gnucash maint: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Wed May 1 07:15:36 EDT 2019

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 653d8cb5c3ba4b65bba29cb009452dcc922a9168
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Apr 26 21:16:14 2019 +0800

    [general-ledger] remove dependency on transaction.scm

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/general-ledger.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/general-ledger.scm
index 2e2231695..521b89263 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/general-ledger.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/general-ledger.scm
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
 (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
 ;; options generator
 (define (general-ledger-options-generator)
-  (let* ((options (trep-options-generator)))
+  (let ((options (gnc:trep-options-generator)))
     (define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
     (define (set-option! section name value)

commit ff3a34711a5af7a7d3026fc26b9f5498932035ae
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Apr 26 21:17:33 2019 +0800

    [income-gst-statement] remove dependency on transaction.scm

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm
index b85eb9ebf..be947db4c 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
 (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
 ;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
 (define reportname (N_ "Income and GST Statement"))
@@ -57,11 +56,12 @@ accounts must be of type ASSET for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY fo
-(define (income-gst-statement-renderer rpt)
-  (trep-renderer rpt
-                 #:custom-calculated-cells gst-calculated-cells
-                 #:empty-report-message TAX-SETUP-DESC
-                 #:custom-split-filter gst-custom-split-filter))
+(define (gst-statement-renderer rpt)
+  (gnc:trep-renderer
+   rpt
+   #:custom-calculated-cells gst-calculated-cells
+   #:empty-report-message TAX-SETUP-DESC
+   #:custom-split-filter gst-custom-split-filter))
 (define (gst-custom-split-filter split)
   ;; split -> bool
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ accounts must be of type ASSET for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY fo
 (define (gst-statement-options-generator)
   ;; Retrieve the list of options specified within the transaction report
-  (define options (trep-options-generator))
+  (define options (gnc:trep-options-generator))
   ;; Delete Accounts selector
   (gnc:unregister-option options gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY for taxes collected on sales.")
     (list (N_ "Net Balance")                  "t" (N_ "Display the net balance (sales without tax - purchases without tax)") #f)
     (list (N_ "Tax payable")                  "u" (N_ "Display the tax payable (tax on sales - tax on purchases)") #f)))
-  ;; Enable secret option to delete transactions with >1 split
+  ;; Enable option to retrieve unique transactions only
   (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options "__trep" "unique-transactions") #t)
   ;; Disable account filtering
   (gnc:option-make-internal! options gnc:pagename-accounts "Filter Type")
@@ -134,48 +134,45 @@ for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY for taxes collected on sales.")
 (define (gst-calculated-cells options)
   (define (opt-val section name)
-    (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-      (if option
-          (gnc:option-value option)
-          (gnc:error "gnc:lookup-option error: " section "/" name))))
+    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+  (define (accfilter accounts type)
+    (filter
+     (lambda (acc)
+       (eqv? (xaccAccountGetType acc) type))
+     accounts))
-      ((myadd (lambda (X Y) (if X (if Y (gnc:monetary+ X Y) X) Y)))           ; custom monetary adder which understands #f
-       (myneg (lambda (X) (and X (gnc:monetary-neg X))))                      ; custom monetary negator which understands #f
+      ((myadd (lambda (X Y) (if X (if Y (gnc:monetary+ X Y) X) Y)))
+       (myneg (lambda (X) (and X (gnc:monetary-neg X))))
        (accounts (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts"))
        (tax-accounts (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts "Tax Accounts"))
-       (accounts-tax-collected (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY)) tax-accounts))
-       (accounts-tax-paid      (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))     tax-accounts))
-       (accounts-sales         (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))    accounts))
-       (accounts-purchases     (filter (lambda (acc) (eq? (xaccAccountGetType acc) ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))   accounts))
-       (common-currency (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Common Currency")             ; if a common currency was specified,
-                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency")))         ; use it
-       (split-date (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-       (split-currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
+       (accounts-tax-collected (accfilter tax-accounts ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))
+       (accounts-tax-paid      (accfilter tax-accounts ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
+       (accounts-sales         (accfilter accounts ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))
+       (accounts-purchases     (accfilter accounts ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))
+       (common-currency (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Common Currency")
+                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency")))
+       (split->date (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
+       (split->currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
        (split-adder (lambda (split accountlist)
-                      (let* (;; 1. from split, get the trans
-                             (transaction (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                             ;; 2. from trans, get all splits
-                             (splits-in-transaction (xaccTransGetSplitList transaction))
-                             ;; 3. but only from accounts specified
-                             (include-split? (lambda (s) (member (xaccSplitGetAccount s) accountlist)))
-                             (filtered-splits (filter include-split? splits-in-transaction))
-                             ;; 4. get the filtered split amount
-                             (split-get-monetary (lambda (s)
-                                                   (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                                                    (split-currency s)
-                                                    (if (xaccTransGetVoidStatus transaction)
-                                                        (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
-                                                        (xaccSplitGetAmount s)))))
-                             ;; 5. amount - always convert to
-                             ;; either report currency or the original split currency
-                             (split-monetary-converted (lambda (s)
-                                                         (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
-                                                          (split-get-monetary s)
-                                                          (or common-currency
-                                                              (split-currency split))
-                                                          (time64CanonicalDayTime
-                                                           (split-date s)))))
-                             (list-of-values (map split-monetary-converted filtered-splits)))
+                      (let* ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent split))
+                             (filtered-splits (filter
+                                               (lambda (s)
+                                                 (member (xaccSplitGetAccount s)
+                                                         accountlist))
+                                               (xaccTransGetSplitList txn)))
+                             (split->monetary (lambda (s)
+                                                (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+                                                 (split->currency s)
+                                                 (if (xaccTransGetVoidStatus txn)
+                                                     (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
+                                                     (xaccSplitGetAmount s)))))
+                             (split->converted
+                              (lambda (s)
+                                (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
+                                 (split->monetary s)
+                                 (or common-currency (split->currency split))
+                                 (time64CanonicalDayTime (split->date s)))))
+                             (list-of-values (map split->converted filtered-splits)))
                         (fold myadd #f list-of-values))))
        (account-adder (lambda (acc) (lambda (s) (split-adder s (list acc)))))
        (account-adder-neg (lambda (acc) (lambda (s) (myneg (split-adder s (list acc))))))
@@ -283,4 +280,4 @@ for taxes paid on expenses, and type LIABILITY for taxes collected on sales.")
  'name reportname
  'report-guid "5bf27f249a0d11e7abc4cec278b6b50a"
  'options-generator gst-statement-options-generator
- 'renderer income-gst-statement-renderer)
+ 'renderer gst-statement-renderer)

commit b87d693a77d89e8c55bc76c0587d287e093c2f75
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Apr 26 21:17:13 2019 +0800

    [trep-engine] modularise trep-engine

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/report-system/CMakeLists.txt
index a06f4c43b..9fee1071a 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ set (report_system_SCHEME_3
+    trep-engine.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
index 9ce7da797..387135e51 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
@@ -743,6 +743,10 @@
 (export gnc:strify)
 (export gnc:pk)
+;; trep-engine.scm
+(export gnc:trep-options-generator)
+(export gnc:trep-renderer)
 (load-from-path "commodity-utilities")
 (load-from-path "html-barchart")
 (load-from-path "html-document")
@@ -761,5 +765,6 @@
 (load-from-path "options-utilities")
 (load-from-path "report-utilities")
 (load-from-path "report")
+(load-from-path "trep-engine")
 (gnc-hook-add-scm-dangler HOOK-SAVE-OPTIONS gnc:save-style-sheet-options)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
similarity index 55%
copy from gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
copy to gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
index d1b3b94fa..b4947700b 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-;; transaction-report.scm : Report on all transactions in account(s)
+;; trep-engine.scm : Transaction Report engine
 ;; Original report by Robert Merkel <rgmerk at>
 ;; Contributions by Bryan Larsen <blarsen at>
@@ -15,21 +15,20 @@
 ;; - common currency - optionally show original currency amount
 ;;   and enable multiple data columns
 ;; - add support for indenting for better grouping
-;; - add defaults suitable for a reconciliation report
-;;   including alternative date filtering strategy
 ;; - add subtotal summary grid
 ;; - by default, exclude closing transactions from the report
+;; - converted to module in 2019
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program; if not, contact:
@@ -39,20 +38,11 @@
-(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
-(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
-(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
-(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 ;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
-(define reportname (N_ "Transaction Report"))
 (define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
@@ -73,7 +63,8 @@
 (define optname-show-account-code (N_ "Show Account Code"))
 (define optname-show-account-description (N_ "Show Account Description"))
 (define optname-show-informal-headers (N_ "Show Informal Debit/Credit Headers"))
-(define optname-show-subtotals-only (N_ "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"))
+(define optname-show-subtotals-only
+  (N_ "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"))
 (define optname-indenting (N_ "Add indenting columns"))
 (define optname-sec-sortkey (N_ "Secondary Key"))
 (define optname-sec-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal"))
@@ -92,9 +83,11 @@
 (define pagename-filter (N_ "Filter"))
 (define optname-account-matcher (N_ "Account Name Filter"))
-(define optname-account-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for account name filter"))
+(define optname-account-matcher-regex
+  (N_ "Use regular expressions for account name filter"))
 (define optname-transaction-matcher (N_ "Transaction Filter"))
-(define optname-transaction-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for transaction filter"))
+(define optname-transaction-matcher-regex
+  (N_ "Use regular expressions for transaction filter"))
 (define optname-reconcile-status (N_ "Reconcile Status"))
 (define optname-void-transactions (N_ "Void Transactions"))
 (define optname-closing-transactions (N_ "Closing transactions"))
@@ -111,19 +104,28 @@
 match the time interval and account selection specified \
 in the Options panel."))
-(define DATE-SORTING-TYPES (list 'date 'reconciled-date))
+  (list 'date 'reconciled-date))
+  (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
+        'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code))
-(define ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
-                                    'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code))
+  (list 'account-name 'account-code))
-(define SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS (list 'account-name 'account-code))
+(define reconcile-list
+  (list (cons #\n (_ "Unreconciled"))
+        (cons #\c (_ "Cleared"))
+        (cons #\y (_ "Reconciled"))
+        (cons #\f (_ "Frozen"))
+        (cons #\v (_ "Voided"))))
 (define (sortkey-list split-action?)
-  ;;
   ;; Defines the different sorting keys, as an association-list
   ;; together with the subtotal functions. Each entry:
   ;;  'sortkey             - sort parameter sent via qof-query
-  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
+  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function retrieves number/string for comparing splits
   ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
   ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
   ;;  'renderer-fn         - helper function to select subtotal/subheading renderer
@@ -132,214 +134,245 @@ in the Options panel."))
   ;;       #f means the sortkey cannot be subtotalled
   ;;       otherwise it converts split->string
-  (list (cons 'account-name  (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (gnc-account-get-full-name (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Account Name"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))
-        (cons 'account-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-))
-                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccAccountGetCode (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
-                                  (cons 'text (_ "Account Code"))
-                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
-                                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))
-        (cons 'date         (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED))
-                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                  (cons 'text (_ "Date"))
-                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by date."))
-                                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'reconciled-date (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED))
-                                     (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled s)))
-                                     (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Date"))
-                                     (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
-                                     (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'reconciled-status (list (cons 'sortkey #f)
-                                       (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (length (memq (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
-                                                                                        '(#\n #\c #\y #\f #\v)))))
-                                       (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Status"))
-                                       (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Status"))
-                                       (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (case (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
-                                                                        ((#\y) (_ "Reconciled"))
-                                                                        ((#\c) (_ "Cleared"))
-                                                                        ((#\n) (_ "Unreconciled"))
-                                                                        ((#\f) (_ "Frozen"))
-                                                                        ((#\v) (_ "Voided"))
-                                                                        (else (_ "Unknown")))))))
-        (cons 'register-order (list (cons 'sortkey (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT))
-                                    (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                                    (cons 'text (_ "Register Order"))
-                                    (cons 'tip (_ "Sort as in the register."))
-                                    (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'corresponding-acc-name (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME))
-                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName a)))
-                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Name"))
-                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
-                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))
-        (cons 'corresponding-acc-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE))
-                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode a)))
-                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Code"))
-                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
-                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))
-        (cons 'amount        (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-VALUE))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (gnc-numeric-to-scm (xaccSplitGetValue a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Amount"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by amount."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'description   (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Description"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by description."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
+  (list (list 'account-name
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue
+                    (compose gnc-account-get-full-name xaccSplitGetAccount))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Account Name"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetAccount))
+        (list 'account-code
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccAccountGetCode xaccSplitGetAccount))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Account Code"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetAccount))
+        (list 'date
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetDate xaccSplitGetParent))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Date"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by date."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+        (list 'reconciled-date
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetDateReconciled)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Date"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+        (list 'reconciled-status
+              (cons 'sortkey #f)
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s)
+                                       (length (memv (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
+                                                     (map car reconcile-list)))))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Status"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Status"))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s)
+                                   (assv-ref reconcile-list
+                                             (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)))))
+        (list 'register-order
+              (cons 'sortkey (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Register Order"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort as in the register."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+        (list 'corresponding-acc-name
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Name"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccSplitGetAccount xaccSplitGetOtherSplit)))
+        (list 'corresponding-acc-code
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Code"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccSplitGetAccount xaccSplitGetOtherSplit)))
+        (list 'amount
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-VALUE))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetValue)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Amount"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by amount."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+        (list 'description
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetDescription
+                                              xaccSplitGetParent))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Description"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by description."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccTransGetDescription xaccSplitGetParent)))
         (if split-action?
-            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACTION))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAction a)))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number/Action"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check number/action."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f))))
-        (cons 't-number      (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Transaction Number"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction number."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'memo          (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-MEMO))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetMemo s)))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Memo"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by memo."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetMemo s)))))
-        (cons 'notes         (list (cons 'sortkey #f)
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetNotes (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Notes"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction notes."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetNotes (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
-        (cons 'none          (list (cons 'sortkey '())
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Do not sort."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))))
-(define (time64-year t64)    (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
-(define (time64-quarter t64) (+ (* 10 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))  (gnc:date-get-quarter (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64-month t64)   (+ (* 100 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-month (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64-week t64)    (gnc:date-get-week (gnc-localtime t64)))
-(define (time64-day t64)     (+ (* 500 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-year-day (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64->daily-string t) (qof-print-date t))
-(define (split->time64 s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
+            (list 'number
+                  (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACTION))
+                  (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetAction)
+                  (cons 'text (_ "Number/Action"))
+                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check number/action."))
+                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+            (list 'number
+                  (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
+                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNum xaccSplitGetParent))
+                  (cons 'text (_ "Number"))
+                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
+                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
+        (list 't-number
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNum xaccSplitGetParent))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Transaction Number"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction number."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+        (list 'memo
+              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-MEMO))
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetMemo)
+              (cons 'text (_ "Memo"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by memo."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetMemo))
+        (list 'notes
+              (cons 'sortkey #f)
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNotes xaccSplitGetParent))
+              (cons 'text (_ "Notes"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction notes."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccTransGetNotes xaccSplitGetParent)))
+        (list 'none
+              (cons 'sortkey '())
+              (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
+              (cons 'text (_ "None"))
+              (cons 'tip (_ "Do not sort."))
+              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))))
+(define (time64-year t64)
+  (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
+(define (time64-quarter t64)
+  (+ (* 10 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
+     (gnc:date-get-quarter (gnc-localtime t64))))
+(define (time64-month t64)
+  (+ (* 100 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
+     (gnc:date-get-month (gnc-localtime t64))))
+(define (time64-week t64)
+  (gnc:date-get-week (gnc-localtime t64)))
+(define (time64-day t64)
+  (+ (* 500 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
+     (gnc:date-get-year-day (gnc-localtime t64))))
+(define (split->time64 s)
+  (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
 (define date-subtotal-list
   ;; List for date option.
