gnucash unstable: Multiple changes pushed

Geert Janssens gjanssens at
Thu Mar 1 09:50:48 EST 2018

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 546b54c976d770a99e3b76f7130ac4b01a3e508c
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 21:23:55 2018 +0800

    TR: Show "Grand Total" only if it has been generated.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
index a04c1d0..c216b28 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
@@ -1703,7 +1703,9 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                  (string-join (map (lambda (row)
                                      (row->html row list-of-cols))
                                    list-of-rows) "")
-                 (row->html 'row-total list-of-cols)
+                 (if (memq 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
+                     (row->html 'row-total list-of-cols)
+                     "")

commit cb18d3ca422ee3c31f6a42b099c9f82fb30b685c
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 19:10:18 2018 +0800

    test-TR: Add dual-column testing

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
index a9f5c5c..7297851 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
@@ -661,8 +661,21 @@
       ;; test debit/credit dual columns
       (set! options (default-testing-options))
       (set-option! options "Display" "Amount" 'double)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Common Currency" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Show original currency amount" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'date)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
       (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "dual columns"))) ;out-29.html
-        #f)
+        (test-equal "dual amount column, with original currency headers"
+          (list "Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account"
+                "Debit" "USD" "Credit" "USD" "Debit" "Credit")
+          (get-row-col sxml 0 #f))
+        (test-equal "dual amount column, grand totals available"
+          (list "Grand Total" " " " " " " " " "$2,280.00" "$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 #f))
+        (test-equal "dual amount column, first transaction correct"
+          (list "01/03/18" "$103 income" "Root.Asset.Bank" "\n" "$103.00" " " "\n" "$103.00" " ")
+          (get-row-col sxml 1 #f)))
     (test-end "display options")

commit 4f98391a27cf4bea69958a234d8a1b0afc98a6c4
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jan 5 22:45:21 2018 +1100

    test-TR: unit tests
    initial attempt

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 25ce314..fd58191 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ SET(scm_test_standard_reports_SOURCES
+  test-transaction.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f5c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
+(gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0))
+(use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
+(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
+(use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
+(use-modules (sxml simple))
+(use-modules (sxml xpath))
+(use-modules (system vm coverage)
+             (system vm vm))
+;; Guide to the test-transaction.scm
+;; This test-transation will implement regression testing for most
+;; features from transction.scm as of March 2018. It requires SRFI-64
+;; (present in guile-2.0.10 or later), SXML, and VM.  SRFI-64 and SXML
+;; are mandatory and has tremendously eased creation of tests. The VM
+;; modules are only required to perform coverage analysis of this test
+;; suite.
+;; By default the (run-test) entry point will run (run-test-proper)
+;; which sets the SRFI-64 test runner, and initiates the proper test suite
+;; in (null-test) and (trep-tests). Please note the tests will all call
+;; (options->sxml) which in turn generates the transaction report, and
+;; dumps the output at /tmp/out-XX.html for review.
+;; For coverage analysis, please amend (run-test) (if #f ...) to (if
+;; #t ...)  and this will run (coverage-test) instead, which will
+;; generate the coverage report in /tmp/ -- the latter can be
+;; converted to an html report using genhtml from
+;; Please note the with-code-coverage has changed guile-2.0 to 2.2
+;; which does not require specifying the VM; I have no experience
+;; running in guile 2.2 and cannot confirm syntax.
+;; copied from transaction.scm
+(define trep-uuid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
+;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
+(setlocale LC_ALL "C")
+(define (test-runner)
+  (let ((runner (test-runner-null))
+        (num-passed 0)
+        (num-failed 0))
+    (test-runner-on-test-end! runner
+      (lambda (runner)
+        (format #t "[~a] line:~a, test: ~a\n"
+                (test-result-ref runner 'result-kind)
+                (test-result-ref runner 'source-line)
+                (test-runner-test-name runner))
+        (case (test-result-kind runner)
+          ((pass xpass) (set! num-passed (1+ num-passed)))
+          ((fail xfail)
+           (if (test-result-ref runner 'expected-value)
+               (format #t "~a\n -> expected: ~s\n -> obtained: ~s\n"
+                       (string-join (test-runner-group-path runner) "/")
+                       (test-result-ref runner 'expected-value)
+                       (test-result-ref runner 'actual-value)))
+           (set! num-failed (1+ num-failed)))
+          (else #t))))
+    (test-runner-on-final! runner
+      (lambda (runner)
+        (format #t "Source:~a\npass = ~a, fail = ~a\n"
+                (test-result-ref runner 'source-file) num-passed num-failed)
+        (zero? num-failed)))
+    runner))
+(define (run-test)
+  (if #f
+      (coverage-test)
+      (run-test-proper)))
+(define (coverage-test)
+  (define %test-vm (make-vm))
+  (add-to-load-path "/home/chris/sources/gnucash/gnucash/report/standard-reports")
+  (call-with-values
+      (lambda()
+        (with-code-coverage %test-vm run-test-proper))
+    (lambda (data result)
+      (let ((port (open-output-file "/tmp/")))
+        (coverage-data->lcov data port)
+        (close port)))))
+(define (run-test-proper)
+  (test-runner-factory test-runner)
+  (test-begin "transaction.scm")
+  (null-test)
+  (trep-tests)
+  ;; (test-end) must be run as the last function, it will
+  ;; return #f if any of the tests have failed.
