gnucash-on-osx master: Multiple changes pushed

Geert Janssens gjanssens at
Tue Aug 23 03:29:27 EDT 2022

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit a39150b07e8a31787791126a74544d3f6d3bc63f
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Tue Aug 23 09:23:14 2022 +0200

    Drop the 'oldstable' bundler config

diff --git a/gnucash-bundler/Info-oldstable.plist b/gnucash-bundler/Info-oldstable.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a6c603..0000000
--- a/gnucash-bundler/Info-oldstable.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
-	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
-	<string>English</string>
-	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
-	<string>Gnucash</string>
-	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
-	<string>Gnucash version 3.11 © 2020 Gnucash Contributors</string>
-	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
-	<string>gnucash.icns</string>
-	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
-	<string>org.gnucash.Gnucash</string>
-	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
-	<string>6.0</string>
-	<key>CFBundleLongVersionString</key>
-	<string>3.11 © 2020 Gnucash Contributors</string>
-	<key>CFBundleName</key>
-	<string>Gnucash</string>
-	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
-	<string>APPL</string>
-	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
-	<string>3.11</string>
-	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
-	<string>????</string>
-	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
-	<string>3.11</string>
-	<key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key>
-	<array>
-	  <dict>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
-	    <string>Gnucash Document</string>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
-	    <array>
-	      <string>gnucash</string>
-	    </array>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
-	    <string>gnucash.icns</string>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
-	    <string>Editor</string>
-	  </dict>
-	  <dict>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
-	    <string>Gnucash Import/Export</string>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
-	    <array>
-	      <string>qif</string>
-	      <string>ofx</string>
-	      <string>txf</string>
-	    </array>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
-	    <string>gnucash.icns</string>
-	    <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
-	    <string>Viewer</string>
-	  </dict>
-	</array>
-	<key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>
-	<true/>
-	<key>LSRequiresCarbon</key>
-        <true/>
-        <key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key>
-        <string>10.9.0</string>
-	<key>LSApplicationCategoryType</key>
-	<string></string>
-	<key>NSHumanReadableCopyright</key>
-	<string>Copyright 2020 Gnucash Contributors</string>
-	<key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key>
-	<true/>
diff --git a/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-oldstable.bundle b/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-oldstable.bundle
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c31bb1..0000000
--- a/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-oldstable.bundle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
-  <meta>
-    <!-- Where to pick up the GTK+ installation, icon themes,
-         etc. Note that "${env:PREFIX}" is evaluated to the value of
-         the environment variable PREFIX, and likewise with HOME. You
-         can define additional prefixes and refer to them in paths
-         throughout this file on the form "${prefix:name}". This is
-         useful for installing certain libraries or even the
-         application itself separately.
-    -->
-    <prefix name="default">${env:PREFIX}</prefix>
-    <!-- The project directory is the default location of the created
-         app. If you leave out the path, the current directory is
-         used.
-    -->
-    <destination overwrite="yes">${env:HOME}</destination>
-    <image>
-      <!-- Not implemented yet (DMG image). -->
-    </image>
-    <!-- Comment this out to keep the install names in binaries -->
-    <run-install-name-tool/>
-    <!-- Optionally specify a launcher script to use. If the
-         application sets up everything needed itself, like
-         environment variable, linker paths, etc, a launcher script is
-         not needed. If the source path is left out, the default
-         script will be used.
-    -->
-    <launcher-script>${project}/gnucash.launcher</launcher-script>
-    <!-- Not implemented: Optional runtime, could be python or mono
-         for example.
-    -->
-    <!--runtime copy="yes">/usr/bin/python</runtime-->
-  </meta>
-  <!-- The special macro "${project}" refers to the directory where
-       this bundle file is located. The application name and bundle
-       identifier are taken from the plist file.
-  -->
-  <plist>${project}/Info-oldstable.plist</plist>
-  <main-binary>${prefix}/bin/gnucash</main-binary>
-  <!-- Copy in GTK+ modules. Note the use of the
-       "${pkg:module:variable}" macro, which evaluates to a pkg-config
-       variable in the specified module. Note that any libraries that
-       binaries link to are also copied in automatically.
-  -->
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/${pkg:gdk-pixbuf-2.0:gdk_pixbuf_binary_version}/loaders/*.so
-  </binary>
-<!-- Copy in the theme engines, -->
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/gtk-2.0/${pkg:gtk+-2.0:gtk_binary_version}/engines/*.so
-  </binary>
-<!-- The quartz input-method module, -->
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/gtk-2.0/${pkg:gtk+-2.0:gtk_binary_version}/immodules/
