gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Oct 29 16:00:22 EDT 2018

Updated	 via (commit)
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commit 105ea8e952dce9ef38ff75deca3d0d2e6839e3da
Merge: f6fb110 cef574a
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Mon Oct 29 12:15:41 2018 -0700

    Merge Chris Lam's 'maint-category-barchart' into maint.

commit cef574affeb753e3faab2604a0cbd79a58bddb21
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:35:30 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] remove old expensive function

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index 283b0c5..10181ae 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -384,27 +384,6 @@ developing over time"))
                        #:ignore-closing? (gnc:account-is-inc-exp? acc)))))
-          ;; Calculates the net balance (profit or loss) of an account in
-          ;; the given time interval. date-list-entry is a pair containing
-          ;; the start- and end-date of that interval. If subacct?==#t,
-          ;; the subaccount's balances are included as well. Returns a
-          ;; double, exchanged into the report-currency by the above
-          ;; conversion function, and possibly with reversed sign.
-          (define (get-balance account date-list-entry subacct?)
-            ((if (reverse-balance? account)
-                 gnc:monetary-neg identity)
-             (if do-intervals?
-                 (collector->monetary
-                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval
-                   account
-                   (first date-list-entry)
-                   (second date-list-entry) subacct?)
-                  (second date-list-entry))
-                 (collector->monetary
-                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
-                   account date-list-entry subacct?)
-                  date-list-entry))))
           ;; Creates the <balance-list> to be used in the function
           ;; below.
           (define (account->balance-list account subacct?)

commit af5fb0dde5b53e541fc181f2d237220b34fc2902
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Oct 28 15:17:28 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] remove datelist->stringlist

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index 41bf399..283b0c5 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -327,9 +327,6 @@ developing over time"))
                (other-anchor "")
                (all-data '()))
-          (define (datelist->stringlist dates-list)
-            (map qof-print-date dates-list))
           ;; Converts a commodity-collector into gnc-monetary in the report's
           ;; currency using the exchange-fn calculated above. Returns a gnc-monetary
           ;; multiplied by the averaging-multiplier (smaller than one; multiplication
@@ -554,9 +551,9 @@ developing over time"))
            (let ((dates-list (if do-intervals?
                                  (list-head dates-list (1- (length dates-list)))
-             (set! date-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
+             (set! date-string-list (map qof-print-date dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set QOF-DATE-FORMAT-ISO)
-             (set! date-iso-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
+             (set! date-iso-string-list (map qof-print-date dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set save-fmt)
              ;; Set chart title, subtitle etc.
              (if  (eq? chart-type 'barchart)

commit de343aac3d15d0cb483f1f0e6a527f8d96d49974
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:35:10 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] optimize (account->balance-list)
    1. Modify dates-list definition
      instead of either (list date0 date1 date) or
      (list (list start0 end0 '())
            (list start1 end1 '()) ...)
      it now is a list-of-dates (list date0 date1 date2)
    2. Pre-generate account-balances using dates-list.
       account-balances-alist is an alist-of-balances
    3. Use the pre-generated account-balance-alist instead of
       calling (get-balance) to obtain balances. This
       bypasses (get-balance) which calls a very expensive query-based
       functions for every *account* and *date-interval*

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index ba8818e..41bf399 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -313,15 +313,12 @@ developing over time"))
                   (else report-title)))
                (currency-frac (gnc-commodity-get-fraction report-currency))
                ;; This is the list of date intervals to calculate.
-               (dates-list (if do-intervals?
-                               (gnc:make-date-interval-list
-                                (gnc:time64-start-day-time from-date-t64)
-                                (gnc:time64-end-day-time to-date-t64)
-                                (gnc:deltasym-to-delta interval))
-                               (gnc:make-date-list
-                                (gnc:time64-end-day-time from-date-t64)
-                                (gnc:time64-end-day-time to-date-t64)
-                                (gnc:deltasym-to-delta interval))))
+               (dates-list (gnc:make-date-list
+                            ((if do-intervals?
+                                 gnc:time64-start-day-time
+                                 gnc:time64-end-day-time) from-date-t64)
+                            (gnc:time64-end-day-time to-date-t64)
+                            (gnc:deltasym-to-delta interval)))
                ;; Here the date strings for the x-axis labels are
                ;; created.
                (date-string-list '())
@@ -331,12 +328,7 @@ developing over time"))
                (all-data '()))
           (define (datelist->stringlist dates-list)
-            (map (lambda (date-list-item)
-                   (qof-print-date
-                    (if do-intervals?
-                        (car date-list-item)
-                        date-list-item)))
-                 dates-list))
+            (map qof-print-date dates-list))
           ;; Converts a commodity-collector into gnc-monetary in the report's
           ;; currency using the exchange-fn calculated above. Returns a gnc-monetary
@@ -367,12 +359,34 @@ developing over time"))
                   (car (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
                   (gnc:warn "monetary+ expects 1 currency " (gnc:strify monetaries)))))
+          (define (collector-minus a b)
+            (let ((coll (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
+              (coll 'merge a #f)
+              (coll 'minusmerge b #f)
+              coll))
           ;; copy of gnc:not-all-zeros using gnc-monetary
           (define (not-all-zeros data)
             (cond ((gnc:gnc-monetary? data) (not (zero? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount data))))
                   ((list? data) (or-map not-all-zeros data))
                   (else #f)))
+          ;; this is an alist of account-balances
+          ;; (list (list acc0 bal0 bal1 bal2 ...)
+          ;;       (list acc1 bal0 bal1 bal2 ...)
+          ;;       ...)
+          ;; whereby each balance is a gnc-monetary
+          (define account-balances-alist
+            (map
+             (lambda (acc)
+               (cons acc
+                     (map
+                      (if (reverse-balance? acc) gnc:monetary-neg identity)
+                      (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates
+                       acc dates-list
+                       #:ignore-closing? (gnc:account-is-inc-exp? acc)))))
+             accounts))
           ;; Calculates the net balance (profit or loss) of an account in
           ;; the given time interval. date-list-entry is a pair containing
           ;; the start- and end-date of that interval. If subacct?==#t,
@@ -397,9 +411,34 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; Creates the <balance-list> to be used in the function
           ;; below.
           (define (account->balance-list account subacct?)
-            (map
-             (lambda (d) (get-balance account d subacct?))
-             dates-list))
+            (let* ((accountslist (cons account
+                                   (if subacct?
+                                       (gnc-account-get-descendants account)
+                                       '())))
+                   (selected-balances (filter
+                                       (lambda (entry)
+                                         (member (car entry) accountslist))
+                                       account-balances-alist))
+                   (selected-monetaries (map cdr selected-balances))
+                   (list-of-mon-collectors (apply map monetaries-add selected-monetaries)))
+              (let loop ((list-of-mon-collectors list-of-mon-collectors)
+                         (dates-list dates-list)
+                         (result '()))
+                (if (null? (if do-intervals?
+                               (cdr list-of-mon-collectors)
+                               list-of-mon-collectors))
+                    (reverse result)
+                    (loop (cdr list-of-mon-collectors)
+                          (cdr dates-list)
+                          (cons (if do-intervals?
+                                    (collector->monetary
+                                     (collector-minus (cadr list-of-mon-collectors)
+                                                      (car list-of-mon-collectors))
+                                     (cadr dates-list))
+                                    (collector->monetary
+                                     (car list-of-mon-collectors)
+                                     (car dates-list)))
+                                result))))))
           (define (count-accounts current-depth accts)
             (if (< current-depth tree-depth)
@@ -512,7 +551,9 @@ developing over time"))
            (and (not (null? all-data))
                 (not-all-zeros  (map cadr all-data)))
-           (begin
+           (let ((dates-list (if do-intervals?
+                                 (list-head dates-list (1- (length dates-list)))
+                                 dates-list)))
              (set! date-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set QOF-DATE-FORMAT-ISO)
              (set! date-iso-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))

commit d8b8c197bcfd76dd9ad0a623c6e4c75730127b7e
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:32:31 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] use (or-map) in (not-all-zeros)

