gnucash master: Restore previous html-utilities.scm.

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Nov 4 18:52:18 EST 2019

Updated	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit 47b6d05b2de2a6c2755aa7159f962043a1b07af1
Author: John Ralls <jralls at>
Date:   Mon Nov 4 15:51:29 2019 -0800

    Restore previous html-utilities.scm.
    Incorrectly overwritten with the maint version in the previous merge.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
index 805cfeca6..2c5d4957d 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
@@ -53,6 +53,68 @@
 		      (string-append "price-guid=" (gncPriceGetGUID price))
+(define (guid-ref idstr type guid)
+  (gnc-build-url type (string-append idstr guid) ""))
+(define (gnc:customer-anchor-text customer)
+  (guid-ref "customer=" URL-TYPE-CUSTOMER (gncCustomerReturnGUID customer)))
+(define (gnc:job-anchor-text job)
+  (guid-ref "job=" URL-TYPE-JOB (gncJobReturnGUID job)))
+(define (gnc:vendor-anchor-text vendor)
+  (guid-ref "vendor=" URL-TYPE-VENDOR (gncVendorReturnGUID vendor)))
+(define (gnc:employee-anchor-text employee)
+  (guid-ref "employee=" URL-TYPE-EMPLOYEE (gncEmployeeReturnGUID employee)))
+(define (gnc:invoice-anchor-text invoice)
+  (guid-ref "invoice=" URL-TYPE-INVOICE (gncInvoiceReturnGUID invoice)))
+(define (gnc:owner-anchor-text owner)
+  (let ((type (gncOwnerGetType (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
+    (cond
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
+       (gnc:customer-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetCustomer owner)))
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
+       (gnc:vendor-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetVendor owner)))
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
+       (gnc:employee-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetEmployee owner)))
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB)
+       (gnc:job-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetJob owner)))
+      (else
+       ""))))
+(define (gnc:owner-report-text owner acc)
+  (let* ((end-owner (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))
+	 (type (gncOwnerGetType end-owner))
+	 (ref #f))
+    (cond
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
+       (set! ref "owner=c:"))
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
+       (set! ref "owner=v:"))
+      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
+       (set! ref "owner=e:"))
+      (else (set! ref "unknown-type=")))
+    (if ref
+	(begin
+	  (set! ref (string-append ref (gncOwnerReturnGUID end-owner)))
+	  (if (not (null? acc))
+	      (set! ref (string-append ref "&acct="
+				       (gncAccountGetGUID acc))))
+	  (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-OWNERREPORT ref ""))
+	ref)))
 ;; Make a new report and return the anchor to it. The new report of
 ;; type 'reportname' will have the option values copied from
 ;; 'src-options', and additionally this function sets all options
@@ -132,8 +194,6 @@
 ;; colspan at, optionally, the specified column.
 (define (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at! table colskip colspan)
   (define empty-cell '())
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at! is deprecated.")
    (append (make-list colskip empty-cell)
@@ -143,8 +203,6 @@
 (define (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at/markup! table markup colskip colspan)
   (define empty-cell "")
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at/markup! is deprecated.")
@@ -154,573 +212,7 @@
       1 colspan (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))))
 (define (gnc:html-table-append-ruler! table colspan)
-  (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-   table (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
-                1 colspan (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr))))))
-(define (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/markup! table markup colspan)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-table-append-ruler/markup! is unused.")
-  (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at/markup! table markup 0 colspan))
-;; Creates a table cell with some text in it. The cell will be created
-;; with the colspan 'colspan' (the rowspan==1), the content 'content'
-;; and in boldface if 'boldface?' is true. 'content' may be #f, or a
-;; string, or a <html-text> object. Returns a <html-table-cell>
-;; object.
-(define (gnc:html-acct-table-cell colspan content boldface?)
-  ;; instead of html-markup-b, just use the corresponding html-table-styles.
-  (define default-style "text-cell")
-  (define boldface-style "total-label-cell")
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-acct-table-cell is unused.")
