r22720 - gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32 - Win32 build: add attribution for a code snippet in bootstrap

Geert Janssens gjanssens at code.gnucash.org
Tue Jan 22 05:14:35 EST 2013

Author: gjanssens
Date: 2013-01-22 05:14:35 -0500 (Tue, 22 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 22720
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/22720

Win32 build: add attribution for a code snippet in bootstrap

Modified: gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/bootstrap_win_dev.vbs
--- gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/bootstrap_win_dev.vbs	2013-01-20 04:56:37 UTC (rev 22719)
+++ gnucash/trunk/packaging/win32/bootstrap_win_dev.vbs	2013-01-22 10:14:35 UTC (rev 22720)
@@ -1,390 +1,393 @@
-' bootstap_win_dev.vbs
-' The goal of this script is to simplify setting up a development
-' environment to develop for GnuCash on Windows.
-' It will set up an absolute minimal environment from where
-' the regular GnuCash Windows build system can take over.
-' This minimal environment consists of
-' - mingw-get: the mingw package installer tool
-' - msys-base: a basic MSYS shell environment
-' - git for windows, required for:-
-' - the GnuCash source code repository, cloned from the github GnuCash repository
-' The bootstrap script can also be run on top of an existing set up
-' in which case the script will only do what is necessary to get
-' the above items in place. For example, if git is already installed
-' in the location pointed to by GIT_DIR below, it won't be installed
-' again.
-' Please open a console (cmd.exe) and run the script under cscript.exe as follows:
-' cscript.exe <path-to-this-script>
-' This will keep your console open, so you can read if there were errors
-' Script start
-' ------------
-' Ensure we have a visible console to display output
-' Parameters
-' ----------
-' All of the above will be installed in the base directory specified below.
-' If this path doesn't suit you, please feel free to modify it before
-' running this bootstrap script.
-' Note: avoid paths with spaces or other special characters (like &).
-'       these can confuse msys/mingw or some of the tools depending on them.
-GLOBAL_DIR = "c:\soft"
-MINGW_DIR  = GLOBAL_DIR & "\mingw"
-DOWNLOAD_DIR= GLOBAL_DIR & "\downloads"
-GIT_PKG = "Git-1.7.10-preview20120409.exe"
-strGitBaseUrl = "http://msysgit.googlecode.com/files/"
-GIT_URL = strGitBaseUrl & GIT_PKG
-GIT_DIR = GLOBAL_DIR & "\git-1.7.10"
-REPOS_URL = "git://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git"
-REPOS_DIR = GLOBAL_DIR & "\gnucash.git"
-' Global parameters for visual basic
-Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
-Set stdout = objFso.GetStandardStream(1)
-Set stdin  = objFso.GetStandardStream(0)
-Set objWsh = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
-Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
-' Create base directories if necessary
-' ------------------------------------
-If Not objFso.FolderExists(GLOBAL_DIR) Then
-    stdout.Write "Creating " & GLOBAL_DIR & "... "
-    objFso.CreateFolder(GLOBAL_DIR)
-    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
-End If
-If Not objFso.FolderExists(MINGW_DIR) Then
-    stdout.Write "Creating " & MINGW_DIR & "... "
-    objFso.CreateFolder(MINGW_DIR)
-    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
-End If
-If Not objFso.FolderExists(TMP_DIR) Then
-    stdout.Write "Creating " & TMP_DIR & "... "
-    objFso.CreateFolder(TMP_DIR)
-    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
-End If
-If Not objFso.FolderExists(DOWNLOAD_DIR) Then
-    stdout.Write "Creating " & DOWNLOAD_DIR & "... "
-    objFso.CreateFolder(DOWNLOAD_DIR)
-    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
-End If
-' Install mingw-get
-' -----------------
-strMingwGet = MINGW_DIR & "\bin\mingw-get.exe"
-stdout.Write "Checking " & strMingwGet & "... "
-If objFso.FileExists(strMingwGet) Then
-    stdout.WriteLine "Found, no need to install"
-    stdout.WriteLine "Not found, will be installed"
-    strMingwGetZip = DOWNLOAD_DIR & "\mingw-get.zip"
-    If Not objFso.FileExists(strMingwGetZip) Then
-        stdout.Write "Downloading mingw-get.zip (slow!)... "
-        strMingwGetZipUrl = "https://github.com/gjanssens/gnucash-on-windows/raw/master/mingw-get.zip"
-        HTTPDownload strMingwGetZipUrl, strMingwGetZip
-        stdout.WriteLine "Success"
-    End If
-    ' Extract mingw-get.zip into our MINGW_DIR
-    ' using a detour via a temporary directory to deal with the
-    ' cludgy way to detect when extracting is finished.
