r16893 - gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import - [r16873] Improve the QIF txn matcher (#336211)

Andreas Köhler andi5 at cvs.gnucash.org
Wed Jan 30 15:24:48 EST 2008

Author: andi5
Date: 2008-01-30 15:24:48 -0500 (Wed, 30 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 16893
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/16893

[r16873] Improve the QIF txn matcher (#336211)

Don't run it when we have no accounts or empty accounts.
Cache the account list early on.

Patch by Charles Day.

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-merge-groups.scm
--- gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-merge-groups.scm	2008-01-30 20:24:39 UTC (rev 16892)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.2/src/import-export/qif-import/qif-merge-groups.scm	2008-01-30 20:24:48 UTC (rev 16893)
@@ -1,156 +1,187 @@
 ;;;  qif-merge-groups.scm
-;;;  eliminate duplicate xtns in a new (imported) account group 
+;;;  eliminate duplicate xtns in a new (imported) account group
-;;;  Copyright 2001 Bill Gribble <grib at billgribble.com> 
+;;;  Copyright 2001 Bill Gribble <grib at billgribble.com>
 (define (gnc:account-tree-get-transactions root)
-  (let ((query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
-        (xtns #f))
+  (let ((accounts (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted root)))
+    (if (null? accounts)
+        '()
+        (let ((query (qof-query-create-for-splits))
+              (xtns #f))
-    (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-account-get-book root))
+          (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-account-get-book root))
-    ;; we want to find all transactions with every split inside the
-    ;; account group.
-    (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query
-                                 (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted root)
-                                 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
+          ;; we want to find all transactions with every split inside the
+          ;; account group.
+          (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query accounts
+                                    QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
-    (set! xtns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ALL))
-    ;; lose the query 
-    (qof-query-destroy query)
-    xtns))
+          (set! xtns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ALL))
+          ;; lose the query
+          (qof-query-destroy query)
+          xtns))))
-;;  gnc:account-tree-find-duplicates 
-;;  detect redundant splits/xtns from 'new' and return 
-;;  them in a list. 
+;;  gnc:account-tree-find-duplicates
+;;  This procedure compares two account trees, given by old-root
+;;  and new-root, and returns a list of splits/transactions in
+;;  old-root that may be duplicates.
 (define (gnc:account-tree-find-duplicates old-root new-root window)
-  ;; get all the transactions in the new group, then iterate over them
-  ;; trying to find matches in the new group.  If there are matches, 
-  ;; push the matches onto a list. 
-  (let* ((new-xtns (gnc:account-tree-get-transactions new-root))
-	 (progress-dialog '())
-	 (work-to-do (length new-xtns))
-	 (work-done 0)
-         (matches '()))    
-    (if (> work-to-do 100)
-	(begin 
-	  (set! progress-dialog (gnc-progress-dialog-new window #f))
-	  (gnc-progress-dialog-set-title progress-dialog (_ "Progress"))
-	  (gnc-progress-dialog-set-heading progress-dialog
-					   (_ "Finding duplicate transactions..."))))
-    ;; for each transaction in the new account tree, build a query that could
-    ;; match possibly similar transactions.
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (xtn) 
-       (let ((query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-	 (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-	 (if (not (null? progress-dialog)) 
-	     (begin 
-	       (gnc-progress-dialog-set-value
-		progress-dialog (/ work-done work-to-do))
-	       (gnc-progress-dialog-update progress-dialog)))
+  ;; Given a list of accounts, this predicate returns true if any
+  ;; of those accounts are involved in a transaction.
+  (define (has-any-xtns? acctlist)
+    (if (null? acctlist)
+        #f
+        (let ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList (car acctlist))))
+          (if (null? splits)
+              (has-any-xtns? (cdr acctlist))
+              #t))))
-	 (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-account-get-book old-root))
+  (let ((old-accounts (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted old-root)))
+    (if (has-any-xtns? old-accounts)
+        ;; Get all the transactions in the new tree, then iterate over them
+        ;; trying to find matches in the old tree.  If there are matches,
+        ;; push the matches onto a list.
+        (let* ((new-xtns (gnc:account-tree-get-transactions new-root))
+               (progress-dialog '())