+  (test-end "transaction.scm"))
+(define (logger . items)
+  (define (strify item)
+    (format #f "~s" item))
+  (format #t "LOGGER: ~a\n" (string-join (map strify items) " "))
+  items)
+(define (str->num str)
+  (string->number
+   (string-filter
+    (lambda (c) (or (char-numeric? c)
+                    (memv c '(#\- #\.))))
+    str)))
+(define counter
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (lambda ()
+      (set! count (1+ count))
+      count)))
+(define (options->sxml options test-title)
+  ;; options object -> sxml tree
+  ;;
+  ;; This function abstracts the whole transaction report renderer.
+  ;; It also catches XML parsing errors, dumping the options changed.
+  ;;
+  ;; It also dumps the render into /tmp/out-N.html where N is a counter
+  (let* ((template (gnc:find-report-template trep-uuid))
+         (report (constructor trep-uuid "bar" options #t #t #f #f ""))
+         (renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template))
+         (document (renderer report)))
+    (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! document (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
+    (if test-title
+        (gnc:html-document-set-title! document test-title))
+    (let* ((filename (format #f "/tmp/out-~a.html" (counter)))
+           (render (gnc:html-document-render document))
+           (outfile (open-file filename "w")))
+      (display render outfile)
+      (close-output-port outfile)
+      (catch 'parser-error
+        (lambda () (xml->sxml render))
+        (lambda (k . args)
+          (test-assert k #f)            ; XML parse error doesn't cause a crash but logs as a failure
+          (format #t "see render output at ~a\n~a" filename (gnc:render-options-changed options #t)))))))
+(define (get-row-col sxml row col)
+  ;; sxml, row & col (numbers or #f) -> list-of-string
+  ;;
+  ;; from an SXML table tree with tr/th/td elements, retrieve row/col
+  ;; if row  =  0 retrieve <tr><th> elements
+  ;; if row  = #f retrieve whole <td> col, excludes <th> cols
+  ;; if col  = #f retrieve whole <tr> row
+  ;; if both = #f retrieve all text elements
+  ;;
+  ;; NOTE: This will retrieve cells from the first table in the tree.
+  ;; If there are multiple tables, I recommend that the tree is first
+  ;; pruned to the desired table via e.g. '(// (table 2)) then sent as
+  ;; argument to this function.
+  (let ((xpath (cond
+                ((not (or row col))             '(// (table 1) // tr // *text*))
+                ((not row)                      `(// (table 1) // tr // (td ,col) // *text*))
+                ((and (equal? row 0) (not col)) '(// (table 1) // tr // th // *text*))
+                ((not col)                      `(// (table 1) // (tr ,row) // td // *text*))
+                ((equal? row 0)                 `(// (table 1) // tr // (th ,col) // *text*))
+                (else                           `(// (table 1) // (tr ,row) // (td ,col) // *text*)))))
+    ((sxpath xpath) sxml)))
+(define constructor (record-constructor <report>))
+(define (set-option! options section name value)
+  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+    (if option
+        (gnc:option-set-value option value)
+        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
+(define (opt-val options section name)
+  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+    (if option
+        (gnc:option-value option)
+        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
+(define structure
+  (list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
+        (list "Asset"
+              (list "Bank")
+              (list "GBP Bank")
+              (list "USD Bank")
+              (list "Wallet"))
+        (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+        (list "Expenses" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
+        (list "Liabilities" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY)))
+        ))
+(define (null-test)
+  ;; This null-test tests for the presence of report.
+  (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options trep-uuid)))
+    (test-assert "null-test" (options->sxml options "null-test")))) ;out-1.html
+(define (trep-tests)
+  ;; This function will perform implementation testing on the transaction report.
+  (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+         (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
+         (bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
+         (gbp-bank (cdr (assoc "GBP Bank" account-alist)))
+         (usd-bank (cdr (assoc "USD Bank" account-alist)))
+         (wallet (cdr (assoc "Wallet" account-alist)))
+         (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
+         (expense (cdr (assoc "Expenses" account-alist)))
+         (liability (cdr (assoc "Liabilities" account-alist)))
+         (YEAR (gnc:time64-get-year (gnc:get-today)))
+         (foreign1 (gnc-commodity-table-lookup
+                    (gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-account-get-book bank))
+                    (gnc-commodity-get-namespace (xaccAccountGetCommodity bank))
+                    "USD"))
+         (foreign2 (gnc-commodity-table-lookup
+                    (gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-account-get-book bank))
+                    (gnc-commodity-get-namespace (xaccAccountGetCommodity bank))
+                    "GBP")))
+    (define (default-testing-options)
+      ;; To ease testing of transaction report, we will set default
+      ;; options for generating reports. We will elable extra columns
+      ;; for Exporting, disable generation of informational text, and
+      ;; disable indenting. These options will be tested separately as
+      ;; the first test group. By default, we'll select the modern dates.
