gnucash master: Multiple changes pushed

Christopher Lam clam at
Wed May 13 01:57:01 EDT 2020

Updated	 via (commit)
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commit a874483b70673225732febb8512902ca7ced3f9b
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 13:55:59 2020 +0800

    [register] show number columns right-aligned

diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
index 52a61f34f..14715714f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     (if (shares-col column-vector)
         (addto! row-contents
-                 "text-cell"
+                 "number-cell"
                  (if split-info?
                      (xaccSplitGetAmount split)
                      " "))))
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
     (if (price-col column-vector)
         (addto! row-contents
-                 "text-cell"
+                 "number-cell"
                  (if split-info?

commit f8bad131a5376baa6cfb401b252245b1bc545901
Merge: 1510f3492 710b559cc
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 13:20:09 2020 +0800

    Merge branch 'maint-797743' #720 price renderers

diff --cc gnucash/report/html-style-info.scm
index b4c4a5366,000000000..8c6da4aff
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-style-info.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-style-info.scm
@@@ -1,317 -1,0 +1,325 @@@
 +;; html-style-info.scm : generate HTML programmatically, with support
 +;; for simple style elements. 
 +;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(use-modules (ice-9 match))
 +;; <html-markup-style-info> class 
 +;; this is what's stored for tags in the style hash tables. 
 +;; literal data types have their own style record type,
 +;; <html-data-style-info>
 +;;  constructor takes pairs of args :
 +;;  (gnc:make-html-markup-style-info field1 value1 field2 value2 ...)
 +;;  values for field (should be passed as symbols):
 +;;  tag         : string for start tag
 +;;  attributes  : hash of attribute to value (unsafe!)
 +;;  attribute   : single attribute-value pair in a list 
 +(define <html-markup-style-info> 
 +  (make-record-type "<html-markup-style-info>"
 +                    '(tag 
 +                      attributes
 +                      inheritable?)))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info?
 +  (record-predicate <html-markup-style-info>))
 +(define gnc:make-html-markup-style-info-internal 
 +  (record-constructor <html-markup-style-info>))
 +(define (gnc:make-html-markup-style-info . rest)
 +  (let ((retval (gnc:make-html-markup-style-info-internal 
 +                 #f (make-hash-table) #t)))
 +    (apply gnc:html-markup-style-info-set! retval rest)
 +    retval))
 +(define (gnc:html-markup-style-info-set! style . rest)
 +  (let loop ((arglist rest))
 +    (match arglist
 +      (('attribute (key . val) . rest)
 +       (gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-attribute!
 +        style key (and (pair? val) (car val)))
 +       (loop rest))
 +      ((field value . rest)
 +       ((record-modifier <html-markup-style-info> field) style value)
 +       (loop rest))
 +      (else style))))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-tag
 +  (record-accessor <html-markup-style-info> 'tag))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-tag!
 +  (record-modifier <html-markup-style-info> 'tag))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-attributes
 +  (record-accessor <html-markup-style-info> 'attributes))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-attributes!
 +  (record-modifier <html-markup-style-info> 'attributes))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-inheritable? 
 +  (record-accessor <html-markup-style-info> 'inheritable?))
 +(define gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-inheritable?!
 +  (record-modifier <html-markup-style-info> 'inheritable?))
 +(define (gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-attribute! info attr val)
 +  (hash-set! (gnc:html-markup-style-info-attributes info) attr val))
 +(define (gnc:html-markup-style-info-merge s1 s2) 
 +  (cond
 +   ((not (gnc:html-markup-style-info? s1)) s2)
 +   ((not (gnc:html-markup-style-info? s2)) s1)
 +   (else
 +    (gnc:make-html-markup-style-info-internal
 +     ;; tag
 +     (or (gnc:html-markup-style-info-tag s1)
 +         (gnc:html-markup-style-info-tag s2))
 +     ;; attributes: if the child is overriding the
 +     ;; parent tag, don't initialize the attribute table
 +     ;; to the parent's attributes.  Otherwise, load
 +     ;; parent attrs then load child attrs over them.
 +     (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
 +       (unless (gnc:html-markup-style-info-tag s1)
 +         (hash-for-each
 +          (lambda (k v)
 +            (hash-set! ht k v))
 +          (gnc:html-markup-style-info-attributes s2)))
 +       (hash-for-each
 +        (lambda (k v) (hash-set! ht k v))
 +        (gnc:html-markup-style-info-attributes s1))
 +       ht)
 +     ;; inheritable (get this always from child)
 +     (gnc:html-markup-style-info-inheritable? s1)))))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-info-merge s1 s2)
 +  (cond
 +   ((or (gnc:html-markup-style-info? s1) (gnc:html-markup-style-info? s2))
 +    (gnc:html-markup-style-info-merge s1 s2))
 +   ((or (gnc:html-data-style-info? s1) (gnc:html-data-style-info? s2))
 +    (gnc:html-data-style-info-merge s1 s2))
 +   (else #f)))
 +(define (gnc:html-data-style-info-merge s1 s2)
 +  (if (gnc:html-data-style-info? s1) s1 s2))
 +;;  <html-data-style-info> class 
 +;;  literal data is rendered using the html-data-style for that type.
 +;;  ATM the rendering style is defined using a thunk to do the
 +;;  rendering and some data to pass in addition to the object to be
 +;;  rendered.
 +;;  the renderer is a function of two arguments.  The first arg is the
 +;;  data to be rendered and the second is the 'data' specified in the
 +;;  style.  The return should be an HTML string.
 +(define <html-data-style-info> 
 +  (make-record-type "<html-data-style-info>"
 +                    '(renderer data inheritable?))) 
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info? 
 +  (record-predicate <html-data-style-info>))
 +(define gnc:make-html-data-style-info-internal
 +  (record-constructor <html-data-style-info>))
 +(define (gnc:make-html-data-style-info renderer data)
 +  (gnc:make-html-data-style-info-internal renderer data #t))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info? 
 +  (record-predicate <html-data-style-info>))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-renderer 
 +  (record-accessor <html-data-style-info> 'renderer))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-set-renderer!
 +  (record-modifier <html-data-style-info> 'renderer))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-data 
 +  (record-accessor <html-data-style-info> 'data))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-set-data!
 +  (record-modifier <html-data-style-info> 'data))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-inheritable? 
 +  (record-accessor <html-data-style-info> 'inheritable?))
 +(define gnc:html-data-style-info-set-inheritable?!
 +  (record-modifier <html-data-style-info> 'inheritable?))
 +;;  default renderers for some data types.  
 +(define (gnc:default-html-string-renderer datum params)
 +  datum)
 +(define (gnc:default-html-gnc-numeric-renderer datum params)
 +  (xaccPrintAmount datum (gnc-default-print-info #f)))
++;; renders a price to target currency
++(define (gnc:default-price-renderer currency amount)
++  (xaccPrintAmount amount (gnc-price-print-info currency #t)))
 +(define (gnc:default-html-gnc-monetary-renderer datum params)
-   (xaccPrintAmount                                                 
-    (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount datum)                                    
-    (gnc-commodity-print-info (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity datum) #t)))
++  (let* ((comm (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity datum))
++         (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction comm))
++         (amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount datum))
++         (amt-display (if (exact? amount)
++                          (gnc-numeric-convert amount scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)
++                          amount)))
++    (xaccPrintAmount amt-display (gnc-commodity-print-info comm #t))))
 +(define (gnc:default-html-number-renderer datum params)  
 +  (xaccPrintAmount
 +   (double-to-gnc-numeric datum 100 GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +   (gnc-default-print-info #f)))
 +;; <html-style-table> class
 +;; this used to just be bare hash tables stuck in the <html-object>
 +;; but since we now support caching and compilation I think it 
 +;; deserves a record structure. 
 +(define <html-style-table>
 +  (make-record-type "<html-style-table>"
 +                    '(primary compiled inheritable)))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table? 
 +  (record-predicate <html-style-table>))
 +(define gnc:make-html-style-table-internal 
 +  (record-constructor <html-style-table>))
 +(define (gnc:make-html-style-table)
 +  (gnc:make-html-style-table-internal (make-hash-table) #f #f))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table-primary
 +  (record-accessor <html-style-table> 'primary))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table-compiled
 +  (record-accessor <html-style-table> 'compiled))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table-set-compiled!
 +  (record-modifier <html-style-table> 'compiled))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table-inheritable
 +  (record-accessor <html-style-table> 'inheritable))
 +(define gnc:html-style-table-set-inheritable!
 +  (record-modifier <html-style-table> 'inheritable))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-table-compiled? table)
 +  (gnc:html-style-table-compiled table))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-table-compile table antecedents)
 +  ;; merge a key-value pair from an antecedent into the 
 +  ;; compiled table.  Only add values to the inheritable table
 +  ;; that are inheritable. 
 +  (define (key-merger key value ign)
 +    (let* ((compiled (gnc:html-style-table-compiled table))
 +           (inheritable (gnc:html-style-table-inheritable table))
 +           (old-val (hash-ref compiled key))
 +           (new-val (gnc:html-style-info-merge old-val value)))
 +      (hash-set! compiled key new-val)
 +      (if (and (gnc:html-markup-style-info? value)
 +               (gnc:html-markup-style-info-inheritable? value))
 +          (hash-set! inheritable key new-val))
 +      (if (and (gnc:html-data-style-info? value)
 +               (gnc:html-data-style-info-inheritable? value))
 +          (hash-set! inheritable key new-val))))
 +  ;; walk up the list of antecedents merging in style info
 +  (define (compile-worker table-list)
 +    (let ((next (car table-list)))
 +      (if (gnc:html-style-table-compiled? next)
 +          (begin
 +            (hash-fold key-merger #f (gnc:html-style-table-compiled next))
 +            #t)
 +          (begin 
 +            (hash-fold key-merger #f (gnc:html-style-table-primary next))
 +            (if (not (null? (cdr table-list)))
 +                (compile-worker (cdr table-list))
 +                #t)))))
 +  ;; make the compiled hash table 
 +  (gnc:html-style-table-set-compiled! table (make-hash-table))
 +  (gnc:html-style-table-set-inheritable! table (make-hash-table))
 +  ;; merge the contents of the primary hash into the compiled table 
 +  (hash-fold key-merger #f (gnc:html-style-table-primary table))
 +  ;; now merge in the antecedents 
 +  (if (not (null? antecedents))
 +      (compile-worker antecedents)))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-table-uncompile table)
 +  (gnc:html-style-table-set-compiled! table #f)
 +  (gnc:html-style-table-set-inheritable! table #f))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-table-fetch table antecedents markup)
 +  (define (get-inheritable-style ht)
 +    (let ((s (hash-ref ht markup)))
 +      (if (or (and (gnc:html-markup-style-info? s)
 +                   (gnc:html-markup-style-info-inheritable? s))
 +              (and (gnc:html-data-style-info? s)
 +                   (gnc:html-data-style-info-inheritable? s)))
 +          s #f)))
 +  (define (fetch-worker style antecedents)
 +    (cond
 +     ((null? antecedents) style)
 +     ((not (car antecedents)) (fetch-worker style (cdr antecedents)))
 +     ((gnc:html-style-table-compiled? (car antecedents))
 +      (gnc:html-style-info-merge
 +       style (hash-ref (gnc:html-style-table-inheritable (car antecedents)) markup)))
 +     (else
 +      (fetch-worker
 +       (gnc:html-style-info-merge
 +        style (get-inheritable-style
 +               (gnc:html-style-table-primary (car antecedents))))
 +       (cdr antecedents)))))
 +  (if (and table (gnc:html-style-table-compiled? table))
 +      (hash-ref (gnc:html-style-table-compiled table) markup)
 +      (fetch-worker
 +       (and table (hash-ref (gnc:html-style-table-primary table) markup))
 +       antecedents)))
 +(define (gnc:html-style-table-set! table markup style-info)
 +  (hash-set! (gnc:html-style-table-primary table) markup style-info))
diff --cc gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
index 9dfd59285,000000000..de6bf81a8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm
@@@ -1,342 -1,0 +1,345 @@@
 +;; html-utilities.scm: Useful functions when using the HTML generator.
 +;; Modified slightly by David Montenegro 2004.06.18.
 +;; Copyright 2001 Christian Stimming <stimming at>
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.              
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.                     
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
 +;; returns a list with n #f (empty cell) values 
 +(define (gnc:html-make-empty-cell) #f)
 +(define (gnc:html-make-empty-cells n)
 +  (if (> n 0)
 +      (cons #f (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (- n 1)))
 +      (list)))
 +(define (gnc:register-guid type guid)
 +  (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-REGISTER (string-append type guid) ""))
 +(define (gnc:account-anchor-text acct)
 +  (gnc:register-guid "acct-guid=" (gncAccountGetGUID acct)))
 +(define (gnc:split-anchor-text split)
 +  (gnc:register-guid "split-guid=" (gncSplitGetGUID split)))
 +(define (gnc:transaction-anchor-text trans)
 +  (gnc:register-guid "trans-guid=" (gncTransGetGUID trans)))
 +(define (gnc:report-anchor-text report-id)
 +  (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-REPORT
 +		      (string-append "id=" (number->string report-id))
 +		      ""))
 +(define (gnc:price-anchor-text price)
 +  (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-PRICE
 +		      (string-append "price-guid=" (gncPriceGetGUID price))
 +		      ""))
 +(define (guid-ref idstr type guid)
 +  (gnc-build-url type (string-append idstr guid) ""))
 +(define (gnc:customer-anchor-text customer)
 +  (guid-ref "customer=" URL-TYPE-CUSTOMER (gncCustomerReturnGUID customer)))
 +(define (gnc:job-anchor-text job)
 +  (guid-ref "job=" URL-TYPE-JOB (gncJobReturnGUID job)))
 +(define (gnc:vendor-anchor-text vendor)
 +  (guid-ref "vendor=" URL-TYPE-VENDOR (gncVendorReturnGUID vendor)))
 +(define (gnc:employee-anchor-text employee)
 +  (guid-ref "employee=" URL-TYPE-EMPLOYEE (gncEmployeeReturnGUID employee)))
 +(define (gnc:invoice-anchor-text invoice)
 +  (guid-ref "invoice=" URL-TYPE-INVOICE (gncInvoiceReturnGUID invoice)))
 +(define (gnc:owner-anchor-text owner)
 +  (let ((type (gncOwnerGetType (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))))
 +    (cond
 +      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER)
 +       (gnc:customer-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetCustomer owner)))
 +      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR)
 +       (gnc:vendor-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetVendor owner)))
 +      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE)
 +       (gnc:employee-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetEmployee owner)))
 +      ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-JOB)
 +       (gnc:job-anchor-text (gncOwnerGetJob owner)))
 +      (else
 +       ""))))
 +(define (gnc:owner-report-text owner acc)
 +  (let* ((end-owner (gncOwnerGetEndOwner owner))
 +         (type (gncOwnerGetType end-owner)))
 +    (gnc-build-url
 +     (string-append
 +      (cond ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER) "owner=c:")
 +            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-VENDOR) "owner=v:")
 +            ((eqv? type GNC-OWNER-EMPLOYEE) "owner=e:")
 +            (else "unknown-type="))
 +      (gncOwnerReturnGUID end-owner)
 +      (if (null? acc) "" (string-append "&acct=" (gncAccountGetGUID acc))))
 +     "")))
 +;; Make a new report and return the anchor to it. The new report of
 +;; type 'reportname' will have the option values copied from
 +;; 'src-options', and additionally this function sets all options
 +;; according to 'optionlist'. Each element of optionlist is a list of
 +;; section, name, and value of the function.
 +(define (gnc:make-report-anchor reportname src-report
 +				optionlist)
 +  (let ((src-options (gnc:report-options src-report))
 +	(options (gnc:make-report-options reportname)))
 +    (if options
 +	(begin
 +	  (gnc:options-copy-values src-options options)
 +	  (for-each
 +	   (lambda (l)
 +	     (let ((o (gnc:lookup-option options (car l) (cadr l))))
 +	       (if o
 +		   (gnc:option-set-value o (caddr l))
 +		   (warn "gnc:make-report-anchor:" reportname
 +			 " No such option: " (car l) (cadr l)))))
 +	   optionlist)
 +	  (let ((id (gnc:make-report reportname options)))
 +	    (gnc:report-anchor-text id)))
 +	(warn "gnc:make-report-anchor: No such report: " reportname))))
 +;; returns the account name as html-text and anchor to the register.
 +(define (gnc:html-account-anchor acct)
 +  (gnc:make-html-text (if (and acct (not (null? acct)))
 +                          (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +                           (gnc:account-anchor-text acct)
 +                           (xaccAccountGetName acct))
 +                          "")))
 +(define (gnc:html-split-anchor split text)
 +  (gnc:make-html-text (if (not (null? (xaccSplitGetAccount split)))
 +                          (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +                           (gnc:split-anchor-text split)
 +                           text)
 +                          text)))
 +(define (gnc:html-transaction-anchor trans text)
 +  (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +                       (gnc:transaction-anchor-text trans)
 +                       text)))
 +(define (gnc:html-price-anchor price value)
 +  (gnc:make-html-text (if price
 +                          (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +                           (gnc:price-anchor-text price)
 +			   (if value
 +			       value
 +			       (gnc-price-get-value price)))
 +                          value)))
 +(define (gnc:assign-colors num-colors)
 +  ;; default CSS colours
 +  ;; (define base-colors '("red" "orange" "yellow" "green"
 +  ;;                       "cyan" "blue" "purple" "magenta"
 +  ;;                       "orchid" "khaki" "gold" "orange"
 +  ;;                       "red3" "orange3" "yellow3" "green3"
 +  ;;                       "cyan3" "blue3" "purple3" "magenta3"
 +  ;;                       "orchid3" "khaki3" "gold3" "orange3"))
 +  ;; new base-colors from and
 +  (define base-colors (list "#FF4136" "#FF851B" "#FFDC00" "#2ECC40"
 +                            "#0074D9" "#001f3f" "#85144b" "#7FDBFF"
 +                            "#F012BE" "#3D9970" "#39CCCC" "#f39c12"
 +                            "#e74c3c" "#e67e22" "#9b59b6" "#8e44ad"
 +                            "#16a085" "#d35400"))
 +  (let lp ((i 0) (result '()) (colors base-colors))
 +    (cond
 +     ((<= num-colors i) (reverse result))
 +     ((null? colors)    (lp (1+ i) (cons (car base-colors) result) (cdr base-colors)))
 +     (else              (lp (1+ i) (cons (car colors) result) (cdr colors))))))
 +(define (gnc:html-table-append-ruler! table colspan)
 +  (gnc:html-table-append-row!
 +   table (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +                1 colspan (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr))))))
 +;; Create a html-table of all exchange rates. The report-commodity is
 +;; 'common-commodity', the exchange rates are given through the
 +;; function 'exchange-fn' and the 'accounts' determine which
 +;; commodities to show. Returns a html-object, a <html-table>.
 +(define (gnc:html-make-exchangerates common-commodity exchange-fn accounts)
 +  (let ((comm-list (gnc:accounts-get-commodities accounts common-commodity))
 +        (markup (lambda (c) (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" c)))
 +        (table (gnc:make-html-table)))
 +    (unless (null? comm-list)
 +      (for-each
 +       (lambda (commodity)
 +         (let* ((orig-amt (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1))
-                 (exchanged (exchange-fn orig-amt common-commodity)))
++                (exchanged (exchange-fn orig-amt common-commodity))
++                (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount exchanged)))
 +           (gnc:html-table-append-row!
-             table (map markup (list orig-amt exchanged)))))
++            table (list (markup orig-amt)
++                        (markup (gnc:default-price-renderer common-commodity
++                                                            conv-amount))))))
 +       comm-list)
 +      (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
 +       table (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size
 +                    1 2 (if (null? (cdr comm-list))
 +                            (_ "Exchange rate")
 +                            (_ "Exchange rates"))))))
 +    table))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-generic-budget-warning report-title-string)
 +  (gnc:html-make-generic-simple-warning
 +    report-title-string
 +    (_ "No budgets exist. You must create at least one budget.")))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-generic-simple-warning report-title-string message)
 +  (let ((p (gnc:make-html-text)))
 +    (gnc:html-text-append!
 +     p
 +     (gnc:html-markup-h2 (string-append report-title-string ":"))
 +     (gnc:html-markup-h2 "")
 +     (gnc:html-markup-p message))
 +    p))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-options-link report-id)
 +   (if report-id
 +    (gnc:html-markup-p
 +     (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +      (gnc-build-url URL-TYPE-OPTIONS
 +       (string-append "report-id=" (format #f "~a" report-id))
 +       "")
 +      (_ "Edit report options")))))
 +(define* (gnc:html-render-options-changed options #:optional plaintext?)
 +  ;; options -> html-object or string, depending on plaintext?.  This
 +  ;; summarises options that were changed by the user. Set plaintext?
 +  ;; to #t for unit-tests only.
 +  (define (disp d)
 +    ;; option-value -> string.  The option is passed to various
 +    ;; scm->string converters; ultimately a generic stringify
 +    ;; function handles symbol/string/other types.
 +    (define (try proc)
 +      ;; Try proc with d as a parameter, catching 'wrong-type-arg
 +      ;; exceptions to return #f to the or evaluator.
 +      (catch 'wrong-type-arg
 +        (lambda () (proc d))
 +        (const #f)))
 +    (or (and (boolean? d) (if d (_ "Enabled") (_ "Disabled")))
 +        (and (null? d) "null")
 +        (and (list? d) (string-join (map disp d) ", "))
 +        (and (pair? d) (format #f "~a . ~a"
 +                               (car d)
 +                               (if (eq? (car d) 'absolute)
 +                                   (qof-print-date (cdr d))
 +                                   (disp (cdr d)))))
 +        (try gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic)
 +        (try xaccAccountGetName)
 +        (try gnc-budget-get-name)
 +        (format #f "~a" d)))
 +  (let ((render-list '()))
 +    (define (add-option-if-changed option)
 +      (let* ((section (gnc:option-section option))
 +             (name (gnc:option-name option))
 +             (default-value (gnc:option-default-value option))
 +             (value (gnc:option-value option))
 +             (retval (cons (format #f "~a / ~a" section name)
 +                           (disp value))))
 +        (if (not (or (equal? default-value value)
 +                     (char=? (string-ref section 0) #\_)))
 +            (addto! render-list retval))))
 +    (gnc:options-for-each add-option-if-changed options)
 +    (if plaintext?
 +        (string-append
 +         (string-join
 +          (map (lambda (item)
 +                 (format #f "~a: ~a\n" (car item) (cdr item)))
 +               render-list)
 +          "")
 +         "\n")
 +        (apply
 +         gnc:make-html-text
 +         (apply
 +          append
 +          (map
 +           (lambda (item)
 +             (list
 +              (gnc:html-markup-b (car item))
 +              ": "
 +              (cdr item)
 +              (gnc:html-markup-br)))
 +           render-list))))))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +         report-title-string report-id
 +         warning-title-string warning-string)
 +  (let ((p (gnc:make-html-text)))
 +   (gnc:html-text-append!
 +    p
 +    (gnc:html-markup-h2 (string-append (_ report-title-string) ":"))
 +    (gnc:html-markup-h2 warning-title-string)
 +    (gnc:html-markup-p warning-string)
 +    (gnc:html-make-options-link report-id))
 +   p))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-generic-options-warning
 +         report-title-string report-id)
 +  (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +    report-title-string
 +    report-id
 +    ""
 +    (_ "This report requires you to specify certain report options.")))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
 +         report-title-string report-id)
 +  (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +    report-title-string
 +    report-id
 +    (_ "No accounts selected")
 +    (_ "This report requires accounts to be selected in the report options.")))
 +(define (gnc:html-make-empty-data-warning
 +         report-title-string report-id)
 +  (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +    report-title-string
 +    report-id
 +    (_ "No data")
 +    (_ "The selected accounts contain no data/transactions (or only zeroes) for the selected time period")))
 +(define (gnc:html-js-include file)
 +  (format #f
 +          "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"file:///~a\"></script>\n"
 +          (gnc-path-find-localized-html-file file)))
 +(define (gnc:html-css-include file)
 +  (format #f
 +          "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"file:///~a\" />\n"
 +          (gnc-path-find-localized-html-file file)))
diff --cc gnucash/report/report.scm
index 5d64278e0,000000000..174ba9d6a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report.scm
@@@ -1,839 -1,0 +1,840 @@@
 +;;  report.scm
 +;;  module definition for the report system code
 +;;  Copyright (c) 2001 Linux Developers Group, Inc.
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(define-module (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
 +(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-19))
 +(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash gnome-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash html))
 +;; commodity-utilities.scm
 +(export gnc:get-match-commodity-splits)
 +(export gnc:get-match-commodity-splits-sorted)
 +(export gnc:get-all-commodity-splits )
 +(export gnc:exchange-by-euro-numeric)
 +(export gnc:get-commodity-totalavg-prices)
 +(export gnc:get-commoditylist-totalavg-prices)
 +(export gnc:get-commodity-inst-prices)
 +(export gnc:pricelist-price-find-nearest)
 +(export gnc:pricealist-lookup-nearest-in-time)
 +(export gnc:resolve-unknown-comm)
 +(export gnc:get-exchange-totals)
 +(export gnc:get-exchange-cost-totals)
 +(export gnc:make-exchange-alist)
 +(export gnc:make-exchange-cost-alist)
 +(export gnc:exchange-by-euro)
 +(export gnc:exchange-if-same)
 +(export gnc:make-exchange-function)
 +(export gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-latest )
 +(export gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest)
 +(export gnc:exchange-by-pricealist-nearest)
 +(export gnc:case-exchange-fn)
 +(export gnc:case-exchange-time-fn)
 +(export gnc:sum-collector-commodity)
 +;; options-utilities.scm
 +(export gnc:options-add-report-date!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-date-interval!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-interval-choice!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-account-levels!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-account-selection!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-currency!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-price-source!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-plot-size!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-marker-choice!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-sort-method!)
 +(export gnc:options-add-subtotal-view!)
 +;; html-fonts.scm
 +(export register-font-options)
 +(export add-css-information-to-doc)
 +;; html-utilities.scm
 +(export gnc:html-make-empty-cell)
 +(export gnc:html-make-empty-cells)
 +(export gnc:account-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:split-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:transaction-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:report-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:make-report-anchor)
 +(export gnc:html-account-anchor)
 +(export gnc:html-split-anchor)
 +(export gnc:html-transaction-anchor)
 +(export gnc:html-price-anchor)
 +(export gnc:customer-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:job-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:vendor-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:invoice-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:owner-anchor-text)
 +(export gnc:owner-report-text)
 +(export gnc:assign-colors)
 +(export gnc:html-table-append-ruler!)
 +(export gnc:html-make-exchangerates)
 +(export gnc:html-render-options-changed)
 +(export gnc:html-make-generic-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-no-account-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-generic-budget-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-generic-options-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-generic-simple-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-empty-data-warning)
 +(export gnc:html-make-options-link)
 +(export gnc:html-js-include)
 +(export gnc:html-css-include)
 +;; report-core.scm
 +(export gnc:menuname-reports)
 +(export gnc:menuname-asset-liability)
 +(export gnc:menuname-income-expense)
 +(export gnc:menuname-budget)
 +(export gnc:menuname-taxes)
 +(export gnc:menuname-example)
 +(export gnc:menuname-multicolumn)
 +(export gnc:menuname-experimental)
 +(export gnc:menuname-custom)
 +(export gnc:menuname-business-reports)
 +(export gnc:pagename-general)
 +(export gnc:pagename-accounts)
 +(export gnc:pagename-display)
 +(export gnc:optname-reportname)
 +(export gnc:optname-invoice-number)
 +(export gnc:define-report)
 +(export <report>)
 +(export gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid)
 +(export gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid)
 +(export gnc:report-template-renderer/report-guid)
 +(export gnc:report-template-new-options)
 +(export gnc:report-template-version)
 +(export gnc:report-template-name)
 +(export gnc:report-template-report-guid)
 +(export gnc:report-template-set-report-guid!)
 +(export gnc:report-template-options-generator)
 +(export gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb)
 +(export gnc:report-template-options-changed-cb)
 +(export gnc:report-template-renderer)
 +(export gnc:report-template-in-menu?)
 +(export gnc:report-template-menu-path)
 +(export gnc:report-template-menu-name)
 +(export gnc:report-template-menu-tip)
 +(export gnc:report-template-export-types)
 +(export gnc:report-template-export-thunk)
 +(export gnc:report-template-has-unique-name?)
 +(export gnc:report-type)
 +(export gnc:report-set-type!)
 +(export gnc:report-id)
 +(export gnc:report-set-id!)
 +(export gnc:report-options)
 +(export gnc:report-set-options!)
 +(export gnc:report-needs-save?)
 +(export gnc:report-set-needs-save?!)
 +(export gnc:report-dirty?)
 +(export gnc:report-set-dirty?!)
 +(export gnc:report-editor-widget)
 +(export gnc:report-set-editor-widget!)
 +(export gnc:report-ctext)
 +(export gnc:report-set-ctext!)
 +(export gnc:make-report)
 +(export gnc:restore-report-by-guid)
 +(export gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template)
 +(export gnc:make-report-options)
 +(export gnc:report-export-types)
 +(export gnc:report-export-thunk)
 +(export gnc:report-menu-name)
 +(export gnc:report-name)
 +(export gnc:report-stylesheet)
 +(export gnc:report-set-stylesheet!)
 +(export gnc:all-report-template-guids)
 +(export gnc:custom-report-template-guids)
 +(export gnc:delete-report)
 +(export gnc:rename-report)
 +(export gnc:find-report-template)
 +(export gnc:report-serialize)
 +(export gnc:report-to-template-new)
 +(export gnc:report-to-template-update)
 +(export gnc:report-render-html)
 +(export gnc:report-run)
 +(export gnc:report-templates-for-each)
 +(export gnc:report-embedded-list)
 +(export gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid?)
 +(export gnc:is-custom-report-type)
 +;; html-barchart.scm
 +(export <html-barchart>)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart? )
 +(export gnc:make-html-barchart-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-barchart)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-data)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-width)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-height)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-height!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-x-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-x-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-y-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-y-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-row-labels)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-row-labels-rotated?)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-stacked?)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-stacked?!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-col-labels)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-col-labels!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-col-colors)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-col-colors!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-legend-reversed?)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-legend-reversed?!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-title)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-title!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-subtitle)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-subtitle!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-1-bar-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-bar-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-2-bar-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-bar-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-3-bar-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-bar-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-1-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-2-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-button-3-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-append-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-prepend-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-append-column!)
 +(export gnc:not-all-zeros)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-prepend-column!)
 +(export gnc:html-barchart-render barchart)
 +;; html-document.scm
 +(export <html-document>)
 +(export gnc:html-document?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-document-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-document)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-title!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-title)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-headline!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-headline)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-style-text!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-style-text)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-style-sheet)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-style-stack!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-style-stack)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-style-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-style)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-objects!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-objects)
 +(export gnc:html-document?)
 +(export gnc:html-document-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-tree-collapse)
 +(export gnc:html-document-render)
 +(export gnc:html-document-push-style)
 +(export gnc:html-document-pop-style)
 +(export gnc:html-document-add-object!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-append-objects!)
 +(export gnc:html-document-fetch-markup-style)
 +(export gnc:html-document-fetch-data-style)
 +(export gnc:html-document-markup-start)
 +(export gnc:html-document-markup-end)
 +(export gnc:html-document-render-data)
 +(export <html-object>)
 +(export gnc:html-object?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-object-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-object)
 +(export gnc:html-object-renderer)
 +(export gnc:html-object-set-renderer!)
 +(export gnc:html-object-data)
 +(export gnc:html-object-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-object-render)
 +;; html-piechart.scm
 +(export <html-piechart>)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-piechart-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-piechart)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-data)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-width)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-height)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-height!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-labels)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-labels!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-colors)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-colors!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-title)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-title!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-subtitle)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-subtitle!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-1-slice-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-slice-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-2-slice-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-slice-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-3-slice-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-slice-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-1-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-2-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-button-3-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-piechart-render)
 +;; html-scatter.scm
 +(export <html-scatter>)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-scatter-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-scatter)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-width)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-height)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-height!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-title)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-title!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-subtitle)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-subtitle!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-x-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-x-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-y-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-y-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-data)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-marker)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-marker!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-markercolor)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-set-markercolor!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-add-datapoint!)
 +(export gnc:html-scatter-render)
 +;; html-linechart.scm
 +(export <html-linechart>)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart? )
 +(export gnc:make-html-linechart-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-linechart)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-data)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-width)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-height)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-height!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-x-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-x-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-y-axis-label)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-y-axis-label!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-row-labels-rotated?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-row-labels-rotated?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-stacked?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-stacked?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-markers?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-markers?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-major-grid?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-major-grid?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-minor-grid?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-minor-grid?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-col-labels)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-labels!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-col-colors)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-col-colors!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-legend-reversed?)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-legend-reversed?!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-title)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-title!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-subtitle)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-subtitle!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-line-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-line-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-line-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-line-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-line-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-line-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-1-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-1-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-2-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-2-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-button-3-legend-urls)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-button-3-legend-urls!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-append-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-append-column!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-prepend-column!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-render linechart)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-set-line-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-linechart-line-width)
 +;; html-style-info.scm
 +(export <html-markup-style-info>)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-markup-style-info-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-markup-style-info)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-set!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-tag)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-tag!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-attributes)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-attributes!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-inheritable?)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-inheritable?!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-set-attribute!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-style-info-merge)
 +(export gnc:html-style-info-merge)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-merge)
 +(export <html-data-style-info>)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-data-style-info-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-data-style-info)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info?)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-renderer)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-set-renderer!)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-data)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-inheritable?)
 +(export gnc:html-data-style-info-set-inheritable?!)
 +(export gnc:default-html-string-renderer)
 +(export gnc:default-html-gnc-numeric-renderer)
 +(export gnc:default-html-gnc-monetary-renderer)
 +(export gnc:default-html-number-renderer)
 +(export <html-style-table>)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-style-table-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-style-table)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-primary)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-compiled)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-set-compiled!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-inheritable)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-set-inheritable!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-compiled?)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-compile)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-uncompile)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-fetch)
 +(export gnc:html-style-table-set!)
 +;; html-style-sheet.scm
 +(export <html-style-sheet-template>)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template?)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-version)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-set-version!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-name)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-set-name!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-options-generator)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-set-options-generator!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-renderer)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-set-renderer!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-template-find)
 +(export gnc:define-html-style-sheet)
 +(export <html-style-sheet>)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet?)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-name)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-set-name!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-type)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-set-type!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-options)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-set-options!)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-renderer)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-set-renderer!)
 +(export gnc:make-html-style-sheet-internal)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-style)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:make-html-style-sheet)
 +(export gnc:restore-html-style-sheet)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-apply-changes)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-render)
 +(export gnc:get-html-style-sheets)
 +(export gnc:get-html-templates)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-find)
 +(export gnc:html-style-sheet-remove)
 +;; html-acct-table.scm
 +(export <html-acct-table>)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table?)
 +(export gnc:_make-html-acct-table_)
 +(export gnc:make-html-acct-table)
 +(export gnc:make-html-acct-table/env)
 +(export gnc:make-html-acct-table/env/accts)
 +(export gnc:_html-acct-table-matrix_)
 +(export gnc:_html-acct-table-set-matrix!_)
 +(export gnc:_html-acct-table-env_)
 +(export gnc:_html-acct-table-set-env!_)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-add-accounts!)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-num-rows)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-get-row)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-get-cell)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-set-cell!)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-get-row-env)
 +(export gnc:html-acct-table-set-row-env!)
 +(export gnc:account-code-less-p)
 +(export gnc:account-name-less-p)
 +(export gnc:account-path-less-p)
 +(export gnc:html-table-add-labeled-amount-line!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-add-account-balances)
 +(export gnc-commodity-table)
 +(export gnc:uniform-commodity?)
 +;; html-chart.scm
 +(export gnc:html-chart?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-chart)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-data)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-width)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-width!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-height)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-height!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-type)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-type!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-title)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-get)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-currency-iso)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-currency-iso!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-currency-symbol)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-set-currency-symbol!)
 +(export gnc:html-chart-render)
 +;; html-table.scm
 +(export <html-table>)
 +(export gnc:html-table?)
 +(export <html-table-cell>)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell/size)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-header-cell)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-cell/min-width)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell?)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-rowspan)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-rowspan!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-colspan)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-colspan!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-tag)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-tag!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-data)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-data-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-style-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-append-objects!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-cell-render)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-table)
