gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Mon Dec 2 09:29:33 EST 2019

Updated	 via (commit)
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commit 7833c59896b2d2705084732407277778ebb8ed85
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Dec 2 16:38:25 2019 +0800

    Bug 724219 - Customer Summary includes Closing Entries when reporting across the end of year

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
index 1f05883df..f2ed8f4de 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@
     ;;  guid QOF-QUERY-OR)
     (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch q account-list QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
     (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT q #t start-date #t end-date QOF-QUERY-AND)
+    (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch q #f QOF-QUERY-AND)
     (qof-query-set-book q (gnc-get-current-book))
     (let ((result (qof-query-run q)))
       (qof-query-destroy q)

commit 7ad4c4afbdd50dec5751f93d5e25bea39c806e25
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Dec 2 18:19:28 2019 +0800

    [html-acct-table] compact gnc:html-acct-table-get-cell

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
index e8cf33e12..71f668b82 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
@@ -850,12 +850,9 @@
 (define (gnc:html-acct-table-get-cell acct-table row col)
   ;; we'll only ever store one object in an html-table-cell
   ;; returns the first object stored in that cell
-  (let* ((cell (gnc:html-table-get-cell
-		(gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)
-		row (+ col 1))))
-    (and cell (car (gnc:html-table-cell-data cell)))
-    )
-  )
+  (and-let* ((cell (gnc:html-table-get-cell
+                    (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table) row (1+ col))))
+    (car (gnc:html-table-cell-data cell))))
 (define (gnc:html-acct-table-set-cell! acct-table row col obj)

commit 8bf54ebfc1c2da11bb1c16c41ed12d1e5ae2b2c8
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Dec 2 08:50:56 2019 +0800

    [html-acct-table] compact traverse-accounts!
    * convert for-each to named-let
    * allows reduction of set! calls

