gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Thu Jul 25 08:27:25 EDT 2019

Updated	 via (commit)
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commit 7c9d5ee7ee5c38015b8800daa0379c5cf812ab1b
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Thu Jul 25 17:44:35 2019 +0800

    Bug 797158 - gnc:make-account-sel-limited-option is not working
    Option was being deliberately reset to default_value every time.

diff --git a/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options.c b/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options.c
index e3ae2a32b..f8d66fafd 100644
--- a/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options.c
+++ b/gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options.c
@@ -2710,9 +2710,8 @@ gnc_option_set_ui_widget_account_sel (GNCOption *option, GtkBox *page_box,
                      G_CALLBACK(gnc_option_changed_widget_cb), option);
     gnc_option_set_widget (option, value);
-    /* DOCUMENT ME: Why is the only option type that sets use_default to
-       TRUE? */
-    gnc_option_set_ui_value(option, TRUE);
+    gnc_option_set_ui_value(option, FALSE);
     *enclosing = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5);
     gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (*enclosing), FALSE);

commit e9554e39b448bf945fc0fa74915dd9f62e5fb150
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 22:56:11 2019 +0800

    [test-stress-options] improve coverage
    * improve documentation
    * reuse (create-test-data) for various regular transactions
    * run (create-test-invoice-data) for business invoices
    * fix max arguments which would crash for reports without options
    * if report has start-date and end-date, insert valid dates to ensure
    report runs on non-null book data.
    * enable testing of previously disabled reports
    * also dump book and invoices generated in populated book
    * modify output to show full backtrace on error: In case of test
    failure, previous would show a shortened exception name. Change to
    display full backtrace, similar to crashing in live code. Uses
    gnc:apply-with-error-handling existing API call.
    Also clean up code.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-stress-options.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-stress-options.scm
index e85cd61a8..028441bd5 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-stress-options.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-stress-options.scm
@@ -11,49 +11,77 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash report taxinvoice))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
 (use-modules (srfi srfi-98))
 (use-modules (gnucash engine test srfi64-extras))
 (use-modules (sxml simple))
 (use-modules (sxml xpath))
-;; NOTE
-;; ----
-;; SIMPLE stress tests by default
+;; NOTE: This file will attempt to run most reports and set their
+;; options. First, the reports are run on empty-book, then on a book
+;; with sample transactions and invoices.
+;; SIMPLE stress tests by default will run tests as many times as the
+;; maximum number of multichoice. if the option with most choices is a
+;; price-source with the 4 possibilities, average-cost,
+;; weighted-average, pricedb-nearest, pricedb-latest;
+;; simple-stress-test will run it 4 times using each price-source. Other
+;; options with fewer options are cycled e.g. multichoice 'simple
+;; 'detailed will be run with 'simple 'detailed 'simple 'detailed
+;; while the price-source gets more exhaustively tested. The report is
+;; only run to verify it does not crash. No testing of report output
+;; is actually done.
-;; PAIRWISE COMBINATORICS are enabled by setting environment variable COMBINATORICS
-;; to the fullpath for the compiled jenny from
+;; PAIRWISE testing will improve test coverage. From the above
+;; example, if the stress test runs: average-cost + simple,
+;; weighted-average + detailed, pricedb-nearest + simple,
+;; pricedb-latest + detailed. No testing of average-cost + detailed is
+;; performed. PAIRWISE testing ensures pairs are tested adequately and
+;; uses an external tool jenny to generate combinations. The full-path
+;; to jenny must be specified in the COMBINATORICS environment
+;; variable. The n-tuple may be modified -- see the global variable
+;; N-TUPLE. The jenny.c is copied in the "borrowed" folder in GnuCash
+;; source.  Source:
 ;; e.g. COMBINATORICS=/home/user/jenny/jenny ninja check
+;; the following is the N-tuple
+(define N-TUPLE 2)
 (define optionslist '())
+(define-record-type :combo
+  (make-combo section name combos)
+  combo?
+  (section get-section)
+  (name get-name)
+  (combos get-combos))
 (define (generate-optionslist)
    (lambda (report-id template)
      (let* ((options-generator (gnc:report-template-options-generator template))
-            (name (gnc:report-template-name template))
-            (options (options-generator)))
+            (options (options-generator))
+            (report-options-tested '()))
+       (gnc:options-for-each
+        (lambda (option)
+          (when (memq (gnc:option-type option)
+                      '(multichoice boolean))
+            (set! report-options-tested
+              (cons (make-combo
+                     (gnc:option-section option)
+                     (gnc:option-name option)
+                     (case (gnc:option-type option)
+                       ((multichoice) (map (lambda (d) (vector-ref d 0))
+                                           (gnc:option-data option)))
+                       ((boolean) (list #t #f))))
+                    report-options-tested))))
+        options)
        (set! optionslist
          (cons (list (cons 'report-id report-id)
                      (cons 'report-name (gnc:report-template-name template))
-                     (cons 'options (let ((report-options-tested '()))
-                                      (gnc:options-for-each
-                                       (lambda (option)
-                                         (when (memq (gnc:option-type option)
-                                                     '(multichoice boolean))
-                                           (set! report-options-tested
-                                             (cons (vector
-                                                    (gnc:option-section option)
-                                                    (gnc:option-name option)
-                                                    (gnc:option-type option)
-                                                    (case (gnc:option-type option)
-                                                      ((multichoice) (map (lambda (d) (vector-ref d 0))
-                                                                          (gnc:option-data option)))
-                                                      ((boolean) (list #t #f))))
-                                                   report-options-tested))))
-                                       options)
-                                      report-options-tested)))
+                     (cons 'options report-options-tested))
 ;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
@@ -64,6 +92,8 @@
   (test-begin "stress options")
+  (gnc:dump-book)
+  (gnc:dump-invoices)
   (test-end "stress options"))
 (define jennypath
@@ -89,19 +119,19 @@
    (gnc-commodity-get-namespace (gnc-default-report-currency))
-(define structure
-  (list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
-        (list "Asset"
-              (list "Bank")
-              (list "GBP Bank" (list (cons 'commodity (mnemonic->commodity "GBP"))))
-              (list "Wallet"))
-        (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
-        (list "Income-GBP" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)
-                                 (cons 'commodity (mnemonic->commodity "GBP"))))
-        (list "Expenses" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
-        (list "Liabilities" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY)))
-        (list "Equity" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY)))
-        ))
+;; code snippet to run report uuid, with options object
+(define (try-run-report uuid options option-summary)
+  (define (try proc . args) (gnc:apply-with-error-handling proc args))
+  (let* ((res (try gnc:options->render uuid options "stress-test" "test"))
+         (captured-error (cadr res)))
+    (cond
+     (captured-error
+      (format #t "[fail]... \noptions-list are:\n~abacktrace:\n~a\n"
+              (gnc:html-render-options-changed options #t)
+              captured-error)
+      (test-assert "logging test failure..." #f))
+     (else
+      (format #t "[pass] ~a\n" (string-join option-summary ","))))))
 (define (simple-stress-test report-name uuid report-options)
   (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options uuid)))
@@ -111,108 +141,98 @@
      (lambda (option)
        (format #t ",~a/~a"
-               (vector-ref option 0)
-               (vector-ref option 1)))
+               (get-section option)
+               (get-name option)))
      (lambda (idx)
-       (display report-name)
-       (for-each
-        (lambda (option)
-          (let* ((section (vector-ref option 0))
-                 (name (vector-ref option 1))
-                 (value (list-ref (vector-ref option 3)
-                                  (modulo idx (length (vector-ref option 3))))))
-            (set-option! options section name value)
-            (format #t ",~a"
-                    (cond
-                     ((boolean? value) (if value 't 'f))
-                     (else value)))))
-        report-options)
-       (catch #t
-         (lambda ()
-           (gnc:options->render uuid options "stress-test" "test")
-           (display "[pass]\n"))
-         (lambda (k . args)
-           (format #t "[fail]... error: (~s . ~s) options-list are:\n~a"
-                   k args
-                   (gnc:html-render-options-changed options #t))
-           (test-assert "logging test failure as above..."
-             #f))))
-     (iota
-      (apply max
-             (map (lambda (opt) (length (vector-ref opt 3)))
-                  report-options)))
-     )))
+       (when (gnc:lookup-option options "General" "Start Date")
+         (set-option! options "General" "Start Date"
+                      (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 12 1969))))
+       (when (gnc:lookup-option options "General" "End Date")
+         (set-option! options "General" "End Date"
+                      (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1972))))
+       (let loop ((report-options report-options)
+                  (option-summary '()))
+         (if (null? report-options)
+             (try-run-report uuid options option-summary)
+             (let* ((option (car report-options))
+                    (section (get-section option))
+                    (name (get-name option))
+                    (value (list-ref (get-combos option)
+                                     (modulo idx (length (get-combos option))))))
+               (set-option! options section name value)
+               (loop (cdr report-options)
+                     (cons (cond
+                            ((boolean? value) (if value "t" "f"))
+                            (else (object->string value)))