-  (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup 
-   1 colspan 
-   (if boldface? boldface-style default-style)
-   content))
-;; function for account table without foreign commodities 
-;; Adds one row to the table. current-depth determines the number
-;; of empty cells, my-name is the html-object to be displayed as
-;; name, my-balance is a gnc-monetary to be displayed in the
-;; balance column, and if reverse-balance? is #t the balance will
-;; be displayed with the sign reversed.
-(define (gnc:html-acct-table-row-helper! 
-	 table tree-depth
-	 current-depth my-name my-balance 
-	 reverse-balance? row-style boldface? group-header-line?)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-acct-table-row-helper! is unused.")
-  (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! 
-   table
-   row-style
-   (append
-    ;; left half of the table
-    (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (- current-depth 1))
-    (list (gnc:html-acct-table-cell (+ 1 (- tree-depth current-depth))
-				    my-name boldface?))
-    ;; right half of the table
-    (gnc:html-make-empty-cells 
-     (- tree-depth (+ current-depth (if group-header-line? 1 0))))
-    ;; the account balance
-    (list (and my-balance
-	       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup 
-		"number-cell"
-		(gnc:make-html-text
-		 ((if boldface? gnc:html-markup-b identity)
-		  ((if reverse-balance? gnc:monetary-neg identity)
-		   my-balance))))))
-    (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (- current-depth 
-				  (if group-header-line? 0 1))))))
-;; function for account table with foreign commodities visible
-;; Adds all appropriate rows to the table which belong to one
-;; balance, i.e. one row for each commodity. (Note: Multiple
-;; commodities come e.g. from subaccounts with different
-;; commodities.) my-name (a html-object) is the name to be printed
-;; in the appropriate name column. my-commodity (a
-;; <gnc:commodity*>) is the "natural" balance of the current
-;; account. balance (a commodity-collector) is the balance to be
-;; printed. If reverse-balance? == #t then the balances' signs get
-;; reversed.
-;; DM: If you trace this function through gnc:html-build-acct-table,
-;; my-commodity always ends up being report-commodity.
-(define (gnc:html-acct-table-comm-row-helper!
-	 table tree-depth report-commodity exchange-fn
-	 current-depth my-name my-commodity balance 
-	 reverse-balance? is-stock-account? main-row-style other-rows-style 
-	 boldface? group-header-line?) 
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-acct-table-comm-row-helper! is unused.")
-  (let ((already-printed #f))
-    ;; Adds one row to the table. my-name is the html-object
-    ;; displayed in the name column; foreign-balance is the
-    ;; <gnc-monetary> for the foreign column or #f if to be left
-    ;; empty; domestic-balance is the <gnc-monetary> for the
-    ;; domestic column.
-    (define (commodity-row-helper! 
-	     my-name foreign-balance domestic-balance row-style)
-      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
-       table
-       row-style
-       (append
-	;; left third of the table
-	(gnc:html-make-empty-cells (- current-depth 1))
-	(list (gnc:html-acct-table-cell (+ 1 (- tree-depth current-depth))
-					my-name boldface?))
-	;; right two-thirds of the table
-	(gnc:html-make-empty-cells 
-	 (* 2 (- tree-depth (+ current-depth (if group-header-line? 1 0)))))
-	(if boldface?
-	    (list 
-	     (and foreign-balance 
-		  (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup 
-		   "number-cell"
-		   (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-b foreign-balance))))
-	     (and 
-	      domestic-balance
-	      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup 
-	       "number-cell"
-	       (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-b domestic-balance)))))
-	    (list 
-	     (and foreign-balance
-	    	(gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup 
-	        "number-cell"
-	        foreign-balance))
-	     (and domestic-balance
-		(gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup 
-	        "number-cell"
-	        domestic-balance))))
-	(gnc:html-make-empty-cells (* 2 (- current-depth 
-					   (if group-header-line? 0 1)))))))
-    ;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;; the first row for each account: shows the name and the
-    ;; balance in the report-commodity
-    (if (and (not is-stock-account?)
-	     ;; FIXME: need to check whether we really have only one
-	     ;; foreign currency if is-stock-account==#t.
-	     (gnc-commodity-equiv my-commodity report-commodity))
-	;; usual case: the account balance in terms of report
-	;; commodity
-	(commodity-row-helper! 