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
index 721330c87..e8cf33e12 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm
@@ -616,7 +616,6 @@
     ;; the following function was adapted from html-utilities.scm
-    ;; 
     ;; helper to calculate the balances for all required accounts
     (define (calculate-balances accts start-date end-date get-balance-fn)
@@ -673,19 +672,18 @@
     (define (traverse-accounts! accts acct-depth logi-depth new-balances)
       (define (use-acct? acct)
-	;; BUG?  when depth-limit is not integer but boolean?
-	(and (or (eq? limit-behavior 'flatten)
+        (and (or (eq? limit-behavior 'flatten)
                  (< logi-depth depth-limit))
-	     (member acct accounts)))
-      ;; helper function to return a cached balance from a list of 
+             (member acct accounts)))
+      ;; helper function to return a cached balance from a list of
       ;; ( acct . balance ) cells
       (define (get-balance acct-balances acct)
-	(let ((this-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
+        (let ((this-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
               (acct-coll (hash-ref acct-balances (gncAccountGetGUID acct)
-	  (this-collector 'merge acct-coll #f)
-	  this-collector))
+          (this-collector 'merge acct-coll #f)
+          this-collector))
       ;; helper function that returns a cached balance from a list of
       ;; ( acct . balance) cells for the given account *and* its
@@ -696,217 +694,151 @@
            (lambda (acct)
              (this-collector 'merge (get-balance acct-balances acct) #f))
            (gnc:accounts-and-all-descendants (list account)))
-	  this-collector))
-      (let ((disp-depth (if (integer? depth-limit)
-		            (min (- depth-limit 1) logi-depth)
-		            logi-depth))
-            (row-added? #f))
-	(for-each
-	 (lambda (acct)
-	   (let* ((subaccts (gnc-account-get-children-sorted acct))
-		  ;; assign output parameters
-		  (account acct)
-		  (account-name (xaccAccountGetName acct))
-		  (account-code (xaccAccountGetCode acct))
-		  (account-path (gnc-account-get-full-name acct))
-		  (account-anchor (gnc:html-account-anchor acct))
-		  (account-parent (gnc-account-get-parent acct))
-		  (account-children subaccts)
-		  (account-depth acct-depth)
-		  (logical-depth logi-depth)
-		  (account-commodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
-		  (account-type (xaccAccountGetType acct))
-		  ;; N.B.: xaccAccountGetTypeStr really should be
-		  ;; called gnc:account-type-get-string
-		  (account-type-string (xaccAccountGetTypeStr
-					(xaccAccountGetType acct)))
-		  (account-guid (gncAccountGetGUID acct))
-		  (account-description (xaccAccountGetDescription acct))
-		  (account-notes (xaccAccountGetNotes acct))
-		  ;; These next two are commodity-collectors.
-		  (account-bal (get-balance
-				new-balances acct))
-		  (recursive-bal (get-balance-sub
-				  new-balances acct))
-		  ;; These next two are of type <gnc:monetary>, right?
-		  (report-comm-account-bal
-		   (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
-		    account-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
-		  (report-comm-recursive-bal
-		   (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
-		    recursive-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
-		  (grp-env
-		   (append env
-			   (list
-			    (list 'initial-indent indent)
-			    (list 'account account)
-			    (list 'account-name account-name)
-			    (list 'account-code account-code)
-			    (list 'account-type account-type)
-			    (list 'account-type-string account-type-string)
-			    (list 'account-guid account-guid)
-			    (list 'account-description account-description)
-			    (list 'account-notes account-notes)
-			    (list 'account-path account-path)
-			    (list 'account-parent account-parent)
-			    (list 'account-children account-children)
-			    (list 'account-depth account-depth)
-			    (list 'logical-depth logical-depth)
-			    (list 'account-commodity account-commodity)
-			    (list 'account-anchor account-anchor)
-			    (list 'account-bal account-bal)
-			    (list 'recursive-bal recursive-bal)
-			    (list 'report-comm-account-bal
-				  report-comm-account-bal)
-			    (list 'report-comm-recursive-bal
-				  report-comm-recursive-bal)
-			    (list 'report-commodity report-commodity)
-			    (list 'exchange-fn exchange-fn)
-			    )))
-		  (row-env #f)
-		  (label (case label-mode
-                           ((anchor) account-anchor)
-			   ((name) (gnc:make-html-text account-name))))
-                  (row #f)
-                  (children-displayed? #f)
-		  )
+          this-collector))
+      (let lp ((accounts (if less-p (sort accts less-p) accts))
+               (row-added? #f)
+               (disp-depth (if (integer? depth-limit)
+                               (min (1- depth-limit) logi-depth)
+                               logi-depth)))
+        (cond
+         ((null? accounts) row-added?)
+         (else
+          (let* ((acct (car accounts))
+                 (subaccts (gnc-account-get-children-sorted acct))
+                 ;; These next two are commodity-collectors.
+                 (account-bal (get-balance new-balances acct))
+                 (recursive-bal (get-balance-sub new-balances acct))
+                 ;; These next two are of type <gnc:monetary>
+                 (report-comm-account-bal
+                  (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
