r23107 - gnucash/branches/2.4 - Bug #705123: qofbookmerge.c: bad if statement

John Ralls jralls at code.gnucash.org
Thu Aug 1 13:48:19 EDT 2013

Author: jralls
Date: 2013-08-01 13:48:18 -0400 (Thu, 01 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 23107
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/23107

Bug #705123: qofbookmerge.c: bad if statement

Remove qofbookmerge, which isn't used anywhere and which has
already been removed from trunk.

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.4/po/POTFILES.in
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/po/POTFILES.in	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/po/POTFILES.in	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -424,7 +424,6 @@

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/Makefile.am
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/Makefile.am	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/Makefile.am	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
   test-transaction-reversal \
   test-transaction-voiding \
   test-recurrence \
-  test-scm-query \
-  test-book-merge
+  test-scm-query
   --gnc-module-dir ${top_builddir}/src/engine \
@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@
   test-period \
   test-lots \
   test-numeric \
-  test-book-merge \
   test-object \
   test-query \
   test-querynew \

Deleted: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/test-book-merge.c
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/test-book-merge.c	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/engine/test/test-book-merge.c	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
- * test-book-merge.c -- test implementation api for QoFBook merge    *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>      *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     *
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    *
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of    *
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.               *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                      *
- *                                                                   *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, contact:                         *
- *                                                                   *
- * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942        *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652        *
- * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org                    *
- *                                                                   *
- ********************************************************************/
-/* Test the qof_book_merge infrastructure. */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "qof.h"
-#include "test-stuff.h"
-#include "gnc-engine.h"
-#define TEST_MODULE_NAME "book-merge-test"
-#define TEST_MODULE_DESC "Test Book Merge"
-#define OBJ_NAME "somename"
-#define OBJ_AMOUNT "anamount"
-#define OBJ_DATE "nottoday"
-#define OBJ_GUID "unique"
-#define OBJ_DISCOUNT "hefty"
-#define OBJ_VERSION "early"
-#define OBJ_MINOR "tiny"
-#define OBJ_ACTIVE "ofcourse"
-static void test_rule_loop (QofBookMergeData*, QofBookMergeRule*, guint);
-static void test_merge (void);
-gboolean myobjRegister (void);
-/* simple object structure */
-typedef struct obj_s
-    QofInstance inst;
-    char     	*Name;
-    gnc_numeric	Amount;
-    const GncGUID 	*obj_guid;
-    Timespec 	date;
-    double 		discount; /* cheap pun, I know. */
-    gboolean 	active;
-    gint32   	version;
-    gint64 		minor;
-} myobj;
-typedef struct objclass_s
-    QofInstanceClass parent_class;
-} myobjClass;
-myobj* obj_create(QofBook*);
-/* obvious setter functions */
-void obj_setName(myobj*,	char*);
-void obj_setGUID(myobj*,	const GncGUID*);
-void obj_setAmount(myobj*,  gnc_numeric);
-void obj_setDate(myobj*,	Timespec h);
-void obj_setDiscount(myobj*, double);
-void obj_setActive(myobj*,  gboolean);
-void obj_setVersion(myobj*, gint32);
-void obj_setMinor(myobj*,   gint64);
-/* obvious getter functions */
-char*		obj_getName(myobj*);
-const GncGUID*	obj_getGUID(myobj*);
-gnc_numeric obj_getAmount(myobj*);
-Timespec   	obj_getDate(myobj*);
-double		obj_getDiscount(myobj*);
-gboolean	obj_getActive(myobj*);
-gint32		obj_getVersion(myobj*);
-gint64		obj_getMinor(myobj*);
-/* --- type macros --- */
-#define GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ            (gnc_myobj_get_type ())
-#define GNC_MYOBJ(o)              \
-#define GNC_MYOBJ_CLASS(k)        \
-     (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ, myobjClass))
-#define GNC_IS_MYOBJ(o)           \
-#define GNC_IS_MYOBJ_CLASS(k)     \
-#define GNC_MYOBJ_GET_CLASS(o)    \
-GType gnc_myobj_get_type(void);
-/* GObject Initialization */
-static void
-gnc_myobj_init(myobj* obj)
-static void
-gnc_myobj_dispose_real (GObject *objp)
-static void
-gnc_myobj_finalize_real(GObject* objp)
-obj_create(QofBook *book)
-    myobj *g;
-    g_return_val_if_fail(book, NULL);
-    g = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ, NULL);
-    qof_instance_init_data (&g->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, book);
-    obj_setGUID(g, qof_instance_get_guid(&g->inst));
-    g->date.tv_nsec = 0;
-    g->date.tv_sec = 0;
-    g->discount = 0;
-    g->active = TRUE;
-    g->version = 1;
-    g->minor = 1;
-    qof_event_gen(&g->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
-    return g;
-obj_setMinor(myobj *g, gint64 h)
-    g_return_if_fail(g != NULL);
-    g->minor = h;
-obj_getMinor(myobj *g)
-    g_return_val_if_fail((g != NULL), 0);
-    return g->minor;
-obj_setVersion(myobj *g, gint32 h)
-    g_return_if_fail(g != NULL);
-    g->version = h;
-obj_getVersion(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return 0;
-    return g->version;
-obj_setActive(myobj *g, gboolean h)
-    if (!g) return;
-    g->active = h;
-obj_getActive(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return FALSE;
-    return g->active;
-obj_setDiscount(myobj *g, double h)
-    if (!g) return;
-    g->discount = h;
-obj_getDiscount(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return 0;
-    return g->discount;
-obj_setDate(myobj *g, Timespec h)
-    if (!g) return;
-    g->date = h;
-obj_getDate(myobj *g)
-    Timespec ts = {0};
-    if (!g) return ts;
-    ts = g->date;
-    return ts;
-obj_setGUID(myobj* g, const GncGUID* h)
-    if (!g) return;
-    g->obj_guid = h;
-const GncGUID*
-obj_getGUID(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return NULL;
-    return g->obj_guid;
-obj_setName(myobj* g, char* h)
-    if (!g || !h) return;
-    g->Name = strdup(h);
-obj_getName(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return NULL;
-    return g->Name;
-obj_setAmount(myobj *g, gnc_numeric h)
-    if (!g) return;
-    g->Amount = h;
-obj_getAmount(myobj *g)
-    if (!g) return gnc_numeric_zero();
-    return g->Amount;
-static QofObject obj_object_def =
-    (gpointer)obj_create,
-    NULL,
-    NULL,
-    NULL,
-    NULL,
-    qof_collection_foreach,
-    NULL,
-    (int (*)(gpointer, gpointer)) qof_instance_version_cmp,
-gboolean myobjRegister (void)
-    static QofParam params[] =
-    {
-        { OBJ_NAME,		QOF_TYPE_STRING,	(QofAccessFunc)obj_getName,		(QofSetterFunc)obj_setName		},
-        { OBJ_AMOUNT,   QOF_TYPE_NUMERIC,   (QofAccessFunc)obj_getAmount,   (QofSetterFunc)obj_setAmount	},
-        { OBJ_GUID,		QOF_TYPE_GUID,		(QofAccessFunc)obj_getGUID,		(QofSetterFunc)obj_setGUID		},
-        { OBJ_DATE,		QOF_TYPE_DATE,		(QofAccessFunc)obj_getDate,		(QofSetterFunc)obj_setDate		},
-        { OBJ_DISCOUNT, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE,	(QofAccessFunc)obj_getDiscount, (QofSetterFunc)obj_setDiscount  },
-        { OBJ_ACTIVE,   QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN,   (QofAccessFunc)obj_getActive,   (QofSetterFunc)obj_setActive	},
-        { OBJ_VERSION,  QOF_TYPE_INT32,		(QofAccessFunc)obj_getVersion,  (QofSetterFunc)obj_setVersion   },
-        { OBJ_MINOR,	QOF_TYPE_INT64,		(QofAccessFunc)obj_getMinor,	(QofSetterFunc)obj_setMinor		},
-        { QOF_PARAM_BOOK, QOF_ID_BOOK,		(QofAccessFunc)qof_instance_get_book, NULL },
-        { QOF_PARAM_GUID, QOF_TYPE_GUID,	(QofAccessFunc)qof_instance_get_guid, NULL },
-        { NULL },
-    };
-    qof_class_register (TEST_MODULE_NAME, NULL, params);
-    return qof_object_register (&obj_object_def);
-static void
-test_merge (void)
-    QofBook *target, *import;
-    double init_value, discount;
-    myobj *import_obj, *target_obj, *new_obj;
-    int result;
-    Timespec ts, tc;
-    gboolean active;
-    gint32 version;
-    gint64 minor;
-    gchar *import_init, *target_init;
-    gnc_numeric obj_amount;
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    target = qof_book_new();
-    import = qof_book_new();
-    init_value = 1.00;
-    result = 0;
-    discount = 0.5;
-    active = TRUE;
-    version = 1;
-    minor = 1;
-    import_init = "test";
-    target_init = "testing";
-    qof_date_format_set(QOF_DATE_FORMAT_UK);
-    timespecFromTime_t(&ts, time(NULL));
-    do_test ((NULL != target), "#1 target book is NULL");
-    /* import book objects - tests used */
-    do_test ((NULL != import), "#2 import book is NULL");
-    import_obj = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ, NULL);
-    do_test ((NULL != import_obj), "#3 new object create");
-    qof_instance_init_data (&import_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, import);
-    do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->inst), "#4 instance init");
-    obj_setGUID(import_obj, qof_instance_get_guid(&import_obj->inst));
-    do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->obj_guid), "#5 guid set");
-    qof_event_gen(&import_obj->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
-    do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->inst), "#6 gnc event create");
-    obj_setName(import_obj, import_init);
-    do_test ((NULL != &import_obj->Name), "#7 string set");
-    obj_amount = double_to_gnc_numeric(init_value, 1, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
-    obj_setAmount(import_obj, obj_amount);
-    do_test ((gnc_numeric_check(obj_getAmount(import_obj)) == GNC_ERROR_OK), "#8 gnc_numeric set");