+                           option-summary))))))
+     (iota (apply max (cons 0 (map (lambda (opt) (length (get-combos opt)))
+                                   report-options)))))))
 (define (combinatorial-stress-test report-name uuid report-options)
   (let* ((options (gnc:make-report-options uuid))
          (render #f))
     (test-assert (format #f "basic test ~a" report-name)
       (set! render
          uuid options (string-append "stress-" report-name) "test")))
-    (if render
-        (begin
-          (format #t "Testing n-tuple combinatorics for:\n~a" report-name)
-          (for-each
-           (lambda (option)
-             (format #t ",~a/~a"
-                     (vector-ref option 0)
-                     (vector-ref option 1)))
-           report-options)
-          (newline)
-          ;; generate combinatorics
-          (let* ((option-lengths (map (lambda (report-option)
-                                        (length (vector-ref report-option 3)))
-                                      report-options))
-                 (jennyargs (string-join (map number->string option-lengths) " "))
-                 (n-tuple (min
-                           ;; the following is the n-tuple
-                           2
-                           (length report-options)))
-                 (cmdline (format #f "~a -n~a ~a"
-                                  jennypath n-tuple jennyargs))
-                 (jennyout (get-string-all (open-input-pipe cmdline)))
-                 (test-cases (string-split jennyout #\newline)))
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (case)
-               (unless (string-null? case)
-                 (let* ((choices-str (string-filter char-alphabetic? case))
-                        (choices-alpha (map char->integer (string->list choices-str)))
-                        (choices (map (lambda (n)
-                                        (- n (if (> n 96) 97 39))) ; a-z -> 0-25, and A-Z -> 26-51
-                                      choices-alpha)))
-                   (let loop ((option-idx (1- (length report-options)))
-                              (option-summary '()))
-                     (if (negative? option-idx)
-                         (catch #t
-                           (lambda ()
-                             (gnc:options->render uuid options "stress-test" "test")
-                             (format #t "[pass] ~a:~a \n"
-                                     report-name
-                                     (string-join option-summary ",")))
-                           (lambda (k . args)
-                             (format #t "[fail]... error (~s . ~s) options-list are:\n~a"
-                                     k args
-                                     (gnc:html-render-options-changed options #t))
-                             (test-assert "logging test failure as above..."
-                               #f)))
-                         (let* ((option (list-ref report-options option-idx))
-                                (section (vector-ref option 0))
-                                (name (vector-ref option 1))
-                                (value (list-ref (vector-ref option 3)
-                                                 (list-ref choices option-idx))))
-                           (set-option! options section name value)
-                           (loop (1- option-idx)
-                                 (cons (format #f "~a"
-                                               (cond
-                                                ((boolean? value) (if value 't 'f))
-                                                (else value)))
-                                       option-summary))))))))
-             test-cases)))
-        (display "...aborted due to basic test failure"))))
+    (cond
+     (render
+      (format #t "Testing n-tuple combinatorics for:\n~a" report-name)
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (option)
+         (format #t ",~a/~a"
+                 (get-section option)
+                 (get-name option)))
+       report-options)
+      (newline)
+      (when (gnc:lookup-option options "General" "Start Date")
+        (set-option! options "General" "Start Date"
+                     (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 12 1969))))
+      (when (gnc:lookup-option options "General" "End Date")
+        (set-option! options "General" "End Date"
+                     (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1972))))
+      ;; generate combinatorics
+      (let* ((option-lengths (map (lambda (report-option)
+                                    (length (get-combos report-option)))
+                                  report-options))
+             (jennyargs (string-join (map number->string option-lengths) " "))
+             (n-tuple (min N-TUPLE (length report-options)))
+             (cmdline (format #f "~a -n~a ~a" jennypath n-tuple jennyargs))
+             (jennyout (get-string-all (open-input-pipe cmdline)))
+             (test-cases (string-split jennyout #\newline)))
+        (for-each
+         (lambda (case)
+           (unless (string-null? case)
+             (let* ((choices-str (string-filter char-alphabetic? case))
+                    (choices-alpha (map char->integer (string->list choices-str)))
+                    (choices (map (lambda (n)
+                                    ;; a-z -> 0-25, and A-Z -> 26-51
+                                    (- n (if (> n 96) 97 39)))
+                                  choices-alpha)))
+               (let loop ((option-idx (1- (length report-options)))
+                          (option-summary '()))
+                 (if (negative? option-idx)
+                     (try-run-report uuid options option-summary)
+                     (let* ((option (list-ref report-options option-idx))
+                            (section (get-section option))
+                            (name (get-name option))
+                            (value (list-ref (get-combos option)
+                                             (list-ref choices option-idx))))
+                       (set-option! options section name value)
+                       (loop (1- option-idx)
+                             (cons (cond
+                                    ((boolean? value) (if value "t" "f"))
+                                    (else (object->string value)))
+                                   option-summary))))))))
+         test-cases)))
+     (else
+      (display "...aborted due to basic test failure")))))
 (define test
   ;; what strategy are we using here? simple stress test (ie tests as
@@ -222,63 +242,6 @@
-(define (create-test-data)
-  (let* ((env (create-test-env))
-         (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
-         (bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
-         (gbp-bank (cdr (assoc "GBP Bank" account-alist)))
-         (wallet (cdr (assoc "Wallet" account-alist)))
-         (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
-         (gbp-income (cdr (assoc "Income-GBP" account-alist)))
-         (expense (cdr (assoc "Expenses" account-alist)))
-         (liability (cdr (assoc "Liabilities" account-alist)))
-         (equity (cdr (assoc "Equity" account-alist))))
-    ;; populate datafile with old transactions
-    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 bank expense       5   #:description "desc-1" #:num "trn1" #:memo "memo-3")
-    (env-transfer env 31 12 1969 income bank       10   #:description "desc-2" #:num "trn2" #:void-reason "void" #:notes "notes3")
-    (env-transfer env 31 12 1969 income bank       29   #:description "desc-3" #:num "trn3"
-                  #:reconcile (cons #\c (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
-    (env-transfer env 01 02 1970 bank expense      15   #:description "desc-4" #:num "trn4" #:notes "notes2" #:memo "memo-1")
-    (env-transfer env 10 01 1970 liability expense 10   #:description "desc-5" #:num "trn5" #:void-reason "any")
-    (env-transfer env 10 01 1970 liability expense 11   #:description "desc-6" #:num "trn6" #:notes "notes1")
-    (env-transfer env 10 02 1970 bank liability     8   #:description "desc-7" #:num "trn7" #:notes "notes1" #:memo "memo-2"
-                  #:reconcile (cons #\y (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
-    (let ((txn (xaccMallocTransaction (gnc-get-current-book)))
-          (split-1 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book)))
-          (split-2 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book)))
-          (split-3 (xaccMallocSplit  (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (xaccTransBeginEdit txn)
-      (xaccTransSetDescription txn "$100bank -> $80expenses + $20wallet")
-      (xaccTransSetCurrency txn (xaccAccountGetCommodity bank))
-      (xaccTransSetDate txn 14 02 1971)
-      (xaccSplitSetParent split-1 txn)
-      (xaccSplitSetParent split-2 txn)
-      (xaccSplitSetParent split-3 txn)
-      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-1 bank)
-      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-2 expense)
-      (xaccSplitSetAccount split-3 wallet)
-      (xaccSplitSetValue split-1 -100)
-      (xaccSplitSetValue split-2 80)
-      (xaccSplitSetValue split-3 20)
-      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-1 -100)
-      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-2 80)
-      (xaccSplitSetAmount split-3 20)
-      (xaccTransSetNotes txn "multisplit")
-      (xaccTransCommitEdit txn))
-    (let ((closing-txn (env-transfer env 31 12 1977 expense equity 111 #:description "Closing")))
-      (xaccTransSetIsClosingTxn closing-txn #t))
-    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 01 2000 gbp-bank bank 10 14 #:description "GBP 10 to USD 14")
-    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 02 2000 bank gbp-bank  9  6 #:description "USD 9 to GBP 6")
-    (for-each (lambda (m)
-                (env-transfer env 08 (1+ m) 1978 gbp-income gbp-bank 51 #:description "#51 income")
-                (env-transfer env 03 (1+ m) 1978 income bank  103 #:description "$103 income")
-                (env-transfer env 15 (1+ m) 1978 bank expense  22 #:description "$22 expense")
-                (env-transfer env 09 (1+ m) 1978 income bank  109 #:description "$109 income"))
-              (iota 12))
-    (let ((mid (floor (/ (+ (gnc-accounting-period-fiscal-start)
-                            (gnc-accounting-period-fiscal-end)) 2))))
-      (env-create-transaction env mid bank income 200))))
 (define (run-tests prefix)
    (lambda (option-set)
@@ -293,15 +256,6 @@
                      "Australian Tax Invoice"
                      "Balance Sheet (eguile)"
-                     ;; tax-schedule - locale-dependent?
-                     "Tax Schedule Report/TXF Export"
-                     ;; unusual reports
-                     "Welcome to GnuCash"
-                     "Hello, World"
-                     "Multicolumn View"
-                     "General Journal"
            (format #t "\nSkipping ~a ~a...\n" report-name prefix)
@@ -312,4 +266,5 @@
 (define (tests)
   (run-tests "with empty book")
+  (create-test-invoice-data)
   (run-tests "on a populated book"))

commit 54c076504430677d38beca09cbf6c6665f9c14d7
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Jul 22 21:24:28 2019 +0800

