r17097 - gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import - [r17030] Bug #341414: Save the account separator used when creating the QIF importer's

Andreas Köhler andi5 at cvs.gnucash.org
Sun Apr 20 15:22:32 EDT 2008

Author: andi5
Date: 2008-04-20 15:22:31 -0400 (Sun, 20 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 17097
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/17097

[r17030] Bug #341414: Save the account separator used when creating the QIF importer's
mapping file so that changing the separator won't break future QIF imports.

Committed by cedayiv.

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-guess-map.scm
--- gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-guess-map.scm	2008-04-20 19:22:21 UTC (rev 17096)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-guess-map.scm	2008-04-20 19:22:31 UTC (rev 17097)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;  qif-guess-map.scm
 ;;;  guess (or load from prefs) mappings from QIF cats/accts to gnc
-;;;  Bill Gribble <grib at billgribble.com> 20 Feb 2000 
+;;;  Bill Gribble <grib at billgribble.com> 20 Feb 2000
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
@@ -21,54 +21,60 @@
 ;;  qif-import:load-map-prefs
-;;  load the saved mappings file, and make a table of all the 
-;;  accounts with their full names and pointers for later 
+;;  Load the saved mappings file, and make a table of all the
+;;  accounts with their full names and pointers for later
 ;;  guessing of a mapping.
+;;  We'll be returning a list with the following members:
+;;   - a list of all the known gnucash accounts in
+;;     (shortname fullname Account*) format
+;;   - a hash of QIF account name to gnucash account info
+;;   - a hash of QIF category to gnucash account info
+;;   - a hash of QIF memo/payee to gnucash account info
+;;     (older saved prefs may not have this one)
+;;   - a hash of QIF stock name to gnc-commodity*
+;;     (older saved prefs may not have this one)
 (define (qif-import:load-map-prefs)
+  ;; This procedure builds a list of all descendants of an existing
+  ;; GnuCash account. Each member of the list is itself a list with
+  ;; the form: (shortname fullname Account*)
   (define (extract-all-account-info an-account root-name)
     (if (null? an-account)
         (let ((children-list (gnc-account-get-children-sorted an-account))
               (names '()))
-          ;; now descend the tree of child accounts.
-          (for-each 
+          ;; Recursively walk the account tree.
+          (for-each
            (lambda (child-acct)
              (let* ((name (xaccAccountGetName child-acct))
-                    (fullname 
+                    (fullname
                      (if (string? root-name)
-                         (string-append root-name 
+                         (string-append root-name
-               (set! names 
+               (set! names
                      (append (cons (list name fullname child-acct)
                                    (extract-all-account-info child-acct fullname))
   (define (safe-read)
-    (false-if-exception 
+    (false-if-exception
-  ;; we'll be returning a list:  
-  ;;  - a list of all the known gnucash accounts in 
-  ;;    (shortname fullname account*) format.
-  ;;  - a hash of QIF account name to gnucash account info
-  ;;  - a hash of QIF category to gnucash account info
-  ;;  - a hash of QIF memo/payee to gnucash account info  
-  ;;    (older saved prefs may not have this one)
-  ;;  - a hash of QIF stock name to gnc-commodity*
-  ;;    (older saved prefs may not have this one)
   (let* ((pref-filename (gnc-build-dotgnucash-path "qif-accounts-map"))
          (results '()))
-    ;; first, read the account map and category map from the 
-    ;; user's qif-accounts-map file.     
+    ;; Get the user's saved mappings.
     (if (access? pref-filename R_OK)
+        ;; We have access to the mapping file (qif-accounts-map).
         (with-input-from-file pref-filename
           (lambda ()
             (let ((qif-account-list #f)
@@ -78,82 +84,113 @@
                   (qif-account-hash #f)
                   (qif-cat-hash #f)
                   (qif-memo-hash #f)
-                  (qif-stock-hash #f))
+                  (qif-stock-hash #f)
+                  (saved-sep #f))
+              ;; Read the mapping file.
               (set! qif-account-list (safe-read))
+              (set! qif-cat-list (safe-read))
+              (set! qif-memo-list (safe-read))
+              (set! qif-stock-list (safe-read))
+              (set! saved-sep (safe-read))
+              ;; Process the QIF account mapping.
