA_QUERY_CONDITION_LEAF_EQUAL );
+	key = gda_query_field_field_new( query, col_name );
+	gda_query_field_set_visible( key, TRUE );
+	gda_query_condition_leaf_set_operator( cond,
+											GDA_QUERY_FIELD(key) );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(key) );
+	key_value = gda_query_field_value_new( query, G_VALUE_TYPE(value) );
+	gda_query_field_set_visible( key_value, TRUE );
+	gda_query_condition_leaf_set_operator( cond, GDA_QUERY_CONDITION_OP_RIGHT,
+												GDA_QUERY_FIELD(key_value) );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(key_value) );
+	gda_query_field_value_set_value( GDA_QUERY_FIELD_VALUE(key_value), value );
+	return cond;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static QofAccessFunc
+get_getter( QofIdTypeConst obj_name, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	if( table_row->param_name != NULL ) {
+		getter = qof_class_get_parameter_getter( obj_name,
+												table_row->param_name );
+	} else {
+		getter = table_row->getter;
+	}
+	return getter;
+static void
+load_string( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	const gchar* s;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		s = NULL;
+	} else {
+		s = g_value_get_string( val );
+	}
+	(*setter)( pObject, (const gpointer)s );
+static void
+get_gvalue_string( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	gchar* s;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	s = (gchar*)(*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( s ) {
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_STRING );
+		g_value_set_string( value, s );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_string_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_string( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_string_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_string( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name,
+											&value );
+static void
+create_string_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server,
+														cnn, G_TYPE_STRING );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					dbms_type, table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t string_handler
+	= { load_string, create_string_col,
+		get_gvalue_string_for_query, get_gvalue_string_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_int( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	gint int_value;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		int_value = 0;
+	} else {
+		int_value = g_value_get_int( val );
+	}
+	(*setter)( pObject, (gpointer)int_value );
+static void
+get_gvalue_int( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	gint int_value;
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	int_value = (gint)(*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_INT );
+	g_value_set_int( value, int_value );
+static void
+get_gvalue_int_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_int( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_int_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_int( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static void
+create_int_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server,
+														cnn, G_TYPE_INT );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					dbms_type, table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t int_handler =
+		{ load_int, create_int_col,
+			get_gvalue_int_for_query, get_gvalue_int_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_int64( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	gint64 i64_value;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		(*setter)( pObject, NULL );
+	} else {	
+		i64_value = g_value_get_int64( val );
+		(*setter)( pObject, (gpointer)&i64_value );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_int64( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	gint64* pInt64;
+	gint64 i64_value;
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	pInt64 = (*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( pInt64 != NULL ) {
+		gchar* s;
+		i64_value = *pInt64;
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+		g_value_set_int64( value, i64_value );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_int64_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_int64( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_int64_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_int64( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static void
+create_int64_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server,
+														cnn, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					dbms_type, table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t int64_handler =
+		{ load_int64, create_int64_col,