-    ' I couldn't find a better way so far.
-    stdout.Write "Installing mingw-get... "
-    strMingwTmpDir = TMP_DIR & "\mingwtmp"
-    If objFso.FolderExists(strMingwTmpDir) Then
-        objFso.DeleteFolder strMingwTmpDir , True
-    End If
-    ExtractAll objFso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")& "\mingw-get.zip", strMingwTmpDir
-    objFso.CopyFolder strMingwTmpDir & "\*", MINGW_DIR, True
-    objFso.DeleteFolder strMingwTmpDir , True
-    stdout.WriteLine "Success"
-End If
-' Instal Basic Msys (we need msys-wget to install git)
-' ----------------------------------------------------
-' Note: we don't check if these are installed already.
-'       mingw-get will do this for us automatically.
-stdout.Write "Installing msys and wget... "
-strMingwGet = MINGW_DIR & "\bin\mingw-get.exe"
-objWsh.Run strMingwGet & " install msys-base msys-wget", 1, True
-'Set objExec = objWsh.Exec (strMingwGet & " install msys-base msys-wget")
-strWget = MINGW_DIR & "\msys\1.0\bin\wget.exe"
-If Not objFso.FileExists(strWget) Then
-    stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
-    stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-    stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
-    stdout.WriteLine "Msys/Wget installation failed."
-    stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-    stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
-    AbortScript
-End If
-stdout.WriteLine "Success"
-' Install Git
-' -----------
-strGit = GIT_DIR & "\bin\git.exe"
-stdout.Write "Checking " & strGit & "... "
-If objFso.FileExists(strGit) Then
-    stdout.WriteLine "Found, no need to install"
-    stdout.WriteLine "Not found, will be installed"
-    strGitPkg = DOWNLOAD_DIR & "\" & GIT_PKG
-    If Not objFso.FileExists(strGitPkg) Then
-        stdout.Write "Downloading git installer... "
-        objWsh.Run strWget & " -P" & DOWNLOAD_DIR & " " & GIT_URL, 1, true
-        If Not objFso.FileExists(strGitPkg) Then
-            stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
-            stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-            stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
-            stdout.WriteLine "Download git installer failed."
-            stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-            stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
-            AbortScript
-        End If
-        stdout.WriteLine "Success"
-    End If
-    stdout.Write "Installing git... "
-    objWsh.Run strGitPkg & " /SP- /SILENT /DIR=" & GIT_DIR, 1, true
-    If Not objFso.FileExists(strGit) Then
-        stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
-        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-        stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
-        stdout.WriteLine "Git installation failed."
-        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-        stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
-        AbortScript
-    End If
-    stdout.WriteLine "Sucess"
-End If
-' Set up git repository
-' ---------------------
-strInstall = REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32\install.sh"
-stdout.WriteLine "Checking if " & REPOS_DIR
-stdout.Write "         is a GnuCash git repository... "
-If objFso.FolderExists(REPOS_DIR & "\.git") And objFso.FileExists(strInstall) Then
-    stdout.WriteLine "Most likely ok, won't clone"
-    stdout.WriteLine "Not found"
-    stdout.WriteLine "Set up GnuCash git repository... "
-    objWsh.Run strGit & " clone " & REPOS_URL & " " & REPOS_DIR, 1, true
-    If Not objFso.FileExists(strInstall) Then
-        stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
-        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-        stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
-        stdout.WriteLine "Failed to set up GnuCash git repository."
