gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

John Ralls jralls at
Sun Jun 17 17:11:10 EDT 2018

Updated	 via (commit)
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	 via (commit)
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	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
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	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
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commit d906ac413618cce49bc2e0a451c5040ffad77bc3
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Sun Jun 17 09:24:32 2018 -0700

    Prevent "quit without saving" dialog at shutdown when there's no session.
    Don't create a session if there isn't one.

diff --git a/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-file.c b/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-file.c
index aa88b28..2b2af4a 100644
--- a/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-file.c
+++ b/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-file.c
@@ -1615,6 +1615,8 @@ gnc_file_quit (void)
     QofSession *session;
+    if (!gnc_current_session_exist ())
+        return;
     gnc_set_busy_cursor (NULL, TRUE);
     session = gnc_get_current_session ();
@@ -1640,6 +1642,10 @@ gnc_file_set_shutdown_callback (GNCShutdownCB cb)
 gnc_file_save_in_progress (void)
-    QofSession *session = gnc_get_current_session();
-    return (qof_session_save_in_progress(session) || save_in_progress > 0);
+    if (gnc_current_session_exist())
+    {
+        QofSession *session = gnc_get_current_session();
+        return (qof_session_save_in_progress(session) || save_in_progress > 0);
+    }
+    return FALSE;
diff --git a/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c b/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c
index 592517f..1b0b651 100644
--- a/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c
+++ b/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c
@@ -1232,7 +1232,8 @@ gnc_main_window_prompt_for_save (GtkWidget *window)
         _("If you don't save, changes from the past %d days and %d hours will be discarded.");
     time64 oldest_change;
     gint minutes, hours, days;
+    if (!gnc_current_session_exist())
+        return FALSE;
     session = gnc_get_current_session();
     book = qof_session_get_book(session);
     filename = qof_session_get_url(session);
@@ -1363,14 +1364,17 @@ static gboolean
 gnc_main_window_quit(GncMainWindow *window)
     QofSession *session;
-    gboolean needs_save, do_shutdown;
-    session = gnc_get_current_session();
-    needs_save = qof_book_session_not_saved(qof_session_get_book(session)) &&
-                 !gnc_file_save_in_progress();
-    do_shutdown = !needs_save ||
-                  (needs_save && !gnc_main_window_prompt_for_save(GTK_WIDGET(window)));
+    gboolean needs_save, do_shutdown = TRUE;
+    if (gnc_current_session_exist())
+    {
+        session = gnc_get_current_session();
+        needs_save =
+            qof_book_session_not_saved(qof_session_get_book(session)) &&
+            !gnc_file_save_in_progress();
+        do_shutdown = !needs_save ||
+            (needs_save &&
+             !gnc_main_window_prompt_for_save(GTK_WIDGET(window)));
+    }
     if (do_shutdown)
         g_timeout_add(250, gnc_main_window_timed_quit, NULL);
@@ -3758,10 +3762,12 @@ gnc_quartz_should_quit (GtkosxApplication *theApp, GncMainWindow *window)
     QofSession *session;
     gboolean needs_save;
-    if (!gnc_main_window_all_finish_pending() ||
-            gnc_file_save_in_progress())
+    if (!gnc_current_session_exist() ||
+        !gnc_main_window_all_finish_pending() ||
+        gnc_file_save_in_progress())
-        return TRUE;
+        return FALSE;
     session = gnc_get_current_session();
     needs_save = qof_book_session_not_saved(qof_session_get_book(session)) &&

commit a9f0fe2f93d490ec9470edc0d7a9d22b619cd25a
Merge: 1e3a445 186ac71
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Sun Jun 17 14:06:38 2018 -0700

    Merge Chris Lam's 'maint-test-all-charts' into maint.

commit 186ac71fcfbed3cca4e94c7bde39a41183861cfc
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 20:52:19 2018 +0800