+      (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options trep-uuid)))
+        (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank))
+        (set-option! options "Sorting" "Add indenting columns" #f)
+        (set-option! options "General" "Add options summary" 'always)
+        (set-option! options "General" "Table for Exporting" #t)
+        (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-cal-year))
+        (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-cal-year))
+        options))
+    ;; This will make all accounts use default currency (I think depends on locale)
+    (for-each
+     (lambda(pair)
+       (xaccAccountSetCommodity (cdr pair) (gnc-default-report-currency)))
+     account-alist)
+    ;; Here we set foreign banks' currencies
+    (with-account
+     gbp-bank
+     (lambda ()
+       (xaccAccountSetCode gbp-bank "01-GBP")
+       (xaccAccountSetCommodity gbp-bank foreign2)))
+    (with-account
+     usd-bank
+     (lambda ()
+       (xaccAccountSetCode usd-bank "02-USD")
+       (xaccAccountSetCommodity usd-bank foreign1)))
+    ;; We will fill the transaction report with crafted dummy
+    ;; transactions for producing repeatable reports.
+    ;; old transactions for testing absolute dates, sorting, and
+    ;; filtering options.
+    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 bank expense       5   #:description "desc-1" #:num "trn1" #:memo "memo-3")
+    (env-transfer env 31 12 1969 income bank       10   #:description "desc-2" #:num "trn2" #:void-reason "void" #:notes "notes3")
+    (env-transfer env 31 12 1969 income bank       29   #:description "desc-3" #:num "trn3"
+                  #:reconcile (cons #\c (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
+    (env-transfer env 01 02 1970 bank expense      15   #:description "desc-4" #:num "trn4" #:notes "notes2" #:memo "memo-1")
+    (env-transfer env 10 01 1970 liability expense 10   #:description "desc-5" #:num "trn5" #:void-reason "any")
+    (env-transfer env 10 01 1970 liability expense 11   #:description "desc-6" #:num "trn6" #:notes "notes1")
+    (env-transfer env 10 02 1970 bank liability     8   #:description "desc-7" #:num "trn7" #:notes "notes1" #:memo "memo-2"
+                  #:reconcile (cons #\y (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
+    ;; a single 3-split transaction dated 14/02/1971
+    ;; $100 from bank
+    ;;  $80 to expenses
+    ;;  $20 to wallet
+    (let ((txn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book)))
+          (split-1 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book)))
+          (split-2 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book)))
+          (split-3 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (xaccTransBeginEdit txn)
+      (xaccTransSetDescription txn "$100bank -> $80expenses + $20wallet")
+      (xaccTransSetCurrency txn (xaccAccountGetCommodity bank))
+      (xaccTransSetDate txn 14 02 1971)
+      (xaccSplitSetParent split-1 txn)
+      (xaccSplitSetParent split-2 txn)
+      (xaccSplitSetParent split-3 txn)
+      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-1 bank)
+      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-2 expense)
+      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-3 wallet)
+      (xaccSplitSetValue split-1 -100)
+      (xaccSplitSetValue split-2 80)
+      (xaccSplitSetValue split-3 20)
+      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-1 -100)
+      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-2 80)
+      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-3 20)
+      (xaccTransSetNotes txn "multisplit")
+      (xaccTransCommitEdit txn))
+    ;; A couple of transactions which involve foreign currency
+    ;; conversions. We'll set the currencies to GBP and USD.
+    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 01 2000 gbp-bank usd-bank 10 14 #:description "GBP 10 to USD 14")
+    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 02 2000 usd-bank gbp-bank  9  6 #:description "USD 9 to GBP 6")
+    ;; new transactions for testing relative dates. every month in the
+    ;; year will have 2 income transactions for $103 and $109 dated on
+    ;; the 3rd and 9th respectively, and 1 expense transaction for $22
+    ;; on the 15th. We will assume that the test suite will always be
+    ;; run in modern times, otherwise these transactions will be mixed
+    ;; up with the old transactions above. The year end net bank balance
+    ;; should be (* 12 (+ 103 109 -22)) = $2280.
+    (for-each (lambda (m)
+                (env-transfer env 03 (1+ m) YEAR income bank  103 #:description "$103 income")
+                (env-transfer env 15 (1+ m) YEAR bank expense  22 #:description "$22 expense")
+                (env-transfer env 09 (1+ m) YEAR income bank  109 #:description "$109 income"))
+              (iota 12))
+    ;; (for-each (lambda (s)
+    ;;             (format #t "~a '~a' ~a ~a from/to ~a\n"
+    ;;                     (qof-print-date (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
+    ;;                     (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))
+    ;;                     (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s)))
+    ;;                     (xaccSplitGetAmount s)
+    ;;                     (xaccAccountGetName (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit s)))
+    ;;                     ))
+    ;;           (xaccAccountGetSplitList bank))
+    ;; Finally we can begin testing
+    (test-begin "general options")
+    (let* ((options (default-testing-options))
+           (sxml (options->sxml options "general options")) ;out-2.html
+           (default-headers '("Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account" "Amount")))
+      (test-equal "default headers"
+        default-headers
+        (get-row-col sxml 0 #f))
+      (test-equal "last row has same number of cols as header"
+        (length default-headers)
+        (length (get-row-col sxml -1 #f)))
+      (test-equal "grand total present"
+        '("Grand Total")
+        (get-row-col sxml -1 1))
+      (test-equal "grand total is $2,280.00"
+        '("$2,280.00")
+        (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+    ;; dual columns
+    (let ((options (default-testing-options)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Add indenting columns" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Table for Exporting" #f)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Common Currency" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Show original currency amount" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Add options summary" 'never)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'date)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'monthly)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "test basic column headers, and original currency"))) ;out-3.html
+        (test-equal "default headers, indented, includes common-currency"
+          '(" " " " "Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account" "Amount" "USD" "Amount")
+          (get-row-col sxml 0 #f))
+        (test-equal "grand total present, no blank cells, and is $2,280 in both common-currency and original-currency"
+          '("Grand Total" "$2,280.00" "$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 #f))
+        (test-equal "account total present, and is $2,280 in original-currency"
+          '("$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -3 -1))
+        (test-equal "month total present, and is $190 in original-currency"
+          '("$190.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 6 -1))
+        ))
+    (test-end "general options")
+    (test-begin "accounts selectors and filtering")
+    (let ((options (default-testing-options)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (gnc-account-get-descendants (gnc-account-get-root bank)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      ;; Filter Account Name Filters
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Account Name Filter" "Expenses")