-    obj_setActive(import_obj, active);
-    do_test ((FALSE != &import_obj->active), "#9 gboolean set");
-    obj_setDiscount(import_obj, discount);
-    do_test ((discount == import_obj->discount), "#10 double set");
-    obj_setVersion(import_obj, version);
-    do_test ((version == import_obj->version), "#11 gint32 set");
-    obj_setMinor(import_obj, minor);
-    do_test ((minor == import_obj->minor), "#12 gint64 set");
-    obj_setDate(import_obj, ts );
-    tc = import_obj->date;
-    do_test ((timespec_cmp(&ts, &tc) == 0), "#13 date set");
-    obj_amount = gnc_numeric_add(obj_amount, obj_amount, 1, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
-    discount = 0.25;
-    version = 2;
-    minor = 3;
-    /* second import object - test results would be the same, so not tested. */
-    new_obj = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ, NULL);
-    qof_instance_init_data (&new_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, import);
-    obj_setGUID(new_obj, qof_instance_get_guid(&new_obj->inst));
-    qof_event_gen (&new_obj->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
-    obj_setName(new_obj, import_init);
-    obj_setAmount(new_obj, obj_amount);
-    obj_setActive(new_obj, active);
-    obj_setDiscount(new_obj, discount);
-    obj_setVersion(new_obj, version);
-    obj_setMinor(new_obj, minor);
-    obj_setDate(new_obj, ts);
-    obj_amount = gnc_numeric_add(obj_amount, obj_amount, 1, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
-    discount = 0.35;
-    version = 2;
-    minor = 3;
-    tc.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec - 1;
-    tc.tv_nsec = 0;
-    /* target object - test results would be the same, so not tested. */
-    target_obj = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_MYOBJ, NULL);
-    qof_instance_init_data (&target_obj->inst, TEST_MODULE_NAME, target);
-    obj_setGUID(target_obj, qof_instance_get_guid(&target_obj->inst));
-    qof_event_gen (&target_obj->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
-    obj_setName(target_obj, target_init);
-    obj_setAmount(target_obj, obj_amount);
-    obj_setActive(target_obj, active);
-    obj_setDiscount(target_obj, discount);
-    obj_setVersion(target_obj, version);
-    obj_setMinor(target_obj, minor);
-    obj_setDate(target_obj, tc );
-    mergeData = qof_book_merge_init(import, target);
-    do_test ( mergeData != NULL, "FATAL: Merge could not be initialised!\t aborting . . ");
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    qof_book_merge_rule_foreach(mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_REPORT);
-    qof_book_merge_rule_foreach(mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_UPDATE);
-    qof_book_merge_rule_foreach(mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_NEW);
-    /* reserved calls - test only */
-    qof_book_merge_rule_foreach(mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_ABSOLUTE);
-    qof_book_merge_rule_foreach(mergeData, test_rule_loop, MERGE_DUPLICATE);
-    /* import should not be in the target - pass if import_init fails match with target */
-    do_test (((safe_strcmp(obj_getName(import_obj), obj_getName(target_obj))) != 0), "Init value test #1");
-    /* a good commit returns zero */
-    do_test (qof_book_merge_commit(mergeData) == 0, "Commit failed");
-    /* import should be in the target - pass if import_init matches target */
-    do_test (((safe_strcmp(import_init, obj_getName(target_obj))) == 0), "Merged value test #1");
-    /* import should be the same as target - pass if values are the same */
-    do_test (((safe_strcmp(obj_getName(target_obj), obj_getName(import_obj))) == 0), "Merged value test #2");
-    /* check that the Amount really is a gnc_numeric */
-    do_test ((gnc_numeric_check(obj_getAmount(import_obj)) == GNC_ERROR_OK), "import gnc_numeric check");
-    do_test ((gnc_numeric_check(obj_getAmount(target_obj)) == GNC_ERROR_OK), "target gnc_numeric check");
-    /* obj_amount was changed after the import object was set, so expect a difference. */
-    do_test ((gnc_numeric_compare(obj_getAmount(import_obj), obj_amount) != GNC_ERROR_OK),
-             "gnc_numeric value check #1");
-    /* obj_amount is in the target object with the import value, expect a difference/ */
-    do_test ((gnc_numeric_compare(obj_getAmount(target_obj), obj_amount) != GNC_ERROR_OK),
-             "gnc_numeric value check #2");
-    /* target had a different date, so import date should now be set */
-    /* note: If sensible defaults are not set in the create:
-    an empty Timespec caused problems with the update - fix */
-    tc = target_obj->date;
-    do_test ((timespec_cmp(&ts, &tc) == 0), "date value check: 1");
-    tc = import_obj->date;
-    do_test ((timespec_cmp(&tc, &ts) == 0), "date value check: 2");
-    do_test ((timespec_cmp(&import_obj->date, &target_obj->date) == 0), "date value check: 3");
-static void
-test_rule_loop (QofBookMergeData *mergeData, QofBookMergeRule *rule, guint remainder)
-    GSList *testing;
-    QofParam *eachParam;
-    char *importstring;
-    char *targetstring;
-    /* In this test rule_loop, any lines beginning with do_test() can be removed
-    from a working rule_loop routine. It would be wise to still use some of the
-    more obvious checks, e.g. that an entity or rule exists before querying the parameters.
-    Take particular care with MERGE_NEW - targetEnt is always NULL until the Commit.
-    Do not attempt to use param_getfcn on targetEnt in the loop called by
-    QofBookMergeRuleForeach(rule_loop, MERGE_NEW);
-    */
-    gboolean skip_target;
-    importstring = NULL;
-    targetstring = NULL;
-    skip_target = FALSE;
-    mergeData->currentRule = rule;
-    do_test ((rule != NULL), "loop:#1 Rule is NULL");
-    do_test (remainder > 0, "loop:#2 remainder error.");
-    do_test ((safe_strcmp(NULL, rule->mergeLabel) != 0), "loop:#3 object label\n");
-    do_test ((rule->importEnt != NULL), "loop:#4 empty import entity");
-    /* targetEnt is always NULL at this stage if MERGE_NEW is set */
-    if (rule->targetEnt == NULL)
-    {
-        skip_target = TRUE;
-    }
-    if (!skip_target)
-    {
-        do_test ((safe_strcmp(rule->importEnt->e_type, rule->targetEnt->e_type) == 0),
-                 "loop: entity type mismatch");
-    }
-    do_test ((rule->mergeParam != NULL), "loop: empty parameter list");
-    testing = rule->mergeParam;
-    while (testing != NULL)  // start of param loop
-    {
-        eachParam = testing->data;
-        do_test ((eachParam != NULL), "loop:#8 no QofParam data");
-        do_test ((eachParam->param_name != NULL), "loop:#9 no parameter name");
-        do_test ((eachParam->param_getfcn != NULL), "loop:#10 no get function");
-        do_test ((eachParam->param_setfcn != NULL), "loop:#11 no set function");
-        /* non-generic - test routines only! */
-        if (safe_strcmp(eachParam->param_type, QOF_TYPE_STRING) == 0)
-        {
-            /* if you use this format, you would need to check the QOF_TYPE and
-            configure the get_fcn pointers yourself. This example only works for strings. */
-            importstring = g_strdup(eachParam->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, eachParam));
-            do_test ((importstring != NULL), "loop:#12 direct get_fcn import");
-            do_test ((safe_strcmp(importstring, "test") == 0), "loop:#13 direct import comparison");
-            if (!skip_target)
-            {
-                targetstring = eachParam->param_getfcn(rule->targetEnt, eachParam);
-                do_test ((targetstring != NULL), "loop:#14 direct get_fcn target");
-                do_test ((safe_strcmp(targetstring, "testing") == 0), "loop:#15 direct target comparison");
-            }
-        }
-        /* param_as_string does the conversion for display purposes only */
-        /* do NOT use as_string for calculations or set_fcn */
-        importstring = qof_book_merge_param_as_string(eachParam, rule->importEnt);
-        do_test ((importstring != NULL), "loop:#16 import param_as_string is null");
-        /*		printf("importstring %s\t%s Type\n", importstring, eachParam->param_type);*/
-        if (!skip_target)
-        {
-            targetstring = qof_book_merge_param_as_string(eachParam, rule->targetEnt);
-            do_test ((targetstring != NULL), "loop:#17 target param_as_string is null");
-            /*		printf("targetstring %s\t%s Type\n", targetstring, eachParam->param_type);*/
-        }
-        /* add your own code for user involvement here. */
-        /* either store the importstring and targetstring values and display separately,
-        perhaps in alphabetical/object_type/priority order, or, obtain user input as each
-        string is available. */
-        testing = g_slist_next(testing);
-    } // end param loop
-    /* set each rule dependent on the user involvement response above. */
-    /* test routine just sets all MERGE_REPORT to MERGE_UPDATE */
-    mergeData = qof_book_merge_update_result(mergeData, MERGE_UPDATE);
-    do_test ((rule->mergeResult != MERGE_REPORT), "update result fail");
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-    qof_init();
-    myobjRegister();
-    test_merge();
-    print_test_results();
-    qof_close();
-    return get_rv();

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/Makefile.am
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/Makefile.am	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/Makefile.am	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
    qofquerycore.c    \
    qofreference.c    \
    qofutil.c         \
-   qofsession.c      \
-   qofbookmerge.c
+   qofsession.c
 qofincludedir = ${pkgincludedir}
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@
    qofsql.h          \
    qof-string-cache.h  \
    qofutil.h         \
-   qofbookmerge.h    \
 noinst_HEADERS = \

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qof.h
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qof.h	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qof.h	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@
 /** @addtogroup Choice Choice and collect : One to many links.
 	@ingroup QOF
-/** @addtogroup BookMerge Merging QofBook structures
-	@ingroup QOF
 /** \addtogroup Reference Referring to entities outside a partial book.