+			get_gvalue_int64_for_query, get_gvalue_int64_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_double( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	gdouble d_value;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		(*setter)( pObject, (gpointer)NULL );
+	} else {
+		d_value = g_value_get_double( val );
+		(*setter)( pObject, (gpointer)&d_value );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_double( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	gdouble* pDouble;
+	gdouble d_value;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	pDouble = (*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( pDouble != NULL ) {
+		d_value = *pDouble;
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_DOUBLE );
+		g_value_set_double( value, d_value );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_double_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_double( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_double_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_double( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static void
+create_double_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server,
+														cnn, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					dbms_type, table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t double_handler =
+		{ load_double, create_double_col,
+			get_gvalue_double_for_query, get_gvalue_double_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_guid( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	GUID guid;
+	const GUID* pGuid;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		pGuid = NULL;
+	} else {
+		string_to_guid( g_value_get_string( val ), &guid );
+		pGuid = &guid;
+	}
+	(*setter)( pObject, (gpointer)pGuid );
+static void
+get_gvalue_guid( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	const GUID* guid;
+	gchar guid_buf[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	guid = (*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( guid != NULL ) {
+		(void)guid_to_string_buff( guid, guid_buf );
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_STRING );
+		g_value_set_string( value, guid_buf );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_guid_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_guid( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_guid_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_guid( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static void
+create_guid_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					"char", GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t guid_handler =
+		{ load_guid, create_guid_col,
+			get_gvalue_guid_for_query, get_gvalue_guid_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_timespec( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	GDate* date;
+	Timespec ts;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		(*setter)( pObject, NULL );
+	} else {
+		date = (GDate*)g_value_get_boxed( val );
+		if( date != NULL ) {
+			ts = gnc_dmy2timespec( g_date_get_day( date ),
+								g_date_get_month( date ),
+								g_date_get_year( date ) );
+			(*setter)( pObject, &ts );
+		}
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_timespec( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	Timespec* pTimespec;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	pTimespec = (Timespec*)(*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( pTimespec != NULL ) {
+		GDate* date;
+		gchar* s;
+		gint y, m, d;
+		gchar iso8601_buf[33];
+		date = g_date_new();
+		(void)gnc_timespec_to_iso8601_buff( *pTimespec, iso8601_buf );
+		sscanf( iso8601_buf, "%d-%d-%d", &y, &m, &d );
+		g_date_set_dmy( date, d, m, y );
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_DATE );
+		g_value_set_boxed( value, date );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_timespec_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_timespec( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_timespec_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_timespec( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static void
+create_timespec_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server,
+														cnn, G_TYPE_DATE );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, table_row->col_name,
+					dbms_type, table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+static col_type_handler_t timespec_handler =
+		{ load_timespec, create_timespec_col,
+			get_gvalue_timespec_for_query, get_gvalue_timespec_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_date( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	GDate* date;
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, table->col_name, row );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		(*setter)( pObject, NULL );
+	} else {