    Merge old tests with their support files.
    It bothered me that these old tests have 2 scheme files per test. It
    was always confusing.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 3cb8776..0eed778 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ set(scm_test_with_srfi64_SOURCES
-  test-generic-category-report.scm
-  test-generic-net-barchart.scm
-  test-generic-net-linechart.scm
-  )
@@ -37,16 +31,10 @@ endif (HAVE_SRFI64)
-  "${scm_test_report_SUPPORT}"
-  "gnucash/report/standard-reports/test"
-  )
-  "scm-test-standard-support"
@@ -54,4 +42,4 @@ add_dependencies(check scm-test-standard-reports)
 set_dist_list(test_standard_reports_DIST CMakeLists.txt
-  ${scm_test_standard_reports_SOURCES} ${scm_test_report_SUPPORT})
+  ${scm_test_standard_reports_SOURCES})
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4848b26..0000000
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-category-report))
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
-(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine))
-(use-modules (sw_engine))
-(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system collectors))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(export run-category-income-expense-test)
-(export run-category-asset-liability-test)
-(define (set-option report page tag value)
-  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
-					 page tag)) value))
-(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
-;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-prev-year))
-;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
-;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Show table" #t)
-;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-(define (run-category-income-expense-test income-report-uuid expense-report-uuid)
-  (and  (null-test income-report-uuid)
-	(null-test expense-report-uuid)
-	(single-txn-test income-report-uuid)
-	(multi-acct-test expense-report-uuid)
-	#t))
-(define (run-category-asset-liability-test asset-report-uuid liability-report-uuid)
-  (and (null-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (null-test liability-report-uuid)
-       (asset-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (liability-test liability-report-uuid)
-       #t))
-;; No real test here, just confirm that no exceptions are thrown
-(define (null-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
-      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-      #t
-      )))
-(define (single-txn-test uuid)
-  (let* ((income-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (income-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (income-report (constructor uuid "bar" income-options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (income-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer income-template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
-      (env-create-daily-transactions env
-				     (gnc:get-start-this-month)
-				     (gnc:get-end-this-month)
-				     my-asset-account my-income-account)
-      (begin
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account))
-	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
-	(let ((doc (income-renderer income-report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet income-report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (every (lambda (date value-list)
-		     (let ((day (second date))
-			   (value (first value-list)))
-		       (= (string->number day) (string->number value))))
-		   (map first tbl)
-		   (map second tbl))))))))
-(define (list-leaves list)
-  (if (not (pair? list))
-      (cons list '())
-      (fold (lambda (next acc)
-	      (append (list-leaves next)
-		      acc))
-	    '()
-	    list)))
-(define (multi-acct-test expense-report-uuid)
-  (let* ((expense-template (gnc:find-report-template expense-report-uuid))
-	 (expense-options (gnc:make-report-options expense-report-uuid))
-	 (expense-report (constructor expense-report-uuid "bar" expense-options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (expense-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer expense-template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (expense-accounts (env-expense-account-structure env))
-	   (asset-accounts (env-create-account-structure
-			    env
-			    (list "Assets"
-				  (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
-				  (list "Bank"))))
-	   (leaf-expense-accounts (list-leaves expense-accounts))
-	   (bank-account (car (car (cdr asset-accounts)))))
-      (for-each (lambda (expense-account)
-		  (env-create-daily-transactions env
-						 (gnc:get-start-this-month)
-						 (gnc:get-end-this-month)
-						 expense-account
-						 bank-account))
-		leaf-expense-accounts)
-      (begin
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" leaf-expense-accounts)
-	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level" 2)
-	(let ((doc (expense-renderer expense-report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet expense-report))
-	  (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 html-document))))
-	    ;(format #t "~a" html-document)
-	    (and (= 6 (length columns))
-		 (equal? "Date" (first columns))
-		 (equal? "Auto" (second columns))
-		 ;; maybe should try to check actual values
-		 )))))))
-(define (columns-from-report-document doc)
-  (let ((columns (stream->list (pattern-streamer "<th>"
-						 (list (list "<th>([^<]*)</" 1))
-						 doc))))
-    (map caar columns)))
-(define (asset-test uuid)
-    (let* ((asset-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	   (asset-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	   (asset-report (constructor uuid "bar" asset-options
-				      #t #t #f #f ""))
-	   (asset-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer asset-template)))
-      (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	     (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	     (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							  (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	     (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-							 (gnc-default-report-currency))))
-      (env-create-daily-transactions env
-				     (gnc:get-start-this-month)
-				     (gnc:get-end-this-month)
-				     my-asset-account my-income-account)
-      (begin
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
-	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
-	(let ((doc (asset-renderer asset-report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet asset-report))
-	  (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 html-document)))
-		 (row-count (tbl-row-count tbl)))
-	    (and (member "account-1" columns)
-			 (= 2 (length columns))
-			 (= 1 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl 0 1))))
-			 (= (/ (* row-count (+ row-count 1)) 2)
-			    (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
-			 #t)))))))
-(define (liability-test uuid)
-  ;; this test is tailored for bug 793278
-  ;; except we can't use $10,000 because the string->number
-  ;; function cannot handle thousand separators. Use $100.
-  (let* ((liability-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-         (liability-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-         (liability-report (constructor uuid "bar" liability-options
-                                        #t #t #f #f ""))
-         (liability-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer liability-template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-           (asset--acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-           (liabil-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-           (income-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME (gnc-default-report-currency))))
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 10 2016) asset--acc liabil-acc 100) ;loan
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#1
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 01 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#1
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 02 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#2
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 02 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#2
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#3
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 03 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#3
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 04 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#4
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 04 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#4
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 05 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#5
-      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 05 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#5
-      (begin
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2017)))
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 2018)))
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'MonthDelta)
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list liabil-acc))
-        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
-        (let ((doc (liability-renderer liability-report)))
-          (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc (gnc:report-stylesheet liability-report))
-          (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-                 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
-                 (tbl (stream->list
-                       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-                                         (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
-                                               (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-                                         html-document)))
-                 (row-count (tbl-row-count tbl)))
-            (and (= 2 (length columns))
-                 (= 100 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl 0 1))))
-                 (= 55 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
-                 #t)))))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-barchart.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index d8585bb..0000000
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-barchart.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-net-barchart))
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(export run-net-asset-income-test)
-(define (set-option report page tag value)
-  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
-					 page tag)) value))
-(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
-(define (run-net-asset-income-test asset-report-uuid income-report-uuid)
-  (and (two-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (two-txn-test-2 asset-report-uuid)
-       (two-txn-test-income income-report-uuid)
-       (null-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (null-test income-report-uuid)
-       (single-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (closing-test income-report-uuid)
-       #t))
-;; Just prove that the report exists.
-(define (null-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-			      #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
-      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-      ;;(format #t "render: ~a\n" (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-      #t
-      )))
-(define (single-txn-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       (gnc:get-start-this-month)
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -1/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date"
-		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date"
-		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (or (and (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 2))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 3))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
-                (begin (format #t "Single-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
-                ))))))
-(define (two-txn-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       date-1
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       date-2
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -5/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
-                              (and (or (equal? (second row) (fourth row))
-                                       (begin (format "Second Element ~g != fourth element ~g~%" (second row) (fourth row)) #f))
-                                   (or (= 0 (string->number (car (third row))))
-                                       (begin (format "third row element ~a not 0~%" (car (third row))) #f))))
-				tbl)
-                     (or (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-                         (begin (format #t "Item 1 failed: ~g not 0~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1)) #f))
-                     (or (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-                         (begin (format #t "Item 1 failed: ~g not 1~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1)) #f))
-                     (or (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-                         (begin (format #t "Item 2 failed: ~g not 6~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1)) #f))
-                     (or (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-                         (begin (format #t "Item 3 failed: ~g not 3~%" (tbl-row-count tbl)) #f))
-                     (or (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl))
-                         (begin (format #t "Item 4 failed: ~g not 4~%" (tbl-column-count tbl)) #f)))
-                (begin (format #t "Two-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
-                ))))))
-(define (two-txn-test-2 uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account my-liability-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
-				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
-					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
-					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
-				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
-				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
-				tbl)
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
-                (begin (format #t "two-txn test 2 ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
-                ))))))