 +(export gnc:html-table-data)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-caption)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-caption!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-col-headers)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-multirow-col-headers)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-multirow-col-headers!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-headers)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-headers!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-style-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-styles)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-styles!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-markup-table)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-markup)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-markup-table!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-markup!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-col-styles)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-col-styles!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-col-headers-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-col-headers-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-headers-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-headers-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-last-row-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-col-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-row-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-row-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-col-style)
 +(export gnc:html-table-num-rows)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-num-rows-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-num-columns)
 +(export gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-prepend-row/markup!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-append-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-prepend-row!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-get-cell)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-cell!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-set-cell/tag!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-append-column!)
 +(export gnc:html-table-render)
 +;; html-anytag.scm
 +(export <html-anytag>)
 +(export html-anytag?)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-data)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-set-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-style)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-append-data!)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-anytag-render div doc)
 +(export gnc:make-html-div)
 +(export gnc:make-html-div/markup)
 +(export gnc:make-html-span)
 +(export gnc:make-html-span/markup)
 +;; html-text.scm
 +(export <html-text>)
 +(export gnc:html-text?)
 +(export gnc:make-html-text-internal)
 +(export gnc:make-html-text)
 +(export gnc:html-text?)
 +(export gnc:html-text-body)
 +(export gnc:html-text-set-body-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-text-set-body!)
 +(export gnc:html-text-style)
 +(export gnc:html-text-set-style-internal!)
 +(export gnc:html-text-set-style!)
 +(export gnc:html-text-append!)
 +(export gnc:html-markup)
 +(export gnc:html-markup/attr)
 +(export gnc:html-markup/no-end)
 +(export gnc:html-markup/attr/no-end)
 +(export gnc:html-markup/format)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-p)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-tt)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-em)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-b)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-i)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-h1)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-h2)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-h3)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-br)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-hr)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-ol)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-ul)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-anchor)
 +(export gnc:html-markup-img)
 +(export gnc:html-text-render)
 +(export gnc:html-text-render-markup)
 +;; report-utilities.scm
 +(export list-ref-safe)
 +(export list-set-safe!)
 +(export gnc:monetary->string)
 +(export gnc:account-has-shares?)
 +(export gnc:account-is-stock?)
 +(export gnc:account-is-inc-exp?)
 +(export gnc:filter-accountlist-type)
 +(export gnc:decompose-accountlist)
 +(export gnc:account-get-type-string-plural)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-commodities)
 +(export gnc:get-current-account-tree-depth)
 +(export gnc:accounts-and-all-descendants)
 +(export gnc:make-value-collector)
 +(export gnc:make-commodity-collector)
 +(export gnc:collector+)
 +(export gnc:collector-)
 +(export gnc:commodity-collector-get-negated)
 +(export gnc:account-accumulate-at-dates)
 +(export gnc:account-get-balance-at-date)
 +(export gnc:account-get-balances-at-dates)
 +(export gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date)
 +(export gnc:account-get-comm-value-interval)
 +(export gnc:account-get-comm-value-at-date)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-balance-helper)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-income)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-expense)
 +(export gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-assets)
 +(export gnc:account-get-balance-interval)
 +(export gnc:account-get-comm-balance-interval)
 +(export gnc:accountlist-get-comm-balance-interval)
 +(export gnc:accountlist-get-comm-balance-interval-with-closing)
 +(export gnc:accountlist-get-comm-balance-at-date)
 +(export gnc:accountlist-get-comm-balance-at-date-with-closing)
 +(export gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only!)
 +(export gnc:query-set-match-voids-only!)
 +(export gnc:split-voided?)
 +(export gnc:report-starting)
 +(export gnc:report-render-starting)
 +(export gnc:report-percent-done)
 +(export gnc:report-finished)
 +(export gnc:accounts-count-splits)
 +(export gnc-commodity-collector-allzero?)
 +(export gnc:monetary+)
 +(export gnc:monetaries-add)
 +(export gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval)
 +(export gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval-with-closing)
 +(export gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval)
 +(export gnc:budget-get-start-date)
 +(export gnc:budget-get-end-date)
 +(export gnc:budget-account-get-net)
 +(export gnc:budget-accountlist-get-net)
 +(export gnc:budget-account-get-initial-balance)
 +(export gnc:budget-accountlist-get-initial-balance)
 +(export budget-account-sum budget)
 +(export gnc:get-account-period-rolledup-budget-value)
 +(export gnc:budget-account-get-rolledup-net)
 +(export gnc:get-assoc-account-balances)
 +(export gnc:select-assoc-account-balance)
 +(export gnc:get-assoc-account-balances-total)
 +(export gnc:multiline-to-html-text)
++(export gnc:default-price-renderer)
 +(export make-file-url)
 +(export gnc:strify)
 +(export gnc:pk)
 +(export gnc:dump-book)
 +(export gnc:dump-invoices)
 +(export gnc:dump-lot)
 +;; trep-engine.scm
 +(export gnc:trep-options-generator)
 +(export gnc:trep-renderer)
 +;; report-register-hooks.scm
 +(export gnc:register-report-hook)
 +(export gnc:lookup-register-report)
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/commodity-utilities")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-chart")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-barchart")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-document")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-piechart")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-scatter")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-linechart")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-style-info")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-fonts")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-style-sheet")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-anytag")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-table")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-text")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-acct-table")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/html-utilities")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/options-utilities")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/report-utilities")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/report-register-hooks")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/report-core")
 +(load-from-path "gnucash/report/trep-engine")
 +;; Report uuids used for the category barcharts
 +(export category-barchart-income-uuid
 +        category-barchart-expense-uuid
 +        category-barchart-asset-uuid
 +        category-barchart-liability-uuid)
 +(define category-barchart-income-uuid "44f81bee049b4b3ea908f8dac9a9474e")
 +(define category-barchart-expense-uuid "b1f15b2052c149df93e698fe85a81ea6")
 +(define category-barchart-asset-uuid "e9cf815f79db44bcb637d0295093ae3d")
 +(define category-barchart-liability-uuid "faf410e8f8da481fbc09e4763da40bcc")
 +(export report-module-loader)
 +;; Given a list of module prefixes, load all guile modules with these prefixes
 +;; This assumes the modules are located on the file system in a
 +;; path matching the module prefix
 +;; For example passing
 +;; '('(gnucash report stylesheets) '(gnucash reports standard))
 +;; will search for scm files in
 +;; - <gnc-guile-dir>/gnucash/report/stylesheets
 +;; - <gnc-guile-dir>/gnucash/reports/standard
 +;; and try to load them.
 +;; This function is non-recursive so it won't
 +;; descend in subdirectories.
 +(define (report-module-loader mod-prefix-list)
 +  ;; Returns a list of files in a directory
 +  ;;
 +  ;; Param:
 +  ;;   dir - directory name
 +  ;;
 +  ;; Return value:
 +  ;;   list of files in the directory
 +  (define (directory-files dir)
 +    (cond
 +      ((file-exists? dir)
 +       (let ((dir-stream (opendir dir)))
 +            (let loop ((fname (readdir dir-stream))
 +                       (acc '()))
 +                      (cond
 +                        ((eof-object? fname)
 +                         (closedir dir-stream)
 +                         acc)
 +                        (else
 +                          (loop (readdir dir-stream)
 +                                (if (string-suffix? ".scm" fname)
 +                                    (cons (string-drop-right fname 4) acc)
 +                                    acc)))))))
 +      (else
 +        (gnc:warn "Can't access " dir ".\nEmpty list will be returned.")
 +        '())))
 +    ;; Return a list of symbols representing modules in the directory
 +    ;; matching the prefix
 +    ;;
 +    ;; Return value:
 +    ;;  List of symbols for modules
 +  (define (get-module-list mod-prefix)
 +    (let* ((subdir (string-join (map symbol->string mod-prefix) "/"))
 +           (mod-dir (gnc-build-scm-path subdir))
 +           (mod-list (directory-files mod-dir)))
 +          (gnc:debug "rpt-subdir=" subdir)
 +          (gnc:debug "mod-dir=" mod-dir)
 +          (gnc:debug "dir-files=" mod-list)
 +     (map string->symbol mod-list)))
 +  (for-each
 +    (lambda (mod-prefix)
 +      (for-each
 +        (lambda (mod-file)
 +                (let* ((module (append mod-prefix (list mod-file))))
 +                      (module-use!
 +                       (current-module)
 +                       (resolve-interface module))))
 +        (get-module-list mod-prefix)))
 +    mod-prefix-list))
 +;; Add hooks when this module is loaded
 +(gnc-hook-add-scm-dangler HOOK-SAVE-OPTIONS gnc:save-style-sheet-options)
diff --cc gnucash/report/reports/standard/advanced-portfolio.scm
index 5568b2bb4,000000000..279fcb91f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/advanced-portfolio.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/advanced-portfolio.scm
@@@ -1,1221 -1,0 +1,1215 @@@
 +;; -*-scheme-*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +;; advanced-portfolio.scm
 +;; by Martijn van Oosterhout (kleptog at Feb 2002
 +;; modified for GnuCash 1.8 by Herbert Thoma (herbie at Oct 2002
 +;; Heavily based on portfolio.scm
 +;; by Robert Merkel (rgmerk at
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(define-module (gnucash reports standard advanced-portfolio))
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash utilities)) 
 +(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 +(define reportname (N_ "Advanced Portfolio"))
 +(define optname-price-source (N_ "Price Source"))
 +(define optname-shares-digits (N_ "Share decimal places"))
 +(define optname-zero-shares (N_ "Include accounts with no shares"))
 +(define optname-show-symbol (N_ "Show ticker symbols"))
 +(define optname-show-listing (N_ "Show listings"))
 +(define optname-show-price (N_ "Show prices"))
 +(define optname-show-shares (N_ "Show number of shares"))
 +(define optname-basis-method (N_ "Basis calculation method"))
 +(define optname-prefer-pricelist (N_ "Set preference for price list data"))
 +(define optname-brokerage-fees (N_ "How to report brokerage fees"))
 +(define OVERFLOW-ERROR "<h3>Error</h3>There is an error processing the
 +transaction '~a'. This may to be caused by a sell transaction causing
 +a negative stock balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a
 +zero balance. This leads to a division-by-zero error. It can be fixed
 +by preventing negative stock balances.<br/>")
 +;; To avoid overflows in our calculations, define a denominator for prices and unit values
 +(define price-denom 100000000)
 +(define units-denom 100000000)
 +(define (options-generator)
 +  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
 +         ;; This is just a helper function for making options.
 +         ;; See libgnucash/scm/options.scm for details.
 +         (add-option
 +          (lambda (new-option)
 +            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
 +    ;; General Tab
 +    ;; date at which to report balance
 +    (gnc:options-add-report-date!
 +     options gnc:pagename-general
 +     (N_ "Date") "a")
 +    (gnc:options-add-currency!
 +     options gnc:pagename-general (N_ "Report's currency") "c")
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-price-source
 +      "d" (N_ "The source of price information.") 'pricedb-nearest
 +      (list (vector 'pricedb-latest
 +		    (N_ "Most recent")
 +		    (N_ "The most recent recorded price."))
 +	    (vector 'pricedb-nearest
 +		    (N_ "Nearest in time")
 +		    (N_ "The price recorded nearest in time to the report date."))
 +	    )))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-basis-method
 +      "e" (N_ "Basis calculation method.") 'average-basis
 +      (list (vector 'average-basis
 +		    (N_ "Average")
 +		    (N_ "Use average cost of all shares for basis."))
 +	    (vector 'fifo-basis
 +		    (N_ "FIFO")
 +		    (N_ "Use first-in first-out method for basis."))
 +	    (vector 'filo-basis
 +		    (N_ "LIFO")
 +		    (N_ "Use last-in first-out method for basis."))
 +	    )))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-prefer-pricelist "f"
 +      (N_ "Prefer use of price editor pricing over transactions, where applicable.")
 +      #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-brokerage-fees
 +      "g" (N_ "How to report commissions and other brokerage fees.") 'include-in-basis
 +      (list (vector 'include-in-basis
 +                    (N_ "Include in basis")
 +                    (N_ "Include brokerage fees in the basis for the asset."))
 +            (vector 'include-in-gain
 +                    (N_ "Include in gain")
 +                    (N_  "Include brokerage fees in the gain and loss but not in the basis."))
 +            (vector 'ignore-brokerage
 +                    (N_ "Ignore")
 +                    (N_ "Ignore brokerage fees entirely."))
 +            )))
 +    (gnc:register-option
 +      options
 +      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +	gnc:pagename-display optname-show-symbol "a"
 +	(N_ "Display the ticker symbols.")
 +	#t))
 +    (gnc:register-option
 +      options
 +      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +	gnc:pagename-display optname-show-listing "b"
 +	(N_ "Display exchange listings.")
 +	#t))
 +    (gnc:register-option
 +      options
 +      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +	gnc:pagename-display optname-show-shares "c"
 +	(N_ "Display numbers of shares in accounts.")
 +	#t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-number-range-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-shares-digits
 +      "d" (N_ "The number of decimal places to use for share numbers.") 2
 +      0 6 0 1))
 +    (gnc:register-option
 +      options
 +      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +	gnc:pagename-display optname-show-price "e"
 +	(N_ "Display share prices.")
 +	#t))
 +    ;; Account tab
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-account-list-option
 +      gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts")
 +      "b"
 +      (N_ "Stock Accounts to report on.")
 +      (lambda () (filter gnc:account-is-stock?
 +                         (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted
 +                          (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
 +      (lambda (accounts) (list  #t
 +                                (filter gnc:account-is-stock? accounts)))
 +      #t))
 +    (gnc:register-option
 +     options
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-accounts optname-zero-shares "e"
 +      (N_ "Include accounts that have a zero share balances.")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
 +    options))
 +;; This is the rendering function. It accepts a database of options
 +;; and generates an object of type <html-document>.  See the file
 +;; report-html.txt for documentation; the file report-html.scm
 +;; includes all the relevant Scheme code. The option database passed
 +;; to the function is one created by the options-generator function
 +;; defined above.
 +(define (advanced-portfolio-renderer report-obj)
 + (let ((work-done 0)
 +       (work-to-do 0)
 +       (warn-no-price #f)
 +       (warn-price-dirty #f))
 +  ;; These are some helper functions for looking up option values.
 +  (define (get-op section name)
 +    (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name))
 +  (define (get-option section name)
 +    (gnc:option-value (get-op section name)))
 +  (define (split-account-type? split type)
 +    (eq? type (xaccAccountGetType (xaccSplitGetAccount split))))
 +  (define (same-split? s1 s2)
 +    (equal? (gncSplitGetGUID s1) (gncSplitGetGUID s2)))
 +  (define (same-account? a1 a2)
 +    (equal? (gncAccountGetGUID a1) (gncAccountGetGUID a2)))
 +  ;; sum up the contents of the b-list built by basis-builder below
 +  (define (sum-basis b-list currency-frac)
 +    (if (not (eqv? b-list '()))
 +	(gnc-numeric-add (gnc-numeric-mul (caar b-list) (cdar b-list) currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +			 (sum-basis (cdr b-list) currency-frac) currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +	(gnc-numeric-zero)
 +	)
 +    )
 +  ;; sum up the total number of units in the b-list built by basis-builder below
 +  (define (units-basis b-list)
 +    (if (not (eqv? b-list '()))
 +	(gnc-numeric-add (caar b-list) (units-basis (cdr b-list))
 +			 units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +	(gnc-numeric-zero)
 +	)
 +    )
 +  ;; apply a ratio to an existing basis-list, useful for splits/mergers and spinoffs
 +  ;; I need to get a brain and use (map) for this.
 +  (define (apply-basis-ratio b-list units-ratio value-ratio)
 +    (if (not (eqv? b-list '()))
 +	(cons (cons (gnc-numeric-mul units-ratio (caar b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +		    (gnc-numeric-mul value-ratio (cdar b-list) price-denom GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +	      (apply-basis-ratio (cdr b-list) units-ratio value-ratio))
 +	'()
 +	)
 +    )
 +  ;; this builds a list for basis calculation and handles average, fifo and lifo methods
 +  ;; the list is cons cells of (units-of-stock . price-per-unit)... average method produces only one
 +  ;; cell that mutates to the new average. Need to add a date checker so that we allow for prices
 +  ;; coming in out of order, such as a transfer with a price adjusted to carryover the basis.
 +  (define (basis-builder b-list b-units b-value b-method currency-frac)
 +    (gnc:debug "actually in basis-builder")
 +    (gnc:debug "b-list is " b-list " b-units is " (gnc-numeric-to-string b-units)
 +               " b-value is " (gnc-numeric-to-string b-value) " b-method is " b-method)
 +    ;; if there is no b-value, then this is a split/merger and needs special handling
 +    (cond
 +     ;; we have value and positive units, add units to basis
 +     ((and (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-value))
 +	   (gnc-numeric-positive-p b-units))
 +      (case b-method
 +	((average-basis)
 +	 (if (not (eqv? b-list '()))
 +	     (list (cons (gnc-numeric-add b-units
 +					  (caar b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +			 (gnc-numeric-div
 +			  (gnc-numeric-add b-value
 +					   (gnc-numeric-mul (caar b-list)
 +							    (cdar b-list)
 +			  (let ((denom (gnc-numeric-add b-units
 +                                                        (caar b-list) GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE)))
 +                            (if (zero? denom)
 +                                (throw 'div/0 (format #f "buying ~0,4f share units" b-units))
 +                                denom))
 +			  price-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +	     (append b-list
 +                     (list (cons b-units (gnc-numeric-div
 +                                          b-value b-units price-denom GNC-RND-ROUND))))))
 +	(else (append b-list
 +                      (list (cons b-units (gnc-numeric-div
 +                                           b-value b-units price-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)))))))
 +     ;; we have value and negative units, remove units from basis
 +     ((and (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-value))
 +	   (gnc-numeric-negative-p b-units))
 +      (if (not (eqv? b-list '()))
 +          (case b-method
 +            ((fifo-basis)
 +             (case (gnc-numeric-compare (gnc-numeric-abs b-units) (caar b-list))
 +               ((-1)
 +                 ;; Sold less than the first lot, create a new first lot from the remainder
 +                 (let ((new-units (gnc-numeric-add b-units (caar b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                        (cons (cons new-units (cdar b-list)) (cdr b-list))))
 +               ((0)
 +                 ;; Sold all of the first lot
 +                 (cdr b-list))
 +               ((1)
 +                 ;; Sold more than the first lot, delete it and recurse
 +                 (basis-builder (cdr b-list) (gnc-numeric-add b-units (caar b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +                                b-value  ;; Only the sign of b-value matters since the new b-units is negative
 +                                b-method currency-frac))))
 +            ((filo-basis)
 +             (let ((rev-b-list (reverse b-list)))
 +               (case (gnc-numeric-compare (gnc-numeric-abs b-units) (caar rev-b-list))
 +                 ((-1)
 +                   ;; Sold less than the last lot
 +                 (let ((new-units (gnc-numeric-add b-units (caar rev-b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                        (reverse (cons (cons new-units (cdar rev-b-list)) (cdr rev-b-list)))))
 +                 ((0)
 +                   ;; Sold all of the last lot
 +                   (reverse (cdr rev-b-list))
 +                 )
 +                 ((1)
 +                   ;; Sold more than the last lot
 +                   (basis-builder (reverse (cdr rev-b-list)) (gnc-numeric-add b-units (caar rev-b-list) units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +                                           b-value b-method currency-frac)
 +                 ))))
 +            ((average-basis)
 +             (list (cons (gnc-numeric-add
 +                          (caar b-list) b-units units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +                         (cdar b-list)))))
 +          '()
 +          ))
 +     ;; no value, just units, this is a split/merge...
 +     ((and (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-value)
 +	   (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-units)))
 +	(let* ((current-units (units-basis b-list))
 +               ;; If current-units is zero then so should be everything else.
 +	       (units-ratio (if (zero? current-units) (gnc-numeric-zero)
 +                                (gnc-numeric-div (gnc-numeric-add b-units current-units GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE)
 +                                                 current-units GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE)))
 +               ;; If the units ratio is zero the stock is worthless and the value should be zero too
 +	       (value-ratio (if (gnc-numeric-zero-p units-ratio)
 +	                        (gnc-numeric-zero)
 +                                (gnc-numeric-div 1/1 units-ratio GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))))
 +	  (gnc:debug "blist is " b-list " current units is "
 +	             (gnc-numeric-to-string current-units)
 +	             " value ratio is " (gnc-numeric-to-string value-ratio)
 +	             " units ratio is " (gnc-numeric-to-string units-ratio))
 +	  (apply-basis-ratio b-list units-ratio value-ratio)
 +	  ))
 +	;; If there are no units, just a value, then its a spin-off,
 +	;; calculate a ratio for the values, but leave the units alone
 +	;; with a ratio of 1
 +     ((and (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-units)
 +	   (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p b-value)))
 +      (let* ((current-value (sum-basis b-list GNC-DENOM-AUTO))
 +            (value-ratio (if (zero? current-value)
 +                             (throw 'div/0 (format #f "spinoff of ~,2f currency units" current-value))
 +                             (gnc-numeric-div (gnc-numeric-add b-value current-value GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE)
 +                                              current-value GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))))
 +	(gnc:debug "this is a spinoff")
 +	(gnc:debug "blist is " b-list " value ratio is " (gnc-numeric-to-string value-ratio))
 +	(apply-basis-ratio b-list 1/1 value-ratio))
 +      )
 +     ;; when all else fails, just send the b-list back
 +     (else
 +      b-list)
 +     )
 +    )
 +  ;; Given a price list and a currency find the price for that currency on the list.
 +  ;; If there is none for the requested currency, return the first one.
 +  ;; The price list is released but the price returned is ref counted.
 +  (define (find-price price-list currency)
 +    (if (eqv? price-list '()) #f
 +      (let ((price (car price-list)))
 +        (for-each
 +          (lambda (p)
 +            (if (gnc-commodity-equiv currency (gnc-price-get-currency p))
 +                (set! price p))
 +            (if (gnc-commodity-equiv currency (gnc-price-get-commodity p))
 +                (set! price (gnc-price-invert p))))
 +          price-list)
 +        (gnc-price-ref price)
 +        (gnc-price-list-destroy price-list)
 +        price)))
 +  ;; Return true if either account is the parent of the other or they are siblings
 +  (define (parent-or-sibling? a1 a2)
 +    (let ((a2parent (gnc-account-get-parent a2))
 +          (a1parent (gnc-account-get-parent a1)))
 +          (or (same-account? a2parent a1)
 +              (same-account? a1parent a2)
 +              (same-account? a1parent a2parent))))
 +  ;; Test whether the given split is the source of a spin off transaction
 +  ;; This will be a no-units split with only one other split.
 +  ;; xaccSplitGetOtherSplit only returns on a two-split txn.  It's not a spinoff
 +  ;; is the other split is in an income or expense account.
 +  (define (spin-off? split current)
 +     (let ((other-split (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split)))
 +          (and (gnc-numeric-zero-p (xaccSplitGetAmount split))
 +               (same-account? current (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
 +               (not (null? other-split))
 +               (not (split-account-type? other-split ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))
 +               (not (split-account-type? other-split ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))))
 +(define (table-add-stock-rows table accounts to-date
 +                                currency price-fn exchange-fn price-source
 +				include-empty show-symbol show-listing show-shares show-price
 +                                basis-method prefer-pricelist handle-brokerage-fees
 +                                total-basis total-value
 +                                total-moneyin total-moneyout total-income total-gain
 +                                total-ugain total-brokerage)
 +   (let ((share-print-info
 +	  (gnc-share-print-info-places
 +	   (inexact->exact (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +      			       optname-shares-digits)))))
 +    (define (table-add-stock-rows-internal accounts odd-row?)
 +      (if (null? accounts) total-value
 +          (let* ((row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row"))
 +                 (current (car accounts))
 +                 (rest (cdr accounts))
 +		 ;; commodity is the actual stock/thing we are looking at
 +                 (commodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity current))
 +                 (ticker-symbol (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic commodity))
 +                 (listing (gnc-commodity-get-namespace commodity))
 +                 (unit-collector (gnc:account-get-comm-balance-at-date
 +                                  current to-date #f))
 +                 (units (cadr (unit-collector 'getpair commodity #f)))
 +                 ;; Counter to keep track of stuff
 +                 (brokeragecoll (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                 (dividendcoll  (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                 (moneyincoll   (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                 (moneyoutcoll  (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                 (gaincoll      (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +		 ;; the price of the commodity at the time of the report
 +                 (price (price-fn commodity currency to-date))
 +		 ;; the value of the commodity, expressed in terms of
 +		 ;; the report's currency.
 +                 (value (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-zero)))  ;; Set later
 +                 (currency-frac (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
 +		 (pricing-txn #f)
 +		 (use-txn #f)
 +		 (basis-list '())
 +		 ;; setup an alist for the splits we've already seen.
 +		 (seen_trans '())
 +		 ;; Account used to hold remainders from income reinvestments and
 +		 ;; running total of amount moved there
 +		 (drp-holding-account #f)
 +		 (drp-holding-amount (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		 )
 +            (define (my-exchange-fn fromunits tocurrency)
 +              (if (and (gnc-commodity-equiv currency tocurrency)
 +                       (gnc-commodity-equiv (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity fromunits) commodity))
 +                    ;; Have a price for this commodity, but not necessarily in the report's
 +                    ;; currency.  Get the value in the commodity's currency and convert it to
 +                    ;; report currency.
 +                    (exchange-fn
 +                      ;; This currency will usually be the same as tocurrency so the
 +                      ;; call to exchange-fn below will do nothing
 +                      (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                        (if use-txn
 +                            (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity price)
 +                            (gnc-price-get-currency price))
 +                        (gnc-numeric-mul (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount fromunits)
 +                                         (if use-txn
 +                                             (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount price)
 +                                             (gnc-price-get-value price))
 +                                         currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                      tocurrency)
 +                    (exchange-fn fromunits tocurrency)))
 +            (gnc:debug "Starting account " (xaccAccountGetName current) ", initial price: "
 +                       (and price
 +                            (gnc:monetary->string
 +                             (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                              (gnc-price-get-currency price) (gnc-price-get-value price)))))
 +            ;; If we have a price that can't be converted to the report currency
 +            ;; don't use it
 +            (if (and price (gnc-numeric-zero-p (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
 +                                       (exchange-fn
 +                                          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                                            (gnc-price-get-currency price)
 +                                            100/1)
 +                                          currency))))
 +                (set! price #f))
 +            ;; If we are told to use a pricing transaction, or if we don't have a price
 +            ;; from the price DB, find a good transaction to use.
 +            (if (and (not use-txn)
 +                     (or (not price) (not prefer-pricelist)))
 +                  (let ((split-list (reverse (gnc:get-match-commodity-splits-sorted
 +                                                 (list current)
 +                                                 (case price-source
 +                                                   ((pricedb-latest) (gnc:get-today))
 +                                                   ((pricedb-nearest) to-date)
 +                                                   (else (gnc:get-today)))  ;; error, but don't crash
 +                                                 #f))))  ;; Any currency
 +                        ;; Find the first (most recent) one that can be converted to report currency
 +                        (while (and (not use-txn) (not (eqv? split-list '())))
 +                          (let ((split (car split-list)))
 +                            (if (and (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p (xaccSplitGetAmount split)))
 +                                     (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p (xaccSplitGetValue split))))
 +                              (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +                                     (trans-currency (xaccTransGetCurrency trans))
 +                                     (trans-price (exchange-fn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                                                                   trans-currency
 +                                                                   (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
 +                                                               currency)))
 +                                (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount trans-price)))
 +                                  ;; We can exchange the price from this transaction into the report currency
 +                                  (begin
 +                                    (if price (gnc-price-unref price))
 +                                    (set! pricing-txn trans)
 +                                    (set! price trans-price)
 +                                    (gnc:debug "Transaction price is " (gnc:monetary->string price))
 +                                    (set! use-txn #t))
 +                                  (set! split-list (cdr split-list))))
 +                              (set! split-list (cdr split-list)))
 +                            ))))
 +            ;; If we still don't have a price, use a price of 1 and complain later
 +            (if (not price)
 +              (begin
 +                (set! price (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency 1/1))
 +                ;; If use-txn is set, but pricing-txn isn't set, it's a bogus price
 +                (set! use-txn #t)
 +                (set! pricing-txn #f)
 +              )
 +            )
 +            ;; Now that we have a pricing transaction if needed, set the value of the asset
 +            (set! value (my-exchange-fn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity units) currency))
 +            (gnc:debug "Value " (gnc:monetary->string value)
 +                       " from " (gnc:monetary->string
 +                                 (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity units)))
 +	    (for-each
 +	     ;; we're looking at each split we find in the account. these splits
 +	     ;; could refer to the same transaction, so we have to examine each
 +	     ;; split, determine what kind of split it is and then act accordingly.
 +	     (lambda (split)
 +	       (set! work-done (+ 1 work-done))
 +	       (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
 +	       (let* ((parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +		      (txn-date (xaccTransGetDate parent))
 +		      (commod-currency (xaccTransGetCurrency parent))
 +		      (commod-currency-frac (gnc-commodity-get-fraction commod-currency)))
 +		 (if (and (<= txn-date to-date)
 +		          (not (assoc-ref seen_trans (gncTransGetGUID parent))))
 +		     (let ((trans-income (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-brokerage (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-shares (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (shares-bought (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-sold (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-bought (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-spinoff (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-drp-residual (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +		           (trans-drp-account #f))
 +		       (gnc:debug "Transaction " (xaccTransGetDescription parent))
 +		       ;; Add this transaction to the list of processed transactions so we don't
 +		       ;; do it again if there is another split in it for this account
 +		       (set! seen_trans (acons (gncTransGetGUID parent) #t seen_trans))
 +		       ;; Go through all the splits in the transaction to get an overall idea of
 +		       ;; what it does in terms of income, money in or out, shares bought or sold, etc.
 +		       (for-each
 +		         (lambda (s)
 +                           (let ((split-units (xaccSplitGetAmount s))
 +                                 (split-value (xaccSplitGetValue s)))
 +                             (gnc:debug "Pass 1: split units " (gnc-numeric-to-string split-units) " split-value "
 +                                        (gnc-numeric-to-string split-value) " commod-currency "
 +                                        (gnc-commodity-get-printname commod-currency))
 +                             (cond
 +                                ((split-account-type? s ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)
 +                                 ;; Brokerage expense unless a two split transaction with other split
 +                                 ;; in the stock account in which case it's a stock donation to charity.
 +                                 (if (not (same-account? current (xaccSplitGetAccount (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit s))))
 +                                   (set! trans-brokerage
 +                                         (gnc-numeric-add trans-brokerage split-value commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))))
 +                                ((split-account-type? s ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)
 +                                 (set! trans-income (gnc-numeric-sub trans-income split-value
 +                                                             commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                                ((same-account? current (xaccSplitGetAccount s))
 +                                 (set! trans-shares (gnc-numeric-add trans-shares (gnc-numeric-abs split-units)
 +                                                  units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                                 (if (gnc-numeric-zero-p split-units)
 +                                     (if (spin-off? s current)
 +                                         ;; Count money used in a spin off as money out
 +                                         (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p split-value)
 +                                             (set! trans-spinoff (gnc-numeric-sub trans-spinoff split-value
 +                                                                                  commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                                         (if (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p split-value))
 +                                              ;; Gain/loss split (amount zero, value non-zero, and not spinoff).  There will be
 +                                              ;; a corresponding income split that will incorrectly be added to trans-income
 +                                              ;; Fix that by subtracting it here
 +                                              (set! trans-income (gnc-numeric-sub trans-income split-value
 +                                                                                  commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))))
 +                                     ;; Non-zero amount, add the value to the sale or purchase total.
 +                                     (if (gnc-numeric-positive-p split-value)
 +                                          (begin
 +                                             (set! trans-bought
 +                                                  (gnc-numeric-add trans-bought split-value commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                                             (set! shares-bought
 +                                                  (gnc-numeric-add shares-bought split-units units-denom GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                                          (set! trans-sold
 +                                               (gnc-numeric-sub trans-sold split-value commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))))
 +                                ((split-account-type? s ACCT-TYPE-ASSET)
 +                                 ;; If all the asset accounts mentioned in the transaction are siblings of each other
 +                                 ;; keep track of the money transferred to them if it is in the correct currency
 +                                 (if (not trans-drp-account)
 +                                     (begin
 +                                       (set! trans-drp-account (xaccSplitGetAccount s))
 +                                         (if (gnc-commodity-equiv commod-currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity trans-drp-account))
 +                                             (set! trans-drp-residual split-value)
 +                                             (set! trans-drp-account 'none)))
 +                                     (if (not (eq? trans-drp-account 'none))
 +                                       (if (parent-or-sibling? trans-drp-account (xaccSplitGetAccount s))
 +                                           (set! trans-drp-residual (gnc-numeric-add trans-drp-residual split-value
 +                                                                                     commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                                           (set! trans-drp-account 'none))))))
 +		         ))
 +		         (xaccTransGetSplitList parent)
 +		       )
 +		       (gnc:debug "Income: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-income)
 +		                  " Brokerage: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-brokerage)
 +		                  " Shares traded: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-shares)
 +		                  " Shares bought: " (gnc-numeric-to-string shares-bought))
 +		       (gnc:debug " Value sold: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-sold)
 +		                  " Value purchased: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-bought)
 +		                  " Spinoff value " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-spinoff)
 +		                  " Trans DRP residual: " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-drp-residual))
 +		       ;; We need to calculate several things for this transaction:
 +		       ;; 1. Total income: this is already in trans-income
 +		       ;; 2. Change in basis: calculated by loop below that looks at every
 +		       ;;    that acquires or disposes of shares
 +		       ;; 3. Realized gain: also calculated below while calculating basis
 +		       ;; 4. Money in to the account: this is the value of shares bought
 +		       ;;    except those purchased with reinvested income
 +		       ;; 5. Money out: the money received by disposing of shares.   This
 +		       ;;    is in trans-sold plus trans-spinoff
 +		       ;; 6. Brokerage fees: this is in trans-brokerage
 +		       ;; Income
 +		       (dividendcoll 'add commod-currency trans-income)
 +                       ;; Brokerage fees.  May be either ignored or part of basis, but that
 +                       ;; will be dealt with elsewhere.
 +                       (brokeragecoll 'add commod-currency trans-brokerage)
 +                       ;; Add brokerage fees to trans-bought if not ignoring them and there are any
 +                       (if (and (not (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'ignore-brokerage))
 +                                (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-brokerage)
 +                                (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-shares))
 +                           (let* ((fee-frac (gnc-numeric-div shares-bought trans-shares GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))
 +                                  (fees (gnc-numeric-mul trans-brokerage fee-frac commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                                 (set! trans-bought (gnc-numeric-add trans-bought fees commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))))
 +                       ;; Update the running total of the money in the DRP residual account.  This is relevant
 +                       ;; if this is a reinvestment transaction (both income and purchase) and there seems to
 +                       ;; asset accounts used to hold excess income.
 +                       (if (and trans-drp-account
 +                                (not (eq? trans-drp-account 'none))
 +                                (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-income)
 +                                (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-bought))
 +                           (if (not drp-holding-account)
 +                               (begin
 +                                 (set! drp-holding-account trans-drp-account)
 +                                 (set! drp-holding-amount trans-drp-residual))
 +                               (if (and (not (eq? drp-holding-account 'none))
 +                                        (parent-or-sibling? trans-drp-account drp-holding-account))
 +                                   (set! drp-holding-amount (gnc-numeric-add drp-holding-amount trans-drp-residual
 +                                                                              commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                                   (begin
 +                                     ;; Wrong account (or no account), assume there isn't a DRP holding account
 +                                     (set! drp-holding-account 'none)
 +                                     (set trans-drp-residual (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +                                     (set! drp-holding-amount (gnc-numeric-zero))))))
 +                       ;; Set trans-bought to the amount of money moved in to the account which was used to
 +                       ;; purchase more shares.  If this is not a DRP transaction then all money used to purchase
 +                       ;; shares is money in.
 +                       (if (and (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-income)
 +                                (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-bought))
 +                           (begin
 +                             (set! trans-bought (gnc-numeric-sub trans-bought trans-income
 +                                                                 commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                             (set! trans-bought (gnc-numeric-add trans-bought trans-drp-residual
 +                                                                 commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                             (set! trans-bought (gnc-numeric-sub trans-bought drp-holding-amount
 +                                                                 commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +                             ;; If the DRP holding account balance is negative, adjust it by the amount
 +                             ;; used in this transaction
 +                             (if (and (gnc-numeric-negative-p drp-holding-amount)
 +                                      (gnc-numeric-positive-p trans-bought))
 +                                 (set! drp-holding-amount (gnc-numeric-add drp-holding-amount trans-bought
 +                                                                           commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                             ;; Money in is never more than amount spent to purchase shares
 +                             (if (gnc-numeric-negative-p trans-bought)
 +                                 (set! trans-bought (gnc-numeric-zero)))))
 +                       (gnc:debug "Adjusted trans-bought " (gnc-numeric-to-string trans-bought)
 +                                  " DRP holding account " (gnc-numeric-to-string drp-holding-amount))
 +                       (moneyincoll 'add commod-currency trans-bought)
 +                       (moneyoutcoll 'add commod-currency trans-sold)
 +                       (moneyoutcoll 'add commod-currency trans-spinoff)
 +                       ;; Look at splits again to handle changes in basis and realized gains
 +		       (for-each
 +		         (lambda (s)
 +                           (let
 +                              ;; get the split's units and value
 +                              ((split-units (xaccSplitGetAmount s))
 +                               (split-value (xaccSplitGetValue s)))
 +                             (gnc:debug "Pass 2: split units " (gnc-numeric-to-string split-units) " split-value "
 +                                        (gnc-numeric-to-string split-value) " commod-currency "
 +                                        (gnc-commodity-get-printname commod-currency))
 +                             (cond
 +                               ((and (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p split-units))
 +                                     (same-account? current (xaccSplitGetAccount s)))
 +                                ;; Split into subject account with non-zero amount.  This is a purchase
 +                                ;; or a sale, adjust the basis
 +				(let* ((split-value-currency (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