   ;; Defines the different date sorting keys, as an association-list. Each entry:
-  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
+  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - func retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
   ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
   ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
-  ;;  'renderer-fn         - func retrieve string for subtotal/subheading renderer
+  ;;  'renderer-fn         - func retrieves string for subtotal/subheading renderer
   ;;         #f means the date sortkey is not grouped
   ;;         otherwise it converts split->string
-   (cons 'none (list
-                (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                (cons 'date-sortvalue #f)
-                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "None."))
-                (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-   (cons 'daily (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-day (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-day)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Daily"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Daily."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (time64->daily-string (split->time64 s))))))
-   (cons 'weekly (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-week (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-week)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Weekly"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Weekly."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-week-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'monthly (list
-                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-month (split->time64 s))))
-                   (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-month)
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Monthly"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Monthly."))
-                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-month-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'quarterly (list
-                     (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (split->time64 s))))
-                     (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-quarter)
-                     (cons 'text (_ "Quarterly"))
-                     (cons 'tip (_ "Quarterly."))
-                     (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'yearly (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-year (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-year)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Yearly"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Yearly."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))))
+   (list 'none
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue #f)
+         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "None."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
+   (list 'daily
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-day (split->time64 s))))
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-day)
+         (cons 'text (_ "Daily"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Daily."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (qof-print-date (split->time64 s)))))
+   (list 'weekly
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-week (split->time64 s))))
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-week)
+         (cons 'text (_ "Weekly"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Weekly."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-week-year-string
+                                     gnc-localtime
+                                     split->time64)))
+   (list 'monthly
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-month (split->time64 s))))
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-month)
+         (cons 'text (_ "Monthly"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Monthly."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-month-year-string
+                                     gnc-localtime
+                                     split->time64)))
+   (list 'quarterly
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (split->time64 s))))
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-quarter)
+         (cons 'text (_ "Quarterly"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Quarterly."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string
+                                     gnc-localtime
+                                     split->time64)))
+   (list 'yearly
+         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-year (split->time64 s))))
+         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-year)
+         (cons 'text (_ "Yearly"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Yearly."))
+         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-year-string
+                                     gnc-localtime
+                                     split->time64)))))
 (define filter-list
-   (cons 'none (list
-                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "Do not do any filtering."))))
+   (list 'none
+         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Do not do any filtering.")))
-   (cons 'include (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only."))))
+   (list 'include
+         (cons 'text (_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only.")))
-   (cons 'exclude (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts."))))))
+   (list 'exclude
+         (cons 'text (_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts.")))))
 (define show-void-list
-   (cons 'non-void-only (list
-                         (cons 'text (_ "Non-void only"))
-                         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only non-voided transactions."))))
+   (list 'non-void-only
+         (cons 'text (_ "Non-void only"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only non-voided transactions.")))
-   (cons 'void-only (list
-                     (cons 'text (_ "Void only"))
-                     (cons 'tip (_ "Show only voided transactions."))))
+   (list 'void-only
+         (cons 'text (_ "Void only"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only voided transactions.")))
-   (cons 'both (list
-                (cons 'text (_ "Both"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals)."))))))
+   (list 'both
+         (cons 'text (_ "Both"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals).")))))
 (define show-closing-list
-   (cons 'exclude-closing (list
-                           (cons 'text (_ "Exclude closing transactions"))
-                           (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude closing transactions from report."))
-                           (cons 'closing-match #f)))
+   (list 'exclude-closing
+         (cons 'text (_ "Exclude closing transactions"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude closing transactions from report."))
+         (cons 'closing-match #f))
-   (cons 'include-both (list
-                        (cons 'text (_ "Show both closing and regular transactions"))
-                        (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include closing transactions in totals)."))
-                        (cons 'closing-match 'both)))
+   (list 'include-both
+         (cons 'text (_ "Show both closing and regular transactions"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include closing transactions in totals)."))
+         (cons 'closing-match 'both))
-   (cons 'closing-only (list
-                        (cons 'text (_ "Show closing transactions only"))
-                        (cons 'tip (_ "Show only closing transactions."))
-                        (cons 'closing-match #t)))))
+   (list 'closing-only
+         (cons 'text (_ "Show closing transactions only"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only closing transactions."))
+         (cons 'closing-match #t))))
 (define reconcile-status-list
   ;; 'filter-types must be either #f (i.e. disable reconcile filter)
@@ -347,68 +380,60 @@ in the Options panel."))
   ;; e.g. CLEARED-NO for unreconciled
   ;;      (logior CLEARED-NO CLEARED-CLEARED) for unreconciled & cleared
-   (cons 'all
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "All"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Show All Transactions"))
-          (cons 'filter-types #f)))
-   (cons 'unreconciled
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Unreconciled"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Unreconciled only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-NO)))
-   (cons 'cleared
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Cleared"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Cleared only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-CLEARED)))
-   (cons 'reconciled
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reconciled only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-RECONCILED)))))
+   (list 'all
+         (cons 'text (_ "All"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Show All Transactions"))
+         (cons 'filter-types #f))
+   (list 'unreconciled
+         (cons 'text (_ "Unreconciled"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Unreconciled only"))
+         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-NO))
+   (list 'cleared
+         (cons 'text (_ "Cleared"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Cleared only"))
+         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-CLEARED))
+   (list 'reconciled
+         (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Reconciled only"))
+         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-RECONCILED))))
 (define ascending-list
-   (cons 'ascend (list
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Ascending"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest."))))
-   (cons 'descend (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Descending"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest."))))))
+   (list 'ascend
+         (cons 'text (_ "Ascending"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest.")))
+   (list 'descend
+         (cons 'text (_ "Descending"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest.")))))
 (define sign-reverse-list
-   (cons 'global
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Use Global Preference"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Use reversing option specified in global preference."))
-          (cons 'acct-types #f)))
-   (cons 'none
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types '())))
-   (cons 'income-expense
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Income and Expense"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))))
-   (cons 'credit-accounts
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Credit Accounts"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, \
+   (list 'global
+         (cons 'text (_ "Use Global Preference"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Use reversing option specified in global preference."))
+         (cons 'acct-types #f))
+   (list 'none
+         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
+         (cons 'acct-types '()))
+   (list 'income-expense
+         (cons 'text (_ "Income and Expense"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
+         (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
+   (list 'credit-accounts
+         (cons 'text (_ "Credit Accounts"))
+         (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, \
 Credit Card, and Income accounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE
-                                  ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT
-                                  ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))))))
+         (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE
+                                 ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT
+                                 ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))))
 (define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
-  (cdr (assq info (cdr (assq key keylist)))))
+  (assq-ref (assq-ref keylist key) info))
 (define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
@@ -435,67 +460,16 @@ Credit Card, and Income accounts."))
        (not (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'sortkey))))
-;; Set defaults for reconcilation report
-(define (reconcile-report-options-generator)
-  (define options (trep-options-generator))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey) 'reconciled-status)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)   'date)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) 'none)
-  ;; the start date should really be the last-reconcile-date but this information is not
-  ;; easily accessible from scheme:
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate) (cons 'relative 'start-prev-quarter))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate)   (cons 'relative 'today))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")) #t)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")) #f)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")) #f)
-  (gnc:option-make-internal! options gnc:pagename-display "Running Balance")
-  options)
-(define reconcile-report-instructions
-  (gnc:make-html-text
-   (_ "The reconcile report is designed to be similar to the formal reconciliation tool.
-Please select the account from Report Options. Please note the dates specified in the options
-will apply to the Reconciliation Date.")
-   (gnc:html-markup-br)
-   (gnc:html-markup-br)))
-;; if split is reconciled, retrieve its reconciled date; if not yet reconciled, return #f
-(define (split->reconcile-date split)
-  (and (char=? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
-       (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split)))
-(define (reconcile-report-calculated-cells options)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (letrec
-      ((split-amount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
-                                     (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
-                                     (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
-       (split-currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
-       (amount (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
-       (debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
-                                      (amount s))))
-       (credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                       (gnc:monetary-neg (amount s))))))
-    ;; similar to default-calculated-cells but disable dual-subtotals.
-    (list (vector (_ "Funds In")
-                  debit-amount #f #t #f
-                  (const ""))
-          (vector (_ "Funds Out")
-                  credit-amount #f #t #f
-                  (const "")))))
 ;; Default Transaction Report
-(define (trep-options-generator)
+(define (gnc:trep-options-generator)
   (define options (gnc:new-options))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
+    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
   (define (gnc:register-trep-option new-option)
     (gnc:register-option options new-option))
-  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this trep-options-generator
+  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this gnc:trep-options-generator
   ;; defines a long set of options to be assigned as an object in
   ;; the report. This long list (52 at Feb 2018 count) of options
   ;; may be modified in a derived report (see income-gst-statement.scm)
@@ -515,13 +489,10 @@ will apply to the Reconciliation Date.")
     "e" (_ "Convert all transactions into a common currency.") #f
     (lambda (x)
-      (begin
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
-                                                     gnc:pagename-general
-                                                     optname-currency x)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
-                                                     gnc:pagename-general
-                                                     optname-orig-currency x)))))
+      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
+       options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency x)
+      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
+       options gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency x))))
    options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency "f")
@@ -534,7 +505,8 @@ will apply to the Reconciliation Date.")
     gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export
-    "g" (_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.") #f))
+    "g" (_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.")
+    #f))
@@ -665,11 +637,13 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
     (define (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options)
       (let* ((prime-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? prime-sortkey 'none)))
-             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? prime-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
-             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (member prime-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES))
+             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled
+              (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? prime-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
+             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (memq prime-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES))
              (sec-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? sec-sortkey 'none)))
-             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sec-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
-             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (member sec-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)))
+             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled
+              (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sec-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
+             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (memq sec-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)))
          options pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
@@ -718,8 +692,8 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
          options pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
-         (or (member prime-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))
-             (member sec-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))))
+         (or (memq prime-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))
+             (memq sec-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))))
          options pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
@@ -917,11 +891,11 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
       (list (N_ "Running Balance")              "n"  (_ "Display a running balance?") #f)
       (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (_ "Display the totals?") #t)))
-        (gnc:register-trep-option
-         (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-          gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
-          "b2" (_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))
+      (gnc:register-trep-option
+       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
+        gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
+        "b2" (_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))
     ;; Add an option to display the memo, and disable the notes option
     ;; when memos are not included.
@@ -1016,10 +990,12 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
       (if option
           (gnc:option-value option)
           (gnc:error "gnc:lookup-option error: " section "/" name))))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
+    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
   (define (build-columns-used)
-    (define detail-is-single? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'single))
+    (define detail-is-single?
+      (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'single))
     (define amount-setting (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")))
     (list (cons 'date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Date")))
           (cons 'reconciled-date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")))
@@ -1028,8 +1004,9 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                          (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))))
           (cons 'description (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Description")))
           (cons 'account-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")))
-          (cons 'other-account-name (and detail-is-single?
-                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))))
+          (cons 'other-account-name
+                (and detail-is-single?
+                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))))
           (cons 'shares (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Shares")))
           (cons 'price (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Price")))
           (cons 'amount-single (eq? amount-setting 'single))
@@ -1039,40 +1016,49 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                 (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency)
                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency)))
           (cons 'indenting (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-indenting))
-          (cons 'subtotals-only (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only)
-                                     (or (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-                                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
+          (cons 'subtotals-only
+                (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only)
+                     (or (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
+                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
           (cons 'running-balance (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")))
-          (cons 'account-full-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")))
+          (cons 'account-full-name
+                (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")))
           (cons 'memo (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")))
           (cons 'account-code (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Code")))
-          (cons 'other-account-code (and detail-is-single?
-                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))))
-          (cons 'other-account-full-name (and detail-is-single?
-                                              (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))))
+          (cons 'other-account-code
+                (and detail-is-single?
+                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))))
+          (cons 'other-account-full-name
+                (and detail-is-single?
+                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))))
           (cons 'sort-account-code (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Code")))
-          (cons 'sort-account-full-name (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name")))
-          (cons 'sort-account-description (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Description")))
+          (cons 'sort-account-full-name
+                (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name")))
+          (cons 'sort-account-description
+                (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Description")))
           (cons 'notes (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")))))
   (define (primary-get-info info)
     (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey)))
-      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal) info)
+      (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
+          (keylist-get-info
+           date-subtotal-list
+           (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal) info)
           (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
                (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal)
                (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
   (define (secondary-get-info info)
     (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)))
-      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) info)
+      (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
+          (keylist-get-info
+           date-subtotal-list
+           (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) info)
           (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
                (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal)
                (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
   (let* ((work-to-do (length splits))
-         (work-done 0)
          (table (gnc:make-html-table))
          (used-columns (build-columns-used))
          (opt-use-links? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Enable links"))
@@ -1080,7 +1066,8 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
           (keylist-get-info sign-reverse-list
                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses"))
-         (is-multiline? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'multi-line))
+         (is-multiline? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level)
+                             'multi-line))
          (export? (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export)))
     (define (column-uses? param)
@@ -1093,16 +1080,19 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (add-if (column-uses? 'date)
                        (vector (_ "Date")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (if transaction-row?
-                                     (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                      "date-cell"
-                                      (qof-print-date (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                                     ""))))
+                                 (and transaction-row?
+                                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+                                       "date-cell"
+                                       (qof-print-date
+                                        (xaccTransGetDate
+                                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))))))
                (add-if (column-uses? 'reconciled-date)
                        (vector (_ "Reconciled Date")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (let ((reconcile-date (split->reconcile-date split)))
+                                 (let ((reconcile-date
+                                        (and (char=? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
+                                             (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split))))
                                    (and reconcile-date
@@ -1110,32 +1100,34 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (add-if (column-uses? 'num)
                        (vector (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
-                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
+                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display
+                                                 (N_ "Trans Number")))
                                    (_ "Num/T-Num")
                                    (_ "Num"))
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                  (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
                                         (num (gnc-get-num-action trans split))
                                         (t-num (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
-                                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
+                                                        (opt-val
+                                                         gnc:pagename-display
+                                                         (N_ "Trans Number")))
                                                    (gnc-get-num-action trans #f)
                                         (num-string (if (string-null? t-num)
                                                         (string-append num "/" t-num))))
-                                   (if transaction-row?
-                                       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell" num-string)
-                                       "")))))
+                                   (and transaction-row?
+                                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+                                         "text-cell" num-string))))))
                (add-if (column-uses? 'description)
                        (vector (_ "Description")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
                                  (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (if transaction-row?
-                                     (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                      "text-cell"
-                                      (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
-                                     ""))))
+                                 (and transaction-row?
+                                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+                                       "text-cell"
+                                       (xaccTransGetDescription trans))))))
                (add-if (column-uses? 'memo)
                        (vector (if (column-uses? 'notes)
@@ -1151,11 +1143,11 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (add-if (or (column-uses? 'account-name) (column-uses? 'account-code))
                        (vector (_ "Account")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (define account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
-                                 (account-namestring account
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-code)
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-name)
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-full-name)))))
+                                 (account-namestring
+                                  (xaccSplitGetAccount split)
+                                  (column-uses? 'account-code)
+                                  (column-uses? 'account-name)
+                                  (column-uses? 'account-full-name)))))
                (add-if (or (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
                            (column-uses? 'other-account-code))
@@ -1180,20 +1172,24 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (add-if (column-uses? 'price)
                        (vector (_ "Price")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 ;; share price is retrieved as an exact rational; convert for
-                                 ;; presentation to decimal, rounded to the currency SCU, optionally
-                                 ;; increasing precision by 2 significant digits.