-        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
-        stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
-        AbortScript
-    End If
-    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
-End If
-' Create custom.sh
-' ----------------
-strCustomSh = REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32\custom.sh"
-bExistingCustomSh = False
-If objFso.FileExists(strCustomSh) Then
-    stdout.WriteLine "Found existing custom.sh file"
-    bExistingCustomSh = True
-    ' Create a custom.sh file that matches the parameters set at the beginning of this script
-    ' This ensures install.sh will find the development environment we set up
-    ' Note: we're deliberately not storing versions of used components in the autogenerated custom.sh
-    '       This allows install.sh to update to newer versions if deemed useful
-    stdout.Write "Autogenerating custom.sh file... "
-    Set myRegExp = New RegExp
-    myRegExp.Global = True
-    myRegExp.Pattern = "\\"
-    strGlobalDir   = myRegExp.Replace (GLOBAL_DIR, "\\")
-    strMingwDir    = myRegExp.Replace (MINGW_DIR, "\\")
-    strMsysDir    = myRegExp.Replace (MINGW_DIR & "\msys\1.0", "\\")
-    strTmpDir      = myRegExp.Replace (TMP_DIR, "\\")
-    strDownloadDir = myRegExp.Replace (DOWNLOAD_DIR, "\\")
-    strGitDir      = myRegExp.Replace (GIT_DIR, "\\")
-    strReposDir    = myRegExp.Replace (REPOS_DIR, "\\")
-    Set objCustomSh = objFso.OpenTextFile( strCustomSh, ForWriting, True )
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# custom.sh, automatically created by bootstrap_win_dev.vbs"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "#"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# The parameters set here match the parameters used by"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# bootstrap_win_dev.vbs to set up the GnuCash development"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# environment and should ensure the install.sh works out"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# of the box."
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "#"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# You are free to modify these parameters to suit you,"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# but keep in mind that if you ever want to run"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# bootstrap_win_dev.vbs again you should make sure"
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# the parameters it uses match the ones you set here."
-    objCustomSh.WriteBlankLines 1
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "GLOBAL_DIR=" & strGlobalDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "MINGW_DIR=" & strMingwDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "MSYS_DIR=" & strMsysDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "TMP_DIR=" & strTmpDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "DOWNLOAD_DIR=" & strDownloadDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "GIT_DIR=" & strGitDir
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_TYPE=git" ' Bootstrap only works with a git repo
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_URL=" & REPOS_URL
-    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_DIR=" & strReposDir
-    objCustomSh.Close
-    stdout.WriteLine "Success"
-End If
-' End message
-' -----------
-stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-stdout.WriteLine "Bootstrap completed successfully !"
-stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-stdout.WriteLine "You can now continue as follows"
-stdout.WriteLine "- Open the msys shell"
-stdout.WriteLine "- cd " & REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32"
-stdout.WriteLine "- Properly configure a custom.sh"
-stdout.WriteLine "  (if you changed any default path in the bootstrap script)"
-stdout.WriteLine "- Run install.sh"
-stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-stdout.WriteLine "Happy hacking !"
-' Functions used in the script
-' ----------------------------
-' Initial message to user
-Sub Welcome
-    stdout.WriteLine "Boostrap GnuCash Development on Windows"
-    stdout.WriteLine "---------------------------------------"
-    stdout.WriteLine "This script is intended for people that wish to develop GnuCash on Windows"
-    stdout.WriteLine "It will download and install the minimal set of tools"
-    stdout.WriteLine "to run a first build of the GnuCash sources."
-    stdout.WriteLine "It will install"
-    stdout.WriteLine "- mingw-get, an msys shell and wget in " & MINGW_DIR
-    stdout.WriteLine "- git in " & GIT_DIR
-    stdout.WriteLine "- a GnuCash git repository cloned from"
-    stdout.WriteLine "  " & REPOS_URL
-    stdout.WriteLine "  into " & REPOS_DIR
-    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-    stdout.WriteLine "Notes:"
-    stdout.WriteLine "* Components already found in the given locations"
-    stdout.WriteLine "  won't be touched. Instead the available versions"
-    stdout.WriteLine "  will be used in that case."
-    stdout.WriteLine "* If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can"
-    stdout.WriteLine "  customize them before running this script."
-    stdout.WriteLine "  All of them are located at the beginning of this file."
-    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-    stdout.Write "Continue with the set up (Y/N) ? "
-    chRead = stdin.ReadLine
-    If Not (UCase(Left(chRead,1)) = "Y") Then
-        stdout.WriteLine "Installation interrupted."
-        AbortScript
-    End If
-End Sub
-' Download a file over http
-Sub HTTPDownload( myURL, myPath )
-' This Sub downloads the FILE specified in myURL to the path specified in myPath.