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index e219531..ba8818e 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -369,12 +369,8 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; copy of gnc:not-all-zeros using gnc-monetary
           (define (not-all-zeros data)
-            (define (myor list)
-              (begin
-                (if (null? list) #f
-                    (or (car list) (myor (cdr list))))))
             (cond ((gnc:gnc-monetary? data) (not (zero? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount data))))
-                  ((list? data) (myor (map not-all-zeros data)))
+                  ((list? data) (or-map not-all-zeros data))
                   (else #f)))
           ;; Calculates the net balance (profit or loss) of an account in

commit 9a179f8293fda7c94102213a491ff5c019d15eb5
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:31:30 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] remove monetary->double
    doubles are not necessary for charts.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index 049fd0f..e219531 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -367,10 +367,6 @@ developing over time"))
                   (car (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
                   (gnc:warn "monetary+ expects 1 currency " (gnc:strify monetaries)))))
-          ;; Extract value of gnc-monetary and return it as double
-          (define (monetary->double monetary)
-            (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))
           ;; copy of gnc:not-all-zeros using gnc-monetary
           (define (not-all-zeros data)
             (define (myor list)
@@ -618,7 +614,7 @@ developing over time"))
                          (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
-                                           (map monetary->double mlist))
+                                           (map gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mlist))
                                          (map cadr all-data)))))
                     ;; Labels and colors
@@ -639,7 +635,7 @@ developing over time"))
                          (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
-                                           (map monetary->double mlist))
+                                           (map gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mlist))
                                          (map cadr all-data)))))
                     ;; Labels and colors

commit 4091ea8ea9bfe0ec897b05c7e0666655a13d6ff1
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:30:13 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] rewrite monetary+ using commodity collector
    This is neater. Split into 2 functions, both of which are useful
    (monetaries-add . monetaries)
    add different gnc-monetary objects into a gnc-commodity-collector
    (monetaries+ . monetaries)
    special case for above whereby all monetaries are expected to be in
    one currency only -- convert gnc-commodity-collector to monetary

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index 84722f7..049fd0f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -352,18 +352,20 @@ developing over time"))
                   c report-currency
                   (lambda (a b) (exchange-fn a b date)))))))
-          ;; Add two or more gnc-monetary objects
-          (define (monetary+ a . blist)
-            (if (null? blist)
-                a
-                (let ((b (apply monetary+ blist)))
-                  (if (and (gnc:gnc-monetary? a) (gnc:gnc-monetary? b))
-                      (let ((same-currency? (gnc-commodity-equal (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity a) (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity b)))
-                            (amount (+ (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount a) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount b))))
-                        (if same-currency?
-                            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity a) amount)
-                            (warn "incompatible currencies in monetary+: " a b)))
-                      (warn "wrong arguments for monetary+: " a b)))))
+          (define (monetaries-add . monetaries)
+            (let ((coll (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
+              (for-each
+               (lambda (mon)
+                 (coll 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon)))
+               monetaries)
+              coll))
+          ;; Special case for monetaries-add whereby only 1 currency is expected
+          (define (monetary+ . monetaries)
+            (let ((coll (apply monetaries-add monetaries)))
+              (if (= 1 (gnc-commodity-collector-commodity-count coll))
+                  (car (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
+                  (gnc:warn "monetary+ expects 1 currency " (gnc:strify monetaries)))))
           ;; Extract value of gnc-monetary and return it as double
           (define (monetary->double monetary)

commit d318fff9a5fa7a26259eb6c4d5a107df55adcaf9
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:29:16 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] remove old gnc-numeric methods

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index c899649..84722f7 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -290,17 +290,17 @@ developing over time"))
                     ;; Calculate the divisor of the amounts so that an
                     ;; average is shown. Multiplier factor is a gnc-numeric
                     (let* ((start-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func from-date-t64))
-                           (end-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
+                           (end-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func (1+ to-date-t64)))
                            (diff-avg (- end-frac-avg start-frac-avg))
                            (diff-avg-numeric (/ (inexact->exact (round (* diff-avg 1000000))) ; 6 decimals precision
                            (start-frac-int (interval-fraction-func from-date-t64))
-                           (end-frac-int (interval-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
+                           (end-frac-int (interval-fraction-func (1+ to-date-t64)))
                            (diff-int (- end-frac-int start-frac-int))
                            (diff-int-numeric (inexact->exact diff-int)))
                       ;; Extra sanity check to ensure a number smaller than 1
                       (if (> diff-avg diff-int)
-                          (gnc-numeric-div diff-int-numeric diff-avg-numeric GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)
+                          (/ diff-int-numeric diff-avg-numeric)
                ;; If there is averaging, the report-title is extended
@@ -346,12 +346,11 @@ developing over time"))
           (define (collector->monetary c date)
-             (gnc-numeric-mul
-              (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
-               (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
-                c report-currency
-                (lambda (a b) (exchange-fn a b date))))
-              averaging-multiplier currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
+             (* averaging-multiplier
+                (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+                 (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
+                  c report-currency
+                  (lambda (a b) (exchange-fn a b date)))))))
           ;; Add two or more gnc-monetary objects
           (define (monetary+ a . blist)
@@ -360,7 +359,7 @@ developing over time"))
                 (let ((b (apply monetary+ blist)))
                   (if (and (gnc:gnc-monetary? a) (gnc:gnc-monetary? b))
                       (let ((same-currency? (gnc-commodity-equal (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity a) (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity b)))
-                            (amount (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount a) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount b) GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)))
+                            (amount (+ (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount a) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount b))))
                         (if same-currency?
                             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity a) amount)
                             (warn "incompatible currencies in monetary+: " a b)))
@@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; Extract value of gnc-monetary and return it as double
           (define (monetary->double monetary)
-            (gnc-numeric-to-double (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)))
+            (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))
           ;; copy of gnc:not-all-zeros using gnc-monetary
           (define (not-all-zeros data)
@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ developing over time"))
                 (if (null? list) #f
                     (or (car list) (myor (cdr list))))))
-            (cond ((gnc:gnc-monetary? data) (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount data))))
+            (cond ((gnc:gnc-monetary? data) (not (zero? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount data))))
                   ((list? data) (myor (map not-all-zeros data)))
                   (else #f)))
@@ -413,8 +412,8 @@ developing over time"))
                 (let ((sum 0))
                    (lambda (a)
-                     (set! sum (+ sum (+ 1 (count-accounts (1+ current-depth)
-                                                           (gnc-account-get-children a))))))
+                     (set! sum (+ sum (1+ (count-accounts (1+ current-depth)
+                                                          (gnc-account-get-children a))))))
                 (length (filter show-acct? accts))))
@@ -503,10 +502,8 @@ developing over time"))
                                              xaccAccountGetName) (car b)))))
                             (lambda (a b)
-                              (> (gnc-numeric-compare (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr a)))
-                                                      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr b))))
-                                 0)))
-                           )))
+                              (> (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr a)))
+                                 (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr b)))))))))
           ;; Or rather sort by total amount?
           ;;(< (apply + (cadr a))
           ;;   (apply + (cadr b))))))
@@ -751,7 +748,7 @@ developing over time"))
                              (lambda (row)
                                (if (not (null? row))
                                    (monetary+ (car row) (sumrow (cdr row)))
-                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency (gnc-numeric-zero))))))
+                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency 0)))))
                           (sumtot (apply zip (map cadr all-data))))))

commit 952ac9c7f40ce209ce3b9976d7edbbc9ba1bdfbe
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:27:19 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] compact functions