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "accounts filter expenses"))) ;out-4.html
+        (test-equal "account name filter to 'expenses', sum = $31.00"
+          '("$31.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Account Name Filter" "")
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "accounts filter"))) ;out-5.html
+        (test-equal "account name filter to '', blank report"
+          '()
+          (get-row-col sxml #f #f)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Use regular expressions for account name filter" #t)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "accounts filter regex"))) ;out-6.html
+        (test-equal "account name filter to '' and switch on regex filter, sum = $31.00"
+          '("$31.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      ;; Test Transaction Filters
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Transaction Filter" "desc-3")
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "transaction filter to ponies"))) ;out-7.html
+        (test-equal "transaction filter in bank to 'desc-3', sum = $29.00"
+          '("$29.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Transaction Filter" "not.s?")
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "transaction filter not.s?"))) ;out-8.html
+        (test-equal "transaction filter in bank to 'not.s?', blank report"
+          '()
+          (get-row-col sxml #f #f)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Use regular expressions for transaction filter" #t)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "transaction filter not.s? regex"))) ;out-9.html
+        (test-equal "transaction filter in bank to 'not.s?' and switch regex, sum = -$23.00"
+          '("-$23.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      ;; Test Reconcile Status Filters
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))      
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Reconcile Status" 'unreconciled)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "unreconciled"))) ;out-10.html
+        (test-equal "filter unreconciled only, sum = -$20.00"
+          '("-$20.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Reconcile Status" 'cleared)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "cleared"))) ;out-11.html
+        (test-equal "filter cleared only, sum = $29.00"
+          '("$29.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Reconcile Status" 'reconciled)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "reconciled"))) ;out-12.html
+        (test-equal "filter reconciled only, sum = -$8.00"
+          '("-$8.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      ;; Test Accounts Filters
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))      
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Filter By..." (list income))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Filter Type" 'include)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "including bank-income accts only"))) ;out-13.html
+        (test-equal "filter includes bank-income, sum = -$29.00"
+          '("$29.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Filter Type" 'exclude)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "bank exclude bank-income accts"))) ;out-14.html
+        (test-equal "filter excludes bank-income, sum = -$28.00"
+          '("-$28.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      ;; Test Void Transaction Filters
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))      
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Void Transactions" 'void-only)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "void only"))) ;out-15.html
+        (test-equal "filter void-transactions only, sum = -$10.00"
+          '("$10.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1)))
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Void Transactions" 'both)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "both void and non-void"))) ;out-16.html
+        (test-equal "filter void-transactions only, sum = $11.00"
+          '("$11.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml -1 -1))))
+    (test-end "accounts selectors and filtering")
+    (test-begin "display options")
+    (let ((options (default-testing-options)))
+      ;; Disable most Display/* columns
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (name)
+         (set-option! options "Display" name #f))
+       (list "Date" "Reconciled Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo" "Notes"
+             "Account Name" "Other Account Name" "Shares" "Price" "Running Balance"
+             "Totals"))
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "all columns off"))) ;out-17.html
+        (test-assert "all display columns off, except amount and subtotals are enabled, there should be 2 columns"
+          (= (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 1) // th)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 4) // td)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr -1) // td)) sxml))
+             2)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "only amounts"))) ;out-18.html
+        (test-assert "all display columns off, and no subtotals, but amount enabled, there should be 1 column"
+          (= (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 1) // th)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 4) // td)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr -1) // td)) sxml))
+             1)))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Amount" 'none)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "no columns"))) ;out-19.html
+        (test-assert "all display columns off, without amount nor subtotals, there should be 0 column"
+          (= (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 1) // th)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 4) // td)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr -1) // td)) sxml))
+             0)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal for Date Key" 'weekly)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'weekly)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "subtotals only"))) ;out-20.html
+        (test-assert "all display columns including amount are disabled, but subtotals are enabled, there should be 1 column"
+          (= (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr 1) // th)) sxml))
+             (length ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // (tr -1) // td)) sxml))
+             1)))
+      ;; Reset to test with full columns
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'reconciled-status)
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (gnc-account-get-descendants (gnc-account-get-root bank)))
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (name)
+         (set-option! options "Display" name #t))
+       (list "Date" "Reconciled Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo" "Notes"
+             "Account Name" "Other Account Name" "Shares" "Price" "Running Balance"
+             "Totals" "Use Full Other Account Name" "Use Full Account Name"))
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "all columns on"))) ;out-21.html
+        (test-equal "all display columns on, displays correct columns"
+          (list "Date" "Reconciled Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account"
+                "Transfer from/to" "Shares" "Price" "Amount" "Running Balance")
+          (get-row-col sxml 0 #f))
+        (test-assert "reconciled dates must be 01/03/70 or whitespace"
+          (and-map
+           (lambda (reconcile-date-string)
+             (or (string=? (string-trim-both reconcile-date-string)
+                           (qof-print-date (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
+                 (string-null? (string-trim-both reconcile-date-string))))
+           (get-row-col sxml #f 2)))
+        (test-equal "reconciled status subtotal"
+          (list "Total For Unreconciled" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "$0.00" " ")
+          (get-row-col sxml -3 #f))
+        )
+      ;; Customized test for multi-line, with default display cols.
