r19528 - gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32 - Bug #588414 - Got "Entry Point Not Found" errors starting GnuCash, but ran OK

Geert Janssens gjanssens at code.gnucash.org
Wed Sep 1 09:09:57 EDT 2010

Author: gjanssens
Date: 2010-09-01 09:09:57 -0400 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 19528
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/19528

Bug #588414 - Got "Entry Point Not Found" errors starting GnuCash, but ran OK
The problem is caused by leftover files from a previous install.
The solution is to uninstall GnuCash before installing a new version in such cases.
This commit adds a compatibility test and uninstall step to the windows installer
that will automatically uninstall the previous gnucash release if it is considered
'incompatible' with the one to be installed. The user will be warned of this, so
he can decide to cancel the installation if he doesn't like the idea of uninstalling
his working GnuCash installation.
Currently, versions are considered 'incompatible' if their major or minor version
components are different, so 2.3.x is incompatible with 2.2.x and will trigger
an uninstall. Likewise, a 2.4.x install is incompatible with a 2.3.x and will
trigger an uninstall. This is a nice way to remove all testing 'cruft' from the 
system once the new release comes out.
Note that in the future installing 2.3.16+ over 2.4.x will also trigger the uninstall, which is
a good thing IMO. An older release can't know about changes made in a newer one,
so it's safer to first uninstall the newer one to avoid leftover files.