-' myURL must always end with a file name
-' myPath may be a directory or a file name; in either case the directory must exist
-' Based on a script written by Rob van der Woude
-' http://www.robvanderwoude.com
-    ' Standard housekeeping
-    Dim i, objFile, objHTTP, strFile, strMsg
-    ' Check if the specified target file or folder exists,
-    ' and build the fully qualified path of the target file
-    If objFso.FolderExists( myPath ) Then
-        strFile = objFso.BuildPath( myPath, Mid( myURL, InStrRev( myURL, "/" ) + 1 ) )
-    ElseIf objFso.FolderExists( Left( myPath, InStrRev( myPath, "\" ) - 1 ) ) Then
-        strFile = myPath
-    Else
-        stdout.WriteLine "ERROR: Target folder not found."
-        AbortScript
-    End If
-    ' Create or open the target file
-    Set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile( strFile, ForWriting, True )
-    ' Create an HTTP object
-    Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
-    ' Download the specified URL
-    objHTTP.Open "GET", myURL, False
-    objHTTP.Send
-    ' Write the downloaded byte stream to the target file
-    For i = 1 To LenB( objHTTP.ResponseBody )
-        objFile.Write Chr( AscB( MidB( objHTTP.ResponseBody, i, 1 ) ) )
-    Next
-    ' Close the target file
-    objFile.Close( )
-End Sub
-' Extract a zip file strZipFile into strFolder
-Function ExtractAll(strZipFile, strFolder)
-   Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
-   If Not objFso.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
-       objFso.CreateFolder(strFolder)
-   End If
-   intCount = objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).Items.Count
-   Set colItems = objShell.NameSpace(strZipFile).Items
-   objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).CopyHere colItems, 256
-   Do Until objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).Items.Count = intCount + colItems.Count
-       WScript.Sleep 200
-   Loop
-End Function
-' Make sure we run in a console (so output is visible)
-Sub CheckStartMode
-    ' Returns the running executable as upper case from the last \ symbol
-    strStartExe = UCase( Mid( wscript.fullname, instrRev(wscript.fullname, "\") + 1 ) )
-    If Not strStartExe = "CSCRIPT.EXE" Then
-        ' This wasn't launched with cscript.exe, so relaunch using cscript.exe explicitly!
-        ' wscript.scriptfullname is the full path to the actual script
-        set oSh = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
-        oSh.Run "cscript.exe """ & wscript.scriptfullname & """"
-        wscript.quit
-    End If
-End Sub
-' Abort the script
-Sub AbortScript
-    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
-    stdout.Write "Pres enter to continue... "
-    chRead = stdin.Read (1)
-    WScript.Quit
-End Sub
\ No newline at end of file
+' bootstap_win_dev.vbs
+' The goal of this script is to simplify setting up a development
+' environment to develop for GnuCash on Windows.
+' It will set up an absolute minimal environment from where
+' the regular GnuCash Windows build system can take over.
+' This minimal environment consists of
+' - mingw-get: the mingw package installer tool
+' - msys-base: a basic MSYS shell environment
+' - git for windows, required for:-
+' - the GnuCash source code repository, cloned from the github GnuCash repository
+' The bootstrap script can also be run on top of an existing set up
+' in which case the script will only do what is necessary to get
+' the above items in place. For example, if git is already installed
+' in the location pointed to by GIT_DIR below, it won't be installed
+' again.
+' Please open a console (cmd.exe) and run the script under cscript.exe as follows:
+' cscript.exe <path-to-this-script>
+' This will keep your console open, so you can read if there were errors
+' Script start
+' ------------
+' Ensure we have a visible console to display output
+' Parameters
+' ----------
+' All of the above will be installed in the base directory specified below.
+' If this path doesn't suit you, please feel free to modify it before
+' running this bootstrap script.
+' Note: avoid paths with spaces or other special characters (like &).
+'       these can confuse msys/mingw or some of the tools depending on them.