+                   account-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
+                 (report-comm-recursive-bal
+                  (gnc:sum-collector-commodity
+                   recursive-bal report-commodity exchange-fn))
+                 (grp-env
+                  (cons*
+                   (list 'initial-indent indent)
+                   (list 'account acct)
+                   (list 'account-name (xaccAccountGetName acct))
+                   (list 'account-code (xaccAccountGetCode acct))
+                   (list 'account-type (xaccAccountGetType acct))
+                   (list 'account-type-string (xaccAccountGetTypeStr
+                                               (xaccAccountGetType acct)))
+                   (list 'account-guid (gncAccountGetGUID acct))
+                   (list 'account-description (xaccAccountGetDescription acct))
+                   (list 'account-notes (xaccAccountGetNotes acct))
+                   (list 'account-path (gnc-account-get-full-name acct))
+                   (list 'account-parent (gnc-account-get-parent acct))
+                   (list 'account-children subaccts)
+                   (list 'account-depth acct-depth)
+                   (list 'logical-depth logi-depth)
+                   (list 'account-commodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
+                   (list 'account-anchor (gnc:html-account-anchor acct))
+                   (list 'account-bal account-bal)
+                   (list 'recursive-bal recursive-bal)
+                   (list 'report-comm-account-bal report-comm-account-bal)
+                   (list 'report-comm-recursive-bal report-comm-recursive-bal)
+                   (list 'report-commodity report-commodity)
+                   (list 'exchange-fn exchange-fn)
+                   env))
+                 (label (case label-mode
+                          ((anchor) (gnc:html-account-anchor acct))
+                          ((name) (gnc:make-html-text (xaccAccountGetName acct)))))
+                 (row #f)
+                 (children-displayed? #f))
+            (set! acct-depth-reached (max acct-depth-reached acct-depth))
+            (set! logi-depth-reached (max logi-depth-reached logi-depth))
+            (set! disp-depth-reached (max disp-depth-reached disp-depth))
-	     (set! acct-depth-reached (max acct-depth-reached acct-depth))
-	     (set! logi-depth-reached (max logi-depth-reached logi-depth))
-	     (set! disp-depth-reached (max disp-depth-reached disp-depth))
-	     (or (not (use-acct? acct))
-		 ;; ok, so we'll consider parent accounts with zero
-		 ;; recursive-bal to be zero balance leaf accounts
-		 (and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
-		      (or (not report-budget)
-             		  (gnc-numeric-zero-p
-				(gnc:budget-account-get-rolledup-net 
-					report-budget account #f #f)))
-		      (equal? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct))
-		 (begin
-		   (set! row-env
-			 (append grp-env
-				 (list
-				  (list 'account-label label)
-				  (list 'row-type 'account-row)
-				  (list 'display-depth disp-depth)
-				  (list 'indented-depth
-					(+ disp-depth indent))
-				  )
-				 ))
-		   (set! row (add-row row-env))
-		   )
-		 )
-	     ;; Recurse:
-	     ;; Dive into an account even if it isn't selected!
-	     ;; why? because some subaccts may be selected.
-	     (set! children-displayed?
-	           (traverse-accounts! subaccts
-				       (+ acct-depth 1)
-				       (if (use-acct? acct)
-				           (+ logi-depth 1)
-				           logi-depth)
-				       new-balances))
-	     ;; record whether any children were displayed
-	     (if row (append-to-row row (list (list 'children-displayed? children-displayed?))))
-	     ;; after the return from recursion: subtotals
-	     (or (not (use-acct? acct))
-		 (not subtotal-mode)
-		 ;; ditto that remark concerning zero recursive-bal...
-		 (and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
-		      (equal? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct))
-		 ;; ignore use-acct for subtotals...?
-		 ;; (not (use-acct? acct))
-		 (not children-displayed?)
-		 (let* ((lbl-txt (gnc:make-html-text (_ "Total") " ")))
-		   (apply gnc:html-text-append! lbl-txt
-			  (gnc:html-text-body label))
-		   (if (equal? subtotal-mode 'canonically-tabbed)
-		       (set! disp-depth (+ disp-depth 1))
-		       (set! disp-depth-reached
-			     (max disp-depth-reached disp-depth))
-		       )
-		   (set! row-env
-			 (append grp-env
-				 (list
-				  (list 'account-label lbl-txt)
-				  (list 'row-type 'subtotal-row)
-				  (list 'display-depth disp-depth)
-				  (list 'indented-depth
-					(+ disp-depth indent))
-				  )
-				 ))
-		   (add-row row-env)
-		   )
-		 )
-	     (if (or row-added? children-displayed? row) (set! row-added? #t))
-	     )) ;; end of (lambda (acct) ...)
-	 ;; lambda is applied to each item in the (sorted) account list
-	 (if less-p
-	     (sort accts less-p)
-	     accts)
-	 ) ;; end of for-each
-	 row-added?
-	)
-      ) ;; end of definition of traverse-accounts!
+            (unless (or (not (use-acct? acct))
+                        ;; ok, so we'll consider parent accounts with zero
+                        ;; recursive-bal to be zero balance leaf accounts
+                        (and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
+                             (eq? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct)
+                             (or (not report-budget)
+                                 (zero? (gnc:budget-account-get-rolledup-net