-	 my-name #f
-	 (and balance
-              (balance 'getmonetary report-commodity reverse-balance?))
-	 main-row-style)
-	;; Special case for stock-accounts: then the foreign commodity
-	;; gets displayed in this line rather then the following lines
-	;; (loop below). Is also used if is-stock-account? is true.
-	(let ((my-balance
-               (and balance
-                    (balance 'getmonetary my-commodity reverse-balance?))))
-	  (set! already-printed my-commodity)
-	  (commodity-row-helper! 
-	   my-name
-	   my-balance
-	   (exchange-fn my-balance report-commodity)
-	   main-row-style)))
-    ;; The additional rows: show no name, but the foreign currency
-    ;; balance and its corresponding value in the
-    ;; report-currency. One row for each non-report-currency. 
-    (if (and balance (not is-stock-account?))
-	(balance
-         'format
-	 (lambda (curr val)
-	   (if (or (gnc-commodity-equiv curr report-commodity)
-		   (and already-printed
-			(gnc-commodity-equiv curr already-printed)))
-	       '()
-	       (let ((bal 
-		      (if reverse-balance?
-			  (gnc:monetary-neg (gnc:make-gnc-monetary curr val))
-			  (gnc:make-gnc-monetary curr val))))
-		 (commodity-row-helper!
-		  ;; print no account name 
-		  (gnc:html-make-empty-cell)
-		  ;; print the account balance in the respective
-		  ;; commodity
-		  bal
-		  (exchange-fn bal report-commodity)
-		  other-rows-style))))
-	 #f))))
-;; gnc:html-build-acct-table
-;; Builds and returns a tree-(hierarchy-)shaped table as a html-table
-;; object. 
-;; Arguments by topic: 
-;; Reporting period -- start-date, end-date
-;; Selected accounts -- tree-depth, show-subaccts?, accounts
-;; Foreign currency -- show-other-curr?, report-commodity,
-;;                     exchange-fn
-;; Output fine-tuning -- show-col-headers?, show-total? (with
-;;                       total-name, get-total-fn), group-types?,
-;;                       show-parent-balance?, show-parent-total?
-;; Feedback while building -- start-percent, delta-percent
-;; Note: The returned table object will have 2*tree-depth columns if
-;; show-other-curr?==#f, else it will have 3*tree-depth columns.
-;; Arguments in detail: 
-;; <gnc:time-pair> start-date: Start date of reporting period. If #f,
-;; everything till end-date will be considered. 
-;; <gnc:time-pair> end-date: End date of reporting period. 
-;; <int> tree-depth, <bool> show-subaccounts?, <gnc:list-of-account*>
-;; accounts: An account is shown if ( tree-depth is large enough AND [
-;; it is a member in accounts OR { show-subaccounts? == #t AND any of
-;; the parents is member in accounts. }]) Note that the accounts shown
-;; are totally independent from the calculated balance and vice
-;; versa. 
-;; <bool> show-col-headers?: show column headings "Account" and
-;; "Balance"
-;; <bool> show-total?: If #f, no total sum is shown. 
-;; #<procedure ...> get-total-fn: The function to calculate the total
-;; sum, e.g. gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-{profit,assets}. 
-;; <chars> total-name: The name to show in the total sum line. 
-;; <bool> group-types?: Specify whether to group the accounts
-;; according to their types and show a subtotal for each group.
-;; <bool> show-parent-balance?: Specify whether to show balances of
-;; non-leaf accounts separately.
-;; <bool> show-parent-total?: Whether to show a line with the label
-;; e.g. "Total My-Assets" and the subtotal for this account and its
-;; children.
-;; <bool> show-other-curr?, <gnc:commodity*> report-commodity,
-;; #<procedure ...> exchange-fn: The rightmost column always shows
-;; balances in the currency report-commodity. If those balances happen
-;; to be in another currency, they will get converted to the
-;; report-commodity by means of the exchange-fn which e.g. came from
-;; gnc:make-exchange-function. If show-other-curr? == #t, the
-;; non-report-currencies will additionally be displayed in the
-;; second-rightmost column.
-;; <int> start-percent, delta-percent: Fill in the [start:start+delta]
-;; section of the progress bar while running this function.
