gnucash maint: [income-statement] single-column doesn't need separate inc/exp tables

Christopher Lam clam at
Thu Mar 24 20:39:33 EDT 2022

Updated	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit a3aa93e7e08596c2c6dad3a3ea19a32c7afc8bdf
Author: Christopher Lam <christopher.lck at>
Date:   Wed Mar 23 23:23:17 2022 +0800

    [income-statement] single-column doesn't need separate inc/exp tables
    disable html-table within html-table for single-column income statement.
    Thanks to AdrienM for debugging.

diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-statement.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-statement.scm
index 866eda6bd..ebc53a9cd 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-statement.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/income-statement.scm
@@ -441,10 +441,7 @@
                                 (gnc:collector- expense-total)))
-               (inc-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-               (exp-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-               (tra-table (gnc:make-html-table))
+               (build-table (gnc:make-html-table))
                  (list 'start-date start-date)
@@ -494,67 +491,86 @@
                label                0  1 "text-cell"
                bal          (+ col 1)  1 "number-cell")))
-          (let ((space (make-list tree-depth (gnc:make-html-table-cell/min-width 60))))
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row! inc-table space)
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row! exp-table space)
-            (gnc:html-table-append-row! tra-table space))
-          (gnc:report-percent-done 80)
-          (when label-revenue?
-            (add-subtotal-line inc-table (G_ "Revenues") #f #f))
-          (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances inc-table revenue-table params)
-          (when total-revenue?
-            (add-subtotal-line inc-table (G_ "Total Revenue") #f revenue-total))
-          (gnc:report-percent-done 85)
-          (when label-expense?
-            (add-subtotal-line exp-table (G_ "Expenses") #f #f))
-          (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances exp-table expense-table params)
-          (when total-expense?
-            (add-subtotal-line exp-table (G_ "Total Expenses") #f expense-total))
-          (when label-trading?
-            (add-subtotal-line tra-table (G_ "Trading") #f #f))
-          (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances tra-table trading-table params)
-          (when total-trading?
-            (add-subtotal-line tra-table (G_ "Total Trading") #f trading-total))
-          (add-report-line
-           (if standard-order? exp-table inc-table)
-           (string-append (G_ "Net income") period-for)
-           (string-append (G_ "Net loss") period-for)
-           net-income (* 2 (1- tree-depth)) exchange-fn #f #f)
-          ;; add the sections in the desired order to document
-          (let ((build-table (gnc:make-html-table))
-                (inc-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell inc-table))
-                (tra-cell (if (null? trading-accounts)
-                              (gnc:html-make-empty-cell)
-                              (gnc:make-html-table-cell tra-table)))
-                (exp-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell exp-table)))
-            (define (add-cells . lst) (gnc:html-table-append-row! build-table lst))
-            (cond
-             ((and two-column? standard-order?)
-              (add-cells inc-cell tra-cell exp-cell))
-             (two-column?
-              (add-cells exp-cell inc-cell tra-cell))
-             (standard-order?
-              (add-cells inc-cell)
-              (unless (null? trading-accounts) (add-cells tra-cell))
-              (add-cells exp-cell))
-             (else
-              (add-cells exp-cell)
-              (add-cells inc-cell)
-              (unless (null? trading-accounts) (add-cells tra-cell))))
-            (gnc:html-table-set-style!
-             build-table "td"
-             'attribute '("align" "left")
-             'attribute '("valign" "top"))
-            (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc build-table))
+          (define (add-revenue-table table)
+            (when label-revenue?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Revenues") #f #f))
+            (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances table revenue-table params)
+            (when total-revenue?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Total Revenue") #f revenue-total))
+            table)
+          (define (add-expense-table table)
+            (when label-expense?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Expenses") #f #f))
+            (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances table expense-table params)
+            (when total-expense?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Total Expenses") #f expense-total))
+            table)
+          (define (add-trading-table table)
+            (when label-trading?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Trading") #f #f))
+            (gnc:html-table-add-account-balances table trading-table params)
+            (when total-trading?
+              (add-subtotal-line table (G_ "Total Trading") #f trading-total))
+            table)
+          (cond
+           (two-column?
+            (let* ((exp-table (add-expense-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+                   (inc-table (add-revenue-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+                   (tra-table (add-trading-table (gnc:make-html-table)))
+                   (inc-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell inc-table))
+                   (tra-cell (if (null? trading-accounts)
+                                 (gnc:html-make-empty-cell)
+                                 (gnc:make-html-table-cell tra-table)))
+                   (exp-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell exp-table)))
+              (define (add-cells . lst) (gnc:html-table-append-row! build-table lst))
+              (add-rule (if standard-order? exp-table inc-table))
+              (add-report-line
+               (if standard-order? exp-table inc-table)
+               (string-append (G_ "Net income") period-for)
+               (string-append (G_ "Net loss") period-for)
+               net-income (* 2 (1- tree-depth)) exchange-fn #f #f)
+              (if standard-order?
+                  (add-cells inc-cell tra-cell exp-cell)
+                  (add-cells exp-cell inc-cell tra-cell))))
+           ;; single-column
+           (standard-order?