Modified: gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/gnucash.iss.in
--- gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/gnucash.iss.in	2010-08-31 21:34:40 UTC (rev 19527)
+++ gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/gnucash.iss.in	2010-09-01 13:09:57 UTC (rev 19528)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 ; Input configuration for the Inno Setup Compiler
 ; Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Christian Stimming <stimming at tuhh.de>
@@ -126,6 +126,13 @@
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Paths"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "sysconfdir"; ValueData: "{app}\etc"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Paths"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "localedir"; ValueData: "{app}\share\locale"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
+; Store the version information
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Version"; ValueType: none; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Version"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: "@PACKAGE_VERSION@"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Version"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "VersionMajor"; ValueData: "@GNUCASH_MAJOR_VERSION@"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Version"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "VersionMinor"; ValueData: "@GNUCASH_MINOR_VERSION@"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\GnuCash\Version"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: "VersionMicro"; ValueData: "@GNUCASH_MICRO_VERSION@"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
 ; Additionally, we have to install the paths for gwenhywfar
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Gwenhywfar"; ValueType: none; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Gwenhywfar\Paths"; ValueType: none; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty
@@ -162,12 +169,129 @@
 Type: dirifempty; Name: "{app}\etc"
 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-; This large section is a Pascal scripting program that will modify
-; the gnucash shell script so that it then includes the
-; correct values according to our local installation. See
-; http://www.remobjects.com/?ps for a syntax reference.
+; Perform some additional actions in code that can't be done
+; by the installer by default. The code snippets below hook
+; into the installer code at specific events. See
+; http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=scriptintro
+; for more information on iss scription and a syntax reference.
 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  PrevInstDetectedPage : TOutputMsgWizardPage;
+  PrevAppName, PrevUninstallString : String;
+  PrevVersionMajor, PrevVersionMinor, PrevVersionMicro : Cardinal;
+  Uninstallrequired : Boolean;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+// Sometimes it's not possible to install a newer version of
+// GnuCash over an older one on Windows. This is mostly the
+// case when libraries are moved around in the newer version.
+// The code below will detect an existing GnuCash installation
+// and will remove it (if the user accepts) before installing
+// the version the user has selected.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+{ Lookup the registry information on a previous installation }
+procedure GetPrevInstallInfo();
+  sUnInstPath, sAppVersionPath: String;
+  rootKey : Integer;
+  sAppVersionPath := 'Software\GnuCash\Version';
+  sUnInstPath := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GnuCash_is1';
+  PrevAppName := '';
+  PrevUninstallString := '';
+  PrevVersionMajor := 0;
+  PrevVersionMinor := 0;
+  PrevVersionMicro := 0;
+  if RegKeyExists(HKLM, sUnInstPath) then
+    rootKey := HKLM
+  else
+    rootKey := HKCU;
+  RegQueryStringValue(rootKey, sUnInstPath, 'UninstallString', PrevUninstallString);
+  RegQueryStringValue(rootKey, sUnInstPath, 'DisplayName', PrevAppName);
+  RegQueryDwordValue(rootKey, sAppVersionPath, 'VersionMajor', PrevVersionMajor);
+  RegQueryDwordValue(rootKey, sAppVersionPath, 'VersionMinor', PrevVersionMinor);
+  RegQueryDwordValue(rootKey, sAppVersionPath, 'VersionMicro', PrevVersionMicro);
+{ Check if there is another GnuCash currently installed                }
+{ and whether we can simply install over it or have to remove it first }
+{ Versions are considered 'incompatible' if the major or minor         }
+{ version components are different                                     }
+procedure CheckUninstallRequired();
+  UninstallRequired := True;
+  GetPrevInstallInfo;
+  if (PrevUninstallString = '') then
+    UninstallRequired := False
+  else if (PrevVersionMajor = @GNUCASH_MAJOR_VERSION@) and (PrevVersionMinor = @GNUCASH_MINOR_VERSION@) then
+    UninstallRequired := False;
+{ Uninstall the current installation }
+function UnInstallOldVersion(): Integer;
+  sUnInstallString: String;
+  iResultCode: Integer;
+// Return Values:
+// 1 - uninstall string is empty
+// 2 - error executing the UnInstallString
+// 3 - successfully executed the UnInstallString
+  // default return value
+  Result := 0;
+  if PrevUninstallString <> '' then begin
+    sUnInstallString := RemoveQuotes(PrevUninstallString);
+    if Exec(sUnInstallString, '/SILENT /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES','', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, iResultCode) then
+      Result := 3
+    else
+      Result := 2;
+  end else
+    Result := 1;
+function GetPrevAppName(Param: String): String;
+  Result := PrevAppName;
+{ Setup a page to display if a previous (incompatible) GnuCash installation is found }
+procedure InitializeWizard;
+  CheckUninstallRequired;
+  PrevInstDetectedPage := CreateOutputMsgPage(wpReady,
+    ExpandConstant('{cm:AIWP_Title}'),
+    ExpandConstant('{cm:AIWP_Description,{code:GetPrevAppName}}'),
+    ExpandConstant('{cm:AIWP_Message,{code:GetPrevAppName}}'));
+{ Determine whether the previous installation page should be displayed or not }
+function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean;
+  Result := False
+  if (PageID = PrevInstDetectedPage.ID) and (not UninstallRequired) then
+    Result := True;
+{ If a previous (incompatible) installation is present start the installation }
+{ process with deleting this old installation }
+procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
+  if (CurStep=ssInstall) and (UninstallRequired) then
+    UnInstallOldVersion();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
+// The GnuCash environment file contains paths that have to be
+// adapted at install time. The code below does that.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------
 function MingwBacksl(const S: String): String;
   { Modify the path name S so that it can be used by MinGW }
@@ -284,6 +408,11 @@
 RunPrg=Run GnuCash now
 AdditionalIcons=Create these icons:
 StatusMsgFirewall=Installing Windows firewall rules...
+; *** "Another install" wizard page
+; %1 in the following messages will be replaced with the application name and version, like "GnuCash 2.3.15"
+AIWP_Title=Another installation has been found
+AIWP_Description=%1 is currently installed on this computer
+AIWP_Message=This earlier installation has to be removed before continuing.%n%nIf you don't want that, click Cancel now to abort the current installation.%n%nClick Next to remove %1 and continue with the installation.%n%nNote: Only the program will be removed, not your financial data.
 MainFiles=GnuCash Program
 TranslFiles=Translation Files
@@ -473,7 +602,11 @@
 nl.IconName_Uninstall=GnuCash verwijderen
 nl.IconComment_Uninstall=Het financieel beheersprogramma GnuCash verwijderen
+nl.AIWP_Title=Een eerdere installatie werd gevonden
+nl.AIWP_Description=%1 is momenteel op deze computer geïnstalleerd
+nl.AIWP_Message=Deze eerdere installatie moet verwijderd worden alvorens verder te gaan.%n%nAls je dat niet wil, klik dan nu op Annuleren om de huidige installatie af te breken.%n%nKlik op Volgende om %1 te verwijderen en de installatie te vervolgen.%n%nOpmerking: enkel het programma zal verwijderd worden, niet je financiële data.
 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 ;; Brazilian Portuguese translation

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