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index 0d8e1ef..c899649 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -128,10 +128,7 @@ developing over time"))
                         (N_ "Show the average weekly amount during the reporting period."))
                 (vector 'DayDelta
                         (N_ "Daily")
-                        (N_ "Show the average daily amount during the reporting period."))
-                )
-          ))
-        )
+                        (N_ "Show the average daily amount during the reporting period."))))))
     ;; Accounts tab
@@ -170,10 +167,7 @@ developing over time"))
                     (N_ "Use bar charts."))
             (vector 'linechart
                     (N_ "Line Chart")
-                    (N_ "Use line charts."))
-            )
-      )
-     )
+                    (N_ "Use line charts.")))))
@@ -265,11 +259,9 @@ developing over time"))
          (work-to-do 0)
          (show-table? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")))
          (document (gnc:make-html-document))
-         (chart
-          (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
-               (gnc:make-html-barchart)
-               (gnc:make-html-linechart)
-               ))
+         (chart (if (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+                    (gnc:make-html-barchart)
+                    (gnc:make-html-linechart)))
          (table (gnc:make-html-table))
          (topl-accounts (gnc:filter-accountlist-type
@@ -281,7 +273,7 @@ developing over time"))
     (define (show-acct? a)
       (member a accounts))
-    (define tree-depth (if (equal? account-levels 'all)
+    (define tree-depth (if (eq? account-levels 'all)
@@ -300,20 +292,17 @@ developing over time"))
                     (let* ((start-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func from-date-t64))
                            (end-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
                            (diff-avg (- end-frac-avg start-frac-avg))
-                           (diff-avg-numeric (/
-                                              (inexact->exact (round (* diff-avg 1000000))) ; 6 decimals precision
-                                              1000000))
+                           (diff-avg-numeric (/ (inexact->exact (round (* diff-avg 1000000))) ; 6 decimals precision
+                                                1000000))
                            (start-frac-int (interval-fraction-func from-date-t64))
                            (end-frac-int (interval-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
                            (diff-int (- end-frac-int start-frac-int))
-                           (diff-int-numeric (/
-                                              (inexact->exact diff-int) 1))
-                           )
+                           (diff-int-numeric (inexact->exact diff-int)))
                       ;; Extra sanity check to ensure a number smaller than 1
                       (if (> diff-avg diff-int)
                           (gnc-numeric-div diff-int-numeric diff-avg-numeric GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)
-                          1/1))
-                    1/1))
+                          1))
+                    1))
                ;; If there is averaging, the report-title is extended
                ;; accordingly.
@@ -355,8 +344,6 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; instead of division to avoid division-by-zero issues) in case
           ;; the user wants to see the amounts averaged over some value.
           (define (collector->monetary c date)
-            (if (not (number? date))
-                (throw 'wrong))
@@ -364,8 +351,7 @@ developing over time"))
                 c report-currency
                 (lambda (a b) (exchange-fn a b date))))
-              averaging-multiplier currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
-             ))
+              averaging-multiplier currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
           ;; Add two or more gnc-monetary objects
           (define (monetary+ a . blist)
@@ -378,9 +364,7 @@ developing over time"))
                         (if same-currency?
                             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity a) amount)
                             (warn "incompatible currencies in monetary+: " a b)))
-                      (warn "wrong arguments for monetary+: " a b)))
-                )
-            )
+                      (warn "wrong arguments for monetary+: " a b)))))
           ;; Extract value of gnc-monetary and return it as double
           (define (monetary->double monetary)
@@ -429,7 +413,7 @@ developing over time"))
                 (let ((sum 0))
                    (lambda (a)
-                     (set! sum (+ sum (+ 1 (count-accounts (+ 1 current-depth)
+                     (set! sum (+ sum (+ 1 (count-accounts (1+ current-depth)
                                                            (gnc-account-get-children a))))))
@@ -463,7 +447,7 @@ developing over time"))
                        (set! res (append
-                                   (+ 1 current-depth)
+                                   (1+ current-depth)
                                    (gnc-account-get-children a))
@@ -543,7 +527,7 @@ developing over time"))
              (set! date-iso-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set save-fmt)
              ;; Set chart title, subtitle etc.
-             (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+             (if  (eq? chart-type 'barchart)
                     (gnc:html-barchart-set-title! chart report-title)
@@ -551,8 +535,8 @@ developing over time"))
                                    (if do-intervals?
                                        (_ "~a to ~a")
                                        (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
-                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
-                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
+                                   (qof-print-date from-date-t64)
+                                   (qof-print-date to-date-t64)))
                     (gnc:html-barchart-set-width! chart width)
                     (gnc:html-barchart-set-height! chart height)
@@ -577,8 +561,8 @@ developing over time"))
                                    (if do-intervals?
                                        (_ "~a to ~a")
                                        (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
-                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
-                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
+                                   (qof-print-date from-date-t64)
+                                   (qof-print-date to-date-t64)))
                     (gnc:html-linechart-set-width! chart width)
                     (gnc:html-linechart-set-height! chart height)
@@ -602,8 +586,8 @@ developing over time"))
              ;; 'other' category and add a link to a new report with just
              ;; those accounts.
              (if (> (length all-data) max-slices)
-                 (let* ((start (take all-data (- max-slices 1)))
-                        (finish (drop all-data (- max-slices 1)))
+                 (let* ((start (take all-data (1- max-slices)))
+                        (finish (drop all-data (1- max-slices)))
                         (other-sum (map
                                     (lambda (l) (apply monetary+ l))
                                     (apply zip (map cadr finish)))))
@@ -629,7 +613,7 @@ developing over time"))
              ;; transposes the data, i.e. swaps rows and columns. Pretty
              ;; cool, eh? Courtesy of dave_p.
              (gnc:report-percent-done 92)
-             (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+             (if  (eq? chart-type 'barchart)
                   (begin ;; bar chart
                     (if (not (null? all-data))
@@ -650,8 +634,7 @@ developing over time"))
-                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
-                    )
+                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data))))
                   (begin ;; line chart
                     (if (not (null? all-data))
@@ -672,9 +655,7 @@ developing over time"))
-                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
-                    )
-                  )
+                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))))
              ;; set the URLs; the slices are links to other reports
              ;;      (gnc:report-percent-done 96)
@@ -703,14 +684,14 @@ developing over time"))
              ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
              ;;                                     (cons acct subaccts))
              ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels
-             ;;                                     (+ 1 tree-depth))
+             ;;                                     (1+ tree-depth))
              ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-general
              ;;                                     gnc:optname-reportname
              ;;                                     ((if show-fullname?
              ;;                                          gnc-account-get-full-name
              ;;                                          xaccAccountGetName) acct))))))))
              ;;                    all-data)))
-             ;;               (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+             ;;               (if  (eq? chart-type 'barchart)
              ;;                 (begin ;; bar chart
              ;;                   (gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!
              ;;                    chart (append urls urls))
@@ -741,12 +722,8 @@ developing over time"))
                                   table (car col))
-                                 (addcol (cdr col))
-                                 )
-                               ))
-                         ))
-                     (addcol (map cadr all-data))
-                     )
+                                 (addcol (cdr col)))))))
+                     (addcol (map cadr all-data)))
@@ -761,9 +738,7 @@ developing over time"))
                      (if (> (gnc:html-table-num-columns table) 2)
                          (list (_ "Grand Total"))
-                         '()
-                         )
-                     ))
+                         '())))
                    (if (> (gnc:html-table-num-columns table) 2)
@@ -771,24 +746,15 @@ developing over time"))
                              (lambda (row)
                                (if (null? row)
-                                   (cons (sumrow (car row)) (sumtot (cdr row)))
-                                   )
-                               )
-                             )
+                                   (cons (sumrow (car row)) (sumtot (cdr row))))))
                              (lambda (row)
                                (if (not (null? row))
                                    (monetary+ (car row) (sumrow (cdr row)))
-                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency (gnc-numeric-zero))
-                                   )
-                               )
-                             ))
+                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency (gnc-numeric-zero))))))
-                          (sumtot (apply zip (map cadr all-data)))
-                          )
-                         )
-                       )
+                          (sumtot (apply zip (map cadr all-data))))))
                    ;; set numeric columns to align right
                     (lambda (col)
@@ -796,10 +762,7 @@ developing over time"))
                        table col "td"
                        'attribute (list "class" "number-cell")))
                     '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14))
-                   (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)
-                   ) ;; begin if
-                 )
-             )
+                   (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table))))
            ;; else if empty data

commit f27ea2d4bc57ad559ae9521094db39e0ca7ae1d9
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Oct 19 18:23:42 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] *reindent/untabify/delete-trailing-whitespace*