+		date = (GDate*)g_value_get_boxed( val );
+		if( date != NULL ) {
+			(*setter)( pObject, date );
+		}
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_date( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	GDate* date;
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	date = (GDate*)(*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( date != NULL ) {
+		g_value_init( value, G_TYPE_DATE );
+		g_value_set_boxed( value, date );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_date_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_date( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	add_field_to_query( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_date_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	get_gvalue_date( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	return gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+static col_type_handler_t date_handler =
+		{ load_date, create_timespec_col,
+			get_gvalue_date_for_query, get_gvalue_date_cond };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+load_numeric( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+			QofSetterFunc setter, gpointer pObject,
+			const col_cvt_t* table )
+	const GValue* val;
+	gchar* buf;
+	gint64 num, denom;
+	gnc_numeric n;
+	gboolean isNull = FALSE;
+	buf = g_strdup_printf( "%s_num", table->col_name );
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, buf, row );
+	g_free( buf );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		isNull = TRUE;
+		num = 0;
+	} else {
+		num = g_value_get_int64( val );
+	}
+	buf = g_strdup_printf( "%s_denom", table->col_name );
+	val = gda_data_model_get_value_at_col_name( pModel, buf, row );
+	g_free( buf );
+	if( gda_value_is_null( val ) ) {
+		isNull = TRUE;
+		denom = 1;
+	} else {
+		denom = g_value_get_int64( val );
+	}
+	n = gnc_numeric_create( num, denom );
+	if( isNull ) {
+		(*setter)( pObject, NULL );
+	} else {
+		(*setter)( pObject, &n );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_numeric( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+				const col_cvt_t* table_row, GValue* value )
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	gnc_numeric* n;
+	memset( value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	getter = get_getter( obj_name, table_row );
+	n = (gnc_numeric*)(*getter)( pObject, NULL );
+	if( n != NULL ) {
+		g_value_init( value, gnc_numeric_get_type() );
+		g_value_set_boxed( value, n );
+	}
+static void
+get_gvalue_numeric_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	GValue num_value;
+	GValue denom_value;
+	gnc_numeric* n;
+	gchar* s;
+	memset( &value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	memset( &num_value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	memset( &denom_value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	get_gvalue_numeric( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	if( G_VALUE_TYPE(&value) != 0 ) {
+		n = g_value_get_boxed( &value );
+		g_value_init( &num_value, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+		g_value_set_int64( &num_value, gnc_numeric_num( *n ) );
+		g_value_init( &denom_value, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+		g_value_set_int64( &denom_value, gnc_numeric_denom( *n ) );
+	}
+	s = g_strdup_printf( "%s_num", table_row->col_name );
+	add_field_to_query( query, s, &num_value );
+	g_free( s );
+	s = g_strdup_printf( "%s_denom", table_row->col_name );
+	add_field_to_query( query, s, &denom_value );
+	g_free( s );
+static GdaQueryCondition*
+get_gvalue_numeric_cond( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+				gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row, GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	GValue num_value;
+	GValue denom_value;
+	gnc_numeric* n;
+	gint64 num;
+	gint64 denom;
+	gchar* s;
+	GdaQueryCondition* num_cond;
+	GdaQueryCondition* denom_cond;
+	GdaQueryCondition* cond;
+	memset( &value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	memset( &num_value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	memset( &denom_value, 0, sizeof( GValue ) );
+	get_gvalue_numeric( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, &value );
+	if( G_VALUE_TYPE(&value) != 0 ) {
+		n = g_value_get_boxed( &value );
+		g_value_init( &num_value, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+		g_value_set_int64( &num_value, gnc_numeric_num( *n ) );
+		g_value_init( &denom_value, G_TYPE_INT64 );
+		g_value_set_int64( &denom_value, gnc_numeric_denom( *n ) );
+	}
+	s = g_strdup_printf( "%s_num", table_row->col_name );
+	num_cond = gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+	g_free( s );
+	s = g_strdup_printf( "%s_denom", table_row->col_name );
+	denom_cond = gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( query, table_row->col_name, &value );