 +								(my-exchange-fn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +								   commod-currency split-value) currency)))
 +			               (orig-basis (sum-basis basis-list currency-frac))
 +			               ;; proportion of the fees attributable to this split
 +			               (fee-ratio (gnc-numeric-div (gnc-numeric-abs split-units) trans-shares
 +			                                           GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))
 +			               ;; Fees for this split in report currency
 +			               (fees-currency (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (my-exchange-fn
 +			                               (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commod-currency
 +			                                 (gnc-numeric-mul fee-ratio trans-brokerage
 +			                                                commod-currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND))
 +			                                currency)))
 +			               (split-value-with-fees (if (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'include-in-basis)
 +			                                          ;; Include brokerage fees in basis
 +			                                          (gnc-numeric-add split-value-currency fees-currency
 +			                                                        currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +			                                          split-value-currency)))
 +                                  (gnc:debug "going in to basis list " basis-list " " (gnc-numeric-to-string split-units) " "
 +                                             (gnc-numeric-to-string split-value-with-fees))
 +				  ;; adjust the basis
 +				  (set! basis-list (basis-builder basis-list split-units split-value-with-fees
 +								  basis-method currency-frac))
 +                                  (gnc:debug  "coming out of basis list " basis-list)
 +                                  ;; If it's a sale or the stock is worthless, calculate the gain
 +                                  (if (not (gnc-numeric-positive-p split-value))
 +                                       ;; Split value is zero or negative.  If it's zero it's either a stock split/merge
 +                                       ;; or the stock has become worthless (which looks like a merge where the number
 +                                       ;; of shares goes to zero).  If the value is negative then it's a disposal of some sort.
 +                                       (let ((new-basis (sum-basis basis-list currency-frac)))
 +                                              (if (or (gnc-numeric-zero-p new-basis)
 +                                                      (gnc-numeric-negative-p split-value))
 +                                                ;; Split value is negative or new basis is zero (stock is worthless),
 +                                                ;; Capital gain is money out minus change in basis
 +                                                (let ((gain (gnc-numeric-sub (gnc-numeric-abs split-value-with-fees)
 +                                                                          (gnc-numeric-sub orig-basis new-basis
 +                                                                                           currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)
 +                                                                          currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +                                                       (gnc:debug "Old basis=" (gnc-numeric-to-string orig-basis)
 +                                                                  " New basis=" (gnc-numeric-to-string new-basis)
 +                                                                  " Gain=" (gnc-numeric-to-string gain))
 +                                                       (gaincoll 'add currency gain)))))))
 +                               ;; here is where we handle a spin-off txn. This will be a no-units
 +                               ;; split with only one other split. xaccSplitGetOtherSplit only
 +                               ;; returns on a two-split txn.  It's not a spinoff is the other split is
 +                               ;; in an income or expense account.
 +                               ((spin-off? s current)
 +                                  (gnc:debug "before spin-off basis list " basis-list)
 +                                  (set! basis-list (basis-builder basis-list split-units (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
 +                                                                                          (my-exchange-fn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                                                                                                        commod-currency split-value)
 +                                                                                                       currency))
 +                                                                                                       basis-method
 +                                                                                                       currency-frac))
 +                                  (gnc:debug "after spin-off basis list "  basis-list))
 +                             )
 +		         ))
 +		         (xaccTransGetSplitList parent)
 +		       )
 +		      )
 +		   )
 +		 )
 +	       )
 +	     (xaccAccountGetSplitList current)
 +	     )
 +	    ;; Look for income and expense transactions that don't have a split in the
 +	    ;; the account we're processing.  We do this as follow
 +	    ;; 1. Make sure the parent account is a currency-valued asset or bank account
 +	    ;; 2. If so go through all the splits in that account
 +	    ;; 3. If a split is part of a two split transaction where the other split is
 +	    ;;    to an income or expense account and the leaf name of that account is the
 +	    ;;    same as the leaf name of the account we're processing, add it to the
 +	    ;;    income or expense accumulator
 +	    ;;
 +	    ;; In other words with an account structure like
 +	    ;;
 +	    ;;   Assets (type ASSET)
 +	    ;;     Broker (type ASSET)
 +	    ;;       Widget Stock (type STOCK)
 +	    ;;   Income (type INCOME)
 +	    ;;     Dividends (type INCOME)
 +	    ;;       Widget Stock (type INCOME)
 +	    ;;
 +	    ;; If you are producing a report on "Assets:Broker:Widget Stock" a
 +	    ;; transaction that debits the Assets:Broker account and credits the
 +	    ;; "Income:Dividends:Widget Stock" account will count as income in
 +	    ;; the report even though it doesn't have a split in the account
 +	    ;; being reported on.
 +	    (let ((parent-account (gnc-account-get-parent current))
 +	          (account-name (xaccAccountGetName current)))
 +	      (if (and (not (null? parent-account))
 +	               (member (xaccAccountGetType parent-account) (list ACCT-TYPE-ASSET ACCT-TYPE-BANK))
 +	               (gnc-commodity-is-currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity parent-account)))
 +	        (for-each
 +	          (lambda (split)
 +	            (let* ((other-split (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
 +	                   ;; This is safe because xaccSplitGetAccount returns null for a null split
 +	                   (other-acct (xaccSplitGetAccount other-split))
 +	                   (parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +	                   (txn-date (xaccTransGetDate parent)))
 +	              (if (and (not (null? other-acct))
 +	                       (<= txn-date to-date)
 +	                       (string=? (xaccAccountGetName other-acct) account-name)
 +	                       (gnc-commodity-is-currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity other-acct)))
 +	                ;; This is a two split transaction where the other split is to an
 +	                ;; account with the same name as the current account.  If it's an
 +	                ;; income or expense account accumulate the value of the transaction
 +	                (let ((val (xaccSplitGetValue split))
 +	                      (curr (xaccAccountGetCommodity other-acct)))
 +                          (cond ((split-account-type? other-split ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)
 +	                         (gnc:debug "More income " (gnc-numeric-to-string val))
 +	                         (dividendcoll 'add curr val))
 +                                ((split-account-type? other-split ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)
 +                                 (gnc:debug "More expense " (gnc-numeric-to-string
 +                                                             (gnc-numeric-neg val)))
 +                                 (brokeragecoll 'add curr (gnc-numeric-neg val)))
 +	                  )
 +	                )
 +	              )
 +	            )
 +	          )
 +	          (xaccAccountGetSplitList parent-account)
 +	        )
 +	      )
 +	    )
 +	    (gnc:debug "pricing txn is " pricing-txn)
 +	    (gnc:debug "use txn is " use-txn)
 +	    (gnc:debug "prefer-pricelist is " prefer-pricelist)
 +	    (gnc:debug "price is " price)
 +	    (gnc:debug "basis we're using to build rows is " (gnc-numeric-to-string (sum-basis basis-list
 +	                                                            currency-frac)))
 +	    (gnc:debug "but the actual basis list is " basis-list)
 +            (if (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'include-in-gain)
 +	      (gaincoll 'minusmerge brokeragecoll #f))
 +	  (if (or include-empty (not (gnc-numeric-zero-p units)))
 +	    (let* ((moneyin (gnc:sum-collector-commodity moneyincoll currency my-exchange-fn))
 +		  (moneyout (gnc:sum-collector-commodity moneyoutcoll currency my-exchange-fn))
 +                  (brokerage (gnc:sum-collector-commodity brokeragecoll currency my-exchange-fn))
 +		  (income (gnc:sum-collector-commodity dividendcoll currency my-exchange-fn))
 +		  ;; just so you know, gain == realized gain, ugain == un-realized gain, bothgain, well..
 +		  (gain (gnc:sum-collector-commodity gaincoll currency my-exchange-fn))
 +		  (ugain (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency
 +						(gnc-numeric-sub (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (my-exchange-fn value currency))
 +								 (sum-basis basis-list (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
 +								 currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +		  (bothgain (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency  (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount gain)
 +									      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount ugain)
 +									      currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +		  (totalreturn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount bothgain)
 +										    (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount income)
 +										currency-frac GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +		  (activecols (list (gnc:html-account-anchor current)))
 +		  )
 +              ;; If we're using the txn, warn the user
 +              (if use-txn
 +                  (if pricing-txn
 +                      (set! warn-price-dirty #t)
 +                      (set! warn-no-price #t)
 +                  ))
 +	      (total-value 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value))
 +	      (total-moneyin 'merge moneyincoll #f)
 +	      (total-moneyout 'merge moneyoutcoll #f)
 +              (total-brokerage 'merge brokeragecoll #f)
 +	      (total-income 'merge dividendcoll #f)
 +	      (total-gain 'merge gaincoll #f)
 +	      (total-ugain 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity ugain) (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount ugain))
 +	      (total-basis 'add currency (sum-basis basis-list currency-frac))
 +	      ;; build a list for the row  based on user selections
 +	      (if show-symbol (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "text-cell" ticker-symbol))))
 +	      (if show-listing (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "text-cell" listing))))
 +	      (if show-shares (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup
 + 	        "number-cell" (xaccPrintAmount units share-print-info)))))
 +	      (if show-price (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup
 +	        "number-cell"
 +	        (if use-txn
 +	            (if pricing-txn
-                         (gnc:html-transaction-anchor
-                          pricing-txn
-                          price
-                          )
-                          price
-                      )
++                        (gnc:html-transaction-anchor pricing-txn price)
++                        price)
 +	 	    (gnc:html-price-anchor
- 	 	     price
- 	 	     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
- 	  	     (gnc-price-get-currency price)
- 		     (gnc-price-get-value price)))
- 		    )))))
++	 	     price (gnc:default-price-renderer
++                            (gnc-price-get-currency price)
++                            (gnc-price-get-value price))))))))
 + 	      (append! activecols (list (if use-txn (if pricing-txn "*" "**") " ")
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup
 +					 "number-cell" (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (sum-basis basis-list
 +					                         currency-frac)))
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" value)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" moneyin)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" moneyout)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" gain)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" ugain)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" bothgain)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell"
 +					    (let* ((moneyinvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +								  (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount moneyin)))
 +					           (bothgainvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +								   (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount bothgain)))
 +                                             )
 +					      (if (= 0.0 moneyinvalue)
 +						  ""
 +						  (format #f "~,2f%" (* 100 (/ bothgainvalue moneyinvalue)))))
 +					)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" income)))
 +	      (if (not (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'ignore-brokerage))
 +		  (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" brokerage))))
 +	      (append! activecols (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell" totalreturn)
 +					(gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/markup "number-cell"
 +					    (let* ((moneyinvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +								  (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount moneyin)))
 +					           (totalreturnvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +								      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount totalreturn)))
 +                                             )
 +					      (if (= 0.0 moneyinvalue)
 +						  ""
 +						  (format #f "~,2f%" (* 100 (/ totalreturnvalue moneyinvalue))))))
 +					 )
 +			)
 +	      (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +	       table
 +	       row-style
 +	       activecols)
 +              (if (and (not use-txn) price) (gnc-price-unref price))
 +	      (table-add-stock-rows-internal rest (not odd-row?))
 +	      )
 +	    (begin
 +	      (if (and (not use-txn) price) (gnc-price-unref price))
 +	      (table-add-stock-rows-internal rest odd-row?)
 +	      )
 +            )
 +	    )))
 +    (set! work-to-do (gnc:accounts-count-splits accounts))
 +    (table-add-stock-rows-internal accounts #t)))
 +  ;; Tell the user that we're starting.
 +  (gnc:report-starting reportname)
 +  ;; The first thing we do is make local variables for all the specific
 +  ;; options in the set of options given to the function. This set will
 +  ;; be generated by the options generator above.
 +  (let ((to-date     (gnc:time64-end-day-time
 +                      (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
 +                       (get-option gnc:pagename-general "Date"))))
 +        (accounts    (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts "Accounts"))
 +        (currency    (get-option gnc:pagename-general "Report's currency"))
 +        (price-source (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +                                  optname-price-source))
 +        (report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +                                  gnc:optname-reportname))
 +        (include-empty (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts
 +                                  optname-zero-shares))
 +	(show-symbol (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +				  optname-show-symbol))
 +	(show-listing (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +				  optname-show-listing))
 +	(show-shares (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +				  optname-show-shares))
 +	(show-price (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +				  optname-show-price))
 +	(basis-method (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +				  optname-basis-method))
 +	(prefer-pricelist (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +				      optname-prefer-pricelist))
 +	(handle-brokerage-fees (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +				  optname-brokerage-fees))
 +	(total-basis (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +        (total-value    (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +        (total-moneyin  (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +        (total-moneyout (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +        (total-income   (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +        (total-gain     (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) ;; realized gain
 +	(total-ugain (gnc:make-commodity-collector))    ;; unrealized gain
 +        (total-brokerage (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +	;;document will be the HTML document that we return.
 +        (table (gnc:make-html-table))
 +        (document (gnc:make-html-document)))
 +    (gnc:html-document-set-title!
 +     document (string-append
 +               report-title
 +               (format #f " ~a" (qof-print-date to-date))))
 +    (if (not (null? accounts))
 +        ; at least 1 account selected
 +        (let* ((exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn price-source currency to-date))
 +               (pricedb (gnc-pricedb-get-db (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +               (price-fn
 +                (case price-source
 +                  ((pricedb-latest)
 +                   (lambda (foreign domestic date)
 +                    (find-price (gnc-pricedb-lookup-latest-any-currency pricedb foreign)
 +                                domestic)))
 +                  ((pricedb-nearest)
 +                   (lambda (foreign domestic date)
 +                    (find-price (gnc-pricedb-lookup-nearest-in-time-any-currency-t64
 +		     pricedb foreign (time64CanonicalDayTime date)) domestic)))))
 +	       (headercols (list (_ "Account")))
 +	       (totalscols (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" (_ "Total"))))
 +	       (sum-total-moneyin (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-income (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-both-gains (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-gain (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-ugain (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-brokerage (gnc-numeric-zero))
 +	       (sum-total-totalreturn (gnc-numeric-zero))) ;;end of let
 +	  ;;begin building lists for which columns to display
 +          (if show-symbol
 +	      (begin (append! headercols (list (_ "Symbol")))
 +		     (append! totalscols (list " "))))
 +	  (if show-listing
 +	      (begin (append! headercols (list (_ "Listing")))
 +		     (append! totalscols (list " "))))
 +	  (if show-shares
 +	      (begin (append! headercols (list (_ "Shares")))
 +		     (append! totalscols (list " "))))
 +	  (if show-price
 +	      (begin (append! headercols (list (_ "Price")))
 +		     (append! totalscols (list " "))))
 +	  (append! headercols (list " "
 +				    (_ "Basis")
 +				    (_ "Value")
 +				    (_ "Money In")
 +				    (_ "Money Out")
 +				    (_ "Realized Gain")
 +				    (_ "Unrealized Gain")
 +				    (_ "Total Gain")
 +				    (_ "Rate of Gain")
 +				    (_ "Income")))
 +	  (if (not (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'ignore-brokerage))
 +	      (append! headercols (list (_ "Brokerage Fees"))))
 +	  (append! headercols (list (_ "Total Return")
 +				    (_ "Rate of Return")))
 +          (append! totalscols (list " "))
 +          (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
 +           table
 +	   headercols)
 +          (catch 'div/0
 +            (lambda ()
 +              (table-add-stock-rows
 +               table accounts to-date currency price-fn exchange-fn price-source
 +               include-empty show-symbol show-listing show-shares show-price basis-method
 +               prefer-pricelist handle-brokerage-fees
 +               total-basis total-value total-moneyin total-moneyout
 +               total-income total-gain total-ugain total-brokerage))
 +            (lambda (k reason)
 +              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +               document (format #f OVERFLOW-ERROR reason))))
 +	  (set! sum-total-moneyin (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-moneyin currency exchange-fn))
 +	  (set! sum-total-income (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-income currency exchange-fn))
 +	  (set! sum-total-gain (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-gain currency exchange-fn))
 +	  (set! sum-total-ugain (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-ugain currency exchange-fn))
 +	  (set! sum-total-both-gains (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-gain)
 +										      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-ugain)
 +										      (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency) GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +	  (set! sum-total-brokerage (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-brokerage currency exchange-fn))
 +	  (set! sum-total-totalreturn (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (gnc-numeric-add (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-both-gains)
 +										           (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-income)
 +										       (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency) GNC-RND-ROUND)))
 +          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +           table
 +           "grand-total"
 +           (list
 +            (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +             1 17 (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
 +	  ;; finish building the totals columns, now that totals are complete
 +	  (append! totalscols (list
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-basis currency exchange-fn))
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-value currency exchange-fn))
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" sum-total-moneyin)
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" (gnc:sum-collector-commodity total-moneyout currency exchange-fn))
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" sum-total-gain)
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" sum-total-ugain)
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" sum-total-both-gains)
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell"
 +				(let* ((totalinvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +						      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-moneyin)))
 +				       (totalgainvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +							(gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-both-gains)))
 +				       )
 +				  (if (= 0.0 totalinvalue)
 +				      ""
 +				      (format #f "~,2f%" (* 100 (/ totalgainvalue totalinvalue))))))
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell" sum-total-income)))
 +	  (if (not (eq? handle-brokerage-fees 'ignore-brokerage))
 +	      (append! totalscols (list
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                "total-number-cell" sum-total-brokerage))))
 +	  (append! totalscols (list
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                "total-number-cell" sum-total-totalreturn)
 +			       (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +				"total-number-cell"
 +				(let* ((totalinvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +						      (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-moneyin)))
 +				       (totalreturnvalue (gnc-numeric-to-double
 +						          (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount sum-total-totalreturn)))
 +				 )
 +				  (if (= 0.0 totalinvalue)
 +				      ""
 +				      (format #f "~,2f%" (* 100 (/ totalreturnvalue totalinvalue))))))
 +			       ))
 +          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +           table
 +           "grand-total"
 +           totalscols
 +            )
 +          (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)
 +          (if warn-price-dirty
 +              (gnc:html-document-append-objects! document
 +                                                 (list (gnc:make-html-text (_ "* this commodity data was built using transaction pricing instead of the price list."))
 +						       (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-br))
 +						       (gnc:make-html-text (_ "If you are in a multi-currency situation, the exchanges may not be correct.")))))
 +          (if warn-no-price
 +              (gnc:html-document-append-objects! document
 +                                                 (list (gnc:make-html-text (if warn-price-dirty (gnc:html-markup-br) ""))
 +                                                       (gnc:make-html-text (_ "** this commodity has no price and a price of 1 has been used.")))))
 +					;if no accounts selected.
 +        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +         document
 +	 (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
 +	  report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
 +    (gnc:report-finished)
 +    document)))
 + 'version 1
 + 'report-guid "21d7cfc59fc74f22887596ebde7e462d"
 + 'name reportname
 + 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-asset-liability)
 + 'options-generator options-generator
 + 'renderer advanced-portfolio-renderer)
diff --cc gnucash/report/reports/standard/balsheet-pnl.scm
index cf820d317,000000000..792c47e3b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/balsheet-pnl.scm
@@@ -1,1309 -1,0 +1,1311 @@@
 +;; balsheet-pnl.scm: multi-column report. includes
 +;; balance-sheet and p&l reports.
 +;; By Christopher Lam, 2018
 +;; Improved from balance-sheet.scm
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(define-module (gnucash reports standard balsheet-pnl))
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
 +(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-2))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
 +;; the column-data record. the gnc:account-accumulate-at-dates will
 +;; create a record for each report-date with split-data as follows:
 +(define-record-type :col-datum
 +  (make-datum last-split split-balance split-value-balance)
 +  col-datum?
 +  (last-split col-datum-get-last-split)
 +  (split-balance col-datum-get-split-balance)
 +  (split-value-balance col-datum-get-split-value-balance))
 +(define FOOTER-TEXT
 +  (gnc:make-html-text
 +   (_ "WARNING: Foreign currency conversions, and unrealized gains
 +calculations are not confirmed correct. This report may be modified
 +without notice. Bug reports are very welcome at
 +;; define all option's names and help text so that they are properly
 +(define optname-startdate (N_ "Start Date"))
 +(define optname-enddate (N_ "End Date"))
 +(define optname-period (N_ "Period duration"))
 +(define opthelp-period (N_ "Duration between time periods"))
 +(define optname-dual-columns (N_ "Enable dual columns"))
 +(define opthelp-dual-columns (N_ "Selecting this option will enable double-column \
 +(define optname-disable-amount-indent (N_ "Disable amount indenting"))
 +(define opthelp-disable-amount-indent (N_ "Selecting this option will disable amount indenting, and condense amounts into a single column."))
 +(define optname-options-summary (N_ "Add options summary"))
 +(define opthelp-options-summary (N_ "Add summary of options."))
 +(define optname-account-full-name (N_ "Account full name instead of indenting"))
 +(define opthelp-account-full-name (N_ "Selecting this option enables full account name instead, and disables indenting account names."))
 +(define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
 +(define opthelp-accounts (N_ "Report on these accounts, if display depth allows."))
 +(define optname-depth-limit (N_ "Levels of Subaccounts"))
 +(define opthelp-depth-limit (N_ "Maximum number of levels in the account tree displayed."))
 +(define optname-parent-balance-mode (N_ "Parent account amounts include children"))
 +(define opthelp-parent-balance-mode (N_ "If this option is enabled, subtotals are \
 +displayed within parent amounts, and if parent has own amount, it is displayed on \
 +the next row as a child account. If this option is disabled, subtotals are displayed \
 +below parent and children groups."))
 +(define optname-show-zb-accts (N_ "Include accounts with zero total balances"))
 +(define opthelp-show-zb-accts (N_ "Include accounts with zero total (recursive) balances in this report."))
 +(define optname-omit-zb-bals (N_ "Omit zero balance figures"))
 +(define opthelp-omit-zb-bals (N_ "Show blank space in place of any zero balances which would be shown."))
 +(define optname-account-links (N_ "Display accounts as hyperlinks"))
 +(define opthelp-account-links (N_ "Shows each account in the table as a hyperlink to its register window."))
 +(define optname-amount-links (N_ "Display amounts as hyperlinks"))
 +(define opthelp-amount-links (N_ "Shows each amounts in the table as a hyperlink to a register or report."))
 +;; section labels
 +(define optname-label-sections (N_ "Label sections"))
 +(define opthelp-label-sections (N_ "Whether or not to include a label for sections."))
 +(define optname-total-sections (N_ "Include totals"))
 +(define opthelp-total-sections (N_ "Whether or not to include a line indicating total amounts."))
 +;; commodities
 +(define pagename-commodities (N_ "Commodities"))
 +(define optname-include-chart (N_ "Enable chart"))
 +(define opthelp-include-chart (N_ "Enable link to chart"))
 +(define optname-common-currency (N_ "Common Currency"))
 +(define opthelp-common-currency (N_ "Convert all amounts to a single currency."))
 +(define optname-report-commodity (N_ "Report's currency"))
 +(define optname-price-source (N_ "Price Source"))
 +(define optname-show-foreign (N_ "Show original currency amount"))
 +(define opthelp-show-foreign (N_ "Also show original currency amounts"))
 +(define optname-include-overall-period (N_ "If more than 1 period column, include overall period?"))
 +(define opthelp-include-overall-period (N_ "If several profit & loss period columns are shown, \
 +also show overall period profit & loss."))
 +(define optname-show-rates (N_ "Show Exchange Rates"))
 +(define opthelp-show-rates (N_ "Show the exchange rates used."))
 +(define trep-uuid "2fe3b9833af044abb929a88d5a59620f")
 +(define networth-barchart-uuid "cbba1696c8c24744848062c7f1cf4a72")
 +(define pnl-barchart-uuid "80769921e87943adade887b9835a7685")
 +(define periodlist
 +  (list
 +   (list #f
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Disabled"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Disabled")))
 +   (list 'YearDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Year"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "One year.")))
 +   (list 'HalfYearDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Half Year"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Half Year.")))
 +   (list 'QuarterDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Quarter"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "One Quarter.")))
 +   (list 'MonthDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Month"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "One Month.")))
 +   (list 'TwoWeekDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "2Week"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Two Weeks.")))
 +   (list 'WeekDelta
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Week"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "One Week.")))))
 +(define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
 +  (map
 +   (lambda (item)
 +     (vector
 +      (car item)
 +      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'text)
 +      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'tip)))
 +   keylist))
 +(define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
 +  (assq-ref (assq-ref keylist key) info))
 +;; options generator
 +(define (multicol-report-options-generator report-type)
 +  (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
 +         (book (gnc-get-current-book))
 +         (add-option
 +          (lambda (new-option)
 +            (gnc:register-option options new-option))))
 +    ;; date at which to report balance
 +    (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
 +     options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate optname-enddate "c")
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-period
 +      "c2" opthelp-period
 +      #f
 +      (keylist->vectorlist periodlist)
 +      #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options
 +         gnc:pagename-general optname-disable-amount-indent
 +         (not x))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options
 +         gnc:pagename-general optname-dual-columns
 +         (not x))
 +        (case report-type
 +          ((balsheet)
 +           (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +            options gnc:pagename-general optname-include-chart x)
 +           (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +            options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate x))
 +          ((pnl)
 +           (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +            options gnc:pagename-general optname-include-overall-period x))))))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-disable-amount-indent
 +      "c3" opthelp-disable-amount-indent #f))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-include-chart
 +      "c5" opthelp-include-chart #f))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-dual-columns
 +      "c4" opthelp-dual-columns #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      gnc:pagename-general optname-options-summary
 +      "d" opthelp-options-summary
 +      'never
 +      (list (vector 'always
 +                    (_ "Always")
 +                    (_ "Always display summary."))
 +            (vector 'never
 +                    (_ "Never")
 +                    (_ "Disable report summary.")))))
 +    ;; accounts to work on
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-account-list-option
 +      gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
 +      "a"
 +      opthelp-accounts
 +      (lambda ()
 +        (gnc:filter-accountlist-type
 +               ACCT-TYPE-TRADING)
 +         (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account))))
 +      #f #t))
 +    ;; the depth-limit option is not well debugged; it may be better
 +    ;; to disable it altogether
 +    (gnc:options-add-account-levels!
 +     options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-depth-limit
 +     "b" opthelp-depth-limit 'all)
 +    ;; all about currencies
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      pagename-commodities optname-common-currency
 +      "b" opthelp-common-currency #f #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (for-each
 +         (lambda (optname)
 +           (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +            options pagename-commodities optname x))
 +         (list optname-report-commodity
 +               optname-show-rates
 +               optname-show-foreign
 +               optname-price-source)))))
 +    (gnc:options-add-currency!
 +     options pagename-commodities
 +     optname-report-commodity "c")
 +    (gnc:options-add-price-source!
 +     options pagename-commodities
 +     optname-price-source "d" 'pricedb-nearest)
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-commodities optname-show-foreign
 +      "e" opthelp-show-foreign #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-commodities optname-show-rates
 +      "f" opthelp-show-rates #t))
 +    ;; what to show for zero-balance accounts
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-show-zb-accts
 +      "a" opthelp-show-zb-accts #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-omit-zb-bals
 +      "b" opthelp-omit-zb-bals #f))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-parent-balance-mode
 +      "c" opthelp-parent-balance-mode #t))
 +    ;; some detailed formatting options
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-account-links
 +      "e" opthelp-account-links #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-amount-links
 +      "e5" opthelp-amount-links #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-account-full-name
 +      "f" opthelp-account-full-name #f))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-label-sections "g" opthelp-label-sections #t))
 +    (add-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-total-sections "h" opthelp-total-sections #t))
 +    (when (eq? report-type 'pnl)
 +      ;; include overall period column?
 +      (add-option
 +       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +        gnc:pagename-general optname-include-overall-period
 +        "c6" opthelp-include-overall-period #f)))
 +    (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
 +    options))
 +(define* (add-multicolumn-acct-table
 +          table title accountlist maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn cols-data #:key
 +          (omit-zb-bals? #f)
 +          (show-zb-accts? #t)
 +          (disable-account-indent? #f)
 +          (disable-amount-indent? #f)
 +          (show-orig-cur? #t)
 +          (show-title? #t)
 +          (show-accounts? #t)
 +          (show-total? #t)
 +          (depth-limit #f)
 +          (negate-amounts? #f)
 +          (recursive-bals? #f)
 +          (account-anchor? #t)
 +          (get-col-header-fn #f)
 +          (convert-curr-fn #f)
 +          (get-cell-anchor-fn #f))
 +  ;; this function will add a 2D grid into the html-table
 +  ;; the data cells are generated from (get-cell-monetary-fn account col-datum)
 +  ;; the data cells may request an alternative (eg. original currency) monetary
 +  ;; horizontal labels are generated from calling (get-col-header-fn col-datum)
 +  ;; vertical labels are the account list. it can have multilevel subtotals.
 +  ;; the following are compulsory arguments:
 +  ;; table - an existing html-table object
 +  ;; title - string as the first row
 +  ;; accountlist - list of accounts
 +  ;; maxindent - maximum account depth
 +  ;; cols-data - list of data to be passed as parameter to the following helper functions
 +  ;; get-cell-monetary-fn - a lambda (account cols-data) which produces a gnc-monetary or #f (eg price conversion impossible)
 +  ;; the following are optional:
 +  ;; omit-zb-bals?      - a boolean to omit "$0.00" amounts
 +  ;; show-zb-accts?     - a boolean to omit whole account lines where all amounts are $0.00 (eg closed accts)
 +  ;; show-title?        - a bool to show/hide individual sections: title row
 +  ;; show-accounts?     - a bool to show/hide individual sections: accounts list and data columns
 +  ;; show-total?        - a bool to show/hide individual sections: accounts total
 +  ;; disable-account-indent? - a boolean to disable narrow-cell indenting, and render account full-name instead
 +  ;; disable-amount-indent? - a bool to disable amount indenting (only for single data column reports)
 +  ;; negate-amounts?    - a boolean to negate amounts. useful for e.g. income-type accounts.
 +  ;; depth-limit        - (untested) accounts whose levels exceed this depth limit are not shown
 +  ;; recursive-bals?    - a boolean to confirm recursive-balances enabled (parent-accounts show balances) or
 +  ;;                      disabled (multilevel subtotals after each parent+children)
 +  ;; account-anchor?    - a boolean to enable/disable account link to account
 +  ;; amount-anchor?     - a boolean to enable/disable amount link to report/register
 +  ;; get-col-header-fn  - a lambda (accounts cols-data) to produce html-object - this is optional
 +  ;; convert-curr-fn    - a lambda (monetary cols-data) which produces a gnc-monetary or #f - optional
 +  ;; show-orig-cur?     - a boolean to enable/disable original currency after convert-curr-fn
 +  ;; get-cell-anchor-fn - a lambda (account cols-data) which produces a url string - optional
 +  (define num-columns (length cols-data))
 +  (define amount-indenting? (and (not disable-amount-indent?) (= num-columns 1)))
 +  (define (make-list-thunk n thunk)
 +    (let loop ((result '()) (n n))
 +      (if (zero? n) result
 +          (loop (cons (thunk) result) (1- n)))))
 +  (define (make-narrow-cell)
 +    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/min-width 1))
 +  (define (add-indented-row indent label label-markup row-markup amount-indent rest)
 +    (when (or (not depth-limit) (<= indent depth-limit))
 +      (let* ((account-cell (if label-markup
 +                               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
 +                                1 (if disable-account-indent? 1 (- maxindent indent))
 +                                label-markup label)
 +                               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +                                1 (if disable-account-indent? 1 (- maxindent indent))
 +                                label)))
 +             (row (append
 +                   (if disable-account-indent?
 +                       '()
 +                       (make-list-thunk indent make-narrow-cell))
 +                   (list account-cell)
 +                   (gnc:html-make-empty-cells
 +                    (if amount-indenting? (1- amount-indent) 0))
 +                   rest
 +                   (gnc:html-make-empty-cells
 +                    (if amount-indenting? (- maxindent amount-indent) 0)))))
 +        (if row-markup
 +            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-markup row)
 +            (gnc:html-table-append-row! table row)))))
 +  (define (monetary+ . monetaries)
 +    ;; usage: (monetary+ monetary...)
 +    ;; inputs: list of gnc-monetary (e.g. USD 10, USD 25, GBP 5, GBP 8)
 +    ;; outputs: list of gnc-monetary (e.g. USD 35, GBP 13), or '()
 +    (let ((coll (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
 +      (for-each
 +       (lambda (monetary)
 +         (if monetary
 +             (coll 'add
 +                   (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary)
 +                   (let ((amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)))
 +                     (if negate-amounts? (- amount) amount)))))
 +       monetaries)
 +      (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))
 +  (define (list-of-monetary->html-text monetaries col-datum anchor)
 +    ;; inputs:
 +    ;; monetaries: list of gnc-monetary (or #f, or html-text object)
 +    ;; col-datum: col-datum to help convert monetary currency
 +    ;; anchor: url string for monetaries (or #f) (all have same anchor)
 +    ;;
 +    ;; outputs: html-text object
 +    (let ((text (gnc:make-html-text)))
 +      (for-each
 +       (lambda (monetary)
 +         (let ((converted (and show-orig-cur?
 +                               convert-curr-fn
 +                               (convert-curr-fn monetary col-datum))))
 +           (if (not (and omit-zb-bals?
 +                         (gnc:gnc-monetary? monetary)
 +                         (zero? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))))
 +               (gnc:html-text-append! text
 +                                      (if converted
 +                                          (gnc:html-markup-i
 +                                           (gnc:html-markup "small" monetary " "))
 +                                          "")
 +                                      (if anchor
 +                                          (gnc:html-markup-anchor
 +                                           anchor (or converted monetary))
 +                                          (or converted monetary))
 +                                      (gnc:html-markup-br)))))
 +       monetaries)
 +      text))
 +  (define (account->depth acc)
 +    (cond ((vector? acc) 0)
 +          (else (gnc-account-get-current-depth acc))))
 +  (define (account->descendants acc)
 +    (cond ((vector? acc) '())
 +          (else (gnc-account-get-descendants acc))))
 +  (define (render-account account total?)
 +    ;; input: account-name
 +    ;; outputs: string or html-markup-anchor object
 +    (let* ((virtual? (vector? account))
 +           (acct-name (cond
 +                       (virtual? (vector-ref account 0))
 +                       (disable-account-indent? (gnc-account-get-full-name account))
 +                       (else (xaccAccountGetName account))))
 +           (acct-label (if (and (not virtual?) total?)
 +                           (string-append (_ "Total For ") acct-name)
 +                           acct-name))
 +           (acct-url (and account-anchor?
 +                          (not total?)
 +                          (not virtual?)
 +                          (not (xaccAccountGetPlaceholder account))
 +                          (gnc:account-anchor-text account))))
 +      (gnc:make-html-text
 +       (if acct-url
 +           (gnc:html-markup-anchor acct-url acct-label)
 +           acct-label))))
 +  (define (add-whole-line contents)
 +    (gnc:html-table-append-row!
 +     table (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +            1 (+ 1 (if disable-account-indent? 0 maxindent) num-columns)
 +            contents)))
 +  (define (account-and-descendants account)
 +    (cons account (filter (lambda (acc) (member acc accountlist))
 +                          (account->descendants account))))
 +  (define (sum-accounts-at-col accounts datum convert?)
 +    ;; outputs: list of gnc-monetary
 +    (let loop ((accounts accounts)
 +               (result '()))
 +      (cond
 +       ((null? accounts)
 +        (apply monetary+ result))
 +       (else
 +        (let* ((acc (car accounts))
 +               (monetary (if (vector? acc)
 +                             ((vector-ref acc 1) datum)
 +                             (get-cell-monetary-fn acc datum)))
 +               (amt (or (and convert? convert-curr-fn
 +                             (not (list? monetary))
 +                             (convert-curr-fn monetary datum))
 +                        monetary)))
 +          (loop (cdr accounts)
 +                (if (list? amt)
 +                    (append-reverse amt result)
 +                    (cons amt result))))))))
 +  (define (is-not-zero? accts)
 +    ;; this function tests whether accounts (with descendants) of all
 +    ;; columns are zero.
 +    (not (every zero? (concatenate
 +                       (map
 +                        (lambda (col-datum)
 +                          (map gnc:gnc-monetary-amount
 +                               (sum-accounts-at-col accts col-datum #f)))
 +                        cols-data)))))
 +  (define* (add-recursive-subtotal lvl lvl-acct #:key account-style-normal?)
 +    (if (or show-zb-accts?
 +            (is-not-zero? (account-and-descendants lvl-acct)))
 +        (add-indented-row lvl
 +                          (render-account lvl-acct (not account-style-normal?))
 +                          (if account-style-normal?
 +                              "text-cell"
 +                              "total-label-cell")
 +                          #f
 +                          (- maxindent lvl)
 +                          (map
 +                           (lambda (col-datum)
 +                             (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                              "total-number-cell"
 +                              (list-of-monetary->html-text
 +                               (sum-accounts-at-col (account-and-descendants lvl-acct)
 +                                                    col-datum
 +                                                    #t)
 +                               col-datum
 +                               (and get-cell-anchor-fn
 +                                    (get-cell-anchor-fn
 +                                     (account-and-descendants lvl-acct)
 +                                     col-datum)))))
 +                           cols-data))))
 +  (define* (add-account-row lvl-curr curr #:key
 +                            (override-show-zb-accts? #f)
 +                            (account-indent 0))
 +    (if (or show-zb-accts?
 +            override-show-zb-accts?
 +            (is-not-zero? (list curr)))
 +        (add-indented-row lvl-curr
 +                          (render-account curr #f)
 +                          "text-cell"
 +                          #f
 +                          (- maxindent lvl-curr account-indent)
 +                          (map
 +                           (lambda (col-datum)
 +                             (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                              "number-cell"
 +                              (list-of-monetary->html-text
 +                               (sum-accounts-at-col
 +                                (list curr)
 +                                col-datum
 +                                (not show-orig-cur?))
 +                               col-datum
 +                               (and get-cell-anchor-fn
 +                                    (not (vector? curr))
 +                                    (get-cell-anchor-fn curr col-datum)))))
 +                           cols-data))))
 +  ;; header ASSET/LIABILITY etc
 +  (if show-title?
 +      (add-indented-row 0
 +                        title
 +                        "total-label-cell"
 +                        "primary-subheading"
 +                        maxindent
 +                        (if get-col-header-fn
 +                            (map
 +                             (lambda (col-datum)
 +                               (get-col-header-fn accountlist col-datum))
 +                             cols-data)
 +                            (gnc:html-make-empty-cells num-columns))))
 +  (let loop ((accounts (if show-accounts? accountlist '())))
 +    (if (pair? accounts)
 +        (let* ((curr (car accounts))
 +               (rest (cdr accounts))
 +               (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest)))
 +               (lvl-curr (account->depth curr))
 +               (lvl-next (if next (account->depth next) 0))
 +               (curr-descendants-list (filter
 +                                       (lambda (acc) (member acc accountlist))
 +                                       (account->descendants curr)))
 +               (recursive-parent-acct? (and recursive-bals?
 +                                            (pair? curr-descendants-list)))