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index b3b9129..0d8e1ef 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ;; depends must be outside module scope -- and should eventually go away.
 (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports category-barchart))
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
+(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@
 ;; The names are used in the menu
 ;; The menu statusbar tips.
-(define menutip-income 
+(define menutip-income
   (N_ "Shows a chart with the Income per interval \
 developing over time"))
-(define menutip-expense 
+(define menutip-expense
   (N_ "Shows a chart with the Expenses per interval \
 developing over time"))
-(define menutip-assets 
+(define menutip-assets
   (N_ "Shows a chart with the Assets developing over time"))
-(define menutip-liabilities 
+(define menutip-liabilities
   (N_ "Shows a chart with the Liabilities \
 developing over time"))
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ developing over time"))
 (define opthelp-averaging (N_ "Select whether the amounts should be shown over the full time period or rather as the average e.g. per month."))
 (define (options-generator account-types reverse-balance? do-intervals?)
-  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options)) 
-         (add-option 
+  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
+         (add-option
           (lambda (new-option)
             (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ developing over time"))
      options gnc:pagename-general
      optname-from-date optname-to-date "a")
-    (gnc:options-add-interval-choice! 
+    (gnc:options-add-interval-choice!
      options gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize "b" 'MonthDelta)
-    (gnc:options-add-currency! 
+    (gnc:options-add-currency!
      options gnc:pagename-general optname-report-currency "c")
-    (gnc:options-add-price-source! 
+    (gnc:options-add-price-source!
      options gnc:pagename-general
      optname-price-source "d" 'weighted-average)
@@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ developing over time"))
       (N_ "Report on these accounts, if chosen account level allows.")
       (lambda ()
-        (gnc:filter-accountlist-type 
+        (gnc:filter-accountlist-type
          (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
       (lambda (accounts)
         (list #t
               (gnc:filter-accountlist-type account-types accounts)))
-    (gnc:options-add-account-levels! 
-     options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels "c" 
-     (N_ "Show accounts to this depth and not further.") 
+    (gnc:options-add-account-levels!
+     options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels "c"
+     (N_ "Show accounts to this depth and not further.")
     ;; Display tab
@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@ developing over time"))
       "a" (N_ "Show the full account name in legend?") #f))
-      (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-        gnc:pagename-display optname-chart-type
-        "b" "Select which chart type to use"
-        'barchart
-        (list (vector 'barchart
-                       (N_ "Bar Chart")
-                       (N_ "Use bar charts."))
-               (vector 'linechart
-                       (N_ "Line Chart")
-                       (N_ "Use line charts."))
-        )
+     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
+      gnc:pagename-display optname-chart-type
+      "b" "Select which chart type to use"
+      'barchart
+      (list (vector 'barchart
+                    (N_ "Bar Chart")
+                    (N_ "Use bar charts."))
+            (vector 'linechart
+                    (N_ "Line Chart")
+                    (N_ "Use line charts."))
+            )
-    )
+     )
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ developing over time"))
       "e" (N_ "Display a table of the selected data.")
-    (gnc:options-add-plot-size! 
-     options gnc:pagename-display 
+    (gnc:options-add-plot-size!
+     options gnc:pagename-display
      optname-plot-width optname-plot-height "f" (cons 'percent 100.0) (cons 'percent 100.0))
-    (gnc:options-add-sort-method! 
+    (gnc:options-add-sort-method!
      options gnc:pagename-display
      optname-sort-method "g" 'amount)
@@ -219,63 +219,63 @@ developing over time"))
 ;; constant over the whole report period. Note that this might get
 ;; *really* complicated.
-(define (category-barchart-renderer report-obj reportname reportguid 
+(define (category-barchart-renderer report-obj reportname reportguid
                                     account-types do-intervals?)
   ;; A helper functions for looking up option values.
   (define (get-option section name)
-    (gnc:option-value 
-     (gnc:lookup-option 
+    (gnc:option-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option
       (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
   (gnc:report-starting reportname)
   (let* ((to-date-t64 (gnc:time64-end-day-time
-                        (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
+                        (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-        (from-date-t64 (gnc:time64-start-day-time 
-                        (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                         (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
-                                     optname-from-date))))
-        (interval (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize))
-        (report-currency (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                     optname-report-currency))
-        (price-source (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                  optname-price-source))
-        (report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
-                                  gnc:optname-reportname))
-        (averaging-selection (if do-intervals?
-                                 (get-option gnc:pagename-general
-                                             optname-averaging)
-                                 'None))
-        (accounts (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts))
-        (account-levels (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels))
-        (chart-type (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-chart-type))
-        (stacked? (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-stacked))
-        (show-fullname? (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-fullname))
-        (max-slices (inexact->exact
-		     (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-slices)))
-        (height (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-plot-height))
-        (width (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-plot-width))
-	(sort-method (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-sort-method))
-	(reverse-balance? (get-option "__report" "reverse-balance?"))
-        (work-done 0)
-        (work-to-do 0)
-        (show-table? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")))
-        (document (gnc:make-html-document))
-        (chart
-             (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+         (from-date-t64 (gnc:time64-start-day-time
+                         (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
+                          (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                      optname-from-date))))
+         (interval (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize))
+         (report-currency (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                      optname-report-currency))
+         (price-source (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                   optname-price-source))
+         (report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                   gnc:optname-reportname))
+         (averaging-selection (if do-intervals?
+                                  (get-option gnc:pagename-general
+                                              optname-averaging)
+                                  'None))
+         (accounts (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts))
+         (account-levels (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels))
+         (chart-type (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-chart-type))
+         (stacked? (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-stacked))
+         (show-fullname? (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-fullname))
+         (max-slices (inexact->exact
+                      (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-slices)))
+         (height (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-plot-height))
+         (width (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-plot-width))
+         (sort-method (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-sort-method))
+         (reverse-balance? (get-option "__report" "reverse-balance?"))
+         (work-done 0)
+         (work-to-do 0)
+         (show-table? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")))
+         (document (gnc:make-html-document))
+         (chart
+          (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
-             ))
-        (table (gnc:make-html-table))
-        (topl-accounts (gnc:filter-accountlist-type 
-                        account-types
-                        (gnc-account-get-children-sorted
-                         (gnc-get-current-root-account)))))
+               ))
+         (table (gnc:make-html-table))
+         (topl-accounts (gnc:filter-accountlist-type
+                         account-types
+                         (gnc-account-get-children-sorted
+                          (gnc-get-current-root-account)))))
     ;; Returns true if the account a was selected in the account
     ;; selection option.
     (define (show-acct? a)
@@ -294,43 +294,43 @@ developing over time"))
                (averaging-fraction-func (gnc:date-get-fraction-func averaging-selection))
                (interval-fraction-func (gnc:date-get-fraction-func interval))
-                 (if averaging-fraction-func
-                     ;; Calculate the divisor of the amounts so that an
-                     ;; average is shown. Multiplier factor is a gnc-numeric
-                     (let* ((start-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func from-date-t64))
-                             (end-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
-                             (diff-avg (- end-frac-avg start-frac-avg))
-                             (diff-avg-numeric (/
-                                                (inexact->exact (round (* diff-avg 1000000))) ; 6 decimals precision
-                                                1000000))
-                             (start-frac-int (interval-fraction-func from-date-t64))
-                             (end-frac-int (interval-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
-                             (diff-int (- end-frac-int start-frac-int))
-                             (diff-int-numeric (/
-                                                (inexact->exact diff-int) 1))
-                            )
-                     ;; Extra sanity check to ensure a number smaller than 1
-                     (if (> diff-avg diff-int)
-                         (gnc-numeric-div diff-int-numeric diff-avg-numeric GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)
-                         1/1))
-                     1/1))
+                (if averaging-fraction-func
+                    ;; Calculate the divisor of the amounts so that an
+                    ;; average is shown. Multiplier factor is a gnc-numeric
+                    (let* ((start-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func from-date-t64))
+                           (end-frac-avg (averaging-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
+                           (diff-avg (- end-frac-avg start-frac-avg))
+                           (diff-avg-numeric (/
+                                              (inexact->exact (round (* diff-avg 1000000))) ; 6 decimals precision
+                                              1000000))
+                           (start-frac-int (interval-fraction-func from-date-t64))
+                           (end-frac-int (interval-fraction-func (+ 1 to-date-t64)))
+                           (diff-int (- end-frac-int start-frac-int))
+                           (diff-int-numeric (/
+                                              (inexact->exact diff-int) 1))
+                           )
+                      ;; Extra sanity check to ensure a number smaller than 1
+                      (if (> diff-avg diff-int)
+                          (gnc-numeric-div diff-int-numeric diff-avg-numeric GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)
+                          1/1))
+                    1/1))
                ;; If there is averaging, the report-title is extended
                ;; accordingly.
-                 (case averaging-selection
-                   ((MonthDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Monthly Average")))
-                   ((WeekDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Weekly Average")))
-                   ((DayDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Daily Average")))
-                   (else report-title)))
+                (case averaging-selection
+                  ((MonthDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Monthly Average")))
+                  ((WeekDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Weekly Average")))
+                  ((DayDelta) (string-append report-title " " (_ "Daily Average")))
+                  (else report-title)))
                (currency-frac (gnc-commodity-get-fraction report-currency))
                ;; This is the list of date intervals to calculate.
                (dates-list (if do-intervals?
-                                (gnc:time64-start-day-time from-date-t64) 
+                                (gnc:time64-start-day-time from-date-t64)
                                 (gnc:time64-end-day-time to-date-t64)
                                 (gnc:deltasym-to-delta interval))
-                                (gnc:time64-end-day-time from-date-t64) 
+                                (gnc:time64-end-day-time from-date-t64)
                                 (gnc:time64-end-day-time to-date-t64)
                                 (gnc:deltasym-to-delta interval))))
                ;; Here the date strings for the x-axis labels are
@@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ developing over time"))
           (define (datelist->stringlist dates-list)
             (map (lambda (date-list-item)
-                         (qof-print-date
-                          (if do-intervals?
-                              (car date-list-item)
-                              date-list-item)))
+                   (qof-print-date
+                    (if do-intervals?
+                        (car date-list-item)