+                                         report-budget acct #f #f)))))
+              (set! row
+                (add-row
+                 (cons* (list 'account-label label)
+                        (list 'row-type 'account-row)
+                        (list 'display-depth disp-depth)
+                        (list 'indented-depth (+ disp-depth indent))
+                        grp-env))))
+            ;; Recurse:
+            ;; Dive into an account even if it isn't selected!
+            ;; why? because some subaccts may be selected.
+            (set! children-displayed?
+              (traverse-accounts! subaccts
+                                  (1+ acct-depth)
+                                  (if (use-acct? acct)
+                                      (1+ logi-depth)
+                                      logi-depth)
+                                  new-balances))
+            ;; record whether any children were displayed
+            (when row
+              (append-to-row
+               row (list (list 'children-displayed? children-displayed?))))
+            ;; after the return from recursion: subtotals
+            (unless (or (not (use-acct? acct))
+                        (not subtotal-mode)
+                        (not children-displayed?)
+                        (and (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero? recursive-bal)
+                             (eq? zero-mode 'omit-leaf-acct)))
+              (let ((lbl-txt (gnc:make-html-text (_ "Total") " ")))
+                (apply gnc:html-text-append! lbl-txt (gnc:html-text-body label))
+                (if (eq? subtotal-mode 'canonically-tabbed)
+                    (set! disp-depth (+ disp-depth 1))
+                    (set! disp-depth-reached (max disp-depth-reached disp-depth)))
+                (add-row
+                 (cons* (list 'account-label lbl-txt)
+                        (list 'row-type 'subtotal-row)
+                        (list 'display-depth disp-depth)
+                        (list 'indented-depth (+ disp-depth indent))
+                        grp-env))))
+            (lp (cdr accounts)
+                (or row-added? children-displayed? row)
+                disp-depth))))))
     ;; do it
-    (traverse-accounts! toplvl-accts 0 0
-                        (calculate-balances accounts start-date end-date get-balance-fn))
+    (traverse-accounts!
+     toplvl-accts 0 0
+     (calculate-balances accounts start-date end-date get-balance-fn))
     ;; now set the account-colspan entries
-    ;; he he... (let ((x 0)) (while (< x 5) (display x) (set! x (+ x 1))))
-    ;; now I know how to loop in scheme... yay!
-    (let ((row 0)
-	  (rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table)))
-      (while (< row rows)
-	     (let* ((orig-env
-		     (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table row))
-		    (display-depth (get-val orig-env 'display-depth))
-		    (depth-limit (get-val orig-env 'display-tree-depth))
-		    (indent (get-val orig-env 'initial-indent))
-		    (indented-depth (get-val orig-env 'indented-depth))
-		    (subtotal-mode
-		     (get-val orig-env 'parent-account-subtotal-mode))
-		    (label-cols (+ disp-depth-reached 1))
-		    (logical-cols (if depth-limit
-				      (min
-				       (+ logi-depth-reached 1)
-                                       ;; BUG?  when depth-limit is not integer?
-				       depth-limit)
-				      (+ logi-depth-reached 1)))
-		    (colspan (- label-cols display-depth))
-		    ;; these parameters *should* always, by now, be set...
-		    (new-env
-		     (append
-		      orig-env
-		      (list
-		       (list 'account-colspan colspan)
-		       (list 'label-cols label-cols)
-		       (list 'logical-cols logical-cols)
-		       (list 'account-cols
-			     (+ indent
-				(max label-cols
-				     (if depth-limit depth-limit 0)
-				     )
-				)
-			     )
-		       )
-		      ))
-		    )
-	       (gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env! acct-table row new-env)
-	       (set! row (+ row 1))))
-      )
-    ;; done
-    )
-  )
+    (let lp ((row 0)
+             (rows (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table)))
+      (when (< row rows)
+        (let* ((orig-env (gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env acct-table row))
+               (display-depth (get-val orig-env 'display-depth))
+               (depth-limit (get-val orig-env 'display-tree-depth))
+               (indent (get-val orig-env 'initial-indent))
+               (indented-depth (get-val orig-env 'indented-depth))
+               (subtotal-mode (get-val orig-env 'parent-account-subtotal-mode))
+               (label-cols (+ disp-depth-reached 1))
+               ;; these parameters *should* always, by now, be set...
+               (new-env
+                (cons*
+                 (list 'account-colspan (- label-cols display-depth))
+                 (list 'label-cols label-cols)
+                 (list 'account-cols (+ indent (max label-cols (or depth-limit 0))))
+                 (list 'logical-cols (min (+ logi-depth-reached)
+                                          (or depth-limit +inf.0)))
+                 orig-env)))
+          (gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env! acct-table row new-env)
+          (lp (1+ row) rows))))))
 (define (gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows acct-table)
   (gnc:html-table-num-rows (gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_ acct-table)))