-                                 (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
+                                 ;; share price is retrieved as an
+                                 ;; exact rational; convert for
+                                 ;; presentation to decimal, rounded
+                                 ;; to the currency SCU, optionally
+                                 ;; increasing precision by 2
+                                 ;; significant digits.
+                                 (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency
+                                                   (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
                                         (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
                                         (price (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
-                                        (price-decimal (gnc-numeric-convert price
-                                                                            (if (< scu 10000)
-                                                                                (* scu 100)
-                                                                                scu)
-                                                                            GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
+                                        (price-decimal
+                                         (gnc-numeric-convert
+                                          price (min 10000 (* 100 scu))
+                                          GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
-                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency price-decimal)))))))))
+                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+                                     currency price-decimal)))))))))
         (if (or (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
                 (and (null? left-cols-list)
@@ -1214,7 +1210,7 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
           ((split-amount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
                                          (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
                                          (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
-           (split-currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
+           (split-currency (compose xaccAccountGetCommodity xaccSplitGetAccount))
            (row-currency (lambda (s) (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
                                          (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)
                                          (split-currency s))))
@@ -1226,36 +1222,49 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                                 (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
                                     (format #f " (~a)"
-                                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)))
+                                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general
+                                                      optname-currency)))
            ;; For conversion to row-currency. Use midday as the
            ;; transaction time so it matches a price on the same day.
            ;; Otherwise it uses midnight which will likely match a
            ;; price on the previous day
-           (converted-amount (lambda (s) (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
-                                          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))
-                                          (row-currency s)
-                                          (time64CanonicalDayTime
-                                           (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
+           (converted-amount (lambda (s)
+                               (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
+                                (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s)
+                                                       (split-amount s))
+                                (row-currency s)
+                                (time64CanonicalDayTime
+                                 (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
            (converted-debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
                                                     (converted-amount s))))
-           (converted-credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                                     (gnc:monetary-neg (converted-amount s)))))
-           (original-amount (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
-           (original-debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
-                                                   (original-amount s))))
-           (original-credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                                    (gnc:monetary-neg (original-amount s)))))
-           (running-balance (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (xaccSplitGetBalance s)))))
+           (converted-credit-amount (lambda (s)
+                                      (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
+                                           (gnc:monetary-neg (converted-amount s)))))
+           (original-amount (lambda (s)
+                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+                               (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
+           (original-debit-amount (lambda (s)
+                                    (and (positive? (split-amount s))
+                                         (original-amount s))))
+           (original-credit-amount (lambda (s)
+                                     (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
+                                          (gnc:monetary-neg (original-amount s)))))
+           (running-balance (lambda (s)
+                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
+                               (split-currency s) (xaccSplitGetBalance s)))))
          ;; each column will be a vector
          ;; (vector heading
-         ;;         calculator-function                          ;; (calculator-function split) to obtain amount
-         ;;         reverse-column?                              ;; #t to allow reverse signs
-         ;;         subtotal?                                    ;; #t to allow subtotals (ie must be #f for running balance)
-         ;;         start-dual-column?                           ;; #t for the debit side of a dual column (i.e. debit/credit)
-         ;;                                                      ;; which means the next column must be the credit side
-         ;;         friendly-heading-fn                          ;; (friendly-heading-fn account) to retrieve friendly name for account debit/credit
+         ;;         calculator-function (calculator-function split) to obtain amount
+         ;;         reverse-column?     #t to allow reverse signs
+         ;;         subtotal?           #t to allow subtotals (ie must be #f for
+         ;;                             running balance)
+         ;;         start-dual-column?  #t for the debit side of a dual column
+         ;;                             (i.e. debit/credit) which means the next
+         ;;                             column must be the credit side
+         ;;         friendly-heading-fn (friendly-heading-fn account) to retrieve
+         ;;                             friendly name for account debit/credit
          (if (column-uses? 'amount-single)
              (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Amount"))
@@ -1346,7 +1355,7 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
             (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent)
             (if (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers)
                      (column-uses? 'amount-double)
-                     (member sortkey SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS))
+                     (memq sortkey SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS))
                  (if export?
@@ -1369,19 +1378,25 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                   1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns width-right-columns)
-    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors subtotal-style level row col)
+    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors
+                              subtotal-style level row col)
       (let* ((left-indent (case level
                             ((total) 0)
                             ((primary) primary-indent)
                             ((secondary) (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))))
              (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent))
              (merge-list (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 4)) calculated-cells))
-             (columns (map (lambda (coll) (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)) subtotal-collectors))
-             (list-of-commodities (delete-duplicates (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (concatenate columns))
-                                                     gnc-commodity-equal)))
+             (columns (map (lambda (coll)
+                             (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
+                           subtotal-collectors))
+             (list-of-commodities
+              (delete-duplicates
+               (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (concatenate columns))
+               gnc-commodity-equal)))
         (define (retrieve-commodity list-of-monetary commodity)
-          (find (lambda (mon) (gnc-commodity-equal commodity (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon)))
+          (find (lambda (mon)
+                  (gnc-commodity-equal commodity (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon)))
         (define (first-column string)
@@ -1390,7 +1405,8 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" string)
                (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1)))
-               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) "total-label-cell" string))))
+               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
+                1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) "total-label-cell" string))))
         (define (data-columns commodity)
           (let loop ((merging? #f)
@@ -1399,7 +1415,8 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                      (merge-list merge-list)
                      (result '()))
             (if (null? columns)
-                ;; we've processed all columns. return the (reversed) list of html-table-cells.
+                ;; we've processed all columns. return the (reversed)
+                ;; list of html-table-cells.
                 (reverse result)
                 (let* ((mon (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
                        (this-column (and mon (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon))))
@@ -1427,9 +1444,7 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                             (cdr columns)
                             (cdr merge-list)
-                            (cons* (or credit-col "")
-                                   (or debit-col "")
-                                   result))))
+                            (cons* credit-col debit-col result))))
                    ;; Not merging nor completed merge. Just add amount to result.
@@ -1437,14 +1452,16 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                           (cdr columns)
                           (cdr merge-list)
-                          (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-number-cell" mon)
+                          (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+                                 "total-number-cell" mon)
         ;; take the first column of each commodity, add onto the subtotal grid
-        (set! grid (grid-add grid row col
-                             (map (lambda (commodity)
-                                    (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
-                                  list-of-commodities)))
+        (set! grid
+          (grid-add grid row col
+                    (map (lambda (commodity)
+                           (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
+                         list-of-commodities)))
         ;; each commodity subtotal gets a separate line in the html-table
         ;; each line comprises: indenting, first-column, data-columns
@@ -1462,28 +1479,25 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
     (define (total-string str) (string-append (_ "Total For ") str))
     ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     ;; renderers
     ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     ;; display an account name depending on the options the user has set
-    (define (account-namestring account show-account-code? show-account-name? show-account-full-name?)
+    (define (account-namestring account show-account-code?
+                                show-account-name? show-account-full-name?)
       ;;# on multi-line splits we can get an empty ('()) account
       (if (null? account)
           (_ "Split Transaction")
-          (string-append
-           ;; display account code?
-           (if show-account-code?
-               (string-append (xaccAccountGetCode account) " ")
-               "")
-           ;; display account name?
-           (if show-account-name?
-               ;; display full account name?
-               (if show-account-full-name?
-                   (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
-                   (xaccAccountGetName account))
-               ""))))
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (lambda ()
+              (when show-account-code?
+                (display (xaccAccountGetCode account))
+                (display " "))
+              (when show-account-name?
+                (display
+                 (if show-account-full-name?
+                     (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
+                     (xaccAccountGetName account))))))))
     ;; retrieve date renderer from the date-subtotal-list
     (define (render-date date-subtotal-key split)
@@ -1491,17 +1505,19 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
     ;; generate account name, optionally with anchor to account register
     (define (render-account sortkey split anchor?)
-      (let* ((account ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
+      (let* ((account ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
+                                         sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
              (name (account-namestring account
                                        (column-uses? 'sort-account-code)
                                        (column-uses? 'sort-account-full-name)))
              (description (if (and (column-uses? 'sort-account-description)
-                                   (not (string-null? (xaccAccountGetDescription account))))
+                                   (not (string-null?
+                                         (xaccAccountGetDescription account))))
                               (string-append ": " (xaccAccountGetDescription account))
         (if (and anchor? opt-use-links?
-                 (not (null? account))) ;html anchor for 2-split transactions only
+                 (pair? account)) ;html anchor for 2-split transactions only
              (gnc:html-markup-anchor (gnc:account-anchor-text account) name)
@@ -1521,9 +1537,9 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                                           ((primary) optname-prime-date-subtotal)
                                           ((secondary) optname-sec-date-subtotal)))))
-         ((member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
+         ((memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
           (render-date date-subtotal-key split))
-         ((member sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
+         ((memq sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
           (render-account sortkey split anchor?))
           (render-generic sortkey split)))))
@@ -1532,19 +1548,17 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
       (_ "Grand Total"))
     ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;;
     ;; add-split-row
-    ;;
     ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     (define (add-split-row split cell-calculators row-style transaction-row?)
       (let* ((account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
              (reversible-account? (if account-types-to-reverse
-                                      (member (xaccAccountGetType account)
-                                              account-types-to-reverse)
+                                      (memv (xaccAccountGetType account)
+                                            account-types-to-reverse)
                                       (gnc-reverse-balance account)))
              (cells (map (lambda (cell)
-                           (let* ((split->monetary (vector-ref cell 1)))
+                           (let ((split->monetary (vector-ref cell 1)))
                              (vector (split->monetary split)
                                      (vector-ref cell 2) ;reverse?
                                      (vector-ref cell 3) ;subtotal?
@@ -1597,145 +1611,142 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
     (define total-collectors
       (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
-    (define (do-rows-with-subtotals splits odd-row?)
-      (define primary-subtotal-comparator (primary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
-      (define secondary-subtotal-comparator (secondary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
+    (define grid (make-grid))
+    (define primary-subtotal-comparator (primary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
+    (define secondary-subtotal-comparator (secondary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
-      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
+    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
+     table (concatenate (list
+                         (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
+                         headings-left-columns
+                         headings-right-columns)))
-      (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
+    (when (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
+      (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'primary #t)
+                      def:primary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'primary))
+    (when (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
+      (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'secondary #t)
+                      def:secondary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'secondary))
+    (let loop ((splits splits)
+               (odd-row? #t)
+               (work-done 0))
+      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
       (if (null? splits)
-          (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
-              (begin
-                (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-                 table def:grand-total-style
-                 (list
-                  (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                   1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
-                   (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
+          (when (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
+            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
+             table def:grand-total-style
+             (list
+              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
+               1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
+               (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
-                (add-subtotal-row (render-grand-total) total-collectors def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total)))
+            (add-subtotal-row
+             (render-grand-total) total-collectors
+             def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total))
           (let* ((current (car splits))
                  (rest (cdr splits))
-                 (next (if (null? rest) #f (car rest)))
+                 (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest)))
                  (split-values (add-split-row
-                                (if is-multiline? def:normal-row-style
-                                    (if odd-row?
-                                        def:normal-row-style
-                                        def:alternate-row-style))
+                                (if (or odd-row? is-multiline?)
+                                    def:normal-row-style
+                                    def:alternate-row-style)
-            (if is-multiline?
-                (for-each
-                 (lambda (othersplits)
-                   (add-split-row othersplits calculated-cells def:alternate-row-style #f))
-                 (delete current (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent current)))))
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             primary-subtotal-collectors split-values)
+            (when is-multiline?
+              (for-each
+               (lambda (othersplit)
+                 (add-split-row othersplit calculated-cells
+                                def:alternate-row-style #f))
+               (delete current (xaccTransGetSplitList
+                                (xaccSplitGetParent current)))))
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             secondary-subtotal-collectors split-values)
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             total-collectors split-values)
-            (if (and primary-subtotal-comparator
-                     (or (not next)
-                         (and next
-                              (not (equal? (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                           (primary-subtotal-comparator next))))))
-                (begin
-                  (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
-                      (begin
-                        (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                           (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                          secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                                          def:secondary-subtotal-style
-                                          'secondary
-                                          (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                          (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
-                        (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors)))
-                  (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                     (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                    primary-subtotal-collectors
-                                    def:primary-subtotal-style
-                                    'primary
-                                    (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                          (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                    'col-total)
-                  (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                            primary-subtotal-collectors)
-                  (if next
-                      (begin
-                        (add-subheading (render-summary next 'primary #t)
-                                        def:primary-subtotal-style next 'primary)
-                        (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
-                            (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
-                                            def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
-                (if (and secondary-subtotal-comparator
+             (lambda (prime-collector sec-collector tot-collector value)
+               (when value
+                 (let ((comm (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value))
+                       (val (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value)))
+                 (prime-collector 'add comm val)
+                 (sec-collector 'add comm val)
+                 (tot-collector 'add comm val))))
+             primary-subtotal-collectors
+             secondary-subtotal-collectors
+             total-collectors
+             split-values)
+            (cond
+             ((and primary-subtotal-comparator
+                   (or (not next)
+                       (not (equal? (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                    (primary-subtotal-comparator next)))))
+              (when secondary-subtotal-comparator
+                (add-subtotal-row (total-string
+                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
+                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors
+                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style
+                                  'secondary
+                                  (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                        (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                  (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                        (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
+                (for-each
+                 (lambda (coll)
+                   (coll 'reset #f #f))
+                 secondary-subtotal-collectors))
+              (add-subtotal-row (total-string
+                                 (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                primary-subtotal-collectors
+                                def:primary-subtotal-style
+                                'primary
+                                (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                      (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                'col-total)
+              (for-each
+               (lambda (coll)
+                 (coll 'reset #f #f))
+               primary-subtotal-collectors)
+              (when next
+                (add-subheading (render-summary next 'primary #t)
+                                def:primary-subtotal-style next 'primary)
+                (when secondary-subtotal-comparator
+                  (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
+                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style next
+                                  'secondary))))
+             (else
+              (when (and secondary-subtotal-comparator
                          (or (not next)
-                             (and next
-                                  (not (equal? (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                               (secondary-subtotal-comparator next))))))
-                    (begin (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                              (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                             secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                                             def:secondary-subtotal-style
-                                             'secondary
-                                             (if primary-subtotal-comparator
-                                                 (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                       (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                                 (cons #f ""))
-                                             (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
-                           (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                     secondary-subtotal-collectors)
-                           (if next
-                               (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
-                                               def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
-            (do-rows-with-subtotals rest (not odd-row?)))))
-    (define grid (make-grid))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (concatenate (list
-                                                         (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
-                                                         headings-left-columns
-                                                         headings-right-columns)))
-    (if (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'primary #t)
-                        def:primary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'primary))
-    (if (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'secondary #t)
-                        def:secondary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'secondary))
-    (do-rows-with-subtotals splits #t)
+                             (not (equal? (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                          (secondary-subtotal-comparator next)))))
+                (add-subtotal-row (total-string
+                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
+                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors
+                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style
+                                  'secondary
+                                  (if primary-subtotal-comparator
+                                      (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                            (render-summary current 'primary #f))
+                                      (cons #f ""))
+                                  (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
+                                        (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
+                (for-each
+                 (lambda (coll)
+                   (coll 'reset #f #f))
+                 secondary-subtotal-collectors)
+                (when next
+                  (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
+                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
-    (values table
-            grid)))
+            (loop rest (not odd-row?) (1+ work-done)))))
+    (values table grid)))
 ;; grid data structure
 (define (make-grid)
@@ -1743,11 +1754,14 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
 (define (cell-match? cell row col)
   (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
        (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1)))))
-(define (grid-get grid row col)    ; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
+(define (grid-get grid row col)
+  ;; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
-   (lambda (cell) (cell-match? cell row col))
+   (lambda (cell)
+     (cell-match? cell row col))
-(define (grid-del grid row col)    ; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col - CAREFUL!