+                        date-list-item)))
           ;; Converts a commodity-collector into gnc-monetary in the report's
@@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ developing over time"))
-                (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
+               (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
                 c report-currency
                 (lambda (a b) (exchange-fn a b date))))
               averaging-multiplier currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
-              ))
+             ))
           ;; Add two or more gnc-monetary objects
           (define (monetary+ a . blist)
@@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ developing over time"))
                  gnc:monetary-neg identity)
              (if do-intervals?
-                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval 
-                   account 
-                   (first date-list-entry) 
+                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval
+                   account
+                   (first date-list-entry)
                    (second date-list-entry) subacct?)
                   (second date-list-entry))
@@ -417,23 +417,23 @@ developing over time"))
                    account date-list-entry subacct?)
-;; Creates the <balance-list> to be used in the function
-          ;; below. 
+          ;; Creates the <balance-list> to be used in the function
+          ;; below.
           (define (account->balance-list account subacct?)
-            (map 
+            (map
              (lambda (d) (get-balance account d subacct?))
-	  (define (count-accounts current-depth accts)
-	    (if (< current-depth tree-depth)
-		(let ((sum 0))
-		  (for-each
-		   (lambda (a)
-		     (set! sum (+ sum (+ 1 (count-accounts (+ 1 current-depth)
-							   (gnc-account-get-children a))))))
-		   accts)
-		  sum)
-		(length (filter show-acct? accts))))
+          (define (count-accounts current-depth accts)
+            (if (< current-depth tree-depth)
+                (let ((sum 0))
+                  (for-each
+                   (lambda (a)
+                     (set! sum (+ sum (+ 1 (count-accounts (+ 1 current-depth)
+                                                           (gnc-account-get-children a))))))
+                   accts)
+                  sum)
+                (length (filter show-acct? accts))))
           ;; Calculates all account's balances. Returns a list of pairs:
           ;; (<account> <balance-list>), like '((Earnings (10.0 11.2))
@@ -455,10 +455,10 @@ developing over time"))
                    (lambda (a)
-		       (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
-		       (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
+                       (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
+                       (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
                        (if (show-acct? a)
-                           (set! res 
+                           (set! res
                              (cons (list a (account->balance-list a #f))
                        (set! res (append
@@ -471,11 +471,11 @@ developing over time"))
                 ;; else (i.e. current-depth == tree-depth)
                  (lambda (a)
-		   (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
-		   (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
+                   (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
+                   (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
                    (list a (account->balance-list a #t)))
                  (filter show-acct? accts))))
           ;; The percentage done numbers here are a hack so that
           ;; something gets displayed. On my system the
@@ -484,251 +484,251 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; routine needs to send progress reports, or the price
           ;; lookup should be distributed and done when actually
           ;; needed so as to amortize the cpu time properly.
-	  (gnc:report-percent-done 1)
-	  (set! commodity-list (gnc:accounts-get-commodities 
-                                (append 
+          (gnc:report-percent-done 1)
+          (set! commodity-list (gnc:accounts-get-commodities
+                                (append
                                  (gnc:acccounts-get-all-subaccounts accounts)
-	  (set! exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn 
-                             price-source report-currency 
+          (set! exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn
+                             price-source report-currency
                              commodity-list to-date-t64
-			     5 15))
+                             5 15))
           (set! work-to-do (count-accounts 1 topl-accounts))
           ;; Sort the account list according to the account code field.
-          (set! all-data (sort 
-                          (filter (lambda (l) 
+          (set! all-data (sort
+                          (filter (lambda (l)
                                     (not (zero?
                                            (apply monetary+ (cadr l))))))
                                   (traverse-accounts 1 topl-accounts))
-			  (cond
-			   ((eq? sort-method 'acct-code)
-			    (lambda (a b) 
-			      (string<? (xaccAccountGetCode (car a))
-					(xaccAccountGetCode (car b)))))
-			   ((eq? sort-method 'alphabetical)
-			    (lambda (a b) 
-			      (string<? ((if show-fullname?
-					     gnc-account-get-full-name
-					     xaccAccountGetName) (car a))
-					((if show-fullname?
-					     gnc-account-get-full-name
-					     xaccAccountGetName) (car b)))))
-			   (else
-			    (lambda (a b)
+                          (cond
+                           ((eq? sort-method 'acct-code)
+                            (lambda (a b)
+                              (string<? (xaccAccountGetCode (car a))
+                                        (xaccAccountGetCode (car b)))))
+                           ((eq? sort-method 'alphabetical)
+                            (lambda (a b)
+                              (string<? ((if show-fullname?
+                                             gnc-account-get-full-name
+                                             xaccAccountGetName) (car a))
+                                        ((if show-fullname?
+                                             gnc-account-get-full-name
+                                             xaccAccountGetName) (car b)))))
+                           (else
+                            (lambda (a b)
                               (> (gnc-numeric-compare (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr a)))
                                                       (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr b))))
-                            )))
+                           )))
           ;; Or rather sort by total amount?
-          ;;(< (apply + (cadr a)) 
+          ;;(< (apply + (cadr a))
           ;;   (apply + (cadr b))))))
           ;; Other sort criteria: max. amount, standard deviation of amount,
           ;; min. amount; ascending, descending. FIXME: Add user options to
           ;; choose sorting.
           ;;(gnc:warn "all-data" all-data)
           ;; Proceed if the data is non-zeros
-          (if 
+          (if
            (and (not (null? all-data))
                 (not-all-zeros  (map cadr all-data)))
-           (begin 
+           (begin
              (set! date-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set QOF-DATE-FORMAT-ISO)
              (set! date-iso-string-list (datelist->stringlist dates-list))
              (qof-date-format-set save-fmt)
              ;; Set chart title, subtitle etc.
              (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
-               (begin
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-title! chart report-title)
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!
-                   chart (format #f
-                             (if do-intervals?
-                                 (_ "~a to ~a")
-                                 (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
-                             (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
-                             (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-width! chart width)
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-height! chart height)
-                 ;; row labels etc.
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels! chart date-string-list)
-                 ;; FIXME: axis labels are not yet supported by
-                 ;; libguppitank.
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!
-                   chart (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic report-currency))
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?! chart #t)
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?! chart stacked?)
-                 ;; If this is a stacked barchart, then reverse the legend.
-	         ;; Doesn't do what you'd expect. - DRH
-	         ;; It does work, but needs Guppi 0.40.4. - cstim
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?! chart stacked?)
-               )
-               (begin
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-title! chart report-title)
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!
-                   chart (format #f
-                             (if do-intervals?
-                                 (_ "~a to ~a")
-                                 (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
-                             (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
-                             (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-width! chart width)
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-height! chart height)
-                 ;; row labels etc.
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels! chart date-iso-string-list)
-                 ;; FIXME: axis labels are not yet supported by
-                 ;; libguppitank.
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!
-                   chart (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic report-currency))
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?! chart #t)
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?! chart stacked?)
-                 ;; If this is a stacked linechart, then reverse the legend.
-	         ;; Doesn't do what you'd expect. - DRH
-	         ;; It does work, but needs Guppi 0.40.4. - cstim
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?! chart stacked?)
-               )
-             )
+                  (begin
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-title! chart report-title)
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!
+                     chart (format #f
+                                   (if do-intervals?
+                                       (_ "~a to ~a")
+                                       (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
+                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
+                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-width! chart width)
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-height! chart height)
+                    ;; row labels etc.
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels! chart date-string-list)
+                    ;; FIXME: axis labels are not yet supported by
+                    ;; libguppitank.
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!
+                     chart (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic report-currency))
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?! chart #t)
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?! chart stacked?)
+                    ;; If this is a stacked barchart, then reverse the legend.
+                    ;; Doesn't do what you'd expect. - DRH
+                    ;; It does work, but needs Guppi 0.40.4. - cstim
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?! chart stacked?)
+                    )
+                  (begin
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-title! chart report-title)
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!
+                     chart (format #f
+                                   (if do-intervals?
+                                       (_ "~a to ~a")
+                                       (_ "Balances ~a to ~a"))
+                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date from-date-t64))
+                                   (gnc:html-string-sanitize (qof-print-date to-date-t64))))
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-width! chart width)
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-height! chart height)
+                    ;; row labels etc.
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels! chart date-iso-string-list)
+                    ;; FIXME: axis labels are not yet supported by
+                    ;; libguppitank.
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!
+                     chart (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic report-currency))
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?! chart #t)
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?! chart stacked?)
+                    ;; If this is a stacked linechart, then reverse the legend.
+                    ;; Doesn't do what you'd expect. - DRH
+                    ;; It does work, but needs Guppi 0.40.4. - cstim
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?! chart stacked?)
+                    )
+                  )
              ;; If we have too many categories, we sum them into a new
              ;; 'other' category and add a link to a new report with just
              ;; those accounts.
              (if (> (length all-data) max-slices)
                  (let* ((start (take all-data (- max-slices 1)))
                         (finish (drop all-data (- max-slices 1)))
-                        (other-sum (map 
+                        (other-sum (map
                                     (lambda (l) (apply monetary+ l))
                                     (apply zip (map cadr finish)))))
                    (set! all-data
-                         (append start
-                                 (list (list (_ "Other") other-sum))))
+                     (append start
+                             (list (list (_ "Other") other-sum))))
                    (let* ((options (gnc:make-report-options reportguid))
                           (id #f))
                      ;; now copy all the options
-                     (gnc:options-copy-values 
+                     (gnc:options-copy-values
                       (gnc:report-options report-obj) options)
                      ;; and set the destination accounts
-                      (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-accounts 
+                      (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-accounts
                       (map car finish))
                      ;; Set the URL to point to this report.
                      (set! id (gnc:make-report reportguid options))