+               (work-to-do (length new-xtns))
+               (work-done 0)
+               (matches '()))
-	 ;; first, we want to find only transactions from the old group.
-	 (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query
-				      (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted old-root)
-         ;; the date should be close to the same.. +/- a week. 
-         (let ((date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted xtn)))
-           (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTS
-            query #t (decdate date WeekDelta) #t (incdate date WeekDelta)
-            QOF-QUERY-AND))
-         ;; for each split in the transaction, add a term to match the 
-         ;; properties of one split 
-         (let ((q-splits (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-           (for-each 
-            (lambda (split)
-              (let ((sq (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-		(qof-query-set-book sq (gnc-account-get-book old-root))
-                ;; we want to match the account in the old account
-                ;; tree that has the same name as an account in the
-                ;; new account tree.  If there's not one (new
-                ;; account), the match will be NULL and we know the
-                ;; query won't find anything.  optimize this later.
-                (xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch
-                 sq 
-                 (gnc-account-lookup-by-full-name
-                  old-root (gnc-account-get-full-name
-                             (xaccSplitGetAccount split)))
-                 QOF-QUERY-AND)
-                ;; we want the value for the split to match the value
-                ;; the old-root split.  We should really check for
-                ;; fuzziness.
-                (xaccQueryAddValueMatch
-                 sq (xaccSplitGetValue split)
-                 QOF-QUERY-AND)
-                ;; now merge into the split query.  Reminder: q-splits
-                ;; is set up to match any split that matches any split
-                ;; in the current xtn; every split in an old transaction
-                ;; must pass that filter.
-                (let ((q-new (qof-query-merge q-splits sq QOF-QUERY-OR)))
-                  (qof-query-destroy q-splits)
-                  (qof-query-destroy sq)
-                  (set! q-splits q-new))))
-            (xaccTransGetSplitList xtn))
-           ;; now q-splits will match any split that is the same as one
-           ;; split in the old-root xtn.  Merge it in.
-           (let ((q-new (qof-query-merge query q-splits QOF-QUERY-AND)))
-             (qof-query-destroy query)
-             (qof-query-destroy q-splits)
-             (set! query q-new)))
-         ;; now that we have built a query, get transactions in the old
-         ;; account tree that matches it.
-         (let ((old-xtns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ALL)))
-           (set! old-xtns (map 
-                           (lambda (elt)
-                             (cons elt #f)) old-xtns))
-           ;; if anything matched the query, push it onto the matches list 
-           ;; along with the transaction
-           (if (not (null? old-xtns))
-               (set! matches (cons (cons xtn old-xtns) matches))))
-         (qof-query-destroy query)))
-     new-xtns)
-    ;; get rid of the progress dialog 
-    (if (not (null? progress-dialog))
-	(gnc-progress-dialog-destroy progress-dialog))
+          ;; Use a progress dialog if this might take a while.
+          (if (> work-to-do 100)
+            (begin
+              (set! progress-dialog (gnc-progress-dialog-new window #f))
+              (gnc-progress-dialog-set-title progress-dialog (_ "Progress"))
+              (gnc-progress-dialog-set-heading progress-dialog
+                (_ "Finding duplicate transactions..."))))
-    ;; return the matches 
-    matches))
+          ;; For each transaction in the new account tree, build a query
+          ;; that matches possibly duplicate transactions in the old tree.
+          (for-each
+            (lambda (xtn)
+              (let ((query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
+                (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
+                (if (not (null? progress-dialog))
+                  (begin
+                    (gnc-progress-dialog-set-value progress-dialog
+                                                   (/ work-done work-to-do))
+                    (gnc-progress-dialog-update progress-dialog)))
+                (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-account-get-book old-root))
+                ;; First, we only want to find only transactions
+                ;; from accounts in the old tree.
+                (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query
+                                          old-accounts
+                                          QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