+	g_free( s );
+	cond = gda_query_condition_new( query, GDA_QUERY_CONDITION_NODE_AND );
+	gda_query_condition_node_add_child( cond, num_cond, NULL );
+	gda_query_condition_node_add_child( cond, denom_cond, NULL );
+	return cond;
+static void
+create_numeric_col( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const col_cvt_t* table_row )
+	const gchar* dbms_type;
+	gchar* buf;
+	dbms_type = gda_server_provider_get_default_dbms_type( server, cnn,
+															G_TYPE_INT64 );
+	buf = g_strdup_printf( "%s_num", table_row->col_name );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, buf, dbms_type,
+						table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+	g_free( buf );
+	buf = g_strdup_printf( "%s_denom", table_row->col_name );
+	add_table_column( server, cnn, array_data, buf, dbms_type,
+						table_row->size, table_row->flags );
+	g_free( buf );
+static col_type_handler_t numeric_handler =
+		{ load_numeric, create_numeric_col,
+			get_gvalue_numeric_for_query, get_gvalue_numeric_cond };
+/* ================================================================= */
+static col_type_handler_t*
+get_handler( int col_type )
+	col_type_handler_t* pHandler;
+	switch( col_type ) {
+		case CT_STRING:
+			pHandler = &string_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_BOOLEAN:
+		case CT_INT:
+			pHandler = &int_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_INT64:
+			pHandler = &int64_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_DOUBLE:
+			pHandler = &double_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_GUID:
+			pHandler = &guid_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_TIMESPEC:
+			pHandler = &timespec_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_GDATE:
+			pHandler = &date_handler;
+			break;
+		case CT_NUMERIC:
+			pHandler = &numeric_handler;
+			break;
+		default:	/* undefined col type */
+			g_assert( FALSE );
+	}
+	return pHandler;
+static void retrieve_guid( gpointer pObject, gpointer pValue );
+static void 
+retrieve_guid( gpointer pObject, gpointer pValue )
+	GUID** ppGuid = (GUID**)pObject;
+	GUID* guid = (GUID*)pValue;
+	*ppGuid = guid;
+// Table to retrieve just the guid
+static col_cvt_t guid_table[] =
+	{ "guid", CT_GUID, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, retrieve_guid },
+	{ NULL }
+const GUID*
+gnc_gda_load_guid( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row )
+	const GUID* guid;
+	gnc_gda_load_object( pModel, row, NULL, &guid, guid_table );
+	return guid;
+gnc_gda_load_object( GdaDataModel* pModel, gint row,
+					QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+					const col_cvt_t* table )
+	int col;
+	QofSetterFunc setter;
+	col_type_handler_t* pHandler;
+	for( col = 0; table[col].col_name != NULL; col++ ) {
+		if( table[col].param_name != NULL ) {
+			setter = qof_class_get_parameter_setter( obj_name,
+													table[col].param_name );
+		} else {
+			setter = table[col].setter;
+		}
+		pHandler = get_handler( table[col].col_type );
+		pHandler->load_fn( pModel, row, setter, pObject, &table[col] );
+	}
+/* ================================================================= */
+gnc_gda_create_select_query( const GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* table_name )
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	GdaQueryTarget* target;
+	GdaQueryField* allFields;
+	/* SELECT */
+	query = gda_query_new( be->pDict );
+	gda_query_set_query_type( query, GDA_QUERY_TYPE_SELECT );
+	/* FROM */
+	target = gda_query_target_new( query, table_name );
+	gda_query_add_target( query, target, NULL );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(target) );
+	/* all fields */
+	allFields = gda_query_field_all_new( query, table_name );
+	gda_query_field_set_visible( allFields, TRUE );
+	gda_entity_add_field( GDA_ENTITY(query), GDA_ENTITY_FIELD(allFields) );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(allFields) );
+	return query;
+/* ================================================================= */
+gnc_gda_execute_query( GncGdaBackend* be, GdaQuery* query )
+	GError* error = NULL;
+	GdaObject* ret;
+	ret = gda_query_execute( query, NULL, FALSE, &error );
+	if( error != NULL ) {
+		printf( "SQL error: %s\n", error->message );
+	}
+	return ret;
+gnc_gda_execute_sql( GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* sql )
+	GError* error = NULL;
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	query = gda_query_new_from_sql( be->pDict, sql, &error );
+	if( query == NULL ) {
+		printf( "SQL error: %s\n", error->message );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return gnc_gda_execute_query( be, query );
+gnc_gda_execute_select_get_count( GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* sql )
+	GError* error = NULL;
+	int count = 0;