                      (set! other-anchor (gnc:report-anchor-text id)))))
              ;; This adds the data. Note the apply-zip stuff: This
              ;; transposes the data, i.e. swaps rows and columns. Pretty
              ;; cool, eh? Courtesy of dave_p.
-	     (gnc:report-percent-done 92)
+             (gnc:report-percent-done 92)
              (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
-               (begin ;; bar chart
-                 (if (not (null? all-data))
-                     (gnc:html-barchart-set-data!
-                      chart
-                      (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
-                                        (map monetary->double mlist))
-                                      (map cadr all-data)))))
-                 ;; Labels and colors
-	         (gnc:report-percent-done 94)
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!
-                   chart (map (lambda (pair)
-                           (if (string? (car pair))
-                               (car pair)
-                               ((if show-fullname?
-                                    gnc-account-get-full-name
-                                    xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
-                          all-data))
-                 (gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!
-                   chart
-                   (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
-               )
-               (begin ;; line chart
-                 (if (not (null? all-data))
-                     (gnc:html-linechart-set-data!
-                      chart
-                      (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
-                                        (map monetary->double mlist))
-                                      (map cadr all-data)))))
-                 ;; Labels and colors
-	         (gnc:report-percent-done 94)
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!
-                   chart (map (lambda (pair)
-                           (if (string? (car pair))
-                               (car pair)
-                               ((if show-fullname?
-                                    gnc-account-get-full-name
-                                    xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
-                          all-data))
-                 (gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!
-                   chart
-                   (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
-               )
-             )
+                  (begin ;; bar chart
+                    (if (not (null? all-data))
+                        (gnc:html-barchart-set-data!
+                         chart
+                         (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
+                                           (map monetary->double mlist))
+                                         (map cadr all-data)))))
+                    ;; Labels and colors
+                    (gnc:report-percent-done 94)
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!
+                     chart (map (lambda (pair)
+                                  (if (string? (car pair))
+                                      (car pair)
+                                      ((if show-fullname?
+                                           gnc-account-get-full-name
+                                           xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
+                                all-data))
+                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!
+                     chart
+                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
+                    )
+                  (begin ;; line chart
+                    (if (not (null? all-data))
+                        (gnc:html-linechart-set-data!
+                         chart
+                         (apply zip (map (lambda (mlist)
+                                           (map monetary->double mlist))
+                                         (map cadr all-data)))))
+                    ;; Labels and colors
+                    (gnc:report-percent-done 94)
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!
+                     chart (map (lambda (pair)
+                                  (if (string? (car pair))
+                                      (car pair)
+                                      ((if show-fullname?
+                                           gnc-account-get-full-name
+                                           xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
+                                all-data))
+                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!
+                     chart
+                     (gnc:assign-colors (length all-data)))
+                    )
+                  )
              ;; set the URLs; the slices are links to other reports
-;;	     (gnc:report-percent-done 96)
-;;             (let
-;;                 ((urls
-;;                   (map
-;;                    (lambda (pair)
-;;                      (if
-;;                       (string? (car pair))
-;;                       other-anchor
-;;                       (let* ((acct (car pair))
-;;                              (subaccts
-;;                               (gnc-account-get-children acct)))
-;;                         (if (null? subaccts)
-;;                             ;; if leaf-account, make this an anchor
-;;                             ;; to the register.
-;;                             (gnc:account-anchor-text acct)
-;;                             ;; if non-leaf account, make this a link
-;;                             ;; to another report which is run on the
-;;                             ;; immediate subaccounts of this account
-;;                             ;; (and including this account).
-;;                             (gnc:make-report-anchor
-;;                              reportguid
-;;                              report-obj
-;;                              (list
-;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
-;;                                     (cons acct subaccts))
-;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels
-;;                                     (+ 1 tree-depth))
-;;                               (list gnc:pagename-general
-;;                                     gnc:optname-reportname
-;;                                     ((if show-fullname?
-;;                                          gnc-account-get-full-name
-;;                                          xaccAccountGetName) acct))))))))
-;;                    all-data)))
-;;               (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
-;;                 (begin ;; bar chart
-;;                   (gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!
-;;                    chart (append urls urls))
-;;                    ;; The legend urls do the same thing.
-;;                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
-;;                      chart (append urls urls))
-;;                 )
-;;                 (begin ;; line chart
-;;                   (gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!
-;;                    chart (append urls urls))
-;;                    ;; The legend urls do the same thing.
-;;                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
-;;                      chart (append urls urls))
-;;                 )
-;;               )
-;;             )
-	     (gnc:report-percent-done 98)
+             ;;      (gnc:report-percent-done 96)
+             ;;             (let
+             ;;                 ((urls
+             ;;                   (map
+             ;;                    (lambda (pair)
+             ;;                      (if
+             ;;                       (string? (car pair))
+             ;;                       other-anchor
+             ;;                       (let* ((acct (car pair))
+             ;;                              (subaccts
+             ;;                               (gnc-account-get-children acct)))
+             ;;                         (if (null? subaccts)
+             ;;                             ;; if leaf-account, make this an anchor
+             ;;                             ;; to the register.
+             ;;                             (gnc:account-anchor-text acct)
+             ;;                             ;; if non-leaf account, make this a link
+             ;;                             ;; to another report which is run on the
+             ;;                             ;; immediate subaccounts of this account
+             ;;                             ;; (and including this account).
+             ;;                             (gnc:make-report-anchor
+             ;;                              reportguid
+             ;;                              report-obj
+             ;;                              (list
+             ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
+             ;;                                     (cons acct subaccts))
+             ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-accounts optname-levels
+             ;;                                     (+ 1 tree-depth))
+             ;;                               (list gnc:pagename-general
+             ;;                                     gnc:optname-reportname
+             ;;                                     ((if show-fullname?
+             ;;                                          gnc-account-get-full-name
+             ;;                                          xaccAccountGetName) acct))))))))
+             ;;                    all-data)))
+             ;;               (if  (eqv? chart-type 'barchart)
+             ;;                 (begin ;; bar chart
+             ;;                   (gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!
+             ;;                    chart (append urls urls))
+             ;;                    ;; The legend urls do the same thing.
+             ;;                    (gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
+             ;;                      chart (append urls urls))
+             ;;                 )
+             ;;                 (begin ;; line chart
+             ;;                   (gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!
+             ;;                    chart (append urls urls))
+             ;;                    ;; The legend urls do the same thing.
+             ;;                    (gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!
+             ;;                      chart (append urls urls))
+             ;;                 )
+             ;;               )
+             ;;             )
+             (gnc:report-percent-done 98)
              (gnc:html-document-add-object! document chart)
              (if show-table?
@@ -753,11 +753,11 @@ developing over time"))
                      (list (_ "Date"))
                      (map (lambda (pair)
-                           (if (string? (car pair))
-                               (car pair)
-                               ((if show-fullname?
-                                    gnc-account-get-full-name
-                                    xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
+                            (if (string? (car pair))
+                                (car pair)
+                                ((if show-fullname?
+                                     gnc-account-get-full-name
+                                     xaccAccountGetName) (car pair))))
                      (if (> (gnc:html-table-num-columns table) 2)
                          (list (_ "Grand Total"))
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ developing over time"))
-                       ;; set numeric columns to align right
+                   ;; set numeric columns to align right
                     (lambda (col)
@@ -805,28 +805,28 @@ developing over time"))
-	     report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))))
-	;; else if no accounts selected
-        (gnc:html-document-add-object! 
-         document 
-	 (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning 
-	  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
+             report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))))
+        ;; else if no accounts selected
+        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+         document
+         (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
+          report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
 ;; Export reports
 (export category-barchart-income-uuid category-barchart-expense-uuid
-	category-barchart-asset-uuid category-barchart-liability-uuid)
+        category-barchart-asset-uuid category-barchart-liability-uuid)
 (define category-barchart-income-uuid "44f81bee049b4b3ea908f8dac9a9474e")
 (define category-barchart-expense-uuid "b1f15b2052c149df93e698fe85a81ea6")
 (define category-barchart-asset-uuid "e9cf815f79db44bcb637d0295093ae3d")
 (define category-barchart-liability-uuid "faf410e8f8da481fbc09e4763da40bcc")
  (lambda (l)
    (let ((tip-and-rev (cddddr l)))
@@ -834,31 +834,31 @@ developing over time"))
       'name (car l)
       'report-guid (car (reverse l))
       'menu-path (if (caddr l)
-		     (list gnc:menuname-income-expense)
-		     (list gnc:menuname-asset-liability))
+                     (list gnc:menuname-income-expense)
+                     (list gnc:menuname-asset-liability))
       'menu-name (cadddr l)
       'menu-tip (car tip-and-rev)
-      'options-generator (lambda () (options-generator (cadr l) 
+      'options-generator (lambda () (options-generator (cadr l)
                                                        (cadr tip-and-rev)
                                                        (caddr l)))
       'renderer (lambda (report-obj)
-		  (category-barchart-renderer report-obj 
-					      (car l)
-					      (car (reverse l))
-					      (cadr l)
-					      (caddr l))))))
- (list 
-  ;; reportname, account-types, do-intervals?, 
+                  (category-barchart-renderer report-obj
+                                              (car l)
+                                              (car (reverse l))
+                                              (cadr l)
+                                              (caddr l))))))
+ (list
+  ;; reportname, account-types, do-intervals?,
   ;; menu-reportname, menu-tip
   (list reportname-income (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME) #t menuname-income menutip-income (lambda (x) #t) category-barchart-income-uuid)
   (list reportname-expense (list ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE) #t menuname-expense menutip-expense (lambda (x) #f) category-barchart-expense-uuid)
-  (list reportname-assets 
+  (list reportname-assets
         #f menuname-assets menutip-assets (lambda (x) #f) category-barchart-asset-uuid)
-  (list reportname-liabilities 
+  (list reportname-liabilities
         #f menuname-liabilities menutip-liabilities (lambda (x) #t) category-barchart-liability-uuid)))