    [test-invoice] modified to call (create-test-invoice-data)
    test-invoice will call (create-business-test-data) to create the 8
    sample invoices as previously generated.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/test/test-invoice.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/test/test-invoice.scm
index 17db4d12d..d6a3588b4 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/test/test-invoice.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/test/test-invoice.scm
@@ -84,110 +84,15 @@
          (vat-purchases (cdr (assoc "VAT-on-Purchases" account-alist)))
          (receivable (cdr (assoc "A/Receivable" account-alist)))
          (YEAR (gnc:time64-get-year (gnc:get-today)))
-         (cust-1 (let ((cust-1 (gncCustomerCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                   (gncCustomerSetID cust-1 "cust-1-id")
-                   (gncCustomerSetName cust-1 "cust-1-name")
-                   (gncCustomerSetNotes cust-1 "cust-1-notes")
-                   (gncCustomerSetCurrency cust-1 (gnc-default-report-currency))
-                   (gncCustomerSetTaxIncluded cust-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
-                   cust-1))
-         (owner-1 (let ((owner-1 (gncOwnerNew)))
-                    (gncOwnerInitCustomer owner-1 cust-1)
-                    owner-1))
-         ;; inv-1 is generated for a customer
-         (inv-1 (let ((inv-1 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-1 owner-1)
-                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-1 "inv-1-notes")
-                  (gncInvoiceSetBillingID inv-1 "inv-1-billing-id")
-                  inv-1))
-         (job-1 (let ((job-1 (gncJobCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncJobSetID job-1 "job-1-id")
-                  (gncJobSetName job-1 "job-1-name")
-                  (gncJobSetOwner job-1 owner-1)
-                  job-1))
-         (owner-2 (let ((owner-2 (gncOwnerNew)))
-                    (gncOwnerInitJob owner-2 job-1)
-                    owner-2))
-         ;; inv-2 is generated from a customer's job
-         (inv-2 (let ((inv-2 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-2 owner-2)
-                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-2 "inv-2-notes")
-                  inv-2))
-         (vend-1 (let ((vend-1 (gncVendorCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                   (gncVendorSetID vend-1 "vend-1-id")
-                   (gncVendorSetName vend-1 "vend-1-name")
-                   (gncVendorSetNotes vend-1 "vend-1-notes")
-                   (gncVendorSetCurrency vend-1 (gnc-default-report-currency))
-                   (gncVendorSetTaxIncluded vend-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
-                   vend-1))
-         (owner-3 (let ((owner-3 (gncOwnerNew)))
-                    (gncOwnerInitVendor owner-3 vend-1)
-                    owner-3))
-         ;; inv-3 is generated from a vendor
-         (inv-3 (let ((inv-3 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-3 owner-3)
-                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-3 "inv-3-notes")
-                  inv-3))
-         (emp-1 (let ((emp-1 (gncEmployeeCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncEmployeeSetID emp-1 "emp-1-id")
-                  (gncEmployeeSetCurrency emp-1 (gnc-default-report-currency))
-                  (gncEmployeeSetName emp-1 "emp-1-name")
-                  emp-1))
-         (owner-4 (let ((owner-4 (gncOwnerNew)))
-                    (gncOwnerInitEmployee owner-4 emp-1)
-                    owner-4))
-         ;; inv-4 is generated for an employee
-         (inv-4 (let ((inv-4 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-4 owner-4)
-                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-4 "inv-4-notes")
-                  inv-4))
-         ;; inv-5 cust-credit-note
-         (inv-5 (let ((inv-5 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-1)))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-5 #t)
-                  inv-5))
-         ;; inv-6 vend-credit-note
-         (inv-6 (let ((inv-6 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-3)))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-6 #t)
-                  inv-6))
-         ;; inv-7 emp-credit-note
-         (inv-7 (let ((inv-7 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-4)))
-                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-7 #t)
-                  inv-7))
-         (standard-vat-sales-tt (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                                  (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
-                                  (gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on sales")
-                                  (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
-                                    (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
-                                    (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
-                                    (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
-                                    (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
-                                  tt))
-         (standard-vat-purchases-tt (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                                      (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
-                                      (gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on purchases")
-                                      (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
-                                        (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-purchases)
-                                        (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
-                                        (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
-                                        (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
-                                      tt)))
+         (invoices (create-test-invoice-data))
+         (inv-1 (vector-ref invoices 0))
+         (inv-2 (vector-ref invoices 1))
+         (inv-3 (vector-ref invoices 2))
+         (inv-4 (vector-ref invoices 3))
+         (inv-5 (vector-ref invoices 4))
+         (inv-6 (vector-ref invoices 5))
+         (inv-7 (vector-ref invoices 6))
+         (inv-8 (vector-ref invoices 7)))
     (define* (default-testing-options inv #:optional (setting #t))
       (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options uuid)))
@@ -196,7 +101,7 @@
          (lambda (disp-col-name)
            (set-option! options "Display Columns" disp-col-name setting))
          '("Date" "Description" "Action" "Quantity" "Price" "Discount"
-              "Taxable" "Tax Amount" "Total"))
+           "Taxable" "Tax Amount" "Total"))
          (lambda (disp-col-name)
            (set-option! options "Display" disp-col-name setting))
@@ -206,17 +111,6 @@
            "Payments" "Job Details"))
-    ;; entry-1  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-1 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-1 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-1 "entry-1-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-1 "entry-1-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-1 "entry-1-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-1 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-1 2 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-1 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-1 entry-1))
     (test-begin "inv-1 simple entry")
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-1))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-1 simple entry")))
@@ -251,27 +145,6 @@
     (test-end "inv-1 simple entry, sparse options")
     (test-begin "inv-2")
-    (let ((entry-2 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-2 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-2 "entry-2-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-2 "entry-2-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-2 "entry-2-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-2 income)
-      (gncEntrySetInvTaxable entry-2 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-2 5 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-2 11)
-      (gncEntrySetInvDiscount entry-2 10)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-1 entry-2))
-    ;; entry-inv-2  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-inv-2 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-2 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-2 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-2 2 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-inv-2 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-2 entry-inv-2))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-2))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-2 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-2 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -298,16 +171,6 @@
     (test-end "inv-2")
     (test-begin "inv-3")
-    ;; entry-inv-3  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-inv-3 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-3 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-3 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-3 2 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-3 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-3 entry-inv-3))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-3))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-3 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-3 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -325,18 +188,7 @@
          ((sxpath '(// body // *text*)) sxml))))
     (test-end "inv-3")
     (test-begin "inv-4")
-    ;; entry-inv-4  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-inv-4 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-4 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-4 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-4 2 #f)
-      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-4 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-4 entry-inv-4))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-4))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-4 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-4 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -355,16 +207,6 @@
     (test-end "inv-4")
     (test-begin "inv-5 simple entry")
-    ;; entry-5  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-5 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-5 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-5 "entry-5-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-5 "entry-5-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-5 "entry-5-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-5 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-5 2 #t)
-      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-5 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-5 entry-5))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-5))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-5 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-5 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -379,15 +221,6 @@
     (test-end "inv-5 simple entry")
     (test-begin "inv-6")
-    (let ((entry-inv-6 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-6 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-6 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-6 2 #t)
-      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-6 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-6 entry-inv-6))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-6))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-6 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-6 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -406,16 +239,6 @@
     (test-end "inv-6")
     (test-begin "inv-7")
-    ;; entry-inv-7  2 widgets of $3 = $6
-    (let ((entry-inv-7 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-7 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-desc")
-      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-action")
-      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-notes")
-      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-7 income)
-      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-7 2 #t)
-      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-7 3)
-      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-7 entry-inv-7))
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-7))
            (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-7 simple entry")))
       (test-equal "inv-7 simple entry amounts are correct"
@@ -434,115 +257,27 @@
     (test-end "inv-7")
     (test-begin "combinations of gncEntry options")
-    (let* ((inv-8 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book)))
-           (taxrate 109/10)
-           (discount 7/2)
-           (unitprice 777/4)
-           (quantity 11)
-           (combo-vat-sales-tt (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                                 (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
-                                 (gncTaxTableSetName tt (format #f "~a% vat on sales" taxrate))
-                                 (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
-                                   (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
-                                   (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
-                                   (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry taxrate)
-                                   (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
-                                 tt))
-           (order (let ((order (gncOrderCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                    (gncOrderSetID order "order-id")
-                    (gncOrderSetOwner order owner-1)
-                    (gncOrderSetReference order "order-ref")
-                    (gncOrderSetActive order #t)
-                    order))
-           (billterm (let ((term (gncBillTermCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
-                       (gncBillTermSetName term "billterm-name")
-                       (gncBillTermSetDescription term "billterm-desc")
-                       (gncBillTermSetType term 1) ;1 = GNC-TERM-TYPE-DAYS
-                       (gncBillTermSetDueDays term 8)
-                       term)))
-      (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-8 owner-1)
-      (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-8 (gnc-default-report-currency))
-      (gncInvoiceSetTerms inv-8 billterm)
-      (for-each
-       (lambda (combo)
-         (let* ((each-entry (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book)))
-                (taxable? (= (vector-ref combo 0) 1))
-                (tax-included? (= (vector-ref combo 1) 1))
-                (discount-type (vector-ref combo 2))
-                (discount-how (vector-ref combo 3))
-                (desc (format #f "taxable=~a tax-included=~a discount-type=~a discount-how=~a"
-                              (if taxable? "Y" "N")
-                              (if tax-included? "Y" "N")
-                              (gncAmountTypeToString discount-type)
-                              (gncEntryDiscountHowToString discount-how))))
-           (gncEntrySetDateGDate each-entry (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
-           (gncEntrySetDescription each-entry desc)
-           (gncEntrySetAction each-entry "action")
-           (gncEntrySetInvAccount each-entry income)
-           (gncEntrySetDocQuantity each-entry quantity #f)
-           (gncEntrySetInvPrice each-entry unitprice)
-           (gncEntrySetInvDiscount each-entry discount)
-           (gncEntrySetInvDiscountType each-entry discount-type)
-           (gncEntrySetInvDiscountHow each-entry discount-how)
-           (gncEntrySetInvTaxable each-entry taxable?)
-           (gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded each-entry tax-included?)
-           (gncEntrySetInvTaxTable each-entry combo-vat-sales-tt)
-           ;; FIXME: Note: The following function hides a subtle
-           ;; bug. It aims to retrieve & dump the entry description
-           ;; and amount. Unfortunately the (gncEntryGetDocValue)
-           ;; function will subtly modify the entry amounts by a
-           ;; fraction; this means that the subsequent invoice payment
-           ;; will not make the invoice amount completely zero. If the
-           ;; following statement is uncommented, the invoice
-           ;; generated will not change, however, the test will fail
-           ;; because the (gncInvoiceIsPaid) final test will fail.
-           ;; (format #t "inv-8: adding ~a to invoice, entry amount is ~a\n"
-           ;;         desc
-           ;;         (exact->inexact (gncEntryGetDocValue each-entry #f #t #f)))
-           (gncOrderAddEntry order each-entry)
-           (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-8 each-entry)))
-       (list
-        ;; the following list specifies combinations to test gncEntry options
-        ;; thanks to rgmerk and to jenny for idea how to generate list of options
-        ;; (vector Taxable?(1=#t) Tax-included?(1=#t) DiscountType DiscountHow)
-        (vector 1 2 1 1)
-        (vector 2 1 2 2)
-        (vector 1 1 2 3)
-        (vector 2 2 1 3)
-        (vector 2 1 1 1)
-        (vector 1 2 2 2)
-        (vector 1 2 1 2)
-        (vector 1 1 2 1)))
-      (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-8 (format #f "tax=~a%, discount=~a, qty=~a, price=~a" taxrate discount quantity unitprice))
-      (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-8 receivable (current-time)
-                               (current-time) "trans-posting-memo"
-                               #t #f)
-      (gncInvoiceApplyPayment inv-8 '() bank 1747918/100 1
-                              (current-time) "trans-payment-memo-1" "trans-payment-num-1")
-      (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-8))
-             (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-8 combinatorics")))
-        (test-assert "inv-8 billterm-desc is in invoice body"
-          (member
-           "billterm-desc"
-           ((sxpath '(// body // *text*)) sxml)))
-        (test-assert "inv-8 gncOrder reference is in invoice body"
-          (member
-           "REF order-ref"
-           ((sxpath '(// body // *text*)) sxml)))
-        (test-equal "inv-8 invoice date is in invoice body"
-          '("Date:")
-          (sxml-get-row-col "invoice-details-table" sxml 1 1))
-        (test-equal "inv-8 due date is in invoice body"
-          '("Due Date:")
-          (sxml-get-row-col "invoice-details-table" sxml 2 1))
-        (test-equal "inv-8 combo amounts are correct"
-          '("$2,133.25" "$2,061.96" "$2,133.25" "$2,061.96" "$2,133.25" "$2,133.25"
-            "$1,851.95" "$1,859.30" "$16,368.17" "$1,111.01" "$17,479.18"
-            "-$17,479.18" "$0.00")
-          (sxml-get-row-col "entries-table" sxml #f -1))
-        (test-assert "inv-8 is fully paid up!"
-          (gncInvoiceIsPaid inv-8))))
+    (let* ((options (default-testing-options inv-8))
+           (sxml (options->sxml options "inv-8 combinatorics")))
+      (test-assert "inv-8 billterm-desc is in invoice body"
+        (member
+         "billterm-desc"
+         ((sxpath '(// body // *text*)) sxml)))
+      (test-assert "inv-8 gncOrder reference is in invoice body"
+        (member
+         "REF order-ref"
+         ((sxpath '(// body // *text*)) sxml)))
+      (test-equal "inv-8 invoice date is in invoice body"
+        '("Date:")
+        (sxml-get-row-col "invoice-details-table" sxml 1 1))
+      (test-equal "inv-8 due date is in invoice body"
+        '("Due Date:")
+        (sxml-get-row-col "invoice-details-table" sxml 2 1))
+      (test-equal "inv-8 combo amounts are correct"
+        '("$2,133.25" "$2,061.96" "$2,133.25" "$2,061.96" "$2,133.25" "$2,133.25"
+          "$1,851.95" "$1,859.30" "$16,368.17" "$1,111.01" "$17,479.18"
+          "-$17,479.18" "$0.00")
+        (sxml-get-row-col "entries-table" sxml #f -1))
+      (test-assert "inv-8 is fully paid up!"
+        (gncInvoiceIsPaid inv-8)))
     (test-end "combinations of gncEntry options")))