+	GdaObject* ret;
+	ret = gnc_gda_execute_sql( be, sql );
+	if( GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL(ret) ) {
+		GdaDataModel* pModel = GDA_DATA_MODEL(ret);
+		count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows( pModel );
+	}
+	if( error != NULL ) {
+		printf( "SQL error: %s\n", error->message );
+	}
+	return count;
+gnc_gda_execute_query_get_count( GncGdaBackend* be, GdaQuery* query )
+	int count = 0;
+	GdaObject* ret;
+	ret = gnc_gda_execute_query( be, query );
+	if( GDA_IS_DATA_MODEL(ret) ) {
+		GdaDataModel* pModel = GDA_DATA_MODEL(ret);
+		count = gda_data_model_get_n_rows( pModel );
+	}
+	return count;
+/* ================================================================= */
+static void
+get_col_gvalue_for_query( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+						gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row,
+						GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	col_type_handler_t* pHandler;
+	pHandler = get_handler( table_row->col_type );
+	pHandler->get_gvalue_query_fn( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, query );
+static void
+get_col_gvalue_for_condition( GncGdaBackend* be, QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+						gpointer pObject, const col_cvt_t* table_row,
+						GdaQuery* query )
+	GValue value;
+	col_type_handler_t* pHandler;
+	GdaQueryCondition* cond;
+	pHandler = get_handler( table_row->col_type );
+	cond = pHandler->get_gvalue_cond_fn( be, obj_name, pObject, table_row, query );
+	gda_query_set_condition( query, cond );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(cond) );
+gnc_gda_object_is_it_in_db( GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* table_name,
+					QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+					const col_cvt_t* table )
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	GValue value;
+	int count;
+	/* SELECT * FROM */
+	query = gnc_gda_create_select_query( be, table_name );
+	/* WHERE */
+	get_col_gvalue_for_condition( be, obj_name, pObject, &table[0], query );
+	count = gnc_gda_execute_query_get_count( be, query );
+	if( count == 0 ) {
+		return FALSE;
+	} else {
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+gnc_gda_do_db_operation( GncGdaBackend* be,
+						E_DB_OPERATION op,
+						const gchar* table_name,
+						QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+						const col_cvt_t* table )
+	GdaQuery* pQuery;
+	if( op == OP_DB_ADD_OR_UPDATE ) {
+		if( gnc_gda_object_is_it_in_db( be, table_name, obj_name, pObject, table ) ) {
+			pQuery = gnc_gda_build_update_query( be, table_name, obj_name, pObject, table );
+		} else {
+			pQuery = gnc_gda_build_insert_query( be, table_name, obj_name, pObject, table );
+		}
+	} else if( op == OP_DB_DELETE ) {
+		pQuery = gnc_gda_build_delete_query( be, table_name, obj_name, pObject, table );
+	} else if( op == OP_DB_ADD ) {
+		pQuery = gnc_gda_build_insert_query( be, table_name, obj_name, pObject, table );
+	} else {
+		g_assert( FALSE );
+	}
+	if( pQuery != NULL ) {
+		gnc_gda_execute_query( be, pQuery );
+		g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(pQuery) );
+		return TRUE;
+	} else {
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+#define INITIAL_SQL_BUF_LEN 500
+gnc_gda_build_insert_query( GncGdaBackend* be,
+							const gchar* table_name,
+							QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+							const col_cvt_t* table )
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	int col;
+	GdaQueryTarget* target;
+	/* INSERT */
+	query = gda_query_new( be->pDict );
+	gda_query_set_query_type( query, GDA_QUERY_TYPE_INSERT );
+	/* INTO */
+	target = gda_query_target_new( query, table_name );
+	gda_query_add_target( query, target, NULL );
+	/* VALUES */
+	for( col = 0; table[col].col_name != NULL; col++ ) {
+		get_col_gvalue_for_query( be, obj_name, pObject, &table[col], query );
+	}
+	return query;
+gnc_gda_build_update_query( GncGdaBackend* be,
+							const gchar* table_name,
+							QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+							const col_cvt_t* table )
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	int col;
+	GdaQueryTarget* target;
+	/* UPDATE */
+	query = gda_query_new( be->pDict );
+	gda_query_set_query_type( query, GDA_QUERY_TYPE_UPDATE );
+	target = gda_query_target_new( query, table_name );
+	gda_query_add_target( query, target, NULL );
+	/* SET */
+	for( col = 1; table[col].col_name != NULL; col++ ) {
+		get_col_gvalue_for_query( be, obj_name, pObject, &table[col], query );
+	}
+	/* WHERE */
+	get_col_gvalue_for_condition( be, obj_name, pObject, &table[0], query );
+	return query;
+gnc_gda_build_delete_query( GncGdaBackend* be,
+							const gchar* table_name,
+							QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+							const col_cvt_t* table )