+                ;; The date should be close to the same.. +/- a week.
+                (let ((date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted xtn)))
+                  (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTS query #t
+                                           (decdate date WeekDelta) #t
+                                           (incdate date WeekDelta)
+                                           QOF-QUERY-AND))
+                ;; For each split in the transaction, add a term
+                ;; to match the properties of one split.
+                (let ((q-splits (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
+                  (for-each
+                    (lambda (split)
+                      (let ((sq (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
+                        (qof-query-set-book sq (gnc-account-get-book old-root))
+                        ;; We want to match the account in the old tree that
+                        ;; has the same name as an account in the new tree.
+                        ;; If there's not one (indicating a new account),
+                        ;; the match will be NULL and the query won't find
+                        ;; anything.  Optimize this later.
+                        (xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch
+                          sq
+                          (gnc-account-lookup-by-full-name old-root
+                            (gnc-account-get-full-name
+                              (xaccSplitGetAccount split)))
+                          QOF-QUERY-AND)
+                        ;; We want the value of the split in the new tree
+                        ;; to match the the value of the split in the old
+                        ;; tree.  We should really check for fuzziness.
+                        (xaccQueryAddValueMatch sq
+                                                (xaccSplitGetValue split)
+                                                QOF-NUMERIC-MATCH-ANY
+                                                QOF-COMPARE-EQUAL
+                                                QOF-QUERY-AND)
+                        ;; Now merge into the split query.  Reminder: q-splits
+                        ;; is set up to match any split that matches any split
+                        ;; in the new transaction; every split in an old
+                        ;; transaction must pass that filter.
+                        (let ((q-new (qof-query-merge q-splits
+                                                      sq
+                                                      QOF-QUERY-OR)))
+                          (qof-query-destroy q-splits)
+                          (qof-query-destroy sq)
+                          (set! q-splits q-new))))
+                    (xaccTransGetSplitList xtn))
+                  ;; Now q-splits will match any split that is the same as one
+                  ;; split in the old-root transaction.  Merge it in.
+                  (let ((q-new (qof-query-merge query
+                                                q-splits
+                                                QOF-QUERY-AND)))
+                    (qof-query-destroy query)
+                    (qof-query-destroy q-splits)
+                    (set! query q-new)))
+                ;; Now that we have built a query, get transactions in the old
+                ;; account tree that match it.
+                (let ((old-xtns (xaccQueryGetTransactions query
+                                                          QUERY-TXN-MATCH-ALL)))
+                  (set! old-xtns (map
+                                   (lambda (elt)
+                                     (cons elt #f)) old-xtns))
+                  ;; If anything matched the query, push it onto the matches
+                  ;; list along with the transaction.
+                  (if (not (null? old-xtns))
+                      (set! matches (cons (cons xtn old-xtns) matches))))
+                (qof-query-destroy query)))
+            new-xtns)
+          ;; Get rid of the progress dialog.
+          (if (not (null? progress-dialog))
+              (gnc-progress-dialog-destroy progress-dialog))
+          ;; Return the matches.
+          matches)
+        ;; Since there are either no accounts or no transactions in the old
+        ;; tree, duplicate checking is unnecessary. Return an empty list.
+        '())))
 (define (gnc:prune-matching-transactions match-list)
-  (for-each 
+  (for-each
    (lambda (match)
      (let ((new-xtn (car match))
            (matches (cdr match))
            (do-delete #f))
-       (for-each 
+       (for-each
         (lambda (old)
           (if (cdr old)
               (set! do-delete #t)))
-       (if do-delete 
-           (begin 
+       (if do-delete
+           (begin
              (xaccTransBeginEdit new-xtn)
              (xaccTransDestroy new-xtn)
              (xaccTransCommitEdit new-xtn)))))

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