               (if (not (list? qif-account-list))
                   (set! qif-account-hash (make-hash-table 20))
-                  (set! qif-account-hash 
-                        (qif-import:read-map qif-account-list)))
-              (set! qif-cat-list (safe-read))
+                  (set! qif-account-hash
+                        (qif-import:read-map qif-account-list
+                                             saved-sep)))
+              ;; Process the QIF category mapping.
               (if (not (list? qif-cat-list))
                   (set! qif-cat-hash (make-hash-table 20))
-                  (set! qif-cat-hash (qif-import:read-map qif-cat-list)))
+                  (set! qif-cat-hash (qif-import:read-map qif-cat-list
+                                                          saved-sep)))
-              (set! qif-memo-list (safe-read))
+              ;; Process the QIF payee/memo mapping.
               (if (not (list? qif-memo-list))
                   (set! qif-memo-hash (make-hash-table 20))
-                  (set! qif-memo-hash (qif-import:read-map qif-memo-list)))
+                  (set! qif-memo-hash (qif-import:read-map qif-memo-list
+                                                           saved-sep)))
-              (set! qif-stock-list (safe-read))
+              ;; Process the QIF security mapping.
               (if (not (list? qif-stock-list))
                   (set! qif-stock-hash (make-hash-table 20))
                   (set! qif-stock-hash (qif-import:read-commodities
-                                        qif-stock-list)))              
-              (set! results 
-                    (list qif-account-hash qif-cat-hash 
-                          qif-memo-hash qif-stock-hash)))))
-        (begin 
-          (set! results (list (make-hash-table 20)
-                              (make-hash-table 20)
-                              (make-hash-table 20)
-                              (make-hash-table 20)))))
-    ;; now build the list of all known account names 
+                                          qif-stock-list)))
+              ;; Put all the mappings together in a list.
+              (set! results (list qif-account-hash
+                                  qif-cat-hash
+                                  qif-memo-hash
+                                  qif-stock-hash)))))
+        ;; Otherwise, we can't get any saved mappings. Use empty tables.
+        (set! results (list (make-hash-table 20)
+                            (make-hash-table 20)
+                            (make-hash-table 20)
+                            (make-hash-table 20))))
+    ;; Build the list of all known account names.
     (let* ((all-accounts (gnc-get-current-root-account))
            (all-account-info (extract-all-account-info all-accounts #f)))
       (set! results (cons all-account-info results)))
-;;  dump the mapping hash tables to a file.  The hash tables are 
-;;  updated when the user clicks the big "OK" button on the dialog,
-;;  so your selections get lost if you do Cancel.
-;;  we initialize the number of transactions to 0 here so 
-;;  bogus accounts don't get created if you have funny stuff
-;;  in your map.
+;;  qif-import:write-map
+;;  Writes out a mapping hash table, setting the number of
+;;  transactions to 0 along the way to prevent the creation
+;;  of bogus accounts if you have funny stuff in your map.
 (define (qif-import:write-map hashtab)
   (let ((table '()))
-    (hash-fold 
+    (hash-fold
      (lambda (key value p)
        (set! table (cons (cons key (simple-obj-to-list value)) table))
        #f) #f hashtab)
     (write table)))
-(define (qif-import:read-map tablist)
-  (let ((table (make-hash-table 20)))
-    (for-each 
+(define (qif-import:read-map tablist tab-sep)
+  (let* ((table (make-hash-table 20))
+         (sep (string-ref (gnc-get-account-separator-string) 0))
+         (changed-sep? (and (char? tab-sep) (not (char=? tab-sep sep)))))
+    (for-each
      (lambda (entry)
        (let ((key (car entry))
              (value (simple-obj-from-list (cdr entry) <qif-map-entry>)))
+         ;; If the account separator has changed, fix the account name.
+         (if changed-sep?
+           (let ((acct-name (qif-map-entry:gnc-name value)))
+             (if (string? acct-name)
+                 (qif-map-entry:set-gnc-name! value
+                   (string-map (lambda (c) (if (char=? c tab-sep) sep c))
+                               acct-name)))))
          (qif-map-entry:set-display?! value #f)
          (hash-set! table key value)))
 ;;  qif-import:read-commodities
 ;;  This procedure examines a list of previously seen commodities
 ;;  and returns a hash table of them, if they still exist.
 (define (qif-import:read-commodities commlist)
   (let ((table (make-hash-table 20)))
-    (for-each 
+    (for-each
      (lambda (entry)
-       (if (and (list? entry) 
+       (if (and (list? entry)
                 (= 3 (length entry)))
            ;; The saved information about each commodity is a
            ;; list of three items: name, namespace, and mnemonic.