commit 681e023cd57f4dc77eccc6a95a58b729c5957541
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Jul 24 22:58:40 2019 +0800

    [date-utilities][API] deprecate unused exports, add comments
    * deprecated:
    * remove gnc:reldate-list, unused
    * comment sections

diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
index 325ec507e..f4437a2af 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm
@@ -227,12 +227,12 @@
 (export gnc:reldate-get-string)
 (export gnc:reldate-get-desc)
 (export gnc:reldate-get-fn)
-(export gnc:make-reldate-hash)
-(export gnc:reldate-string-db)
-(export gnc:relative-date-values)
-(export gnc:relative-date-hash)
+(export gnc:make-reldate-hash)          ;deprecate
+(export gnc:reldate-string-db)          ;deprecate
+(export gnc:relative-date-values)       ;deprecate
+(export gnc:relative-date-hash)         ;deprecate
 (export gnc:get-absolute-from-relative-date)
-(export gnc:get-relative-date-strings)
+(export gnc:get-relative-date-strings)  ;deprecate
 (export gnc:get-relative-date-string)
 (export gnc:get-relative-date-desc)
 (export gnc:get-start-cal-year)
diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm b/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
index 7e63017b9..e2e8216ac 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash core-utils)
              (gnucash gettext))
-(define gnc:reldate-list '())
 ;; get stuff from localtime date vector
 (define (gnc:date-get-year datevec)
   (+ 1900 (tm:year datevec)))
@@ -153,9 +151,10 @@
   (let ((lt (gnc-localtime caltime)))
     (+ (* 12 (- (gnc:date-get-year lt) 1970.0))
        (gnc:date-get-month lt) -1
-       (/ (- (gnc:date-get-month-day lt) 1.0) (gnc:days-in-month 
-					       (gnc:date-get-month lt)
-					       (gnc:date-get-year lt))))))
+       (/ (- (gnc:date-get-month-day lt) 1.0)
+          (gnc:days-in-month
+	   (gnc:date-get-month lt)
+	   (gnc:date-get-year lt))))))
 ;; convert a date in seconds since 1970 into # of two-week periods since
 ;; Jan 4, 1970 ignoring leap-seconds (just halfing date-to-week-fraction)
@@ -209,10 +208,12 @@
 ;; date-granularity comparison functions.
 (define (gnc:time64-le-date t1 t2)
+  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:time64-le-date is unused")
   (<= (time64CanonicalDayTime t1)
       (time64CanonicalDayTime t2)))
 (define (gnc:time64-ge-date t1 t2)
+  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:time64-ge-date is unused")
   (gnc:time64-le-date t2 t1))
 ;; returns #t if adding 1 to mday causes a month change.
@@ -414,6 +415,9 @@
 (define (gnc:time64-next-day t64)
   (incdate t64 DayDelta))
+;; relative-date functions start here
 (define (gnc:reldate-get-symbol x) (vector-ref x 0))
 (define (gnc:reldate-get-string x) (vector-ref x 1))
@@ -421,19 +425,24 @@
 (define (gnc:reldate-get-fn x) (vector-ref x 3))
 (define (gnc:make-reldate-hash hash reldate-list)
+  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:make-reldate-hash is deprecated.")
   (map (lambda (reldate) (hash-set! 
 			  (gnc:reldate-get-symbol reldate)
-(define gnc:reldate-string-db (gnc:make-string-database))
-(define gnc:relative-date-values '())
+;; the following two variables will be inlined and can be deprecated
+(define gnc:reldate-string-db (gnc:make-string-database)) ;deprecate
+(define gnc:relative-date-values '())                     ;deprecate
-(define gnc:relative-date-hash (make-hash-table 23))
+;; the globally available hash of reldates (hash-key = reldate
+;; symbols, hash-value = a vector, reldate data). aim to deprecate it
+;; being exported.
+(define gnc:relative-date-hash (make-hash-table))
 (define (gnc:get-absolute-from-relative-date date-symbol)
+  ;; used in options.scm
   (let ((rel-date-data (hash-ref gnc:relative-date-hash date-symbol)))
     (if rel-date-data
         ((gnc:reldate-get-fn rel-date-data))
@@ -446,19 +455,26 @@ Defaulting to today."))
 (define (gnc:get-relative-date-strings date-symbol)
+  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:get-relative-date-strings is unused.")
   (let ((rel-date-info (hash-ref gnc:relative-date-hash date-symbol)))
     (cons (gnc:reldate-get-string rel-date-info)
 	  (gnc:relate-get-desc rel-date-info))))
 (define (gnc:get-relative-date-string date-symbol)
+  ;; used in options.scm
   (let ((rel-date-info (hash-ref gnc:relative-date-hash date-symbol)))
     (gnc:reldate-get-string rel-date-info)))
 (define (gnc:get-relative-date-desc date-symbol)
+  ;; used in options.scm
   (let ((rel-date-info (hash-ref gnc:relative-date-hash date-symbol)))
     (gnc:reldate-get-desc rel-date-info)))
+;; end relative-date functions
 (define (gnc:get-start-cal-year)
   (let ((now (gnc-localtime (current-time))))
     (set-tm:sec now 0)
@@ -808,6 +824,9 @@ Defaulting to today."))
 ;;start-cur-fin-year start-prev-fin-year end-prev-fin-year
 (define (gnc:reldate-initialize)
+  (define gnc:reldate-string-db (gnc:make-string-database))
+  (define gnc:relative-date-values #f)
    'store 'start-cal-year-string 
    (N_ "Start of this year"))
@@ -1131,7 +1150,8 @@ Defaulting to today."))
 		 (gnc:reldate-string-db 'lookup 'one-year-ahead-desc)
-  (gnc:make-reldate-hash gnc:relative-date-hash gnc:relative-date-values)
-  (set! gnc:reldate-list
-	(map (lambda (x) (vector-ref x 0)) gnc:relative-date-values)))
+  ;; initialise gnc:relative-date-hash
+  (for-each
+   (lambda (reldate)
+     (hash-set! gnc:relative-date-hash (gnc:reldate-get-symbol reldate) reldate))
+   gnc:relative-date-values))