-  </binary>
-<!-- And the print backends -->
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/gtk-2.0/${pkg:gtk+-2.0:gtk_binary_version}/printbackends/*.so
-  </binary>
-  <!-- Seems to get missed by the dependency resolver -->
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/libguile-srfi*
-  </binary>
-  <binary loadable="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/gnucash
-  </binary>
-  <binary loadable="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/aqbanking
-  </binary>
-  <binary loadable="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/gwenhywfar
-  </binary>
-  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
-    ${prefix}/bin/aqbanking-cli
-  </binary>
-  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
-    ${prefix}/bin/aqebics-tool
-  </binary>
-  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
-    ${prefix}/bin/aqhbci-tool4
-  </binary>
-  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
-    ${prefix}/bin/chipcard-tool
-  </binary>
-  <binary>
-    ${prefix}/lib/goffice
-  </binary>
-  <binary loadable="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/dbd
-  </binary>
-<!-- Data to copy in, usually Glade/UI files, images, sounds files
-       etc. The destination inside the bundle can be specified if the
-       files should end up at a different location, by using the
-       "dest" property. The destination must then start with the macro
-       "${bundle}", which refers to the bundle root directory.
-  -->
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/libexec
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/bin/gnc-*
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/etc/gnucash
-  </data>
-  <!-- Yes, this case is covered by the next one, but it raises an
-       error if it's missing. -->
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/">
-    ${prefix}/lib/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/">
-    ${prefix}/lib/libgnc-*.la
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/aqbanking/" recurse="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/aqbanking/*.xml
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/gwenhywfar/" recurse="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/gwenhywfar/*.xml
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/glib-2.0/schemas
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/gnucash
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/guile
-  </data>
-  <data recurse="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/guile/*.go
-  </data>
-  <data recurse="True">
-    ${prefix}/lib/gnucash/scm/*.go
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/aqbanking
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/gwenhywfar
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/ktoblzcheck
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/chipcard
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/etc/chipcard
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/libofx
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/mime
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/themes
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources">
-    ${project}/gnucash.icns
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/License">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash/LICENSE
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/Sources">
-    ${project}/Sources
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/GnuCash Help/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/C/gnucash-help/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/C/gnucash-guide/
-  </data>
-   <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/GnuCash Help/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/de/gnucash-help/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/de/gnucash-guide/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/GnuCash Help/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/it/gnucash-help/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/it/gnucash-guide/
-  </data>
-  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/ja.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/ja/gnucash-guide/
-  </data>
-  <data>
-    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash/
-  </data>
-  <translations name="gnucash">
-    ${prefix}/share/locale
-  </translations>
-  <translations name="gtk20">
-    ${prefix}/share/locale
-  </translations>
-  <translations name="iso_4217">
-    ${prefix}/share/locale
-  </translations>
-  <translations name="aqbanking">
-    ${prefix}/share/locale
-  </translations>
-<!-- This takes the Quartz theme instructions from the package and puts them in the bundle gtkrc file. You may want to cusomize the source path if you want a different theme, or if you want other stuff in your gtkrc.
-  <data dest='${bundle}/Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc'>
-    ${prefix}/share/themes/Quartz/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
-  </data>
-  <!-- Icon themes to copy. The "icons" property can be either of
-       "auto", "all", or "none". All or none should be
-       self-explanatory, while auto means that the script will try to
-       figure out which icons are needed. This is done by getting all
-       the strings from all copied binaries, and matching them against
-       icon names. To be safe, you should use "all". "none" is useful
-       if you want just the index.theme file but no icons, mostly
-       needed for the "hicolor" base theme.
-  -->
-  <!-- icon-theme icons="auto"/>
-    Tango
-  </icon-theme -->

commit b1e823b53bb3aa3dae9f11d52964541523c379d0
Author: Geert Janssens <geert at>
Date:   Mon Aug 22 21:58:35 2022 +0200