+	GdaQuery* query;
+	GdaQueryTarget* target;
+	GdaQueryField* key;
+	GdaQueryField* key_value;
+	/* DELETE */
+	query = gda_query_new( be->pDict );
+	gda_query_set_query_type( query, GDA_QUERY_TYPE_DELETE );
+	/* FROM */
+	target = gda_query_target_new( query, table_name );
+	gda_query_add_target( query, target, NULL );
+	g_object_unref( G_OBJECT(target) );
+	/* WHERE */
+	get_col_gvalue_for_condition( be, obj_name, pObject, &table[0], query );
+	return query;
+/* ================================================================= */
+static void
+add_table_column( GdaServerProvider* server, GdaConnection* cnn,
+			xmlNodePtr array_data, const gchar* arg, const gchar* dbms_type,
+			gint size, gint flags )
+	xmlNodePtr array_row, array_value;
+	gchar* buf;
+	array_row = xmlNewChild( array_data, NULL, "gda_array_row", NULL );
+	array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", arg );
+	xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_NAME" );
+	array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", dbms_type );
+	xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_TYPE" );
+	if( size != 0 ) {
+		buf = g_strdup_printf( "%d", size );
+		array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", buf );
+		xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_SIZE" );
+		g_free( buf );
+	}
+	if( (flags & COL_PKEY) != 0 ) {
+		array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", "TRUE" );
+		xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_PKEY" );
+	}
+	if( (flags & COL_NNUL) != 0 ) {
+		array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", "TRUE" );
+		xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_NNUL" );
+	}
+	if( (flags & COL_AUTOINC) != 0 ) {
+		array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", "TRUE" );
+		xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_AUTOINC" );
+	}
+	if( (flags & COL_UNIQUE) != 0 ) {
+		array_value = xmlNewChild( array_row, NULL, "gda_array_value", "TRUE" );
+		xmlSetProp( array_value, "colid", "COLUMN_UNIQUE" );
+	}
+gnc_gda_create_table( GdaConnection* cnn, const gchar* table_name,
+					col_cvt_t* col_table, GError** error )
+	GdaServerOperation *op;
+	GdaServerProvider *server;
+	g_return_val_if_fail( GDA_IS_CONNECTION(cnn), FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( gda_connection_is_opened(cnn), FALSE );
+	server = gda_connection_get_provider_obj( cnn );
+	op = gda_server_provider_create_operation( server, cnn, 
+		gint col;
+		GType type;
+		xmlDocPtr parameters;
+		xmlNodePtr root;
+		xmlNodePtr table, op_data, array_data, array_row, array_value;
+		if( table_name == NULL ) {
+			g_message( "Table name is NULL!" );      
+			g_set_error( error,
+				    "Couldn't create table with a NULL string" );
+			return FALSE;    
+		}
+		/* Initation of the xmlDoc */
+		parameters = xmlNewDoc( "1.0" );
+		root = xmlNewDocNode( parameters, NULL, "serv_op_data", NULL );
+		xmlDocSetRootElement( parameters, root );
+		table = xmlNewChild( root, NULL, "op_data", table_name );
+		xmlSetProp( table, "path", "/TABLE_DEF_P/TABLE_NAME" );
+		op_data = xmlNewChild( root, NULL, "op_data", NULL );
+		xmlSetProp( op_data, "path", "/FIELDS_A" );
+		array_data = xmlNewChild( op_data, NULL, "gda_array_data", NULL );
+		type = 0;
+		for( col = 0; col_table[col].col_name != NULL; col++ ) {
+			gchar* buf;
+			gchar *dbms_type = NULL;
+			const gchar *arg;
+			gint size;
+			gint flags;
+			col_type_handler_t* pHandler;
+			pHandler = get_handler( col_table[col].col_type );
+			pHandler->create_col_fn( server, cnn, array_data, &col_table[col] );
+		}
+		if( !gda_server_operation_load_data_from_xml(op, root, error ) ) {
+			/* error */
+				     "The XML operation doesn't exist or could't be loaded" );
+			g_object_unref( op );
+			xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+			return FALSE;
+		} else {
+			if( !gda_server_provider_perform_operation( server, cnn, op, error ) ) {
+				/* error */
+				g_set_error( error,
+					"The Server couldn't perform the CREATE TABLE operation!" );
+				g_object_unref( op );
+				xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+		}
+		g_object_unref( op );
+		xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+	} else {
+			    "The Server doesn't support the CREATE TABLE operation!" );
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+void gnc_gda_create_table_if_needed( GncGdaBackend* be,
+						const gchar* table_name, col_cvt_t* col_table )
+	GdaDictTable* table;
+	GError* error = NULL;
+	GdaDictDatabase* db;
+	db = gda_dict_get_database( be->pDict );
+	table = gda_dict_database_get_table_by_name( db, table_name );
+	if( !GDA_IS_DICT_TABLE(table) ) {
+		gnc_gda_create_table( be->pConnection, table_name, col_table, &error );
+		if( error != NULL ) {