-(define (gnc:first-html-build-acct-table . args)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:first-html-build-acct-table is deprecated. use gnc:html-build-acct-table.")
-  (apply gnc:html-build-acct-table args))
-(define (gnc:html-build-acct-table 
-	 start-date end-date 
-	 tree-depth show-subaccts? accounts 
-	 start-percent delta-percent
-	 show-col-headers?
-	 show-total? get-total-fn
-	 total-name group-types? show-parent-balance? show-parent-total? 
-	 show-other-curr? report-commodity exchange-fn show-zero-entries?)
-  (issue-deprecation-warning
-   "gnc:html-build-acct-table is unused.")
-  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
-	(work-to-do 0)
-	(work-done 0)
-	(topl-accounts (gnc-account-get-children-sorted
-			(gnc-get-current-root-account))))
-    ;; The following functions are defined inside build-acct-table
-    ;; to avoid passing tons of arguments which are constant anyway
-    ;; inside this function.
-    ;; If start-date == #f then balance-at-date will be used (for
-    ;; balance reports), otherwise balance-interval (for profit and
-    ;; loss reports). This function takes only the current account
-    ;; into consideration, i.e. none of the subaccounts are included
-    ;; in the balance. Returns a commodity-collector.
-    (define (my-get-balance-nosub account)
-      (if start-date
-	  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval
-	   account start-date end-date #f)
-	  (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date 
-	   account end-date #f)))
-    ;; Additional function that includes the subaccounts as
-    ;; well. Note: It is necessary to define this here (instead of
-    ;; changing an argument for account-get-balance) because the
-    ;; use-acct? query is needed.
-    (define (my-get-balance account)
-      ;; this-collector for storing the result
-      (let ((this-collector (my-get-balance-nosub account)))
-	(for-each 
-	 (lambda (x) (if x 
-			 (this-collector 'merge x #f)))
-	 (gnc:account-map-descendants
-	  (lambda (a)
-	    ;; Important: Calculate the balance if and only if the
-	    ;; account a is shown, i.e. (use-acct? a) == #t.
-	    (and (use-acct? a)
-		 (my-get-balance-nosub a)))
-	  account))
-	this-collector))
-    ;; Use this account in the account hierarchy? Check against the
-    ;; account selection and, if not selected, show-subaccts?==#t and
-    ;; any parent was selected. (Maybe the other way around is more
-    ;; effective?)
-    (define (use-acct? a)
-      (or (member a accounts)
-	  (and show-subaccts? 
-	       (let ((parent (gnc-account-get-parent a)))
-		 (and parent
-		      (use-acct? parent))))))
-    ;; Show this account? Only if nonzero amount or appropriate
-    ;; preference.
-    (define (show-acct? a)
-      (and (or show-zero-entries?
-	       (not (gnc-commodity-collector-allzero?
-		     (my-get-balance a))))
-	   (use-acct? a)))
-    ;; sort an account list. Currently this uses only the account-code
-    ;; field, but anyone feel free to add more options to this.
-    (define (sort-fn accts)
-      (sort accts
-	    (lambda (a b) 
-	      (string<? (xaccAccountGetCode a)
-			(xaccAccountGetCode b)))))
-    ;; Remove the last appended row iff *all* its fields are empty
-    ;; (==#f) or have an html-table-cell which in turn is empty
-    ;; (resulting from the add-group! function above). Note: This
-    ;; depends on the structure of html-table-data, i.e. if those are
-    ;; changed then this might break.
-    (define (remove-last-empty-row)
-      (if (and (not (null? (gnc:html-table-data table))) 
-	       (not (or-map
-		(lambda (e) 
-		  (if (gnc:html-table-cell? e)
-		      (car (gnc:html-table-cell-data e))
-		      e))
-		    (car (gnc:html-table-data table)))))
-	  (gnc:html-table-remove-last-row! table)))
-    ;; Wrapper for gnc:html-acct-table-row-helper!
-    (define (add-row-helper! 
-	     current-depth my-name my-balance 
-	     reverse-balance? row-style boldface? group-header-line?)
-      (gnc:html-acct-table-row-helper! 
-       table tree-depth
-       current-depth my-name my-balance 
-       reverse-balance? row-style boldface? group-header-line?))