@@ -168,7 +205,7 @@
                  (hash-set! table (car entry) commodity)))))
 (define (qif-import:write-commodities hashtab)
   (let ((table '()))
@@ -177,7 +214,7 @@
        ;; (gw:wcp-is-of-type? <gnc:commodity*> value)
        (if (and value #t)
            (set! table
-                 (cons (list key 
+                 (cons (list key
                              (gnc-commodity-get-namespace value)
                              (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic value))
@@ -186,18 +223,27 @@
     (write table)))
+;;  qif-import:save-map-prefs
+;;  This procedure saves all the user's mapping preferences to a
+;;  file.  This only gets called when the user clicks the Apply
+;;  button in the druid, so any new mappings will be lost if the
+;;  user cancels the import instead.
 (define (qif-import:save-map-prefs acct-map cat-map memo-map stock-map)
   (let* ((pref-filename (gnc-build-dotgnucash-path "qif-accounts-map")))
     ;; does the file exist? if not, create it; in either case,
-    ;; make sure it's a directory and we have write and execute 
-    ;; permission. 
+    ;; make sure it's a directory and we have write and execute
+    ;; permission.
         (with-output-to-file pref-filename
           (lambda ()
             (display ";;; qif-accounts-map\n")
-            (display ";;; automatically generated by GNUcash.  DO NOT EDIT\n") 
-            (display ";;; (unless you really, really want to).\n") 
-            (display ";;; map from QIF accounts to GNC accounts") (newline) 
+            (display ";;; automatically generated by GNUcash.  DO NOT EDIT\n")
+            (display ";;; (unless you really, really want to).\n")
+            (display ";;; map from QIF accounts to GNC accounts") (newline)
             (qif-import:write-map acct-map)
@@ -210,92 +256,99 @@
             (display ";;; map from QIF stock name to GNC commodity") (newline)
-            (qif-import:write-commodities stock-map)           
+            (qif-import:write-commodities stock-map)
+            (newline)
+            (display ";;; GnuCash separator used in these mappings") (newline)
+            (write (string-ref (gnc-get-account-separator-string) 0))
 ;;  here's where we do all the guessing.  We really want to find the
 ;;  match in the hash table, but failing that we guess intelligently
-;;  and then (failing that) not so intelligently. called in the 
+;;  and then (failing that) not so intelligently. called in the
 ;;  dialog routines to rebuild the category and account map pages.
 ;;  guess-acct
-;;  find an existing gnc acct of the right type and name, or 
-;;  specify a type and name for a new one. 
+;;  find an existing gnc acct of the right type and name, or
+;;  specify a type and name for a new one.
 (define (qif-import:guess-acct acct-name allowed-types gnc-acct-info)
-  ;; see if there's a saved mapping in the hash table or an 
+  ;; see if there's a saved mapping in the hash table or an
   ;; existing gnucash account with a name that could reasonably
   ;; be said to be the same name (i.e. ABC Bank == abc bank)
-  (let* ((mapped-gnc-acct            
-          (qif-import:find-similar-acct acct-name allowed-types 
+  (let* ((mapped-gnc-acct
+          (qif-import:find-similar-acct acct-name allowed-types
          (retval (make-qif-map-entry)))
     ;; set fields needed for any return value
     (qif-map-entry:set-qif-name! retval acct-name)
     (qif-map-entry:set-allowed-types! retval allowed-types)
     (if mapped-gnc-acct
-        ;; ok, we've found an existing account that 
-        ;; seems to work OK name-wise. 
-        (begin           
+        ;; ok, we've found an existing account that
+        ;; seems to work OK name-wise.
+        (begin
           (qif-map-entry:set-gnc-name! retval (car mapped-gnc-acct))
-          (qif-map-entry:set-allowed-types! retval 
+          (qif-map-entry:set-allowed-types! retval
                                             (cadr mapped-gnc-acct))
           (qif-map-entry:set-new-acct?! retval #f))
         ;; we haven't found a match, so by default just create a new
         ;; one.  Try to put the new account in a similar place in
-        ;; the hierarchy if there is one. 
-        (let ((new-acct-info 
-               (qif-import:find-new-acct acct-name allowed-types 
+        ;; the hierarchy if there is one.