+(define (grid-del grid row col)
+  ;; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col
    (lambda (cell)
      (not (cell-match? cell row col)))
@@ -1756,10 +1770,13 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
   (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 0)) grid)))
 (define (grid-cols grid)
   (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 1)) grid)))
-(define (grid-add grid row col data)            ;-> misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data,
-  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))           ;we simply delete old data stored at row/col and 
-  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid)) ;add again. this is fine because the grid should
-  grid)                                         ;never have duplicate data in the trep.
+(define (grid-add grid row col data)
+  ;;misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data, we delete old data
+  ;;stored at row/col and add again. this is fine because the grid
+  ;;should never have duplicate data in the trep.
+  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))
+  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid))
+  grid)
 (define (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols)
   (define row-average-enabled? (> (length list-of-cols) 1))
   (define (monetary-div monetary divisor)
@@ -1768,7 +1785,8 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                 (currency (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
                 (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency)))
-            currency (gnc-numeric-convert (/ amount divisor) scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))))
+            currency (gnc-numeric-convert
+                      (/ amount divisor) scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))))
   (define (row->num-of-commodities row)
     ;; for a row, find the maximum number of commodities being stored
     (apply max
@@ -1780,8 +1798,11 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
   (define (make-table-cell row col commodity-idx divisor)
     (let ((cell (grid-get grid row col)))
       (if (null? cell) ""
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell"
-                                           (monetary-div (list-ref-safe (vector-ref (car cell) 2) commodity-idx) divisor)))))
+          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+           "number-cell"
+           (monetary-div
+            (list-ref-safe (vector-ref (car cell) 2) commodity-idx)
+            divisor)))))
   (define (make-row row commodity-idx)
      (list (cond
@@ -1792,35 +1813,40 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
      (list (make-table-cell row 'col-total commodity-idx 1))
      (if row-average-enabled?
-         (list (make-table-cell row 'col-total commodity-idx (length list-of-cols)))
+         (list (make-table-cell
+                row 'col-total commodity-idx (length list-of-cols)))
   (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
     (gnc:html-table-set-caption! table optname-grid)
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (append (list "") (map cdr list-of-cols) (list (_ "Total"))
-                                                   (if row-average-enabled? (list (_ "Average")) '())))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style! table "th"
-                               'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-right"))
+    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
+     table (append (list "")
+                   (map cdr list-of-cols)
+                   (list (_ "Total"))
+                   (if row-average-enabled? (list (_ "Average")) '())))
+    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
+     table "th"
+     'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-right"))
      (lambda (row)
-       (for-each (lambda (commodity-idx)
-                   (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (make-row row commodity-idx)))
-                 (iota (row->num-of-commodities row))))
+       (for-each
+        (lambda (commodity-idx)
+          (gnc:html-table-append-row!
+           table (make-row row commodity-idx)))
+        (iota (row->num-of-commodities row))))
      (if (memq 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
          (append list-of-rows '(row-total))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Here comes the renderer function for this report.
-(define* (trep-renderer report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message
-                        custom-split-filter split->date split->date-include-false?)
-  ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes the report object
+(define* (gnc:trep-renderer
+          report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message
+          custom-split-filter split->date split->date-include-false?)
+  ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes
+  ;; the report object
   ;; the optional arguments are:
   ;; #:custom-calculated-cells - a list of vectors to define customized data columns
-  ;; #:empty-report-message - a str or html-object which is displayed at the initial report opening
+  ;; #:empty-report-message - a str or html-object displayed at the initial run
   ;; #:custom-split-filter - a split->bool function to add to the split filter
   ;; #:split->date - a split->time64 which overrides the default posted date filter
   ;;     (see reconcile report)
@@ -1830,32 +1856,30 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
   ;;     transaction->invoice->payment date.
   (define options (gnc:report-options report-obj))
-  (define (opt-val section name) (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
+  (define (opt-val section name)
+    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
+    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
   (define (is-filter-member split account-list)
     (let* ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent split))
            (splitcount (xaccTransCountSplits txn))
-           (other-account (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split)))
-           (splits-equal? (lambda (s1 s2) (xaccSplitEqual s1 s2 #t #f #f)))
-           (other-splits (delete split (xaccTransGetSplitList txn) splits-equal?))
-           (other-accounts (map xaccSplitGetAccount other-splits))
            (is-in-account-list? (lambda (acc) (member acc account-list))))
-        ;; A 2-split transaction - test separately so it can be optimized
-        ;; to significantly reduce the number of splits to traverse
-        ;; in guile code
-        ((= splitcount 2) (is-in-account-list? other-account))
-        ;; A multi-split transaction - run over all splits
-        ((> splitcount 2) (or-map is-in-account-list? other-accounts))
-        ;; Single transaction splits
-        (else #f))))
+       ((= splitcount 2)
+        (is-in-account-list?
+         (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))))
+       ((> splitcount 2)
+        (or-map is-in-account-list?
+                (map xaccSplitGetAccount
+                     (delete split (xaccTransGetSplitList txn)))))
+       (else #f))))
-  (gnc:report-starting reportname)
+  (gnc:report-starting (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
   (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
          (account-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher))
-         (account-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex)
+         (account-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter
+                                               optname-account-matcher-regex)
                                       (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
                                         (lambda () (make-regexp account-matcher))
                                         (const 'invalid-regex))))
@@ -1863,8 +1887,10 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
          (c_account_1 (filter
                        (lambda (acc)
                          (if (regexp? account-matcher-regexp)
-                             (regexp-exec account-matcher-regexp (gnc-account-get-full-name acc))
-                             (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc) account-matcher)))
+                             (regexp-exec account-matcher-regexp
+                                          (gnc-account-get-full-name acc))
+                             (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc)
+                                              account-matcher)))
          (c_account_2 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby))
          (filter-mode (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype))
@@ -1875,13 +1901,15 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate))))
          (transaction-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher))
-         (transaction-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex)
-                                          (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
-                                            (lambda () (make-regexp transaction-matcher))
-                                            (const 'invalid-regex))))
-         (reconcile-status-filter (keylist-get-info reconcile-status-list
-                                                    (opt-val pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status)
-                                                    'filter-types))
+         (transaction-matcher-regexp
+          (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex)
+               (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
+                 (lambda () (make-regexp transaction-matcher))
+                 (const 'invalid-regex))))
+         (reconcile-status-filter
+          (keylist-get-info reconcile-status-list
+                            (opt-val pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status)
+                            'filter-types))
          (report-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
          (primary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey))
          (primary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder))
@@ -1890,22 +1918,29 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
          (secondary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder))
          (secondary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal))
          (void-status (opt-val pagename-filter optname-void-transactions))
-         (closing-match (keylist-get-info show-closing-list
-                                          (opt-val pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions)
-                                          'closing-match))
+         (closing-match (keylist-get-info
+                         show-closing-list
+                         (opt-val pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions)
+                         'closing-match))
          (splits '())
-         (custom-sort? (or (and (member primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)   ; this will remain
-                                (not (eq? primary-date-subtotal 'none)))  ; until qof-query
-                           (and (member secondary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES) ; is upgraded
+         (custom-sort? (or (and (memq primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
+                                (not (eq? primary-date-subtotal 'none)))
+                           (and (memq secondary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
                                 (not (eq? secondary-date-subtotal 'none)))
                            (or (CUSTOM-SORTING? primary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
                                (CUSTOM-SORTING? secondary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))))
          (subtotal-table? (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-grid)
                                (if (memq primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-                                   (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list primary-date-subtotal 'renderer-fn)
+                                   (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list
+                                                     primary-date-subtotal 'renderer-fn)
                                    (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal))
-                               (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")) 'single)))
+                               (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount"))
+                                    'single)))
          (infobox-display (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display))
+         (match? (lambda (str)
+                   (if transaction-matcher-regexp
+                       (regexp-exec transaction-matcher-regexp str)
+                       (string-contains str transaction-matcher))))
          (query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
     (define (generic-less? split-X split-Y sortkey date-subtotal-key ascend?)
@@ -1914,12 +1949,16 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
       ;; ascend? specifies whether ascending or descending
       (let* ((comparator-function
               (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-                  (let ((date (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'split-sortvalue))
-                        (date-comparator (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list date-subtotal-key 'date-sortvalue)))
+                  (let ((date (keylist-get-info
+                               (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
+                               sortkey 'split-sortvalue))
+                        (date-comparator
+                         (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list
+                                           date-subtotal-key 'date-sortvalue)))
                     (lambda (s)
-                      (and date-comparator
-                           (date-comparator (date s)))))
-                  (or (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
+                      (and date-comparator (date-comparator (date s)))))
+                  (or (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
+                                        sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
                       (lambda (s) #f))))
              (value-of-X (comparator-function split-X))
              (value-of-Y (comparator-function split-Y))
@@ -1942,171 +1981,144 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
     (define (date-comparator? X Y)
       (generic-less? X Y 'date 'none #t))
-    (if (or (or (null? c_account_1) (and-map not c_account_1))
-            (eq? account-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex)
-            (eq? transaction-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex))
-        ;; error condition: no accounts specified or obtained after filtering
-        (begin
+    (cond
+     ((or (null? c_account_1)
+          (eq? account-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex)
+          (eq? transaction-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex))
+      ;; error condition: no accounts specified or obtained after filtering
+      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+       document
+       (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
+        report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
+      ;; if an empty-report-message is passed by a derived report to
+      ;; the renderer, display it here.
+      (when empty-report-message
+        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+         document
+         empty-report-message))
+      (when (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
+        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+         document
+         (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
+     (else
+      (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
+      (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query c_account_1 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
+      (unless split->date
+        (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND))
+      (case void-status
+        ((non-void-only)
+         (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
+        ((void-only)
+         (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
+        (else #f))
+      (when reconcile-status-filter
+        (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch query reconcile-status-filter QOF-QUERY-AND))
+      (when (boolean? closing-match)
+        (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch query closing-match QOF-QUERY-AND))
+      (unless custom-sort?
+        (qof-query-set-sort-order
+         query
+         (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) primary-key 'sortkey)
+         (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) secondary-key 'sortkey)
+         '())
+        (qof-query-set-sort-increasing
+         query (eq? primary-order 'ascend) (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)
+         #t))
+      (if (opt-val "__trep" "unique-transactions")
+          (set! splits (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query))
+          (set! splits (qof-query-run query)))
+      (qof-query-destroy query)
+      ;; Combined Filter:
+      ;; - include/exclude using split->date according to date options
+      ;; - include/exclude splits to/from selected accounts
+      ;; - substring/regex matcher for Transaction Description/Notes/Memo
+      ;; - custom-split-filter, a split->bool function for derived reports
+      (set! splits
+        (filter
+         (lambda (split)
+           (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
+             (and (or (not split->date)
+                      (let ((date (split->date split)))
+                        (if date
+                            (<= begindate date enddate)
+                            split->date-include-false?)))
+                  (case filter-mode
+                    ((none) #t)
+                    ((include) (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
+                    ((exclude) (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2))))
+                  (or (string-null? transaction-matcher)
+                      (match? (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
+                      (match? (xaccTransGetNotes trans))
+                      (match? (xaccSplitGetMemo split)))
+                  (or (not custom-split-filter)
+                      (custom-split-filter split)))))
+         splits))
+      (when custom-sort?
+        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits date-comparator?))
+        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits secondary-comparator?))
+        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits primary-comparator?)))
+      (cond
+       ((null? splits)
+        ;; error condition: no splits found
+        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+         document
+         (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
+          report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
+        (when (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
-           (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
-            report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
+           (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
-          ;; if an empty-report-message is passed by a derived report to
-          ;; the renderer, display it here.
-          (if empty-report-message
-              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-               document
-               empty-report-message))
+       (else
+        (let-values (((table grid)
+                      (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))
+          (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
-          (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
+          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+           document
+           (gnc:make-html-text
+            (gnc:html-markup-h3
+             (format #f
+                     (_ "From ~a to ~a")
+                     (qof-print-date begindate)
+                     (qof-print-date enddate)))))
+          (when (eq? infobox-display 'always)
+            (gnc:html-document-add-object!
+             document
+             (gnc:html-render-options-changed options)))
+          (when subtotal-table?
+            (let* ((generic<?
+                    (lambda (a b)
+                      (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
+                            ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
+                            (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
+                   (list-of-rows
+                    (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
+                                  generic<?))
+                   (list-of-cols
+                    (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid))
+                                  generic<?)))
-               document
-               (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
-        (begin
-          (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
-          (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query c_account_1 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
-          (if (not split->date)
-              (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (case void-status
-            ((non-void-only) (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            ((void-only)     (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            (else #f))
-          (if reconcile-status-filter
-              (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch query reconcile-status-filter QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (if (boolean? closing-match)
-              (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch query closing-match QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (if (not custom-sort?)
-              (begin
-                (qof-query-set-sort-order query
-                                          (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) primary-key 'sortkey)
-                                          (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) secondary-key 'sortkey)
-                                          '())
-                (qof-query-set-sort-increasing query
-                                               (eq? primary-order 'ascend)
-                                               (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)
-                                               #t)))
-          (if (opt-val "__trep" "unique-transactions")
-              (set! splits (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query))
-              (set! splits (qof-query-run query)))
-          (qof-query-destroy query)
-          ;; Combined Filter:
-          ;; - include/exclude using split->date according to date options
-          ;; - include/exclude splits to/from selected accounts
-          ;; - substring/regex matcher for Transaction Description/Notes/Memo
-          ;; - custom-split-filter, a split->bool function for derived reports
-          (set! splits (filter
-                        (lambda (split)
-                          (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (match? (lambda (str)
-                                           (if transaction-matcher-regexp
-                                               (regexp-exec transaction-matcher-regexp str)
-                                               (string-contains str transaction-matcher)))))
-                            (and (or (not split->date)                  ; #f = ignore custom date filter
-                                     (let ((date (split->date split)))  ; cache split->date time64 or #f.
-                                       (if date                         ; if a split->date exists,
-                                           (<= begindate date enddate)  ; then check for inclusion;
-                                           split->date-include-false?))); else behave according to parameter
-                                 (case filter-mode
-                                   ((none) #t)
-                                   ((include) (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
-                                   ((exclude) (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2))))
-                                 (or (string-null? transaction-matcher) ; null-string = ignore filters
-                                     (match? (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
-                                     (match? (xaccTransGetNotes trans))
-                                     (match? (xaccSplitGetMemo split)))
-                                 (or (not custom-split-filter)     ; #f = ignore custom-split-filter
-                                     (custom-split-filter split))
-                                 )))
-                        splits))
-          (when custom-sort?
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits date-comparator?))
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits secondary-comparator?))
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits primary-comparator?)))
-          (if (null? splits)
-              ;; error condition: no splits found
-              (begin
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                 document
-                 (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
-                  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
-                (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
-                    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                     document
-                     (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
-              (let-values (((table grid) (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))
-                (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                 document
-                 (gnc:make-html-text
-                  (gnc:html-markup-h3
-                   (format #f
-                            (_ "From ~a to ~a")
-                            (qof-print-date begindate)
-                            (qof-print-date enddate)))))
-                (if (eq? infobox-display 'always)
-                    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                     document
-                     (gnc:html-render-options-changed options)))
-                (if subtotal-table?