-(define (two-txn-test-income uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account my-expense-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
-				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
-					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
-					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
-				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
-				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
-				tbl)
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-			 (= 5 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
-                (begin (format #t "two-txn-income test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
-                ))))))
-(define (closing-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-			      #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-equity-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1))
-	   (date-3 (gnc:time64-next-day date-2)))
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -2/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-3 my-income-account my-asset-account -3/1)
-      (let ((closing-txn (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-asset-account my-equity-account
-						 300/1)))
-	(xaccTransSetIsClosingTxn closing-txn #t))
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-3))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account my-expense-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
-				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
-					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
-					     (string->number (car (third row)))))))
-				tbl)
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-			 (= 2 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-			 (= 3 (tbl-ref->number tbl 3 1))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
-                (begin (format #t "Closing-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
-                ))))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-linechart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-linechart.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a59197a..0000000
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-linechart.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, contact:
-;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
-;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
-(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-net-linechart))
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
-(export run-net-asset-test)
-(define (set-option report page tag value)
-  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
-					 page tag)) value))
-(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
-(define (run-net-asset-test asset-report-uuid)
-  (and (two-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (two-txn-test-2 asset-report-uuid)
-       (null-test asset-report-uuid)
-       (single-txn-test asset-report-uuid)))
-;; Just prove that the report exists.
-(define (null-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
-      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-      ;;(format #t "render: ~a\n" (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-      #t
-      )))
-(define (single-txn-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       (gnc:get-start-this-month)
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -1/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date"
-		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date"
-		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (and (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 2))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 3))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))
-(define (two-txn-test uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       date-1
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env
-			       date-2
-			       my-income-account
-			       my-asset-account
-			       -5/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (and (every (lambda (row)
-				  (and (equal? (second row) (fourth row))
-				       (= 0 (string->number (car (third row))))))
-				tbl)
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))
-(define (two-txn-test-2 uuid)
-  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
-	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
-	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
-				     #t #t #f #f ""))
-	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
-    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
-						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
-							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
-						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
-	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
-	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
-	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
-      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
-      (begin
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
-	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account my-liability-account))
-	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
-	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
-					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
-	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
-		 (tbl (stream->list
-		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
-					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
-						     1 2 3)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
-					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
-					 result))))
-	    (and (every (lambda (row)
-				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
-					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
-					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
-				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
-				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
-				tbl)
-			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
-			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
-			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
-			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
-			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-category-report.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-category-report.scm
index cdb2641..ace0e9b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-category-report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-category-report.scm
@@ -36,11 +36,16 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash engine))
 (use-modules (sw_engine))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports net-charts))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-category-report))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports category-barchart))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system collectors))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
 ;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
 (setlocale LC_ALL "C")
@@ -48,3 +53,257 @@
 (define (run-test)
   (run-category-income-expense-test category-barchart-income-uuid category-barchart-expense-uuid)
   (run-category-asset-liability-test category-barchart-asset-uuid category-barchart-liability-uuid))
+(export run-category-income-expense-test)
+(export run-category-asset-liability-test)
+(define (set-option report page tag value)
+  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
+					 page tag)) value))
+(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
+;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-prev-year))
+;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
+;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Show table" #t)
+;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+;(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+(define (run-category-income-expense-test income-report-uuid expense-report-uuid)
+  (and  (null-test income-report-uuid)
+	(null-test expense-report-uuid)
+	(single-txn-test income-report-uuid)
+	(multi-acct-test expense-report-uuid)
+	#t))
+(define (run-category-asset-liability-test asset-report-uuid liability-report-uuid)
+  (and (null-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (null-test liability-report-uuid)
+       (asset-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (liability-test liability-report-uuid)
+       #t))
+;; No real test here, just confirm that no exceptions are thrown
+(define (null-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
+      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+      #t
+      )))
+(define (single-txn-test uuid)
+  (let* ((income-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (income-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (income-report (constructor uuid "bar" income-options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (income-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer income-template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-daily-transactions env
+				     (gnc:get-start-this-month)
+				     (gnc:get-end-this-month)
+				     my-asset-account my-income-account)
+      (begin
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account))
+	(set-option income-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
+	(let ((doc (income-renderer income-report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet income-report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (every (lambda (date value-list)
+		     (let ((day (second date))
+			   (value (first value-list)))
+		       (= (string->number day) (string->number value))))
+		   (map first tbl)
+		   (map second tbl))))))))
+(define (list-leaves list)
+  (if (not (pair? list))
+      (cons list '())
+      (fold (lambda (next acc)
+	      (append (list-leaves next)
+		      acc))
+	    '()
+	    list)))
+(define (multi-acct-test expense-report-uuid)
+  (let* ((expense-template (gnc:find-report-template expense-report-uuid))
+	 (expense-options (gnc:make-report-options expense-report-uuid))
+	 (expense-report (constructor expense-report-uuid "bar" expense-options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (expense-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer expense-template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (expense-accounts (env-expense-account-structure env))
+	   (asset-accounts (env-create-account-structure
+			    env
+			    (list "Assets"
+				  (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
+				  (list "Bank"))))
+	   (leaf-expense-accounts (list-leaves expense-accounts))
+	   (bank-account (car (car (cdr asset-accounts)))))
+      (for-each (lambda (expense-account)
+		  (env-create-daily-transactions env
+						 (gnc:get-start-this-month)
+						 (gnc:get-end-this-month)
+						 expense-account
+						 bank-account))
+		leaf-expense-accounts)
+      (begin
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" leaf-expense-accounts)
+	(set-option expense-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level" 2)
+	(let ((doc (expense-renderer expense-report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet expense-report))
+	  (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 html-document))))
+	    ;(format #t "~a" html-document)
+	    (and (= 6 (length columns))
+		 (equal? "Date" (first columns))
+		 (equal? "Auto" (second columns))
+		 ;; maybe should try to check actual values
+		 )))))))
+(define (columns-from-report-document doc)
+  (let ((columns (stream->list (pattern-streamer "<th>"
+						 (list (list "<th>([^<]*)</" 1))
+						 doc))))
+    (map caar columns)))
+(define (asset-test uuid)
+    (let* ((asset-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	   (asset-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	   (asset-report (constructor uuid "bar" asset-options
+				      #t #t #f #f ""))
+	   (asset-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer asset-template)))
+      (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	     (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	     (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							  (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	     (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+							 (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-daily-transactions env
+				     (gnc:get-start-this-month)
+				     (gnc:get-end-this-month)
+				     my-asset-account my-income-account)
+      (begin
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-this-month))
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-this-month))
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
+	(set-option asset-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
+	(let ((doc (asset-renderer asset-report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet asset-report))
+	  (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 html-document)))
+		 (row-count (tbl-row-count tbl)))
+	    (and (member "account-1" columns)
+			 (= 2 (length columns))
+			 (= 1 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl 0 1))))
+			 (= (/ (* row-count (+ row-count 1)) 2)
+			    (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
+			 #t)))))))
+(define (liability-test uuid)
+  ;; this test is tailored for bug 793278
+  ;; except we can't use $10,000 because the string->number
+  ;; function cannot handle thousand separators. Use $100.
+  (let* ((liability-template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+         (liability-options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+         (liability-report (constructor uuid "bar" liability-options
+                                        #t #t #f #f ""))
+         (liability-renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer liability-template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+           (asset--acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+           (liabil-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+           (income-acc (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 10 2016) asset--acc liabil-acc 100) ;loan
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#1
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 01 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#1
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 02 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#2
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 02 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#2
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#3
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 03 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#3