 	\ingroup QOF
@@ -94,7 +91,6 @@
 #include "qofsession.h"
 #include "qofsql.h"
 #include "qofchoice.h"
-#include "qofbookmerge.h"
 #include "qofreference.h"
 #include "qof-string-cache.h"

Deleted: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.c
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.c	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.c	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -1,1325 +0,0 @@
- * QofBookMerge.c -- api for QoFBook merge with collision handling   *
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>      *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     *
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    *
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of    *
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.               *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                      *
- *                                                                   *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, contact:                         *
- *                                                                   *
- * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942        *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
- * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org                   *
- *                                                                   *
- ********************************************************************/
-#include "config.h"
-#include <glib.h>
-#include "qof.h"
-static QofLogModule log_module = QOF_MOD_MERGE;
-/* private rule iteration struct */
-struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate
-    QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB   fcn;
-    QofBookMergeData *data;
-    QofBookMergeRule *rule;
-    GList *ruleList;
-    guint remainder;
-/* Make string type parameters 3 times more
-	important in the match than default types.
-	i.e. even if two other parameters differ,
-	a string match will still provide a better target
-	than when other types match and the string does not.
-#define QOF_STRING_WEIGHT       3
-static QofBookMergeRule*
-qof_book_merge_update_rule(QofBookMergeRule *currentRule, gboolean match, gint weight)
-    gboolean absolute;
-    absolute = currentRule->mergeAbsolute;
-    if (absolute && match && currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_UNDEF)
-    {
-        currentRule->mergeResult = MERGE_ABSOLUTE;
-    }
-    if (absolute && !match)
-    {
-        currentRule->mergeResult = MERGE_UPDATE;
-    }
-    if (!absolute && match && currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_UNDEF)
-    {
-        currentRule->mergeResult = MERGE_DUPLICATE;
-    }
-    if (!absolute && !match)
-    {
-        currentRule->difference += weight;
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_DUPLICATE)
-        {
-            currentRule->mergeResult = MERGE_REPORT;
-        }
-    }
-    return currentRule;
-struct collect_list_s
-    GSList *linkedEntList;
-static void
-collect_reference_cb (QofInstance *ent, gpointer user_data)
-    struct collect_list_s *s;
-    s = (struct collect_list_s*)user_data;
-    if (!ent || !s)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    s->linkedEntList = g_slist_prepend(s->linkedEntList, ent);
-static int
-qof_book_merge_compare(QofBookMergeData *mergeData )
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    QofCollection *mergeColl, *targetColl;
-    gchar      *stringImport, *stringTarget;
-    QofInstance  *mergeEnt, *targetEnt, *referenceEnt;
-    const GncGUID *guidImport, *guidTarget;
-    QofParam   *qtparam;
-    KvpFrame   *kvpImport, *kvpTarget;
-    QofIdType  mergeParamName;
-    QofType    mergeType;
-    GSList    *paramList;
-    gboolean  absolute, mergeError, knowntype, mergeMatch, booleanImport, booleanTarget,
-           (*boolean_getter) (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    Timespec      tsImport, tsTarget,            (*date_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gnc_numeric   numericImport, numericTarget,  (*numeric_getter) (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    double        doubleImport, doubleTarget,    (*double_getter)  (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint32        i32Import, i32Target,          (*int32_getter)   (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint64        i64Import, i64Target,          (*int64_getter)   (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gchar         charImport, charTarget,        (*char_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    ENTER (" ");
-    g_return_val_if_fail((mergeData != NULL), -1);
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_val_if_fail((currentRule != NULL), -1);
-    absolute = currentRule->mergeAbsolute;
-    mergeEnt = currentRule->importEnt;
-    targetEnt = currentRule->targetEnt;
-    paramList = currentRule->mergeParam;
-    currentRule->difference = 0;
-    currentRule->mergeResult = MERGE_UNDEF;
-    currentRule->linkedEntList = NULL;
-    g_return_val_if_fail((targetEnt) || (mergeEnt) || (paramList), -1);
-    kvpImport = kvp_frame_new();
-    kvpTarget = kvp_frame_new();
-    mergeError = FALSE;
-    while (paramList != NULL)
-    {
-        mergeMatch = FALSE;
-        knowntype = FALSE;
-        qtparam = paramList->data;
-        mergeParamName = qtparam->param_name;
-        g_return_val_if_fail(mergeParamName != NULL, -1);
-        mergeType = qtparam->param_type;
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_STRING) == 0)
-        {
-            stringImport = qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            stringTarget = qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            /* very strict string matches may need to be relaxed. */
-            if (stringImport == NULL)
-            {
-                stringImport = "";
-            }
-            if (stringTarget == NULL)
-            {
-                stringTarget = "";
-            }
-            if (safe_strcmp(stringImport, stringTarget) == 0)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            /* Give special weight to a string match */
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, QOF_STRING_WEIGHT);
-            stringImport = stringTarget = NULL;
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DATE) == 0)
-        {
-            date_getter = (Timespec (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*))qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            tsImport = date_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            tsTarget = date_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (timespec_cmp(&tsImport, &tsTarget) == 0)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if ((safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_NUMERIC) == 0)  ||
-                (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DEBCRED) == 0))
-        {
-            numeric_getter = (gnc_numeric (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            numericImport = numeric_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            numericTarget = numeric_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (gnc_numeric_compare (numericImport, numericTarget) == 0)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_GUID) == 0)
-        {
-            guidImport = qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            guidTarget = qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (guid_compare(guidImport, guidTarget) == 0)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_INT32) == 0)
-        {
-            int32_getter = (gint32 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            i32Import = int32_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            i32Target = int32_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (i32Target == i32Import)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_INT64) == 0)
-        {
-            int64_getter = (gint64 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            i64Import = int64_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            i64Target = int64_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (i64Target == i64Import)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE) == 0)
-        {
-            double_getter = (double (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            doubleImport = double_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            doubleTarget = double_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            if (doubleImport == doubleTarget)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN) == 0)
-        {
-            boolean_getter = (gboolean (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            booleanImport = boolean_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            booleanTarget = boolean_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (booleanImport != FALSE && booleanImport != TRUE)
-            {
-                booleanImport = FALSE;
-            }
-            if (booleanTarget != FALSE && booleanTarget != TRUE)
-            {
-                booleanTarget = FALSE;
-            }
-            if (booleanImport == booleanTarget)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_KVP) == 0)
-        {
-            kvpImport = kvp_frame_copy(qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam));
-            kvpTarget = kvp_frame_copy(qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam));
-            if (kvp_frame_compare(kvpImport, kvpTarget) == 0)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_CHAR) == 0)
-        {
-            char_getter = (gchar (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-            charImport = char_getter(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            charTarget = char_getter(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            if (charImport == charTarget)
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        /* No object should have QofSetterFunc defined for the book,
-            but just to be safe, do nothing. */
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_ID_BOOK) == 0)
-        {
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_COLLECT) == 0)
-        {
-            struct collect_list_s s;
-            s.linkedEntList = NULL;
-            mergeColl = qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            targetColl = qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam);
-            s.linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-            qof_collection_foreach(mergeColl, collect_reference_cb, &s);
-            currentRule->linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(s.linkedEntList);
-            if (0 == qof_collection_compare(mergeColl, targetColl))
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                          mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(mergeType, QOF_TYPE_CHOICE) == 0)
-        {
-            referenceEnt = qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            currentRule->linkedEntList =
-                g_slist_prepend(currentRule->linkedEntList, referenceEnt);
-            if (referenceEnt == qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam))
-            {
-                mergeMatch = TRUE;
-            }
-            knowntype = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (knowntype == FALSE)
-        {
-            referenceEnt = qtparam->param_getfcn(mergeEnt, qtparam);
-            // XXX gncOwner is na object that could be returned, but does not have QofInstance
-            if (safe_strcmp(qtparam->param_type, "gncOwner") == 0)
-                referenceEnt = NULL;
-            if ((referenceEnt != NULL)
-                    && (safe_strcmp(referenceEnt->e_type, mergeType) == 0))
-            {
-                currentRule->linkedEntList =
-                    g_slist_prepend(currentRule->linkedEntList, referenceEnt);
-                if (referenceEnt == qtparam->param_getfcn(targetEnt, qtparam))
-                {
-                    mergeMatch = TRUE;
-                }
-                currentRule = qof_book_merge_update_rule(currentRule,
-                              mergeMatch, DEFAULT_MERGE_WEIGHT);
-            }
-        }
-        paramList = g_slist_next(paramList);
-    }
-    mergeData->currentRule = currentRule;
-    g_free(kvpImport);
-    g_free(kvpTarget);
-    LEAVE (" ");
-    return 0;
-static void
-qof_book_merge_commit_foreach_cb(gpointer rule, gpointer arg)
-    struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate *iter;
-    g_return_if_fail(arg != NULL);
-    iter = (struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate*)arg;
-    g_return_if_fail(iter->data != NULL);
-    iter->fcn (iter->data, (QofBookMergeRule*)rule, iter->remainder);
-    iter->remainder--;
-static void
-qof_book_merge_commit_foreach (QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB cb,
-                               QofBookMergeResult mergeResult,
-                               QofBookMergeData *mergeData)
-    struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate iter;
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    GList *subList, *node;
-    g_return_if_fail(cb != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(currentRule != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeResult > 0);
-    g_return_if_fail((mergeResult != MERGE_INVALID) || (mergeResult != MERGE_UNDEF) || (mergeResult != MERGE_REPORT));
-    iter.fcn = cb;
-    subList = NULL;
-    iter.ruleList = NULL;
-    for (node = mergeData->mergeList; node != NULL; node = node->next)
-    {
-        currentRule = node->data;
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == mergeResult)
-        {
-            subList = g_list_prepend(subList, currentRule);
-        }
-    }
-    iter.remainder = g_list_length(subList);
-    iter.data = mergeData;
-    g_list_foreach (subList, qof_book_merge_commit_foreach_cb, &iter);
-/* build the table of target comparisons
-This can get confusing, so bear with me. (!)