+      ;; This option should return a single transaction with 2 splits
+      ;; in 2 lines.
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 13 02 1971)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 15 02 1971)))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Detail Level" 'multi-line)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Totals" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "multiline"))) ;out-22.html
+        (test-assert "multi line transaction with 1st split have same memo"
+          (apply string=? (get-row-col sxml #f 4)))
+        ;; the following sxpath will retrieve all text from <a href> of the
+        ;; last <td> in the table. This retrieves the amounts.
+        (test-equal "multi-line amounts must total to zero"
+          0.0
+          (apply + (map str->num ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // tr // (td -1) // a // *text*)) sxml)))))
+      ;; Remove expense multisplit, transaction is not shown
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Filter By..." (list expense))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Filter Type" 'exclude)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "multiline, filtered out"))) ;out-23.html
+        (test-equal "multi-line has been excluded"
+          '()
+          (get-row-col sxml #f #f)))
+      ;; Testing for original currency amount display as well as
+      ;; dual-column subtotals
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list usd-bank gbp-bank))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 2000)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 2000)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Common Currency" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Show original currency amount" #t)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "single column, with original currency headers"))) ;out-24.html
+        (test-equal "single amount column, with original currency headers"
+          (list "Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account"
+                "Amount" "USD" "Amount")
+          (get-row-col sxml 0 #f)))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Amount" 'double)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Account Name" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Account Code" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Other Account Name" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Other Account Code" #t)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "dual column"))) ;out-25.html
+        ;; Note. It's difficult to test converted monetary
+        ;; amounts. Although I've set transfers from USD/GBP, the
+        ;; transfers do not update the pricedb automatically,
+        ;; therefore converted amounts are displayed as $0. We are not
+        ;; testing the pricedb so it does not seem fair to test its
+        ;; output here too.
+        (test-equal "dual amount headers"
+          (list "Date" "Num" "Description" "Memo/Notes" "Account" "Transfer from/to"
+                "Debit" "USD" "Credit" "USD" "Debit" "Credit")
+          (get-row-col sxml 0 #f))
+        (test-equal "Account Name and Code displayed"
+          (list "01-GBP Root.Asset.GBP Bank")
+          (get-row-col sxml 2 5))
+        (test-equal "Other Account Name and Code displayed"
+          (list "01-GBP GBP Bank")
+          (get-row-col sxml 7 6))
+        (test-equal "GBP original currency totals = £4"
+          (list 4.0)
+          (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 5 10)))
+        (test-assert "USD original currency totals = $5"
+          (equal?
+           (list 5.0)
+           (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 9 7))
+           (map str->num (get-row-col sxml 9 9))))
+        )
+      ;; This test group will test sign reversal strategy. We will
+      ;; display all transactions in the 1969-1970 series, sorted by
+      ;; account name, then by description. This will ensure
+      ;; consistent order and we can query each amount individually.
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (gnc-account-get-descendants (gnc-account-get-root bank)))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Sign Reverses" 'none)
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Void Transactions" 'both)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'description)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal" #f)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sign-reversal is none, correct signs of amounts?"))) ;out-26.html
+        (test-equal "sign-reversal is none, correct signs of amounts"
+          '(#f #t #t #f #f #t #t #t #t #f #f #f #f #t)
+          (map (lambda (s) (not (string-contains s "-")))
+               ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // tr // (td -1) // a // *text*)) sxml))))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Sign Reverses" 'income-expense)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sign-reversal is income-expense, correct signs of amounts?"))) ;out-27.html
+        (test-equal "sign-reversal is income-expense, correct signs of amounts"
+          '(#f #t #t #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #t #f #f #t)
+          (map (lambda (s) (not (string-contains s "-")))
+               ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // tr // (td -1) // a // *text*)) sxml))))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Sign Reverses" 'credit-accounts)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sign-reversal is credit-accounts, correct signs of amounts?"))) ;out-28.html
+        (test-equal "sign-reversal is credit-accounts, correct signs of amounts"
+          '(#f #t #t #f #f #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #f)
+          (map (lambda (s) (not (string-contains s "-")))
+               ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // tr // (td -1) // a // *text*)) sxml))))
+      ;; test debit/credit dual columns
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Amount" 'double)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "dual columns"))) ;out-29.html
+        #f)
+      )
+    (test-end "display options")
+    (test-begin "sorting options")
+    (let ((options (default-testing-options)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      ;;(set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (gnc-account-get-descendants (gnc-account-get-root bank)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Totals" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Other Account Name" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Void Transactions" 'both)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal for Date Key" 'none)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'none)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'date)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date"))) ;out-30.html
+        (test-equal "dates are sorted"
+          '("12/31/69" "12/31/69" "01/01/70" "02/01/70" "02/10/70")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 1)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'number)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=number"))) ;out-31.html