-                    (let* ((generic<? (lambda (a b)
-                                        (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
-                                              ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
-                                              (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
-                           (list-of-rows (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid)) generic<?))
-                           (list-of-cols (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid)) generic<?)))
-                      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                       document (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))
-                (unless (and subtotal-table?
-                             (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only))
-                  (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table))))))
+               document (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))
+          (unless (and subtotal-table?
+                       (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only))
+            (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)))))))
-(define trep-guid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
-(export trep-guid)
-(export trep-renderer)
-(export trep-options-generator)
-;; Define the report.
- 'version 1
- 'name (_ "Reconciliation Report")
- 'report-guid "e45218c6d76f11e7b5ef0800277ef320"
- 'options-generator reconcile-report-options-generator
- ;; the renderer is the same as trep, however we're using a different split-date strategy.
- ;; we're comparing reconcile date for inclusion, and if split is unreconciled, include it anyway.
- 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (trep-renderer rpt
-                                        #:custom-calculated-cells reconcile-report-calculated-cells
-                                        #:split->date split->reconcile-date
-                                        #:split->date-include-false? #t
-                                        #:empty-report-message reconcile-report-instructions)))
-;; Define the report.
- 'version 1
- 'name reportname
- 'report-guid trep-guid
- 'options-generator trep-options-generator
- 'renderer trep-renderer)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
index d1b3b94fa..868526193 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm
@@ -1,24 +1,7 @@
 ;; transaction-report.scm : Report on all transactions in account(s)
-;; Original report by Robert Merkel <rgmerk at>
-;; Contributions by Bryan Larsen <blarsen at>
-;; More contributions for new report generation code by Robert Merkel
-;; More contributions by Christian Stimming <stimming at>
-;; Modified to support the intersection of two account lists by
-;; Michael T. Garrison Stuber
-;; Modified account names display by Tomas Pospisek
-;; <tpo_deb at> with a lot of help from "warlord"
-;; Refactored by Christopher Lam (2017)
-;; - introduced account/transaction substring/regex matcher
-;; - add custom sorter in scheme
-;; - common currency - optionally show original currency amount
-;;   and enable multiple data columns
-;; - add support for indenting for better grouping
-;; - add defaults suitable for a reconciliation report
-;;   including alternative date filtering strategy
-;; - add subtotal summary grid
-;; - by default, exclude closing transactions from the report
+;; calls transaction report functions in trep-engine.scm
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
@@ -41,2072 +24,13 @@
 (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
-(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
-(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
 (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
 (use-modules (gnucash gettext))
 (gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
-;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
-(define reportname (N_ "Transaction Report"))
-(define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
-(define optname-filterby (N_ "Filter By..."))
-(define optname-filtertype (N_ "Filter Type"))
-(define optname-detail-level (N_ "Detail Level"))
-(define optname-grid (N_ "Subtotal Table"))
-(define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
-(define optname-prime-sortkey (N_ "Primary Key"))
-(define optname-prime-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal"))
-(define optname-prime-sortorder (N_ "Primary Sort Order"))
-(define optname-prime-date-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal for Date Key"))
-(define optname-full-account-name (N_ "Show Full Account Name"))
-(define optname-show-account-code (N_ "Show Account Code"))
-(define optname-show-account-description (N_ "Show Account Description"))
-(define optname-show-informal-headers (N_ "Show Informal Debit/Credit Headers"))
-(define optname-show-subtotals-only (N_ "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"))
-(define optname-indenting (N_ "Add indenting columns"))
-(define optname-sec-sortkey (N_ "Secondary Key"))
-(define optname-sec-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal"))
-(define optname-sec-sortorder  (N_ "Secondary Sort Order"))
-(define optname-sec-date-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key"))
-(define optname-startdate (N_ "Start Date"))
-(define optname-enddate (N_ "End Date"))
-(define optname-table-export (N_ "Table for Exporting"))
-(define optname-common-currency (N_ "Common Currency"))
-(define optname-orig-currency (N_ "Show original currency amount"))
-(define optname-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
-(define optname-infobox-display (N_ "Add options summary"))
-(define pagename-filter (N_ "Filter"))
-(define optname-account-matcher (N_ "Account Name Filter"))
-(define optname-account-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for account name filter"))
-(define optname-transaction-matcher (N_ "Transaction Filter"))
-(define optname-transaction-matcher-regex (N_ "Use regular expressions for transaction filter"))
-(define optname-reconcile-status (N_ "Reconcile Status"))
-(define optname-void-transactions (N_ "Void Transactions"))
-(define optname-closing-transactions (N_ "Closing transactions"))
-(define def:grand-total-style "grand-total")
-(define def:normal-row-style "normal-row")
-(define def:alternate-row-style "alternate-row")
-(define def:primary-subtotal-style "primary-subheading")
-(define def:secondary-subtotal-style "secondary-subheading")
-(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-HEADER (_ "No matching transactions found"))
-(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-TEXT (_ "No transactions were found that \
-match the time interval and account selection specified \
-in the Options panel."))
-(define DATE-SORTING-TYPES (list 'date 'reconciled-date))
-(define ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
-                                    'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code))
-(define SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS (list 'account-name 'account-code))
-(define (sortkey-list split-action?)
-  ;;
-  ;; Defines the different sorting keys, as an association-list
-  ;; together with the subtotal functions. Each entry:
-  ;;  'sortkey             - sort parameter sent via qof-query
-  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
-  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
-  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
-  ;;  'renderer-fn         - helper function to select subtotal/subheading renderer
-  ;;       behaviour varies according to sortkey.
-  ;;       account-types converts split->account
-  ;;       #f means the sortkey cannot be subtotalled
-  ;;       otherwise it converts split->string
-  ;;
-  (list (cons 'account-name  (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (gnc-account-get-full-name (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Account Name"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))
-        (cons 'account-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-))
-                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccAccountGetCode (xaccSplitGetAccount a))))
-                                  (cons 'text (_ "Account Code"))
-                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
-                                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))))
-        (cons 'date         (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED))
-                                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                  (cons 'text (_ "Date"))
-                                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by date."))
-                                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'reconciled-date (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED))
-                                     (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled s)))
-                                     (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Date"))
-                                     (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
-                                     (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'reconciled-status (list (cons 'sortkey #f)
-                                       (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (length (memq (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
-                                                                                        '(#\n #\c #\y #\f #\v)))))
-                                       (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Status"))
-                                       (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Status"))
-                                       (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (case (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
-                                                                        ((#\y) (_ "Reconciled"))
-                                                                        ((#\c) (_ "Cleared"))
-                                                                        ((#\n) (_ "Unreconciled"))
-                                                                        ((#\f) (_ "Frozen"))
-                                                                        ((#\v) (_ "Voided"))
-                                                                        (else (_ "Unknown")))))))
-        (cons 'register-order (list (cons 'sortkey (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT))
-                                    (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                                    (cons 'text (_ "Register Order"))
-                                    (cons 'tip (_ "Sort as in the register."))
-                                    (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'corresponding-acc-name (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME))
-                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName a)))
-                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Name"))
-                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
-                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))
-        (cons 'corresponding-acc-code (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE))
-                                            (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode a)))
-                                            (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Code"))
-                                            (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
-                                            (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit a))))))
-        (cons 'amount        (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-VALUE))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (gnc-numeric-to-scm (xaccSplitGetValue a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Amount"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by amount."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'description   (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Description"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by description."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
-        (if split-action?
-            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACTION))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccSplitGetAction a)))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number/Action"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check number/action."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-            (cons 'number    (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Number"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f))))
-        (cons 't-number      (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (a) (xaccTransGetNum (xaccSplitGetParent a))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Transaction Number"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction number."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-        (cons 'memo          (list (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-MEMO))
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetMemo s)))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Memo"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by memo."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccSplitGetMemo s)))))
-        (cons 'notes         (list (cons 'sortkey #f)
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetNotes (xaccSplitGetParent s))))
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "Notes"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction notes."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (xaccTransGetNotes (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
-        (cons 'none          (list (cons 'sortkey '())
-                                   (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                                   (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                                   (cons 'tip (_ "Do not sort."))
-                                   (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))))
-(define (time64-year t64)    (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
-(define (time64-quarter t64) (+ (* 10 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))  (gnc:date-get-quarter (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64-month t64)   (+ (* 100 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-month (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64-week t64)    (gnc:date-get-week (gnc-localtime t64)))
-(define (time64-day t64)     (+ (* 500 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64))) (gnc:date-get-year-day (gnc-localtime t64))))
-(define (time64->daily-string t) (qof-print-date t))
-(define (split->time64 s) (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
-(define date-subtotal-list
-  ;; List for date option.
-  ;; Defines the different date sorting keys, as an association-list. Each entry:
-  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function which retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
-  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
-  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
-  ;;  'renderer-fn         - func retrieve string for subtotal/subheading renderer
-  ;;         #f means the date sortkey is not grouped
-  ;;         otherwise it converts split->string
-  (list
-   (cons 'none (list
-                (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
-                (cons 'date-sortvalue #f)
-                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "None."))
-                (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
-   (cons 'daily (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-day (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-day)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Daily"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Daily."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (time64->daily-string (split->time64 s))))))
-   (cons 'weekly (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-week (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-week)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Weekly"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Weekly."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-week-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'monthly (list
-                   (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-month (split->time64 s))))
-                   (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-month)
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Monthly"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Monthly."))
-                   (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-month-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'quarterly (list
-                     (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (split->time64 s))))
-                     (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-quarter)
-                     (cons 'text (_ "Quarterly"))
-                     (cons 'tip (_ "Quarterly."))
-                     (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))
-   (cons 'yearly (list
-                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-year (split->time64 s))))
-                  (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-year)
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Yearly"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Yearly."))
-                  (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (gnc:date-get-year-string (gnc-localtime (split->time64 s)))))))))
-(define filter-list
-  (list
-   (cons 'none (list
-                (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "Do not do any filtering."))))
-   (cons 'include (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only."))))
-   (cons 'exclude (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts."))))))
-(define show-void-list
-  (list
-   (cons 'non-void-only (list
-                         (cons 'text (_ "Non-void only"))
-                         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only non-voided transactions."))))
-   (cons 'void-only (list
-                     (cons 'text (_ "Void only"))
-                     (cons 'tip (_ "Show only voided transactions."))))
-   (cons 'both (list
-                (cons 'text (_ "Both"))
-                (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals)."))))))
-(define show-closing-list
-  (list
-   (cons 'exclude-closing (list
-                           (cons 'text (_ "Exclude closing transactions"))
-                           (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude closing transactions from report."))
-                           (cons 'closing-match #f)))
-   (cons 'include-both (list
-                        (cons 'text (_ "Show both closing and regular transactions"))
-                        (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include closing transactions in totals)."))
-                        (cons 'closing-match 'both)))
-   (cons 'closing-only (list
-                        (cons 'text (_ "Show closing transactions only"))
-                        (cons 'tip (_ "Show only closing transactions."))
-                        (cons 'closing-match #t)))))
-(define reconcile-status-list
-  ;; 'filter-types must be either #f (i.e. disable reconcile filter)
-  ;; or a value defined as defined in Query.c
-  ;; e.g. CLEARED-NO for unreconciled
-  ;;      (logior CLEARED-NO CLEARED-CLEARED) for unreconciled & cleared
-  (list
-   (cons 'all
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "All"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Show All Transactions"))
-          (cons 'filter-types #f)))
-   (cons 'unreconciled
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Unreconciled"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Unreconciled only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-NO)))
-   (cons 'cleared
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Cleared"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Cleared only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-CLEARED)))
-   (cons 'reconciled
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reconciled only"))
-          (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-RECONCILED)))))
-(define ascending-list
-  (list
-   (cons 'ascend (list
-                  (cons 'text (_ "Ascending"))
-                  (cons 'tip (_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest."))))
-   (cons 'descend (list
-                   (cons 'text (_ "Descending"))
-                   (cons 'tip (_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest."))))))
-(define sign-reverse-list
-  (list
-   (cons 'global
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Use Global Preference"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Use reversing option specified in global preference."))
-          (cons 'acct-types #f)))
-   (cons 'none
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "None"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types '())))
-   (cons 'income-expense
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Income and Expense"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))))
-   (cons 'credit-accounts
-         (list
-          (cons 'text (_ "Credit Accounts"))
-          (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, \
-Credit Card, and Income accounts."))
-          (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE
-                                  ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT
-                                  ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))))))
-(define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
-  (cdr (assq info (cdr (assq key keylist)))))
-(define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
-  (map
-   (lambda (item)
-     (vector
-      (car item)
-      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'text)
-      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'tip)))
-   keylist))
-(define (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey split-action?)
-  ;; this returns whether sortkey *can* be subtotalled/grouped.
-  ;; it checks whether a renderer-fn is defined.
-  (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'renderer-fn))
-(define (CUSTOM-SORTING? sortkey split-action?)
-  ;; sortkey -> bool
-  ;;
-  ;; this returns which sortkeys which *must* use the custom sorter.
-  ;; it filters whereby a split-sortvalue is defined (i.e. the splits
-  ;; can be compared according to their 'sortvalue) but the QofQuery
-  ;; sortkey is not defined (i.e. their 'sortkey is #f).
-  (and (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
-       (not (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'sortkey))))
-;; Set defaults for reconcilation report
-(define (reconcile-report-options-generator)
-  (define options (trep-options-generator))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey) 'reconciled-status)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)   'date)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) 'none)
-  ;; the start date should really be the last-reconcile-date but this information is not
-  ;; easily accessible from scheme:
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate) (cons 'relative 'start-prev-quarter))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate)   (cons 'relative 'today))
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")) #t)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")) #f)
-  (gnc:option-set-value (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")) #f)
-  (gnc:option-make-internal! options gnc:pagename-display "Running Balance")
-  options)
-(define reconcile-report-instructions
-  (gnc:make-html-text
-   (_ "The reconcile report is designed to be similar to the formal reconciliation tool.
-Please select the account from Report Options. Please note the dates specified in the options
-will apply to the Reconciliation Date.")
-   (gnc:html-markup-br)
-   (gnc:html-markup-br)))
-;; if split is reconciled, retrieve its reconciled date; if not yet reconciled, return #f
-(define (split->reconcile-date split)
-  (and (char=? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
-       (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split)))
-(define (reconcile-report-calculated-cells options)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (letrec
-      ((split-amount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
-                                     (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
-                                     (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
-       (split-currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
-       (amount (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
-       (debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
-                                      (amount s))))
-       (credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                       (gnc:monetary-neg (amount s))))))
-    ;; similar to default-calculated-cells but disable dual-subtotals.
-    (list (vector (_ "Funds In")
-                  debit-amount #f #t #f
-                  (const ""))
-          (vector (_ "Funds Out")
-                  credit-amount #f #t #f
-                  (const "")))))
-;; Default Transaction Report
-(define (trep-options-generator)
-  (define options (gnc:new-options))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
-  (define (gnc:register-trep-option new-option)
-    (gnc:register-option options new-option))
-  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this trep-options-generator
-  ;; defines a long set of options to be assigned as an object in
-  ;; the report. This long list (52 at Feb 2018 count) of options
-  ;; may be modified in a derived report (see income-gst-statement.scm)
-  ;; via gnc:make-internal! and gnc-unregister-option to hide
-  ;; and remove options, respectively. If an option is unregistered,
-  ;; don't forget to re-register them via gnc:register-option, unless
-  ;; your derived report truly does not require them.