    Rename gnucash-help to gnucash-manual
    This follows the changes in gnucash-docs for the current master branch
    (which will become gnucash 5.x)

diff --git a/gnucash-bundler/Info-unstable.plist b/gnucash-bundler/Info-unstable.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020b543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnucash-bundler/Info-unstable.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
+<plist version="1.0">
+	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
+	<string>English</string>
+	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+	<string>Gnucash</string>
+	<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
+	<string>Gnucash version 4.900-1 © 2022 GnucashContributors</string>
+	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+	<string>gnucash.icns</string>
+	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+	<string>org.gnucash.Gnucash</string>
+	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+	<string>6.0</string>
+	<key>CFBundleLongVersionString</key>
+	<string>4.900-1 © 2022 Gnucash Contributors</string>
+	<key>CFBundleName</key>
+	<string>Gnucash</string>
+	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+	<string>APPL</string>
+	<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+	<string>4.900-1</string>
+	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+	<string>????</string>
+	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+	<string>4.900-1</string>
+	<key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key>
+	<array>
+	  <dict>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
+	    <string>Gnucash Document</string>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
+	    <array>
+	      <string>gnucash</string>
+	    </array>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
+	    <string>gnucash.icns</string>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
+	    <string>Editor</string>
+	  </dict>
+	  <dict>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
+	    <string>Gnucash Import/Export</string>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
+	    <array>
+	      <string>qif</string>
+	      <string>ofx</string>
+	      <string>txf</string>
+	    </array>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
+	    <string>gnucash.icns</string>
+	    <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
+	    <string>Viewer</string>
+	  </dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>
+	<true/>
+	<key>LSRequiresCarbon</key>
+	<true/>
+        <key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key>
+        <string>10.13.0</string>
+	<key>LSApplicationCategoryType</key>
+	<string></string>
+	<key>NSHumanReadableCopyright</key>
+	<string>Copyright 2022 Gnucash Contributors</string>
+	<key>NSHighResolutionCapable</key>
+	<true/>
diff --git a/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-unstable.bundle b/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-unstable.bundle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207727b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnucash-bundler/gnucash-unstable.bundle
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
+  <meta>
+    <!-- Where to pick up the GTK+ installation, icon themes,
+         etc. Note that "${env:PREFIX}" is evaluated to the value of
+         the environment variable PREFIX, and likewise with HOME. You
+         can define additional prefixes and refer to them in paths
+         throughout this file on the form "${prefix:name}". This is
+         useful for installing certain libraries or even the
+         application itself separately.
+    -->
+    <prefix name="default">${env:PREFIX}</prefix>
+    <!-- The project directory is the default location of the created
+         app. If you leave out the path, the current directory is
+         used.
+    -->
+    <destination overwrite="yes">${env:HOME}</destination>
+    <gtk>gtk+-3.0</gtk>
+    <image>
+      <!-- Not implemented yet (DMG image). -->
+    </image>
+    <!-- Comment this out to keep the install names in binaries -->
+    <run-install-name-tool/>
+    <!-- GnuCash doesn't need a launcher script. -->
+    <!-- Not implemented: Optional runtime, could be python or mono
+         for example.
+    -->
+    <!--runtime copy="yes">/usr/bin/python</runtime-->
+  </meta>
+  <!-- The special macro "${project}" refers to the directory where
+       this bundle file is located. The application name and bundle
+       identifier are taken from the plist file.
+  -->
+  <plist>${project}/Info-unstable.plist</plist>
+  <main-binary>${prefix}/bin/gnucash</main-binary>
+  <!-- Copy in GTK+ modules. Note the use of the
+       "${pkg:module:variable}" macro, which evaluates to a pkg-config
+       variable in the specified module. Note that any libraries that
+       binaries link to are also copied in automatically.
+  -->
+  <binary>
+    ${prefix}/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/${pkg:gdk-pixbuf-2.0:gdk_pixbuf_binary_version}/loaders/*.so
+  </binary>
+<!-- The quartz input-method module, -->
+  <binary>