+GLOBAL_DIR = "c:\soft"
+MINGW_DIR  = GLOBAL_DIR & "\mingw"
+DOWNLOAD_DIR= GLOBAL_DIR & "\downloads"
+GIT_PKG = "Git-1.7.10-preview20120409.exe"
+strGitBaseUrl = "http://msysgit.googlecode.com/files/"
+GIT_URL = strGitBaseUrl & GIT_PKG
+GIT_DIR = GLOBAL_DIR & "\git-1.7.10"
+REPOS_URL = "git://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git"
+REPOS_DIR = GLOBAL_DIR & "\gnucash.git"
+' Global parameters for visual basic
+Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+Set stdout = objFso.GetStandardStream(1)
+Set stdin  = objFso.GetStandardStream(0)
+Set objWsh = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
+Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
+' Create base directories if necessary
+' ------------------------------------
+If Not objFso.FolderExists(GLOBAL_DIR) Then
+    stdout.Write "Creating " & GLOBAL_DIR & "... "
+    objFso.CreateFolder(GLOBAL_DIR)
+    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
+End If
+If Not objFso.FolderExists(MINGW_DIR) Then
+    stdout.Write "Creating " & MINGW_DIR & "... "
+    objFso.CreateFolder(MINGW_DIR)
+    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
+End If
+If Not objFso.FolderExists(TMP_DIR) Then
+    stdout.Write "Creating " & TMP_DIR & "... "
+    objFso.CreateFolder(TMP_DIR)
+    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
+End If
+If Not objFso.FolderExists(DOWNLOAD_DIR) Then
+    stdout.Write "Creating " & DOWNLOAD_DIR & "... "
+    objFso.CreateFolder(DOWNLOAD_DIR)
+    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
+End If
+' Install mingw-get
+' -----------------
+strMingwGet = MINGW_DIR & "\bin\mingw-get.exe"
+stdout.Write "Checking " & strMingwGet & "... "
+If objFso.FileExists(strMingwGet) Then
+    stdout.WriteLine "Found, no need to install"
+    stdout.WriteLine "Not found, will be installed"
+    strMingwGetZip = DOWNLOAD_DIR & "\mingw-get.zip"
+    If Not objFso.FileExists(strMingwGetZip) Then
+        stdout.Write "Downloading mingw-get.zip (slow!)... "
+        strMingwGetZipUrl = "https://github.com/gjanssens/gnucash-on-windows/raw/master/mingw-get.zip"
+        HTTPDownload strMingwGetZipUrl, strMingwGetZip
+        stdout.WriteLine "Success"
+    End If
+    ' Extract mingw-get.zip into our MINGW_DIR
+    ' using a detour via a temporary directory to deal with the
+    ' cludgy way to detect when extracting is finished.
+    ' I couldn't find a better way so far.
+    stdout.Write "Installing mingw-get... "
+    strMingwTmpDir = TMP_DIR & "\mingwtmp"
+    If objFso.FolderExists(strMingwTmpDir) Then
+        objFso.DeleteFolder strMingwTmpDir , True
+    End If
+    ExtractAll objFso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")& "\mingw-get.zip", strMingwTmpDir
+    objFso.CopyFolder strMingwTmpDir & "\*", MINGW_DIR, True
+    objFso.DeleteFolder strMingwTmpDir , True
+    stdout.WriteLine "Success"
+End If
+' Instal Basic Msys (we need msys-wget to install git)
+' ----------------------------------------------------
+' Note: we don't check if these are installed already.
+'       mingw-get will do this for us automatically.
+stdout.Write "Installing msys and wget... "
+strMingwGet = MINGW_DIR & "\bin\mingw-get.exe"
+objWsh.Run strMingwGet & " install msys-base msys-wget", 1, True
+'Set objExec = objWsh.Exec (strMingwGet & " install msys-base msys-wget")
+strWget = MINGW_DIR & "\msys\1.0\bin\wget.exe"
+If Not objFso.FileExists(strWget) Then
+    stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
+    stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+    stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
+    stdout.WriteLine "Msys/Wget installation failed."
+    stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+    stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
+    AbortScript
+End If
+stdout.WriteLine "Success"
+' Install Git
+' -----------
+strGit = GIT_DIR & "\bin\git.exe"
+stdout.Write "Checking " & strGit & "... "
+If objFso.FileExists(strGit) Then
+    stdout.WriteLine "Found, no need to install"
+    stdout.WriteLine "Not found, will be installed"
+    strGitPkg = DOWNLOAD_DIR & "\" & GIT_PKG
+    If Not objFso.FileExists(strGitPkg) Then
+        stdout.Write "Downloading git installer... "
+        objWsh.Run strWget & " -P" & DOWNLOAD_DIR & " " & GIT_URL, 1, true
+        If Not objFso.FileExists(strGitPkg) Then
+            stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
+            stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+            stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
+            stdout.WriteLine "Download git installer failed."
+            stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+            stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
+            AbortScript
+        End If
+        stdout.WriteLine "Success"
+    End If
+    stdout.Write "Installing git... "
+    objWsh.Run strGitPkg & " /SP- /SILENT /DIR=" & GIT_DIR, 1, true
+    If Not objFso.FileExists(strGit) Then
+        stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
+        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+        stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
+        stdout.WriteLine "Git installation failed."