-  ;; General options
-  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
-   options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate optname-enddate "a")
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency
-    "e" (_ "Convert all transactions into a common currency.") #f
-    #f
-    (lambda (x)
-      (begin
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
-                                                     gnc:pagename-general
-                                                     optname-currency x)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name options
-                                                     gnc:pagename-general
-                                                     optname-orig-currency x)))))
-  (gnc:options-add-currency!
-   options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency "f")
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency
-    "f1" (_ "Also show original currency amounts") #f))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export
-    "g" (_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.") #f))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display
-    "h" (_ "Add summary of options.")
-    'no-match
-    ;; This is an alist of conditions for displaying the infobox
-    ;; 'no-match for empty-report
-    ;; 'match for generated report
-    (list (vector 'no-match
-                  (_ "If no transactions matched")
-                  (_ "Display summary if no transactions were matched."))
-          (vector 'always
-                  (_ "Always")
-                  (_ "Always display summary."))
-          (vector 'never
-                  (_ "Never")
-                  (_ "Disable report summary.")))))
-  ;; Filtering Options
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-string-option
-    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher
-    "a5" (_ "Show only accounts whose full name matches this filter e.g. ':Travel' will match \
-Expenses:Travel:Holiday and Expenses:Business:Travel. It can be left blank, which will \
-disable the filter.")
-    ""))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex
-    "a6"
-    (_ "By default the account filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
-enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. 'Car|Flights' will match both \
-Expenses:Car and Expenses:Flights. Use a period (.) to match a single character e.g. \
-'20../.' will match 'Travel 2017/1 London'. ")
-    #f))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-string-option
-    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher
-    "i1" (_ "Show only transactions where description, notes, or memo matches this filter.
-e.g. '#gift' will find all transactions with #gift in description, notes or memo. It can be left \
-blank, which will disable the filter.")
-    ""))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex
-    "i2"
-    (_ "By default the transaction filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
-enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. '#work|#family' will match both \
-tags within description, notes or memo. ")
-    #f))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status
-    "j1" (_ "Filter by reconcile status.")
-    'all
-    (keylist->vectorlist reconcile-status-list)))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    pagename-filter optname-void-transactions
-    "k" (N_ "How to handle void transactions.")
-    'non-void-only
-    (keylist->vectorlist show-void-list)))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-    pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions
-    "l" (_ "By default most users should not include closing \
-transactions in a transaction report. Closing transactions are \
-transfers from income and expense accounts to equity, and must usually \
-be excluded from periodic reporting.")
-    'exclude-closing
-    (keylist->vectorlist show-closing-list)))
-  ;; Accounts options
-  ;; account to do report on
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
-    "a" (_ "Report on these accounts.")
-    ;; select, by default, no accounts! Selecting all accounts will
-    ;; always imply an insanely long waiting time upon opening, and it
-    ;; is almost never useful. So we instead display the normal error
-    ;; message saying "Click here", and the user knows how to
-    ;; continue.
-    (lambda ()
-      '())
-    #f #t))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-account-list-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
-    "c1" (_ "Filter on these accounts.")
-    (lambda ()
-      '())
-    #f #t))
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype
-    "c" (_ "Filter account.")
-    'none
-    (keylist->vectorlist filter-list)
-    #f
-    (lambda (x)
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
-       (not (eq? x 'none))))))
-  ;; Sorting options
-  (let ((ascending-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist ascending-list))
-        (key-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)))
-        (date-subtotal-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist date-subtotal-list))
-        (prime-sortkey 'account-name)
-        (prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #t)
-        (prime-date-subtotal 'monthly)
-        (sec-sortkey 'register-order)
-        (sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f)
-        (sec-date-subtotal 'monthly))
-    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options)
-      (let* ((prime-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? prime-sortkey 'none)))
-             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? prime-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
-             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (member prime-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES))
-             (sec-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? sec-sortkey 'none)))
-             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sec-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
-             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (member sec-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
-         prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
-         prime-sortkey-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
-         sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
-         sec-sortkey-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-indenting
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none prime-date-subtotal)))
-             (and sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none sec-date-subtotal)))))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
-         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)
-             (and prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none prime-date-subtotal)))
-             (and sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none sec-date-subtotal)))))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
-         (or (member prime-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))
-             (member sec-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))))
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
-         prime-date-sortingtype-enabled)
-        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
-         sec-date-sortingtype-enabled)))
-    ;; primary sorting criterion
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey
-      "a" (_ "Sort by this criterion first.")
-      prime-sortkey
-      key-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! prime-sortkey x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
-      "j1"
-      (_ "Show the full account name for subtotals and subheadings?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
-      "j2"
-      (_ "Show the account code for subtotals and subheadings?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
-      "j3"
-      (_ "Show the account description for subheadings?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
-      "j4"
-      (_ "Show the informal headers for debit/credit accounts?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-indenting
-      "j5"
-      (_ "Add indenting columns with grouping and subtotals?")
-      #t))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
-      "j6"
-      (_ "Show subtotals only, hiding transactional detail?")
-      #f))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
-      "e5"
-      (_ "Subtotal according to the primary key?")
-      prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! prime-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
-      "e2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")
-      prime-date-subtotal
-      date-subtotal-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! prime-date-subtotal x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
-      "e" (_ "Order of primary sorting.")
-      'ascend
-      ascending-choice-list))
-    ;; Secondary sorting criterion
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey
-      "f"
-      (_ "Sort by this criterion second.")
-      sec-sortkey
-      key-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! sec-sortkey x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
-      "i5"
-      (_ "Subtotal according to the secondary key?")
-      sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! sec-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
-      "i2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")
-      sec-date-subtotal
-      date-subtotal-choice-list #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! sec-date-subtotal x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
-      "i" (_ "Order of Secondary sorting.")
-      'ascend
-      ascending-choice-list)))
-  ;; Display options
-  (let ((disp-memo? #t)
-        (disp-accname? #t)
-        (disp-other-accname? #f)
-        (detail-is-single? #t)
-        (amount-value 'single))
-    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options)
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")
-       disp-accname?)
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
-       detail-is-single?)
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
-       (eq? amount-value 'single))
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display optname-grid
-       (eq? amount-value 'single))
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display "Enable links"
-       (not (eq? amount-value 'none)))
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")
-       (and disp-other-accname? detail-is-single?))
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code")
-       detail-is-single?)
-      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
-       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")
-       disp-memo?))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (l)
-       (gnc:register-trep-option
-        (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-         gnc:pagename-display (car l) (cadr l) (caddr l) (cadddr l))))
-     ;; One list per option here with: option-name, sort-tag,
-     ;; help-string, default-value
-     (list
-      (list (N_ "Date")                         "a"  (_ "Display the date?") #t)
-      (list (N_ "Reconciled Date")              "a2" (_ "Display the reconciled date?") #f)
-          (list (N_ "Num/Action")               "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t)
-          (list (N_ "Num")                      "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t))
-      (list (N_ "Description")                  "c"  (_ "Display the description?") #t)
-      (list (N_ "Notes")                        "d2" (_ "Display the notes if the memo is unavailable?") #t)
-      ;; account name option appears here
-      (list (N_ "Use Full Account Name")        "f"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #t)
-      (list (N_ "Account Code")                 "g"  (_ "Display the account code?") #f)
-      ;; other account name option appears here
-      (list (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")  "i"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #f)
-      (list (N_ "Other Account Code")           "j"  (_ "Display the other account code?") #f)
-      (list (N_ "Shares")                       "k"  (_ "Display the number of shares?") #f)
-      (list (N_ "Price")                        "l"  (_ "Display the shares price?") #f)
-      ;; note the "Amount" multichoice option in between here
-      (list optname-grid                        "m5" (_ "Display a subtotal summary table. This requires Display/Amount being 'single") #f)
-      (list (N_ "Running Balance")              "n"  (_ "Display a running balance?") #f)
-      (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (_ "Display the totals?") #t)))
-        (gnc:register-trep-option
-         (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-          gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
-          "b2" (_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))
-    ;; Add an option to display the memo, and disable the notes option
-    ;; when memos are not included.
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")
-      "d"  (_ "Display the memo?") #t
-      disp-memo?
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! disp-memo? x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
-    ;; Ditto for Account Name #t -> Use Full Account Name is selectable
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")
-      "e"  (_ "Display the account name?") #t
-      disp-accname?
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! disp-accname? x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
-    ;; Ditto for Other Account Name #t -> Use Full Other Account Name is selectable
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
-      "h5"  (_ "Display the other account name? (if this is a split transaction, this parameter is guessed).") #f
-      disp-other-accname?
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! disp-other-accname? x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level
-      "h" (_ "Amount of detail to display per transaction.")
-      'single
-      (list (vector 'multi-line
-                    (_ "Multi-Line")
-                    (_ "Display all splits in a transaction on a separate line."))
-            (vector 'single
-                    (_ "Single")
-                    (_ "Display one line per transaction, merging multiple splits where required.")))
-      #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! detail-is-single? (eq? x 'single))
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")
-      "m" (_ "Display the amount?")
-      amount-value
-      (list
-       (vector 'none   (_ "None") (_ "No amount display."))
-       (vector 'single (_ "Single") (_ "Single Column Display."))
-       (vector 'double (_ "Double") (_ "Two Column Display.")))
-      #f
-      (lambda (x)
-        (set! amount-value x)
-        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Enable links")
-      "m2" (_ "Enable hyperlinks in amounts.") #t))
-    (gnc:register-trep-option
-     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
-      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
-      "m1" (_ "Reverse amount display for certain account types.")
-      'global
-      (keylist->vectorlist sign-reverse-list))))
-  ;; this hidden option will toggle whether the default
-  ;; qof-query is run, or a different query which ensures
-  ;; no transaction is duplicated. It can be enabled in
-  ;; a derived report (eg income-gst-statement.scm)
-  (gnc:register-trep-option
-   (gnc:make-internal-option "__trep" "unique-transactions" #f))
-  (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
-  options)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Here comes the big function that builds the whole table.
-(define (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)
-  (define (opt-val section name)
-    (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-      (if option
-          (gnc:option-value option)
-          (gnc:error "gnc:lookup-option error: " section "/" name))))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
-  (define (build-columns-used)
-    (define detail-is-single? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'single))
-    (define amount-setting (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")))
-    (list (cons 'date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Date")))
-          (cons 'reconciled-date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")))
-          (cons 'num (if BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
-                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num/Action"))
-                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))))
-          (cons 'description (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Description")))
-          (cons 'account-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")))
-          (cons 'other-account-name (and detail-is-single?
-                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))))
-          (cons 'shares (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Shares")))
-          (cons 'price (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Price")))
-          (cons 'amount-single (eq? amount-setting 'single))
-          (cons 'amount-double (eq? amount-setting 'double))
-          (cons 'common-currency (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency))
-          (cons 'amount-original-currency
-                (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency)
-                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency)))
-          (cons 'indenting (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-indenting))
-          (cons 'subtotals-only (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only)
-                                     (or (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-                                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
-          (cons 'running-balance (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")))
-          (cons 'account-full-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")))
-          (cons 'memo (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")))
-          (cons 'account-code (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Code")))
-          (cons 'other-account-code (and detail-is-single?
-                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))))
-          (cons 'other-account-full-name (and detail-is-single?
-                                              (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))))
-          (cons 'sort-account-code (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Code")))
-          (cons 'sort-account-full-name (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name")))
-          (cons 'sort-account-description (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Description")))
-          (cons 'notes (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")))))
-  (define (primary-get-info info)
-    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey)))
-      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal) info)
-          (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
-               (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal)
-               (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
-  (define (secondary-get-info info)
-    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)))
-      (if (member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) info)
-          (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
-               (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal)
-               (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
-  (let* ((work-to-do (length splits))
-         (work-done 0)
-         (table (gnc:make-html-table))
-         (used-columns (build-columns-used))
-         (opt-use-links? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Enable links"))
-         (account-types-to-reverse
-          (keylist-get-info sign-reverse-list
-                            (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses"))
-                            'acct-types))
-         (is-multiline? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'multi-line))
-         (export? (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export)))
-    (define (column-uses? param)
-      (cdr (assq param used-columns)))
-    (define left-columns
-      (let* ((add-if (lambda (pred? . items) (if pred? items '())))
-             (left-cols-list
-              (append
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'date)
-                       (vector (_ "Date")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (if transaction-row?
-                                     (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                      "date-cell"
-                                      (qof-print-date (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
-                                     ""))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'reconciled-date)
-                       (vector (_ "Reconciled Date")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (let ((reconcile-date (split->reconcile-date split)))
-                                   (and reconcile-date
-                                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                         "date-cell"
-                                         (qof-print-date reconcile-date)))))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'num)
-                       (vector (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
-                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
-                                   (_ "Num/T-Num")
-                                   (_ "Num"))
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                        (num (gnc-get-num-action trans split))
-                                        (t-num (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
-                                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")))
-                                                   (gnc-get-num-action trans #f)
-                                                   ""))
-                                        (num-string (if (string-null? t-num)
-                                                        num
-                                                        (string-append num "/" t-num))))
-                                   (if transaction-row?
-                                       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "text-cell" num-string)
-                                       "")))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'description)
-                       (vector (_ "Description")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (if transaction-row?
-                                     (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                      "text-cell"
-                                      (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
-                                     ""))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'memo)
-                       (vector (if (column-uses? 'notes)
-                                   (string-append (_ "Memo") "/" (_ "Notes"))
-                                   (_ "Memo"))
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (define memo (xaccSplitGetMemo split))
-                                 (if (and (string-null? memo) (column-uses? 'notes))
-                                     (xaccTransGetNotes trans)
-                                     memo))))
-               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'account-name) (column-uses? 'account-code))
-                       (vector (_ "Account")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (define account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
-                                 (account-namestring account
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-code)
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-name)
-                                                     (column-uses? 'account-full-name)))))
-               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
-                           (column-uses? 'other-account-code))
-                       (vector (_ "Transfer from/to")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (and (< 1 (xaccTransCountSplits
-                                            (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
-                                      (account-namestring
-                                       (xaccSplitGetAccount
-                                        (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
-                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-code)
-                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
-                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-full-name))))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'shares)
-                       (vector (_ "Shares")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                  "number-cell"
-                                  (xaccSplitGetAmount split)))))
-               (add-if (column-uses? 'price)
-                       (vector (_ "Price")
-                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 ;; share price is retrieved as an exact rational; convert for
-                                 ;; presentation to decimal, rounded to the currency SCU, optionally
-                                 ;; increasing precision by 2 significant digits.
-                                 (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
-                                        (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
-                                        (price (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
-                                        (price-decimal (gnc-numeric-convert price
-                                                                            (if (< scu 10000)
-                                                                                (* scu 100)
-                                                                                scu)
-                                                                            GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
-                                   (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                    "number-cell"
-                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency price-decimal)))))))))
-        (if (or (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
-                (and (null? left-cols-list)
-                     (or (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
-                         (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
-            (list (vector "" (lambda (s t) #f)))
-            left-cols-list)))
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;;
-    ;; calculated-cells
-    ;;
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    (define default-calculated-cells
-      (letrec
-          ((split-amount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
-                                         (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
-                                         (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
-           (split-currency (lambda (s) (xaccAccountGetCommodity (xaccSplitGetAccount s))))
-           (row-currency (lambda (s) (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
-                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)
-                                         (split-currency s))))
-           (friendly-debit (lambda (a) (gnc:get-debit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
-           (friendly-credit (lambda (a) (gnc:get-credit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
-           (header-commodity (lambda (str)
-                               (string-append
-                                str
-                                (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
-                                    (format #f " (~a)"
-                                            (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic
-                                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)))
-                                    ""))))
-           ;; For conversion to row-currency. Use midday as the
-           ;; transaction time so it matches a price on the same day.