commit 7e9ec00906a3100f7a8cd1a0f97df1a8eb480050
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Jul 24 23:44:24 2019 +0800

    [date-utilities] tidy up gnc:make-date-interval-list

diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm b/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
index f954d13fd..7e63017b9 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm
@@ -249,6 +249,8 @@
 (define (gnc:make-date-interval-list startdate enddate incr)
   (define month-delta
     (assv-ref MonthDeltas incr))
+  (define (make-interval from to)
+    (list from (if (< to enddate) (decdate to SecDelta) enddate)))
   (let loop ((result '())
              (date startdate)
              (idx 0))
@@ -258,20 +260,12 @@
       (let* ((curr (incdate-months startdate (* month-delta idx)))
              (next (incdate-months startdate (* month-delta (1+ idx)))))
-        (loop (cons (list curr
-                          (if (< next enddate)
-                              (decdate next SecDelta)
-                              enddate))
-                    result)
+        (loop (cons (make-interval curr next) result)
               (1+ idx))))
       (let ((next (incdate date incr)))
-        (loop (cons (list date
-                          (if (< next enddate)
-                              (decdate next SecDelta)
-                              enddate))
-                    result)
+        (loop (cons (make-interval date next) result)
               (1+ idx)))))))

commit 9e3aca2ea9eebec58449d078590a3fd235b44678
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Tue Jul 23 22:04:59 2019 +0800

    [balsheet-pnl] fixcrash: price-conversion with 'overall-period
    previously price-conversion with overall-period would fail when
    considering the pricing date for the overall-period column. Use the
    last date for the overall-period.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
index 6ad0a19a6..5bf1c2f98 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
@@ -781,20 +781,30 @@ also show overall period profit & loss."))
                             price-source common-currency
                             (map xaccAccountGetCommodity accounts) enddate
                             #f #f)))
+         ;; this function will convert the monetary found at col-idx
+         ;; into report-currency if the latter exists. The price
+         ;; applicable the the col-idx column is used. If the monetary
+         ;; cannot be converted (eg. missing price) then it is not converted.
          (convert-curr-fn (lambda (monetary col-idx)
                             (and common-currency
                                  (not (gnc-commodity-equal
                                        (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary)
                                  (has-price? (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
-                                 (let* ((date (case price-source
-                                                ((pricedb-latest) (current-time))
-                                                (else
-                                                 (list-ref report-dates
-                                                           (case report-type
-                                                             ((balsheet) col-idx)
-                                                             ((pnl) (1+ col-idx))))))))
+                                 (let ((date
+                                        (cond
+                                         ((eq? price-source 'pricedb-latest)
+                                          (current-time))
+                                         ((eq? col-idx 'overall-period)
+                                          (last report-dates))
+                                         (else
+                                          (list-ref report-dates
+                                                    (case report-type
+                                                      ((balsheet) col-idx)
+                                                      ((pnl) (1+ col-idx))))))))
                                    (exchange-fn monetary common-currency date)))))
          ;; the following function generates an gnc:html-text object
          ;; to dump exchange rate for a particular column. From the
          ;; accountlist given, obtain commodities, and convert 1 unit

commit c3eab984ce152a561229f42a1f9f468f4ff62de2
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Tue Jul 23 22:04:24 2019 +0800

