gnucash unstable: Multiple changes pushed

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Feb 15 13:21:24 EST 2018

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 33d434596d12499bcb33e643e7e49a3ddec3033f
Merge: 2598dbe 3aba4d2
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Thu Feb 15 10:20:57 2018 -0800

    Merge branch 'maint' into unstable

commit 3aba4d2dd8fc9e9b59ff2412a562f587c6d84c54
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Feb 8 21:55:08 2018 +0800

    bug 793278 fix for maint
    This is caused by commit 766e74096 - min-date was
    erroneously thought to mean 'min date of date-list'
    but actually meant 'negative infinity date'. This
    commit changes date comparison logic to always
    return #t when comparing
    (gnc:timepair-le min-date date) for
    the first date interval.
    Test case also created.

diff --git a/src/report/report-system/report-collectors.scm b/src/report/report-system/report-collectors.scm
index b4415e5..992a447 100644
--- a/src/report/report-system/report-collectors.scm
+++ b/src/report/report-system/report-collectors.scm
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@
 	 (slotset (make-slotset (lambda (split)
 				  (let* ((date (split->date split))
 					 (interval-index (binary-search-lt (lambda (pair date)
-									     (gnc:timepair-le (car pair) date))
+									     (or (not (car pair))
+                                                                                 (gnc:timepair-le (car pair) date)))
 									   (cons date 0)
 					 (interval (vector-ref date-vector interval-index)))
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@
     (list min-date max-date datepairs)))
 (define (category-report-dates-accumulate dates)
-  (let* ((min-date (decdate (car (list-min-max dates gnc:timepair-lt)) DayDelta))
+  (let* ((min-date #f)
 	 (max-date (cdr (list-min-max dates gnc:timepair-lt)))
 	 (datepairs (reverse! (cdr (fold (lambda (next acc)
 					   (let ((prev (car acc))
diff --git a/src/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm b/src/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
index e5a0473..f5717aa 100644
--- a/src/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
+++ b/src/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
   (and (null-test asset-report-uuid)
        (null-test liability-report-uuid)
        (asset-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (liability-test liability-report-uuid)
 ;; No real test here, just confirm that no exceptions are thrown
@@ -241,3 +242,52 @@
 			 (= (/ (* row-count (+ row-count 1)) 2)
 			    (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
+(define (liability-test uuid)
+  ;; this test is tailored for bug 793278
+  ;; except we can't use $10,000 because the string->number
+  ;; function cannot handle thousand separators. Use $100.
+  (let* ((liability-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+         (liability-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+         (liability-report (constructor uuid "bar" liability-options
+                                        #t #t #f #f ""))
+         (liability-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer liability-template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+           (asset--acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+           (liabil-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+           (income-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 10 2016) asset--acc liabil-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 100 1)) ;loan
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 01 2017) asset--acc income-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 10 1))  ;salary#1
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 02 01 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 9 1))   ;repay#1
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 02 2017) asset--acc income-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 10 1))  ;salary#2
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 02 02 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 9 1))   ;repay#2
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 03 2017) asset--acc income-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 10 1))  ;salary#3
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 02 03 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 9 1))   ;repay#3
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 04 2017) asset--acc income-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 10 1))  ;salary#4
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 02 04 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 9 1))   ;repay#4
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 05 2017) asset--acc income-acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 10 1))  ;salary#5
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2timespec 02 05 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc (gnc:make-gnc-numeric 9 1))   ;repay#5
+      (begin
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2timespec 01 01 2017)))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2timespec 31 12 2018)))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'MonthDelta)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list liabil-acc))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
+        (let ((doc (liability-renderer liability-report)))
+          (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc (gnc:report-stylesheet liability-report))
+          (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+                 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
+                 (tbl (stream->list
+                       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+                                         (list (list "<td><string> ([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
+                                               (list "<td class=\"number-cell\"><number> [^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+                                         html-document)))
+                 (row-count (tbl-row-count tbl)))
+            (format #t "\nrender:\n~a\n" html-document)
+            (and (= 2 (length columns))
+                 (= 100 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl 0 1))))
+                 (= 55 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
+                 #t)))))))

Summary of changes:

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