-Whilst iterating through the entities in the mergeBook, qof_book_mergeForeach assigns
-a targetEnt to each mergeEnt (until it runs out of targetEnt or mergeEnt). Each match
-is made against the one targetEnt that best matches the mergeEnt. Fine so far.
-Any mergeEnt is only ever assigned a targetEnt if the calculated difference between
-the two is less than the difference between that targetEnt and any previous mergeEnt
-The next mergeEnt may be a much better match for that targetEnt and the target_table
-is designed to solve the issues that result from this conflict. The previous match
-must be re-assigned because if two mergeEnt's are matched with only one targetEnt,
-data loss \b WILL follow. Equally, the current mergeEnt must replace the previous
-one as it is a better match. qof_instance_rating holds the details required to identify
-the correct mergeEnt to be re-assigned and these mergeEnt entities are therefore
-orphaned - to be re-matched later.
-Meanwhile, the current mergeEnt is entered into target_table with it's difference and
-rule data, in case an even better match is found later in the mergeBook.
-Finally, each mergeEnt in the orphan_list is now put through the comparison again.
-static gboolean
-qof_book_merge_rule_cmp(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-    QofBookMergeRule *ra = (QofBookMergeRule *) a;
-    QofBookMergeRule *rb = (QofBookMergeRule *) b;
-    if (ra->difference == rb->difference)
-    {
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-    else return FALSE;
-static void
-qof_book_merge_orphan_check(double difference, QofBookMergeRule *mergeRule,
-                            QofBookMergeData *mergeData)
-    /* Called when difference is lower than previous
-    	Lookup target to find previous match
-    	and re-assign mergeEnt to orphan_list */
-    QofBookMergeRule *rule;
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeRule != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    if (g_hash_table_size(mergeData->target_table) == 0)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    rule = (QofBookMergeRule*)g_hash_table_lookup(mergeData->target_table,
-            mergeRule->targetEnt);
-    /* If NULL, no match was found. */
-    if (rule == NULL)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Only orphan if this is a better match than already exists. */
-    if (difference >= rule->difference)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    rule->targetEnt = NULL;
-    rule->mergeResult = MERGE_UNDEF;
-    mergeData->orphan_list = g_slist_append(mergeData->orphan_list, rule);
-static void
-qof_book_merge_match_orphans(QofBookMergeData *mergeData)
-    GSList *orphans, *targets;
-    QofBookMergeRule *rule, *currentRule;
-    QofInstance *best_matchEnt;
-    double difference;
-    ENTER (" ");
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(currentRule != NULL);
-    /* This routine does NOT copy the orphan list, it
-    	is used recursively until empty. */
-    orphans = mergeData->orphan_list;
-    targets = g_slist_copy(mergeData->targetList);
-    while (orphans != NULL)
-    {
-        rule = orphans->data;
-        g_return_if_fail(rule != NULL);
-        difference = g_slist_length(mergeData->mergeObjectParams);
-        if (rule->targetEnt == NULL)
-        {
-            rule->mergeResult = MERGE_NEW;
-            rule->difference = 0;
-            mergeData->mergeList = g_list_prepend(mergeData->mergeList, rule);
-            orphans = g_slist_next(orphans);
-            continue;
-        }
-        mergeData->currentRule = rule;
-        g_return_if_fail(qof_book_merge_compare(mergeData) != -1);
-        if (difference > mergeData->currentRule->difference)
-        {
-            best_matchEnt = currentRule->targetEnt;
-            difference = currentRule->difference;
-            rule = currentRule;
-            mergeData->mergeList = g_list_prepend(mergeData->mergeList, rule);
-            qof_book_merge_orphan_check(difference, rule, mergeData);
-        }
-        orphans = g_slist_next(orphans);
-    }
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->orphan_list);
-    g_slist_free(targets);
-    LEAVE (" ");
-static void
-qof_book_merge_foreach_target (QofInstance* targetEnt, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
-    mergeData = (QofBookMergeData*)user_data;
-    g_return_if_fail(targetEnt != NULL);
-    mergeData->targetList = g_slist_prepend(mergeData->targetList, targetEnt);
-static void
-qof_book_merge_foreach_type_target ( QofObject* merge_obj, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
-    mergeData = (QofBookMergeData*)user_data;
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(currentRule != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(merge_obj != NULL);
-    if (safe_strcmp(merge_obj->e_type, currentRule->importEnt->e_type) == 0)
-    {
-        qof_object_foreach(currentRule->importEnt->e_type, mergeData->targetBook,
-                           qof_book_merge_foreach_target, user_data);
-    }
-static void
-qof_book_merge_foreach ( QofInstance* mergeEnt, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeRule *mergeRule, *currentRule;
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    QofInstance *targetEnt, *best_matchEnt;
-    GncGUID *g;
-    double difference;
-    GSList *c;
-    ENTER (" ");
-    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
-    mergeData = (QofBookMergeData*)user_data;
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeEnt != NULL);
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(currentRule != NULL);
-    g = guid_copy(qof_instance_get_guid(mergeEnt));
-    mergeRule = g_new0(QofBookMergeRule, 1);
-    mergeRule->importEnt = 		mergeEnt;
-    mergeRule->difference = 	difference = 0;
-    mergeRule->mergeAbsolute = 	FALSE;
-    mergeRule->mergeResult = 	MERGE_UNDEF;
-    mergeRule->updated = 		FALSE;
-    mergeRule->mergeType = 		mergeEnt->e_type;
-    mergeRule->mergeLabel = 	qof_object_get_type_label(mergeEnt->e_type);
-    mergeRule->mergeParam = 	g_slist_copy(mergeData->mergeObjectParams);
-    mergeRule->linkedEntList =	NULL;
-    mergeData->currentRule = mergeRule;
-    targetEnt = best_matchEnt = NULL;
-    targetEnt = qof_collection_lookup_entity (
-                    qof_book_get_collection (mergeData->targetBook, mergeEnt->e_type), g);
-    if ( targetEnt != NULL)
-    {
-        mergeRule->mergeAbsolute = TRUE;
-        mergeRule->targetEnt = targetEnt;
-        g_return_if_fail(qof_book_merge_compare(mergeData) != -1);
-        mergeRule->linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-        mergeData->mergeList = g_list_prepend(mergeData->mergeList, mergeRule);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* no absolute match exists */
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->targetList);
-    mergeData->targetList = NULL;
-    qof_object_foreach_type(qof_book_merge_foreach_type_target, mergeData);
-    if (g_slist_length(mergeData->targetList) == 0)
-    {
-        mergeRule->mergeResult = MERGE_NEW;
-    }
-    difference = g_slist_length(mergeRule->mergeParam);
-    c = g_slist_copy(mergeData->targetList);
-    while (c != NULL)
-    {
-        mergeRule->targetEnt = c->data;
-        currentRule = mergeRule;
-        /* compare two entities and sum the differences */
-        g_return_if_fail(qof_book_merge_compare(mergeData) != -1);
-        if (mergeRule->difference == 0)
-        {
-            /* check if this is a better match than one already assigned */
-            best_matchEnt = mergeRule->targetEnt;
-            mergeRule->mergeResult = MERGE_DUPLICATE;
-            difference = 0;
-            mergeRule->linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-            g_slist_free(c);
-            guid_free(g);
-            /* exact match, return */
-            return;
-        }
-        if (difference > mergeRule->difference)
-        {
-            /* The chosen targetEnt determines the parenting of any child object */
-            /* check if this is a better match than one already assigned */
-            best_matchEnt = mergeRule->targetEnt;
-            difference = mergeRule->difference;
-            /* Use match to lookup the previous entity that matched this targetEnt (if any)
-            	and remove targetEnt from the rule for that mergeEnt.
-            	Add the previous mergeEnt to orphan_list.
-            */
-            qof_book_merge_orphan_check(difference, mergeRule, mergeData);
-        }
-        c = g_slist_next(c);
-    }
-    g_slist_free(c);
-    if (best_matchEnt != NULL )
-    {
-        mergeRule->targetEnt = best_matchEnt;
-        mergeRule->difference = difference;
-        /* Set this entity in the target_table in case a better match can be made
-        	with the next mergeEnt. */
-        g_hash_table_insert(mergeData->target_table, mergeRule->targetEnt, mergeRule);
-        /* compare again with the best partial match */
-        g_return_if_fail(qof_book_merge_compare(mergeData) != -1);
-        mergeRule->linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        mergeRule->targetEnt = NULL;
-        mergeRule->difference = 0;
-        mergeRule->mergeResult = MERGE_NEW;
-        mergeRule->linkedEntList = g_slist_copy(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-    }
-    mergeData->mergeList = g_list_prepend(mergeData->mergeList, mergeRule);
-    guid_free(g);
-    /* return to qof_book_merge_init */
-    LEAVE (" ");
-static void
-qof_book_merge_foreach_param( QofParam* param, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
-    mergeData = (QofBookMergeData*)user_data;
-    g_return_if_fail(param != NULL);
-    if ((param->param_getfcn != NULL) && (param->param_setfcn != NULL))
-    {
-        mergeData->mergeObjectParams = g_slist_append(mergeData->mergeObjectParams, param);
-    }
-static void
-qof_book_merge_foreach_type ( QofObject* merge_obj, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    g_return_if_fail(user_data != NULL);
-    mergeData = (QofBookMergeData*)user_data;
-    g_return_if_fail((merge_obj != NULL));
-    /* Skip unsupported objects */
-    if ((merge_obj->create == NULL) || (merge_obj->foreach == NULL))
-    {
-        DEBUG (" merge_obj QOF support failed %s", merge_obj->e_type);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (mergeData->mergeObjectParams != NULL) g_slist_free(mergeData->mergeObjectParams);
-    mergeData->mergeObjectParams = NULL;
-    qof_class_param_foreach(merge_obj->e_type, qof_book_merge_foreach_param , mergeData);
-    qof_object_foreach(merge_obj->e_type, mergeData->mergeBook,
-                       qof_book_merge_foreach, mergeData);
-static void
-qof_book_merge_rule_cb(gpointer rule, gpointer arg)
-    struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate *iter;
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    g_return_if_fail(arg != NULL);
-    iter = (struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate*)arg;
-    mergeData = iter->data;
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData->abort == FALSE);
-    iter->fcn (mergeData, (QofBookMergeRule*)rule, iter->remainder);
-    iter->data = mergeData;
-    iter->remainder--;
- * Creates an object when the MergeResult is MERGE_NEW. Called for each MergeRule.