-           ;; Otherwise it uses midnight which will likely match a
-           ;; price on the previous day
-           (converted-amount (lambda (s) (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
-                                          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))
-                                          (row-currency s)
-                                          (time64CanonicalDayTime
-                                           (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
-           (converted-debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
-                                                    (converted-amount s))))
-           (converted-credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                                     (gnc:monetary-neg (converted-amount s)))))
-           (original-amount (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
-           (original-debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
-                                                   (original-amount s))))
-           (original-credit-amount (lambda (s) (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
-                                                    (gnc:monetary-neg (original-amount s)))))
-           (running-balance (lambda (s) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (xaccSplitGetBalance s)))))
-        (append
-         ;; each column will be a vector
-         ;; (vector heading
-         ;;         calculator-function                          ;; (calculator-function split) to obtain amount
-         ;;         reverse-column?                              ;; #t to allow reverse signs
-         ;;         subtotal?                                    ;; #t to allow subtotals (ie must be #f for running balance)
-         ;;         start-dual-column?                           ;; #t for the debit side of a dual column (i.e. debit/credit)
-         ;;                                                      ;; which means the next column must be the credit side
-         ;;         friendly-heading-fn                          ;; (friendly-heading-fn account) to retrieve friendly name for account debit/credit
-         (if (column-uses? 'amount-single)
-             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Amount"))
-                           converted-amount #t #t #f
-                           (lambda (a) "")))
-             '())
-         (if (column-uses? 'amount-double)
-             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Debit"))
-                           converted-debit-amount #f #t #t
-                           friendly-debit)
-                   (vector (header-commodity (_ "Credit"))
-                           converted-credit-amount #f #t #f
-                           friendly-credit))
-             '())
-         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
-                  (column-uses? 'amount-single))
-             (list (vector (_ "Amount")
-                           original-amount #t #t #f
-                           (lambda (a) "")))
-             '())
-         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
-                  (column-uses? 'amount-double))
-             (list (vector (_ "Debit")
-                           original-debit-amount #f #t #t
-                           friendly-debit)
-                   (vector (_ "Credit")
-                           original-credit-amount #f #t #f
-                           friendly-credit))
-             '())
-         (if (column-uses? 'running-balance)
-             (list (vector (_ "Running Balance")
-                           running-balance #t #f #f
-                           (lambda (a) "")))
-             '()))))
-    (define calculated-cells
-      ;; this part will check whether custom-calculated-cells were specified. this
-      ;; describes a custom function which consumes an options list, and generates
-      ;; a vectorlist similar to default-calculated-cells as above.
-      (if custom-calculated-cells
-          (custom-calculated-cells options)
-          default-calculated-cells))
-    (define headings-left-columns
-      (map (lambda (column)
-             (vector-ref column 0))
-           left-columns))
-    (define headings-right-columns
-      (map (lambda (column)
-             (vector-ref column 0))
-           calculated-cells))
-    (define width-left-columns (length left-columns))
-    (define width-right-columns (length calculated-cells))
-    (define primary-indent
-      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
-               (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
-          1 0))
-    (define secondary-indent
-      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
-               (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
-          1 0))
-    (define indent-level
-      (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))
-    (define (add-subheading data subheading-style split level)
-      (let* ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
-                               (case level
-                                 ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
-                                 ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
-             (left-indent (case level
-                            ((primary total) 0)
-                            ((secondary) primary-indent)))
-             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent)))
-        (unless (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
-          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-           table subheading-style
-           (append
-            (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent)
-            (if (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers)
-                     (column-uses? 'amount-double)
-                     (member sortkey SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS))
-                (append
-                 (if export?
-                     (cons
-                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell data)
-                      (gnc:html-make-empty-cells
-                       (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1)))
-                     (list
-                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                       1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) data)))
-                 (map (lambda (cell)
-                        (gnc:make-html-text
-                         (gnc:html-markup-b
-                          ((vector-ref cell 5)
-                           ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
-                                              sortkey 'renderer-fn)
-                            split)))))
-                      calculated-cells))
-                (list
-                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                  1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns width-right-columns)
-                  data))))))))
-    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors subtotal-style level row col)
-      (let* ((left-indent (case level
-                            ((total) 0)
-                            ((primary) primary-indent)
-                            ((secondary) (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))))
-             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent))
-             (merge-list (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 4)) calculated-cells))
-             (columns (map (lambda (coll) (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)) subtotal-collectors))
-             (list-of-commodities (delete-duplicates (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (concatenate columns))
-                                                     gnc-commodity-equal)))
-        (define (retrieve-commodity list-of-monetary commodity)
-          (find (lambda (mon) (gnc-commodity-equal commodity (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon)))
-                list-of-monetary))
-        (define (first-column string)
-          (if export?
-              (cons
-               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" string)
-               (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1)))
-              (list
-               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) "total-label-cell" string))))
-        (define (data-columns commodity)
-          (let loop ((merging? #f)
-                     (last-column #f)
-                     (columns columns)
-                     (merge-list merge-list)
-                     (result '()))
-            (if (null? columns)
-                ;; we've processed all columns. return the (reversed) list of html-table-cells.
-                (reverse result)
-                (let* ((mon (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
-                       (this-column (and mon (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon))))
-                  (cond
-                   ;; We're merging. If a subtotal exists, send to next loop iteration.
-                   ((car merge-list)
-                    (loop #t
-                          this-column
-                          (cdr columns)
-                          (cdr merge-list)
-                          result))
-                   ;; We're completing merge. Display debit-credit in correct column.
-                   (merging?
-                    (let* ((sum (and (or last-column this-column)
-                                     (- (or last-column 0) (or this-column 0))))
-                           (sum-table-cell (and sum (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                                     "total-number-cell"
-                                                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                                                      commodity (abs sum)))))
-                           (debit-col (and sum (positive? sum) sum-table-cell))
-                           (credit-col (and sum (not (positive? sum)) sum-table-cell)))
-                      (loop #f
-                            #f
-                            (cdr columns)
-                            (cdr merge-list)
-                            (cons* (or credit-col "")
-                                   (or debit-col "")
-                                   result))))
-                   ;; Not merging nor completed merge. Just add amount to result.
-                   (else
-                    (loop #f
-                          #f
-                          (cdr columns)
-                          (cdr merge-list)
-                          (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-number-cell" mon)
-                                result))))))))
-        ;; take the first column of each commodity, add onto the subtotal grid
-        (set! grid (grid-add grid row col
-                             (map (lambda (commodity)
-                                    (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
-                                  list-of-commodities)))
-        ;; each commodity subtotal gets a separate line in the html-table
-        ;; each line comprises: indenting, first-column, data-columns
-        (let loop ((first-column-string subtotal-string)
-                   (list-of-commodities list-of-commodities))
-          (unless (null? list-of-commodities)
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-             table subtotal-style
-             (append
-              (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent)
-              (first-column first-column-string)
-              (data-columns (car list-of-commodities))))
-            (loop "" (cdr list-of-commodities))))))
-    (define (total-string str) (string-append (_ "Total For ") str))
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;; renderers
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;; display an account name depending on the options the user has set
-    (define (account-namestring account show-account-code? show-account-name? show-account-full-name?)
-      ;;# on multi-line splits we can get an empty ('()) account
-      (if (null? account)
-          (_ "Split Transaction")
-          (string-append
-           ;; display account code?
-           (if show-account-code?
-               (string-append (xaccAccountGetCode account) " ")
-               "")
-           ;; display account name?
-           (if show-account-name?
-               ;; display full account name?
-               (if show-account-full-name?
-                   (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
-                   (xaccAccountGetName account))
-               ""))))
-    ;; retrieve date renderer from the date-subtotal-list
-    (define (render-date date-subtotal-key split)
-      ((keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list date-subtotal-key 'renderer-fn) split))
-    ;; generate account name, optionally with anchor to account register
-    (define (render-account sortkey split anchor?)
-      (let* ((account ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
-             (name (account-namestring account
-                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-code)
-                                       #t
-                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-full-name)))
-             (description (if (and (column-uses? 'sort-account-description)
-                                   (not (string-null? (xaccAccountGetDescription account))))
-                              (string-append ": " (xaccAccountGetDescription account))
-                              "")))
-        (if (and anchor? opt-use-links?
-                 (not (null? account))) ;html anchor for 2-split transactions only
-            (gnc:make-html-text
-             (gnc:html-markup-anchor (gnc:account-anchor-text account) name)
-             description)
-            name)))
-    ;; generic renderer. retrieve renderer-fn which should return a str
-    (define (render-generic sortkey split)
-      ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
-    (define (render-summary split level anchor?)
-      (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
-                              (case level
-                                ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
-                                ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
-            (date-subtotal-key (opt-val pagename-sorting
-                                        (case level
-                                          ((primary) optname-prime-date-subtotal)
-                                          ((secondary) optname-sec-date-subtotal)))))
-        (cond
-         ((member sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (render-date date-subtotal-key split))
-         ((member sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
-          (render-account sortkey split anchor?))
-         (else
-          (render-generic sortkey split)))))
-    (define (render-grand-total)
-      (_ "Grand Total"))
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;;
-    ;; add-split-row
-    ;;
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    (define (add-split-row split cell-calculators row-style transaction-row?)
-      (let* ((account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
-             (reversible-account? (if account-types-to-reverse
-                                      (member (xaccAccountGetType account)
-                                              account-types-to-reverse)
-                                      (gnc-reverse-balance account)))
-             (cells (map (lambda (cell)
-                           (let* ((split->monetary (vector-ref cell 1)))
-                             (vector (split->monetary split)
-                                     (vector-ref cell 2) ;reverse?
-                                     (vector-ref cell 3) ;subtotal?
-                                     )))
-                         cell-calculators)))
-        (unless (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
-          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-           table row-style
-           (append
-            (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
-            (map (lambda (left-col)
-                   ((vector-ref left-col 1)
-                    split transaction-row?))
-                 left-columns)
-            (map (lambda (cell)
-                   (let* ((cell-monetary (vector-ref cell 0))
-                          (reverse? (and (vector-ref cell 1)
-                                         reversible-account?))
-                          (cell-content (and cell-monetary
-                                             (if reverse?
-                                                 (gnc:monetary-neg cell-monetary)
-                                                 cell-monetary))))
-                     (and cell-content
-                          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                           "number-cell"
-                           (if opt-use-links?
-                               (gnc:html-split-anchor split cell-content)
-                               cell-content)))))
-                 cells))))
-        (map (lambda (cell)
-               (let ((cell-monetary (vector-ref cell 0))
-                     (subtotal? (vector-ref cell 2)))
-                 (and subtotal? cell-monetary)))
-             cells)))
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;; do-rows-with-subtotals
-    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    (define primary-subtotal-collectors
-      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
-    (define secondary-subtotal-collectors
-      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
-    (define total-collectors
-      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
-    (define (do-rows-with-subtotals splits odd-row?)
-      (define primary-subtotal-comparator (primary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
-      (define secondary-subtotal-comparator (secondary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
-      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
-      (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-      (if (null? splits)
-          (if (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
-              (begin
-                (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-                 table def:grand-total-style
-                 (list
-                  (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                   1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
-                   (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
-                (add-subtotal-row (render-grand-total) total-collectors def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total)))
-          (let* ((current (car splits))
-                 (rest (cdr splits))
-                 (next (if (null? rest) #f (car rest)))
-                 (split-values (add-split-row
-                                current
-                                calculated-cells
-                                (if is-multiline? def:normal-row-style
-                                    (if odd-row?
-                                        def:normal-row-style
-                                        def:alternate-row-style))
-                                #t)))
-            (if is-multiline?
-                (for-each
-                 (lambda (othersplits)
-                   (add-split-row othersplits calculated-cells def:alternate-row-style #f))
-                 (delete current (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent current)))))
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             primary-subtotal-collectors split-values)
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             secondary-subtotal-collectors split-values)
-            (for-each
-             (lambda (collector value)
-               (if value
-                   (collector 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))))
-             total-collectors split-values)
-            (if (and primary-subtotal-comparator
-                     (or (not next)
-                         (and next
-                              (not (equal? (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                           (primary-subtotal-comparator next))))))
-                (begin
-                  (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
-                      (begin
-                        (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                           (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                          secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                                          def:secondary-subtotal-style
-                                          'secondary
-                                          (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                          (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
-                        (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors)))
-                  (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                     (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                    primary-subtotal-collectors
-                                    def:primary-subtotal-style
-                                    'primary
-                                    (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                          (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                    'col-total)
-                  (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                            primary-subtotal-collectors)
-                  (if next
-                      (begin
-                        (add-subheading (render-summary next 'primary #t)
-                                        def:primary-subtotal-style next 'primary)
-                        (if secondary-subtotal-comparator
-                            (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
-                                            def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
-                (if (and secondary-subtotal-comparator
-                         (or (not next)
-                             (and next
-                                  (not (equal? (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                               (secondary-subtotal-comparator next))))))
-                    (begin (add-subtotal-row (total-string
-                                              (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
-                                             secondary-subtotal-collectors
-                                             def:secondary-subtotal-style
-                                             'secondary
-                                             (if primary-subtotal-comparator
-                                                 (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                       (render-summary current 'primary #f))
-                                                 (cons #f ""))
-                                             (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
-                                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
-                           (for-each (lambda (coll) (coll 'reset #f #f))
-                                     secondary-subtotal-collectors)
-                           (if next
-                               (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
-                                               def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
-            (do-rows-with-subtotals rest (not odd-row?)))))
-    (define grid (make-grid))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (concatenate (list
-                                                         (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
-                                                         headings-left-columns
-                                                         headings-right-columns)))
-    (if (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'primary #t)
-                        def:primary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'primary))
-    (if (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
-        (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'secondary #t)
-                        def:secondary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'secondary))
-    (do-rows-with-subtotals splits #t)
-    (values table
-            grid)))
-;; grid data structure
-(define (make-grid)
-  '())
-(define (cell-match? cell row col)
-  (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
-       (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1)))))
-(define (grid-get grid row col)    ; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
-  (filter
-   (lambda (cell) (cell-match? cell row col))
-   grid))
-(define (grid-del grid row col)    ; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col - CAREFUL!
-  (filter
-   (lambda (cell)
-     (not (cell-match? cell row col)))
-   grid))
-(define (grid-rows grid)
-  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 0)) grid)))
-(define (grid-cols grid)
-  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 1)) grid)))
-(define (grid-add grid row col data)            ;-> misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data,
-  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))           ;we simply delete old data stored at row/col and 
-  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid)) ;add again. this is fine because the grid should
-  grid)                                         ;never have duplicate data in the trep.
-(define (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols)
-  (define row-average-enabled? (> (length list-of-cols) 1))
-  (define (monetary-div monetary divisor)
-    (and monetary
-         (let* ((amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))
-                (currency (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
-                (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency)))
-           (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-            currency (gnc-numeric-convert (/ amount divisor) scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))))
-  (define (row->num-of-commodities row)
-    ;; for a row, find the maximum number of commodities being stored
-    (apply max
-           (map (lambda (col)
-                  (let ((cell (grid-get grid row col)))
-                    (if (null? cell) 0
-                        (length (vector-ref (car cell) 2)))))
-                (cons 'col-total list-of-cols))))
-  (define (make-table-cell row col commodity-idx divisor)
-    (let ((cell (grid-get grid row col)))
-      (if (null? cell) ""
-          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell"
-                                           (monetary-div (list-ref-safe (vector-ref (car cell) 2) commodity-idx) divisor)))))
-  (define (make-row row commodity-idx)
-    (append
-     (list (cond
-            ((positive? commodity-idx) "")
-            ((eq? row 'row-total) (_ "Grand Total"))
-            (else (cdr row))))
-     (map (lambda (col) (make-table-cell row col commodity-idx 1))
-          list-of-cols)
-     (list (make-table-cell row 'col-total commodity-idx 1))
-     (if row-average-enabled?