 +               (multilevel-parent-acct? (and (not recursive-bals?)
 +                                             (pair? curr-descendants-list))))
 +          (if recursive-parent-acct?
 +              (begin
 +                (add-recursive-subtotal lvl-curr curr #:account-style-normal? #t)
 +                (if (is-not-zero? (list curr))
 +                    (add-account-row (1+ lvl-curr) curr #:override-show-zb-accts? #t)))
 +              (add-account-row lvl-curr curr
 +                               #:account-indent (if multilevel-parent-acct? 1 0)
 +                               #:override-show-zb-accts? multilevel-parent-acct?))
 +          (if (and (not recursive-bals?)
 +                   (> lvl-curr lvl-next))
 +              (let multilevel-loop ((lvl (1- lvl-curr))
 +                                    (lvl-acct (gnc-account-get-parent curr)))
 +                (unless (or (zero? lvl)
 +                            (not (member lvl-acct accountlist))
 +                            (< lvl lvl-next))
 +                  (add-recursive-subtotal lvl lvl-acct)
 +                  (multilevel-loop (1- lvl)
 +                                   (gnc-account-get-parent lvl-acct)))))
 +          (loop rest))))
 +  (if show-total?
 +      (add-indented-row 0
 +                        (string-append (_ "Total For ") title)
 +                        "total-label-cell"
 +                        "primary-subheading"
 +                        maxindent
 +                        (map
 +                         (lambda (col-datum)
 +                           (let ((total-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                              "total-number-cell"
 +                                              (list-of-monetary->html-text
 +                                               (sum-accounts-at-col accountlist
 +                                                                    col-datum
 +                                                                    #t)
 +                                               col-datum
 +                                               #f))))
 +                             (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
 +                              total-cell "total-number-cell"
 +                              'attribute '("style" "border-top-style:solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-style:double"))
 +                             total-cell))
 +                         cols-data)))
 +  (add-whole-line #f))
 +(define (monetary-less . monetaries)
 +  ;; syntax: (monetary-less mon0 mon1 mon2 ...)
 +  ;; equiv:  (- mon0 mon1 mon2 ...)
 +  ;; this works only if all monetaries have the same commodity
 +  (let ((res (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
 +    (res 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car monetaries))
 +         (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (car monetaries)))
 +    (for-each
 +     (lambda (mon)
 +       (res 'add (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon) (- (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon))))
 +     (cdr monetaries))
 +    (let ((reslist (res 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))
 +      (if (null? (cdr reslist))
 +          (car reslist)
 +          (gnc:error "monetary-less: 1 commodity only" monetaries)))))
 +  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +;; multicol-report-renderer
 +  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +(define (multicol-report-renderer report-obj report-type)
 +  (define (get-option pagename optname)
 +    (gnc:option-value
 +     (gnc:lookup-option
 +      (gnc:report-options report-obj) pagename optname)))
 +  (gnc:report-starting (get-option gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
 +  ;; get all options values
 +  (let* ((report-title (get-option gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
 +         (startdate ((if (eq? report-type 'pnl)
 +                         gnc:time64-start-day-time
 +                         gnc:time64-end-day-time)
 +                     (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
 +                      (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate))))
 +         (enddate (gnc:time64-end-day-time
 +                   (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
 +                    (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate))))
 +         (disable-account-indent? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                              optname-account-full-name))
 +         (incr (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-period))
 +         (disable-amount-indent? (and (not incr)
 +                                      (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +                                                  optname-disable-amount-indent)))
 +         (enable-dual-columns? (and (not incr)
 +                                    (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +                                                optname-dual-columns)))
 +         (accounts (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts
 +                               optname-accounts))
 +         (depth-limit (let ((limit (get-option gnc:pagename-accounts
 +                                               optname-depth-limit)))
 +                        (and (not (eq? limit 'all)) limit)))
 +         (show-zb-accts? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                     optname-show-zb-accts))
 +         (omit-zb-bals? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                    optname-omit-zb-bals))
 +         (recursive-bals? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                      optname-parent-balance-mode))
 +         (label-sections? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                      optname-label-sections))
 +         (total-sections? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                      optname-total-sections))
 +         (use-links? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                 optname-account-links))
 +         (use-amount-links? (get-option gnc:pagename-display
 +                                        optname-amount-links))
 +         (include-chart? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-include-chart))
 +         (common-currency (and
 +                           (get-option pagename-commodities optname-common-currency)
 +                           (get-option pagename-commodities optname-report-commodity)))
 +         (has-price? (lambda (commodity)
 +                       ;; the following tests whether an amount in
 +                       ;; commodity can be converted to
 +                       ;; common-currency. if conversion successful,
 +                       ;; it will be a non-zero value.  note if we use
 +                       ;; API gnc-pricedb-has-prices, we're only
 +                       ;; querying the pricedb.  if we use
 +                       ;; gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-latest-price, we
 +                       ;; can potentially use an intermediate
 +                       ;; currency.
 +                       (not (zero? (gnc-pricedb-convert-balance-latest-price
 +                                    (gnc-pricedb-get-db (gnc-get-current-book))
 +                                    (gnc-commodity-get-fraction commodity)
 +                                    commodity
 +                                    common-currency)))))
 +         (price-source (and common-currency
 +                            (get-option pagename-commodities optname-price-source)))
 +         (report-dates
 +          (cond
 +           (incr (gnc:make-date-list startdate enddate (gnc:deltasym-to-delta incr)))
 +           ((eq? report-type 'pnl) (list startdate enddate))
 +           (else (list enddate))))
 +         ;; an alist of (cons account account-cols-data) whereby
 +         ;; account-cols-data is a list of col-datum records
 +         (accounts-cols-data
 +          (map
 +           (lambda (acc)
 +             (let* ((comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc))
 +                    (val-coll (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                    (amt->monetary (lambda (amt) (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm amt))))
 +               (cons acc
 +                     (gnc:account-accumulate-at-dates
 +                      acc report-dates
 +                      #:nosplit->elt (make-datum #f (amt->monetary 0)
 +                                                 (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +                      #:split->elt
 +                      (lambda (s)
 +                        (unless (xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn (xaccSplitGetParent s))
 +                          (val-coll 'add
 +                                    (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent s))
 +                                    (xaccSplitGetValue s)))
 +                        (make-datum s (amt->monetary (xaccSplitGetNoclosingBalance s))
 +                                    (gnc:collector+ val-coll)))))))
 +           accounts))
 +         ;; an alist of (cons account account-balances) whereby
 +         ;; account-balances is a list of monetary amounts
 +         (accounts-balances
 +          (map
 +           (lambda (acc)
 +             (cons acc (let ((cols-data (assoc-ref accounts-cols-data acc)))
 +                         (map col-datum-get-split-balance cols-data))))
 +           accounts))
 +         (exchange-fn (and common-currency
 +                           (gnc:case-exchange-time-fn
 +                            price-source common-currency
 +                            (map xaccAccountGetCommodity accounts) enddate
 +                            #f #f)))
 +         ;; this function will convert the monetary found at col-idx
 +         ;; into report-currency if the latter exists. The price
 +         ;; applicable to the col-idx column is used. If the monetary
 +         ;; cannot be converted (eg. missing price) then it is not converted.
 +         (convert-curr-fn
 +          (lambda (monetary col-idx)
 +            (and common-currency
 +                 (not (gnc-commodity-equal
 +                       (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary)
 +                       common-currency))
 +                 (has-price? (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
 +                 (exchange-fn
 +                  monetary common-currency
 +                  (cond
 +                   ((eq? price-source 'pricedb-latest) (current-time))
 +                   ((eq? col-idx 'overall-period) (last report-dates))
 +                   ((eq? report-type 'balsheet) (list-ref report-dates col-idx))
 +                   ((eq? report-type 'pnl) (list-ref report-dates (1+ col-idx))))))))
 +         ;; the following function generates an gnc:html-text object
 +         ;; to dump exchange rate for a particular column. From the
 +         ;; accountlist given, obtain commodities, and convert 1 unit
 +         ;; currency into report-currency. If cannot convert due to
 +         ;; missing price, say so.
 +         (get-exchange-rates-fn
 +          (lambda (accounts col-idx)
 +            (let ((commodities (gnc:accounts-get-commodities accounts common-currency))
 +                  (cell (gnc:make-html-text)))
 +              (for-each
 +               (lambda (commodity)
 +                 (let ((orig-monetary (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1)))
 +                   (if (has-price? commodity)
-                        (let ((conv-monetary (convert-curr-fn orig-monetary col-idx)))
++                       (let* ((conv-monetary (convert-curr-fn orig-monetary col-idx))
++                              (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount conv-monetary)))
 +                         (gnc:html-text-append!
 +                          cell
 +                          (format #f "~a ~a"
 +                                  (gnc:monetary->string orig-monetary)
-                                   (gnc:monetary->string conv-monetary))))
++                                  (gnc:default-price-renderer common-currency
++                                                              conv-amount))))
 +                       (gnc:html-text-append!
 +                        cell
 +                        (string-append
 +                         (format #f "~a ~a "
 +                                 (gnc:monetary->string orig-monetary)
 +                                 (gnc-commodity-get-nice-symbol common-currency))
 +                         (_ "missing")))))
 +                 (gnc:html-text-append! cell (gnc:html-markup-br)))
 +               commodities)
 +              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "number-cell" cell))))
 +         ;; scan accounts' commodities, filter currencies only, create
 +         ;; hash-map counter, convert to alist, sort descending tally,
 +         ;; return first pair's car. result=most used currency. the
 +         ;; (cons default-currency 0) avoids crash in an empty-book by
 +         ;; ensuring there is at least 1 currency.
 +         (book-main-currency
 +          (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
 +            (for-each
 +             (lambda (curr)
 +               (hash-set! h curr (1+ (hash-ref h curr 0))))
 +             (filter gnc-commodity-is-currency (map xaccAccountGetCommodity accounts)))
 +            (caar (sort! (cons (cons (gnc-default-report-currency) 0)
 +                               (hash-map->list cons h))
 +                         (lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
 +         ;; decompose the account list
 +         (show-foreign? (get-option pagename-commodities optname-show-foreign))
 +         (show-rates? (get-option pagename-commodities optname-show-rates))
 +         (split-up-accounts (gnc:decompose-accountlist accounts))
 +         (asset-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-ASSET))
 +         (liability-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))
 +         (income-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))
 +         (expense-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE))
 +         (equity-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY))
 +         (trading-accounts
 +          (assoc-ref split-up-accounts ACCT-TYPE-TRADING))
 +         (asset-liability (append-reverse asset-accounts liability-accounts))
 +         (income-expense (append-reverse income-accounts expense-accounts))
 +         (doc (gnc:make-html-document))
 +         (multicol-table-left (gnc:make-html-table))
 +         (multicol-table-right (if enable-dual-columns?
 +                                   (gnc:make-html-table)
 +                                   multicol-table-left))
 +         (maxindent (1+ (apply max (cons 0 (map gnc-account-get-current-depth
 +                                                accounts))))))
 +    (define (sum-balances-of-accounts alist accts adder)
 +      (let ((balances
 +             (fold (lambda (a b) (if (member (car a) accts) (cons (cdr a) b) b))
 +                   '() alist)))
 +        (list->vector
 +         (if (null? balances)
 +             (map (const (adder)) report-dates)
 +             (apply map adder balances)))))
 +    (gnc:html-document-set-title!
 +     doc (with-output-to-string
 +           (lambda ()
 +             (display report-title)
 +             (display " ")
 +             (if (or incr (eq? report-type 'pnl))
 +                 (format #t (_ "~a to ~a")
 +                         (qof-print-date startdate) (qof-print-date enddate))
 +                 (display (qof-print-date enddate))))))
 +    (if (eq? (get-option gnc:pagename-general optname-options-summary) 'always)
 +        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +         doc (gnc:html-render-options-changed (gnc:report-options report-obj))))
 +    (cond
 +     ((null? accounts)
 +      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +       doc
 +       (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning
 +        report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj))))
 +     ((eq? report-type 'balsheet)
 +      (let* ((get-cell-monetary-fn
 +              (lambda (account col-idx)
 +                (list-ref (assoc-ref accounts-balances account) col-idx)))
 +             ;; an alist of (cons account vector-of-splits) where each
 +             ;; split is the last one at date boundary
 +             (accounts-splits-dates
 +              (map
 +               (lambda (acc)
 +                 (cons acc (let ((cols-data (assoc-ref accounts-cols-data acc)))
 +                             (list->vector
 +                              (map col-datum-get-last-split cols-data)))))
 +               accounts))
 +             (get-cell-anchor-fn
 +              (lambda (account col-idx)
 +                (and-let* (((not (pair? account)))
 +                           (date-splits (assoc-ref accounts-splits-dates account))
 +                           (split (vector-ref date-splits col-idx)))
 +                  (gnc:split-anchor-text split))))
 +             ;; a vector of collectors whereby collector is the sum of
 +             ;; asset and liabilities at report dates
 +             (asset-liability-balances
 +              (sum-balances-of-accounts
 +               accounts-balances asset-liability gnc:monetaries-add))
 +             ;; a vector of collectors whereby collector is the sum of
 +             ;; incomes and expenses at report dates
 +             (income-expense-balances
 +              (sum-balances-of-accounts
 +               accounts-balances income-expense gnc:monetaries-add))
 +             ;; an alist of (cons account list-of-collectors) whereby each
 +             ;; collector is the split-value-balances at report
 +             ;; dates. split-value-balance determined by transaction currency.
 +             (accounts-value-balances
 +              (map
 +               (lambda (acc)
 +                 (cons acc (let ((cols-data (assoc-ref accounts-cols-data acc)))
 +                             (map col-datum-get-split-value-balance cols-data))))
 +               accounts))
 +             ;; a vector of collectors whereby each collector is the sum
 +             ;; of asset and liability split-value-balances at report
 +             ;; dates
 +             (asset-liability-value-balances
 +              (sum-balances-of-accounts
 +               accounts-value-balances asset-liability gnc:collector+))
 +             ;; converts monetaries to common currency
 +             (monetaries->exchanged
 +              (lambda (monetaries target-currency price-source date)
 +                (let ((exchange-fn (gnc:case-exchange-fn
 +                                    price-source target-currency date)))
 +                  (apply gnc:monetary+
 +                         (cons (gnc:make-gnc-monetary target-currency 0)
 +                               (map
 +                                (lambda (mon)
 +                                  (exchange-fn mon target-currency))
 +                                (monetaries 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))))))
 +             ;; the unrealized gain calculator retrieves the
 +             ;; asset-and-liability report-date balance and
 +             ;; value-balance, and calculates the difference,
 +             ;; converted to report currency.
 +             (unrealized-gain-fn
 +              (lambda (col-idx)
 +                (and-let* (common-currency
 +                           (date (case price-source
 +                                   ((pricedb-latest) (current-time))
 +                                   (else (list-ref report-dates col-idx))))
 +                           (asset-liability-balance
 +                            (vector-ref asset-liability-balances col-idx))
 +                           (asset-liability-basis
 +                            (vector-ref asset-liability-value-balances col-idx))
 +                           (unrealized (gnc:collector- asset-liability-basis
 +                                                       asset-liability-balance)))
 +                  (monetaries->exchanged
 +                   unrealized common-currency price-source date))))
 +             ;; the retained earnings calculator retrieves the
 +             ;; income-and-expense report-date balance, and converts
 +             ;; to report currency.
 +             (retained-earnings-fn
 +              (lambda (col-idx)
 +                (let* ((date (case price-source
 +                               ((pricedb-latest) (current-time))
 +                               (else (list-ref report-dates col-idx))))
 +                       (income-expense-balance
 +                        (vector-ref income-expense-balances col-idx)))
 +                  (if (and common-currency
 +                           (every has-price?
 +                                  (gnc:accounts-get-commodities income-expense #f)))
 +                      (monetaries->exchanged income-expense-balance
 +                                             common-currency price-source date)
 +                      (income-expense-balance 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))))
 +             (chart (and-let* (include-chart?
 +                               incr
 +                               (curr (or common-currency book-main-currency))
 +                               (price (or price-source 'pricedb-nearest)))
 +                      (gnc:make-report-anchor
 +                       networth-barchart-uuid report-obj
 +                       (list (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute startdate))
 +                             (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute enddate))
 +                             (list "General" "Report's currency" curr)
 +                             (list "General" "Step Size" incr)
 +                             (list "General" "Price Source" price)
 +                             (list "Accounts" "Accounts" asset-liability)))))
 +             (get-col-header-fn
 +              (lambda (accounts col-idx)
 +                (let* ((date (list-ref report-dates col-idx))
 +                       (header (qof-print-date date))
 +                       (cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                              "total-label-cell" header)))
 +                  (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
 +                   cell "total-label-cell"
 +                   'attribute '("style" "text-align:right"))
 +                  cell)))
 +             (add-to-table (lambda* (table title accounts #:key
 +                                           (get-col-header-fn #f)
 +                                           (show-accounts? #t)
 +                                           (show-total? #t)
 +                                           (show-title? #t)
 +                                           (force-total? #f)
 +                                           (convert-fn #f)
 +                                           (negate-amounts? #f))
 +                             (add-multicolumn-acct-table
 +                              table title accounts
 +                              maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn
 +                              (iota (length report-dates))
 +                              #:omit-zb-bals? omit-zb-bals?
 +                              #:show-zb-accts? show-zb-accts?
 +                              #:disable-account-indent? disable-account-indent?
 +                              #:negate-amounts? negate-amounts?
 +                              #:disable-amount-indent? disable-amount-indent?
 +                              #:depth-limit (if get-col-header-fn 0 depth-limit)
 +                              #:show-orig-cur? (and (not convert-fn) show-foreign?)
 +                              #:show-title? (and show-title? label-sections?)
 +                              #:show-accounts? show-accounts?
 +                              #:show-total? (or (and total-sections? show-total?)
 +                                                force-total?)
 +                              #:recursive-bals? recursive-bals?
 +                              #:account-anchor? use-links?
 +                              #:convert-curr-fn (and common-currency
 +                                                     (or convert-fn convert-curr-fn))
 +                              #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                              #:get-cell-anchor-fn (and use-amount-links?
 +                                                        get-cell-anchor-fn)
 +                              ))))
 +        (when incr
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Date") '()
 +                        #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                        #:show-accounts? #f
 +                        #:show-total? #f)
 +          (if enable-dual-columns?
 +              (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Date") '()
 +                            #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                            #:show-accounts? #f
 +                            #:show-total? #f)))
 +        (unless (null? asset-accounts)
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Asset") asset-accounts))
 +        (unless (null? liability-accounts)
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Liability") liability-accounts
 +                        #:negate-amounts? #t))
 +        (add-to-table
 +         multicol-table-right (_ "Equity")
 +         (append equity-accounts
 +                 (if common-currency
 +                     (list (vector (_ "Unrealized Gains")
 +                                   unrealized-gain-fn))
 +                     '())
 +                 (if (null? income-expense)
 +                     '()
 +                     (list (vector (_ "Retained Earnings")
 +                                   retained-earnings-fn))))
 +         #:negate-amounts? #t)
 +        (if (and common-currency show-rates?)
 +            (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Exchange Rates")
 +                          asset-liability
 +                          #:get-col-header-fn get-exchange-rates-fn
 +                          #:show-accounts? #f
 +                          #:show-total? #f))
 +        (if (and include-chart? incr)
 +            (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +             doc
 +             (gnc:make-html-text
 +              (gnc:html-markup-anchor chart (_ "Barchart")))))))
 +     ((eq? report-type 'pnl)
 +      (let* ((include-overall-period? (get-option gnc:pagename-general
 +                                                  optname-include-overall-period))
 +             (col-idx->datepair
 +              (lambda (idx)
 +                (cond
 +                 ((eq? idx 'overall-period)
 +                  (cons (car report-dates) (last report-dates)))
 +                 ((= idx (- (length report-dates) 2))
 +                  (cons (list-ref report-dates idx) (last report-dates)))
 +                 (else
 +                  (cons (list-ref report-dates idx)
 +                        (decdate (list-ref report-dates (1+ idx)) DayDelta))))))
 +             (col-idx->monetarypair (lambda (balancelist idx)
 +                                      (if (eq? idx 'overall-period)
 +                                          (cons (car balancelist) (last balancelist))
 +                                          (cons (list-ref balancelist idx)
 +                                                (list-ref balancelist (1+ idx))))))
 +             (get-cell-monetary-fn
 +              (lambda (account col-idx)
 +                (let* ((balances (assoc-ref accounts-balances account))
 +                       (monetarypair (col-idx->monetarypair balances col-idx)))
 +                  (monetary-less
 +                   (cdr monetarypair)
 +                   (car monetarypair)))))
 +             (get-cell-anchor-fn
 +              (lambda (account col-idx)
 +                (let ((datepair (col-idx->datepair col-idx))
 +                      (show-orig? (and common-currency #t))
 +                      (curr (or common-currency book-main-currency))
 +                      (delta (or incr 'MonthDelta))
 +                      (price (or price-source 'pricedb-nearest))
 +                      (accts (if (pair? account) account (list account))))
 +                  (gnc:make-report-anchor
 +                   trep-uuid report-obj
 +                   (list
 +                    (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (car datepair)))
 +                    (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (cdr datepair)))
 +                    (list "General" "Show original currency amount" show-orig?)
 +                    (list "General" "Common Currency" common-currency)
 +                    (list "General" "Report's currency" curr)
 +                    (list "Display" "Amount" 'double)
 +                    (list "Accounts" "Accounts" accts))))))
 +             (chart
 +              (and-let* (include-chart?
 +                         (curr (or common-currency book-main-currency))
 +                         (delta (or incr 'MonthDelta))
 +                         (price (or price-source 'pricedb-nearest)))
 +                (gnc:make-report-anchor
 +                 pnl-barchart-uuid report-obj
 +                 (list (list "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute startdate))
 +                       (list "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute enddate))
 +                       (list "General" "Report's currency" curr)
 +                       (list "General" "Step Size" delta)
 +                       (list "General" "Price Source" price)
 +                       (list "Accounts" "Accounts" income-expense)))))
 +             (get-col-header-fn
 +              (lambda (accounts col-idx)
 +                (let* ((datepair (col-idx->datepair col-idx))
 +                       (header (gnc:make-html-text
 +                                (qof-print-date (car datepair))
 +                                (gnc:html-markup-br)
 +                                (_ " to ")
 +                                (qof-print-date (cdr datepair))))
 +                       (cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                              "total-label-cell" header)))
 +                  (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style!
 +                   cell "total-label-cell"
 +                   'attribute '("style" "text-align:right"))
 +                  cell)))
 +             (add-to-table (lambda* (table title accounts #:key
 +                                           (get-col-header-fn #f)
 +                                           (show-accounts? #t)
 +                                           (show-total? #t)
 +                                           (force-total? #f)
 +                                           (negate-amounts? #f))
 +                             (add-multicolumn-acct-table
 +                              table title accounts
 +                              maxindent get-cell-monetary-fn
 +                              (append
 +                               (iota (1- (length report-dates)))
 +                               (if (and include-overall-period?
 +                                        (> (length report-dates) 2))
 +                                   '(overall-period)
 +                                   '()))
 +                              #:omit-zb-bals? omit-zb-bals?
 +                              #:show-zb-accts? show-zb-accts?
 +                              #:disable-account-indent? disable-account-indent?
 +                              #:negate-amounts? negate-amounts?
 +                              #:disable-amount-indent? disable-amount-indent?
 +                              #:depth-limit (if get-col-header-fn 0 depth-limit)
 +                              #:show-orig-cur? show-foreign?
 +                              #:show-title? label-sections?
 +                              #:show-accounts? show-accounts?
 +                              #:show-total? (or (and total-sections? show-total?)
 +                                                force-total?)
 +                              #:recursive-bals? recursive-bals?
 +                              #:account-anchor? use-links?
 +                              #:convert-curr-fn (and common-currency convert-curr-fn)
 +                              #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                              #:get-cell-anchor-fn (and use-amount-links?
 +                                                        get-cell-anchor-fn)))))
 +        (when incr
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Period") '()
 +                        #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                        #:show-accounts? #f
 +                        #:show-total? #f)
 +          (if enable-dual-columns?
 +              (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Period") '()
 +                            #:get-col-header-fn get-col-header-fn
 +                            #:show-accounts? #f
 +                            #:show-total? #f)))
 +        (unless (null? income-accounts)
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Income") income-accounts
 +                        #:negate-amounts? #t))
 +        (unless (null? expense-accounts)
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-right (_ "Expense") expense-accounts))
 +        (unless (or (null? income-accounts)
 +                    (null? expense-accounts))
 +          (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Net Income")
 +                        income-expense
 +                        #:show-accounts? #f
 +                        #:negate-amounts? #t
 +                        #:force-total? #t))
 +        (if (and common-currency show-rates?)
 +            (add-to-table multicol-table-left (_ "Exchange Rates")
 +                          income-expense
 +                          #:get-col-header-fn get-exchange-rates-fn
 +                          #:show-accounts? #f
 +                          #:show-total? #f))
 +        (if include-chart?
 +            (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +             doc
 +             (gnc:make-html-text
 +              (gnc:html-markup-anchor chart "Barchart")))))))
 +    (let ((multicol-table (if enable-dual-columns?
 +                              (gnc:make-html-table)
 +                              multicol-table-left)))
 +      (when enable-dual-columns?
 +        (gnc:html-table-append-row! multicol-table
 +                                    (list multicol-table-left multicol-table-right)))
 +      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +       doc multicol-table))
 +    (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +     doc FOOTER-TEXT)
 +    (gnc:report-finished)
 +    ;; (gnc:html-document-set-style-text!
 +    ;;  doc " table, td{ border-width: 1px; border-style:solid; border-color: lightgray; border-collapse: collapse}")
 +    doc))
 +(define balsheet-reportname (_ "Balance Sheet (Multicolumn)"))
 +(define pnl-reportname (_ "Income Statement (Multicolumn)"))
 + 'version 1
 + 'name balsheet-reportname
 + 'report-guid "065d5d5a77ba11e8b31e83ada73c5eea"
 + 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-experimental)
 + 'options-generator (lambda () (multicol-report-options-generator 'balsheet))
 + 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (multicol-report-renderer rpt 'balsheet)))
 + 'version 1
 + 'name pnl-reportname
 + 'report-guid "0e94fd0277ba11e8825d43e27232c9d4"
 + 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-experimental)
 + 'options-generator (lambda () (multicol-report-options-generator 'pnl))
 + 'renderer (lambda (rpt) (multicol-report-renderer rpt 'pnl)))
 +;; END
diff --cc gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
index 534b4a996,000000000..52a61f34f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm
@@@ -1,715 -1,0 +1,717 @@@
 +;; -*-scheme-*-
 +;; register.scm
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(define-module (gnucash reports standard register))
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
 +(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 +(define (date-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
 +(define (num-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 1))
 +(define (description-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
 +(define (memo-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
 +(define (account-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
 +(define (shares-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 5))
 +(define (price-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 6))
 +(define (amount-single-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 7))
 +(define (debit-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 8))
 +(define (credit-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 9))
 +(define (balance-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 10))
 +(define (value-single-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 11))
 +(define (value-debit-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 12))
 +(define (value-credit-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 13))
 +(define (lot-col columns-used)
 +  (vector-ref columns-used 14))
 +(define columns-used-size 15)
 +(define (num-columns-required columns-used)
 +  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
 +       (col-req 0 col-req))
 +      ((>= i columns-used-size) col-req)
 +    (if (vector-ref columns-used i)
 +        (set! col-req (+ col-req 1)))))
 +(define (build-column-used options)
 +  (define (opt-val section name)
 +    (gnc:option-value
 +     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +  (define (make-set-col col-vector)
 +    (let ((col 0))
 +      (lambda (used? index)
 +        (if used?
 +            (begin
 +              (vector-set! col-vector index col)
 +              (set! col (+ col 1)))
 +            (vector-set! col-vector index #f)))))
 +  (let* ((col-vector (make-vector columns-used-size #f))
 +         (set-col (make-set-col col-vector)))
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Date") 0)
 +    (set-col (if (gnc:lookup-option options "Display" "Num")
 +                 (opt-val "Display" "Num")
 +                 (opt-val "Display" "Num/Action")) 1)
 +    (set-col
 +     (if (opt-val "__reg" "journal")
 +         (or (opt-val "Display" "Memo")
 +             (opt-val "Display" "Description")
 +             (opt-val "__reg" "double") )
 +         (opt-val "Display" "Description"))
 +     2)
 +    (set-col
 +     (if (opt-val "__reg" "journal")
 +         #f
 +         (opt-val "Display" "Memo"))
 +     3)
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Account") 4)
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Shares") 5)
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Lot") 14)
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Price") 6)
 +    (let ((amount-setting (opt-val "Display" "Amount")))
 +      (if (eq? amount-setting 'single)
 +          (set-col #t 7)
 +          (begin
 +            (set-col #t 8)
 +            (set-col #t 9))))
 +    (if (opt-val "Display" "Value")
 +        (if (amount-single-col col-vector)
 +            (set-col #t 11)
 +            (begin
 +              (set-col #t 12)
 +              (set-col #t 13))))
 +    (set-col (opt-val "Display" "Running Balance") 10)
 +    col-vector))
 +(define (make-heading-list column-vector
 +                           debit-string credit-string amount-string
 +                           multi-rows? action-for-num? ledger-type?)
 +  (let ((heading-list '()))
 +    (gnc:debug "Column-vector" column-vector)
 +    (if (date-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Date")))
 +    (if (num-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (if action-for-num?
 +                                 (if ledger-type?
 +                                     (_ "T-Num")
 +                                     (_ "Num/Action"))
 +                                 (_ "Num"))))
 +    (if (description-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Description")))
 +    (if (memo-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Memo")))
 +    (if (account-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (if multi-rows?
 +                                 (_ "Account")
 +                                 (_ "Transfer"))))
 +    (if (shares-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Shares")))
 +    (if (lot-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Lot")))
 +    (if (price-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Price")))
 +    (if (amount-single-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list amount-string))
 +    (if (debit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list debit-string))
 +    (if (credit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list credit-string))
 +    (if (value-single-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Value")))
 +    (if (value-debit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Debit Value")))
 +    (if (value-credit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Credit Value")))
 +    (if (balance-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! heading-list (_ "Balance")))
 +    (reverse heading-list)))
 +(define (add-split-row table split column-vector row-style transaction-info?
 +                       split-info? action-for-num? ledger-type? double? memo?
 +                       description? total-collector)
 +  (let* ((row-contents '())
 +         (parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +         (account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
 +         (currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity account))
 +         (trans-currency (xaccTransGetCurrency parent))
 +         (damount (xaccSplitGetAmount split))
 +         (split-value (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency damount)))
 +    (if (date-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if transaction-info?
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "date-cell"
 +                     (qof-print-date
 +                      (xaccTransGetDate parent)))
 +                    " ")))
 +    (if (num-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if transaction-info?
 +                     (if (and action-for-num? ledger-type?)
 +                         (gnc-get-num-action parent #f)
 +                         (gnc-get-num-action parent split))
 +                     (if split-info?
 +                         (gnc-get-action-num  #f split)
 +                         " ")))))
 +    (if (description-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if transaction-info?
 +                     (if description?
 +                         (xaccTransGetDescription parent)
 +                         " " )
 +                     (if split-info?
 +                         (if memo?
 +                             (xaccSplitGetMemo split)
 +                             " ")
 +                         " ")))))
 +    (if (memo-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if transaction-info?
 +                     (xaccSplitGetMemo split)
 +                     " "))))
 +    (if (account-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (cond
 +                  ((not split-info?) #f)
 +                  ((not transaction-info?) (gnc-account-get-full-name account))
 +                  (else (case (xaccTransCountSplits (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +                          ((2) (gnc-account-get-full-name
 +                                (xaccSplitGetAccount
 +                                 (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))))
 +                          ((1) (_ "None"))
 +                          (else (_ "-- Split Transaction --"))))))))
 +    (if (shares-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if split-info?
 +                     (xaccSplitGetAmount split)
 +                     " "))))
 +    (if (lot-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if split-info?
 +                     (gnc-lot-get-title (xaccSplitGetLot split))
 +                     " "))))
 +    (if (price-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                 "text-cell"
 +                 (if split-info?
-                      (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                       currency (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
++                     (gnc:default-price-renderer
++                      (gnc-account-get-currency-or-parent
++                       (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
++                      (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
 +                     " "))))
 +    (if (amount-single-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if split-info?
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "number-cell"
 +                     (gnc:html-split-anchor split split-value))
 +                    " ")))
 +    (if (debit-col column-vector)
 +        (if (positive? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount split-value))
 +            (addto! row-contents
 +                    (if split-info?
 +                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                         "number-cell"
 +                         (gnc:html-split-anchor split split-value))
 +                        " "))
 +            (addto! row-contents " ")))
 +    (if (credit-col column-vector)
 +        (if (negative? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount split-value))
 +            (addto! row-contents
 +                    (if split-info?
 +                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                         "number-cell"
 +                         (gnc:html-split-anchor
 +                          split (gnc:monetary-neg split-value)))
 +                        " "))
 +            (addto! row-contents " ")))
 +    (if (value-single-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if split-info?
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "number-cell"
 +                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary trans-currency
 +                                            (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
 +                    " ")))
 +    (if (value-debit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if (and split-info? (positive? (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "number-cell"
 +                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary trans-currency
 +                                            (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
 +                    " ")))
 +    (if (value-credit-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if (and split-info? (negative? (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "number-cell"
 +                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary trans-currency
 +                                            (- (xaccSplitGetValue split))))
 +                    " ")))
 +    ;; For single account registers, use the split's cached balance to remain
 +    ;; consistent with the balances shown in the register itself
 +    ;; For others, use the cumulated balance from the totals-collector
 +    (if (balance-col column-vector)
 +        (addto! row-contents
 +                (if transaction-info?
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                     "number-cell"
 +                     (gnc:html-split-anchor
 +                      split
 +                      (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                       currency
 +                       (if ledger-type?
 +                           (cadr (total-collector 'getpair currency #f))
 +                           (xaccSplitGetBalance split)))))
 +                    " ")))
 +    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
 +                                       (reverse row-contents))
 +    (if (and double? transaction-info?)
 +        (if (or (num-col column-vector) (description-col column-vector))
 +            (begin
 +              (let ((count 0))
 +                (set! row-contents '())
 +                (if (date-col column-vector)
 +                    (begin
 +                      (set! count (+ count 1))
 +                      (addto! row-contents " ")))
 +                (if (and (num-col column-vector) (description-col column-vector))
 +                    (begin
 +                      (set! count (+ count 1))
 +                      (addto! row-contents
 +                              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                               "text-cell"
 +                               (if (and action-for-num? (not ledger-type?))
 +                                   (gnc-get-num-action parent #f)
 +                                   " ")))))
 +                (if (description-col column-vector)
 +                    (addto! row-contents ;;
 +                            (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +                             1 (- (num-columns-required column-vector) count)
 +                             (xaccTransGetNotes parent)))
 +                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +                     1 (- (num-columns-required column-vector) (- count 1))
 +                     (if (and action-for-num? (not ledger-type?))
 +                         (gnc-get-num-action parent #f)
 +                         " ")))
 +                (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
 +                                                   (reverse row-contents))))))
 +    split-value))
 +(define (options-generator)
 +  (define gnc:*report-options* (gnc:new-options))
 +  (define (gnc:register-reg-option new-option)
 +    (gnc:register-option gnc:*report-options* new-option))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-query-option "__reg" "query" '()))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "journal" #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "ledger-type" #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "double" #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "debit-string" (_ "Debit")))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__reg" "credit-string" (_ "Credit")))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-string-option
 +    (N_ "General") (N_ "Title")
 +    "a" (N_ "The title of the report.")
 +    (N_ "Register Report")))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Date")
 +    "b" (N_ "Display the date?") #t))
 +  (if (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book))
 +      (gnc:register-reg-option
 +       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +        (N_ "Display") (N_ "Num/Action")
 +        "c" (N_ "Display the check number/action?") #t))
 +      (gnc:register-reg-option
 +       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +        (N_ "Display") (N_ "Num")
 +        "c" (N_ "Display the check number?") #t)))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Description")
 +    "d" (N_ "Display the description?") #t))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Memo")