- */
-static void
-qof_book_merge_commit_rule_create_objects(QofBookMergeData *mergeData,
-        QofBookMergeRule *rule,
-        guint remainder)
-    QofInstance *inst;
-    g_return_if_fail(rule != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData->targetBook != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(rule->mergeResult == MERGE_NEW);
-    /* The new object takes the GncGUID from the import to retain an absolute match */
-    inst = qof_object_new_instance(rule->importEnt->e_type, mergeData->targetBook);
-    g_return_if_fail(inst != NULL);
-    rule->targetEnt = inst;
-    qof_instance_copy_guid(rule->targetEnt, rule->importEnt);
- * Returns the corresponding target entity to the given importEnt
- */
-static QofInstance*
-qof_book_merge_map_entity(const QofBookMergeData *mergeData, const QofInstance* importEnt)
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    GList *node;
-    for (node = mergeData->mergeList; node != NULL; node = node->next)
-    {
-        currentRule = node->data;
-        if (currentRule->importEnt == importEnt)
-        {
-            return currentRule->targetEnt;
-        }
-    }
-    PINFO ("qof_book_merge_map_entity: Import Entity not found");
-    return NULL;
-typedef struct
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    QofCollection *mapped_coll;
-} QofBookMergeMapCollectionIterate;
- * Map all entities given in importEnt and add them into the mapped_coll
- */
-static void
-qof_book_merge_map_collection_cb(QofInstance* importEnt, gpointer user_data)
-    QofBookMergeMapCollectionIterate *mapped_coll_iter;
-    QofInstance *targetEnt;
-    mapped_coll_iter = (QofBookMergeMapCollectionIterate*)user_data;
-    targetEnt = qof_book_merge_map_entity(mapped_coll_iter->mergeData, importEnt);
-    qof_collection_add_entity(mapped_coll_iter->mapped_coll, targetEnt);
-static void
-qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop(QofBookMergeData *mergeData,
-                                QofBookMergeRule *rule,
-                                guint remainder)
-    gboolean    registered_type;
-    QofInstance   *referenceEnt;
-    /* cm_ prefix used for variables that hold the data to commit */
-    QofCollection *cm_coll, *mapped_coll;
-    QofBookMergeMapCollectionIterate mapped_coll_iter;
-    QofParam    *cm_param;
-    gchar       *cm_string;
-    const GncGUID  *cm_guid;
-    KvpFrame    *cm_kvp;
-    /* function pointers and variables for parameter getters that don't use pointers normally */
-    gnc_numeric  cm_numeric, (*numeric_getter)  (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    double       cm_double,  (*double_getter)   (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gboolean     cm_boolean, (*boolean_getter)  (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint32       cm_i32,     (*int32_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint64       cm_i64,     (*int64_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    Timespec     cm_date,    (*date_getter)     (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gchar        cm_char,    (*char_getter)     (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    /* function pointers to the parameter setters */
-    void (*string_setter)    (QofInstance*, const gchar*);
-    void (*date_setter)      (QofInstance*, Timespec);
-    void (*numeric_setter)   (QofInstance*, gnc_numeric);
-    void (*guid_setter)      (QofInstance*, const GncGUID*);
-    void (*double_setter)    (QofInstance*, double);
-    void (*boolean_setter)   (QofInstance*, gboolean);
-    void (*i32_setter)       (QofInstance*, gint32);
-    void (*i64_setter)       (QofInstance*, gint64);
-    void (*char_setter)      (QofInstance*, gchar);
-    void (*kvp_frame_setter) (QofInstance*, KvpFrame*);
-    void (*reference_setter) (QofInstance*, QofInstance*);
-    void (*collection_setter)(QofInstance*, QofCollection*);
-    g_return_if_fail(rule != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData->targetBook != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(rule->importEnt && rule->targetEnt);
-    g_return_if_fail((rule->mergeResult != MERGE_NEW) || (rule->mergeResult != MERGE_UPDATE));
-    DEBUG ("qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop rule: type: %s, result: %s, importEnt Type: %s, guid: %s",
-           rule->mergeType, rule->mergeResult == MERGE_NEW ? "New" : "Update",
-           rule->importEnt->e_type,
-           guid_to_string(qof_instance_get_guid(rule->importEnt)));
-    DEBUG ("qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop rule (cont.): targetEnt Type: %s, guid: %s",
-           rule->targetEnt->e_type,
-           guid_to_string(qof_instance_get_guid(rule->targetEnt)));
-    /* currentRule->targetEnt is now set,
-    	1. by an absolute GncGUID match or
-    	2. by best_matchEnt and difference or
-    	3. by MERGE_NEW.
-    */
-    while (rule->mergeParam != NULL)
-    {
-        registered_type = FALSE;
-        g_return_if_fail(rule->mergeParam->data);
-        cm_param = rule->mergeParam->data;
-        rule->mergeType = cm_param->param_type;
-        DEBUG ("qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop param: Merge Type: %s, Param Name: %s",
-               rule->mergeType, cm_param->param_name);
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_STRING) == 0)
-        {
-            cm_string = cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            string_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, const gchar*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (string_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                string_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_string);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DATE) == 0)
-        {
-            date_getter = (Timespec (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*))cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_date = date_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            date_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, Timespec))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (date_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                date_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_date);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if ((safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_NUMERIC) == 0)  ||
-                (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DEBCRED) == 0))
-        {
-            numeric_getter = (gnc_numeric (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*))cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_numeric = numeric_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            numeric_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, gnc_numeric))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (numeric_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                numeric_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_numeric);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_GUID) == 0)
-        {
-            cm_guid = cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            guid_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, const GncGUID*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (guid_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                guid_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_guid);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_INT32) == 0)
-        {
-            int32_getter = (gint32 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_i32 = int32_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            i32_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, gint32))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (i32_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                i32_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_i32);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_INT64) == 0)
-        {
-            int64_getter = (gint64 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_i64 = int64_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            i64_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, gint64))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (i64_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                i64_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_i64);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE) == 0)
-        {
-            double_getter = (double (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_double = double_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            double_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, double))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (double_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                double_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_double);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN) == 0)
-        {
-            boolean_getter = (gboolean (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_boolean = boolean_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            boolean_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, gboolean))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (boolean_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                boolean_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_boolean);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_KVP) == 0)
-        {
-            cm_kvp = kvp_frame_copy(cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param));
-            kvp_frame_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, KvpFrame*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (kvp_frame_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                kvp_frame_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_kvp);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_CHAR) == 0)
-        {
-            char_getter = (gchar (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) cm_param->param_getfcn;
-            cm_char = char_getter(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            char_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, gchar))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (char_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                char_setter(rule->targetEnt, cm_char);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_COLLECT) == 0)
-        {
-            cm_coll = cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            /* Created mapped collection */
-            mapped_coll = qof_collection_new(qof_collection_get_type(cm_coll));
-            mapped_coll_iter.mergeData = mergeData;
-            mapped_coll_iter.mapped_coll = mapped_coll;
-            qof_collection_foreach(cm_coll, qof_book_merge_map_collection_cb, &mapped_coll_iter);
-            collection_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, QofCollection*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (collection_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                collection_setter(rule->targetEnt, mapped_coll);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (safe_strcmp(rule->mergeType, QOF_TYPE_CHOICE) == 0)
-        {
-            referenceEnt = cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            referenceEnt = qof_book_merge_map_entity(mergeData, referenceEnt);
-            reference_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, QofInstance*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-            if (reference_setter != NULL)
-            {
-                reference_setter(rule->targetEnt, referenceEnt);
-            }
-            registered_type = TRUE;
-        }
-        if (registered_type == FALSE)
-        {
-            referenceEnt = cm_param->param_getfcn(rule->importEnt, cm_param);
-            // XXX gncOwner is an object that could be returned, but does not have QofInstance
-            if (safe_strcmp(cm_param->param_type, "gncOwner") == 0)
-                referenceEnt = NULL;
-            referenceEnt = qof_book_merge_map_entity(mergeData, referenceEnt);
-            if (referenceEnt)
-            {
-                reference_setter = (void(*)(QofInstance*, QofInstance*))cm_param->param_setfcn;
-                if (reference_setter != NULL)
-                {
-                    reference_setter(rule->targetEnt, referenceEnt);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        rule->mergeParam = g_slist_next(rule->mergeParam);
-    }
-/* ================================================================ */
-/* API functions. */
-qof_book_merge_init( QofBook *importBook, QofBook *targetBook)
-    QofBookMergeData *mergeData;
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    GList *node;
-    ENTER (" ");
-    g_return_val_if_fail((importBook != NULL) && (targetBook != NULL), NULL);
-    mergeData = g_new0(QofBookMergeData, 1);
-    mergeData->abort = FALSE;
-    mergeData->mergeList = NULL;
-    mergeData->targetList = NULL;
-    mergeData->mergeBook = importBook;
-    mergeData->targetBook = targetBook;
-    mergeData->mergeObjectParams = NULL;
-    mergeData->orphan_list = NULL;
-    mergeData->target_table = g_hash_table_new( g_direct_hash, qof_book_merge_rule_cmp);
-    currentRule = g_new0(QofBookMergeRule, 1);
-    mergeData->currentRule = currentRule;
-    qof_object_foreach_type(qof_book_merge_foreach_type, mergeData);
-    g_return_val_if_fail(mergeData->mergeObjectParams, NULL);
-    if (mergeData->orphan_list != NULL)
-    {
-        qof_book_merge_match_orphans(mergeData);
-    }
-    for (node = mergeData->mergeList; node != NULL; node = node->next)
-    {
-        currentRule = node->data;
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_INVALID)
-        {
-            mergeData->abort = TRUE;
-            return(NULL);
-        }
-    }
-    LEAVE (" ");
-    return mergeData;
-qof_book_merge_abort (QofBookMergeData *mergeData)
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    while (mergeData->mergeList != NULL)
-    {
-        currentRule = mergeData->mergeList->data;
-        g_slist_free(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-        g_slist_free(currentRule->mergeParam);
-        g_free(mergeData->mergeList->data);
-        if (currentRule)
-        {
-            g_slist_free(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-            g_slist_free(currentRule->mergeParam);
-            g_free(currentRule);
-        }
-        mergeData->mergeList = g_list_next(mergeData->mergeList);
-    }
-    g_list_free(mergeData->mergeList);
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->mergeObjectParams);
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->targetList);
-    if (mergeData->orphan_list != NULL)
-    {
-        g_slist_free(mergeData->orphan_list);
-    }
-    g_hash_table_destroy(mergeData->target_table);
-    g_free(mergeData);
-/* The QOF_TYPE_DATE output format from
-qof_book_merge_param_as_string has been changed to QSF_XSD_TIME,
-a UTC formatted timestring: 2005-01-01T10:55:23Z
-If you change QOF_UTC_DATE_FORMAT, change
-backend/file/qsf-xml.c : qsf_entity_foreach to
-reformat to QSF_XSD_TIME or the QSF XML will
-FAIL the schema validation and QSF exports will become invalid.