commit ab20071d828c6541cebb233954cd748b32b1f2ba
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Dec 2 08:26:01 2019 +0800

    [report-utilities] strify hash-table to Hash(kvp-list)
    Hash tables are strified to "Hash()" "Hash(key=value,...)"

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index 75b5afb06..459609e9b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -1259,6 +1259,18 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
             (gnc-lot-get-notes lot)
             (gnc-lot-get-balance lot)
             (gnc-lot-count-splits lot)))
+  (define (record->str rec)
+    (let ((rtd (record-type-descriptor rec)))
+      (define (fld->str fld)
+        (format #f "~a=~a" fld (gnc:strify ((record-accessor rtd fld) rec))))
+      (format #f "Rec:~a{~a}"
+              (record-type-name rtd)
+              (string-join (map fld->str (record-type-fields rtd)) ", "))))
+  (define (hash-table->str hash)
+    (string-append
+     "Hash(" (string-join
+              (hash-map->list (lambda (k v) (format #f "~a=~a" k v)) hash) ",")
+     ")"))
   (define (try proc)
     ;; Try proc with d as a parameter, catching exceptions to return
     ;; #f to the (or) evaluator below.
@@ -1294,13 +1306,8 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
       (try owner->str)
       (try invoice->str)
       (try lot->str)
-      (and (record? d)
-           (let ((rtd (record-type-descriptor d)))
-             (define (fld->str fld)
-               (format #f "~a=~a" fld (gnc:strify ((record-accessor rtd fld) d))))
-             (format #f "Rec:~a{~a}"
-                     (record-type-name rtd)
-                     (string-join (map fld->str (record-type-fields rtd)) ", "))))
+      (try hash-table->str)
+      (try record->str)
       (object->string d)))
 (define (pair->num pair)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-report-utilities.scm
index b0f12da76..13921d47c 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-report-utilities.scm
@@ -152,6 +152,16 @@
     (test-equal "gnc:strify <val-coll 10>"
       (gnc:strify coll)))
+  (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
+    (test-equal "gnc:strify Hash()"
+      "Hash()"
+      (gnc:strify ht))
+    (hash-set! ht 'one "uno")
+    (test-equal "gnc:strify Hash(one=uno)"
+      "Hash(one=uno)"
+      (gnc:strify ht)))
   (test-end "debugging tools"))
 (define (test-commodity-collector)

commit 2333b6db271ad50bf5a3c5825990647b73077913
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Dec 1 23:10:22 2019 +0800