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 04 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#4
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 04 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#4
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 01 05 2017) asset--acc income-acc 10)  ;salary#5
+      (env-create-transaction env (gnc-dmy2time64 02 05 2017) liabil-acc asset--acc 9)   ;repay#5
+      (begin
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2017)))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 2018)))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'MonthDelta)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list liabil-acc))
+        (set-option liability-report gnc:pagename-accounts "Show Accounts until level"  'all)
+        (let ((doc (liability-renderer liability-report)))
+          (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc (gnc:report-stylesheet liability-report))
+          (let* ((html-document (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+                 (columns (columns-from-report-document html-document))
+                 (tbl (stream->list
+                       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+                                         (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>" 1 2 3)
+                                               (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+                                         html-document)))
+                 (row-count (tbl-row-count tbl)))
+            (and (= 2 (length columns))
+                 (= 100 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl 0 1))))
+                 (= 55 (string->number (car (tbl-ref tbl (- row-count 1) 1))))
+                 #t)))))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-barchart.scm
index 0ef9fd5..d62cb69 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-barchart.scm
@@ -18,18 +18,17 @@
 (debug-set! stack 50000)
-;(use-modules (gnucash report new-reports reports-2))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0))
 (use-modules (gnucash engine))
 (use-modules (sw_engine))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-net-barchart))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports net-charts))
 ;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
@@ -38,3 +37,334 @@
 (define (run-test)
   (run-net-asset-income-test net-worth-barchart-uuid income-expense-barchart-uuid))
+(define (set-option report page tag value)
+  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
+					 page tag)) value))
+(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
+(define (run-net-asset-income-test asset-report-uuid income-report-uuid)
+  (and (two-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (two-txn-test-2 asset-report-uuid)
+       (two-txn-test-income income-report-uuid)
+       (null-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (null-test income-report-uuid)
+       (single-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (closing-test income-report-uuid)
+       #t))
+;; Just prove that the report exists.
+(define (null-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+			      #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
+      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+      ;;(format #t "render: ~a\n" (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+      #t
+      )))
+(define (single-txn-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       (gnc:get-start-this-month)
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -1/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date"
+		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date"
+		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (or (and (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 2))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 3))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
+                (begin (format #t "Single-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
+                ))))))
+(define (two-txn-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       date-1
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       date-2
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -5/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
+                              (and (or (equal? (second row) (fourth row))
+                                       (begin (format "Second Element ~g != fourth element ~g~%" (second row) (fourth row)) #f))
+                                   (or (= 0 (string->number (car (third row))))
+                                       (begin (format "third row element ~a not 0~%" (car (third row))) #f))))
+				tbl)
+                     (or (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+                         (begin (format #t "Item 1 failed: ~g not 0~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1)) #f))
+                     (or (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+                         (begin (format #t "Item 1 failed: ~g not 1~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1)) #f))
+                     (or (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+                         (begin (format #t "Item 2 failed: ~g not 6~%" (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1)) #f))
+                     (or (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+                         (begin (format #t "Item 3 failed: ~g not 3~%" (tbl-row-count tbl)) #f))
+                     (or (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl))
+                         (begin (format #t "Item 4 failed: ~g not 4~%" (tbl-column-count tbl)) #f)))
+                (begin (format #t "Two-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
+                ))))))
+(define (two-txn-test-2 uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account my-liability-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
+				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
+					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
+					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
+				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
+				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
+				tbl)
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
+                (begin (format #t "two-txn test 2 ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
+                ))))))
+(define (two-txn-test-income uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account my-expense-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
+				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
+					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
+					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
+				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
+				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
+				tbl)
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+			 (= 5 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
+                (begin (format #t "two-txn-income test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
+                ))))))
+(define (closing-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+			      #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-equity-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1))
+	   (date-3 (gnc:time64-next-day date-2)))
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -2/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-3 my-income-account my-asset-account -3/1)
+      (let ((closing-txn (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-asset-account my-equity-account
+						 300/1)))
+	(xaccTransSetIsClosingTxn closing-txn #t))
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-3))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-income-account my-expense-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (or (and (every (lambda (row)
+				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
+					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
+					     (string->number (car (third row)))))))
+				tbl)
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+			 (= 2 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+			 (= 3 (tbl-ref->number tbl 3 1))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))
+                (begin (format #t "Closing-txn test ~a failed~%" uuid) #f))
+                ))))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-linechart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-linechart.scm
index 1270c69..9adab00 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-linechart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-standard-net-linechart.scm
@@ -18,24 +18,17 @@
 (debug-set! stack 50000)
-;(use-modules (gnucash report new-reports reports-2))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
-;; Guile 2 needs to load external modules at compile time
-;; otherwise the N_ syntax-rule won't be found at compile time
-;; causing the test to fail
-;; That's what the wrapper below is meant for:
-(define-syntax-rule (begin-for-syntax form ...)
-      (eval-when (load compile eval expand) (begin form ...)))
-(begin-for-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0))
+(gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0))
 (use-modules (gnucash engine))
 (use-modules (sw_engine))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (ice-9 streams))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports test test-generic-net-linechart))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports net-charts))
 ;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
@@ -44,3 +37,194 @@
 (define (run-test)
   (run-net-asset-test net-worth-linechart-uuid))
+(define (set-option report page tag value)
+  ((gnc:option-setter (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report)
+					 page tag)) value))
+(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
+(define (run-net-asset-test asset-report-uuid)
+  (and (two-txn-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (two-txn-test-2 asset-report-uuid)
+       (null-test asset-report-uuid)
+       (single-txn-test asset-report-uuid)))
+;; Just prove that the report exists.
+(define (null-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let ((doc (renderer report)))
+      (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					  (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+      ;;(format #t "render: ~a\n" (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+      #t
+      )))
+(define (single-txn-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency))))
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       (gnc:get-start-this-month)
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -1/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date"
+		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date"
+		    (cons 'absolute (gnc:get-start-this-month)))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (and (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 2))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 3))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))
+(define (two-txn-test uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       date-1
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env
+			       date-2
+			       my-income-account
+			       my-asset-account
+			       -5/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (and (every (lambda (row)
+				  (and (equal? (second row) (fourth row))
+				       (= 0 (string->number (car (third row))))))
+				tbl)
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))
+(define (two-txn-test-2 uuid)
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template uuid))
+	 (options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
+	 (report (constructor uuid "bar" options
+				     #t #t #f #f ""))
+	 (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template)))
+    (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+	   (my-asset-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-ASSET
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-liability-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY
+						      (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-expense-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE
+							(gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (my-income-account (env-create-root-account env ACCT-TYPE-INCOME
+						       (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+	   (date-0 (gnc:get-start-this-month))
+	   (date-1 (gnc:time64-next-day date-0))
+	   (date-2 (gnc:time64-next-day date-1)))
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-income-account my-asset-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-1 my-expense-account my-liability-account -1/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-income-account my-asset-account -5/1)
+      (env-create-transaction env date-2 my-expense-account my-liability-account -5/1)
+      (begin
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-display "Show table" #t)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Start Date" (cons 'absolute date-0))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "End Date" (cons 'absolute date-2))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Step Size" 'DayDelta)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"  (gnc-default-report-currency))
+	(set-option report gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts" (list my-asset-account my-liability-account))
+	(let ((doc (renderer report)))
+	  (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
+					      (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+	  (let* ((result (gnc:html-document-render doc #f))
+		 (tbl (stream->list
+		       (pattern-streamer "<tr>"
+					 (list (list "<td>([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])</td>"
+						     1 2 3)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1)
+					       (list "<td class=\"number-cell\">[^0-9]*([^<]*)</td>" 1))
+					 result))))
+	    (and (every (lambda (row)
+				  (and (= (string->number (car (fourth row)))
+					  (+ (string->number (car (second row)))
+					     (string->number (car (third row)))))
+				       ;; txns added in pairs, so assets = liability
+				       (equal? (second row) (third row))))
+				tbl)
+			 (= 0 (tbl-ref->number tbl 0 1))
+			 (= 1 (tbl-ref->number tbl 1 1))
+			 (= 6 (tbl-ref->number tbl 2 1))
+			 (= 3 (tbl-row-count tbl))
+			 (= 4 (tbl-column-count tbl)))))))))