    [average-balance] fixcrash: asset-accounts present but no splits
    restore the analyze-splits function. previously it would run on an
    empty splitlist (obtained via empty accounts for example) and crash
    with div/0. this commit will break loop back to analyze-splits
    function, and only call it if the splitlist is not null.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm
index e07383491..e0308299e 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm
@@ -149,6 +149,121 @@
         (_ "Loss") (_ "Profit") ))
+(define (analyze-splits splits balances daily-dates interval-dates
+                        internal-included exchange-fn report-currency)
+  ;; this is a tight loop. start with: daily-balances & daily-dates,
+  ;; interval-dates, and the splitlist. traverse the daily balances
+  ;; and splitlist until we cross an interval date boundary, then
+  ;; summarize the interval-balances and interval-amounts
+  (define work-to-do (length splits))
+  (let loop ((results '())
+             (interval-bals '())
+             (interval-amts '())
+             (splits splits)
+             (work-done 0)
+             (daily-balances (cdr balances))
+             (daily-dates (cdr daily-dates))
+             (interval-start (car interval-dates))
+             (interval-dates (cdr interval-dates)))
+    (cond
+     ;; daily-dates finished. job done. add details for last-interval
+     ;; which must be handled separately, and return to caller
+     ((null? daily-dates)
+      (reverse
+       (cons (list
+              (qof-print-date interval-start)
+              (qof-print-date (car interval-dates))
+              (/ (apply + interval-bals)
+                 (length interval-bals))
+              (apply max interval-bals)
+              (apply min interval-bals)
+              (apply + (filter positive? interval-amts))
+              (- (apply + (filter negative? interval-amts)))
+              (apply + interval-amts))
+             results)))
+     ;; first daily-date > first interval-date -- crossed interval
+     ;; boundary -- add interval details to results
+     ((> (car daily-dates) (car interval-dates))
+      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
+      (loop (cons (list
+                   (qof-print-date interval-start)
+                   (qof-print-date (decdate (car interval-dates)
+                                            DayDelta))
+                   (/ (apply + interval-bals)
+                      (length interval-bals))
+                   (apply max interval-bals)
+                   (apply min interval-bals)
+                   (apply + (filter positive? interval-amts))
+                   (- (apply + (filter negative? interval-amts)))
+                   (apply + interval-amts))
+                  results)    ;process interval amts&bals
+            '()               ;reset interval-bals
+            '()               ;and interval-amts
+            splits
+            work-done
+            daily-balances
+            daily-dates
+            (car interval-dates)
+            (cdr interval-dates)))
+     ;; we're still within interval, no more splits left within
+     ;; current interval. add daily balance to interval.
+     ((or (null? splits)
+          (> (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits)))
+             (car interval-dates)))
+      (loop results
+            (cons (car daily-balances) interval-bals)
+            interval-amts
+            splits
+            work-done
+            (cdr daily-balances)
+            (cdr daily-dates)
+            interval-start
+            interval-dates))
+     ;; we're still within interval. 'internal' is disallowed; there
+     ;; are at least 2 splits remaining, both from the same
+     ;; transaction. skip them. NOTE we should really expand this
+     ;; conditional whereby all splits are internal, however the
+     ;; option is labelled as 2-splits only. best maintain behaviour.
+     ((and (not internal-included)
+           (pair? (cdr splits))
+           (= 2 (xaccTransCountSplits (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits))))
+           (equal? (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits))
+                   (xaccSplitGetParent (cadr splits))))
+      (loop results
+            interval-bals
+            interval-amts ;interval-amts unchanged
+            (cddr splits) ;skip two splits.
+            (+ 2 work-done)
+            daily-balances
+            daily-dates
+            interval-start
+            interval-dates))
+     ;; we're still within interval. there are splits remaining. add
+     ;; split details to interval-amts
+     (else
+      (loop results
+            interval-bals
+            (cons (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+                   (exchange-fn
+                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+                     (xaccAccountGetCommodity
+                      (xaccSplitGetAccount (car splits)))
+                     (xaccSplitGetAmount (car splits)))
+                    report-currency
+                    (car interval-dates)))
+                  interval-amts) ;add split amt to list
+            (cdr splits)         ;and loop to next split
+            (1+ work-done)
+            daily-balances
+            daily-dates
+            interval-start
+            interval-dates)))))
 ;; Renderer
@@ -168,7 +283,8 @@
          (enddate (gnc:time64-end-day-time 
                     (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-to-date))))
-         (stepsize (gnc:deltasym-to-delta (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize)))
+         (stepsize (gnc:deltasym-to-delta
+                    (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-stepsize)))
          (report-currency (get-option gnc:pagename-general 
          (price-source (get-option gnc:pagename-general
@@ -267,128 +383,14 @@
                                   (exchange-fn monetary target-curr date)))))
                             (iota work-to-do)
-                            (apply zip accounts-balances)))
+                            (apply zip accounts-balances))))
-                 ;; for upcoming interval-calculators
-                 (work-to-do (length splits)))
             (qof-query-destroy query)
-            ;; this is a complicated tight loop. start with:
-            ;; daily-balances & daily-dates, interval-dates, and the
-            ;; splitlist. traverse the daily balances and splitlist
-            ;; until we cross an interval date boundary, then
-            ;; summarize the interval-balances and interval-amounts
-            (let loop ((results '())
-                       (interval-bals '())
-                       (interval-amts '())
-                       (splits splits)
-                       (work-done 0)
-                       (daily-balances (cdr balances))
-                       (daily-dates (cdr daily-dates))
-                       (interval-start (car interval-dates))
-                       (interval-dates (cdr interval-dates)))
-              (cond
-               ;; daily-dates finished. job done. add details for
-               ;; last-interval which must be handled separately.
-               ((null? daily-dates)
-                (set! data
-                  (reverse!
-                   (cons (list
-                          (qof-print-date interval-start)
-                          (qof-print-date (car interval-dates))
-                          (/ (apply + interval-bals)
-                             (length interval-bals))
-                          (apply max interval-bals)
-                          (apply min interval-bals)
-                          (apply + (filter positive? interval-amts))
-                          (- (apply + (filter negative? interval-amts)))
-                          (apply + interval-amts))
-                         results))))
-               ;; first daily-date > first interval-date -- crossed
-               ;; interval boundary -- add interval details to results
-               ((> (car daily-dates) (car interval-dates))
-                (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
-                (loop (cons (list
-                             (qof-print-date interval-start)
-                             (qof-print-date (decdate (car interval-dates)
-                                                      DayDelta))
-                             (/ (apply + interval-bals)
-                                (length interval-bals))
-                             (apply max interval-bals)
-                             (apply min interval-bals)
-                             (apply + (filter positive? interval-amts))
-                             (- (apply + (filter negative? interval-amts)))
-                             (apply + interval-amts))
-                            results)    ;process interval amts&bals
-                      '()               ;reset interval-bals
-                      '()               ;and interval-amts
-                      splits
-                      work-done
-                      daily-balances
-                      daily-dates
-                      (car interval-dates)
-                      (cdr interval-dates)))
-               ;; we're still within interval, no more splits left
-               ;; within current interval. add daily balance to
-               ;; interval.
-               ((or (null? splits)
-                    (> (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits)))
-                       (car interval-dates)))
-                (loop results
-                      (cons (car daily-balances) interval-bals)
-                      interval-amts
-                      splits
-                      work-done
-                      (cdr daily-balances)
-                      (cdr daily-dates)
-                      interval-start
-                      interval-dates))
-               ;; we're still within interval. 'internal' is
-               ;; disallowed; there are at least 2 splits remaining,
-               ;; both from the same transaction. skip them. NOTE we
-               ;; should really expand this conditional whereby all
-               ;; splits are internal, however the option is labelled
-               ;; as 2-splits only. best maintain current behaviour.
-               ((and (not internal-included)
-                     (pair? (cdr splits))
-                     (= 2 (xaccTransCountSplits (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits))))
-                     (equal? (xaccSplitGetParent (car splits))
-                             (xaccSplitGetParent (cadr splits))))
-                (loop results
-                      interval-bals
-                      interval-amts ;interval-amts unchanged
-                      (cddr splits) ;skip two splits.
-                      (+ work-done 2)
-                      daily-balances
-                      daily-dates
-                      interval-start
-                      interval-dates))
-               ;; we're still within interval. there are splits
-               ;; remaining. add split details to interval-amts
-               (else
-                (loop results
-                      interval-bals
-                      (cons (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
-                             (exchange-fn
-                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                               (xaccAccountGetCommodity
-                                (xaccSplitGetAccount (car splits)))
-                               (xaccSplitGetAmount (car splits)))
-                              report-currency
-                              (car interval-dates)))
-                            interval-amts) ;add split amt to list
-                      (cdr splits)         ;and loop to next split
-                      (1+ work-done)
-                      daily-balances
-                      daily-dates
-                      interval-start
-                      interval-dates)))))
+            (unless (null? splits)
+              (set! data
+                (analyze-splits splits balances daily-dates interval-dates
+                                internal-included exchange-fn report-currency))))
           (gnc:report-percent-done 70)

commit cf6ea4c612e7748206b018bb279b16ade903a919
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon Jul 22 19:57:30 2019 +0800

    [report-utilities] update gnc:dump-book
    gnc:dump-book also shows
    * account balances
    * split memo and reconcile status
    Account: <Root.A/Payable> Comm<USD> Type<A/Payable>
    n Split: 09/03/80 Amt<-$6.00> Val<-$6.00> Desc<vend-1-name> Memo<vendor-bill>
    c Split: 09/04/80 Amt<-$6.00> Val<-$6.00> Desc<emp-1-name> Memo<emp-bill>
    y Split: 09/06/80 Amt<$6.00> Val<$6.00> Desc<vend-1-name> Memo<vend-credit-note>
    f Split: 09/07/80 Amt<$6.00> Val<$6.00> Desc<emp-1-name> Memo<emp-credit-note>
    Balance: $0.00 Cleared: $0.00 Reconciled: $0.00

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
index 3d5e140b8..ef6050bbe 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm
@@ -1173,6 +1173,7 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
 ;; utility function for testing. dumps the whole book contents to
 ;; console.
 (define (gnc:dump-book)
+  (display "\n(gnc:dump-book)\n")
    (lambda (acc)
      (format #t "\nAccount: <~a> Comm<~a> Type<~a>\n"
@@ -1184,7 +1185,8 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
       (lambda (s)
         (let ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
-          (format #t "  Split: ~a Amt<~a> Val<~a> Desc<~a>\n"
+          (format #t "~a Split: ~a Amt<~a> Val<~a> Desc<~a> Memo<~a>\n"
+                  (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
                   (qof-print-date (xaccTransGetDate txn))
@@ -1194,13 +1196,28 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
                     (xaccTransGetCurrency txn)
                     (xaccSplitGetValue s)))
-                  (xaccTransGetDescription txn))))
-      (xaccAccountGetSplitList acc)))
+                  (xaccTransGetDescription txn)
+                  (xaccSplitGetMemo s))))
+      (xaccAccountGetSplitList acc))
+     (format #t "Balance: ~a Cleared: ~a Reconciled: ~a\n"
+             (gnc:monetary->string
+              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+               (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc)
+               (xaccAccountGetBalance acc)))
+             (gnc:monetary->string
+              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+               (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc)
+               (xaccAccountGetClearedBalance acc)))
+             (gnc:monetary->string
+              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+               (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc)
+               (xaccAccountGetReconciledBalance acc)))))
 ;; dump all invoices posted into an AP/AR account
 (define (gnc:dump-invoices)
+  (display "\n(gnc:dump-invoices)\n")
   (let* ((acc-APAR (filter (compose xaccAccountIsAPARType xaccAccountGetType)
@@ -1218,7 +1235,7 @@ flawed. see report-utilities.scm. please update reports.")
         (gncInvoiceGetCurrency inv) amt)))
      (lambda (inv)
-       (format #t "\nInvoice: ID<~a> Owner<~a> Account<~a>\n"
+       (format #t "Invoice: ID<~a> Owner<~a> Account<~a>\n"
                (gncInvoiceGetID inv)
                (gncOwnerGetName (gncInvoiceGetOwner inv))
                (xaccAccountGetName (gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc inv)))

commit a4811b3b46230e2bbc0cafda1eb93d5bd9225d9b
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 22:55:38 2019 +0800