+        (test-equal "sort by number"
+          '("trn1" "trn2" "trn3" "trn4" "trn7")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 2)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'reconciled-status)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=reconciled-status"))) ;out-32.html
+        (test-equal "sort by reconciled status"
+          '("desc-2" "desc-7" "desc-3" "desc-1" "desc-4")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 3)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'memo)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=memo"))) ;out-33.html
+        (test-equal "sort by memo"
+          '("notes3" "memo-1" "memo-2" "memo-3")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=account-name"))) ;out-34.html
+        (test-assert "account names are sorted"
+          (sorted? (get-row-col sxml #f 5) string<?)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'corresponding-acc-name)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=corresponding-acc-name"))) ;out-35.html
+        (test-equal "sort by corresponding-acc-name"
+          '("Expenses" "Expenses" "Income" "Income" "Liabilities")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 6)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'amount)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=amount"))) ;out-36.html
+        (test-equal "sort by amount"
+          '("-$15.00" "-$8.00" "-$5.00" "$10.00" "$29.00")
+          ((sxpath '(// (table 1) // tr // (td -1) // a // *text*)) sxml)))
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Add indenting columns" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Show original currency amount" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'date)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'monthly)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Totals" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'quarterly)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)" #t)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=account-name, date-quarterly, subtotals only"))) ;out-37.html
+        (test-equal "sorting=account-name, date-quarterly, subtotals only"
+          '("$570.00" "$570.00" "$570.00" "$570.00" "$2,280.00" "$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f -1)))
+      (set! options (default-testing-options))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (gnc-account-get-descendants (gnc-account-get-root bank)))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Totals" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Amount" 'double)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Show original currency amount" #t)
+      (set-option! options "General" "Table for Exporting" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Add indenting columns" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'date)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'quarterly)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show Informal Debit/Credit Headers" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show Account Description" #t)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date"))) ;out-38.html
+        (test-equal "expense acc friendly headers"
+          '("\n" "Expenses" "Expense" "Rebate")
+          (get-row-col sxml 47 #f))
+        (test-equal "income acc friendly headers"
+          '("\n" "Income" "Charge" "Income")
+          (get-row-col sxml 69 #f)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Totals" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)" #t)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date quarterly"))) ;out-39.html
+        (test-equal "quarterly subtotals are correct"
+          '("$570.00" "$570.00" "$570.00" "$570.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'monthly)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date monthly"))) ;out-40.html
+        (test-equal "monthly subtotals are correct"
+          '("$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'yearly)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date yearly"))) ;out-41.html
+        (test-equal "yearly subtotals are correct"
+          '("$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1972)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)" #f)
+      (set-option! options "Filter" "Void Transactions" 'both)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'daily)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date"))) ;out-42.html
+        (test-equal "daily subtotals are correct"
+          '("$39.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 5 4)))
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'weekly)
+      (let* ((sxml (options->sxml options "sorting=date weekly"))) ;out-43.html
+        (test-equal "weekly subtotals are correct (1)"
+          '("$34.00" "$89.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4))
+        (test-equal "weekly subtotals are correct (2)"
+          '("$15.00" "$8.00" "$100.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 5))))
+    (test-end "sorting options")
+    (test-begin "subtotal table")
+    (let ((options (default-testing-options)))
+      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Accounts" (list bank income expense))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'relative 'start-cal-year))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'relative 'end-cal-year))
+      (set-option! options "Display" "Subtotal Table" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Key" 'account-name)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Primary Subtotal" #t)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Key" 'date)
+      (set-option! options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key" 'monthly)
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "subtotal table"))) ;out-44.html
+        (test-equal "summary bank-row is correct"
+          (list "Bank" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00"
+                "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$190.00" "$2,280.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 1 #f))
+        (test-equal "summary expense-row is correct"
+          (list "Expenses" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00"
+                "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$22.00" "$264.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 2 #f))
+        (test-equal "summary income-row is correct"
+          (list "Income" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00"
+                "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00" "-$212.00"
+                "-$212.00" "-$2,544.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 3 #f))
+        (test-equal "summary total-row is correct"
+          (list "Grand Total" "$0.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 4 #f)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 01 1969)))
+      (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 12 1970)))