    [reports] avoid "<br/>" literal: use gnc:multiline-to-html-text

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
index e0ab202cd..1f05883df 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm
@@ -179,17 +179,6 @@
 ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define (string-expand string character replace-string)
-  (with-output-to-string
-    (lambda ()
-      (string-for-each
-       (lambda (c)
-         (display
-          (if (char=? c character)
-              replace-string
-              c)))
-       string))))
 (define (query owner account-list start-date end-date)
   (let* ((q (qof-query-create-for-splits))
          (guid (and owner
@@ -232,8 +221,7 @@
      'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
     (if name (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list name)))
-    (if addy (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-              table (list (string-expand addy #\newline "<br/>"))))
+    (if addy (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (gnc:multiline-to-html-text addy)))
      table (list (gnc-print-time64 (gnc:get-today) date-format)))
     (let ((table-outer (gnc:make-html-table)))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/invoice.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/invoice.scm
index 0beef5c12..84bf7eedb 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/invoice.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/invoice.scm
@@ -178,15 +178,7 @@
 (define (multiline-to-html-text str)
-  ;; simple function - splits string containing #\newline into
-  ;; substrings, and convert to a gnc:make-html-text construct which
-  ;; adds gnc:html-markup-br after each substring.
-  (let loop ((list-of-substrings (string-split str #\newline))
-             (result '()))
-    (if (null? list-of-substrings)
-        (apply gnc:make-html-text (if (null? result) '() (reverse (cdr result))))
-        (loop (cdr list-of-substrings)
-              (cons* (gnc:html-markup-br) (car list-of-substrings) result)))))
+  (gnc:multiline-to-html-text str))
 (define (options-generator variant)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/job-report.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/job-report.scm
index 60954b02d..c8fc66cfd 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/job-report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/job-report.scm
@@ -416,24 +416,6 @@
   (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE
                      (_ "Expense Report") #t))
-(define (string-expand string character replace-string)
-  (define (car-line chars)
-    (take-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars))
-  (define (cdr-line chars)
-    (let ((rest (drop-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars)))
-      (if (null? rest)
-          '()
-          (cdr rest))))
-  (define (line-helper chars)
-    (if (null? chars)
-        ""
-        (let ((first (car-line chars))
-              (rest (cdr-line chars)))
-          (string-append (list->string first)
-                         (if (null? rest) "" replace-string)
-                         (line-helper rest)))))
-  (line-helper (string->list string)))
 (define (setup-query q owner account end-date)
   (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID owner)))
@@ -464,13 +446,15 @@
      'attribute (list "border" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-     (list
-      (string-expand (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner) #\newline "<br/>")))
+     (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text
+            (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner))))
-     table
-     (list "<br/>"))
+     table (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br)))
      table "td"
      'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
@@ -507,10 +491,10 @@
      'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (if name name "")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (string-expand
-					     (if addy addy "")
-					     #\newline "<br/>")))
+    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (or name "")))
+    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (or addy ""))))
      table (list (gnc-print-time64 (current-time) date-format)))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/owner-report.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/owner-report.scm
index 6c956d5df..dbec87511 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/owner-report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/owner-report.scm
@@ -627,24 +627,6 @@
 (define (employee-options-generator)
   (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE) GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE #t))
-(define (string-expand string character replace-string)
-  (define (car-line chars)
-    (take-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars))
-  (define (cdr-line chars)
-    (let ((rest (drop-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars)))
-      (if (null? rest)
-          '()
-          (cdr rest))))
-  (define (line-helper chars)
-    (if (null? chars)
-        ""
-        (let ((first (car-line chars))
-              (rest (cdr-line chars)))
-          (string-append (list->string first)
-                         (if (null? rest) "" replace-string)
-                         (line-helper rest)))))
-  (line-helper (string->list string)))
 (define (setup-query q owner account end-date)
   (let* ((guid (gncOwnerReturnGUID (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
@@ -675,16 +657,17 @@
      'attribute (list "border" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-     table
-     (list
-      (string-expand (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner) #\newline "<br/>")))
+     table (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (gnc:owner-get-name-and-address-dep owner)))
-     table
-     (list "<br/>"))
+     table (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br)))
      table "td"
      'attribute (list "valign" "top"))
 (define (make-date-row! table label date)
@@ -718,12 +701,14 @@
      'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
      'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (if name name "")))
-    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (string-expand
-                         (if addy addy "")
-                         #\newline "<br/>")))
+    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list (or name "")))
+    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
+     table (list (gnc:multiline-to-html-text (or addy ""))))
      table (list (gnc-print-time64 (gnc:get-today) date-format)))
 (define (make-break! document)

commit 3ee434edf6658fde0d79bceb0516e7789b6cd230
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Dec 1 22:17:37 2019 +0800

    [new-aging] use gnc:html-markup-ol

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/new-aging.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/new-aging.scm
index cd5362a99..5f0f8ba5a 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/new-aging.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/new-aging.scm
@@ -225,10 +225,6 @@ exist but have no suitable transactions."))
       ((if (eq? sort-order 'increasing) string<? string>?)
        (gncOwnerGetName a) (gncOwnerGetName b)))
-    (define (html-markup-ol lst)
-      (apply gnc:html-markup "ol"
-             (map (lambda (elt) (gnc:html-markup "li" elt)) lst)))
     ;; set default title
     (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
@@ -340,7 +336,7 @@ exist but have no suitable transactions."))
                     (_ "Please note some transactions were not processed")
-                    (html-markup-ol
+                    (gnc:html-markup-ol
                       (lambda (invalid-split)

commit 4aa17ef65bb0bd1cec3be632fc8af54769169431
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Dec 1 22:17:19 2019 +0800

