gnucash master: Multiple changes pushed

Geert Janssens gjanssens at
Thu Apr 20 17:20:24 EDT 2017

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 391955975bac2be7a86b7f4418d7c28d23ad6622
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Thu Apr 20 23:01:54 2017 +0200

    Fix static code checker warnings about parameter definition in doxygen comments
    Apparently these shouldn't suffixed with a colon (:)

diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
index 305d24d..74a3bad 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ public:
 /** Construct a GncDateTime in the current timezone representing the
  * timestamp as seconds from the POSIX epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00UTC).
- * @param time: Seconds from the POSIX epoch.
+ * @param time Seconds from the POSIX epoch.
  * @exception std::invalid_argument if the year is outside the constraints.
     GncDateTime(const time64 time);
 /** Construct a GncDateTime in the current timezone representing the
  * standard struct tm provided.
- * @param tm: A C-standard struct tm representing the date and
+ * @param tm A C-standard struct tm representing the date and
  * time. Note that the timezone and offset are ignored on those
  * systems which include them in struct tm.
  * @exception std::invalid_argument if the year is outside the constraints.
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ public:
 /** Construct a GncDateTime from a GncDate. As a GncDate doesn't contain time
  * information, the time will be set depending on the second parameter
  * to start of day, neutral or end of day.
- * @param date: A GncDate representing a date.
- * @param part: An optinoal DayPart indicating which time to use in the conversion.
+ * @param date A GncDate representing a date.
+ * @param part An optinoal DayPart indicating which time to use in the conversion.
  * This can be "DayPart::start" for start of day (00:00 local time),
  *             "DayPart::neutral" for a neutral time (10:59 UTC, chosen to have the
  *              least chance of date changes when crossing timezone borders),
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
     GncDateTime(const GncDate& date, DayPart part = DayPart::neutral);
 /** Construct a GncDateTime
- * @param str: A string representing the date and time in some
+ * @param str A string representing the date and time in some
  * recognizable format. Note that if a timezone is not specified the
  * default is UTC, not the local one.
  * @exception std::invalid_argument if the year is outside the constraints.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public:
 /** Test if the GncDateTime has a member pointer. Testing only. */
     bool isnull (void) { return m_impl == nullptr; }
 /** Format the GncDateTime into a std::string
- *  @param format: A cstr describing the way the date and time are
+ *  @param format A cstr describing the way the date and time are
  *  presented. Code letters preceded with % stand in for arguments;
  *  most are the same as described in strftime(3), but there are a few
  *  differences. Consult the boost::date_time documentation.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public:
     std::string format(const char* format) const;
 /** Format the GncDateTime into a std::string in GMT
- *  @param format: A cstr describing the way the date and time are
+ *  @param format A cstr describing the way the date and time are
  *  presented. Code letters preceded with % stand in for arguments;
  *  most are the same as described in strftime(3), but there are a few
  *  differences. Consult the boost::date_time documentation.
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ class GncDate
          * will be normalized if the day or month values are outside of the
          * normal ranges. e.g. 1994, -3, 47 will be normalized to 1993-10-17.
-         * @param year: The year in the Common Era.
-         * @param month: The month, where 1 is January and 12 is December.
-         * @param day: The day of the month, beginning with 1.
+         * @param year The year in the Common Era.
+         * @param month The month, where 1 is January and 12 is December.
+         * @param day The day of the month, beginning with 1.
          * @exception std::invalid_argument if the calculated year is outside
          * of the constrained range.
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class GncDate
         ymd year_month_day() const;
         /** Format the GncDate into a std::string
-         *  @param format: A cstr describing the way the date and time are
+         *  @param format A cstr describing the way the date and time are
          *  presented. Code letters preceded with % stand in for arguments;
          *  most are the same as described in strftime(3), but there are a few
          *  differences. Consult the boost::date_time documentation.

commit d1ff16138eec2dc388cb90c5d9da51af2d2fd44f
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Thu Apr 20 22:58:35 2017 +0200

    Add GncDateTime constructor taking a GncDate as parameter
    As a GncDate doesn't have any time information, this has to be made up.
    GnuCash uses 3 times-of-day quite a lot:
    - start-of-day (00:00 local time)
    - end-of-day (23:59 local time)
    - neutral time (10:59 utc, chosen to minimize
      day offsetting when converting to/from localtime)
    A second parameter to the new constructor will tell it to use one of these presets.

diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
index 5bc9f5b..f367d45 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ public:
     GncDateTimeImpl() : m_time(boost::local_time::local_sec_clock::local_time(tzp.get(boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day().year()))) {}
     GncDateTimeImpl(const time64 time) : m_time(LDT_from_unix_local(time)) {}
     GncDateTimeImpl(const struct tm tm) : m_time(LDT_from_struct_tm(tm)) {}
+    GncDateTimeImpl(const GncDateImpl& date, DayPart part = DayPart::neutral);
     GncDateTimeImpl(const std::string str);
     GncDateTimeImpl(PTime&& pt) : m_time(pt, tzp.get( {}
     GncDateTimeImpl(LDT&& ldt) : m_time(ldt) {}
@@ -132,10 +133,46 @@ public:
     std::string format_zulu(const char* format) const;
     Date m_greg;
+    friend GncDateTimeImpl::GncDateTimeImpl(const GncDateImpl&, DayPart);
 /* Member function definitions for GncDateTimeImpl.
+GncDateTimeImpl::GncDateTimeImpl(const GncDateImpl& date, DayPart part) :
+    m_time(unix_epoch, utc_zone)
+    using TD = boost::posix_time::time_duration;
+    static const TD start(0, 0, 0);
+    static const TD neutral(10, 59, 0);
+    static const TD end(23,59, 0);
+    TD time_of_day;
+    switch (part)
+    {
+        case DayPart::start:
+            time_of_day = start;
+            break;
+        case DayPart::neutral:
+            time_of_day = neutral;
+            break;
+        case DayPart::end:
+            time_of_day = end;
+            break;
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        auto tz = utc_zone;
+        if (part != DayPart::neutral)
+            tz = tzp.get(date.m_greg.year());
+        m_time = LDT(date.m_greg, time_of_day, tz, LDT::EXCEPTION_ON_ERROR);
+    }
+    catch(boost::gregorian::bad_year)
+    {
+        throw(std::invalid_argument("Time value is outside the supported year range."));
+    }
 GncDateTimeImpl::GncDateTimeImpl(const std::string str) :
     m_time(unix_epoch, utc_zone)
@@ -286,6 +323,9 @@ GncDateTime::GncDateTime(const std::string str) :
     m_impl(new GncDateTimeImpl(str)) {}
 GncDateTime::~GncDateTime() = default;
+GncDateTime::GncDateTime(const GncDate& date, DayPart part) :
+    m_impl(new GncDateTimeImpl(*(date.m_impl), part)) {}
diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
index 6e9e723..305d24d 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ typedef struct
     int day; //1-31
 } ymd;
+enum class DayPart {
+    start,  // 00:00
+    neutral,  // 10:59
+    end,  // 23:59
 class GncDateTimeImpl;
 class GncDateImpl;
 class GncDate;
@@ -77,6 +83,21 @@ public:
  * @exception std::invalid_argument if the year is outside the constraints.
     GncDateTime(const struct tm tm);
+/** Construct a GncDateTime from a GncDate. As a GncDate doesn't contain time
+ * information, the time will be set depending on the second parameter
+ * to start of day, neutral or end of day.
+ * @param date: A GncDate representing a date.
+ * @param part: An optinoal DayPart indicating which time to use in the conversion.
+ * This can be "DayPart::start" for start of day (00:00 local time),
+ *             "DayPart::neutral" for a neutral time (10:59 UTC, chosen to have the
+ *              least chance of date changes when crossing timezone borders),
+ *             "DayPart::end" for end of day (23:59 local time).
+ * If omitted part defaults to DayPart::neutral.
+ * Note the different timezone used for DayPart::neutral compared to the other
+ * two options!
+ * @exception std::invalid_argument if the year is outside the constraints.
+ */
+    GncDateTime(const GncDate& date, DayPart part = DayPart::neutral);
 /** Construct a GncDateTime
  * @param str: A string representing the date and time in some
  * recognizable format. Note that if a timezone is not specified the
@@ -174,6 +195,8 @@ class GncDate
     std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> m_impl;
+    friend GncDateTime::GncDateTime(const GncDate&, DayPart);
 #endif // __GNC_DATETIME_HPP__
diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/test/gtest-gnc-datetime.cpp b/src/libqof/qof/test/gtest-gnc-datetime.cpp
index f76f375..59b19e4 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/test/gtest-gnc-datetime.cpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/test/gtest-gnc-datetime.cpp
@@ -71,6 +71,35 @@ TEST(gnc_datetime_constructors, test_struct_tm_constructor)
     EXPECT_EQ(tm1.tm_min, tm.tm_min);
+/* Note: the following tests for the constructor taking a GncDate as input parameter
+ * use GncDateTime's format() member function to simplify the result checking.
+ * If there's a bug in this member function, these tests may fail in addition
+ * to the format test later in the test suite. Be sure to check that later
+ * test as well in case any of the below constructor tests fails. */
+TEST(gnc_datetime_constructors, test_gncdate_start_constructor)
+    const ymd aymd = { 2017, 04, 20 };
+    GncDateTime atime(GncDate(aymd.year, aymd.month,, DayPart::start);
+    //Skipping timezone information as this can't be controlled.
+    EXPECT_EQ(atime.format("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"), "20-04-2017 00:00:00");
+TEST(gnc_datetime_constructors, test_gncdate_end_constructor)
+    const ymd aymd = { 2046, 11, 06 };
+    GncDateTime atime(GncDate(aymd.year, aymd.month,, DayPart::end);
+    //Skipping timezone information as this can't be controlled.
+    EXPECT_EQ(atime.format("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"), "06-11-2046 23:59:00");
+TEST(gnc_datetime_constructors, test_gncdate_neutral_constructor)
+    const ymd aymd = { 2017, 04, 20 };
+    GncDateTime atime(GncDate(aymd.year, aymd.month,, DayPart::neutral);
+    EXPECT_EQ(atime.format("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S %z"), "20-04-2017 10:59:00 UTC");
 TEST(gnc_datetime_functions, test_format)
     GncDateTime atime(2394187200); //2045-11-13 12:00:00 Z