    [test-extras] add (create-test-invoice-data) for tests
    this function creates some business data. moved from test-invoice.scm
    without the invoice-specific tests. verified all invoices/bills are
    created correctly.
    it returns a vector-list of the 8 invoices generated.

diff --git a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
index 6d53edd77..84e23deed 100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm
@@ -472,3 +472,364 @@
                      income bank  109 #:description "$109 income"))
      (iota 12))
+;; creates 8 invoices. (1) customer-invoice (2) customer's job's
+;; invoice (3) vendor bill (4) employee bill (5) customer credit-note
+;; (6) vendor credit-note (7) employee credit-note (8)
+;; customer-invoice with various combinations of entries. in addition,
+;; this function will return the vector-list of invoices created.
+(define-public (create-test-invoice-data)
+  (define USD (mnemonic->commodity "USD"))
+  (define structure
+    (list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET)
+                       (cons 'commodity USD))
+          (list "Asset"
+                (list "Bank"))
+          (list "VAT"
+                (list "VAT-on-Purchases")
+                (list "VAT-on-Sales" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))))
+          (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))
+          (list "Expense" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
+          (list "A/Receivable" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE)))
+          (list "A/Payable" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE)))))
+  (let* ((env (create-test-env))
+         (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
+         (bank (cdr (assoc "Bank" account-alist)))
+         (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
+         (expense (cdr (assoc "Expense" account-alist)))
+         (vat-sales (cdr (assoc "VAT-on-Sales" account-alist)))
+         (vat-purchases (cdr (assoc "VAT-on-Purchases" account-alist)))
+         (receivable (cdr (assoc "A/Receivable" account-alist)))
+         (payable (cdr (assoc "A/Payable" account-alist)))
+         (YEAR (gnc:time64-get-year (gnc:get-today)))
+         (cust-1 (let ((cust-1 (gncCustomerCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                   (gncCustomerSetID cust-1 "cust-1-id")
+                   (gncCustomerSetName cust-1 "cust-1-name")
+                   (gncCustomerSetNotes cust-1 "cust-1-notes")
+                   (gncCustomerSetCurrency cust-1 USD)
+                   (gncCustomerSetTaxIncluded cust-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
+                   cust-1))
+         (owner-1 (let ((owner-1 (gncOwnerNew)))
+                    (gncOwnerInitCustomer owner-1 cust-1)
+                    owner-1))
+         ;; inv-1 is generated for a customer
+         (inv-1 (let ((inv-1 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-1 owner-1)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-1 "inv-1-notes")
+                  (gncInvoiceSetBillingID inv-1 "inv-1-billing-id")
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-1 USD)
+                  inv-1))
+         (job-1 (let ((job-1 (gncJobCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncJobSetID job-1 "job-1-id")
+                  (gncJobSetName job-1 "job-1-name")
+                  (gncJobSetOwner job-1 owner-1)
+                  job-1))
+         (owner-2 (let ((owner-2 (gncOwnerNew)))
+                    (gncOwnerInitJob owner-2 job-1)
+                    owner-2))
+         ;; inv-2 is generated from a customer's job
+         (inv-2 (let ((inv-2 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-2 owner-2)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-2 "inv-2-notes")
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-2 USD)
+                  inv-2))
+         (vend-1 (let ((vend-1 (gncVendorCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                   (gncVendorSetID vend-1 "vend-1-id")
+                   (gncVendorSetName vend-1 "vend-1-name")
+                   (gncVendorSetNotes vend-1 "vend-1-notes")
+                   (gncVendorSetCurrency vend-1 USD)
+                   (gncVendorSetTaxIncluded vend-1 1) ;1 = GNC-TAXINCLUDED-YES
+                   vend-1))
+         (owner-3 (let ((owner-3 (gncOwnerNew)))
+                    (gncOwnerInitVendor owner-3 vend-1)
+                    owner-3))
+         ;; inv-3 is generated from a vendor
+         (inv-3 (let ((inv-3 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-3 owner-3)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-3 "inv-3-notes")
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-3 USD)
+                  inv-3))
+         (emp-1 (let ((emp-1 (gncEmployeeCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncEmployeeSetID emp-1 "emp-1-id")
+                  (gncEmployeeSetCurrency emp-1 USD)
+                  (gncEmployeeSetName emp-1 "emp-1-name")
+                  emp-1))
+         (owner-4 (let ((owner-4 (gncOwnerNew)))
+                    (gncOwnerInitEmployee owner-4 emp-1)
+                    owner-4))
+         ;; inv-4 is generated for an employee
+         (inv-4 (let ((inv-4 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-4 owner-4)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetNotes inv-4 "inv-4-notes")
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-4 USD)
+                  inv-4))
+         ;; inv-5 cust-credit-note
+         (inv-5 (let ((inv-5 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-1)))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-5 #t)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-5 USD)
+                  inv-5))
+         ;; inv-6 vend-credit-note
+         (inv-6 (let ((inv-6 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-3)))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-6 #t)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-6 USD)
+                  inv-6))
+         ;; inv-7 emp-credit-note
+         (inv-7 (let ((inv-7 (gncInvoiceCopy inv-4)))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetIsCreditNote inv-7 #t)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-7 USD)
+                  inv-7))
+         (inv-8 (let ((inv-8 (gncInvoiceCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                  (gncInvoiceSetOwner inv-8 owner-1)
+                  (gncInvoiceSetCurrency inv-8 USD)
+                  inv-8))
+         (standard-vat-sales-tt
+          (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+            (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
+            (gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on sales")
+            (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
+              (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
+            tt))
+         (standard-vat-purchases-tt
+          (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+            (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
+            (gncTaxTableSetName tt "10% vat on purchases")
+            (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-purchases)
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
+              (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry 10)
+              (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
+            tt)))
+    ;; entry-1  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-1 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-1 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-1 "entry-1-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-1 "entry-1-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-1 "entry-1-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-1 income)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-1 2 #f)
+      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-1 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-1 entry-1))
+    ;; entry-inv-2  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-inv-2 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-2 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-2 "entry-inv-2-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-inv-2 income)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-2 2 #f)
+      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-inv-2 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-2 entry-inv-2))
+    ;; entry-inv-3  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-inv-3 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-3 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-3 "entry-inv-3-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-3 expense)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-3 2 #f)
+      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-3 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-3 entry-inv-3))
+    ;; entry-inv-4  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-inv-4 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-4 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-4 "entry-inv-4-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-4 expense)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-4 2 #f)
+      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-4 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-4 entry-inv-4))
+    ;; entry-5  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-5 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-5 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-5 "entry-5-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-5 "entry-5-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-5 "entry-5-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetInvAccount entry-5 income)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-5 2 #t)
+      (gncEntrySetInvPrice entry-5 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-5 entry-5))
+    (let ((entry-inv-6 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-6 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-6 "entry-inv-6-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-6 expense)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-6 2 #t)
+      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-6 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-6 entry-inv-6))
+    ;; entry-inv-7  2 widgets of $3 = $6
+    (let ((entry-inv-7 (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+      (gncEntrySetDateGDate entry-inv-7 (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+      (gncEntrySetDescription entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-desc")
+      (gncEntrySetAction entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-action")
+      (gncEntrySetNotes entry-inv-7 "entry-inv-7-notes")
+      (gncEntrySetBillAccount entry-inv-7 expense)
+      (gncEntrySetDocQuantity entry-inv-7 2 #t)
+      (gncEntrySetBillPrice entry-inv-7 3)
+      (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-7 entry-inv-7))
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-1 receivable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 1 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 1 9 1980)
+                             "cust-invoice"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-2 receivable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 2 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
+                             "job-invoice"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-3 payable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 3 9 1980)
+                             "vendor-bill"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-4 payable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 4 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 4 9 1980)
+                             "emp-bill"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-5 receivable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 5 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 5 9 1980)
+                             "cust-credit-note"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-6 payable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 6 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 6 9 1980)
+                             "vend-credit-note"
+                             #t #f)
+    (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-7 payable
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 7 9 1980)
+                             (gnc-dmy2time64 7 9 1980)
+                             "emp-credit-note"
+                             #t #f)
+    (let* ((taxrate 109/10)
+           (discount 7/2)
+           (unitprice 777/4)
+           (quantity 11)
+           (combo-vat-sales-tt
+            (let ((tt (gncTaxTableCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+              (gncTaxTableIncRef tt)
+              (gncTaxTableSetName tt (format #f "~a% vat on sales" taxrate))
+              (let ((entry (gncTaxTableEntryCreate)))
+                (gncTaxTableEntrySetAccount entry vat-sales)
+                (gncTaxTableEntrySetType entry GNC-AMT-TYPE-PERCENT)
+                (gncTaxTableEntrySetAmount entry taxrate)
+                (gncTaxTableAddEntry tt entry))
+              tt))
+           (order (let ((order (gncOrderCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                    (gncOrderSetID order "order-id")
+                    (gncOrderSetOwner order owner-1)
+                    (gncOrderSetReference order "order-ref")
+                    (gncOrderSetActive order #t)
+                    order))
+           (billterm (let ((term (gncBillTermCreate (gnc-get-current-book))))
+                       (gncBillTermSetName term "billterm-name")
+                       (gncBillTermSetDescription term "billterm-desc")
+                       (gncBillTermSetType term 1) ;1 = GNC-TERM-TYPE-DAYS
+                       (gncBillTermSetDueDays term 8)
+                       term)))
+      (gncInvoiceSetTerms inv-8 billterm)
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (combo)
+         (let* ((each-entry (gncEntryCreate (gnc-get-current-book)))
+                (taxable? (= (vector-ref combo 0) 1))
+                (tax-included? (= (vector-ref combo 1) 1))
+                (discount-type (vector-ref combo 2))
+                (discount-how (vector-ref combo 3))
+                (desc (format #f "taxable=~a tax-included=~a discount-type=~a discount-how=~a"
+                              (if taxable? "Y" "N")
+                              (if tax-included? "Y" "N")
+                              (gncAmountTypeToString discount-type)
+                              (gncEntryDiscountHowToString discount-how))))
+           (gncEntrySetDateGDate each-entry (time64-to-gdate (current-time)))
+           (gncEntrySetDescription each-entry desc)
+           (gncEntrySetAction each-entry "action")
+           (gncEntrySetInvAccount each-entry income)
+           (gncEntrySetDocQuantity each-entry quantity #f)
+           (gncEntrySetInvPrice each-entry unitprice)
+           (gncEntrySetInvDiscount each-entry discount)
+           (gncEntrySetInvDiscountType each-entry discount-type)
+           (gncEntrySetInvDiscountHow each-entry discount-how)
+           (gncEntrySetInvTaxable each-entry taxable?)
+           (gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded each-entry tax-included?)
+           (gncEntrySetInvTaxTable each-entry combo-vat-sales-tt)
+           (gncOrderAddEntry order each-entry)
+           ;; FIXME: Note: The following function hides a subtle
+           ;; bug. It aims to retrieve & dump the entry description
+           ;; and amount. Unfortunately the (gncEntryGetDocValue)
+           ;; function will subtly modify the entry amounts by a
+           ;; fraction; this means that the subsequent invoice payment
+           ;; will not make the invoice amount completely zero. If the
+           ;; following statement is uncommented, test-invoice will
+           ;; fail because the (gncInvoiceIsPaid) final test will
+           ;; fail.
+           ;; (format #t "inv-8: adding ~a to invoice, entry amount is ~a\n"
+           ;;         desc
+           ;;         (exact->inexact (gncEntryGetDocValue each-entry #f #t #f)))
+           (gncInvoiceAddEntry inv-8 each-entry)))
+       (list
+        ;; the following list specifies combinations to test gncEntry options
+        ;; thanks to rgmerk and to jenny for idea how to generate list of options
+        ;; (vector Taxable?(1=#t) Tax-included?(1=#t) DiscountType DiscountHow)
+        (vector 1 2 1 1)
+        (vector 2 1 2 2)
+        (vector 1 1 2 3)
+        (vector 2 2 1 3)
+        (vector 2 1 1 1)
+        (vector 1 2 2 2)
+        (vector 1 2 1 2)
+        (vector 1 1 2 1)))
+      (gncInvoiceSetNotes
+       inv-8 (format #f "tax=~a%, discount=~a, qty=~a, price=~a"
+                     taxrate discount quantity unitprice))
+      (gncInvoicePostToAccount inv-8 receivable
+                               (gnc-dmy2time64 8 9 1980)
+                               (gnc-dmy2time64 8 9 1980)
+                               "trans-posting-memo"
+                               #t #f)
+      (gncInvoiceApplyPayment inv-8 '() bank 1747918/100 1
+                              (gnc-dmy2time64 10 9 1980)
+                              "trans-payment-memo-1"
+                              "trans-payment-num-1"))
+    (vector inv-1 inv-2 inv-3 inv-4 inv-5 inv-6 inv-7 inv-8)))