commit 6c59cd15cdafc490892349127a5af871436f91ec
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Oct 17 17:52:18 2018 +0800

    [category-barchart] Deoptimize category-barchart
    This aims to partially undo commit 8aed5c3f660, and removes dependency
    unto collectors and report-collectors.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
index ba23a97..b3b9129 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 ;; depends must be outside module scope -- and should eventually go away.
 (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports category-barchart))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system report-collectors))
-(use-modules (gnucash report report-system collectors))
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 (use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
@@ -263,6 +261,8 @@ developing over time"))
 	(sort-method (get-option gnc:pagename-display optname-sort-method))
 	(reverse-balance? (get-option "__report" "reverse-balance?"))
+        (work-done 0)
+        (work-to-do 0)
         (show-table? (get-option gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Show table")))
         (document (gnc:make-html-document))
@@ -285,16 +285,8 @@ developing over time"))
-    (define the-acount-destination-alist
-      (account-destination-alist accounts account-types tree-depth))
     ;;(gnc:debug accounts)
     (if (not (null? accounts))
-        (if (null? the-acount-destination-alist)
-            (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-             document
-             (gnc:html-make-empty-data-warning
-              report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
         ;; Define more helper variables.
         (let* ((commodity-list #f)
@@ -404,6 +396,34 @@ developing over time"))
                   ((list? data) (myor (map not-all-zeros data)))
                   (else #f)))
+          ;; Calculates the net balance (profit or loss) of an account in
+          ;; the given time interval. date-list-entry is a pair containing
+          ;; the start- and end-date of that interval. If subacct?==#t,
+          ;; the subaccount's balances are included as well. Returns a
+          ;; double, exchanged into the report-currency by the above
+          ;; conversion function, and possibly with reversed sign.
+          (define (get-balance account date-list-entry subacct?)
+            ((if (reverse-balance? account)
+                 gnc:monetary-neg identity)
+             (if do-intervals?
+                 (collector->monetary
+                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval 
+                   account 
+                   (first date-list-entry) 
+                   (second date-list-entry) subacct?)
+                  (second date-list-entry))
+                 (collector->monetary
+                  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
+                   account date-list-entry subacct?)
+                  date-list-entry))))
+;; Creates the <balance-list> to be used in the function
+          ;; below. 
+          (define (account->balance-list account subacct?)
+            (map 
+             (lambda (d) (get-balance account d subacct?))
+             dates-list))
 	  (define (count-accounts current-depth accts)
 	    (if (< current-depth tree-depth)
 		(let ((sum 0))
@@ -429,34 +449,33 @@ developing over time"))
           ;; show-acct? is true. This is necessary because otherwise we
           ;; would forget an account that is selected but not its
           ;; parent.
-	  (define (apply-sign account x)
-            (if (reverse-balance? account) (gnc:monetary-neg x) x))
-          (define (calculate-report accounts progress-range)
-	    (let* ((account-reformat
-		    (if do-intervals?
-			(lambda (account result)
-			  (map (lambda (collector datepair)
-				 (let ((date (second datepair)))
-                                   (apply-sign account (collector->monetary collector date))))
-			       result dates-list))
-			(lambda (account result)
-			  (let ((commodity-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
-			    (collector-end (fold (lambda (next date list-collector)
-						   (commodity-collector 'merge next #f)
-						   (collector-add list-collector
-								  (apply-sign account
-                                                                              (collector->monetary commodity-collector
-                                                                                                   date))))
-						 (collector-into-list)
-						 result dates-list))))))
-		   (the-work (category-by-account-report-work do-intervals?
-				dates-list the-acount-destination-alist
-				(lambda (account date)
-				  (make-gnc-collector-collector))
-				account-reformat))
-		   (the-report (category-by-account-report-do-work the-work progress-range)))
-	      the-report))
+          (define (traverse-accounts current-depth accts)
+            (if (< current-depth tree-depth)
+                (let ((res '()))
+                  (for-each
+                   (lambda (a)
+                     (begin
+		       (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
+		       (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
+                       (if (show-acct? a)
+                           (set! res 
+                             (cons (list a (account->balance-list a #f))
+                                   res)))
+                       (set! res (append
+                                  (traverse-accounts
+                                   (+ 1 current-depth)
+                                   (gnc-account-get-children a))
+                                  res))))
+                   accts)
+                  res)
+                ;; else (i.e. current-depth == tree-depth)
+                (map
+                 (lambda (a)
+		   (set! work-done (1+ work-done))
+		   (gnc:report-percent-done (+ 20 (* 70 (/ work-done work-to-do))))
+                   (list a (account->balance-list a #t)))
+                 (filter show-acct? accts))))
           ;; The percentage done numbers here are a hack so that
           ;; something gets displayed. On my system the
@@ -476,12 +495,15 @@ developing over time"))
                              commodity-list to-date-t64
 			     5 15))
+          (set! work-to-do (count-accounts 1 topl-accounts))
           ;; Sort the account list according to the account code field.
-          (set! all-data (sort
-                          (filter (lambda (l)
-                                    (not (gnc-numeric-equal (gnc-numeric-zero)
-                                                            (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (apply monetary+ (cadr l))))))
-                                  (calculate-report accounts (cons 0 90)))
+          (set! all-data (sort 
+                          (filter (lambda (l) 
+                                    (not (zero?
+                                          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+                                           (apply monetary+ (cadr l))))))
+                                  (traverse-accounts 1 topl-accounts))
 			   ((eq? sort-method 'acct-code)
 			    (lambda (a b) 
@@ -783,7 +805,7 @@ developing over time"))
-	     report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj))))))
+	     report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))))
 	;; else if no accounts selected