+        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+        stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
+        AbortScript
+    End If
+    stdout.WriteLine "Sucess"
+End If
+' Set up git repository
+' ---------------------
+strInstall = REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32\install.sh"
+stdout.WriteLine "Checking if " & REPOS_DIR
+stdout.Write "         is a GnuCash git repository... "
+If objFso.FolderExists(REPOS_DIR & "\.git") And objFso.FileExists(strInstall) Then
+    stdout.WriteLine "Most likely ok, won't clone"
+    stdout.WriteLine "Not found"
+    stdout.WriteLine "Set up GnuCash git repository... "
+    objWsh.Run strGit & " clone " & REPOS_URL & " " & REPOS_DIR, 1, true
+    If Not objFso.FileExists(strInstall) Then
+        stdout.WriteLine "Failed"
+        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+        stdout.WriteLine "*** ERROR ***"
+        stdout.WriteLine "Failed to set up GnuCash git repository."
+        stdout.WriteBlankLines (1)
+        stdout.WriteLine "Cannot continue until this has been resolved."
+        AbortScript
+    End If
+    stdout.WriteLine "Ok"
+End If
+' Create custom.sh
+' ----------------
+strCustomSh = REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32\custom.sh"
+bExistingCustomSh = False
+If objFso.FileExists(strCustomSh) Then
+    stdout.WriteLine "Found existing custom.sh file"
+    bExistingCustomSh = True
+    ' Create a custom.sh file that matches the parameters set at the beginning of this script
+    ' This ensures install.sh will find the development environment we set up
+    ' Note: we're deliberately not storing versions of used components in the autogenerated custom.sh
+    '       This allows install.sh to update to newer versions if deemed useful
+    stdout.Write "Autogenerating custom.sh file... "
+    Set myRegExp = New RegExp
+    myRegExp.Global = True
+    myRegExp.Pattern = "\\"
+    strGlobalDir   = myRegExp.Replace (GLOBAL_DIR, "\\")
+    strMingwDir    = myRegExp.Replace (MINGW_DIR, "\\")
+    strMsysDir    = myRegExp.Replace (MINGW_DIR & "\msys\1.0", "\\")
+    strTmpDir      = myRegExp.Replace (TMP_DIR, "\\")
+    strDownloadDir = myRegExp.Replace (DOWNLOAD_DIR, "\\")
+    strGitDir      = myRegExp.Replace (GIT_DIR, "\\")
+    strReposDir    = myRegExp.Replace (REPOS_DIR, "\\")
+    Set objCustomSh = objFso.OpenTextFile( strCustomSh, ForWriting, True )
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# custom.sh, automatically created by bootstrap_win_dev.vbs"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "#"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# The parameters set here match the parameters used by"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# bootstrap_win_dev.vbs to set up the GnuCash development"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# environment and should ensure the install.sh works out"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# of the box."
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "#"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# You are free to modify these parameters to suit you,"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# but keep in mind that if you ever want to run"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# bootstrap_win_dev.vbs again you should make sure"
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "# the parameters it uses match the ones you set here."
+    objCustomSh.WriteBlankLines 1
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "GLOBAL_DIR=" & strGlobalDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "MINGW_DIR=" & strMingwDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "MSYS_DIR=" & strMsysDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "TMP_DIR=" & strTmpDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "DOWNLOAD_DIR=" & strDownloadDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "GIT_DIR=" & strGitDir
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_TYPE=git" ' Bootstrap only works with a git repo
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_URL=" & REPOS_URL
+    objCustomSh.WriteLine "REPOS_DIR=" & strReposDir
+    objCustomSh.Close
+    stdout.WriteLine "Success"
+End If
+' End message
+' -----------
+stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+stdout.WriteLine "Bootstrap completed successfully !"
+stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+stdout.WriteLine "You can now continue as follows"
+stdout.WriteLine "- Open the msys shell"
+stdout.WriteLine "- cd " & REPOS_DIR & "\packaging\win32"
+stdout.WriteLine "- Properly configure a custom.sh"
+stdout.WriteLine "  (if you changed any default path in the bootstrap script)"
+stdout.WriteLine "- Run install.sh"
+stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+stdout.WriteLine "Happy hacking !"