-The QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN is lowercase for the same reason.
-\todo deprecate and replace with
-gchar* qof_instance_param_as_string(const QofParam*, QofInstance*);
-and then add
-gchar* qof_class_get_param_as_string(QofIdTypeConst, QofInstance*); ?
-qof_book_merge_param_as_string(QofParam *qtparam, QofInstance *qtEnt)
-    gchar       *param_string, param_date[QOF_DATE_STRING_LENGTH];
-    gchar       param_sa[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
-    QofType     paramType;
-    const GncGUID *param_guid;
-    time_t      param_t;
-    gnc_numeric param_numeric,  (*numeric_getter) (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    Timespec    param_ts,       (*date_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    double      param_double,   (*double_getter)  (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gboolean    param_boolean,  (*boolean_getter) (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint32      param_i32,      (*int32_getter)   (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gint64      param_i64,      (*int64_getter)   (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    gchar       param_char,     (*char_getter)    (QofInstance*, QofParam*);
-    param_string = NULL;
-    paramType = qtparam->param_type;
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_STRING) == 0)
-    {
-        param_string = g_strdup(qtparam->param_getfcn(qtEnt, qtparam));
-        if (param_string == NULL)
-        {
-            param_string = "";
-        }
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_DATE) == 0)
-    {
-        date_getter = (Timespec (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*))qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_ts = date_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_t = timespecToTime_t(param_ts);
-        qof_strftime(param_date, QOF_DATE_STRING_LENGTH, QOF_UTC_DATE_FORMAT, gmtime(&param_t));
-        param_string = g_strdup(param_date);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if ((safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_NUMERIC) == 0)  ||
-            (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_DEBCRED) == 0))
-    {
-        numeric_getter = (gnc_numeric (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_numeric = numeric_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_string = g_strdup(gnc_numeric_to_string(param_numeric));
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_GUID) == 0)
-    {
-        param_guid = qtparam->param_getfcn(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        guid_to_string_buff(param_guid, param_sa);
-        param_string = g_strdup(param_sa);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_INT32) == 0)
-    {
-        int32_getter = (gint32 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_i32 = int32_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_string = g_strdup_printf("%d", param_i32);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_INT64) == 0)
-    {
-        int64_getter = (gint64 (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_i64 = int64_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_string = g_strdup_printf("%" G_GINT64_FORMAT, param_i64);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_DOUBLE) == 0)
-    {
-        double_getter = (double (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_double = double_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_string = g_strdup_printf("%f", param_double);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN) == 0)
-    {
-        boolean_getter = (gboolean (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_boolean = boolean_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        /* Boolean values need to be lowercase for QSF validation. */
-        if (param_boolean == TRUE)
-        {
-            param_string = g_strdup("true");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            param_string = g_strdup("false");
-        }
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    /* "kvp" contains repeating values, cannot be a single string for the frame. */
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_KVP) == 0)
-    {
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    if (safe_strcmp(paramType, QOF_TYPE_CHAR) == 0)
-    {
-        char_getter = (gchar (*)(QofInstance*, QofParam*)) qtparam->param_getfcn;
-        param_char = char_getter(qtEnt, qtparam);
-        param_string = g_strdup_printf("%c", param_char);
-        return param_string;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-qof_book_merge_update_result (QofBookMergeData *mergeData,
-                              QofBookMergeResult tag)
-    QofBookMergeRule *resolved;
-    g_return_val_if_fail((mergeData != NULL), NULL);
-    g_return_val_if_fail((tag > 0), NULL);
-    g_return_val_if_fail((tag != MERGE_REPORT), NULL);
-    resolved = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_val_if_fail((resolved != NULL), NULL);
-    if ((resolved->mergeAbsolute == TRUE) && (tag == MERGE_DUPLICATE))
-    {
-        tag = MERGE_ABSOLUTE;
-    }
-    if ((resolved->mergeAbsolute == TRUE) && (tag == MERGE_NEW))
-    {
-        tag = MERGE_UPDATE;
-    }
-    if ((resolved->mergeAbsolute == FALSE) &&	(tag == MERGE_ABSOLUTE))
-    {
-        tag = MERGE_DUPLICATE;
-    }
-    if ((resolved->mergeResult == MERGE_NEW) && (tag == MERGE_UPDATE))
-    {
-        tag = MERGE_NEW;
-    }
-    if (resolved->updated == FALSE)
-    {
-        resolved->mergeResult = tag;
-    }
-    resolved->updated = TRUE;
-    if (tag >= MERGE_INVALID)
-    {
-        mergeData->abort = TRUE;
-        mergeData->currentRule = resolved;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    mergeData->currentRule = resolved;
-    return mergeData;
-qof_book_merge_commit(QofBookMergeData *mergeData )
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    GList *check, *node;
-    ENTER (" ");
-    g_return_val_if_fail(mergeData != NULL, -10);
-    g_return_val_if_fail(mergeData->mergeList != NULL, -11);
-    g_return_val_if_fail(mergeData->targetBook != NULL, -12);
-    if (mergeData->abort == TRUE) return -13;
-    check = g_list_copy(mergeData->mergeList);
-    g_return_val_if_fail(check != NULL, -14);
-    for (node = check; node != NULL; node = node->next)
-    {
-        currentRule = node->data;
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_INVALID)
-        {
-            qof_book_merge_abort(mergeData);
-            g_list_free(check);
-            return(-2);
-        }
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == MERGE_REPORT)
-        {
-            g_list_free(check);
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    g_list_free(check);
-    qof_book_merge_commit_foreach(qof_book_merge_commit_rule_create_objects,
-                                  MERGE_NEW, mergeData);
-    qof_book_merge_commit_foreach(qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop,
-                                  MERGE_NEW, mergeData);
-    qof_book_merge_commit_foreach(qof_book_merge_commit_rule_loop,
-                                  MERGE_UPDATE, mergeData);
-    /* Placeholder for QofObject merge_helper_cb - all objects
-          and all parameters set */
-    while (mergeData->mergeList != NULL)
-    {
-        currentRule = mergeData->mergeList->data;
-        g_slist_free(currentRule->mergeParam);
-        g_slist_free(currentRule->linkedEntList);
-        mergeData->mergeList = g_list_next(mergeData->mergeList);
-    }
-    g_list_free(mergeData->mergeList);
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->mergeObjectParams);
-    g_slist_free(mergeData->targetList);
-    if (mergeData->orphan_list != NULL)
-    {
-        g_slist_free(mergeData->orphan_list);
-    }
-    g_hash_table_destroy(mergeData->target_table);
-    g_free(mergeData);
-    LEAVE (" ");
-    return 0;
-qof_book_merge_rule_foreach (QofBookMergeData *mergeData,
-                             QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB cb,
-                             QofBookMergeResult mergeResult )
-    struct QofBookMergeRuleIterate iter;
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule;
-    GList *matching_rules, *node;
-    g_return_if_fail(cb != NULL);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-    currentRule = mergeData->currentRule;
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeResult > 0);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeResult != MERGE_INVALID);
-    g_return_if_fail(mergeData->abort == FALSE);
-    iter.fcn = cb;
-    iter.data = mergeData;
-    matching_rules = NULL;
-    iter.ruleList = NULL;
-    for (node = mergeData->mergeList; node != NULL; node = node->next)
-    {
-        currentRule = node->data;
-        if (currentRule->mergeResult == mergeResult)
-        {
-            matching_rules = g_list_prepend(matching_rules, currentRule);
-        }
-    }
-    iter.remainder = g_list_length(matching_rules);
-    g_list_foreach (matching_rules, qof_book_merge_rule_cb, &iter);
-    g_list_free(matching_rules);
-/* End of file. */
-/* ==================================================================== */

Deleted: gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.h
--- gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.h	2013-07-14 17:10:03 UTC (rev 23106)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.4/src/libqof/qof/qofbookmerge.h	2013-08-01 17:48:18 UTC (rev 23107)
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
- * qofbookmerge.h -- api for QofBook merge with collision handling   *
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>           *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     *
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as    *
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of    *
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.               *
- *                                                                   *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                      *
- *                                                                   *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, contact:                         *
- *                                                                   *
- * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942        *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
- * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org                   *
- *                                                                   *
- ********************************************************************/
-#define QOF_MOD_MERGE "qof.merge"
-/** @addtogroup BookMerge
-<b>Collision handling principles.</b>\n
-	-# Always check for a ::GncGUID first and compare. qofbookmerge only accepts
-    valid ::QofBook	data and therefore ALL objects in the import book will
-    include valid GncGUID's.