+            (add-revenue-table build-table)
+            (add-rule build-table)
+            (unless (null? trading-accounts)
+              (add-trading-table build-table)
+              (add-rule build-table))
+            (add-expense-table build-table)
+            (add-rule build-table)
+            (add-report-line
+             build-table
+             (string-append (G_ "Net income") period-for)
+             (string-append (G_ "Net loss") period-for)
+             net-income (* 2 (1- tree-depth)) exchange-fn #f #f))
+           (else
+            (add-expense-table build-table)
+            (add-rule build-table)
+            (unless (null? trading-accounts)
+              (add-trading-table build-table)
+              (add-rule build-table))
+            (add-revenue-table build-table)
+            (add-rule build-table)
+            (add-report-line
+             build-table
+             (string-append (G_ "Net income") period-for)
+             (string-append (G_ "Net loss") period-for)
+             net-income (* 2 (1- tree-depth)) exchange-fn #f #f)))
+          (gnc:html-table-set-style!
+           build-table "td"
+           'attribute '("align" "left")
+           'attribute '("valign" "top"))
+          (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc build-table)
           ;; add currency information if requested
           (gnc:report-percent-done 90)
diff --git a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
index 55dfc90aa..02af288c1 100644
--- a/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
+++ b/gnucash/report/reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm
@@ -369,39 +369,39 @@
          (sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-default")))
     (test-equal "total revenue  = $1,270.00"
       (list "$1,270.00")
-      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
     (test-equal "total expenses  = $0.00"
       (list "$0.00")
-      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
+      ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 7) // (td 6) // *text*))
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'weighted-average)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-weighted-average")))
       (test-equal "weighted average revenue = $1160.36"
         (list "$1,160.36")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'average-cost)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-average-cost")))
       (test-equal "average-cost revenue = $976"
         (list "$976.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-nearest)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-pricedb-nearest")))
       (test-equal "pricedb-nearest revenue = $1270"
         (list "$1,270.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Price Source" 'pricedb-latest)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-pricedb-latest")))
       (test-equal "pricedb-latest revenue = $1270"
         (list "$1,270.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
     ;; set multilevel subtotal style
@@ -411,27 +411,27 @@
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-multilevel")))
       (test-equal "multilevel. income = -$250.00"
         (list "-$250.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // (td 6) // *text*))
       (test-equal "multilevel. income-GBP = -#600"
         (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 4) // (td 5) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 3) // (td 5) // *text*))
       (test-equal "multilevel. total income = -$1,270.00"
         (list "-$1,270.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
       (test-equal "multilevel. total revenue = $1,270.00"
         (list "$1,270.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 1) // table // (tr 6) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 5) // (td 6) // *text*))
       (test-equal "multilevel. expenses = $0.00"
         (list "$0.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 3) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 8) // (td 6) // *text*))
       (test-equal "multilevel. net-income = $1,270"
         (list "$1,270.00")
-        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 2) // table // (tr 4) // (td 6) // *text*))
+        ((sxpath '(// table // (tr 9) // (td 6) // *text*))
     ;; set recursive-subtotal subtotal style
@@ -439,21 +439,21 @@
     (set-option! pnl-options "Display" "Parent account subtotals" 'f)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-recursive")))
       (test-equal "recursive. income = $1020+250"
-        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00")
-        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
+        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 2 6))
       (test-equal "recursive. income-gbp = $1020"
-        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00")
-        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 4 5))
+        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 5))
       (test-equal "recursive. total revenue = $1270"
-        (list "$1,270.00" "$1,270.00")
-        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 5 6)))
+        (list "$1,270.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 4 6)))
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Foreign Currencies" #f)
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #f)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-disable show-fcur show-rates")))
       (test-equal "show-fcur disabled"
-        (list "-$1,270.00" "$0.00" "-$1,270.00" "$0.00")
-        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
+        (list "-$1,270.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 2 6))
       (test-equal "show-rates disabled"
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@
     (set-option! pnl-options "Commodities" "Show Exchange Rates" #t)
     (let ((sxml (options->sxml pnl-uuid pnl-options "pnl-enable show-fcur show-rates")))
       (test-equal "show-fcur enabled"
-        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00" "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00" "$0.00")
-        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 3 6))
+        (list "-#600.00" "-$1,020.00" "-$250.00" "-$250.00")
+        (sxml->table-row-col sxml 1 2 6))
       (test-equal "show-rates enabled"
         (list "#1.00" "$1.7000")
         (sxml->table-row-col sxml 2 #f #f)))

Summary of changes:
 .../report/reports/standard/income-statement.scm   | 146 ++++++++++++---------
 .../reports/standard/test/test-balsheet-pnl.scm    |  44 +++----
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

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