+' Functions used in the script
+' ----------------------------
+' Initial message to user
+Sub Welcome
+    stdout.WriteLine "Boostrap GnuCash Development on Windows"
+    stdout.WriteLine "---------------------------------------"
+    stdout.WriteLine "This script is intended for people that wish to develop GnuCash on Windows"
+    stdout.WriteLine "It will download and install the minimal set of tools"
+    stdout.WriteLine "to run a first build of the GnuCash sources."
+    stdout.WriteLine "It will install"
+    stdout.WriteLine "- mingw-get, an msys shell and wget in " & MINGW_DIR
+    stdout.WriteLine "- git in " & GIT_DIR
+    stdout.WriteLine "- a GnuCash git repository cloned from"
+    stdout.WriteLine "  " & REPOS_URL
+    stdout.WriteLine "  into " & REPOS_DIR
+    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+    stdout.WriteLine "Notes:"
+    stdout.WriteLine "* Components already found in the given locations"
+    stdout.WriteLine "  won't be touched. Instead the available versions"
+    stdout.WriteLine "  will be used in that case."
+    stdout.WriteLine "* If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can"
+    stdout.WriteLine "  customize them before running this script."
+    stdout.WriteLine "  All of them are located at the beginning of this file."
+    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+    stdout.Write "Continue with the set up (Y/N) ? "
+    chRead = stdin.ReadLine
+    If Not (UCase(Left(chRead,1)) = "Y") Then
+        stdout.WriteLine "Installation interrupted."
+        AbortScript
+    End If
+End Sub
+' Download a file over http
+Sub HTTPDownload( myURL, myPath )
+' This Sub downloads the FILE specified in myURL to the path specified in myPath.
+' myURL must always end with a file name
+' myPath may be a directory or a file name; in either case the directory must exist
+' Based on a script written by Rob van der Woude
+' http://www.robvanderwoude.com
+    ' Standard housekeeping
+    Dim i, objFile, objHTTP, strFile, strMsg
+    ' Check if the specified target file or folder exists,
+    ' and build the fully qualified path of the target file
+    If objFso.FolderExists( myPath ) Then
+        strFile = objFso.BuildPath( myPath, Mid( myURL, InStrRev( myURL, "/" ) + 1 ) )
+    ElseIf objFso.FolderExists( Left( myPath, InStrRev( myPath, "\" ) - 1 ) ) Then
+        strFile = myPath
+    Else
+        stdout.WriteLine "ERROR: Target folder not found."
+        AbortScript
+    End If
+    ' Create or open the target file
+    Set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile( strFile, ForWriting, True )
+    ' Create an HTTP object
+    Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" )
+    ' Download the specified URL
+    objHTTP.Open "GET", myURL, False
+    objHTTP.Send
+    ' Write the downloaded byte stream to the target file
+    For i = 1 To LenB( objHTTP.ResponseBody )
+        objFile.Write Chr( AscB( MidB( objHTTP.ResponseBody, i, 1 ) ) )
+    Next
+    ' Close the target file
+    objFile.Close( )
+End Sub
+' Extract a zip file strZipFile into strFolder
+Function ExtractAll(strZipFile, strFolder)
+   Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
+   If Not objFso.FolderExists(strFolder) Then
+       objFso.CreateFolder(strFolder)
+   End If
+   intCount = objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).Items.Count
+   Set colItems = objShell.NameSpace(strZipFile).Items
+   objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).CopyHere colItems, 256
+   Do Until objShell.NameSpace(strFolder).Items.Count = intCount + colItems.Count
+       WScript.Sleep 200
+   Loop
+End Function
+' Make sure we run in a console (so output is visible)
+' Based on a code snipped found here
+' http://ask.metafilter.com/79481/vbscript-printing-to-command-line
+Sub CheckStartMode
+    ' Returns the running executable as upper case from the last \ symbol
+    strStartExe = UCase( Mid( wscript.fullname, instrRev(wscript.fullname, "\") + 1 ) )
+    If Not strStartExe = "CSCRIPT.EXE" Then
+        ' This wasn't launched with cscript.exe, so relaunch using cscript.exe explicitly!
+        ' wscript.scriptfullname is the full path to the actual script
+        set oSh = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
+        oSh.Run "cscript.exe """ & wscript.scriptfullname & """"
+        wscript.quit
+    End If
+End Sub
+' Abort the script
+Sub AbortScript
+    stdout.WriteBlankLines 1
+    stdout.Write "Pres enter to continue... "
+    chRead = stdin.Read (1)
+    WScript.Quit
+End Sub

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