    [html-text][API] gnc:html-markup-ol, gnc:multiline-to-html-text
    * (gnc:html-markup-ol lst)
      creates an ordered list
    * gnc:multiline-to-html-text: creates html-text with <br/> elements
      "line1\nline2\nline3" ->
      (gnc:make-html-text "line1" (gnc:html-markup-br)
                          "line2" (gnc:html-markup-br)

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-text.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-text.scm
index fd1f29ade..d34e2154b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-text.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-text.scm
@@ -182,6 +182,9 @@
             (gnc:html-markup "li" obj))
+(define (gnc:html-markup-ol lst)
+  (apply gnc:html-markup "ol"
+         (map (lambda (elt) (gnc:html-markup "li" elt)) lst)))
 (define (gnc:html-markup-anchor href . rest)
   (apply gnc:html-markup/attr 
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
index a351038b0..cd0e32526 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
@@ -666,6 +666,7 @@
 (export gnc:html-markup-h3)
 (export gnc:html-markup-br)
 (export gnc:html-markup-hr)
+(export gnc:html-markup-ol)
 (export gnc:html-markup-ul)
 (export gnc:html-markup-anchor)
 (export gnc:html-markup-img)
@@ -744,6 +745,7 @@
 (export gnc:get-assoc-account-balances)
 (export gnc:select-assoc-account-balance)
 (export gnc:get-assoc-account-balances-total)
+(export gnc:multiline-to-html-text)
 (export make-file-url)
 (export gnc:strify)
 (export gnc:pk)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index f2cfaad44..75b5afb06 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -1109,6 +1109,16 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
+(define (gnc:multiline-to-html-text str)
+  ;; simple function - splits string containing #\newline into
+  ;; substrings, and convert to a gnc:make-html-text construct which
+  ;; adds gnc:html-markup-br after each substring.
+  (let loop ((list-of-substrings (string-split str #\newline))
+             (result '()))
+    (if (null? list-of-substrings)
+        (apply gnc:make-html-text (if (null? result) '() (reverse (cdr result))))
+        (loop (cdr list-of-substrings)
+              (cons* (gnc:html-markup-br) (car list-of-substrings) result)))))
 ;; ***************************************************************************
 ;; Business Functions

commit a52d60f48e738ee4c91bfa03887dea1014f104fa
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Dec 1 22:30:45 2019 +0800

    [business-reports] compact gnc:owner-report-text

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm
index 7c50821a9..a9bb791ec 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/business-reports.scm
@@ -71,29 +71,17 @@
 (define (gnc:owner-report-text owner acc)
   (let* ((end-owner (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))
-	 (type (gncOwnerGetType end-owner))
-	 (ref #f))
-    (cond
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
-       (set! ref "owner=c:"))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
-       (set! ref "owner=v:"))
-      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
-       (set! ref "owner=e:"))
-      (else (set! ref "unknown-type=")))
-    (if ref
-	(begin
-	  (set! ref (string-append ref (gncOwnerReturnGUID end-owner)))
-	  (if (not (null? acc))
-	      (set! ref (string-append ref "&acct="
-				       (gncAccountGetGUID acc))))
-	  (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-OWNERREPORT ref ""))
-	ref)))
+         (type (gncOwnerGetType end-owner)))
+    (gnc-build-url
+     (string-append
+      (cond ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) "owner=c:")
+            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR) "owner=v:")
+            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) "owner=e:")
+            (else "unknown-type="))
+      (gncOwnerReturnGUID end-owner)
+      (if (null? acc) "" (string-append "&acct=" (gncAccountGetGUID acc))))
+     "")))
 ;; Creates a new report instance for the given invoice. The given
 ;; report-template-id must refer to an existing report template, which

Summary of changes:
 .../report/business-reports/business-reports.scm   |  34 +-
 .../report/business-reports/customer-summary.scm   |  15 +-
 gnucash/report/business-reports/invoice.scm        |  10 +-
 gnucash/report/business-reports/job-report.scm     |  36 +-
 gnucash/report/business-reports/new-aging.scm      |   6 +-
 gnucash/report/business-reports/owner-report.scm   |  39 +--
 gnucash/report/report-system/html-acct-table.scm   | 373 +++++++++------------
 gnucash/report/report-system/html-text.scm         |   3 +
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm     |   2 +
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm  |  31 +-
 .../report-system/test/test-report-utilities.scm   |  10 +
 11 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)

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