-    ;; Wrapper
-    (define (add-commodity-rows! 
-	     current-depth my-name my-commodity balance 
-	     reverse-balance? is-stock-account? 
-	     main-row-style other-rows-style boldface? group-header-line?) 
-      (gnc:html-acct-table-comm-row-helper!
-       table tree-depth report-commodity exchange-fn
-       current-depth my-name my-commodity balance 
-       reverse-balance? is-stock-account? 
-       main-row-style other-rows-style boldface? group-header-line?))
-    ;; Adds all appropriate rows to the table which belong to one
-    ;; account. Uses the above helper function, i.e. here the
-    ;; necessary values only are "extracted" from the account.
-    (define (add-account-rows! acct current-depth alternate-row?) 
-      (let ((row-style (if alternate-row? "alternate-row" "normal-row")))
-      (if show-other-curr?
-	  (add-commodity-rows! current-depth 
-			       (gnc:html-account-anchor acct)
-			       (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct)
-			       (my-get-balance acct)
-			       (gnc-reverse-balance acct)
-			       (gnc:account-has-shares? acct)
-			       row-style row-style
-			       #f #f)
-	  (add-row-helper! 
-	   current-depth 
-	   (gnc:html-account-anchor acct)
-	   (gnc:sum-collector-commodity (my-get-balance acct) 
-					report-commodity exchange-fn)
-	   (gnc-reverse-balance acct)
-	   row-style
-	       #f #f))))
-    ;; Generalization of add-account-rows! for a subtotal or for the
-    ;; total balance.
-    (define (add-subtotal-row! 
-	     current-depth subtotal-name balance 
-	     row-style boldface? group-header-line?)
-      (if show-other-curr?
-	  (add-commodity-rows! current-depth subtotal-name 
-			       report-commodity 
-			       (gnc:sum-collector-stocks 
-				balance report-commodity exchange-fn)
-			       #f #f row-style row-style
-			       boldface? group-header-line?)
-	  ;; Show no other currencies. Therefore just calculate
-	  ;; one total via sum-collector-commodity and show it.
-	  (add-row-helper! current-depth subtotal-name 
-			   (gnc:sum-collector-commodity 
-			    balance report-commodity exchange-fn)
-			   #f 
-			   row-style
-			   boldface? group-header-line?)))
-    (define (count-accounts! current-depth accnts)
-      (if (<= current-depth tree-depth)
-	  (let ((sum 0))
-	    (for-each 
-	     (lambda (acct)
-	       (let ((subaccts (filter 
-				use-acct?
-				(gnc-account-get-children acct))))
-		 (set! sum (+ sum  1))
-		 (if (or (= current-depth tree-depth) (null? subaccts))
-		     sum
-		     (set! sum (+ sum (count-accounts! (+ 1 current-depth) subaccts))))))
-	     accnts)
-	    sum)
-	  0))
-    ;; This prints *all* the rows that belong to one group: the title
-    ;; row, the subaccount tree, and the Total row with the balance of
-    ;; the subaccounts. groupname may be a string or a html-text
-    ;; object. subaccounts is a list of accounts. thisbalance is the
-    ;; balance of this group, or it may be #f, in which case the
-    ;; balance is calculated from the subaccounts list.
-    (define (add-group! current-depth groupname subaccounts 
-			thisbalance group-total-line?)
-      (let ((heading-style (if (= current-depth 1)
-				"primary-subheading"
-				"secondary-subheading")))
-	;; first the group name
-	(add-subtotal-row! current-depth groupname 
-			   (and show-parent-balance? thisbalance) 
-			   heading-style
-			   (not (and show-parent-balance? thisbalance)) #t)
-	;; then all the subaccounts
-	(traverse-accounts! subaccounts (+ 1 current-depth))
-	;; and now the "total" row
-	(if group-total-line?
-	    (begin
-	      (remove-last-empty-row) ;; FIXME: do this here or not?
-	      (add-subtotal-row! 
-	       current-depth 
-	       (let ((total-text (gnc:make-html-text (_ "Total") " ")))
-		 (if (gnc:html-text? groupname)
-		     (apply gnc:html-text-append! 