+      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "sparse subtotal table"))) ;out-45.html
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - row 1"
+          (list "Bank" "$29.00" "-$5.00" "-$23.00" "$1.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 1 #f))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - row 2"
+          (list "Expenses" "$16.00" "$15.00" "$31.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 2 #f))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - row 3"
+          (list "Income" "-$29.00" "-$29.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 3 #f))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - row 4"
+          (list "Grand Total" "$3.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml 4 #f))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - col 1"
+          (list "Bank" "Expenses" "Income" "Grand Total")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 1))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - col 2"
+          (list "$29.00" "-$29.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 2))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - col 3"
+          (list "-$5.00" "$16.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 3))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - col 4"
+          (list "-$23.00" "$15.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 4))
+        (test-equal "sparse summary-table - col 5"
+          (list "$1.00" "$31.00" "-$29.00" "$3.00")
+          (get-row-col sxml #f 5))))
+    (test-end "subtotal table")
+    ))
diff --git a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
index d9a8636..1d76b19 100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 (export env-string)
 (export env-select-price-source)
 (export env-any-date)
+(export env-transfer)
+(export env-transfer-foreign)
 (export env-create-transaction)
 (export env-create-account)
 (export env-create-root-account)
@@ -154,12 +156,82 @@
 			(xaccSplitSetAmount split-2 (gnc-numeric-neg aaa))
 			(xaccSplitSetValue split-1 aaa)
 			(xaccSplitSetValue split-2 (gnc-numeric-neg aaa))
     ;(format #t "tx ~a\n" (map xaccSplitGetAmount (list split-1 split-2)))
     ;(format #t "tx ~a\n" (map xaccSplitGetValue (list split-1 split-2)))
+(define* (env-transfer-foreign
+          env
+          DD MM YY         ; day/month/year
+          debit            ; account-from
+          credit           ; account-to
+          amount1          ; amount-from
+          amount2          ; amount-to
+          #:key            ; - the following are optional -
+          description      ; string: description (def = "ponies")
+          void-reason      ; string: void-reason (def = not-voided)
+          reconcile        ; pair  : (cons reconciled reconciled-date)
+          num              ; string: num field   (def = null)
+          notes            ; string: notes       (def = null)
+          memo             ; string: memo        (def = null)
+          )
+  (let ((txn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book)))
+	(split-1 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book)))
+	(split-2 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book))))
+    (xaccTransBeginEdit txn)
+    (xaccTransSetDescription txn (or description "ponies"))
+    (xaccTransSetCurrency txn (xaccAccountGetCommodity debit))
+    (xaccTransSetDate txn DD MM YY)
+    (xaccSplitSetParent split-1 txn)
+    (xaccSplitSetParent split-2 txn)
+    (xaccSplitSetAccount split-1 debit)
+    (xaccSplitSetAccount split-2 credit)
+    (xaccSplitSetValue split-1 (- amount1))
+    (xaccSplitSetValue split-2 amount1)
+    (xaccSplitSetAmount split-1 (- amount1))
+    (xaccSplitSetAmount split-2 amount2)
+    (if reconcile
+        (begin
+          (xaccSplitSetReconcile split-1 (car reconcile))
+          (xaccSplitSetReconcile split-2 (car reconcile))
+          (xaccSplitSetDateReconciledSecs split-1 (cdr reconcile))
+          (xaccSplitSetDateReconciledSecs split-2 (cdr reconcile))))
+    (if num
+        (begin
+          (gnc-set-num-action txn split-1 num num)
+          (gnc-set-num-action txn split-2 num num)))
+    (if void-reason (xaccTransVoid txn void-reason))
+    (if notes (xaccTransSetNotes txn notes))
+    (if memo
+        (begin
+          (xaccSplitSetMemo split-1 memo)
+          (xaccSplitSetMemo split-2 memo)))
+    (xaccTransCommitEdit txn)
+    txn))
+(define* (env-transfer
+          env
+          DD MM YY         ; day/month/year
+          debit            ; account-from
+          credit           ; account-to
+          amount           ; amount
+          #:key            ; - the following are optional -
+          description      ; string: description (def = "ponies")
+          void-reason      ; string: void-reason (def = not-voided)
+          reconcile        ; char  : reconciled  (default = n)
+          num              ; string: num field   (def = null)
+          notes            ; string: notes       (def = null)
+          memo             ; string: memo        (def = null)
+          )
+  (env-transfer-foreign
+   env DD MM YY debit credit amount amount
+   #:description description
+   #:void-reason void-reason
+   #:reconcile reconcile
+   #:num num
+   #:memo memo
+   #:notes notes))
 (define (env-create-root-account env type commodity)
   (env-create-account env type commodity (gnc-get-current-root-account)))

commit 51768500833d3b2df269b8497512d24849b7aa3f
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Jan 19 15:23:57 2018 +0800

    TR ENH: Add "Subtotal Summary Grid"
    The subtotal summary-grid will tabulate subtotals - prime-sortkey
    vertically, sec-sortkey horizontally. This will be useful, for
    example, with prime-sortkey = accounts, sec-sortkey = date,
    sec-subtotal = monthly... will produce a monthly time series
    Introduces grid datastructure.
    This is a simple list, each element is a vector
    (vector row col data).
    In the Transaction Report, row and col are defined
    as a pair (cons sortvalue subtotal-heading), whereas:
    - sortvalue = string/number used to sort the grid headers,
    - subtotal-heading = string used as grid header row/col
    - data = the gnc-monetary collector.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
index 249b01c..a04c1d0 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 ;;   and enable multiple data columns
 ;; - add support for indenting for better grouping
 ;; - add defaults suitable for a reconciliation report
+;; - add subtotal summary grid
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
 (use-modules (ice-9 regex))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
 (define optname-detail-level (N_ "Detail Level"))
+(define optname-grid (N_ "Subtotal Table"))
 (define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
@@ -773,6 +776,10 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
+       options gnc:pagename-display optname-grid
+       amount-is-single?)
+      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
        options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")
        (and disp-other-accname? detail-is-single?))