commit c13f076a331928d583892fd55397623038cbbe42
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Oct 18 14:19:07 2018 +0800

    [report-utilities] modify gnc-account-get-balances-at-dates
    instead of returning a list of numbers e.g. (list 200 400 600), return
    a list of gnc-monetary objects (list $200 $400 $600) to be more

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index de98730..e2fa050 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -411,8 +411,10 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
 ;; in:  account
 ;;      dates-list (list of time64)
 ;;      ignore-closing? - if #true, will skip closing entries
-;; out: (list bal0 bal1 ...), each entry is a scheme number
+;; out: (list bal0 bal1 ...), each entry is a gnc-monetary object
 (define* (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates account dates-list #:key ignore-closing?)
+  (define (amount->monetary bal)
+    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (xaccAccountGetCommodity account) bal))
   (let loop ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList account))
              (dates-list dates-list)
              (currentbal 0)
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
      ;; end of dates. job done!
      ((null? dates-list)
-      (reverse balancelist))
+      (map amount->monetary (reverse balancelist)))
      ;; end of splits, but still has dates. pad with last-bal
      ;; until end of dates.
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
index ff31e7e..ca8ecb3 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
       (define (acc-balances->list-of-balances lst)
         ;; input: (list (list acc1 bal0 bal1 bal2 ...)
         ;;              (list acc2 bal0 bal1 bal2 ...) ...)
-        ;; whereby list of balances are numbers in the acc's currency
+        ;; whereby list of balances are gnc-monetary objects
         ;; output: (list <mon-coll0> <mon-coll1> <mon-coll2>)
         (define list-of-collectors
           (let loop ((n (length dates)) (result '()))
@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@
                             (list-of-balances (cdar lst)))
               (when (pair? list-of-balances)
                 ((car list-of-collectors) 'add
-                 (xaccAccountGetCommodity (caar lst))
-                 (car list-of-balances))
+                 (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car list-of-balances))
+                 (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (car list-of-balances)))
                 (innerloop (cdr list-of-collectors) (cdr list-of-balances))))
             (loop (cdr lst))))

commit 1444a58c0ea0bfc55081dd2d242cdd75a7c883af
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Oct 17 22:25:53 2018 +0800

    [report-utilities] upgrade (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates)
    (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates) is upgraded to
    report-utilities. this function is slightly different to its
    single-account counterpart because it does not retrieve subaccount

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
index f600835..ab45ea2 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
@@ -695,6 +695,7 @@
 (export gnc:commodity-collectorlist-get-merged)
 (export gnc-commodity-collector-commodity-count)
 (export gnc:account-get-balance-at-date)
+(export gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates)
 (export gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date)
 (export gnc:account-get-comm-value-interval)
 (export gnc:account-get-comm-value-at-date)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index 7b3f803..de98730 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -406,6 +406,63 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
                     account date include-children?)))
     (cadr (collector 'getpair (xaccAccountGetCommodity account) #f))))
+;; this function will scan through the account splitlist, building
+;; a list of balances along the way at dates specified in dates-list.
+;; in:  account
+;;      dates-list (list of time64)
+;;      ignore-closing? - if #true, will skip closing entries
+;; out: (list bal0 bal1 ...), each entry is a scheme number
+(define* (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates account dates-list #:key ignore-closing?)
+  (let loop ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList account))
+             (dates-list dates-list)
+             (currentbal 0)
+             (lastbal 0)
+             (balancelist '()))
+    (cond
+     ;; end of dates. job done!
+     ((null? dates-list)
+      (reverse balancelist))
+     ;; end of splits, but still has dates. pad with last-bal
+     ;; until end of dates.
+     ((null? splits)
+      (loop '()
+            (cdr dates-list)
+            currentbal
+            lastbal
+            (cons lastbal balancelist)))
+     (else
+      (let* ((this (car splits))
+             (rest (cdr splits))
+             (currentbal (if (and ignore-closing?
+                                  (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn (xaccSplitGetParent this)))
+                             currentbal
+                             (+ (xaccSplitGetAmount this) currentbal)))
+             (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest))))
+        (cond
+         ;; the next split is still before date
+         ((and next (< (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent next)) (car dates-list)))
+          (loop rest dates-list currentbal lastbal balancelist))
+         ;; this split after date, add previous bal to balancelist
+         ((< (car dates-list) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent this)))
+          (loop splits
+                (cdr dates-list)
+                lastbal
+                lastbal
+                (cons lastbal balancelist)))
+         ;; this split before date, next split after date, or end.
+         (else
+          (loop rest
+                (cdr dates-list)
+                currentbal
+                currentbal
+                (cons currentbal balancelist)))))))))
 ;; This works similar as above but returns a commodity-collector, 
 ;; thus takes care of children accounts with different currencies.
 (define (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
index 317a220..ff31e7e 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm
@@ -258,71 +258,13 @@
                 (warn "incompatible currencies in monetary+: " a b)))
           (warn "wrong arguments for monetary+: " a b)))
-    (define (split->date s)
-      (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
-    ;; this function will scan through the account splitlist, building
-    ;; a list of balances along the way. it will use the dates
-    ;; specified in the variable dates-list.
-    ;; input: account
-    ;;  uses: dates-list (list of time64)
-    ;;   out: (list account bal0 bal1 ...)
+    ;; gets an account alist balances
+    ;; output: (list acc bal0 bal1 bal2 ...)
     (define (account->balancelist account)
-      ;; the test-closing? function will enable testing closing status
-      ;; for inc-exp only. this may squeeze more speed for net-worth charts.
-      (define test-closing?
-        (gnc:account-is-inc-exp? account))
-      (let loop ((splits (xaccAccountGetSplitList account))
-                 (dates dates-list)
-                 (currentbal 0)
-                 (lastbal 0)
-                 (balancelist '()))
-        (cond
-         ;; end of dates. job done!
-         ((null? dates)
-          (cons account (reverse balancelist)))
-         ;; end of splits, but still has dates. pad with last-bal
-         ;; until end of dates.
-         ((null? splits)
-          (loop '()
-                (cdr dates)
-                currentbal
-                lastbal
-                (cons lastbal balancelist)))
-         (else
-          (let* ((this (car splits))
-                 (rest (cdr splits))
-                 (currentbal (if (and test-closing?
-                                      (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn (xaccSplitGetParent this)))
-                                 currentbal
-                                 (+ (xaccSplitGetAmount this) currentbal)))
-                 (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest))))
-            (cond
-             ;; the next split is still before date
-             ((and next (< (split->date next) (car dates)))
-              (loop rest dates currentbal lastbal balancelist))
-             ;; this split after date, add previous bal to balancelist
-             ((< (car dates) (split->date this))
-              (loop splits
-                    (cdr dates)
-                    lastbal
-                    lastbal
-                    (cons lastbal balancelist)))
-             ;; this split before date, next split after date, or end.
-             (else
-              (loop rest
-                    (cdr dates)
-                    currentbal
-                    currentbal
-                    (cons currentbal balancelist)))))))))
+      (cons account
+            (gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates
+             account dates-list
+             #:ignore-closing? (gnc:account-is-inc-exp? account))))
     ;; This calculates the balances for all the 'account-balances' for
     ;; each element of the list 'dates'. Uses the collector->monetary

commit c94db1ac340c69832192d05813e565b4f68db41a
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Oct 18 14:10:36 2018 +0800

    [report-utilities] deprecate flawed function.
    I think this (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date) is flawed in sub-acct handling.
    Consider account structure:
    Assets [USD] - bal=$0
       Bank [USD] - bal=$100
       Broker [USD] - bal=$200
          Cash [USD] - bal=$800
          Funds [FUND] - bal=3 FUND @ $1000 each = $3000
    - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BANK TODAY #f) returns 100
    - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BROKER TODAY #f) returns 200
    - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BROKER TODAY #t) returns 1000
      this is because although it counts all subaccounts bal $200 + $800 + 3FUND,
      it retrieves the parent account commodity USD $1000 only.
    It needs to be deprecated.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index f01a97a..7b3f803 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -386,7 +386,22 @@ construct gnc:make-gnc-monetary and use gnc:monetary->string instead.")
 ;; get the account balance at the specified date. if include-children?
 ;; is true, the balances of all children (not just direct children)
 ;; are included in the calculation.
+;; I think this (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date) is flawed in sub-acct handling.
+;; Consider account structure:
+;; Assets [USD] - bal=$0
+;;    Bank [USD] - bal=$100
+;;    Broker [USD] - bal=$200
+;;       Cash [USD] - bal=$800
+;;       Funds [FUND] - bal=3 FUND @ $1000 each = $3000
+;; - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BANK TODAY #f) returns 100
+;; - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BROKER TODAY #f) returns 200
+;; - Calling (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date BROKER TODAY #t) returns 1000
+;;   this is because although it counts all subaccounts bal $200 + $800 + 3FUND,
+;;   it retrieves the parent account commodity USD $1000 only.
+;; It needs to be deprecated.
 (define (gnc:account-get-balance-at-date account date include-children?)
+  (issue-deprecation-warning "this gnc:account-get-balance-at-date function is \
+flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
   (let ((collector (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
                     account date include-children?)))
     (cadr (collector 'getpair (xaccAccountGetCommodity account) #f))))

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm     |   1 +
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm  |  74 ++
 .../report/standard-reports/category-barchart.scm  | 909 ++++++++++-----------
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/net-charts.scm     |  76 +-
 4 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 525 deletions(-)

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