+    ${prefix}/lib/gtk-3.0/${pkg:gtk+-3.0:gtk_binary_version}/immodules/
+  </binary>
+<!-- And the print backends -->
+  <binary>
+    ${prefix}/lib/gtk-3.0/${pkg:gtk+-3.0:gtk_binary_version}/printbackends/*.so
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/gio
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/gnucash
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/aqbanking
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/gwenhywfar
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/bin/gnucash-cli
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/bin/aqbanking-cli
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/bin/aqebics-tool
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/bin/aqhbci-tool4
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/bin/chipcard-tool
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/dbd
+  </binary>
+  <binary dest="${bundle}/Contents/MacOS">
+    ${prefix}/libexec/webkit2gtk-4.0/*
+  </binary>
+  <binary loadable="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/webkit2gtk-4.0
+  </binary>
+<!-- Data to copy in, usually Glade/UI files, images, sounds files
+       etc. The destination inside the bundle can be specified if the
+       files should end up at a different location, by using the
+       "dest" property. The destination must then start with the macro
+       "${bundle}", which refers to the bundle root directory.
+  -->
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/etc/gnucash
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/bin/gnc-*
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/etc/fonts
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/glib-2.0/schemas
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/gnucash
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/guile
+  </data>
+  <data recurse="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/guile/*.go
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/aqbanking
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/gwenhywfar
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/aqbanking/" recurse="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/aqbanking/*.xml
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/lib/gwenhywfar/" recurse="True">
+    ${prefix}/lib/gwenhywfar/*.xml
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/chipcard
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/etc/chipcard
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/libofx
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/mime
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/themes
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/icons
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources">
+    ${project}/gnucash.icns
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/License">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash/LICENSE
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/Sources">
+    ${project}/Sources
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Gnucash Manual/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/C/gnucash-manual/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/C/gnucash-guide/
+  </data>
+   <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/Gnucash Manual/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/de/gnucash-manual/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/de/gnucash-guide/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/Gnucash Manual/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/it/gnucash-manual/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/it/gnucash-guide/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/ja.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/ja/gnucash-guide/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/pt.lproj/Gnucash Manual/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/pt/gnucash-manual/
+  </data>
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/pt.lproj/GnuCash Guide/">
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash-docs/pt/gnucash-guide/
+  </data>
+  <data>
+    ${prefix}/share/doc/gnucash/
+  </data>
+  <translations name="gnucash">
+    ${prefix}/share/locale
+  </translations>
+  <translations name="gtk30">
+    ${prefix}/share/locale
+  </translations>
+  <translations name="iso_4217">
+    ${prefix}/share/locale
+  </translations>
+  <translations name="aqbanking">
+    ${prefix}/share/locale
+  </translations>
+  <icon-theme icons="auto">
+    Adwaita
+  </icon-theme>
+  <!-- Default settings file to set the theme. -->
+  <data dest="${bundle}/Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini">
+    ${project}/settings.ini
+  </data>

Summary of changes:
 .../{Info-oldstable.plist => Info-unstable.plist}  |  14 +-- => gnucash-unstable.bundle} | 123 +++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
 rename gnucash-bundler/{Info-oldstable.plist => Info-unstable.plist} (87%)
 rename gnucash-bundler/{gnucash-oldstable.bundle => gnucash-unstable.bundle} (66%)

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