commit 724f8aa7847c4b8f1ddea1aff1fbf839c9b69f07
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Thu Apr 20 21:42:24 2017 +0200

    Swap GncDate and GncDateTime in preparation of a future commit

diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
index 25d16a9..5bc9f5b 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp
@@ -58,43 +58,6 @@ static constexpr auto ticks_per_second = INT64_C(1000000);
 static constexpr auto ticks_per_second = INT64_C(1000000000);
-/** Private implementation of GncDate. See the documentation for that class.
- */
-class GncDateImpl
-    GncDateImpl(): m_greg(boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day()) {}
-    GncDateImpl(const int year, const int month, const int day) :
-        m_greg(year, static_cast<Month>(month), day) {}
-    GncDateImpl(Date d) : m_greg(d) {}
-    void today() { m_greg = boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day(); }
-    ymd year_month_day() const;
-    std::string format(const char* format) const;
-    std::string format_zulu(const char* format) const;
-    Date m_greg;
-GncDateImpl::year_month_day() const
-    auto boost_ymd = m_greg.year_month_day();
-    return {boost_ymd.year, boost_ymd.month.as_number(),};
-GncDateImpl::format(const char* format) const
-    using Facet = boost::gregorian::date_facet;
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    //The stream destructor frees the facet, so it must be heap-allocated.
-    auto output_facet(new Facet(format));
-    ss.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), output_facet));
-    ss << m_greg;
-    return ss.str();
 /** Private implementation of GncDateTime. See the documentation for that class.
 static LDT
@@ -153,6 +116,26 @@ private:
     LDT m_time;
+/** Private implementation of GncDate. See the documentation for that class.
+ */
+class GncDateImpl
+    GncDateImpl(): m_greg(boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day()) {}
+    GncDateImpl(const int year, const int month, const int day) :
+    m_greg(year, static_cast<Month>(month), day) {}
+    GncDateImpl(Date d) : m_greg(d) {}
+    void today() { m_greg = boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day(); }
+    ymd year_month_day() const;
+    std::string format(const char* format) const;
+    std::string format_zulu(const char* format) const;
+    Date m_greg;
+/* Member function definitions for GncDateTimeImpl.
+ */
 GncDateTimeImpl::GncDateTimeImpl(const std::string str) :
     m_time(unix_epoch, utc_zone)
@@ -270,37 +253,28 @@ GncDateTimeImpl::format_zulu(const char* format) const
     return ss.str();
-/* =================== Presentation-class Implementations ====================*/
-/* GncDate */
-GncDate::GncDate() : m_impl{new GncDateImpl} {}
-GncDate::GncDate(int year, int month, int day) :
-    m_impl(new GncDateImpl(year, month, day)) {}
-GncDate::GncDate(std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> impl) :
-    m_impl(std::move(impl)) {}
-GncDate::GncDate(GncDate&&) = default;
-GncDate::~GncDate() = default;
-GncDate::operator=(GncDate&&) = default;
+/* Member function definitions for GncDateTimeImpl.
+ */
+GncDateImpl::year_month_day() const
-    m_impl->today();
+    auto boost_ymd = m_greg.year_month_day();
+    return {boost_ymd.year, boost_ymd.month.as_number(),};
-GncDate::format(const char* format)
-    return m_impl->format(format);
-GncDate::year_month_day() const
+GncDateImpl::format(const char* format) const
-    return m_impl->year_month_day();
+    using Facet = boost::gregorian::date_facet;
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    //The stream destructor frees the facet, so it must be heap-allocated.
+    auto output_facet(new Facet(format));
+    ss.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), output_facet));
+    ss << m_greg;
+    return ss.str();
+/* =================== Presentation-class Implementations ====================*/
 /* GncDateTime */
 GncDateTime::GncDateTime() : m_impl(new GncDateTimeImpl) {}
@@ -357,3 +331,33 @@ GncDateTime::format_zulu(const char* format) const
     return m_impl->format_zulu(format);
+/* GncDate */
+GncDate::GncDate() : m_impl{new GncDateImpl} {}
+GncDate::GncDate(int year, int month, int day) :
+m_impl(new GncDateImpl(year, month, day)) {}
+GncDate::GncDate(std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> impl) :
+m_impl(std::move(impl)) {}
+GncDate::GncDate(GncDate&&) = default;
+GncDate::~GncDate() = default;
+GncDate::operator=(GncDate&&) = default;
+    m_impl->today();
+GncDate::format(const char* format)
+    return m_impl->format(format);
+GncDate::year_month_day() const
+    return m_impl->year_month_day();
diff --git a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