commit a78e8b1035661cc6ad5ff15d7345e8ac5c5992af
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 13:06:15 2018 +0800

    [test-balance-sheet] initial commit
    Adds basic balance-sheet testing.
    This does not yet test foreign-currency conversions, nor calculation
    of unrealized gains.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 3193ea1..3cb8776 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ set(scm_test_standard_reports_SOURCES
+  test-balance-sheet.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balance-sheet.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balance-sheet.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61016b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balance-sheet.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
+(gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports balance-sheet))
+(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test srfi64-extras))
+(use-modules (sxml simple))
+(use-modules (sxml xpath))
+;; This is implementation testing for Balance Sheet.
+(define balance-sheet-uuid "c4173ac99b2b448289bf4d11c731af13")
+;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
+(setlocale LC_ALL "C")
+(define (run-test)
+  (test-runner-factory gnc:test-runner)
+  (test-begin "balsheet.scm")
+  (null-test)
+  (balsheet-tests)
+  (test-end "balsheet.scm"))
+(define (options->sxml options test-title)
+  (gnc:options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid options "test-balsheet" test-title))
+(define (set-option! options section name value)
+  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+    (if option
+        (gnc:option-set-value option value)
+        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
+(define structure
+  (list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
+        (list "Asset"
+              (list "Bank"
+                    (list "Bank-Sub"))
+              (list "A/Receivable" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE))))
+        (list "Liability" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE))
+              (list "CreditCard")
+              (list "A/Payable"))
+        (list "Equity" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY)))
+        (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+        (list "Expenses" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))))
+(define (null-test)
+  ;; This null-test tests for the presence of report.
+  (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options balance-sheet-uuid)))
+    (test-assert "null-test" (options->sxml options "null-test"))))
+(define (balsheet-tests)
+  ;; This function will perform implementation testing on the transaction report.
+  (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+         (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
+         (bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
+         (banksub (cdr (assoc "Bank-Sub" account-alist)))
+         (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
+         (expense (cdr (assoc "Expenses" account-alist)))
+         (equity (cdr (assoc "Equity" account-alist)))
+         (creditcard (cdr (assoc "CreditCard" account-alist)))
+         (payable (cdr (assoc "A/Payable" account-alist)))
+         (receivable (cdr (assoc "A/Receivable" account-alist)))
+         (YEAR (gnc:time64-get-year (gnc:get-today))))
+    (define (default-testing-options)
+      ;; To ease testing of transaction report, we will set default
+      ;; options for generating reports. We will elable extra columns
+      ;; for Exporting, disable generation of informational text, and
+      ;; disable indenting. These options will be tested separately as
+      ;; the first test group. By default, we'll select the modern dates.
+      (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options balance-sheet-uuid)))
+        (set-option! options "General" "Balance Sheet Date" (cons 'relative 'end-cal-year))
+        options))
+    (define* (create-txn DD MM YY DESC list-of-splits #:optional txn-type)
+      (let ((txn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book))))
+        (xaccTransBeginEdit txn)
+        (xaccTransSetDescription txn DESC)
+        (xaccTransSetCurrency txn (gnc-default-report-currency))
+        (xaccTransSetDate txn DD MM YY)
+        (for-each
+         (lambda (tfr)
+           (let ((split (xaccMallocSplit (gnc-get-current-book))))
+             (xaccSplitSetParent split txn)
+             (xaccSplitSetAccount split (cdr tfr))
+             (xaccSplitSetValue split (car tfr))
+             (xaccSplitSetAmount split (car tfr))))
+         list-of-splits)
+        (if txn-type
+            (xaccTransSetTxnType txn txn-type))
+        (xaccTransCommitEdit txn)
+        txn))
+    (create-txn 1 1 YEAR "invoice charge $100"
+                (list (cons -100 income)
+                      (cons  100 receivable))
+                TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
+    (create-txn 1 2 YEAR "receive part-payment $98"
+                (list (cons -98 receivable)
+                      (cons  98 bank))
+                TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT)
+    (create-txn 1 3 YEAR "receive bill $55"
+                (list (cons  55 expense)
+                      (cons -55 payable))
+                TXN-TYPE-INVOICE)
+    (create-txn 1 4 YEAR "part-pay bill $50 using creditcard"
+                (list (cons  50 payable)
+                      (cons -50 creditcard))
+                TXN-TYPE-PAYMENT)
+    (create-txn 1 5 YEAR "part-pay creditcard from bank"
+                (list (cons  47 creditcard)
+                      (cons -47 banksub)))
+    ;; Finally we can begin testing
+    (test-begin "display options")
+    (let* ((options (default-testing-options))
+           (sxml (options->sxml options "default")))
+      (test-equal "total assets = $53.00"
+        (list "Total Assets" "$53.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 7 #f))
+      (test-equal "total liabilities = $8.00"
+        (list "Total Liabilities" "$8.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 14 #f))
+      (test-equal "total equity  = $45.00"
+        (list "Total Equity" "$45.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 19 #f))
+      )
+    (test-end "display options")))