 +    "e" (N_ "Display the memo?") #t))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Account")
 +    "g" (N_ "Display the account?") #t))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Shares")
 +    "ha" (N_ "Display the number of shares?") #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Lot")
 +    "hb" (N_ "Display the name of lot the shares are in?") #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Price")
 +    "hc" (N_ "Display the shares price?") #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Amount")
 +    "ia" (N_ "Display the amount?")
 +    'double
 +    (list
 +     (vector 'single (N_ "Single") (N_ "Single Column Display."))
 +     (vector 'double (N_ "Double") (N_ "Two Column Display.")))))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Value")
 +    "ib" (N_ "Display the value in transaction currency?") #f))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Running Balance")
 +    "k" (N_ "Display a running balance?") #t))
 +  (gnc:register-reg-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Totals")
 +    "l" (N_ "Display the totals?") #t))
 +  (gnc:options-set-default-section gnc:*report-options* "General")
 +  gnc:*report-options*)
 +;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
 +;; create the report result
 +;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
 +(define (make-split-table splits options
 +                          debit-string credit-string amount-string)
 +  ;; ----------------------------------
 +  ;; local helper
 +  ;; ----------------------------------
 +  (define (opt-val section name)
 +    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +  (define (reg-report-journal?)
 +    (opt-val "__reg" "journal"))
 +  (define (reg-report-ledger-type?)
 +    (opt-val "__reg" "ledger-type"))
 +  (define (reg-report-double?)
 +    (opt-val "__reg" "double"))
 +  (define (reg-report-show-totals?)
 +    (opt-val "Display" "Totals"))
 +  (define (add-subtotal-row label leader table used-columns
 +                            subtotal-collector subtotal-style
 +                            value?)
 +    (let ((currency-totals (subtotal-collector
 +                            'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
 +          (single-col (if value?
 +                          (value-single-col used-columns)
 +                          (amount-single-col used-columns)))
 +          (credit-col (if value?
 +                          (value-credit-col used-columns)
 +                          (credit-col used-columns)))
 +          (debit-col (if value?
 +                         (value-debit-col used-columns)
 +                         (debit-col used-columns))))
 +      (define (colspan monetary)
 +        (cond
 +         (single-col single-col)
 +         ((negative? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)) credit-col)
 +         (else debit-col)))
 +      (define (display-subtotal monetary)
 +        (if single-col
 +            (if (and leader (gnc-reverse-balance leader))
 +                (gnc:monetary-neg monetary)
 +                monetary)
 +            (if (negative? (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))
 +                (gnc:monetary-neg monetary)
 +                monetary)))
 +      (when (or single-col credit-col debit-col)
 +        (gnc:html-table-append-row!
 +         table
 +         (list
 +          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +           1 (num-columns-required used-columns)
 +           (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
 +        (for-each
 +         (lambda (monetary)
 +           (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +            table subtotal-style
 +            (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" label)
 +                  (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
 +                   1 (colspan monetary) "total-number-cell"
 +                   (display-subtotal monetary)))))
 +         currency-totals))))
 +  (define (accumulate-totals split total-amount total-value
 +                             debit-amount debit-value
 +                             credit-amount credit-value)
 +    (let* ((parent (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +           (account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
 +           (split-currency (xaccAccountGetCommodity account))
 +           (split-amount (xaccSplitGetAmount split))
 +           (trans-currency (xaccTransGetCurrency parent))
 +           (split-value (xaccSplitGetValue split)))
 +      (if (positive? split-amount)
 +          (debit-amount 'add split-currency split-amount)
 +          (credit-amount 'add split-currency split-amount))
 +      (if (positive? split-value)
 +          (debit-value 'add trans-currency split-value)
 +          (credit-value 'add trans-currency split-value))
 +      (total-amount 'add split-currency split-amount)
 +      (total-value 'add trans-currency split-value)))
 +  (define (splits-leader splits)
 +    (let ((accounts (map xaccSplitGetAccount splits)))
 +      (and (pair? accounts)
 +           (apply equal? accounts)
 +           (car accounts))))
 +  ;; ----------------------------------
 +  ;; make the split table
 +  ;; ----------------------------------
 +  (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
 +         (used-columns (build-column-used options))
 +         (width (num-columns-required used-columns))
 +         (multi-rows? (reg-report-journal?))
 +         (ledger-type? (reg-report-ledger-type?))
 +         (double? (reg-report-double?))
 +         (leader (splits-leader splits))
 +         (total-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (debit-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (credit-collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (total-value (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (debit-value (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (credit-value (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
 +         (action-for-num? (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field
 +                           (gnc-get-current-book))))
 +    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
 +     table
 +     (make-heading-list used-columns
 +                        debit-string credit-string amount-string
 +                        multi-rows? action-for-num? ledger-type?))
 +    (let loop ((splits splits)
 +               (odd-row? #t))
 +      (cond
 +       ;; ----------------------------------
 +       ;; exit condition reached
 +       ;; add debit/credit totals to the table
 +       ;; ----------------------------------
 +       ((null? splits)
 +        (when reg-report-show-totals?
 +          (add-subtotal-row (_ "Total Debits") leader table used-columns
 +                            debit-collector "grand-total" #f)
 +          (add-subtotal-row (_ "Total Credits") leader table used-columns
 +                            credit-collector "grand-total" #f)
 +          (add-subtotal-row (_ "Total Value Debits") leader table used-columns
 +                            debit-value "grand-total" #t)
 +          (add-subtotal-row (_ "Total Value Credits") leader table used-columns
 +                            credit-value "grand-total" #t))
 +        (when ledger-type?
 +          (add-subtotal-row (_ "Net Change") leader table used-columns
 +                            total-collector "grand-total" #f))
 +        (add-subtotal-row (_ "Value Change") leader table used-columns
 +                          total-value "grand-total" #t))
 +       ;; The general journal has a split that doesn't have an account
 +       ;; set yet (the new entry transaction).
 +       ;; This split should be skipped or the report errors out.  See
 +       ;; bug #639082
 +       ((null? (xaccSplitGetAccount (car splits)))
 +        (loop (cdr splits) (not odd-row?)))
 +       ;; ----------------------------------
 +       ;; process the splits list
 +       ;; ----------------------------------
 +       (else
 +        (let* ((current (car splits))
 +               (current-row-style (if (or multi-rows? odd-row?)
 +                                      "normal-row"
 +                                      "alternate-row")))
 +          ;; ----------------------------------------------
 +          ;; update totals, but don't add them to the table
 +          ;; ----------------------------------------------
 +          (for-each
 +           (lambda (split)
 +             (accumulate-totals split
 +                                total-collector total-value
 +                                debit-collector debit-value
 +                                credit-collector credit-value))
 +           (if multi-rows?
 +               (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent current))
 +               (list current)))
 +          ;; ----------------------------------
 +          ;; add the splits to the table
 +          ;; ----------------------------------
 +          (add-split-row table current used-columns
 +                         current-row-style #t (not multi-rows?)
 +                         action-for-num?  ledger-type?
 +                         double? (opt-val "Display" "Memo")
 +                         (opt-val "Display" "Description")
 +                         total-collector)
 +          (when multi-rows?
 +            (for-each
 +             (lambda (split)
 +               (add-split-row table split used-columns "alternate-row"
 +                              #f #t action-for-num? ledger-type? #f
 +                              (opt-val "Display" "Memo")
 +                              (opt-val "Display" "Description") total-collector))
 +             (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent current))))
 +          (loop (cdr splits)
 +                (not odd-row?))))))
 +    table))
 +(define (reg-renderer report-obj)
 +  (define (opt-val section name)
 +    (gnc:option-value
 +     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))
 +  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
 +         (query-scm (opt-val "__reg" "query"))
 +         (journal? (opt-val "__reg" "journal"))
 +         (debit-string (opt-val "__reg" "debit-string"))
 +         (credit-string (opt-val "__reg" "credit-string"))
 +         (title (opt-val "General" "Title"))
 +         (query (gnc-scm2query query-scm)))
 +    (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
 +    (let* ((splits (if journal?
 +                       (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query)
 +                       (qof-query-run query)))
 +           (table (make-split-table splits
 +                                    (gnc:report-options report-obj)
 +                                    debit-string credit-string
 +                                    (_ "Amount"))))
 +      (gnc:html-document-set-title! document title)
 +      (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)
 +      (qof-query-destroy query))
 +    document))
 +(define register-report-guid "22104e02654c4adba844ee75a3f8d173")
 +;; we get called from elsewhere... but this doesn't work FIX-ME, find
 +;; out how to get report-guid's exported from report into the report
 +;; system at large. might have to define this at the report
 +;; level to get them read by other reports. Look at the aging reports
 +;; for suggestions, perhaps
 +(export register-report-guid)
 + 'version 1
 + 'name (N_ "Register")
 + 'report-guid register-report-guid
 + 'options-generator options-generator
 + 'renderer reg-renderer
 + 'in-menu? #f)
 +(define (gnc:register-report-create-internal invoice? query journal? ledger-type?
 +                                             double? title debit-string credit-string)
 +  (let* ((options (gnc:make-report-options register-report-guid))
 +         (query-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "query"))
 +         (journal-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "journal"))
 +         (ledger-type-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "ledger-type"))
 +         (double-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "double"))
 +         (title-op (gnc:lookup-option options "General" "Title"))
 +         (debit-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "debit-string"))
 +         (credit-op (gnc:lookup-option options "__reg" "credit-string"))
 +         (account-op (gnc:lookup-option options "Display" "Account")))
 +    (if invoice?
 +        (begin
 +          (set! journal? #f)
 +          (gnc:option-set-value account-op #f)))
 +    (gnc:option-set-value query-op query)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value journal-op journal?)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value ledger-type-op ledger-type?)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value double-op double?)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value title-op title)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value debit-op debit-string)
 +    (gnc:option-set-value credit-op credit-string)
 +    (gnc:make-report register-report-guid options)))
 +(export gnc:register-report-create-internal)
diff --cc gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
index e865d2017,000000000..1fce2d92f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
@@@ -1,597 -1,0 +1,597 @@@
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (tests test-engine-extras))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard balance-sheet))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard income-statement))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard balsheet-pnl))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard transaction))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets plain)) ; For the default stylesheet, required for rendering
 +(use-modules (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (tests test-report-extras))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
 +(use-modules (tests srfi64-extras))
 +(use-modules (sxml simple))
 +(use-modules (sxml xpath))
 +;; This is implementation testing for Balance Sheet and Profit&Loss.
 +(define balance-sheet-uuid "c4173ac99b2b448289bf4d11c731af13")
 +(define pnl-uuid "0b81a3bdfd504aff849ec2e8630524bc")
 +(define multicol-balsheet-uuid "065d5d5a77ba11e8b31e83ada73c5eea")
 +(define multicol-pnl-uuid "0e94fd0277ba11e8825d43e27232c9d4")
 +;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
 +(setlocale LC_ALL "C")
 +(define (run-test)
 +  (test-runner-factory gnc:test-runner)
 +  (test-begin "balsheet and profit&loss")
 +  (null-test)
 +  (create-test-data)
 +  (balance-sheet-tests)
 +  (pnl-tests)
 +  (multicol-balsheet-tests)
 +  (multicol-pnl-tests)
 +  (test-end "balsheet and profit&loss"))
 +(define (options->sxml uuid options test-title)
 +  (gnc:options->sxml uuid options "test-balsheet-pnl" test-title))
 +(define (set-option! options section name value)
 +  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +    (if option
 +        (gnc:option-set-value option value)
 +        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
 +(define (mnemonic->commodity sym)
 +  (gnc-commodity-table-lookup
 +   (gnc-commodity-table-get-table (gnc-get-current-book))
 +   (gnc-commodity-get-namespace (gnc-default-report-currency))
 +   sym))
 +(define USD (gnc-default-report-currency)) ;default currency should be USD because LC_ALL="C"
 +(define GBP (mnemonic->commodity "GBP"))
 +(define FUNDS (gnc-commodity-new (gnc-get-current-book)
 +                                 "Funds"            ;fullname
 +                                 "FUNDS"            ;namespace
 +                                 "FUNDS"            ;mnemonic
 +                                 "FUNDS"            ;cusip
 +                                 1000               ;fraction
 +                                 ))
 +(gnc-commodity-set-user-symbol GBP "#")
 +(define structure
 +  (list "Root" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-ASSET)
 +                     (cons 'commodity USD))
 +        (list "Asset"
 +              (list "Bank1"
 +                    (list "Savings")
 +                    (list "Bonds")
 +                    (list "Empty")
 +                    (list "Current"))
 +              (list "House")
 +              (list "ForeignBank" (list (cons 'commodity GBP))
 +                    (list "ForeignSavings"))
 +              (list "Broker"
 +                    (list "Funds" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-STOCK)
 +                                        (cons 'commodity FUNDS)))))
 +        (list "Liability" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY))
 +              (list "Bank2"
 +                    (list "Loan")
 +                    (list "CreditCard")))
 +        (list "Equity" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY)))
 +        (list "Income" (list (cons 'type ACCT-TYPE-INCOME))
 +              (list "Income-GBP" (list (cons 'commodity GBP))))))
 +(define (null-test)
 +  ;; This null-test tests for the presence of report.
 +  (let ((balance-sheet-options (gnc:make-report-options balance-sheet-uuid)))
 +    (test-assert "null-test" (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "null-test"))))
 +(define (create-test-data)
 +  ;; This function will perform implementation testing on the transaction report.
 +  (let* ((env (create-test-env))
 +         (account-alist (env-create-account-structure-alist env structure))
 +         (bank1savings (cdr (assoc "Savings" account-alist)))
 +         (bank1bonds (cdr (assoc "Bonds" account-alist)))
 +         (bank1current (cdr (assoc "Current" account-alist)))
 +         (house (cdr (assoc "House" account-alist)))
 +         (foreignsavings (cdr (assoc "ForeignSavings" account-alist)))
 +         (broker (cdr (assoc "Broker" account-alist)))
 +         (brokerfunds (cdr (assoc "Funds" account-alist)))
 +         (bank2loan (cdr (assoc "Loan" account-alist)))
 +         (bank2creditcard (cdr (assoc "CreditCard" account-alist)))
 +         (equity (cdr (assoc "Equity" account-alist)))
 +         (income (cdr (assoc "Income" account-alist)))
 +         (income-GBP (cdr (assoc "Income-GBP" account-alist))))
 +    ;; $100 in Savings account
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity bank1savings 100)
 +    ;; $2000 in Bonds
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity bank1bonds 2000)
 +    ;; $500 in Current Acc
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity bank1current 9000)
 +    ;; $100,000 in house
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity house 100000)
 +    ;; pre-existing GBPs
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 01 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  130  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.30")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 02 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  140  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.40")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 02 1970 bank1current foreignsavings -142 -100 #:description "sell 100GBP at $1.42")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 03 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  150  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.50")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 04 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  155  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.55")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 15 04 1970 bank1current foreignsavings -157 -100 #:description "sell 100GBP at $1.57")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 05 1970 bank1current foreignsavings -160 -100 #:description "sell 100GBP at $1.60")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 06 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  155  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.55")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 07 1970 bank1current foreignsavings -145 -100 #:description "sell 100GBP at $1.45")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 08 1970 bank1current foreignsavings  165  100 #:description "buy 100GBP at $1.65")
 +    ;; broker has $2000
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity broker 2000)
 +    ;; existing FUNDs = 200 USD on 01/01/1970
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 01 1970 bank1current brokerfunds  2000  10 #:description "buy 10FUND at $200")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 02 1970 bank1current brokerfunds  2100  10 #:description "buy 10FUND at $210")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 03 1970 bank1current brokerfunds  2250  10 #:description "buy 10FUND at $225")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 04 1970 bank1current brokerfunds  2440  10 #:description "buy 10FUND at $244")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 05 1970 bank1current brokerfunds -2640 -10 #:description "sell 10FUND at $264")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 06 1970 bank1current brokerfunds -2550 -10 #:description "sell 10FUND at $255")
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 07 1970 bank1current brokerfunds  2500  10 #:description "buy 10FUND at $250")
 +    ;; $9000 loan
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity bank2loan -9000)
 +    ;; $500 on creditcard debt
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1970 equity bank2creditcard -500)
 +    ;; further prices into pricedb
 +    ;; GBP = 1.50 to 1.90 USD
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD GBP (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1971) 15/10)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD GBP (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1972) 16/10)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD GBP (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1973) 17/10)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD GBP (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1974) 18/10)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD GBP (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1975) 19/10)
 +    ;; FUND = 300 to 500 USD
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD FUNDS (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1971) 300)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD FUNDS (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1972) 350)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD FUNDS (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1973) 400)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD FUNDS (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1974) 450)
 +    (gnc-pricedb-create USD FUNDS (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1975) 500)
 +    ;; a couple INCOME transactions, a decade later
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1980 income bank1current 250)
 +    (env-transfer env 01 01 1980 income-GBP foreignsavings 500)
 +    (env-transfer-foreign env 01 02 1980 income-GBP bank1current 100 170 #:description "earn 100GBP into $170")))
 +(define (balance-sheet-tests)
 +  (define (default-balsheet-testing-options)
 +    (let ((balance-sheet-options (gnc:make-report-options balance-sheet-uuid)))
 +      (set-option! balance-sheet-options "General" "Balance Sheet Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1971)))
 +      (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Accounts" "Levels of Subaccounts" 'all)
 +      (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +      balance-sheet-options))
 +  (display "\n\n balsheet tests\n\n")
 +  (let* ((balance-sheet-options (default-balsheet-testing-options))
 +         (sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-default")))
 +    (test-equal "total assets = $116,009"
 +      (list "$116,009.00")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6))
 +    (test-equal "total liabilities = $9,500.00"
 +      (list "$9,500.00")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 23 6))
 +    (test-equal "total equity  = $106,509.00"
 +      (list "$106,509.00")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 28 6))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'weighted-average)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-weighted-average")))
 +      (test-equal "weighted average assets = $114,071.66"
 +        (list "$114,071.66")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'average-cost)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-average-cost")))
 +      (test-equal "average-cost assets = $113,100"
 +        (list "$113,100.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-pricedb-nearest")))
 +      (test-equal "pricedb-nearest assets = $116,009"
 +        (list "$116,009.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-latest)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-pricedb-latest")))
 +      (test-equal "pricedb-latest assets = $122,049"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6)))
 +    ;; set multilevel subtotal style
 +    ;; verifies amount in EVERY line of the report.
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'immediate-bal)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 't)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-multilevel")))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. root = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. assets = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 4 5))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. bank1 = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 5 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. bonds = $2,000.00"
 +        (list "$2,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 6 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. current = $2609.00"
 +        (list "$2,609.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 7 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. empty = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 8 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. savings = $100.00"
 +        (list "$100.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 9 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total bank1 = $4709"
 +        (list "$4,709.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 10 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. broker = $2,000.00"
 +        (list "$2,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 11 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. funds = $15,000.00"
 +        (list "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$15,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 12 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total broker = $17,000.00"
 +        (list "$17,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 13 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. foreign = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 14 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. foreignsavings = #200.00 = $340"
 +        (list "#200.00" "$340.00" "$340.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 3))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total foreign = $340"
 +        (list "$340.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 16 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. house = $100,000"
 +        (list "$100,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 17 4))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total asset = $122,049"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 18 5))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total root = $122,049"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 19 6))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total assets = $122,049"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 20 6)))
 +    ;; set recursive-subtotal subtotal style
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'recursive-bal)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 'f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-recursive")))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. root = $760+15000+104600"
 +        '("#200.00" "$340.00" "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$106,709.00" "$106,709.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. assets = $760+15000+104600"
 +        '("#200.00" "$340.00" "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$106,709.00" "$106,709.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 4 5))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. bank1 = $4,709.00"
 +        (list "$4,709.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 5 4))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. bonds = $2,000.00"
 +        (list "$2,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 6 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. current = $2609.00"
 +        (list "$2,609.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 7 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. empty = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 8 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. savings = $100.00"
 +        (list "$100.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 9 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. broker = $15000+2000.00"
 +        '("30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$2,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 10 4))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. funds = $15,000.00"
 +        (list "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$15,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 11 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. foreign = $340.00"
 +        (list "#200.00" "$340.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 12 4))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. foreignsavings = #200.00 = $340"
 +        (list "#200.00" "$340.00" "$340.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 13 3))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. house = $100,000"
 +        (list "$100,000.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 14 4))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. total assets = $122,049.00"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 15 6)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Show Foreign Currencies" #f)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-disable show-fcur show-rates")))
 +      (test-equal "show-fcur disabled"
 +        (list "$122,049.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "show-rates disabled"
 +        '()
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Show Foreign Currencies" #t)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-enable show-fcur show-rates")))
 +      (test-equal "show-fcur enabled"
 +        '("#200.00" "$340.00" "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$106,709.00" "$106,709.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "show-rates enabled"
-         '("#1.00" "$1.70" "1 FUNDS" "$500.00")
++        '("#1.00" "$1.7000" "1 FUNDS" "$500.0000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
 +    ;;make-multilevel
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'immediate-bal)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 't)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Omit zero balance figures" #t)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Include accounts with zero total balances" #f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-incl-zb-accts=#f omit-zb-bals=#t")))
 +      (test-equal "omit-zb-bals=#t"
 +        '()
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 5))
 +      (test-equal "incl-zb-accts=#f"
 +        '("Savings" "$100.00")        ;i.e.skips "Empty" account with $0.00
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 8 #f)))
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Omit zero balance figures" #f)
 +    (set-option! balance-sheet-options "Display" "Include accounts with zero total balances" #t)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml balance-sheet-uuid balance-sheet-options "balsheet-incl-zb-accts=#t omit-zb-bals=#f")))
 +      (test-equal "omit-zb-bals=#f"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "incl-zb-accts=#t"
 +        '("Empty" "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 8 #f)))))
 +(define (pnl-tests)
 +  (define (default-pnl-testing-options)
 +    (let ((pnl-options (gnc:make-report-options pnl-uuid)))
 +      (set-option! pnl-options "General" "Start Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1980)))
 +      (set-option! pnl-options "General" "End Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1981)))
 +      (set-option! pnl-options "Accounts" "Levels of Subaccounts" 'all)
 +      (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +      pnl-options))
 +  (display "\n\n pnl tests\n\n")
 +  (let* ((pnl-options (default-pnl-testing-options))
 +         (sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-default")))
 +    (test-equal "total revenue  = $1,270.00"
 +      (list "$1,270.00")
 +      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +       sxml))
 +    (test-equal "total expenses  = $0.00"
 +      (list "$0.00")
 +      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +       sxml))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'weighted-average)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-weighted-average")))
 +      (test-equal "weighted average revenue = $1160.36"
 +        (list "$1,160.36")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml)))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'average-cost)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-average-cost")))
 +      (test-equal "average-cost revenue = $976"
 +        (list "$976.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml)))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-pricedb-nearest")))
 +      (test-equal "pricedb-nearest revenue = $1270"
 +        (list "$1,270.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml)))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-latest)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-pricedb-latest")))
 +      (test-equal "pricedb-latest revenue = $1270"
 +        (list "$1,270.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml)))
 +    ;; set multilevel subtotal style
 +    ;; verifies amount in EVERY line of the report.
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'immediate-bal)
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 't)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-multilevel")))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. income = -$250.00"
 +        (list "-$250.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. income-GBP = -#600"
 +        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 4) // (td 5) // *text*))
 +         sxml))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total income = -$1,270.00"
 +        (list "-$1,270.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. total revenue = $1,270.00"
 +        (list "$1,270.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 6) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. expenses = $0.00"
 +        (list "$0.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml))
 +      (test-equal "multilevel. net-income = $1,270"
 +        (list "$1,270.00")
 +        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
 +         sxml)))
 +    ;; set recursive-subtotal subtotal style
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'recursive-bal)
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 'f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-recursive")))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. income = $1020+250"
 +        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. income-gbp = $1020"
 +        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 4 5))
 +      (test-equal "recursive. total revenue = $1270"
 +        (list "$1,270.00" "$1,270.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 5 6)))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Foreign Currencies" #f)
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-disable show-fcur show-rates")))
 +      (test-equal "show-fcur disabled"
 +        (list "-$1,270.00" "$0.00" "-$1,270.00" "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "show-rates disabled"
 +        '()
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Foreign Currencies" #t)
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-enable show-fcur show-rates")))
 +      (test-equal "show-fcur enabled"
 +        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
 +      (test-equal "show-rates enabled"
-         (list "#1.00" "$1.70")
++        (list "#1.00" "$1.7000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
 +    ;;make-multilevel
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account balances" 'immediate-bal)
 +    (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 't)))
 +(define (multicol-balsheet-tests)
 +  (define (default-testing-options)
 +    (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options multicol-balsheet-uuid)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date"
 +                   (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1970)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "End Date"
 +                   (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1972)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Enable dual columns" #f)
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Disable amount indenting" #t)
 +      (set-option! options "Display" "Account full name instead of indenting" #t)
 +      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Levels of Subaccounts" 'all)
 +      (set-option! options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +      options))
 +  (display "\n\n multicol-balsheet tests\n\n")
 +  (let* ((multi-bs-options (default-testing-options))
 +         (sxml (options->sxml multicol-balsheet-uuid multi-bs-options
 +                              "multicol-balsheet-default")))
 +    (test-equal "default row headers"
 +      '("Asset" "Root" "Root.Asset" "Root.Asset.Bank1" "Root.Asset.Bank1.Bonds"
 +        "Root.Asset.Bank1.Current" "Root.Asset.Bank1.Empty" "Root.Asset.Bank1.Savings"
 +        "Root.Asset.Broker" "Root.Asset.Broker" "Root.Asset.Broker.Funds"
 +        "Root.Asset.ForeignBank" "Root.Asset.ForeignBank.ForeignSavings"
 +        "Root.Asset.House" "Total For Asset" "Liability" "Root.Liability"
 +        "Root.Liability.Bank2" "Root.Liability.Bank2.CreditCard"
 +        "Root.Liability.Bank2.Loan" "Total For Liability" "Equity" "Root.Equity"
 +        "Retained Earnings" "Total For Equity")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 1))
 +    (test-equal "default balances"
 +      '("#200.00" "$106,709.00" "30 FUNDS" "#200.00" "$106,709.00" "30 FUNDS"
 +        "$4,709.00" "$2,000.00" "$2,609.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$2,000.00"
 +        "30 FUNDS" "$2,000.00" "30 FUNDS" "#200.00" "#200.00" "$100,000.00"
 +        "30 FUNDS" "#200.00" "$106,709.00" "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00"
 +        "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00" "$0.00" "#0.00" "$103,600.00"
 +        "#0.00")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
 +    ;; the following tests many parts of multicolumn balance sheet:
 +    ;; multiple-dates balances, unrealized-gain calculator, pricelists
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "General" "Period duration" 'YearDelta)
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "Commodities" "Common Currency" #t)
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "Commodities" "Report's currency" USD)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml multicol-balsheet-uuid multi-bs-options
 +                               "multicol-balsheet-halfyear")))
 +      (test-equal "bal-1/1/70"
 +        '("01/01/70" "$113,100.00" "$113,100.00" "$8,970.00" "$2,000.00"
 +          "$6,870.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$4,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$2,000.00"
 +          "10 FUNDS " "$130.00" "$130.00" "#100.00 " "$100,000.00" "$113,100.00"
 +          "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-           "$0.00" "$0.00" "$103,600.00" "#1.00 $1.30" "1 FUNDS $200.00")
++          "$0.00" "$0.00" "$103,600.00" "#1.00 $1.3000" "1 FUNDS $200.0000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
 +      (test-equal "bal-1/1/71"
 +        '("01/01/71" "$116,009.00" "$116,009.00" "$4,709.00" "$2,000.00"
 +          "$2,609.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$11,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$9,000.00"
 +          "30 FUNDS " "$300.00" "$300.00" "#200.00 " "$100,000.00" "$116,009.00"
 +          "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-           "$2,909.00" "$0.00" "$106,509.00" "#1.00 $1.50" "1 FUNDS $300.00")
++          "$2,909.00" "$0.00" "$106,509.00" "#1.00 $1.5000" "1 FUNDS $300.0000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 3))
 +      (test-equal "bal-1/1/72"
 +        '("01/01/72" "$117,529.00" "$117,529.00" "$4,709.00" "$2,000.00"
 +          "$2,609.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$12,500.00" "$2,000.00" "$10,500.00"
 +          "30 FUNDS " "$320.00" "$320.00" "#200.00 " "$100,000.00" "$117,529.00"
 +          "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-           "$4,429.00" "$0.00" "$108,029.00" "#1.00 $1.60" "1 FUNDS $350.00")
++          "$4,429.00" "$0.00" "$108,029.00" "#1.00 $1.6000" "1 FUNDS $350.0000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 4)))
 +    ;; the following includes non-zero retained earnings of $1,270
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "General" "End Date"
 +                 (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 3 1980)))
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "General" "Period duration" #f)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml multicol-balsheet-uuid multi-bs-options
 +                               "multicol-balsheet-retained")))
 +      (test-equal "bal-1/3/80"
 +        '("$123,319.00" "$123,319.00" "$5,129.00" "$2,000.00" "$3,029.00" "$0.00"
 +          "$100.00" "$17,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$15,000.00" "30 FUNDS " "$1,190.00"
 +          "$1,190.00" "#700.00 " "$100,000.00" "$123,319.00" "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00"
 +          "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00" "$8,949.00" "$1,270.00"
-           "$113,819.00" "#1.00 $1.70" "1 FUNDS $500.00")
++          "$113,819.00" "#1.00 $1.7000" "1 FUNDS $500.0000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2)))))
 +(define (multicol-pnl-tests)
 +  (define (default-testing-options)
 +    (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options multicol-pnl-uuid)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Start Date"
 +                   (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 1 1980)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "End Date"
 +                   (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 31 3 1980)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Enable dual columns" #f)
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Disable amount indenting" #t)
 +      (set-option! options "Display" "Account full name instead of indenting" #t)
 +      (set-option! options "Accounts" "Levels of Subaccounts" 'all)
 +      (set-option! options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
 +      options))
 +  (display "\n\n multicol-pnl tests\n\n")
 +  (let* ((multi-bs-options (default-testing-options))
 +         (sxml (options->sxml multicol-pnl-uuid multi-bs-options
 +                              "multicol-pnl-default")))
 +    (test-equal "default row headers"
 +      '("Income" "Root.Income" "Root.Income" "Root.Income.Income-GBP"
 +        "Total For Income")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 1))
 +    (test-equal "default pnl"
 +      '("$250.00" "#600.00" "$250.00" "#600.00" "$250.00" "#600.00")
 +      (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
 +    ;; the following tests many parts of multicolumn pnl:
 +    ;; multiple-dates pnl
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "General" "Period duration" 'MonthDelta)
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "Commodities" "Common Currency" #t)
 +    (set-option! multi-bs-options "Commodities" "Report's currency" USD)
 +    (let ((sxml (options->sxml multicol-pnl-uuid multi-bs-options
 +                               "multicol-pnl-halfyear")))
 +      (test-equal "pnl-1/80"
 +        '("01/01/80" " to 01/31/80" "$1,100.00" "$250.00" "$850.00" "#500.00 "
-           "$1,100.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
++          "$1,100.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
 +      (test-equal "pnl-2/80"
 +        '("02/01/80" " to 02/29/80" "$170.00" "$0.00" "$170.00" "#100.00 "
-           "$170.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
++          "$170.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 3))
 +      (test-equal "pnl-3/80"
 +        '("03/01/80" " to 03/31/80" "$0.00" "$0.00" "$0.00" "#0.00 "
-           "$0.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
++          "$0.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
 +        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 4)))))
diff --cc gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-portfolios.scm
index aa0c1f1d1,000000000..298d072e0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-portfolios.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-portfolios.scm
@@@ -1,124 -1,0 +1,124 @@@
 +(use-modules (gnucash engine))
 +(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
 +(use-modules (tests test-engine-extras))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard portfolio))
 +(use-modules (gnucash reports standard advanced-portfolio))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheets plain))
 +(use-modules (gnucash report))
 +(use-modules (tests test-report-extras))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-64))
 +(use-modules (tests srfi64-extras))
 +(use-modules (sxml simple))
 +(use-modules (sxml xpath))
 +(use-modules (system vm coverage))
 +(use-modules (system vm vm))
 +;; This is implementation testing for both the Portfolio and the
 +;; Advanced Portfolio Report.
 +(define portfolio-uuid "4a6b82e8678c4f3d9e85d9f09634ca89")
 +(define advanced-uuid "21d7cfc59fc74f22887596ebde7e462d")
 +;; Explicitly set locale to make the report output predictable
 +(setlocale LC_ALL "C")
 +(define (run-test)
 +  (if #f
 +      (coverage-test)
 +      (run-test-proper)))
 +(define (coverage-test)
 +  (let ((currfile (dirname (current-filename))))
 +    (add-to-load-path (string-take currfile (string-rindex currfile #\/))))
 +  (call-with-values
 +      (lambda () (with-code-coverage run-test-proper))
 +    (lambda (data result)
 +      (let ((port (open-output-file "/tmp/")))
 +        (coverage-data->lcov data port)
 +        (close port)))))
 +(define (run-test-proper)
 +  (test-runner-factory gnc:test-runner)
 +  (test-begin "test-portfolios.scm")
 +  (null-test "portfolio" portfolio-uuid)
 +  (null-test "advanced-portfolio" advanced-uuid)
 +  (portfolio-tests)
 +  (advanced-tests)
 +  (test-end "test-portfolios.scm"))
 +(define (options->sxml uuid options test-title)
 +  (gnc:options->sxml uuid options "test-apr" test-title))
 +(define (set-option! options section name value)
 +  (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +    (if option
 +        (gnc:option-set-value option value)
 +        (test-assert (format #f "wrong-option ~a ~a" section name) #f))))
 +(define (teardown)
 +  (gnc-clear-current-session))
 +(define (null-test variant uuid)
 +  ;; This null-test tests for the presence of report.
 +  (let ((options (gnc:make-report-options uuid)))
 +    (test-assert (format #f "null-test ~a" variant)
 +      (options->sxml uuid options "null-test"))))
 +(define (portfolio-tests)
 +  (test-group-with-cleanup "portfolio-tests"
 +    (let* ((account-alist (create-stock-test-data))
 +           (options (gnc:make-report-options portfolio-uuid)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Price Source" 'pricedb-latest)
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml portfolio-uuid options "latest")))
 +        (test-equal "portfolio: pricedb-latest"
 +          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$252.00")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 3 1980)))
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml portfolio-uuid options "nearest")))
 +        (test-equal "portfolio: pricedb-nearest"
 +          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "2.00" "$200.00" "$400.00")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Price Source" 'average-cost)
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Date" (cons 'absolute (gnc-dmy2time64 1 9 1980)))
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml portfolio-uuid options "average-cost")))
 +        (test-equal "portfolio: average-cost"
 +          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "1.00" "$200.00" "$200.00")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Price Source" 'weighted-average)
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml portfolio-uuid options "'weighted-average")))
 +        (test-equal "portfolio: weighted-average"
-           '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "1.00" "$233.33" "$233 + 1/3")
++          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "1.00" "$233.33" "$233.33")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f))))
 +    (teardown)))
 +(define (advanced-tests)
 +  (test-group-with-cleanup "advanced-portfolio-tests"
 +    (let ((account-alist (create-stock-test-data))
 +          (options (gnc:make-report-options advanced-uuid)))
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic average")))
 +        (test-equal "advanced: average basis"
-           '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$484.88" "$252.00" "$800.00"
++          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$484.88" "$252.00" "$800.00"
 +            "$553.00" "$227.88" "-$232.88" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00"
 +            "$10.00" "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Basis calculation method" 'fifo-basis)
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic fifo")))
 +        (test-equal "advanced: fifo basis"
-           '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$543.94" "$252.00" "$800.00"
++          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$543.94" "$252.00" "$800.00"
 +            "$553.00" "$286.94" "-$291.94" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00" "$10.00"
 +            "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
 +      (set-option! options "General" "Basis calculation method" 'filo-basis)
 +      (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic filo")))
 +        (test-equal "advanced: filo basis"
-           '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$400.00" "$252.00" "$800.00"
++          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$400.00" "$252.00" "$800.00"
 +            "$553.00" "$143.00" "-$148.00" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00" "$10.00"
 +            "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
 +          (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f))))
 +    (teardown)))
diff --cc gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
index 264c4cb7e,000000000..c317941b4
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm
@@@ -1,2274 -1,0 +1,2261 @@@
 +;; trep-engine.scm : Transaction Report engine