-			    total-text
-			    (gnc:html-text-body groupname))
-		     (gnc:html-text-append! total-text groupname))
-		 total-text)
-	       ;; Calculate the balance, including the subbalances.
-	       ;; A subbalance is only calculated if no thisbalance was
-	       ;; given. (Because any "thisbalance" calculation already
-	       ;; includes the appropriate subaccounts.)
-	       (let ((subbalance (gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper 
-				  subaccounts my-get-balance 
-				  gnc-reverse-balance)))
-		 (if thisbalance 
-		     (subbalance 'merge thisbalance #f))
-		 subbalance)
-	       heading-style
-	       #t #f)))))
-	      ;; and an empty line
-	;      (add-subtotal-row! current-depth #f #f heading-style #f #f)))))
-    ;; Adds rows to the table. Therefore it goes through the list of
-    ;; accounts, runs add-account-rows! on each account.  If
-    ;; tree-depth and current-depth require, it will recursively call
-    ;; itself on the list of children accounts.
-    (define (traverse-accounts! accnts current-depth)
-      (let ((alternate #f))
-      (if (<= current-depth tree-depth)
-	  (for-each 
-	   (lambda (acct)
-	     (let ((subaccts (filter 
-			      use-acct?
-			      (gnc-account-get-children acct))))
-	       (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
-	       (if start-percent
-		   (gnc:report-percent-done
-		    (+ start-percent (* delta-percent (/ work-done work-to-do)))))
-	       (if (or (= current-depth tree-depth) (null? subaccts))
-		   (begin
-		     (if (show-acct? acct)
-			 (add-account-rows! acct current-depth alternate))
-		     (set! alternate (not alternate)))
-		   (add-group! current-depth 
-			       (gnc:html-account-anchor acct)
-			       subaccts
-			       (gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper 
-				(list acct) my-get-balance-nosub 
-				gnc-reverse-balance)
-			       show-parent-total?))))
-	   (sort-fn accnts)))))
-    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-    ;; start the recursive account processing
-    (set! work-to-do (count-accounts!
-		      (if group-types? 2 1)
-		      (filter use-acct? topl-accounts)))
-    (if group-types?
-	;; Print a subtotal for each group.
-	(for-each 
-	 (lambda (accts) 
-	   (if (and (not (null? accts)) (not (null? (cdr accts))))
-	       (add-group! 1 
-			   (gnc:account-get-type-string-plural (car accts))
-			   (cdr accts) #f #t)))
-	 (gnc:decompose-accountlist (lset-intersection 
-				     equal? accounts topl-accounts)))
-	;; No extra grouping. 
-	;; FIXME: go through accounts even if not
-	;; shown, because the children might be shown.
-	(traverse-accounts! (filter use-acct? topl-accounts) 1))
-    (remove-last-empty-row)
-    ;; Show the total sum.
-    (if show-total?
-        (begin
-	  (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/markup!
-	   table "grand-total" (* (if show-other-curr? 3 2) tree-depth))
-          (add-subtotal-row! 
-           1 total-name 
-           (get-total-fn (filter use-acct? topl-accounts) my-get-balance)
-	   "grand-total"
-           #t #f)))
-    ;; set default alignment to right, and override for the name
-    ;; columns
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style! 
-     table "td" 
-     'attribute '("align" "right")
-     'attribute '("valign" "top"))
-    (gnc:html-table-set-style! 
-     table "th" 
-     'attribute '("align" "center")
-     'attribute '("valign" "top"))
-    ;; set some column headers 
-    (if show-col-headers?
-	(gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
-	 table 
-	 (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size 
-		1 tree-depth (_ "Account name"))
-	       (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size
-		1 (if show-other-curr? 
-		      (* 2 tree-depth)
-		      tree-depth)
-		(_ "Balance")))))
-    ;; No extra alignment here because that's already done in
-    ;; html-acct-table-cell.
-    table))
+  (gnc:html-table-append-ruler/at! table 0 colspan))
 ;; Create a html-table of all exchange rates. The report-commodity is
 ;; 'common-commodity', the exchange rates are given through the

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm | 634 ++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 571 deletions(-)

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