commit 6a62b8db8c20796af6e4cb27abba4b2995f3f912
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 15:28:45 2018 +0800

    [balance-sheet] sanitize & in (add-subtotal-line)

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balance-sheet.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balance-sheet.scm
index 3f86026..d3d2b2e 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balance-sheet.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balance-sheet.scm
@@ -697,7 +697,8 @@
                                   total-liabilities? liability-balance))
-           right-table (_ "Total Liabilities & Equity")
+           right-table (gnc:html-string-sanitize
+                        (_ "Total Liabilities & Equity"))
 	   #f liability-plus-equity)

commit 62b5c8138d1b8d316ed0bfee12f524c75d2f9630
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 15:15:38 2018 +0800

    [html-acct-table] sanitize   in (gnc-commodity-table)
    This sanitizes the commodity-table html.
    (improves my first commit!)

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
index cb8a387..c7a2173 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
@@ -1156,7 +1156,10 @@
 	   ;; add the account balance in the respective commodity
 	    "number-cell" bal)
-	   " "
+           (let ((spacer (gnc:make-html-table-cell)))
+             (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
+              spacer "td" 'attribute (list "style" "min-width: 1em"))
+             spacer)
 	   ;; add the account balance in the report commodity
 	    "number-cell" (exchange-fn bal report-commodity))

commit 01a426bf7972328e165556bce8d05fb13b89593c
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 14:17:43 2018 +0800

    [test-transaction] upgrade to test foreign conversion too
    Thanks to previous commit, we can now test foreign currency conversions.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
index 5919ec7..b60226f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
@@ -566,12 +566,6 @@
       (set-option! options "Display" "Other Account Name" #t)
       (set-option! options "Display" "Other Account Code" #t)
       (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "dual column")))
-        ;; Note. It's difficult to test converted monetary
-        ;; amounts. Although I've set transfers from USD/GBP, the
-        ;; transfers do not update the pricedb automatically,
-        ;; therefore converted amounts are displayed as $0. We are not
-        ;; testing the pricedb so it does not seem fair to test its
-        ;; output here too.
         (test-equal "dual amount headers"
           (list "Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account" "Transfer from/to"
                 "Debit (USD)" "Credit (USD)" "Debit" "Credit")
@@ -585,12 +579,15 @@
         (test-equal "GBP original currency totals = #4"
           (list 4.0)
           (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 5 10)))
-        (test-assert "USD original currency totals = $5"
+        (test-assert "USD original currency totals = $5 (tests pricedb)"
            (list 5.0)
+           (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 4 8))
            (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 9 7))
            (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 9 9))))
-        )
+        (test-equal "USD grand totals are correct (tests pricedb)"
+          (list "Grand Total" "$0.00" "$5.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 11 #f)))
       ;; This test group will test sign reversal strategy. We will
       ;; display all transactions in the 1969-1970 series, sorted by

commit 02bb981daa5a12557379242c59f6f217ceab9ec7
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 14:18:08 2018 +0800

    [test-extras] upgrade env-transfer-foreign to update pricedb

diff --git a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
index 32712a6..c1d37b7 100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
@@ -140,6 +140,22 @@
     ;(format #t "tx ~a\n" (map xaccSplitGetValue (list split-1 split-2)))
+(define (gnc-pricedb-create currency commodity time64 value)
+  ;; I think adding pricedb for a DMY date will clobber any existing
+  ;; pricedb entry for that date.
+  (let ((price (gnc-price-create (gnc-get-current-book)))
+        (pricedb (gnc-pricedb-get-db (gnc-get-current-book))))
+    (gnc-price-begin-edit price)
+    (gnc-price-set-commodity price commodity)
+    (gnc-price-set-currency price currency)
+    (gnc-price-set-time64 price time64)
+    (gnc-price-set-source price PRICE-SOURCE-XFER-DLG-VAL)
+    (gnc-price-set-source-string price "test-price")
+    (gnc-price-set-typestr price "test")
+    (gnc-price-set-value price value)
+    (gnc-price-commit-edit price)
+    (gnc-pricedb-add-price pricedb price)))
 (define* (env-transfer-foreign
           DD MM YY         ; day/month/year
@@ -186,6 +202,10 @@
           (xaccSplitSetMemo split-1 memo)
           (xaccSplitSetMemo split-2 memo)))
+    (gnc-pricedb-create (xaccAccountGetCommodity debit)
+                        (xaccAccountGetCommodity credit)
+                        (gnc-dmy2time64 DD MM YY)
+                        (/ amount1 amount2))
     (xaccTransCommitEdit txn)

commit f1823c525ce5b2d7fed3d6fb7859e47f03c3b1c4
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sat Jun 16 11:51:33 2018 +0800

    [webkit] eradicate css?
    Forgot to remove in 5093a8fb141, remove all traces off css?