+			printf( "Error creating table: %s\n", error->message );
+		}
+	}
+/* ================================================================= */
+static gboolean
+create_or_drop_db( GdaConnection* cnn, GdaServerOperationType opType,
+				const gchar* db_name, GError** error )
+	typedef struct {
+		GdaServerOperationType opType;
+		const gchar* op_name;
+		const gchar* op_path_name;
+	} S_ServerOpInfo;
+#define NUMOF(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))
+	static S_ServerOpInfo s_op_info[] =
+	{
+	};
+#define NUM_OPS NUMOF(s_op_info)
+	S_ServerOpInfo* op_info;
+	GdaServerOperation *op;
+	GdaServerProvider *server;
+	gchar* buf;
+	gint i;
+	g_return_val_if_fail( GDA_IS_CONNECTION(cnn), FALSE );
+	g_return_val_if_fail( gda_connection_is_opened(cnn), FALSE );
+	if( db_name == NULL ) {
+		g_message( "Database name is NULL!" );      
+		g_set_error( error,
+				"Couldn't create or drop database with a NULL string" );
+		return FALSE;    
+	}
+	for( i = 0, op_info = NULL; i < NUM_OPS; i++ ) {
+		if( s_op_info[i].opType == opType ) {
+			op_info = &s_op_info[i];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	g_return_val_if_fail( op_info != NULL, FALSE );
+	server = gda_connection_get_provider_obj( cnn );
+	op = gda_server_provider_create_operation( server, cnn, opType, NULL,
+											error );
+		xmlDocPtr parameters;
+		xmlNodePtr root;
+		xmlNodePtr db;
+		/* Initation of the xmlDoc */
+		parameters = xmlNewDoc( "1.0" );
+		root = xmlNewDocNode( parameters, NULL, "serv_op_data", NULL );
+		xmlDocSetRootElement( parameters, root );
+		db = xmlNewChild( root, NULL, "op_data", db_name );
+		buf = g_strdup_printf( "/%s/DB_NAME", op_info->op_path_name );
+		xmlSetProp( db, "path", buf );
+		g_free( buf );
+		if( !gda_server_operation_load_data_from_xml(op, root, error ) ) {
+			/* error */
+				     "The XML operation doesn't exist or could't be loaded" );
+			g_object_unref( op );
+			xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+			return FALSE;
+		} else {
+			if( !gda_server_provider_perform_operation( server, cnn, op, error ) ) {
+				/* error */
+				buf = g_strdup_printf( "The server couldn't perform the %s operation",
+										op_info->op_name );
+				g_set_error( error,
+					buf );
+				g_free( buf );
+				g_object_unref( op );
+				xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+				return FALSE;
+			}
+		}
+		g_object_unref( op );
+		xmlFreeDoc( parameters );
+	} else {
+		buf = g_strdup_printf( "The server doesn't support the %s operation",
+								op_info->op_name );
+			    	buf );
+		g_free( buf );
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+drop_db( GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* db_name, GError** error )
+	return create_or_drop_db( be->pConnection, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_DROP_DB,
+								db_name, error );
+static gboolean
+create_db( GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* db_name, GError** error )
+	return create_or_drop_db( be->pConnection, GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_DB,
+								db_name, error );
+/* ========================== END OF FILE ===================== */

Added: gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.h
--- gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.h	2007-01-09 20:32:32 UTC (rev 15333)
+++ gnucash/branches/gda-dev/src/backend/gda/gnc-backend-util-gda.h	2007-01-09 20:59:02 UTC (rev 15334)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * gnc-backend-gda.h: load and save data to SQL via libgda          *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
+ * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
+ *                                                                  *
+ * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
+ * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org                   *
+/** @file gnc-backend-gda.h
+ *  @brief load and save data to SQL via libgda
+ *  @author Copyright (c) 2006 Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at rogers.com>
+ *
+ * This file implements the top-level QofBackend API for saving/
+ * restoring data to/from an SQL database via libgda
+ */
+#include "qof.h"
+#include <gmodule.h>
+#include "qofbackend-p.h"
+struct GncGdaBackend_struct
+  QofBackend be;
+  GdaClient* pClient;
+  GdaConnection* pConnection;
+  GdaDict* pDict;
+  QofBook *primary_book;	/* The primary, main open book */
+  gboolean	loading;		/* We are performing an initial load */
+  gboolean  in_query;
+typedef struct GncGdaBackend_struct GncGdaBackend;
+ * Struct used to pass in a new data type for GDA storage.  This contains
+ * the set of callbacks to read and write GDA for new data objects..  New
+ * types should register an instance of this object with the engine.