-	-# If the original import data did not contain a GncGUID (e.g. an external
-    non-GnuCash source)	the GncGUID values will have been created during the
-    import and will not match any existing GncGUID's in the target book so objects
-    that do not have a GncGUID match cannot be assumed to be ::MERGE_NEW - parameter
-    values must be checked.
-	-# If import contains data from closed books, store the data from the closed
-	books in the current book as active. i.e. re-open the books.
-- If a GncGUID match exists, set qof_book_merge_rule::mergeAbsolute to \a TRUE.
-	-# If ALL parameters in the import object match the target object with
-    the same \a GncGUID,
-	set ::qof_book_merge_result to \a MERGE_ABSOLUTE.
-	-# If any parameters differ, set ::MERGE_UPDATE.
-- If the import object \a GncGUID does not match an existing object,
-mergeAbsolute is unchanged from the default \a FALSE
-The parameter values of the object are compared to other objects of the same
-type in the target book.
-	-# If the same data exists in the target book with a different GncGUID, the object
-	is tagged as DUPLICATE.
-	-# If the data has changed, the object is tagged as REPORT.
-	-# If the data does not match, the object is tagged as NEW
-More information is at http://code.neil.williamsleesmill.me.uk/
-Each foreach function uses g_return_if_fail checks to protect the target book.
-If any essential data is missing, the loop returns without changing the target
-book. Note that this will not set or return an error value. However, g_return
-is only used for critical errors that arise from programming errors, not for
-invalid import data which should be cleaned up before creating the import
-Only ::qof_book_merge_update_result and ::qof_book_merge_commit return
-any error values to the calling process. ::qof_book_merge_init returns a
-pointer to the ::QofBookMergeData struct - the calling process needs to
-make sure this is non-NULL to know that the Init has been successful.
- @{
-/** @file  qofbookmerge.h
-    @brief API for merging two \c QofBook structures with collision handling
-    @author Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>
-#include "qofutil.h"
-#include "qofbook.h"
-#include "qofclass.h"
-#include "qofobject.h"
-#include "qofinstance.h"
-#include "qoflog.h"
-/** \brief Results of collisions and user resolution.
-All rules are initialised as ::MERGE_UNDEF.
-Once the comparison is complete, each object within the import will be
-reported to the user along with all ::MERGE_REPORT objects for confirmation.
-It may be useful later to allow \a MERGE_ABSOLUTE, \a MERGE_NEW,
-\a MERGE_DUPLICATE and \a MERGE_UPDATE to not be reported, if the user sets a
-preferences option for each result. (Always accept new items: Y/N default NO,
-ignores all MERGE_NEW if set to Y etc.) This option would not require any
-changes to qofbookmerge.
-\a MERGE_NEW, \a MERGE_DUPLICATE and \a MERGE_UPDATE are only actioned after
-conflicts are resolved by the user using a dialog and all \a MERGE_REPORT
-objects are re-assigned to one of MERGE_NEW, MERGE_DUPLICATE or MERGE_UPDATE.
-There is no automatic merge, even if no entities are tagged as MERGE_REPORT,
-the calling process must still check for REPORT items using
-::qof_book_merge_rule_foreach and call ::qof_book_merge_commit.
-\a MERGE_INVALID data should be rare and allows for user-abort - the imported
-file/source may be corrupted and the prescence of invalid data should raise
-concerns that the rest of the data may be corrupted, damaged or otherwise
-altered. If any entity is tagged as MERGE_INVALID, the merge operation will
-abort and leave the target book completely unchanged.
-\a MERGE_ABSOLUTE is only used for a complete match. The import object contains
-the same data in the same parameters with no omissions or amendments. If any
-data is missing, amended or added, the data is labelled \a MERGE_UPDATE.
- Every piece of data has a corresponding result. Only when the count of items
- labelled \a MERGE_REPORT is equal to zero are \a MERGE_NEW and \a MERGE_UPDATE
- items added to the existing book.\n \a MERGE_DUPLICATE items are silently
- ignored. Aborting the dialogue/process (by the user or in a program crash) at
- any point before the final commit leaves the existing book completely untouched.
-typedef enum
-    MERGE_UNDEF,     /**< default value before comparison is made. */
-    MERGE_ABSOLUTE,  /**< GncGUID exact match, no new data - \b ignore */
-    MERGE_NEW,       /**< import object does \b not exist in the target
-                        book - \b add */
-    MERGE_REPORT,    /**< import object needs user intervention - \b report */
-    MERGE_DUPLICATE, /**< import object with different GncGUID exactly matches
-                        existing GncGUID - \b ignore */
-    MERGE_UPDATE,    /**< import object matches an existing entity but includes
-                        new or modified parameter data - \b update */
-    MERGE_INVALID    /**< import object didn't match registered object or
-                        parameter types or user decided to abort - \b abort */
-} QofBookMergeResult;
-/** \brief One rule per entity, built into a single GList for the entire merge
-All rules are stored in the GList QofBookMergeData::mergeList.
-If the ::GncGUID matches it's the always same semantic object,
-regardless of whether other data fields are changed.
-The boolean value mergeAbsolute defaults to \c FALSE
-NOTE 1: if mergeAbsolute == \c TRUE, ::QofBookMergeResult will still be set
-to ::MERGE_UPDATE if parameters within this entity have been modified.
-NOTE 2: ::qof_book_merge_param_as_string returns \b string representations of
-the parameter data that is causing a collision. These values must \b NOT be
-used to set the target parameter - the function is provided for display
-purposes only, to make it simple to explain the collision to the user using
-MERGE_REPORT and the dialogue.
-The GHashTable targetTable in QofBookMergeRule will probably replace the
-GSList of the
-same name in mergeData.
-typedef struct
-    /* internal counters and reference variables */
-    gboolean mergeAbsolute;   /**< Only set if the GncGUID of the import matches
-                                the target */
-    double difference;       /**< used to find best match in a book where no
-                                GncGUID matches */
-    gboolean updated;        /**< prevent the mergeResult from being
-                                overwritten. */
-    /* rule objects set from or by external calls */
-    QofIdType mergeType;     /**< type of comparison required for check for
-                                collision */
-    const gchar* mergeLabel;  /**< Descriptive label for the object type,
-                                useful for the user intervention dialogue. */
-    GSList *mergeParam;      /**< list of usable parameters for the object type */
-    GSList *linkedEntList;   /**< list of complex data types included in this object.
-	linkedEntList contains an ::QofInstance reference to any parameter that is not
-	one of the core QOF_TYPE data types. This entity must be already
-    registered with QOF and the results of the comparison for the linked entity
-    will modulate the mergeResult of this object. e.g. if an invoice is the
-    same value but for a different customer, the invoice will be set to
-    MERGE_REPORT and the customer as MERGE_NEW.
-	*/
-    QofBookMergeResult mergeResult; /**< result of comparison with main ::QofBook */
-    QofInstance *importEnt;    /**< pointer to the current entity in the import book. */
-    QofInstance *targetEnt;    /**< pointer to the corresponding entity in the
-                                target book, if any. */
-} QofBookMergeRule;
-/** \brief 	mergeData contains the essential context data for any merge.
-Used to dictate what to merge, how to merge it, where to get the new data and
-where to put the amended data.
-Combines lists of \a ::QofParam, \a ::QofInstance and \a ::QofBookMergeRule
-into one struct that can be easily passed between callbacks. Also holds the
-pointers to the import and target ::QofBook structures.
-- targetList and mergeObjectParams change each time a new object type
-is set for compare.
-- mergeList is the complete list of rules for all objects in the import book.
-typedef struct
-    GSList 	*mergeObjectParams;  /**< GSList of ::QofParam details for each
-                                    parameter in the current object. */
-    GList 	*mergeList;          /**< GList of all ::QofBookMergeRule rules
-                                    for the merge operation. */
-    GSList 	*targetList;         /**< GSList of ::QofInstance * for each object
-                                    of this type in the target book */
-    QofBook *mergeBook;          /**< pointer to the import book for this
-                                    merge operation. */
-    QofBook *targetBook;         /**< pointer to the target book for this
-                                    merge operation. */
-    gboolean abort;	             /**< set to TRUE if MERGE_INVALID is set. */
-    QofBookMergeRule *currentRule; /**< placeholder for the rule currently
-                                    being tested or applied. */
-    GSList *orphan_list;         /**< List of QofInstance's that need to be rematched.
-	When one QofInstance has a lower difference to the targetEnt than the
-    previous best_match, the new match takes precedence. This list holds those
-    orphaned entities that are not a good enough match so that these can be
-    rematched later. The ranking is handled using the private QofInstanceRating
-    struct and the GHashTable ::QofBookMergeData::target_table.
-	*/
-    GHashTable *target_table;    /**< The GHashTable to hold the
-                                    QofInstanceRating values.  */
-} QofBookMergeData;
-/* ======================================================================== */
-/** @name qof_book_merge API
- @{
-/** \brief Initialise the QofBookMerge process
-	First function of the QofBookMerge API. Every merge must begin with init.
-	Requires the book to import (::QofBook *) and the book to receive the
-    import, the target book	(::QofBook *). Returns a pointer to
-    ::QofBookMergeData which must be checked for a NULL before continuing. \n
- 	-# Invoke the callback ::qof_book_merge_foreach_type on every registered
-    object class definition.
-	-# Callback obtains the registered parameter list for each object type.
-    This provides run time access to all registered objects and all object
-    parameters without any changes to QofBookMerge - no registered object or
-    parameter is omitted from any merge operation.
-	-# Use ::qof_object_foreach to invoke the callback ::qof_book_merge_foreach,
-    one object at a time on every instance stored in mergeBook. This is the
-    first point where real data from the import book is accessed.
-	-# qof_book_merge_foreach obtains the ::GncGUID for the object from the import
-    book and runs the first	check on the original book, checking for any exact
-    GncGUID match. With the full parameter list, the rules for this object can be
-    created. If there is a GncGUID match, the data in each parameter of the import
-    object is compared with the same semantic object in the original book. If
-    there is no GncGUID in the import object or no GncGUID match with the original
-    book, the original book is searched to find a parameter match - checking
-    for a ::MERGE_DUPLICATE result.