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
index c7a91f1..c3bcfe9 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8">
 <title><?scm:d coyname ?> <?scm:d reportname ?> <?scm:d (qof-print-date opt-date) ?></title>
-<?scm (if css? (begin ?>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?scm:d opt-css-file ?>" type="text/css">
 <!-- Note that the stylesheet file is overridden by some options, i.e.
      opt-font-family and opt-font-size                                 -->
@@ -149,7 +148,6 @@
     <?scm )) ?>
-<?scm )) ?>
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.eguile.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.eguile.scm
index da34d85..e98e6d4 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.eguile.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.eguile.scm
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
 <title><?scm:d (_ "Invoice") ?> <?scm:d invoiceid ?></title>
-<?scm (if css? (begin ?>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?scm:d opt-css-file ?>" type="text/css">
 <!-- Note that the external stylesheet file is overridden by this following: -->
 <style type="text/css">
@@ -122,7 +121,6 @@
     <?scm:d opt-heading-font ?>
-<?scm )) ?>
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.scm
index 9fb8614..2af29f7 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.scm
@@ -240,7 +240,6 @@
          (opt-amount-due-heading    (opt-value headingpage2 optname-amount-due))
          (opt-payment-recd-heading  (opt-value headingpage2 optname-payment-recd))
          (opt-extra-notes           (opt-value notespage    optname-extra-notes))
-         (css? #t)
          (html (eguile-file-to-string
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.eguile.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.eguile.scm
index e3629c9..e6fde67 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.eguile.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.eguile.scm
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
 <title><?scm:d (_ "Invoice") ?> <?scm:d invoiceid ?></title>
-<?scm (if css? (begin ?>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?scm:d (make-file-url opt-css-file) ?>" type="text/css">
 <!-- Note that the external stylesheet file is overridden by this following: -->
 <style type="text/css">
@@ -153,7 +152,6 @@
   <?scm:d opt-extra-css ?>
-<?scm )) ?>
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.scm
index fe94e64..326ce4a 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.scm
@@ -306,7 +306,6 @@
          (opt-jobname-text          (opt-value headingpage2 optname-jobname-text))
          (opt-extra-css             (opt-value notespage    optname-extra-css)) 
          (opt-extra-notes           (opt-value notespage    optname-extra-notes)) 
-         (css? #t)
          (html (eguile-file-to-string
diff --git a/gnucash/report/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm b/gnucash/report/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm
index f8d0818..1ec3fff 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm
@@ -3049,8 +3049,6 @@
               #f) ;;end of if
           #f) ;;end of if
           (begin  ; else do tax report
-             (if #t                     ;does gcn-html-engine-support-css? #t!
-                 (begin ;; this is for webkit
                    doc "header-just-top"
                    'tag "th"
@@ -3092,7 +3090,6 @@
                    'tag "td"
                    'attribute (list "class" "number-cell neg")
                    'attribute (list "valign" "bottom"))
-                 ))
               doc "just-bot"
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm
index fa89152..8a7030b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm
@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@
 (define-public (foreignstyle item) 
   ;; apply styling for amount in foreign currency
-  (if css?
-    (string-append "<span class=\"foreign\">" item "</span>"))
-    (string-append "<small><i>" item "</i></small>"))
+  (string-append "<span class=\"foreign\">" item "</span>"))
 ;; Convert any x into something printable as HTML
 (define-public (dump x) (escape-html (object->string x)))

commit 0461eb43c39191ee197a5d8004324f4979cb9efb
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jun 15 14:39:34 2018 +0800