+ *
+ * commit()			- commit an object to the db
+ * initial_load()	- load stuff when new db opened
+ */
+#define GNC_GDA_BACKEND	"gnc:gda:1"
+typedef struct
+  int		version;	/* backend version number */
+  const gchar *	type_name;	/* The XML tag for this type */
+  void		(*commit)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, QofInstance* inst );
+  void		(*initial_load)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend );
+  void		(*create_tables)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend );
+  gpointer	(*compile_query)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, QofQuery* pQuery );
+  void		(*run_query)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, gpointer pQuery );
+  void		(*free_query)( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, gpointer pQuery );
+} GncGdaDataType_t;
+// This is now a static inside the module
+//QofBackend * libgncmod_backend_gda_LTX_gnc_backend_new(void);
+// Type for conversion of db row to object.
+typedef enum {
+	CT_INT64,
+typedef struct {
+	const gchar* col_name;
+	E_COL_TYPE col_type;
+	gint size;
+#define COL_PKEY	0x01
+#define COL_NNUL	0x02
+#define COL_UNIQUE	0x04
+#define COL_AUTOINC	0x08
+	gint flags;
+	const char* param_name;		// If non null, use qof getter/setter
+	QofAccessFunc getter;
+	QofSetterFunc setter;
+} col_cvt_t;
+typedef enum {
+gboolean gnc_gda_do_db_operation( GncGdaBackend* pBackend,
+									E_DB_OPERATION op,
+									const gchar* table_name,
+									QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+									gpointer pObject,
+									const col_cvt_t* table );
+GdaQuery* gnc_gda_build_insert_query( GncGdaBackend* pBackend,
+									const gchar* table_name,
+									QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+									gpointer pObject,
+									const col_cvt_t* table );
+GdaQuery* gnc_gda_build_update_query( GncGdaBackend* pBackend,
+									const gchar* table_name,
+									QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+									gpointer pObject,
+									const col_cvt_t* table );
+GdaQuery* gnc_gda_build_delete_query( GncGdaBackend* pBackend,
+									const gchar* table_name,
+									QofIdTypeConst obj_name,
+									gpointer pObject,
+									const col_cvt_t* table );
+GdaObject* gnc_gda_execute_query( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, GdaQuery* pQuery );
+GdaObject* gnc_gda_execute_sql( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, const gchar* sql );
+int gnc_gda_execute_select_get_count( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, const gchar* sql );
+int gnc_gda_execute_query_get_count( GncGdaBackend* pBackend, GdaQuery* query );
+void gnc_gda_load_object( GdaDataModel* pModel, int row,
+						QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+						const col_cvt_t* table );
+gboolean gnc_gda_object_is_it_in_db( GncGdaBackend* be,
+									const gchar* table_name,
+									QofIdTypeConst obj_name, gpointer pObject,
+									const col_cvt_t* table );
+gboolean gnc_gda_create_table( GdaConnection* pConnection,
+						const gchar* table_name, col_cvt_t* col_table,
+						GError** error );
+void gnc_gda_create_table_if_needed( GncGdaBackend* be,
+						const gchar* table_name, col_cvt_t* col_table );
+const GUID* gnc_gda_load_guid( GdaDataModel* pModel, int row );
+GdaQuery* gnc_gda_create_select_query( const GncGdaBackend* be, const gchar* table_name );
+GdaQueryCondition* gnc_gda_create_condition_from_field( GdaQuery* query,
+														const gchar* col_name,
+														const GValue* value );
+G_MODULE_EXPORT const gchar *
+g_module_check_init(GModule *module);
+#endif /* GNC_BACKEND_GDA_H_ */

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