 +;; Original report by Robert Merkel <rgmerk at>
 +;; Contributions by Bryan Larsen <blarsen at>
 +;; More contributions for new report generation code by Robert Merkel
 +;; More contributions by Christian Stimming <stimming at>
 +;; Modified to support the intersection of two account lists by
 +;; Michael T. Garrison Stuber
 +;; Modified account names display by Tomas Pospisek
 +;; <tpo_deb at> with a lot of help from "warlord"
 +;; Refactored by Christopher Lam (2017)
 +;; - introduced account/transaction substring/regex matcher
 +;; - add custom sorter in scheme
 +;; - common currency - optionally show original currency amount
 +;;   and enable multiple data columns
 +;; - add support for indenting for better grouping
 +;; - add subtotal summary grid
 +;; - by default, exclude closing transactions from the report
 +;; - converted to module in 2019
 +;; - CSV export, exports the report headers and totals
 +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 +;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 +;; along with this program; if not, contact:
 +;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
 +;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
 +;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at
 +(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
 +(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
 +(use-modules (ice-9 match))
 +;; Define the strings here to avoid typos and make changes easier.
 +(define optname-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
 +(define optname-filterby (N_ "Filter By..."))
 +(define optname-filtertype (N_ "Filter Type"))
 +(define optname-detail-level (N_ "Detail Level"))
 +(define optname-grid (N_ "Subtotal Table"))
 +(define pagename-sorting (N_ "Sorting"))
 +(define optname-prime-sortkey (N_ "Primary Key"))
 +(define optname-prime-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal"))
 +(define optname-prime-sortorder (N_ "Primary Sort Order"))
 +(define optname-prime-date-subtotal (N_ "Primary Subtotal for Date Key"))
 +(define optname-full-account-name (N_ "Show Full Account Name"))
 +(define optname-show-account-code (N_ "Show Account Code"))
 +(define optname-show-account-description (N_ "Show Account Description"))
 +(define optname-show-informal-headers (N_ "Show Informal Debit/Credit Headers"))
 +(define optname-show-subtotals-only
 +  (N_ "Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"))
 +(define optname-indenting (N_ "Add indenting columns"))
 +(define optname-sec-sortkey (N_ "Secondary Key"))
 +(define optname-sec-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal"))
 +(define optname-sec-sortorder  (N_ "Secondary Sort Order"))
 +(define optname-sec-date-subtotal (N_ "Secondary Subtotal for Date Key"))
 +(define optname-startdate (N_ "Start Date"))
 +(define optname-enddate (N_ "End Date"))
 +(define optname-table-export (N_ "Table for Exporting"))
 +(define optname-common-currency (N_ "Common Currency"))
 +(define optname-orig-currency (N_ "Show original currency amount"))
 +(define optname-currency (N_ "Report's currency"))
 +(define optname-infobox-display (N_ "Add options summary"))
 +(define pagename-filter (N_ "Filter"))
 +(define optname-account-matcher (N_ "Account Name Filter"))
 +(define optname-account-matcher-regex
 +  (N_ "Use regular expressions for account name filter"))
 +(define optname-transaction-matcher (N_ "Transaction Filter"))
 +(define optname-transaction-matcher-regex
 +  (N_ "Use regular expressions for transaction filter"))
 +(define optname-transaction-matcher-exclude
 +  (N_ "Transaction Filter excludes matched strings"))
 +(define optname-transaction-matcher-caseinsensitive
 +  (N_ "Transaction Filter is case insensitive"))
 +(define optname-reconcile-status (N_ "Reconcile Status"))
 +(define optname-void-transactions (N_ "Void Transactions"))
 +(define optname-closing-transactions (N_ "Closing transactions"))
 +(define def:grand-total-style "grand-total")
 +(define def:normal-row-style "normal-row")
 +(define def:alternate-row-style "alternate-row")
 +(define def:primary-subtotal-style "primary-subheading")
 +(define def:secondary-subtotal-style "secondary-subheading")
 +(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-HEADER (_ "No matching transactions found"))
 +(define NO-MATCHING-TRANS-TEXT (_ "No transactions were found that \
 +match the time interval and account selection specified \
 +in the Options panel."))
 +  (list 'date 'reconciled-date))
 +  (list 'account-name 'corresponding-acc-name
 +        'account-code 'corresponding-acc-code))
 +  (list 'account-name 'account-code))
 +(define reconcile-list
 +  (list (cons #\n (_ "Unreconciled"))
 +        (cons #\c (_ "Cleared"))
 +        (cons #\y (_ "Reconciled"))
 +        (cons #\f (_ "Frozen"))
 +        (cons #\v (_ "Voided"))))
 +(define (sortkey-list split-action?)
 +  ;; Defines the different sorting keys, as an association-list
 +  ;; together with the subtotal functions. Each entry:
 +  ;;  'sortkey             - sort parameter sent via qof-query
 +  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - function retrieves number/string for comparing splits
 +  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
 +  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
 +  ;;  'renderer-fn         - helper function to select subtotal/subheading renderer
 +  ;;       behaviour varies according to sortkey.
 +  ;;       account-types converts split->account
 +  ;;       #f means the sortkey cannot be subtotalled
 +  ;;       otherwise it converts split->string
 +  ;;
 +  (list (list 'account-name
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCT-FULLNAME))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue
 +                    (compose gnc-account-get-full-name xaccSplitGetAccount))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Account Name"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account name."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetAccount))
 +        (list 'account-code
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACCOUNT ACCOUNT-CODE-))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccAccountGetCode xaccSplitGetAccount))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Account Code"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort & subtotal by account code."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetAccount))
 +        (list 'date
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DATE-POSTED))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetDate xaccSplitGetParent))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Date"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by date."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +        (list 'reconciled-date
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-DATE-RECONCILED))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetDateReconciled)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Date"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Date."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +        (list 'reconciled-status
 +              (cons 'sortkey #f)
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s)
 +                                       (length (memv (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)
 +                                                     (map car reconcile-list)))))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled Status"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by the Reconciled Status"))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s)
 +                                   (assv-ref reconcile-list
 +                                             (xaccSplitGetReconcile s)))))
 +        (list 'register-order
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list QUERY-DEFAULT-SORT))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Register Order"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort as in the register."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +        (list 'corresponding-acc-name
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-NAME))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Name"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's name."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccSplitGetAccount xaccSplitGetOtherSplit)))
 +        (list 'corresponding-acc-code
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-CORR-ACCT-CODE))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Other Account Code"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by account transferred from/to's code."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccSplitGetAccount xaccSplitGetOtherSplit)))
 +        (list 'amount
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-VALUE))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetValue)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Amount"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by amount."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +        (list 'description
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-DESCRIPTION))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetDescription
 +                                              xaccSplitGetParent))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Description"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by description."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccTransGetDescription xaccSplitGetParent)))
 +        (if split-action?
 +            (list 'number
 +                  (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-ACTION))
 +                  (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetAction)
 +                  (cons 'text (_ "Number/Action"))
 +                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check number/action."))
 +                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +            (list 'number
 +                  (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
 +                  (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNum xaccSplitGetParent))
 +                  (cons 'text (_ "Number"))
 +                  (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by check/transaction number."))
 +                  (cons 'renderer-fn #f)))
 +        (list 't-number
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-TRANS TRANS-NUM))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNum xaccSplitGetParent))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Transaction Number"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction number."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +        (list 'memo
 +              (cons 'sortkey (list SPLIT-MEMO))
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue xaccSplitGetMemo)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Memo"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by memo."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn xaccSplitGetMemo))
 +        (list 'notes
 +              (cons 'sortkey #f)
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue (compose xaccTransGetNotes xaccSplitGetParent))
 +              (cons 'text (_ "Notes"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Sort by transaction notes."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn (compose xaccTransGetNotes xaccSplitGetParent)))
 +        (list 'none
 +              (cons 'sortkey '())
 +              (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
 +              (cons 'text (_ "None"))
 +              (cons 'tip (_ "Do not sort."))
 +              (cons 'renderer-fn #f))))
 +(define (time64-year t64)
 +  (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
 +(define (time64-quarter t64)
 +  (+ (* 10 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
 +     (gnc:date-get-quarter (gnc-localtime t64))))
 +(define (time64-month t64)
 +  (+ (* 100 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
 +     (gnc:date-get-month (gnc-localtime t64))))
 +(define (time64-week t64)
 +  (gnc:date-get-week (gnc-localtime t64)))
 +(define (time64-day t64)
 +  (+ (* 500 (gnc:date-get-year (gnc-localtime t64)))
 +     (gnc:date-get-year-day (gnc-localtime t64))))
 +(define (split->time64 s)
 +  (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s)))
 +(define date-subtotal-list
 +  ;; List for date option.
 +  ;; Defines the different date sorting keys, as an association-list. Each entry:
 +  ;;  'split-sortvalue     - func retrieves number/string used for comparing splits
 +  ;;  'text                - text displayed in Display tab
 +  ;;  'tip                 - tooltip displayed in Display tab
 +  ;;  'renderer-fn         - func retrieves string for subtotal/subheading renderer
 +  ;;         #f means the date sortkey is not grouped
 +  ;;         otherwise it converts split->string
 +  (list
 +   (list 'none
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue #f)
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue #f)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "None."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn #f))
 +   (list 'daily
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-day (split->time64 s))))
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-day)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Daily"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Daily."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn (lambda (s) (qof-print-date (split->time64 s)))))
 +   (list 'weekly
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-week (split->time64 s))))
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-week)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Weekly"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Weekly."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-week-year-string
 +                                     gnc-localtime
 +                                     split->time64)))
 +   (list 'monthly
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-month (split->time64 s))))
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-month)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Monthly"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Monthly."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-month-year-string
 +                                     gnc-localtime
 +                                     split->time64)))
 +   (list 'quarterly
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-quarter (split->time64 s))))
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-quarter)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Quarterly"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Quarterly."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-quarter-year-string
 +                                     gnc-localtime
 +                                     split->time64)))
 +   (list 'yearly
 +         (cons 'split-sortvalue (lambda (s) (time64-year (split->time64 s))))
 +         (cons 'date-sortvalue time64-year)
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Yearly"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Yearly."))
 +         (cons 'renderer-fn (compose gnc:date-get-year-string
 +                                     gnc-localtime
 +                                     split->time64)))))
 +(define filter-list
 +  (list
 +   (list 'none
 +         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Do not do any filtering.")))
 +   (list 'include
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Include transactions to/from filter accounts only.")))
 +   (list 'exclude
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Exclude Transactions to/from Filter Accounts"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude transactions to/from all filter accounts.")))))
 +(define show-void-list
 +  (list
 +   (list 'non-void-only
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Non-void only"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only non-voided transactions.")))
 +   (list 'void-only
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Void only"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only voided transactions.")))
 +   (list 'both
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Both"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include void transactions in totals).")))))
 +(define show-closing-list
 +  (list
 +   (list 'exclude-closing
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Exclude closing transactions"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Exclude closing transactions from report."))
 +         (cons 'closing-match #f))
 +   (list 'include-both
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Show both closing and regular transactions"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show both (and include closing transactions in totals)."))
 +         (cons 'closing-match 'both))
 +   (list 'closing-only
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Show closing transactions only"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show only closing transactions."))
 +         (cons 'closing-match #t))))
 +(define reconcile-status-list
 +  ;; 'filter-types must be either #f (i.e. disable reconcile filter)
 +  ;; or a value defined as defined in Query.c
 +  ;; e.g. CLEARED-NO for unreconciled
 +  ;;      (logior CLEARED-NO CLEARED-CLEARED) for unreconciled & cleared
 +  (list
 +   (list 'all
 +         (cons 'text (_ "All"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Show All Transactions"))
 +         (cons 'filter-types #f))
 +   (list 'unreconciled
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Unreconciled"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Unreconciled only"))
 +         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-NO))
 +   (list 'cleared
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Cleared"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Cleared only"))
 +         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-CLEARED))
 +   (list 'reconciled
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Reconciled"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Reconciled only"))
 +         (cons 'filter-types CLEARED-RECONCILED))))
 +(define ascending-list
 +  (list
 +   (list 'ascend
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Ascending"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Smallest to largest, earliest to latest.")))
 +   (list 'descend
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Descending"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Largest to smallest, latest to earliest.")))))
 +(define sign-reverse-list
 +  (list
 +   (list 'global
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Use Global Preference"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Use reversing option specified in global preference."))
 +         (cons 'acct-types #f))
 +   (list 'none
 +         (cons 'text (_ "None"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Don't change any displayed amounts."))
 +         (cons 'acct-types '()))
 +   (list 'income-expense
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Income and Expense"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Income and Expense Accounts."))
 +         (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-INCOME ACCT-TYPE-EXPENSE)))
 +   (list 'credit-accounts
 +         (cons 'text (_ "Credit Accounts"))
 +         (cons 'tip (_ "Reverse amount display for Liability, Payable, Equity, \
 +Credit Card, and Income accounts."))
 +         (cons 'acct-types (list ACCT-TYPE-LIABILITY ACCT-TYPE-PAYABLE
 +                                 ACCT-TYPE-EQUITY ACCT-TYPE-CREDIT
 +                                 ACCT-TYPE-INCOME)))))
 +(define (keylist-get-info keylist key info)
 +  (assq-ref (assq-ref keylist key) info))
 +(define (keylist->vectorlist keylist)
 +  (map
 +   (lambda (item)
 +     (vector
 +      (car item)
 +      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'text)
 +      (keylist-get-info keylist (car item) 'tip)))
 +   keylist))
 +(define (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey split-action?)
 +  ;; this returns whether sortkey *can* be subtotalled/grouped.
 +  ;; it checks whether a renderer-fn is defined.
 +  (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'renderer-fn))
 +(define (CUSTOM-SORTING? sortkey split-action?)
 +  ;; sortkey -> bool
 +  ;;
 +  ;; this returns which sortkeys which *must* use the custom sorter.
 +  ;; it filters whereby a split-sortvalue is defined (i.e. the splits
 +  ;; can be compared according to their 'sortvalue) but the QofQuery
 +  ;; sortkey is not defined (i.e. their 'sortkey is #f).
 +  (and (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
 +       (not (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list split-action?) sortkey 'sortkey))))
 +(define (lists->csv lst)
 +  ;; converts a list of lists into CSV
 +  ;; this function aims to follow RFC4180, and will pad lists to
 +  ;; ensure equal number of items per row.
 +  ;; e.g. '(("from" "01/01/2010")
 +  ;;        ("to" "31/12/2010")
 +  ;;        ("total" 23500 30000 25/7 'sym))
 +  ;; will output
 +  ;;  "from","01/01/2010",,,
 +  ;;  "to","31/12/2010",,,
 +  ;;  "total",23500.0,30000.0,3.5714285714285716,sym
 +  (define (string-sanitize-csv str)
 +    (call-with-output-string
 +      (lambda (port)
 +        (display #\" port)
 +        (string-for-each
 +         (lambda (c)
 +           (if (char=? c #\") (display #\" port))
 +           (display c port))
 +         str)
 +        (display #\" port))))
 +  (define max-items (apply max (map length lst)))
 +  (define (strify obj)
 +    (cond
 +     ((not obj) "")
 +     ((string? obj) (string-sanitize-csv obj))
 +     ((number? obj) (number->string (exact->inexact obj)))
 +     ((list? obj) (string-join
 +                   (map strify
 +                        (append obj
 +                                (make-list (- max-items (length obj)) #f)))
 +                   ","))
 +     ((gnc:gnc-monetary? obj) (strify (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount obj)))
 +     (else (object->string obj))))
 +  (string-join (map strify lst) "\n"))
 +;; Default Transaction Report
 +(define (gnc:trep-options-generator)
 +  (define options (gnc:new-options))
 +    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +  (define (gnc:register-trep-option new-option)
 +    (gnc:register-option options new-option))
 +  ;; (Feb 2018) Note to future hackers - this gnc:trep-options-generator
 +  ;; defines a long set of options to be assigned as an object in
 +  ;; the report. This long list (52 at Feb 2018 count) of options
 +  ;; may be modified in a derived report (see income-gst-statement.scm)
 +  ;; via gnc:make-internal! and gnc-unregister-option to hide
 +  ;; and remove options, respectively. If an option is unregistered,
 +  ;; don't forget to re-register them via gnc:register-option, unless
 +  ;; your derived report truly does not require them.
 +  ;; General options
 +  (gnc:options-add-date-interval!
 +   options gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate optname-enddate "a")
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +    gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency
 +    "e" (_ "Convert all transactions into a common currency.") #f
 +    #f
 +    (lambda (x)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency x)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency x))))
 +  (gnc:options-add-currency!
 +   options gnc:pagename-general optname-currency "f")
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency
 +    "f1" (_ "Also show original currency amounts") #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export
 +    "g" (_ "Formats the table suitable for cut & paste exporting with extra cells.")
 +    #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +    gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display
 +    "h" (_ "Add summary of options.")
 +    'no-match
 +    ;; This is an alist of conditions for displaying the infobox
 +    ;; 'no-match for empty-report
 +    ;; 'match for generated report
 +    (list (vector 'no-match
 +                  (_ "If no transactions matched")
 +                  (_ "Display summary if no transactions were matched."))
 +          (vector 'always
 +                  (_ "Always")
 +                  (_ "Always display summary."))
 +          (vector 'never
 +                  (_ "Never")
 +                  (_ "Disable report summary.")))))
 +  ;; Filtering Options
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-string-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher
 +    "a5" (_ "Show only accounts whose full name matches this filter e.g. ':Travel' will match \
 +Expenses:Travel:Holiday and Expenses:Business:Travel. It can be left blank, which will \
 +disable the filter.")
 +    ""))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex
 +    "a6"
 +    (_ "By default the account filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
 +enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. 'Car|Flights' will match both \
 +Expenses:Car and Expenses:Flights. Use a period (.) to match a single character e.g. \
 +'20../.' will match 'Travel 2017/1 London'. ")
 +    #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-string-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher
 +    "i1" (_ "Show only transactions where description, notes, or memo matches this filter.
 +e.g. '#gift' will find all transactions with #gift in description, notes or memo. It can be left \
 +blank, which will disable the filter.")
 +    ""))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex
 +    "i2"
 +    (_ "By default the transaction filter will search substring only. Set this to true to \
 +enable full POSIX regular expressions capabilities. '#work|#family' will match both \
 +tags within description, notes or memo. ")
 +    #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-exclude
 +    "i3"
 +    (_ "If this option is selected, transactions matching filter are excluded.")
 +    #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-caseinsensitive
 +    "i4"
 +    (_ "If this option is selected, transactions matching filter is not case sensitive.")
 +    #f))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status
 +    "j1" (_ "Filter by reconcile status.")
 +    'all
 +    (keylist->vectorlist reconcile-status-list)))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-void-transactions
 +    "k" (N_ "How to handle void transactions.")
 +    'non-void-only
 +    (keylist->vectorlist show-void-list)))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +    pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions
 +    "l" (_ "By default most users should not include closing \
 +transactions in a transaction report. Closing transactions are \
 +transfers from income and expense accounts to equity, and must usually \
 +be excluded from periodic reporting.")
 +    'exclude-closing
 +    (keylist->vectorlist show-closing-list)))
 +  ;; Accounts options
 +  ;; account to do report on
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-account-list-option
 +    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts
 +    "a" (_ "Report on these accounts.")
 +    ;; select, by default, no accounts! Selecting all accounts will
 +    ;; always imply an insanely long waiting time upon opening, and it
 +    ;; is almost never useful. So we instead display the normal error
 +    ;; message saying "Click here", and the user knows how to
 +    ;; continue.
 +    (lambda ()
 +      '())
 +    #f #t))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-account-list-option
 +    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
 +    "c1" (_ "Filter on these accounts.")
 +    (lambda ()
 +      '())
 +    #f #t))
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +    gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype
 +    "c" (_ "Filter account.")
 +    'none
 +    (keylist->vectorlist filter-list)
 +    #f
 +    (lambda (x)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby
 +       (not (eq? x 'none))))))
 +  ;; Sorting options
 +  (let ((ascending-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist ascending-list))
 +        (key-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)))
 +        (date-subtotal-choice-list (keylist->vectorlist date-subtotal-list))
 +        (prime-sortkey 'account-name)
 +        (prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #t)
 +        (prime-date-subtotal 'monthly)
 +        (sec-sortkey 'register-order)
 +        (sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f)
 +        (sec-date-subtotal 'monthly))
 +    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options)
 +      (let* ((prime-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? prime-sortkey 'none)))
 +             (prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled
 +              (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? prime-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
 +             (prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (memq prime-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES))
 +             (sec-sortkey-enabled (not (eq? sec-sortkey 'none)))
 +             (sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled
 +              (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sec-sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))
 +             (sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (memq sec-sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
 +         prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
 +         prime-sortkey-enabled)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
 +         sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
 +         sec-sortkey-enabled)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
 +         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
 +         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
 +         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-indenting
 +         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none prime-date-subtotal)))
 +             (and sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none sec-date-subtotal)))))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
 +         (or (and prime-sortkey-subtotal-enabled prime-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and sec-sortkey-subtotal-enabled sec-sortkey-subtotal-true)
 +             (and prime-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none prime-date-subtotal)))
 +             (and sec-date-sortingtype-enabled (not (eq? 'none sec-date-subtotal)))))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
 +         (or (memq prime-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))
 +             (memq sec-sortkey (list 'account-name 'account-code))))
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
 +         prime-date-sortingtype-enabled)
 +        (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +         options pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
 +         sec-date-sortingtype-enabled)))
 +    ;; primary sorting criterion
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey
 +      "a" (_ "Sort by this criterion first.")
 +      prime-sortkey
 +      key-choice-list #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! prime-sortkey x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-full-account-name
 +      "j1"
 +      (_ "Show the full account name for subtotals and subheadings?")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-code
 +      "j2"
 +      (_ "Show the account code for subtotals and subheadings?")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-show-account-description
 +      "j3"
 +      (_ "Show the account description for subheadings?")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers
 +      "j4"
 +      (_ "Show the informal headers for debit/credit accounts?")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-indenting
 +      "j5"
 +      (_ "Add indenting columns with grouping and subtotals?")
 +      #t))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only
 +      "j6"
 +      (_ "Show subtotals only, hiding transactional detail?")
 +      #f))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal
 +      "e5"
 +      (_ "Subtotal according to the primary key?")
 +      prime-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! prime-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal
 +      "e2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")
 +      prime-date-subtotal
 +      date-subtotal-choice-list #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! prime-date-subtotal x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder
 +      "e" (_ "Order of primary sorting.")
 +      'ascend
 +      ascending-choice-list))
 +    ;; Secondary sorting criterion
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey
 +      "f"
 +      (_ "Sort by this criterion second.")
 +      sec-sortkey
 +      key-choice-list #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! sec-sortkey x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal
 +      "i5"
 +      (_ "Subtotal according to the secondary key?")
 +      sec-sortkey-subtotal-true #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! sec-sortkey-subtotal-true x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal
 +      "i2" (_ "Do a date subtotal.")
 +      sec-date-subtotal
 +      date-subtotal-choice-list #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! sec-date-subtotal x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-sorting-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder
 +      "i" (_ "Order of Secondary sorting.")
 +      'ascend
 +      ascending-choice-list)))
 +  ;; Display options
 +  (let ((disp-memo? #t)
 +        (disp-accname? #t)
 +        (disp-other-accname? #f)
 +        (detail-is-single? #t)
 +        (amount-value 'single))
 +    (define (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")
 +       disp-accname?)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
 +       detail-is-single?)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
 +       (eq? amount-value 'single))
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display optname-grid
 +       (eq? amount-value 'single))
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display "Enable links"
 +       (not (eq? amount-value 'none)))
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")
 +       (and disp-other-accname? detail-is-single?))
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code")
 +       detail-is-single?)
 +      (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
 +       options gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")
 +       disp-memo?))
 +    (for-each
 +     (lambda (l)
 +       (gnc:register-trep-option
 +        (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +         gnc:pagename-display (car l) (cadr l) (caddr l) (cadddr l))))
 +     ;; One list per option here with: option-name, sort-tag,
 +     ;; help-string, default-value
 +     (list
 +      (list (N_ "Date")                         "a"  (_ "Display the date?") #t)
 +      (list (N_ "Reconciled Date")              "a2" (_ "Display the reconciled date?") #f)
 +          (list (N_ "Num/Action")               "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t)
 +          (list (N_ "Num")                      "b"  (_ "Display the check number?") #t))
 +      (list (N_ "Description")                  "c"  (_ "Display the description?") #t)
 +      (list (N_ "Notes")                        "d2" (_ "Display the notes if the memo is unavailable?") #t)
 +      ;; account name option appears here
 +      (list (N_ "Use Full Account Name")        "f"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #t)
 +      (list (N_ "Account Code")                 "g"  (_ "Display the account code?") #f)
 +      ;; other account name option appears here
 +      (list (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name")  "i"  (_ "Display the full account name?") #f)
 +      (list (N_ "Other Account Code")           "j"  (_ "Display the other account code?") #f)
 +      (list (N_ "Shares")                       "k"  (_ "Display the number of shares?") #f)
 +      (list (N_ "Price")                        "l"  (_ "Display the shares price?") #f)
 +      ;; note the "Amount" multichoice option in between here
 +      (list optname-grid                        "m5" (_ "Display a subtotal summary table. This requires Display/Amount being 'single") #f)
 +      (list (N_ "Running Balance")              "n"  (_ "Display a running balance?") #f)
 +      (list (N_ "Totals")                       "o"  (_ "Display the totals?") #t)))
 +      (gnc:register-trep-option
 +       (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +        gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Trans Number")
 +        "b2" (_ "Display the trans number?") #f)))
 +    ;; Add an option to display the memo, and disable the notes option
 +    ;; when memos are not included.
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")
 +      "d"  (_ "Display the memo?") #t
 +      disp-memo?
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! disp-memo? x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
 +    ;; Ditto for Account Name #t -> Use Full Account Name is selectable
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")
 +      "e"  (_ "Display the account name?") #t
 +      disp-accname?
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! disp-accname? x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
 +    ;; Ditto for Other Account Name #t -> Use Full Other Account Name is selectable
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-complex-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name")
 +      "h5"  (_ "Display the other account name? (if this is a split transaction, this parameter is guessed).") #f
 +      disp-other-accname?
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! disp-other-accname? x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level
 +      "h" (_ "Amount of detail to display per transaction.")
 +      'single
 +      (list (vector 'multi-line
 +                    (_ "Multi-Line")
 +                    (_ "Display all splits in a transaction on a separate line."))
 +            (vector 'single
 +                    (_ "Single")
 +                    (_ "Display one line per transaction, merging multiple splits where required.")))
 +      #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! detail-is-single? (eq? x 'single))
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-callback-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")
 +      "m" (_ "Display the amount?")
 +      amount-value
 +      (list
 +       (vector 'none   (_ "None") (_ "No amount display."))
 +       (vector 'single (_ "Single") (_ "Single Column Display."))
 +       (vector 'double (_ "Double") (_ "Two Column Display.")))
 +      #f
 +      (lambda (x)
 +        (set! amount-value x)
 +        (apply-selectable-by-name-display-options))))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Enable links")
 +      "m2" (_ "Enable hyperlinks in amounts.") #t))
 +    (gnc:register-trep-option
 +     (gnc:make-multichoice-option
 +      gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses")
 +      "m1" (_ "Reverse amount display for certain account types.")
 +      'global
 +      (keylist->vectorlist sign-reverse-list))))
 +  ;; this hidden option will toggle whether the default
 +  ;; qof-query is run, or a different query which ensures
 +  ;; no transaction is duplicated. It can be enabled in
 +  ;; a derived report (eg income-gst-statement.scm)
 +  (gnc:register-trep-option
 +   (gnc:make-internal-option "__trep" "unique-transactions" #f))
 +  (gnc:options-set-default-section options gnc:pagename-general)
 +  options)
 +;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +;; Here comes the big function that builds the whole table.
 +(define (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells
 +                          begindate)
 +  (define (opt-val section name)
 +    (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +      (if option
 +          (gnc:option-value option)
 +          (gnc:error "gnc:lookup-option error: " section "/" name))))
 +    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +  (define (build-columns-used)
 +    (define detail-is-single?
 +      (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level) 'single))
 +    (define amount-setting (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount")))
 +    (list (cons 'date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Date")))
 +          (cons 'reconciled-date (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Reconciled Date")))
 +          (cons 'num (if BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
 +                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num/Action"))
 +                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Num"))))
 +          (cons 'description (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Description")))
 +          (cons 'account-name (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Name")))
 +          (cons 'other-account-name
 +                (and detail-is-single?
 +                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Name"))))
 +          (cons 'shares (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Shares")))
 +          (cons 'price (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Price")))
 +          (cons 'amount-single (eq? amount-setting 'single))
 +          (cons 'amount-double (eq? amount-setting 'double))
 +          (cons 'common-currency (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency))
 +          (cons 'amount-original-currency
 +                (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-common-currency)
 +                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-orig-currency)))
 +          (cons 'indenting (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-indenting))
 +          (cons 'subtotals-only
 +                (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only)
 +                     (or (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
 +                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
 +          (cons 'running-balance (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Running Balance")))
 +          (cons 'account-full-name
 +                (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Account Name")))
 +          (cons 'memo (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Memo")))
 +          (cons 'account-code (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Account Code")))
 +          (cons 'other-account-code
 +                (and detail-is-single?
 +                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Other Account Code"))))
 +          (cons 'other-account-full-name
 +                (and detail-is-single?
 +                     (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Use Full Other Account Name"))))
 +          (cons 'sort-account-code (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Code")))
 +          (cons 'sort-account-full-name
 +                (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Full Account Name")))
 +          (cons 'sort-account-description
 +                (opt-val pagename-sorting (N_ "Show Account Description")))
 +          (cons 'notes (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Notes")))))
 +  (define (primary-get-info info)
 +    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey)))
 +      (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +          (keylist-get-info
 +           date-subtotal-list
 +           (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal) info)
 +          (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +               (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal)
 +               (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
 +  (define (secondary-get-info info)
 +    (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey)))
 +      (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +          (keylist-get-info
 +           date-subtotal-list
 +           (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal) info)
 +          (and (SUBTOTAL-ENABLED? sortkey BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +               (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-subtotal)
 +               (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey info)))))
 +  (let* ((work-to-do (length splits))
 +         (table (gnc:make-html-table))
 +         (used-columns (build-columns-used))
 +         (opt-use-links? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Enable links"))
 +         (account-types-to-reverse
 +          (keylist-get-info sign-reverse-list
 +                            (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Sign Reverses"))
 +                            'acct-types))
 +         (is-multiline? (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-detail-level)
 +                             'multi-line))
 +         (export? (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-table-export)))
 +    (define (acc-reverse? acc)
 +      (if account-types-to-reverse
 +          (memv (xaccAccountGetType acc) account-types-to-reverse)
 +          (gnc-reverse-balance acc)))
 +    (define (column-uses? param)
 +      (cdr (assq param used-columns)))
 +    (define left-columns
 +      (let* ((add-if (lambda (pred? . items) (if pred? items '())))
 +             (left-cols-list
 +              (append
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'date)
 +                       (vector (_ "Date")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (and transaction-row?
 +                                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                       "date-cell"
 +                                       (qof-print-date
 +                                        (xaccTransGetDate
 +                                         (xaccSplitGetParent split))))))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'reconciled-date)
 +                       (vector (_ "Reconciled Date")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (let ((reconcile-date
 +                                        (and (char=? (xaccSplitGetReconcile split) #\y)
 +                                             (xaccSplitGetDateReconciled split))))
 +                                   (and reconcile-date
 +                                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                         "date-cell"
 +                                         (qof-print-date reconcile-date)))))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'num)
 +                       (vector (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
 +                                        (opt-val gnc:pagename-display
 +                                                 (N_ "Trans Number")))
 +                                   (_ "Num/T-Num")
 +                                   (_ "Num"))
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +                                        (num (gnc-get-num-action trans split))
 +                                        (t-num (if (and BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION
 +                                                        (opt-val
 +                                                         gnc:pagename-display
 +                                                         (N_ "Trans Number")))
 +                                                   (gnc-get-num-action trans #f)
 +                                                   ""))
 +                                        (num-string (if (string-null? t-num)
 +                                                        num
 +                                                        (string-append num "/" t-num))))
 +                                   (and transaction-row?
 +                                        (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                         "text-cell" num-string))))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'description)
 +                       (vector (_ "Description")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +                                 (and transaction-row?
 +                                      (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                       "text-cell"
 +                                       (xaccTransGetDescription trans))))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'memo)
 +                       (vector (if (column-uses? 'notes)
 +                                   (string-append (_ "Memo") "/" (_ "Notes"))
 +                                   (_ "Memo"))
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (define trans (xaccSplitGetParent split))
 +                                 (define memo (xaccSplitGetMemo split))
 +                                 (if (and (string-null? memo) (column-uses? 'notes))
 +                                     (xaccTransGetNotes trans)
 +                                     memo))))
 +               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'account-name) (column-uses? 'account-code))
 +                       (vector (_ "Account")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (account-namestring
 +                                  (xaccSplitGetAccount split)
 +                                  (column-uses? 'account-code)
 +                                  (column-uses? 'account-name)
 +                                  (column-uses? 'account-full-name)))))
 +               (add-if (or (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
 +                           (column-uses? 'other-account-code))
 +                       (vector (_ "Transfer from/to")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (and (< 1 (xaccTransCountSplits
 +                                            (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
 +                                      (account-namestring
 +                                       (xaccSplitGetAccount
 +                                        (xaccSplitGetOtherSplit split))
 +                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-code)
 +                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-name)
 +                                       (column-uses? 'other-account-full-name))))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'shares)
 +                       (vector (_ "Shares")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
 +                                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                  "number-cell"
 +                                  (xaccSplitGetAmount split)))))
 +               (add-if (column-uses? 'price)
 +                       (vector (_ "Price")
 +                               (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                  ;; share price is retrieved as an
-                                  ;; exact rational; convert for
-                                  ;; presentation to decimal, rounded
-                                  ;; to the currency SCU, optionally
-                                  ;; increasing precision by 2
-                                  ;; significant digits.
-                                  (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency
-                                                    (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