@@ -808,6 +815,7 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
       (list (N_ "Shares")                       "k"  (_ "Display the number of shares?") #f)
       (list (N_ "Price")                        "l"  (_ "Display the shares price?") #f)
       ;; note the "Amount" multichoice option in between here
+      (list optname-grid                        "m5" (_ "Display a subtotal summary table. This requires Display/Amount being 'single") #f)
       (list (N_ "Running Balance")              "n"  (_ "Display a running balance?") #f)
       (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (_ "Display the totals?") #t)))
@@ -1240,11 +1248,12 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
             (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                                    1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns width-right-columns) data)))
+                                  1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns width-right-columns) data)))
         (if (not (column-uses? 'subtotals-only))
             (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table subheading-style (reverse row-contents)))))
-    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors subtotal-style level)
+    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors subtotal-style level row col)
       (let* ((row-contents '())
              (left-indent (case level
                             ((total) 0)
@@ -1319,6 +1328,10 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
+        ;; we only wish to add the first column into the grid.
+        (if (pair? columns)
+            (set! grid (grid-add grid row col (car columns))))
         ;;first row
         (for-each (lambda (cell) (addto! row-contents cell))
                   (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent))
@@ -1512,7 +1525,7 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                    1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
                    (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
-                (add-subtotal-row (render-grand-total) total-collectors def:grand-total-style 'total)))
+                (add-subtotal-row (render-grand-total) total-collectors def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total)))
           (let* ((current (car splits))
                  (rest (cdr splits))
@@ -1563,14 +1576,21 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                                            (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                          'secondary)
+                                          'secondary
+                                          (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                                (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                          (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                                (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
                         (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                   (add-subtotal-row (total-string
                                      (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                    'primary)
+                                    'primary
+                                    (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                          (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                    'col-total)
                   (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                   (if next
@@ -1590,7 +1610,13 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                                               (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                             'secondary)
+                                             'secondary
+                                             (if primary-subtotal-comparator
+                                                 (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                                       (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                                 (cons #f ""))
+                                             (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
                            (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
                            (if next
@@ -1599,6 +1625,8 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
             (do-rows-with-subtotals rest (not odd-row?)))))
+    (define grid (make-grid))
     (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (concatenate (list
                                                          (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
@@ -1614,7 +1642,70 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
     (do-rows-with-subtotals splits #t)
-    table))
+    (values table
+            grid)))
+;; grid data structure
+(define (make-grid)
+  '())
+(define (grid-get grid row col)    ; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
+  (filter
+   (lambda (cell)
+     (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
+          (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1)))))
+   grid))
+(define (grid-del grid row col)    ; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col - CAREFUL!
+  (filter
+   (lambda (cell)
+     (not (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
+               (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1))))))
+   grid))
+(define (grid-rows grid)
+  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 0)) grid)))
+(define (grid-cols grid)
+  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 1)) grid)))
+(define (grid-add grid row col data)            ;-> misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data,
+  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))           ;we simply delete old data stored at row/col and 
+  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid)) ;add again. this is fine because the grid should
+  grid)                                         ;never have duplicate data in the trep.
+(define (grid->html grid list-of-rows list-of-cols)
+  (define (cell->html cell)
+    (if (pair? cell)
+        (string-append "<td class=\"number-cell\">"
+                       (string-join (map gnc:monetary->string
+                                         (vector-ref (car cell) 2))
+                                    "<br/>\n")
+                       "</td>\n")
+        "<td></td>\n"))
+  (define (row->html row list-of-cols)
+    (string-append "<tr><td>"
+                   (if (eq? row 'row-total)
+                       (_ "Grand Total")
+                       (cdr row))
+                   "</td>\n"
+                   (string-join (map
+                                 (lambda (col) (cell->html (grid-get grid row col)))
+                                 list-of-cols) "")
+                   (cell->html (grid-get grid row 'col-total))
+                   "</tr>\n"))
+  (string-append "<table class=\"summary-table\"><caption>"
+                 optname-grid
+                 "</caption><thead><tr>"
+                 "<th></th>\n"
+                 (string-join (map (lambda (col)
+                                     (string-append "<th class=\"column-heading-right\">"
+                                                    (cdr col)
+                                                    "</th>\n")) list-of-cols) "")
+                 "<th class=\"column-heading-right\">"
+                 (_ "Total")
+                 "</th>\n</tr>\n</thead><tbody>"
+                 (string-join (map (lambda (row)
+                                     (row->html row list-of-cols))
+                                   list-of-rows) "")
+                 (row->html 'row-total list-of-cols)
+                 "</tbody></table>\n"))
 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 ;; Here comes the renderer function for this report.
@@ -1843,7 +1934,7 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                      (gnc:render-options-changed options))))
-              (let ((table (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))
+              (let-values (((table grid) (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))
                 (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
@@ -1856,6 +1947,17 @@ tags within description, notes or memo. ")
                             (qof-print-date begindate)
                             (qof-print-date enddate)))))
+                (if (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-grid)
+                         (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")) 'single))
+                    (let* ((generic<? (lambda (a b)
+                                        (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
+                                              ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
+                                              (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
+                           (list-of-rows (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid)) generic<?))
+                           (list-of-cols (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid)) generic<?)))
+                      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+                       document (grid->html grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))
                 (if (eq? infobox-display 'always)

Summary of changes:
 .../report/standard-reports/test/CMakeLists.txt    |   1 +
 .../standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm     | 877 +++++++++++++++++++++
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm    | 120 ++-
 libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm             |  74 +-
 4 files changed, 1063 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm

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