commit c9cf35de5de765f7769a5ac21b106e96495e9ef4
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 20:45:43 2019 +0800

    [commodity-utils] document gnc:case-exchange-time-fn

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
index 8360a6793..3e1ab68f2 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
@@ -849,9 +849,19 @@ construct with gnc:make-gnc-monetary and gnc:monetary->string instead.")
 ;; the value of 'source-option', whose possible values are set in
 ;; gnc:options-add-price-source!.
-;; <int> start-percent, delta-percent: Fill in the [start:start+delta]
+;; arguments:
+;; source-option: symbol 'average-cost 'weighted-average
+;;                'pricedb-nearest 'pricedb-latest
+;; report-currency: the target currency
+;; commodity-list: the list of commodities to generate an exchange-fn for
+;; to-date-tp (time64): last date to analyse transactions
+;; start-percent, delta-percent: Fill in the [start:start+delta]
 ;; section of the progress bar while running this function.
+;; returns: a function which takes 3 arguments, and returns a gnc-monetary
+;;    foreign  - foreign commodity/currency
+;;    domestic - a gnc-monetary pair
+;;    date     - time64 price
 (define (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn
          source-option report-currency commodity-list to-date-tp
          start-percent delta-percent)

commit e5b756fada5464a6c81ca1445523f4b5e6f8739d
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 20:35:28 2019 +0800

    [commodity-utils] refactor gnc:pricelist-price-find-nearest
    instead of O(3n), this implementation is O(n)

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
index 592da3648..8360a6793 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
@@ -295,27 +295,21 @@ construct with gnc:make-gnc-monetary and gnc:monetary->string instead.")
 ;; pricelist comes from
 ;; e.g. gnc:get-commodity-totalavg-prices. Returns a <gnc-numeric> or,
 ;; if pricelist was empty, #f.
-(define (gnc:pricelist-price-find-nearest
-         pricelist date)
-  (let* ((later (find (lambda (p)
-                        (< date (car p)))
-                      pricelist))
-         (earlierlist (take-while
-                       (lambda (p)
-                         (>= date (car p)))
-                       pricelist))
-         (earlier (and (not (null? earlierlist))
-                       (last earlierlist))))
-    (if (and earlier later)
-        (if (< (abs (- date (car earlier)))
-               (abs (- date (car later))))
-            (cadr earlier)
-            (cadr later))
-        (or
-         (and earlier (cadr earlier))
-         (and later (cadr later))))))
+(define (gnc:pricelist-price-find-nearest pricelist date)
+  (let lp ((pricelist pricelist))
+    (cond
+     ((null? pricelist) #f)
+     ((null? (cdr pricelist)) (cadr (car pricelist)))
+     (else
+      (let ((earlier (car pricelist))
+            (later (cadr pricelist)))
+        (cond
+         ((< (car later) date)
+          (lp (cdr pricelist)))
+         ((< (- date (car earlier)) (- (car later) date))
+          (cadr earlier))
+         (else
+          (cadr later))))))))
 ;; Functions to get one price at a given time (i.e. not time-variant).

commit 1387c05f4d172898429b470da362178712faf992
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Sun Jul 21 20:34:04 2019 +0800

    [test-commodity-utils] augment weighted-average tests
    this is to increase 100% coverage pricealist-nearest finder

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-commodity-utils.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-commodity-utils.scm
index 97d104d05..3add3ead2 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-commodity-utils.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/test/test-commodity-utils.scm
@@ -689,7 +689,39 @@
             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary AAPL 1)
-            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 20 02 2014)))))
+            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 20 02 2014))))
+        (test-equal "gnc:case-exchange-time-fn weighted-average 09/09/2013"
+          307/5
+          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+           (exchange-fn
+            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary AAPL 1)
+            USD
+            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 09 09 2013))))
+        (test-equal "gnc:case-exchange-time-fn weighted-average 11/08/2014"
+          9366/125
+          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+           (exchange-fn
+            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary AAPL 1)
+            USD
+            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 11 08 2014))))
+        (test-equal "gnc:case-exchange-time-fn weighted-average 22/10/2015"
+          27663/325
+          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+           (exchange-fn
+            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary AAPL 1)
+            USD
+            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 22 10 2015))))
+        (test-equal "gnc:case-exchange-time-fn weighted-average 24/10/2015"
+          27663/325
+          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
+           (exchange-fn
+            (gnc:make-gnc-monetary AAPL 1)
+            USD
+            (gnc-dmy2time64-neutral 24 10 2015)))))
       (let ((exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn
                           'average-cost USD

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/gnome-utils/dialog-options.c               |   5 +-
 .../report/business-reports/test/test-invoice.scm  | 331 ++-----------------
 .../report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm   |  48 +--
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-utilities.scm  |  25 +-
 .../report-system/test/test-commodity-utils.scm    |  34 +-
 .../report/standard-reports/average-balance.scm    | 242 +++++++-------
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm   |  24 +-
 .../standard-reports/test/test-stress-options.scm  | 341 +++++++++----------
 libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.scm                 |  10 +-
 libgnucash/app-utils/date-utilities.scm            |  60 ++--
 libgnucash/engine/test/test-extras.scm             | 361 +++++++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 805 insertions(+), 676 deletions(-)

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