-                                         (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
-                                         (price (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
-                                         (price-decimal
-                                          (gnc-numeric-convert
-                                           price (min 10000 (* 100 scu))
-                                           GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
-                                    (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                     "number-cell"
-                                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                                      currency price-decimal)))))))))
++                                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
++                                  "number-cell"
++                                  (gnc:default-price-renderer
++                                   (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent split))
++                                   (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split)))))))))
 +        (if (or (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
 +                (and (null? left-cols-list)
 +                     (or (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
 +                         (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
 +                         (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))))
 +            (list (vector "" (lambda (s t) #f)))
 +            left-cols-list)))
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    ;;
 +    ;; calculated-cells
 +    ;;
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    (define default-calculated-cells
 +      (letrec
 +          ((split-amount (lambda (s) (if (gnc:split-voided? s)
 +                                         (xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount s)
 +                                         (xaccSplitGetAmount s))))
 +           (split-currency (compose xaccAccountGetCommodity xaccSplitGetAccount))
 +           (row-currency (lambda (s) (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
 +                                         (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-currency)
 +                                         (split-currency s))))
 +           (friendly-debit (lambda (a) (gnc-account-get-debit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
 +           (friendly-credit (lambda (a) (gnc-account-get-credit-string (xaccAccountGetType a))))
 +           (header-commodity (lambda (str)
 +                               (string-append
 +                                str
 +                                (if (column-uses? 'common-currency)
 +                                    (format #f " (~a)"
 +                                            (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic
 +                                             (opt-val gnc:pagename-general
 +                                                      optname-currency)))
 +                                    ""))))
 +           ;; For conversion to row-currency. Use midday as the
 +           ;; transaction time so it matches a price on the same day.
 +           ;; Otherwise it uses midnight which will likely match a
 +           ;; price on the previous day
 +           (converted-amount (lambda (s)
 +                               (gnc:exchange-by-pricedb-nearest
 +                                (gnc:make-gnc-monetary (split-currency s)
 +                                                       (split-amount s))
 +                                (row-currency s)
 +                                (time64CanonicalDayTime
 +                                 (xaccTransGetDate (xaccSplitGetParent s))))))
 +           (converted-debit-amount (lambda (s) (and (positive? (split-amount s))
 +                                                    (converted-amount s))))
 +           (converted-credit-amount (lambda (s)
 +                                      (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
 +                                           (gnc:monetary-neg (converted-amount s)))))
 +           (original-amount (lambda (s)
 +                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                               (split-currency s) (split-amount s))))
 +           (original-debit-amount (lambda (s)
 +                                    (and (positive? (split-amount s))
 +                                         (original-amount s))))
 +           (original-credit-amount (lambda (s)
 +                                     (and (not (positive? (split-amount s)))
 +                                          (gnc:monetary-neg (original-amount s)))))
 +           (running-balance (lambda (s)
 +                              (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                               (split-currency s) (xaccSplitGetBalance s)))))
 +        (append
 +         ;; each column will be a vector
 +         ;; (vector heading
 +         ;;         calculator-function (calculator-function split) to obtain amount
 +         ;;         reverse-column?     #t to allow reverse signs
 +         ;;         subtotal?           #t to allow subtotals (ie must be #f for
 +         ;;                             running balance)
 +         ;;         start-dual-column?  #t for the debit side of a dual column
 +         ;;                             (i.e. debit/credit) which means the next
 +         ;;                             column must be the credit side
 +         ;;         friendly-heading-fn (friendly-heading-fn account) to retrieve
 +         ;;                             friendly name for account debit/credit
 +         ;;                             or 'bal-bf for balance-brought-forward
 +         (if (column-uses? 'amount-single)
 +             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Amount"))
 +                           converted-amount #t #t #f
 +                           (lambda (a) "")))
 +             '())
 +         (if (column-uses? 'amount-double)
 +             (list (vector (header-commodity (_ "Debit"))
 +                           converted-debit-amount #f #t #t
 +                           friendly-debit)
 +                   (vector (header-commodity (_ "Credit"))
 +                           converted-credit-amount #f #t #f
 +                           friendly-credit))
 +             '())
 +         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
 +                  (column-uses? 'amount-single))
 +             (list (vector (_ "Amount")
 +                           original-amount #t #t #f
 +                           (lambda (a) "")))
 +             '())
 +         (if (and (column-uses? 'amount-original-currency)
 +                  (column-uses? 'amount-double))
 +             (list (vector (_ "Debit")
 +                           original-debit-amount #f #t #t
 +                           friendly-debit)
 +                   (vector (_ "Credit")
 +                           original-credit-amount #f #t #f
 +                           friendly-credit))
 +             '())
 +         (if (column-uses? 'running-balance)
 +             (list (vector (_ "Running Balance")
 +                           running-balance #t #f #f
 +                           'bal-bf))
 +             '()))))
 +    (define calculated-cells
 +      ;; this part will check whether custom-calculated-cells were specified. this
 +      ;; describes a custom function which consumes an options list, and generates
 +      ;; a vectorlist similar to default-calculated-cells as above.
 +      (if custom-calculated-cells
 +          (custom-calculated-cells options)
 +          default-calculated-cells))
 +    (define headings-left-columns
 +      (map (lambda (column)
 +             (vector-ref column 0))
 +           left-columns))
 +    (define headings-right-columns
 +      (map (lambda (column)
 +             (vector-ref column 0))
 +           calculated-cells))
 +    (define width-left-columns (length left-columns))
 +    (define width-right-columns (length calculated-cells))
 +    (define primary-indent
 +      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
 +               (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
 +          1 0))
 +    (define secondary-indent
 +      (if (and (column-uses? 'indenting)
 +               (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn))
 +          1 0))
 +    (define indent-level
 +      (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))
 +    (define (add-subheading data subheading-style split level)
 +      (let* ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
 +                               (case level
 +                                 ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
 +                                 ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
 +             (data (if (and (any (lambda (c) (eq? 'bal-bf (vector-ref c 5)))
 +                                 calculated-cells)
 +                            (memq sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES))
 +                       ;; Translators: Balance b/f stands for "Balance
 +                       ;; brought forward".
 +                       (string-append data ": " (_ "Balance b/f"))
 +                       data))
 +             (renderer-fn (keylist-get-info
 +                           (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +                           sortkey 'renderer-fn))
 +             (left-indent (case level
 +                            ((primary total) 0)
 +                            ((secondary) primary-indent)))
 +             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent)))
 +        (unless (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
 +          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +           table subheading-style
 +           (append
 +            (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent)
 +            (if export?
 +                (cons
 +                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell data)
 +                 (gnc:html-make-empty-cells
 +                  (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1)))
 +                (list
 +                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +                  1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) data)))
 +            (map
 +             (lambda (cell)
 +               (match (vector-ref cell 5)
 +                 (#f #f)
 +                 ('bal-bf
 +                  (let* ((acc (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
 +                         (bal (xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate acc begindate)))
 +                    (and (memq sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
 +                         (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                          "number-cell"
 +                          (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                           (xaccAccountGetCommodity acc)
 +                           (if (acc-reverse? acc) (- bal) bal))))))
 +                 (fn
 +                  (and (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-informal-headers)
 +                       (column-uses? 'amount-double)
 +                       (memq sortkey SORTKEY-INFORMAL-HEADERS)
 +                       (gnc:make-html-text
 +                        (gnc:html-markup-b
 +                         (fn (xaccSplitGetAccount split))))))))
 +             calculated-cells))))))
 +    (define (add-subtotal-row subtotal-string subtotal-collectors
 +                              subtotal-style level row col)
 +      (let* ((left-indent (case level
 +                            ((total) 0)
 +                            ((primary) primary-indent)
 +                            ((secondary) (+ primary-indent secondary-indent))))
 +             (right-indent (- indent-level left-indent))
 +             (merge-list (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 4)) calculated-cells))
 +             (columns (map (lambda (coll)
 +                             (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f))
 +                           subtotal-collectors))
 +             (list-of-commodities
 +              (delete-duplicates
 +               (map gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (concatenate columns))
 +               gnc-commodity-equal)))
 +        (define (retrieve-commodity list-of-monetary commodity)
 +          (find (lambda (mon)
 +                  (gnc-commodity-equal commodity (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity mon)))
 +                list-of-monetary))
 +        (define (first-column string)
 +          (if export?
 +              (cons
 +               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup "total-label-cell" string)
 +               (gnc:html-make-empty-cells (+ right-indent width-left-columns -1)))
 +              (list
 +               (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
 +                1 (+ right-indent width-left-columns) "total-label-cell" string))))
 +        (define (data-columns commodity)
 +          (let loop ((merging? #f)
 +                     (last-column #f)
 +                     (columns columns)
 +                     (merge-list merge-list)
 +                     (result '()))
 +            (if (null? columns)
 +                ;; we've processed all columns. return the (reversed)
 +                ;; list of html-table-cells.
 +                (reverse result)
 +                (let* ((mon (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
 +                       (this-column (and mon (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount mon))))
 +                  (cond
 +                   ;; We're merging. If a subtotal exists, send to next loop iteration.
 +                   ((car merge-list)
 +                    (loop #t
 +                          this-column
 +                          (cdr columns)
 +                          (cdr merge-list)
 +                          result))
 +                   ;; We're completing merge. Display debit-credit in correct column.
 +                   (merging?
 +                    (let* ((sum (and (or last-column this-column)
 +                                     (- (or last-column 0) (or this-column 0))))
 +                           (sum-table-cell (and sum (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                                     "total-number-cell"
 +                                                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +                                                      commodity (abs sum)))))
 +                           (debit-col (and sum (positive? sum) sum-table-cell))
 +                           (credit-col (and sum (not (positive? sum)) sum-table-cell)))
 +                      (loop #f
 +                            #f
 +                            (cdr columns)
 +                            (cdr merge-list)
 +                            (cons* credit-col debit-col result))))
 +                   ;; Not merging nor completed merge. Just add amount to result.
 +                   (else
 +                    (loop #f
 +                          #f
 +                          (cdr columns)
 +                          (cdr merge-list)
 +                          (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                                 "total-number-cell" mon)
 +                                result))))))))
 +        ;; take the first column of each commodity, add onto the subtotal grid
 +        (set! grid
 +          (grid-add grid row col
 +                    (map (lambda (commodity)
 +                           (retrieve-commodity (car columns) commodity))
 +                         list-of-commodities)))
 +        ;; each commodity subtotal gets a separate line in the html-table
 +        ;; each line comprises: indenting, first-column, data-columns
 +        (let loop ((first-column-string subtotal-string)
 +                   (list-of-commodities list-of-commodities))
 +          (unless (null? list-of-commodities)
 +            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +             table subtotal-style
 +             (append
 +              (gnc:html-make-empty-cells left-indent)
 +              (first-column first-column-string)
 +              (data-columns (car list-of-commodities))))
 +            (loop "" (cdr list-of-commodities))))))
 +    (define (total-string str) (string-append (_ "Total For ") str))
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    ;; renderers
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    ;; display an account name depending on the options the user has set
 +    (define (account-namestring account show-account-code?
 +                                show-account-name? show-account-full-name?)
 +      ;;# on multi-line splits we can get an empty ('()) account
 +      (if (null? account)
 +          (_ "Split Transaction")
 +          (with-output-to-string
 +            (lambda ()
 +              (when show-account-code?
 +                (display (xaccAccountGetCode account))
 +                (display " "))
 +              (when show-account-name?
 +                (display
 +                 (if show-account-full-name?
 +                     (gnc-account-get-full-name account)
 +                     (xaccAccountGetName account))))))))
 +    ;; retrieve date renderer from the date-subtotal-list
 +    (define (render-date date-subtotal-key split)
 +      ((keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list date-subtotal-key 'renderer-fn) split))
 +    ;; generate account name, optionally with anchor to account register
 +    (define (render-account sortkey split anchor?)
 +      (let* ((account ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +                                         sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
 +             (name (account-namestring account
 +                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-code)
 +                                       #t
 +                                       (column-uses? 'sort-account-full-name)))
 +             (description (if (and (column-uses? 'sort-account-description)
 +                                   (not (string-null?
 +                                         (xaccAccountGetDescription account))))
 +                              (string-append ": " (xaccAccountGetDescription account))
 +                              "")))
 +        (if (and anchor? opt-use-links?
 +                 (pair? account)) ;html anchor for 2-split transactions only
 +            (gnc:make-html-text
 +             (gnc:html-markup-anchor (gnc:account-anchor-text account) name)
 +             description)
 +            name)))
 +    ;; generic renderer. retrieve renderer-fn which should return a str
 +    (define (render-generic sortkey split)
 +      ((keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) sortkey 'renderer-fn) split))
 +    (define (render-summary split level anchor?)
 +      (let ((sortkey (opt-val pagename-sorting
 +                              (case level
 +                                ((primary) optname-prime-sortkey)
 +                                ((secondary) optname-sec-sortkey))))
 +            (date-subtotal-key (opt-val pagename-sorting
 +                                        (case level
 +                                          ((primary) optname-prime-date-subtotal)
 +                                          ((secondary) optname-sec-date-subtotal)))))
 +        (cond
 +         ((memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +          (render-date date-subtotal-key split))
 +         ((memq sortkey ACCOUNT-SORTING-TYPES)
 +          (render-account sortkey split anchor?))
 +         (else
 +          (render-generic sortkey split)))))
 +    (define (render-grand-total)
 +      (_ "Grand Total"))
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    ;; add-split-row
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    (define (add-split-row split cell-calculators row-style transaction-row?)
 +      (let* ((account (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
 +             (reversible-account? (acc-reverse? account))
 +             (cells (map (lambda (cell)
 +                           (let ((split->monetary (vector-ref cell 1)))
 +                             (vector (split->monetary split)
 +                                     (vector-ref cell 2) ;reverse?
 +                                     (vector-ref cell 3) ;subtotal?
 +                                     )))
 +                         cell-calculators)))
 +        (unless (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
 +          (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +           table row-style
 +           (append
 +            (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
 +            (map (lambda (left-col)
 +                   ((vector-ref left-col 1)
 +                    split transaction-row?))
 +                 left-columns)
 +            (map (lambda (cell)
 +                   (let* ((cell-monetary (vector-ref cell 0))
 +                          (reverse? (and (vector-ref cell 1)
 +                                         reversible-account?))
 +                          (cell-content (and cell-monetary
 +                                             (if reverse?
 +                                                 (gnc:monetary-neg cell-monetary)
 +                                                 cell-monetary))))
 +                     (and cell-content
 +                          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +                           "number-cell"
 +                           (if opt-use-links?
 +                               (gnc:html-split-anchor split cell-content)
 +                               cell-content)))))
 +                 cells))))
 +        (map (lambda (cell)
 +               (let ((cell-monetary (vector-ref cell 0))
 +                     (subtotal? (vector-ref cell 2)))
 +                 (and subtotal? cell-monetary)))
 +             cells)))
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    ;; do-rows-with-subtotals
 +    ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 +    (define primary-subtotal-collectors
 +      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
 +    (define secondary-subtotal-collectors
 +      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
 +    (define total-collectors
 +      (map (lambda (x) (gnc:make-commodity-collector)) calculated-cells))
 +    (define grid (make-grid))
 +    (define primary-subtotal-comparator (primary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
 +    (define secondary-subtotal-comparator (secondary-get-info 'split-sortvalue))
 +    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
 +     table (concatenate (list
 +                         (gnc:html-make-empty-cells indent-level)
 +                         headings-left-columns
 +                         headings-right-columns)))
 +    (when (primary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
 +      (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'primary #t)
 +                      def:primary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'primary))
 +    (when (secondary-get-info 'renderer-fn)
 +      (add-subheading (render-summary (car splits) 'secondary #t)
 +                      def:secondary-subtotal-style (car splits) 'secondary))
 +    (let loop ((splits splits)
 +               (odd-row? #t)
 +               (work-done 0))
 +      (gnc:report-percent-done (* 100 (/ work-done work-to-do)))
 +      (if (null? splits)
 +          (when (opt-val gnc:pagename-display "Totals")
 +            (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup!
 +             table def:grand-total-style
 +             (list
 +              (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size
 +               1 (+ indent-level width-left-columns width-right-columns)
 +               (gnc:make-html-text (gnc:html-markup-hr)))))
 +            (add-subtotal-row
 +             (render-grand-total) total-collectors
 +             def:grand-total-style 'total 'row-total 'col-total))
 +          (let* ((current (car splits))
 +                 (rest (cdr splits))
 +                 (next (and (pair? rest) (car rest)))
 +                 (split-values (add-split-row
 +                                current
 +                                calculated-cells
 +                                (if (or odd-row? is-multiline?)
 +                                    def:normal-row-style
 +                                    def:alternate-row-style)
 +                                #t)))
 +            (when is-multiline?
 +              (for-each
 +               (lambda (othersplit)
 +                 (add-split-row othersplit calculated-cells
 +                                def:alternate-row-style #f))
 +               (delete current (xaccTransGetSplitList
 +                                (xaccSplitGetParent current)))))
 +            (for-each
 +             (lambda (prime-collector sec-collector tot-collector value)
 +               (when (gnc:gnc-monetary? value)
 +                 (let ((comm (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value))
 +                       (val (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value)))
 +                 (prime-collector 'add comm val)
 +                 (sec-collector 'add comm val)
 +                 (tot-collector 'add comm val))))
 +             primary-subtotal-collectors
 +             secondary-subtotal-collectors
 +             total-collectors
 +             split-values)
 +            (cond
 +             ((and primary-subtotal-comparator
 +                   (or (not next)
 +                       (not (equal? (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                    (primary-subtotal-comparator next)))))
 +              (when secondary-subtotal-comparator
 +                (add-subtotal-row (total-string
 +                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
 +                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors
 +                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style
 +                                  'secondary
 +                                  (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                        (render-summary current 'primary #f))
 +                                  (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                        (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
 +                (for-each
 +                 (lambda (coll)
 +                   (coll 'reset #f #f))
 +                 secondary-subtotal-collectors))
 +              (add-subtotal-row (total-string
 +                                 (render-summary current 'primary #f))
 +                                primary-subtotal-collectors
 +                                def:primary-subtotal-style
 +                                'primary
 +                                (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                      (render-summary current 'primary #f))
 +                                'col-total)
 +              (for-each
 +               (lambda (coll)
 +                 (coll 'reset #f #f))
 +               primary-subtotal-collectors)
 +              (when next
 +                (add-subheading (render-summary next 'primary #t)
 +                                def:primary-subtotal-style next 'primary)
 +                (when secondary-subtotal-comparator
 +                  (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
 +                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style next
 +                                  'secondary))))
 +             (else
 +              (when (and secondary-subtotal-comparator
 +                         (or (not next)
 +                             (not (equal? (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                          (secondary-subtotal-comparator next)))))
 +                (add-subtotal-row (total-string
 +                                   (render-summary current 'secondary #f))
 +                                  secondary-subtotal-collectors
 +                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style
 +                                  'secondary
 +                                  (if primary-subtotal-comparator
 +                                      (cons (primary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                            (render-summary current 'primary #f))
 +                                      (cons #f ""))
 +                                  (cons (secondary-subtotal-comparator current)
 +                                        (render-summary current 'secondary #f)))
 +                (for-each
 +                 (lambda (coll)
 +                   (coll 'reset #f #f))
 +                 secondary-subtotal-collectors)
 +                (when next
 +                  (add-subheading (render-summary next 'secondary #t)
 +                                  def:secondary-subtotal-style next 'secondary)))))
 +            (loop rest (not odd-row?) (1+ work-done)))))
 +    (let ((csvlist (cond
 +                    ((any (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 4)) calculated-cells)
 +                     ;; there are mergeable cells. don't return a list.
 +                     (N_ "CSV disabled for double column amounts"))
 +                    (else
 +                     (map
 +                      (lambda (cell coll)
 +                        (cons (vector-ref cell 0)
 +                              (coll 'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))
 +                      calculated-cells total-collectors)))))
 +      (values table grid csvlist))))
 +;; grid data structure
 +(define (make-grid)
 +  '())
 +(define (cell-match? cell row col)
 +  (and (or (not row) (equal? row (vector-ref cell 0)))
 +       (or (not col) (equal? col (vector-ref cell 1)))))
 +(define (grid-get grid row col)
 +  ;; grid filter - get all row/col - if #f then retrieve whole row/col
 +  (filter
 +   (lambda (cell)
 +     (cell-match? cell row col))
 +   grid))
 +(define (grid-del grid row col)
 +  ;; grid filter - del all row/col - if #f then delete whole row/col
 +  (filter
 +   (lambda (cell)
 +     (not (cell-match? cell row col)))
 +   grid))
 +(define (grid-rows grid)
 +  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 0)) grid)))
 +(define (grid-cols grid)
 +  (delete-duplicates (map (lambda (cell) (vector-ref cell 1)) grid)))
 +(define (grid-add grid row col data)
 +  ;;misonomer - we don't 'add' to existing data, we delete old data
 +  ;;stored at row/col and add again. this is fine because the grid
 +  ;;should never have duplicate data in the trep.
 +  (set! grid (grid-del grid row col))
 +  (set! grid (cons (vector row col data) grid))
 +  grid)
 +(define (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols)
 +  (define row-average-enabled? (> (length list-of-cols) 1))
 +  (define (monetary-div monetary divisor)
 +    (and monetary
 +         (let* ((amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary))
 +                (currency (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity monetary))
 +                (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency)))
 +           (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
 +            currency (gnc-numeric-convert
 +                      (/ amount divisor) scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))))
 +  (define (row->num-of-commodities row)
 +    ;; for a row, find the maximum number of commodities being stored
 +    (apply max
 +           (map (lambda (col)
 +                  (let ((cell (grid-get grid row col)))
 +                    (if (null? cell) 0
 +                        (length (vector-ref (car cell) 2)))))
 +                (cons 'col-total list-of-cols))))
 +  (define (make-table-cell row col commodity-idx divisor)
 +    (let ((cell (grid-get grid row col)))
 +      (if (null? cell) ""
 +          (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
 +           "number-cell"
 +           (monetary-div
 +            (list-ref-safe (vector-ref (car cell) 2) commodity-idx)
 +            divisor)))))
 +  (define (make-row row commodity-idx)
 +    (append
 +     (list (cond
 +            ((positive? commodity-idx) "")
 +            ((eq? row 'row-total) (_ "Grand Total"))
 +            (else (cdr row))))
 +     (map (lambda (col) (make-table-cell row col commodity-idx 1))
 +          list-of-cols)
 +     (list (make-table-cell row 'col-total commodity-idx 1))
 +     (if row-average-enabled?
 +         (list (make-table-cell
 +                row 'col-total commodity-idx (length list-of-cols)))
 +         '())))
 +  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
 +    (gnc:html-table-set-caption! table optname-grid)
 +    (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers!
 +     table (append (list "")
 +                   (map cdr list-of-cols)
 +                   (list (_ "Total"))
 +                   (if row-average-enabled? (list (_ "Average")) '())))
 +    (gnc:html-table-set-style!
 +     table "th"
 +     'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-right"))
 +    (for-each
 +     (lambda (row)
 +       (for-each
 +        (lambda (commodity-idx)
 +          (gnc:html-table-append-row!
 +           table (make-row row commodity-idx)))
 +        (iota (row->num-of-commodities row))))
 +     (if (memq 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
 +         (append list-of-rows '(row-total))
 +         list-of-rows))
 +    table))
 +(define* (gnc:trep-renderer
 +          report-obj #:key custom-calculated-cells empty-report-message
 +          custom-split-filter split->date split->date-include-false?
 +          custom-source-accounts
 +          export-type filename)
 +  ;; the trep-renderer is a define* function which, at minimum, takes
 +  ;; the report object
 +  ;;
 +  ;; the optional arguments are:
 +  ;; #:custom-calculated-cells - a list of vectors to define customized data columns
 +  ;; #:empty-report-message - a str or html-object displayed at the initial run
 +  ;; #:custom-split-filter - a split->bool function to add to the split filter
 +  ;; #:split->date - a split->time64 which overrides the default posted date filter
 +  ;;     (see reconcile report)
 +  ;; #:split->date-include-false? - addendum to above, specifies filter behaviour if
 +  ;;     split->date returns #f. useful to include unreconciled splits in reconcile
 +  ;;     report. it can be useful for alternative date filtering, e.g. filter by
 +  ;;     transaction->invoice->payment date.
 +  ;; #:export-type and #:filename - are provided for CSV export
 +  ;; #:custom-source-accounts - alternate list-of-accounts to retrieve splits from
 +  (define options (gnc:report-options report-obj))
 +  (define (opt-val section name)
 +    (gnc:option-value (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
 +    (qof-book-use-split-action-for-num-field (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +  (define (is-filter-member split account-list)
 +    (define (same-split? s) (equal? s split))
 +    (define (from-account? s) (member (xaccSplitGetAccount s) account-list))
 +    (let lp ((splits (xaccTransGetSplitList (xaccSplitGetParent split))))
 +      (match splits
 +        (() #f)
 +        (((? same-split?) . rest) (lp rest))
 +        (((? from-account?) . _) #t)
 +        ((_ . rest) (lp rest)))))
 +  (gnc:report-starting (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
 +  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
 +         (account-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher))
 +         (account-matcher-regexp
 +          (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-account-matcher-regex)
 +               (if (defined? 'make-regexp)
 +                   (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
 +                     (lambda () (make-regexp account-matcher))
 +                     (const 'invalid-account-regex))
 +                   'no-guile-regex-support)))
 +         (c_account_0 (or custom-source-accounts
 +                          (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-accounts)))
 +         (c_account_1 (filter
 +                       (lambda (acc)
 +                         (if (regexp? account-matcher-regexp)
 +                             (regexp-exec account-matcher-regexp
 +                                          (gnc-account-get-full-name acc))
 +                             (string-contains (gnc-account-get-full-name acc)
 +                                              account-matcher)))
 +                       c_account_0))
 +         (c_account_2 (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filterby))
 +         (filter-mode (opt-val gnc:pagename-accounts optname-filtertype))
 +         (begindate (gnc:time64-start-day-time
 +                     (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
 +                      (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-startdate))))
 +         (enddate (gnc:time64-end-day-time
 +                   (gnc:date-option-absolute-time
 +                    (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-enddate))))
 +         (transaction-matcher (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher))
 +         (transaction-filter-case-insensitive?
 +          (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-caseinsensitive))
 +         (transaction-matcher-regexp
 +          (and (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-regex)
 +               (if (defined? 'make-regexp)
 +                   (catch 'regular-expression-syntax
 +                     (lambda ()
 +                       (if transaction-filter-case-insensitive?
 +                           (make-regexp transaction-matcher regexp/icase)
 +                           (make-regexp transaction-matcher)))
 +                     (const 'invalid-transaction-regex))
 +                   'no-guile-regex-support)))
 +         (transaction-filter-exclude?
 +          (opt-val pagename-filter optname-transaction-matcher-exclude))
 +         (reconcile-status-filter
 +          (keylist-get-info reconcile-status-list
 +                            (opt-val pagename-filter optname-reconcile-status)
 +                            'filter-types))
 +         (report-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname))
 +         (primary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortkey))
 +         (primary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-sortorder))
 +         (primary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-date-subtotal))
 +         (secondary-key (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortkey))
 +         (secondary-order (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-sortorder))
 +         (secondary-date-subtotal (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-sec-date-subtotal))
 +         (void-status (opt-val pagename-filter optname-void-transactions))
 +         (closing-match (keylist-get-info
 +                         show-closing-list
 +                         (opt-val pagename-filter optname-closing-transactions)
 +                         'closing-match))
 +         (splits '())
 +         (custom-sort? (or (and (memq primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +                                (not (eq? primary-date-subtotal 'none)))
 +                           (and (memq secondary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +                                (not (eq? secondary-date-subtotal 'none)))
 +                           (or (CUSTOM-SORTING? primary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +                               (CUSTOM-SORTING? secondary-key BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION))))
 +         (subtotal-table? (and (opt-val gnc:pagename-display optname-grid)
 +                               (if (memq primary-key DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +                                   (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list
 +                                                     primary-date-subtotal 'renderer-fn)
 +                                   (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-prime-subtotal))
 +                               (eq? (opt-val gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Amount"))
 +                                    'single)))
 +         (infobox-display (opt-val gnc:pagename-general optname-infobox-display))
 +         (query (qof-query-create-for-splits)))
 +    (define (match? str)
 +      (cond
 +       (transaction-matcher-regexp
 +        (regexp-exec transaction-matcher-regexp str))
 +       (transaction-filter-case-insensitive?
 +        (string-contains-ci str transaction-matcher))
 +       (else
 +        (string-contains str transaction-matcher))))
 +    (define (generic-less? split-X split-Y sortkey date-subtotal-key ascend?)
 +      ;; compare splits X and Y, whereby
 +      ;; sortkey and date-subtotal-key specify the options used
 +      ;; ascend? specifies whether ascending or descending
 +      (let* ((comparator-function
 +              (if (memq sortkey DATE-SORTING-TYPES)
 +                  (let ((date (keylist-get-info
 +                               (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +                               sortkey 'split-sortvalue))
 +                        (date-comparator
 +                         (keylist-get-info date-subtotal-list
 +                                           date-subtotal-key 'date-sortvalue)))
 +                    (lambda (s)
 +                      (and date-comparator (date-comparator (date s)))))
 +                  (or (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION)
 +                                        sortkey 'split-sortvalue)
 +                      (lambda (s) #f))))
 +             (value-of-X (comparator-function split-X))
 +             (value-of-Y (comparator-function split-Y))
 +             (op (if (string? value-of-X)
 +                     (if ascend? string<? string>?)
 +                     (if ascend? < >))))
 +        (and value-of-X (op value-of-X value-of-Y))))
 +    (define (primary-comparator? X Y)
 +      (generic-less? X Y primary-key
 +                     primary-date-subtotal
 +                     (eq? primary-order 'ascend)))
 +    (define (secondary-comparator? X Y)
 +      (generic-less? X Y secondary-key
 +                     secondary-date-subtotal
 +                     (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)))
 +    ;; This will, by default, sort the split list by ascending posted-date.
 +    (define (date-comparator? X Y)
 +      (generic-less? X Y 'date 'none #t))
 +    (define (transaction-filter-match split)
 +      (or (match? (xaccTransGetDescription (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
 +          (match? (xaccTransGetNotes (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
 +          (match? (xaccSplitGetMemo split))))
 +    (cond
 +     ((or (null? c_account_1)
 +          (symbol? account-matcher-regexp)
 +          (symbol? transaction-matcher-regexp))
 +      (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +       document
 +       (cond
 +        ((null? c_account_1)
 +         (gnc:html-make-no-account-warning report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)))
 +        ((symbol? account-matcher-regexp)
 +         (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +          report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
 +          (string-append (_ "Error") " " (symbol->string account-matcher-regexp))
 +          ""))
 +        ((symbol? transaction-matcher-regexp)
 +         (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +          report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
 +          (string-append (_ "Error") " " (symbol->string transaction-matcher-regexp))
 +          ""))))
 +      ;; if an empty-report-message is passed by a derived report to
 +      ;; the renderer, display it here.
 +      (when empty-report-message
 +        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +         document
 +         empty-report-message))
 +      (when (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
 +        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +         document
 +         (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
 +     (else
 +      (qof-query-set-book query (gnc-get-current-book))
 +      (xaccQueryAddAccountMatch query c_account_1 QOF-GUID-MATCH-ANY QOF-QUERY-AND)
 +      (unless split->date
 +        (xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT query #t begindate #t enddate QOF-QUERY-AND))
 +      (case void-status
 +        ((non-void-only)
 +         (gnc:query-set-match-non-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +        ((void-only)
 +         (gnc:query-set-match-voids-only! query (gnc-get-current-book)))
 +        (else #f))
 +      (when reconcile-status-filter
 +        (xaccQueryAddClearedMatch query reconcile-status-filter QOF-QUERY-AND))
 +      (when (boolean? closing-match)
 +        (xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch query closing-match QOF-QUERY-AND))
 +      (unless custom-sort?
 +        (qof-query-set-sort-order
 +         query
 +         (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) primary-key 'sortkey)
 +         (keylist-get-info (sortkey-list BOOK-SPLIT-ACTION) secondary-key 'sortkey)
 +         '())
 +        (qof-query-set-sort-increasing
 +         query (eq? primary-order 'ascend) (eq? secondary-order 'ascend)
 +         #t))
 +      (if (opt-val "__trep" "unique-transactions")
 +          (set! splits (xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans query))
 +          (set! splits (qof-query-run query)))
 +      (qof-query-destroy query)
 +      ;; Combined Filter:
 +      ;; - include/exclude using split->date according to date options
 +      ;; - include/exclude splits to/from selected accounts
 +      ;; - substring/regex matcher for Transaction Description/Notes/Memo
 +      ;; - custom-split-filter, a split->bool function for derived reports
 +      (set! splits
 +        (filter
 +         (lambda (split)
 +           (let* ((trans (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
 +             (and (or (not split->date)
 +                      (let ((date (split->date split)))
 +                        (if date
 +                            (<= begindate date enddate)
 +                            split->date-include-false?)))
 +                  (case filter-mode
 +                    ((none) #t)
 +                    ((include) (is-filter-member split c_account_2))
 +                    ((exclude) (not (is-filter-member split c_account_2))))
 +                  (or (string-null? transaction-matcher)
 +                      (if transaction-filter-exclude?
 +                          (not (transaction-filter-match split))
 +                          (transaction-filter-match split)))
 +                  (or (not custom-split-filter)
 +                      (custom-split-filter split)))))
 +         splits))
 +      (when custom-sort?
 +        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits date-comparator?))
 +        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits secondary-comparator?))
 +        (set! splits (stable-sort! splits primary-comparator?)))
 +      (cond
 +       ((null? splits)
 +        ;; error condition: no splits found
 +        (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +         document
 +         (gnc:html-make-generic-warning
 +          report-title (gnc:report-id report-obj)
 +        (when (memq infobox-display '(always no-match))
 +          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +           document
 +           (gnc:html-render-options-changed options))))
 +       (else
 +        (let-values (((table grid csvlist)
 +                      (make-split-table splits options custom-calculated-cells
 +                                        begindate)))
 +          (gnc:html-document-set-title! document report-title)
 +          (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +           document
 +           (gnc:make-html-text
 +            (gnc:html-markup-h3
 +             (format #f
 +                     ;; Translators: Both ~a's are dates
 +                     (_ "From ~a to ~a")
 +                     (qof-print-date begindate)
 +                     (qof-print-date enddate)))))
 +          (when (eq? infobox-display 'always)
 +            (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +             document
 +             (gnc:html-render-options-changed options)))
 +          (when subtotal-table?
 +            (let* ((generic<?
 +                    (lambda (a b)
 +                      (cond ((string? (car a)) (string<? (car a) (car b)))
 +                            ((number? (car a)) (< (car a) (car b)))
 +                            (else (gnc:error "unknown sortvalue")))))
 +                   (list-of-rows
 +                    (stable-sort! (delete 'row-total (grid-rows grid))
 +                                  generic<?))
 +                   (list-of-cols
 +                    (stable-sort! (delete 'col-total (grid-cols grid))
 +                                  generic<?)))
 +              (gnc:html-document-add-object!
 +               document (grid->html-table grid list-of-rows list-of-cols))))
 +          (cond
 +           ((and (eq? export-type 'csv)
 +                 (string? filename)
 +                 (not (string-null? filename)))
 +            (let ((old-date-fmt (qof-date-format-get))
 +                  (dummy (qof-date-format-set QOF-DATE-FORMAT-ISO))
 +                  (infolist
 +                   (list
 +                    (list "from" (qof-print-date begindate))
 +                    (list "to" (qof-print-date enddate)))))
 +              (qof-date-format-set old-date-fmt)
 +              (if (list? csvlist)
 +                  (catch #t
 +                    (lambda ()
 +                      (call-with-output-file filename
 +                        (lambda (p)
 +                          (display (lists->csv (append infolist csvlist)) p))))
 +                    (lambda (key . args)
 +                      ;; Translators: ~a error type, ~a filename, ~s error details
 +                      (let ((fmt (N_ "error ~a during csv output to ~a: ~s")))
 +                        (gnc:gui-error (format #f fmt key filename args)
 +                                       (format #f (_ fmt) key filename args)))))
 +                  (gnc:gui-error csvlist (_ csvlist))))))
 +          (unless (and subtotal-table?
 +                       (opt-val pagename-sorting optname-show-subtotals-only))
 +            (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)))))))
 +    (gnc:report-finished)
 +    document))
diff --cc libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
index 5cc8d65b4,2b5733f09..1091478d5
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
@@@ -1447,10 -1504,10 +1447,10 @@@ gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodi
      info.use_separators = 1;
-     info.use_symbol = 0;
+     info.use_symbol = use_symbol ? 1 : 0;
      info.use_locale = 1;
      info.monetary = 1;
      info.force_fit = force;
      info.round = force;
      return info;