-         (list (make-table-cell row 'col-total commodity-idx (length list-of-cols)))
-         '())))
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-caption! table optname-grid)
-    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table (append (list "") (map cdr list-of-cols) (list (_ "Total"))
-                                                   (if row-average-enabled? (list (_ "Average")) '())))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style! table "th"
-                               'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-right"))
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (row)
-       (for-each (lambda (commodity-idx)
-                   (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (make-row row commodity-idx)))
-                 (iota (row->num-of-commodities row))))
-     (if (memq 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
-         (append list-of-rows '(row-total))
-         list-of-rows))
-    table))
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; Here comes the renderer function for this report.
-(define* (trep-renderer report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message
-                        custom-split-filter split->date split->date-include-false?)
-  ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes the report object
-  ;;
-  ;; the optional arguments are:
-  ;; #:custom-calculated-cells - a list of vectors to define customized data columns
-  ;; #:empty-report-message - a str or html-object which is displayed at the initial report opening
-  ;; #:custom-split-filter - a split->bool function to add to the split filter
-  ;; #:split->date - a split->time64 which overrides the default posted date filter
-  ;;     (see reconcile report)
-  ;; #:split->date-include-false? - addendum to above, specifies filter behaviour if
-  ;;     split->date returns #f. useful to include unreconciled splits in reconcile
-  ;;     report. it can be useful for alternative date filtering, e.g. filter by
-  ;;     transaction->invoice->payment date.
-  (define options (gnc:report-options report-obj))
-  (define (opt-val section name) (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
-  (define BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
-  (define (is-filter-member split account-list)
-    (let* ((txn (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-           (splitcount (xaccTransCountSplits txn))
-           (other-account (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split)))
-           (splits-equal? (lambda (s1 s2) (xaccSplitEqual s1 s2 #t #f #f)))
-           (other-splits (delete split (xaccTransGetSplitList txn) splits-equal?))
-           (other-accounts (map xaccSplitGetAccount other-splits))
-           (is-in-account-list? (lambda (acc) (member acc account-list))))
-      (cond
-        ;; A 2-split transaction - test separately so it can be optimized
-        ;; to significantly reduce the number of splits to traverse
-        ;; in guile code
-        ((= splitcount 2) (is-in-account-list? other-account))
-        ;; A multi-split transaction - run over all splits
-        ((> splitcount 2) (or-map is-in-account-list? other-accounts))
-        ;; Single transaction splits
-        (else #f))))
-  (gnc:report-starting reportname)
-  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
-         (account-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher))
-         (account-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex)
-                                      (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
-                                        (lambda () (make-regexp account-matcher))
-                                        (const 'invalid-regex))))
-         (c_account_0 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts))
-         (c_account_1 (filter
-                       (lambda (acc)
-                         (if (regexp? account-matcher-regexp)
-                             (regexp-exec account-matcher-regexp (gnc-account-get-full-name acc))
-                             (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc) account-matcher)))
-                       c_account_0))
-         (c_account_2 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby))
-         (filter-mode (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype))
-         (begindate (gnc:time64-start-day-time
-                     (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate))))
-         (enddate (gnc:time64-end-day-time
-                   (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
-                    (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate))))
-         (transaction-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher))
-         (transaction-matcher-regexp (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex)
-                                          (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
-                                            (lambda () (make-regexp transaction-matcher))
-                                            (const 'invalid-regex))))
-         (reconcile-status-filter (keylist-get-info reconcile-status-list
-                                                    (opt-val pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status)
-                                                    'filter-types))
-         (report-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
-         (primary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey))
-         (primary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder))
-         (primary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal))
-         (secondary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey))
-         (secondary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder))
-         (secondary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal))
-         (void-status (opt-val pagename-filter optname-void-transactions))
-         (closing-match (keylist-get-info show-closing-list
-                                          (opt-val pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions)
-                                          'closing-match))
-         (splits '())
-         (custom-sort? (or (and (member primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)   ; this will remain
-                                (not (eq? primary-date-subtotal 'none)))  ; until qof-query
-                           (and (member secondary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES) ; is upgraded
-                                (not (eq? secondary-date-subtotal 'none)))
-                           (or (CUSTOM-SORTING? primary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
-                               (CUSTOM-SORTING? secondary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))))
-         (subtotal-table? (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-grid)
-                               (if (memq primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-                                   (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list primary-date-subtotal 'renderer-fn)
-                                   (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal))
-                               (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")) 'single)))
-         (infobox-display (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display))
-         (query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
-    (define (generic-less? split-X split-Y sortkey date-subtotal-key ascend?)
-      ;; compare splits X and Y, whereby
-      ;; sortkey and date-subtotal-key specify the options used
-      ;; ascend? specifies whether ascending or descending
-      (let* ((comparator-function
-              (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
-                  (let ((date (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'split-sortvalue))
-                        (date-comparator (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list date-subtotal-key 'date-sortvalue)))
-                    (lambda (s)
-                      (and date-comparator
-                           (date-comparator (date s)))))
-                  (or (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
-                      (lambda (s) #f))))
-             (value-of-X (comparator-function split-X))
-             (value-of-Y (comparator-function split-Y))
-             (op (if (string? value-of-X)
-                     (if ascend? string<? string>?)
-                     (if ascend? < >))))
-        (and value-of-X (op value-of-X value-of-Y))))
-    (define (primary-comparator? X Y)
-      (generic-less? X Y primary-key
-                     primary-date-subtotal
-                     (eq? primary-order 'ascend)))
-    (define (secondary-comparator? X Y)
-      (generic-less? X Y secondary-key
-                     secondary-date-subtotal
-                     (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)))
-    ;; This will, by default, sort the split list by ascending posted-date.
-    (define (date-comparator? X Y)
-      (generic-less? X Y 'date 'none #t))
-    (if (or (or (null? c_account_1) (and-map not c_account_1))
-            (eq? account-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex)
-            (eq? transaction-matcher-regexp 'invalid-regex))
-        ;; error condition: no accounts specified or obtained after filtering
-        (begin
-          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-           document
-           (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
-            report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
-          ;; if an empty-report-message is passed by a derived report to
-          ;; the renderer, display it here.
-          (if empty-report-message
-              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-               document
-               empty-report-message))
-          (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
-              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-               document
-               (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
-        (begin
-          (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
-          (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query c_account_1 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
-          (if (not split->date)
-              (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (case void-status
-            ((non-void-only) (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            ((void-only)     (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
-            (else #f))
-          (if reconcile-status-filter
-              (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch query reconcile-status-filter QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (if (boolean? closing-match)
-              (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch query closing-match QOF-QUERY-AND))
-          (if (not custom-sort?)
-              (begin
-                (qof-query-set-sort-order query
-                                          (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) primary-key 'sortkey)
-                                          (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) secondary-key 'sortkey)
-                                          '())
-                (qof-query-set-sort-increasing query
-                                               (eq? primary-order 'ascend)
-                                               (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)
-                                               #t)))
-          (if (opt-val "__trep" "unique-transactions")
-              (set! splits (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query))
-              (set! splits (qof-query-run query)))
-          (qof-query-destroy query)
-          ;; Combined Filter:
-          ;; - include/exclude using split->date according to date options
-          ;; - include/exclude splits to/from selected accounts
-          ;; - substring/regex matcher for Transaction Description/Notes/Memo
-          ;; - custom-split-filter, a split->bool function for derived reports
-          (set! splits (filter
-                        (lambda (split)
-                          (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
-                                 (match? (lambda (str)
-                                           (if transaction-matcher-regexp
-                                               (regexp-exec transaction-matcher-regexp str)
-                                               (string-contains str transaction-matcher)))))
-                            (and (or (not split->date)                  ; #f = ignore custom date filter
-                                     (let ((date (split->date split)))  ; cache split->date time64 or #f.
-                                       (if date                         ; if a split->date exists,
-                                           (<= begindate date enddate)  ; then check for inclusion;
-                                           split->date-include-false?))); else behave according to parameter
-                                 (case filter-mode
-                                   ((none) #t)
-                                   ((include) (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
-                                   ((exclude) (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2))))
-                                 (or (string-null? transaction-matcher) ; null-string = ignore filters
-                                     (match? (xaccTransGetDescription trans))
-                                     (match? (xaccTransGetNotes trans))
-                                     (match? (xaccSplitGetMemo split)))
-                                 (or (not custom-split-filter)     ; #f = ignore custom-split-filter
-                                     (custom-split-filter split))
-                                 )))
-                        splits))
-          (when custom-sort?
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits date-comparator?))
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits secondary-comparator?))
-            (set! splits (stable-sort! splits primary-comparator?)))
-          (if (null? splits)
-              ;; error condition: no splits found
-              (begin
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                 document
-                 (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
-                  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
-                (if (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
-                    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                     document
-                     (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
-              (let-values (((table grid) (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells)))
-                (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
-                (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                 document
-                 (gnc:make-html-text
-                  (gnc:html-markup-h3
-                   (format #f
-                            (_ "From ~a to ~a")
-                            (qof-print-date begindate)
-                            (qof-print-date enddate)))))
-                (if (eq? infobox-display 'always)
-                    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                     document
-                     (gnc:html-render-options-changed options)))
-                (if subtotal-table?
-                    (let* ((generic<? (lambda (a b)
-                                        (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
-                                              ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
-                                              (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
-                           (list-of-rows (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid)) generic<?))
-                           (list-of-cols (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid)) generic<?)))
-                      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
-                       document (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))
-                (unless (and subtotal-table?
-                             (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only))
-                  (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table))))))
-    (gnc:report-finished)
-    document))
-(define trep-guid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
-(export trep-guid)
-(export trep-renderer)
-(export trep-options-generator)
-;; Define the report.
- 'version 1
- 'name (_ "Reconciliation Report")
- 'report-guid "e45218c6d76f11e7b5ef0800277ef320"
- 'options-generator reconcile-report-options-generator
- ;; the renderer is the same as trep, however we're using a different split-date strategy.
- ;; we're comparing reconcile date for inclusion, and if split is unreconciled, include it anyway.
- 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (trep-renderer rpt
-                                        #:custom-calculated-cells reconcile-report-calculated-cells
-                                        #:split->date split->reconcile-date
-                                        #:split->date-include-false? #t
-                                        #:empty-report-message reconcile-report-instructions)))
-;; Define the report.
  'version 1
- 'name reportname
- 'report-guid trep-guid
- 'options-generator trep-options-generator
- 'renderer trep-renderer)
+ 'name (N_ "Transaction Report")
+ 'report-guid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f"
+ 'options-generator gnc:trep-options-generator
+ 'renderer gnc:trep-renderer)
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index f090c8fad..a4cabf716 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ gnucash/report/report-system/report-collectors.scm

commit 14b325593310492fe652b4ba2c2ae8929a8e9d70
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Fri Apr 26 22:36:08 2019 +0800

    [reconcile-report] pull reconcile-report into separate file

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
index af94b30cb..429e7a43f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ set (standard_reports_SCHEME_2
+    reconcile-report.scm
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/reconcile-report.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/reconcile-report.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc5eb8b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/reconcile-report.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+;; reconcile-report.scm : Reconciliation report
+;; calls functions defined in trep-engine.scm with defaults suitable
+;; for a reconciliation report including alternative date filtering
+;; strategy
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, contact:
+;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
+;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
+;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
+(define-module (gnucash report standard-reports reconcile-report))
+(use-modules (gnucash gettext))
+(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
+(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
+(define (reconcile-report-options-generator)
+  (let ((options (gnc:trep-options-generator)))
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options "Sorting" "Primary Key") 'reconciled-status)
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options "Sorting" "Secondary Key")   'date)
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options "Sorting" "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key") 'none)
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general "Start Date")
+     (cons 'relative 'start-prev-quarter))
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general "End Date")
+     (cons 'relative 'today))
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display "Reconciled Date") #t)
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display "Running Balance") #f)
+    (gnc:option-set-value
+     (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-display "Memo") #f)
+    (gnc:option-make-internal! options gnc:pagename-display "Running Balance")
+    options))
+(define reconcile-report-instructions
+  (gnc:make-html-text
+   (_ "The reconcile report is designed to be similar to the formal \
+reconciliation tool.  Please select the account from Report \
+Options. Please note the dates specified in the options will apply \
+to the Reconciliation Date.")
+   (gnc:html-markup-br)
+   (gnc:html-markup-br)))
+(define (split->reconcile-date split)
+  (and (char=? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
+       (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split)))
+(define (reconcile-report-calculated-cells options)
+  (letrec
+      ((split-amount (lambda (s)
+                       (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
+                           (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
+                           (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
+       (split-currency (compose xaccAccountGetCommodity xaccSplitGetAccount))
+       (amount (lambda (s)
+                 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
+       (debit-amount (lambda (s)
+                       (and (positive? (split-amount s))
+                            (amount s))))
+       (credit-amount (lambda (s)
+                        (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
+                             (gnc:monetary-neg (amount s))))))
+    ;; similar to default-calculated-cells but disable dual-subtotals.
+    (list (vector (_ "Funds In")
+                  debit-amount #f #t #f
+                  (const ""))
+          (vector (_ "Funds Out")
+                  credit-amount #f #t #f
+                  (const "")))))
+(define (reconcile-report-renderer rpt)
+  (gnc:trep-renderer
+   rpt
+   #:custom-calculated-cells reconcile-report-calculated-cells
+   #:split->date split->reconcile-date
+   #:split->date-include-false? #t
+   #:empty-report-message reconcile-report-instructions))
+ 'version 1
+ 'name (_ "Reconciliation Report")
+ 'report-guid "e45218c6d76f11e7b5ef0800277ef320"
+ 'options-generator reconcile-report-options-generator
+ ;; the renderer is the same as trep, however we're using a different
+ ;; split-date strategy.  we're comparing reconcile date for
+ ;; inclusion, and if split is unreconciled, include it anyway.
+ 'renderer reconcile-report-renderer)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
index f2a24e1f1..31a791caa 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 (gnc:module-begin-syntax (gnc:module-load "gnucash/app-utils" 0))
 (use-modules (gnucash engine test test-extras))
 (use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports transaction))
+(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports reconcile-report))
 (use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system))
 (use-modules (gnucash report report-system test test-extras))
@@ -890,9 +891,8 @@
     (let* ((options (default-testing-options)))
-      (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "null test")))
-        (test-assert "sxml"
-          sxml))
+      (test-assert "reconcile-report basic run"
+        (options->sxml options "null test"))
       (set-option! options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 01 03 1970)))
       (set-option! options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 03 1970)))
       (let ((sxml (options->sxml options "filter reconcile date")))
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 742e71a18..f090c8fad 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ gnucash/report/standard-reports/income-statement.scm

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/report-system/CMakeLists.txt        |    1 +
 gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm     |    5 +
 .../trep-engine.scm}                               | 1606 +++++++--------
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/CMakeLists.txt     |    1 +
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/general-ledger.scm |    3 +-
 .../standard-reports/income-gst-statement.scm      |   91 +-
 .../report/standard-reports/reconcile-report.scm   |  109 +
 .../standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm     |    6 +-
 gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm    | 2086 +-------------------
 po/                                     |    2 +
 10 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 2930 deletions(-)
 copy gnucash/report/{standard-reports/transaction.scm => report-system/trep-engine.scm} (55%)
 create mode 100644 gnucash/report/standard-reports/reconcile-report.scm

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