index 3942c4b..6e9e723 100644
--- a/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
+++ b/src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp
@@ -36,57 +36,13 @@ typedef struct
     int day; //1-31
 } ymd;
-class GncDateImpl;
 class GncDateTimeImpl;
+class GncDateImpl;
+class GncDate;
 using time64 = int64_t;
 constexpr const time64 MINTIME = -17987443200;
 constexpr const time64 MAXTIME = 253402214400;
-class GncDate
-public:/** Construct a GncDate representing the current day.
- */
-    GncDate();;
-/** Construct a GncDate representing the given year, month, and day in
- * the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
- *
- * Years are constrained to be from 1400 - 9999 CE inclusive. Dates
- * will be normalized if the day or month values are outside of the
- * normal ranges. e.g. 1994, -3, 47 will be normalized to 1993-10-17.
- *
- * @param year: The year in the Common Era.
- * @param month: The month, where 1 is January and 12 is December.
- * @param day: The day of the month, beginning with 1.
- * @exception std::invalid_argument if the calculated year is outside
- * of the constrained range.
- */
-    GncDate(int year, int month, int day);
-    GncDate(std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> impl);
-    GncDate(GncDate&&);
-    ~GncDate();
-    GncDate& operator=(GncDate&&);
-/** Set the date object to the computer clock's current day. */
-    void today();
-/** Get the year, month, and day from the date as a ymd.
-    @return ymd struct
- */
-    ymd year_month_day() const;
-/** Format the GncDate into a std::string
- *  @param format: A cstr describing the way the date and time are
- *  presented. Code letters preceded with % stand in for arguments;
- *  most are the same as described in strftime(3), but there are a few
- *  differences. Consult the boost::date_time documentation.
- *  @return a std::string containing a representation of the date
- *  according to the format.
- */
-    std::string format(const char* format);
-/** Test that the Date has an implementation. */
-    bool isnull (void) { return m_impl == nullptr; }
-    std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> m_impl;
 /** GnuCash DateTime class
  * Represents local time in the current timezone.
@@ -175,4 +131,49 @@ private:
     std::unique_ptr<GncDateTimeImpl> m_impl;
+class GncDate
+    public:/** Construct a GncDate representing the current day.
+        */
+        GncDate();;
+        /** Construct a GncDate representing the given year, month, and day in
+         * the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
+         *
+         * Years are constrained to be from 1400 - 9999 CE inclusive. Dates
+         * will be normalized if the day or month values are outside of the
+         * normal ranges. e.g. 1994, -3, 47 will be normalized to 1993-10-17.
+         *
+         * @param year: The year in the Common Era.
+         * @param month: The month, where 1 is January and 12 is December.
+         * @param day: The day of the month, beginning with 1.
+         * @exception std::invalid_argument if the calculated year is outside
+         * of the constrained range.
+         */
+        GncDate(int year, int month, int day);
+        GncDate(std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> impl);
+        GncDate(GncDate&&);
+        ~GncDate();
+        GncDate& operator=(GncDate&&);
+        /** Set the date object to the computer clock's current day. */
+        void today();
+        /** Get the year, month, and day from the date as a ymd.
+         *  @return ymd struct
+         */
+        ymd year_month_day() const;
+        /** Format the GncDate into a std::string
+         *  @param format: A cstr describing the way the date and time are
+         *  presented. Code letters preceded with % stand in for arguments;
+         *  most are the same as described in strftime(3), but there are a few
+         *  differences. Consult the boost::date_time documentation.
+         *  @return a std::string containing a representation of the date
+         *  according to the format.
+         */
+        std::string format(const char* format);
+        /** Test that the Date has an implementation. */
+        bool isnull (void) { return m_impl == nullptr; }
+    std::unique_ptr<GncDateImpl> m_impl;
 #endif // __GNC_DATETIME_HPP__

Summary of changes:
 src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.cpp            | 166 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/libqof/qof/gnc-datetime.hpp            | 126 +++++++++++++---------
 src/libqof/qof/test/gtest-gnc-datetime.cpp |  29 +++++
 3 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

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