commit 710b559cc4a4a130afcbe0e88c50a972955e0e62
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 12:25:58 2020 +0800

    [register] [bugfix] use new price renderer
    also bugfix: show price in account parent currency, instead of the
    original currency.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/register.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/register.scm
index ec0d6bdb2..537d65ad1 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/register.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/register.scm
@@ -245,8 +245,10 @@
                  (if split-info?
-                     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                      currency (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
+                     (gnc:default-price-renderer
+                      (gnc-account-get-currency-or-parent
+                       (xaccSplitGetAccount split))
+                      (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
                      " "))))
     (if (amount-single-col column-vector)
         (addto! row-contents

commit f9fce766c3c1cc50f2f97606386f27a60dbfcd63
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 12:20:01 2020 +0800

    [trep-engine] use new price renderer

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
index c9af1757c..8c4f01078 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/trep-engine.scm
@@ -1229,24 +1229,11 @@ be excluded from periodic reporting.")
                (add-if (column-uses? 'price)
                        (vector (_ "Price")
                                (lambda (split transaction-row?)
-                                 ;; share price is retrieved as an
-                                 ;; exact rational; convert for
-                                 ;; presentation to decimal, rounded
-                                 ;; to the currency SCU, optionally
-                                 ;; increasing precision by 2
-                                 ;; significant digits.
-                                 (let* ((currency (xaccTransGetCurrency
-                                                   (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
-                                        (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction currency))
-                                        (price (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split))
-                                        (price-decimal
-                                         (gnc-numeric-convert
-                                          price (min 10000 (* 100 scu))
-                                          GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)))
-                                   (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
-                                    "number-cell"
-                                    (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-                                     currency price-decimal)))))))))
+                                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
+                                  "number-cell"
+                                  (gnc:default-price-renderer
+                                   (xaccTransGetCurrency (xaccSplitGetParent split))
+                                   (xaccSplitGetSharePrice split)))))))))
         (if (or (column-uses? 'subtotals-only)
                 (and (null? left-cols-list)

commit 7557c5b54e85111d4285c0018aa34495bf1954ca
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 11:48:13 2020 +0800

    [advanced-portfolio] use new price renderer

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm
index 8e7bfc01e..876d11507 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/advanced-portfolio.scm
@@ -925,18 +925,12 @@ by preventing negative stock balances.<br/>")
 	        (if use-txn
 	            (if pricing-txn
-                        (gnc:html-transaction-anchor
-                         pricing-txn
-                         price
-                         )
-                         price
-                     )
+                        (gnc:html-transaction-anchor pricing-txn price)
+                        price)
-	 	     price
-	 	     (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
-	  	     (gnc-price-get-currency price)
-		     (gnc-price-get-value price)))
-		    )))))
+	 	     price (gnc:default-price-renderer
+                            (gnc-price-get-currency price)
+                            (gnc-price-get-value price))))))))
  	      (append! activecols (list (if use-txn (if pricing-txn "*" "**") " ")
 					 "number-cell" (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency (sum-basis basis-list
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
index 390a8d645..fcaf01002 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
           (options (gnc:make-report-options advanced-uuid)))
       (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic average")))
         (test-equal "advanced: average basis"
-          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$484.88" "$252.00" "$800.00"
+          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$484.88" "$252.00" "$800.00"
             "$553.00" "$227.88" "-$232.88" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00"
             "$10.00" "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
           (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
       (set-option! options "General" "Basis calculation method" 'fifo-basis)
       (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic fifo")))
         (test-equal "advanced: fifo basis"
-          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$543.94" "$252.00" "$800.00"
+          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$543.94" "$252.00" "$800.00"
             "$553.00" "$286.94" "-$291.94" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00" "$10.00"
             "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
           (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f)))
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
       (set-option! options "General" "Basis calculation method" 'filo-basis)
       (let ((sxml (options->sxml advanced-uuid options "basic filo")))
         (test-equal "advanced: filo basis"
-          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.00" "$400.00" "$252.00" "$800.00"
+          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "42.00" "$6.0000" "$400.00" "$252.00" "$800.00"
             "$553.00" "$143.00" "-$148.00" "-$5.00" "-0.63%" "$4.00" "$10.00"
             "-$1.00" "-0.13%")
           (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f))))

commit 8b3841b4b5d11af1ee1c52698ad47797efedeb29
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 11:36:04 2020 +0800

    [balsheet-eg.eguile] use new price renderer

diff --git a/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm b/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
index 23cd32e3c..17a62a56f 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/business-reports/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm
@@ -281,25 +281,23 @@
 <p><?scm:d (_ "<strong>Exchange Rates</strong> used for this report") ?>
 <table border="0">
-      (for xpair in xlist do
-          (let* ((comm (car xpair))
-                 (one-num 10000/1)
-                 (one-foreign-mny (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm one-num))
-                 (one-local-mny (exchange-fn one-foreign-mny opt-report-commodity)))
+      (for-each
+       (lambda (xpair)
+         (let* ((comm (car xpair))
+                (one-foreign-mny (gnc:make-gnc-monetary comm 1))
+                (one-local-mny (exchange-fn one-foreign-mny opt-report-commodity))
+                (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount one-local-mny))
+                (price-str (gnc:default-price-renderer
+                            opt-report-commodity conv-amount)))
-  <td align="right">1 <?scm:d (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic comm) ?></td>
+  <td align="right"><?scm:d (gnc:monetary->string one-foreign-mny) ?></td>
-  <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric
-                             (gnc-numeric-div
-                               (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount one-local-mny)
-                               (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount one-foreign-mny)
-                               GNC-DENOM-AUTO
-                               (logior (GNC-DENOM-SIGFIGS 8) GNC-RND-ROUND))) ?>
-                   <?scm:d (gnc-commodity-get-mnemonic opt-report-commodity) ?></td>
+  <td align="right"><?scm:d price-str ?></td>
-          ))
+        ))
+       xlist)

commit d8c21c4625ee3a20becb9db021c4ad2bd62684a1
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 00:51:45 2020 +0800

    [balsheet-pnl] use new price renderer

diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
index c0dfb125f..3dc019dbd 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/balsheet-pnl.scm
@@ -833,12 +833,14 @@ also show overall period profit & loss."))
                (lambda (commodity)
                  (let ((orig-monetary (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1)))
                    (if (has-price? commodity)
-                       (let ((conv-monetary (convert-curr-fn orig-monetary col-idx)))
+                       (let* ((conv-monetary (convert-curr-fn orig-monetary col-idx))
+                              (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount conv-monetary)))
                           (format #f "~a ~a"
                                   (gnc:monetary->string orig-monetary)
-                                  (gnc:monetary->string conv-monetary))))
+                                  (gnc:default-price-renderer common-currency
+                                                              conv-amount))))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
index 65bb70967..ac9f48404 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
         '("#200.00" "$340.00" "30 FUNDS" "$15,000.00" "$106,709.00" "$106,709.00")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
       (test-equal "show-rates enabled"
-        '("#1.00" "$1.70" "1 FUNDS" "$500.00")
+        '("#1.00" "$1.7000" "1 FUNDS" "$500.0000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
         (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
       (test-equal "show-rates enabled"
-        (list "#1.00" "$1.70")
+        (list "#1.00" "$1.7000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
@@ -520,21 +520,21 @@
           "$6,870.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$4,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$2,000.00"
           "10 FUNDS " "$130.00" "$130.00" "#100.00 " "$100,000.00" "$113,100.00"
           "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-          "$0.00" "$0.00" "$103,600.00" "#1.00 $1.30" "1 FUNDS $200.00")
+          "$0.00" "$0.00" "$103,600.00" "#1.00 $1.3000" "1 FUNDS $200.0000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
       (test-equal "bal-1/1/71"
         '("01/01/71" "$116,009.00" "$116,009.00" "$4,709.00" "$2,000.00"
           "$2,609.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$11,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$9,000.00"
           "30 FUNDS " "$300.00" "$300.00" "#200.00 " "$100,000.00" "$116,009.00"
           "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-          "$2,909.00" "$0.00" "$106,509.00" "#1.00 $1.50" "1 FUNDS $300.00")
+          "$2,909.00" "$0.00" "$106,509.00" "#1.00 $1.5000" "1 FUNDS $300.0000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 3))
       (test-equal "bal-1/1/72"
         '("01/01/72" "$117,529.00" "$117,529.00" "$4,709.00" "$2,000.00"
           "$2,609.00" "$0.00" "$100.00" "$12,500.00" "$2,000.00" "$10,500.00"
           "30 FUNDS " "$320.00" "$320.00" "#200.00 " "$100,000.00" "$117,529.00"
           "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00" "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00"
-          "$4,429.00" "$0.00" "$108,029.00" "#1.00 $1.60" "1 FUNDS $350.00")
+          "$4,429.00" "$0.00" "$108,029.00" "#1.00 $1.6000" "1 FUNDS $350.0000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 4)))
     ;; the following includes non-zero retained earnings of $1,270
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
           "$100.00" "$17,000.00" "$2,000.00" "$15,000.00" "30 FUNDS " "$1,190.00"
           "$1,190.00" "#700.00 " "$100,000.00" "$123,319.00" "$9,500.00" "$9,500.00"
           "$500.00" "$9,000.00" "$9,500.00" "$103,600.00" "$8,949.00" "$1,270.00"
-          "$113,819.00" "#1.00 $1.70" "1 FUNDS $500.00")
+          "$113,819.00" "#1.00 $1.7000" "1 FUNDS $500.0000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2)))))
 (define (multicol-pnl-tests)
@@ -585,13 +585,13 @@
       (test-equal "pnl-1/80"
         '("01/01/80" " to 01/31/80" "$1,100.00" "$250.00" "$850.00" "#500.00 "
-          "$1,100.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
+          "$1,100.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 2))
       (test-equal "pnl-2/80"
         '("02/01/80" " to 02/29/80" "$170.00" "$0.00" "$170.00" "#100.00 "
-          "$170.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
+          "$170.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 3))
       (test-equal "pnl-3/80"
         '("03/01/80" " to 03/31/80" "$0.00" "$0.00" "$0.00" "#0.00 "
-          "$0.00" "#1.00 $1.70")
+          "$0.00" "#1.00 $1.7000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 #f 4)))))

commit 61afe53f0fb33c790cf0e630de78df285c184263
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 11:35:57 2020 +0800

    [html-utilities] use new price renderer for exchange-rate table

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-utilities.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-utilities.scm
index 805cfeca6..0c2f48247 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-utilities.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-utilities.scm
@@ -734,9 +734,12 @@
        (lambda (commodity)
          (let* ((orig-amt (gnc:make-gnc-monetary commodity 1))
-                (exchanged (exchange-fn orig-amt common-commodity)))
+                (exchanged (exchange-fn orig-amt common-commodity))
+                (conv-amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount exchanged)))
-            table (map markup (list orig-amt exchanged)))))
+            table (list (markup orig-amt)
+                        (markup (gnc:default-price-renderer common-commodity
+                                                            conv-amount))))))
        table (list (gnc:make-html-table-header-cell/size

commit 9020c967c7fd15e36b014bac2bff0a3a3f44adbf
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 00:51:00 2020 +0800

    [html-style-info] export gnc:default-price-renderer
    converts gnc:monetary containing a price to string

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
index 6e9cb3041..7c0adc065 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
@@ -266,6 +266,10 @@
 (define (gnc:default-html-gnc-numeric-renderer datum params)
   (xaccPrintAmount datum (gnc-default-print-info #f)))
+;; renders a price to target currency
+(define (gnc:default-price-renderer currency amount)
+  (xaccPrintAmount amount (gnc-price-print-info currency #t)))
 (define (gnc:default-html-gnc-monetary-renderer datum params)
   (let* ((comm (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity datum))
          (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction comm))
diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
index 1fdcdf92c..02bf7b61e 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/report-system.scm
@@ -748,6 +748,7 @@
 (export gnc:select-assoc-account-balance)
 (export gnc:get-assoc-account-balances-total)
 (export gnc:multiline-to-html-text)
+(export gnc:default-price-renderer)
 (export make-file-url)
 (export gnc:strify)
 (export gnc:pk)

commit 3d25a40d1f12b57b5e551f6c24c58d8d69b85990
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed May 13 00:49:35 2020 +0800

    [gnc-ui-util] add gnc_price_print_info
    similar to gnc_default_price_print_info but also accepts a use_symbol
    specifier. for generating print_info for prices, either exact e.g.
    $1 + 2/3, or inexact e.g. $1.3333

diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.i b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.i
index d46aae893..ea120ff54 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.i
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.i
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_account_print_info (const Account *account,
         gboolean use_symbol);
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_commodity_print_info (const gnc_commodity *commodity,
         gboolean use_symbol);
+GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr,
+        gboolean use_symbol);
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces);
 const char * xaccPrintAmount (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info);
diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c b/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
index 682437809..2b5733f09 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c
@@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces)
-gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr)
+gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr, gboolean use_symbol)
     GNCPrintAmountInfo info;
     gboolean force = gnc_prefs_get_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL,
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr)
     info.use_separators = 1;
-    info.use_symbol = 0;
+    info.use_symbol = use_symbol ? 1 : 0;
     info.use_locale = 1;
     info.monetary = 1;
@@ -1513,6 +1513,13 @@ gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr)
     return info;
+gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr)
+    return gnc_price_print_info (curr, FALSE);
 gnc_integral_print_info (void)
diff --git a/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.h b/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.h
index 472ee4dbc..53ea76a71 100644
--- a/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.h
+++ b/libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.h
@@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_account_print_info (const Account *account,
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_split_amount_print_info (Split *split,
         gboolean use_symbol);
+GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr,
+        gboolean use_symbol);
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces);
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_share_print_info (void);
 GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr);

commit 182d4d9de7b0dd06b08381bbc0f861a9fd596ba1
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Mon May 11 21:22:59 2020 +0800

    Bug 797743 - Monetary amounts are occasionally rendered in fractions
    If monetary is already in decimal, don't convert. If monetary is
    exact (x/y) then convert to its SCU.
    As a result, monetary amounts in an arbitrary precision will be
    displayed unchanged, e.g. US$0.1442, whereas exact monetary amounts
    will be displayed using the currency's SCU e.g. US$1/3 -> $0.33

diff --git a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
index f57653c40..6e9cb3041 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/report-system/html-style-info.scm
@@ -267,9 +267,13 @@
   (xaccPrintAmount datum (gnc-default-print-info #f)))
 (define (gnc:default-html-gnc-monetary-renderer datum params)
-  (xaccPrintAmount                                                 
-   (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount datum)                                    
-   (gnc-commodity-print-info (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity datum) #t)))
+  (let* ((comm (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity datum))
+         (scu (gnc-commodity-get-fraction comm))
+         (amount (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount datum))
+         (amt-display (if (exact? amount)
+                          (gnc-numeric-convert amount scu GNC-HOW-RND-ROUND)
+                          amount)))
+    (xaccPrintAmount amt-display (gnc-commodity-print-info comm #t))))
 (define (gnc:default-html-number-renderer datum params)  
diff --git a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
index c72ac8261..390a8d645 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-portfolios.scm
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
       (set-option! options "General" "Price Source" 'weighted-average)
       (let ((sxml (options->sxml portfolio-uuid options "'weighted-average")))
         (test-equal "portfolio: weighted-average"
-          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "1.00" "$233.33" "$233 + 1/3")
+          '("AAPL" "AAPL" "NASDAQ" "1.00" "$233.33" "$233.33")
           (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 1 #f))))

Summary of changes:
 gnucash/report/html-style-info.scm                 | 14 +++++++++---
 gnucash/report/html-utilities.scm                  |  7 ++++--
 gnucash/report/report.scm                          |  1 +
 .../report/reports/standard/advanced-portfolio.scm | 16 +++++--------
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/balsheet-pnl.scm   |  6 +++--
 gnucash/report/reports/standard/register.scm       | 10 +++++----
 .../reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm    | 18 +++++++--------
 .../reports/standard/test/test-portfolios.scm      |  8 +++----
 .../report/reports/support/balsheet-eg.eguile.scm  | 26 ++++++++++------------
 gnucash/report/trep-engine.scm                     | 23 +++++--------------
 libgnucash/app-utils/app-utils.i                   |  2 ++
 libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.c                 | 11 +++++++--
 libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-ui-util.h                 |  3 +++
 13 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

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