+        (let ((new-acct-info
+               (qif-import:find-new-acct acct-name allowed-types
           (qif-map-entry:set-gnc-name! retval (car new-acct-info))
           (qif-map-entry:set-allowed-types! retval (cadr new-acct-info))
           (qif-map-entry:set-new-acct?! retval #t)))
 ;;  qif-import:find-similar-acct
 ;;  guess a translation from QIF info
-(define (qif-import:find-similar-acct qif-acct-name allowed-types 
+(define (qif-import:find-similar-acct qif-acct-name allowed-types
-  (let* ((same-type-accts '())       
+  (let* ((same-type-accts '())
          (matching-name-accts '())
          (retval #f))
-    (for-each 
+    (for-each
      (lambda (gnc-acct)
-       ;; check against allowed-types 
+       ;; check against allowed-types
        (let ((acct-matches? #f))
           (lambda (type)
             (if (= type (xaccAccountGetType (caddr gnc-acct)))
                 (set! acct-matches? #t)))
-         (if acct-matches? 
+         (if acct-matches?
              (set! same-type-accts (cons gnc-acct same-type-accts)))))
-    ;; now find one in the same-type-list with a similar name. 
-    (for-each 
+    ;; now find one in the same-type-list with a similar name.
+    (for-each
      (lambda (gnc-acct)
-       (if (qif-import:possibly-matching-name? 
+       (if (qif-import:possibly-matching-name?
             qif-acct-name gnc-acct)
-           (set! matching-name-accts 
+           (set! matching-name-accts
                  (cons gnc-acct matching-name-accts))))
-    ;; now we have either nothing, something, or too much :) 
-    ;; return the full-name of the first name-matching account 
+    ;; now we have either nothing, something, or too much :)
+    ;; return the full-name of the first name-matching account
     (if (not (null? matching-name-accts))
-        (set! retval (list 
+        (set! retval (list
                       (cadr (car matching-name-accts))
                       (list (xaccAccountGetType
                              (caddr (car matching-name-accts))))))
@@ -304,49 +357,52 @@
-;;  qif-import:possibly-matching-name? qif-acct gnc-acct
-;;  try various normalizations and permutations of the names 
-;;  to see if they could be the same. 
+;;  qif-import:possibly-matching-name?
+;;  try various normalizations and permutations of the names
+;;  to see if they could be the same.
 (define (qif-import:possibly-matching-name? qif-acct-name gnc-acct)
-  (or 
-   ;; the QIF acct is the same name as the short name of the 
+  (or
+   ;; the QIF acct is the same name as the short name of the
    ;; gnc acct [ignoring case] (likely)
    (string=? (string-downcase  qif-acct-name)
              (string-downcase (car gnc-acct)))
-   ;; the QIF acct is the same name as the long name of the 
+   ;; the QIF acct is the same name as the long name of the
    ;; gnc acct [ignoring case] (not so likely)
    (string=? (string-downcase qif-acct-name)
              (string-downcase (cadr gnc-acct)))
-   ;; the QIF name is a substring of the gnc full name.  
-   ;; this happens if you have the same tree but a different 
+   ;; the QIF name is a substring of the gnc full name.
+   ;; this happens if you have the same tree but a different
    ;; top-level structure. (i.e. expenses:tax vs. QIF tax)
    (and (> (string-length qif-acct-name) 0)
         (string-contains (string-downcase (cadr gnc-acct))
-			 (string-downcase qif-acct-name)))))
+                         (string-downcase qif-acct-name)))))
 ;;  qif-import:find-new-acct
-;;  Come up with a logical name for a new account based on 
-;;  the Quicken name and type of the account  
+;;  Come up with a logical name for a new account based on
+;;  the Quicken name and type of the account
 (define (qif-import:find-new-acct qif-acct allowed-types gnc-acct-info)
   (cond ((and (string? qif-acct)
               (string=? qif-acct (default-equity-account)))
-         (let ((existing-equity 
+         (let ((existing-equity
                 (qif-import:find-similar-acct (default-equity-account)
                                               (list GNC-EQUITY-TYPE)
-           (if existing-equity 
+           (if existing-equity
                (list (default-equity-account) (list GNC-EQUITY-TYPE)))))
         ((and (string? qif-acct)
               (not (string=? qif-acct "")))
          (list qif-acct allowed-types))
-        (#t 
+        (#t
          (list (default-unspec-acct) allowed-types))))

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