-	-# ::qof_book_merge_compare sets the ::QofBookMergeResult of the comparison.
-	-# Inserts the completed rule into QofBookMergeData::mergeList GSList.
-\return NULL in case of error, otherwise a ::QofBookMergeData* metadata context.
-qof_book_merge_init( QofBook *importBook, QofBook *targetBook);
-/** \brief Definition of the dialogue control callback routine
-All ::MERGE_REPORT rules must be offered for user intervention using this
-Commit will fail if any rules are still tagged as \a MERGE_REPORT.
-Calling processes are free to also offer MERGE_NEW, MERGE_UPDATE,
-MERGE_DUPLICATE and MERGE_ABSOLUTE for user intervention. Attempting to query
-MERGE_INVALID rules will cause an error.
-For an example, consider test_rule_loop, declared as:
-<tt>void test_rule_loop(QofBookMergeData *mergeData, QofBookMergeRule *rule, guint remainder);\n
-void test_rule_loop(QofBookMergeData *mergeData, QofBookMergeRule *rule, guint remainder) \n
-	g_return_if_fail(rule != NULL);\n
-	g_return_if_fail(mergeData != NULL);
-	printf("Rule Result %s", rule->mergeType);\n
-	qof_book_merge_update_result(mergeData, rule, MERGE_UPDATE);\n
-The dialogue is free to call ::qof_book_merge_update_result in the loop or at the end
-as long as the link between the rule and the result is maintained, e.g. by using a
-The parameters are:
-	- data : pointer to the ::QofBookMergeData metadata context returned by init.
-	- rule : pointer to the ::QofBookMergeRule that generated the collision report
-	- remainder : guint value returned from g_slist_length for the number of other
-		rules remaining with the same result. This might be useful for a
-        progress dialogue, it might not. When updating MERGE_REPORT,
-        remainder must equal zero before calling ::qof_book_merge_commit or
-        the import will abort.
-If the dialogue sets \b any rule result to ::MERGE_INVALID, the import will
-abort when ::qof_book_merge_commit is called. It is the responsibility of
-the calling function to handle the error code from ::qof_book_merge_commit,
-close the dialogue and return. The merge routines in these files will already
-have halted the merge operation and freed any memory allocated to merge
-structures before returning the error code. There is no need for the dialogue
-process to report back to QofBookMerge in this situation.
-typedef void (* QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB)( QofBookMergeData*, QofBookMergeRule*, guint);
-/** \brief Dialogue Control Callback
-This function is designed to be used to iterate over all rules tagged with a
-specific ::QofBookMergeResult value.
- at param	callback	external loop of type QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB
- at param	mergeResult	::QofBookMergeResult value to look up.
- at param	mergeData	::QofBookMergeData merge context.
-\b Note : MERGE_NEW causes a new entity to be created in the target book at
-commit which is then assigned as the targetEnt of that rule. If
-mergeResult == MERGE_NEW, the rules returned by qof_book_merge_rule_foreach
-will have a NULL set for the targetEnt. This is because commit has not yet
-been called and no changes can be made to the target book. The calling
-process must handle the NULL targetEnt and NOT call any param_getfcn
-routines for the target entity. The import entity is available for display.
-Uses ::qof_book_get_collection with the QofBookMergeRule::mergeType object
-type to return a collection of ::QofInstance entities from either the
-QofBookMergeData::mergeBook or QofBookMergeData::targetBook. Then
-uses ::qof_collection_lookup_entity to lookup the QofBookMergeRule::importEnt
-and again the QofBookMergeRule::targetEnt to return the two specific entities.
-void qof_book_merge_rule_foreach( QofBookMergeData* mergeData,
-                                  QofBookMergeRuleForeachCB callback ,
-                                  QofBookMergeResult mergeResult);
-/** \brief provides easy string access to parameter data for dialogue use
-Uses the param_getfcn to retrieve the parameter value as a string, suitable for
-display in dialogues and user intervention output. Within a QofBookMerge context,
-only the parameters used in the merge are available, i.e. parameters where both
-param_getfcn and param_setfcn are not NULL.
-Note that the object type description (a full text version of the object name) is
-also available to the dialogue as QofBookMergeRule::mergeLabel.
-This allows the dialog to display the description of the object and all
-parameter data.
-gchar* qof_book_merge_param_as_string(QofParam *qtparam, QofInstance *qtEnt);
-/** \brief called by dialogue callback to set the result of user intervention
-Set \b any rule result to ::MERGE_INVALID to abort the import when
-::qof_book_merge_commit is called, without changing the target book.
-The calling process should make it absolutely clear that a merge operation
-\b cannot be undone and that a backup copy should always be available
-\b before a merge is initialised.
-Recommended method: Only offer three options to the user per rule:
--# Allow import data to be merged into target data
--# Allow import data without an exact match to be
-	added as new
-	- change MERGE_REPORT to MERGE_NEW \b IF mergeAbsolute = FALSE
--# Ignore import data and leave target data unchanged
-Handle the required result changes in code: Check the value of
-QofBookMergeRule::mergeAbsolute and use these principles:
-To ignore entities tagged as:
-- MERGE_REPORT, you must check the value of mergeAbsolute.
-	- if mergeAbsolute is TRUE, change MERGE_REPORT to MERGE_ABSOLUTE
-	- if mergeAbsolute is FALSE, change MERGE_REPORT to MERGE_DUPLICATE
-- MERGE_UPDATE, you must check the value of mergeAbsolute.
-	- if mergeAbsolute is TRUE, change MERGE_UPDATE to MERGE_ABSOLUTE
-	- if mergeAbsolute is FALSE, change MERGE_UPDATE to MERGE_DUPLICATE
-To merge entities that are not pre-set to MERGE_NEW, set MERGE_UPDATE.\n
-Attempting to merge an entity when the pre-set value was MERGE_NEW will
-force a change back to MERGE_NEW because no suitable target exists for the
-To add entities, check mergeAbsolute is FALSE and set MERGE_NEW.\n
-An entity \b only be added if mergeAbsolute is FALSE. Attempting to
-add an entity when mergeAbsolute is TRUE will always force a MERGE_UPDATE.
-It is not possible to update the same rule more than once.
--# \b MERGE_NEW is reserved for new objects and is only pre-set if
-all parameters, including GncGUID, have already failed to match any
-relevant object. ::qof_book_merge_commit will create new
-entities for all rules tagged as MERGE_NEW.
-	- if mergeAbsolute is TRUE and the user wants to import the
-		data, requests to set MERGE_NEW will be forced to MERGE_UPDATE
-		because an entity with that GncGUID already exists in the target book.
-	- if MERGE_NEW is pre-set, requests to change to MERGE_UPDATE will be
-		ignored because a new entity is needed.
--# \b MERGE_UPDATE is reserved for existing objects - ::qof_book_merge_commit
-will require a matching entity to update and will force a change to back to
-MERGE_NEW if none is known to exist, using the principle above.
--# \b MERGE_INVALID will cause an abort of the merge process.
--# \b MERGE_UNDEF and \b MERGE_REPORT cannot be set - the entity result will
-be unchanged.
--# \b MERGE_DUPLICATE and \b MERGE_ABSOLUTE are handled identically but are
-    semantically different - QofBookMergeRule::mergeAbsolute is used to
-    dictate which to set:
-	- if mergeAbsolute is TRUE but MERGE_DUPLICATE is requested,
-		force a change to MERGE_ABSOLUTE.
-	- if mergeAbsolute is FALSE but MERGE_ABSOLUTE is requested,
-		force a change to MERGE_DUPLICATE.
-::qof_book_merge_commit only commits entities tagged
-with MERGE_NEW and MERGE_UPDATE results.
-Entities tagged with MERGE_ABSOLUTE and MERGE_DUPLICATE results are ignored.
-The calling process must check the return value and call
-::qof_book_merge_abort(mergeData) if non-zero.
- at param	mergeData	the merge context, ::QofBookMergeData*
- at param	tag			the result to attempt to set, ::QofBookMergeResult
-\return -1 if supplied parameters are invalid or NULL, 0 on success.
-qof_book_merge_update_result(QofBookMergeData *mergeData, QofBookMergeResult tag);
-/** \brief Commits the import data to the target book
-	The last function in the API and the final part of any QofBookMerge operation.
-qof_book_merge_commit will abort the \b entire merge operation if any rule
-is set to ::MERGE_INVALID. It is the responsibility of the calling
-function to handle the error code from ::qof_book_merge_commit, close the
-dialogue and return. qof_book_merge_commit will already have halted the merge
-operation and freed any memory allocated to all merge structures before
-returning the error code. There is no way for the dialogue process to report
-back to qof_book_merge in this situation.
-qof_book_merge_commit checks for any entities still tagged as
-::MERGE_REPORT and then proceeds to import all entities tagged as
-::MERGE_UPDATE or ::MERGE_NEW into the target book.
-<b>This final process cannot be UNDONE!</b>\n
- at param	mergeData	the merge context, ::QofBookMergeData*
-	- -2 if any rules are tagged as ::MERGE_INVALID
-		- mergeData will have been g_free'd).
-		- note that this will be before any operations are done on the target
-			QofBook.
-	- -1 if mergeData is invalid or no merge has been initialised with
-		::qof_book_merge_init - the calling process must check the value of
-        mergeData
-	- +1 if some entities are still tagged as \a MERGE_REPORT - use
-		::qof_book_merge_update_rule and try again (mergeData is retained).
-	- 0 on success - mergeData will have been freed.
-qof_book_merge_commit(QofBookMergeData *mergeData );
-/** \brief Abort the merge and free all memory allocated by the merge
-Sometimes, setting ::MERGE_INVALID is insufficient: e.g. if the user aborts the
-merge from outside the functions dealing with the merge ruleset. This function
-causes an immediate abort - the calling process must start again at Init if
-a new merge is required.
-qof_book_merge_abort(QofBookMergeData *mergeData);
-/** @} */
-/** @} */

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