    [test-charts] will now test presence of *all* standard charts
    And will eventually test data for all chart types too.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm
index 74e8466..342ef1b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 (gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0))
 (use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports net-charts))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports account-piecharts))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports cashflow-barchart))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports daily-reports))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports price-scatter))
 (use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
@@ -14,6 +18,19 @@
 (define variant-alist
+   (cons 'liability-piechart "3fe6dce77da24c66bdc8f8efdea7f9ac")
+   (cons 'stock-piechart "e9418ff64f2c11e5b61d1c7508d793ed")
+   (cons 'asset-piechart "5c7fd8a1fe9a4cd38884ff54214aa88a")
+   (cons 'expense-piechart "9bf1892805cb4336be6320fe48ce5446")
+   (cons 'income-piechart "e1bd09b8a1dd49dd85760db9d82b045c")
+   (cons 'cashflow-barchart "5426e4d987f6444387fe70880e5b28a0")
+   (cons 'category-barchart-income "44f81bee049b4b3ea908f8dac9a9474e")
+   (cons 'category-barchart-expense "b1f15b2052c149df93e698fe85a81ea6")
+   (cons 'category-barchart-asset "e9cf815f79db44bcb637d0295093ae3d")
+   (cons 'category-barchart-liability "faf410e8f8da481fbc09e4763da40bcc")
+   (cons 'daily-income "5e2d129f28d14df881c3e47e3053f604")
+   (cons 'daily-expense "dde49fed4ca940959ae7d01b72742530")
+   (cons 'price-scatterplot "1d241609fd4644caad765c95be20ff4c")
    (cons 'net-worth-barchart "cbba1696c8c24744848062c7f1cf4a72")
    (cons 'net-worth-linechart "d8b63264186b11e19038001558291366")
    (cons 'income-expense-barchart "80769921e87943adade887b9835a7685")
@@ -46,15 +63,10 @@
         (list "Asset"
               (list "Bank"))
         (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+        (list "Liability" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY)))
         (list "Expenses" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
         (list "Equity" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY)))))
-(define (set-option! options section name value)
-  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-    (if option
-        (gnc:option-set-value option value)
-        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
 (define (null-test variant)
   ;; This null-test tests for the presence of report.
   (let* ((uuid (variant->uuid variant))
@@ -62,16 +74,17 @@
     (test-assert (format #f "null-test: ~a" variant)
       (options->render uuid options "null-test"))))
-;; the following tests are not ready yet
-;; unfortunately sxml parsing requires a very valid xhtml, which means
-;; <script>
 (define (net-charts-test variant)
+  (define (set-option! options section name value)
+    (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+      (if option
+          (gnc:option-set-value option value)
+          (test-assert (format #f "[~a] wrong-option ~a ~a" variant section name) #f))))
   (let* ((uuid (variant->uuid variant))
          (env (create-test-env))
          (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
          (bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
+         (liability (cdr (assoc "Liability" account-alist)))
          (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
          (expense (cdr (assoc "Expenses" account-alist)))
          (equity (cdr (assoc "Equity" account-alist)))
@@ -79,22 +92,43 @@
     (define (default-testing-options)
       (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options (variant->uuid variant))))
-        (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank))
-        (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-cal-year))
-        (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-cal-year))
+        (unless (memq variant '(liability-piechart asset-piechart stock-piechart))
+          (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" '(relative . start-cal-year)))
+        (set-option! options "General" "End Date" '(relative . end-cal-year))
+        (unless (eq? variant 'price-scatterplot)
+          (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank liability)))
-    (env-transfer env 01 01 YEAR bank expense       5   #:description "desc-1" #:num "trn1" #:memo "memo-3")
-    (env-transfer env 21 02 YEAR income bank       10   #:description "desc-2" #:num "trn2" #:void-reason "void" #:notes "notes3")
-    (env-transfer env 11 02 YEAR income bank       29   #:description "desc-3" #:num "trn3"
-                  #:reconcile (cons #\c (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 YEAR)))
-    (env-transfer env 01 02 YEAR bank expense      15   #:description "desc-4" #:num "trn4" #:notes "notes2" #:memo "memo-1")
-    (env-transfer env 10 03 YEAR bank expense      10   #:description "desc-5" #:num "trn5" #:void-reason "any")
-    (env-transfer env 10 03 YEAR expense bank      11   #:description "desc-6" #:num "trn6" #:notes "notes1")
-    (env-transfer env 10 04 YEAR income bank        8   #:description "desc-7" #:num "trn7" #:notes "notes1" #:memo "memo-2"
-                  #:reconcile (cons #\y (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 YEAR)))
+    (env-transfer env 01 01 YEAR equity bank   3)
+    (env-transfer env 11 01 YEAR bank expense  8)
+    (env-transfer env 11 02 YEAR income bank   29)
+    (env-transfer env 21 02 YEAR income bank   10 #:void-reason "void")
+    (env-transfer env 22 02 YEAR liability expense 27)
+    (env-transfer env 01 03 YEAR bank expense  15)
+    (env-transfer env 10 05 YEAR bank expense  10 #:void-reason "any")
+    (env-transfer env 10 07 YEAR expense bank  11)
+    (env-transfer env 10 09 YEAR income bank    8)
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options)))
       (test-assert (format #f "basic report exists: ~a" variant)
-        (options->render uuid options (format #f "net-charts-test ~a default options" variant))))))
+        (options->render uuid options (format #f "net-charts-test ~a default options" variant))))
+    (case variant
+      ((liability-piechart stock-piechart asset-piechart expense-piechart income-piechart)
+       'piechart-tests)
+      ((cashflow-barchart)
+       'cashflow-barchart-test)
+      ((category-barchart-income category-barchart-expense category-barchart-asset category-barchart-liability)
+       'category-barchart-tests)
+      ((daily-income daily-expense)
+       'daily-tests)
+      ((net-worth-barchart income-expense-barchart net-worth-linechart income-expense-linechart)
+       'net-charts-tests))))

commit b1a165eb3b874b5c0d2e7f8f67dba4807f923c12
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jun 15 14:58:51 2018 +0800

    [test-charts] rename test-net-charts to test-charts
    It is not that much more difficult to test *all* charts in the same

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 9646dfa..3193ea1 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ set(scm_test_standard_reports_SOURCES
-  test-net-charts.scm
+  test-charts.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-net-charts.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm
similarity index 100%
rename from gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-net-charts.scm
rename to gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-charts.scm

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-file.c                     |  10 +-
 gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c              |  30 +-
 .../report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm |   2 -
 gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.eguile.scm |   2 -
 gnucash/report/business-reports/receipt.scm        |   1 -
 .../report/business-reports/taxinvoice.eguile.scm  |   2 -
 gnucash/report/business-reports/taxinvoice.scm     |   1 -
 gnucash/report/locale-specific/us/taxtxf.scm       |   3 -
 .../report/report-system/eguile-html-utilities.scm |   4 +-
 gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm   |   5 +-
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/balance-sheet.scm  |   3 +-
 .../report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt    |  19 +-
 .../standard-reports/test/test-balance-sheet.scm   | 140 ++++++++
 .../test/{test-net-charts.scm => test-charts.scm}  |  82 +++--
 .../test/test-generic-category-report.scm          | 292 ----------------
 .../test/test-generic-net-barchart.scm             | 366 ---------------------
 .../test/test-generic-net-linechart.scm            | 225 -------------
 .../test/test-standard-category-report.scm         | 265 ++++++++++++++-
 .../test/test-standard-net-barchart.scm            | 342 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../test/test-standard-net-linechart.scm           | 210 +++++++++++-
 .../standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm     |  13 +-
 libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm             |  20 ++
 22 files changed, 1055 insertions(+), 982 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balance-sheet.scm
 rename gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/{test-net-charts.scm => test-charts.scm} (50%)
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-category-report.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-barchart.scm
 delete mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-generic-net-linechart.scm

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