gnucash-docs maint: Manual:C: Convert CSV assistant into <procedure>

Frank H.Ellenberger fell at
Tue Nov 1 00:17:28 EDT 2022

Updated	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit afa8cbec9c5afd696492ca32c883fd3e44473b8c
Author: Frank H. Ellenberger <frank.h.ellenberger at>
Date:   Tue Nov 1 03:17:16 2022 +0100

    Manual:C: Convert CSV assistant into <procedure>

diff --git a/manual/C/ch_Transactions.xml b/manual/C/ch_Transactions.xml
index 549796dc..aa0e2956 100644
--- a/manual/C/ch_Transactions.xml
+++ b/manual/C/ch_Transactions.xml
@@ -1605,22 +1605,6 @@ Translators:
         Assistant dialog illustrated below.
-      <figure pgwide="1">
-        <title>The CSV Transaction Import Assistant - Introduction</title><screenshot id="CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant">
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject role="html">
-              <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant.png"
-                         srccredit="David Cousens" width="&img-w;"/>
-            </imageobject>
-            <imageobject role="fo">
-              <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant.png"
-                         srccredit="David Cousens"/>
-            </imageobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </screenshot>
-      </figure>
       <para>The CSV Transaction import Assistant is largely self explanatory with information panes which
         describe the functionality.
@@ -1653,153 +1637,188 @@ Translators:
-      <formalpara>
+      <procedure>
         <title>CSV Import Process Steps</title>
-        <para>The steps in the CSV import process are listed in the left hand pane with the current step
-          highlighted. Explanatory text and the widgets to setup and carry out the step are
-          displayed in the right hand pane. The function of the controls in each step is explained
-          below, in the explanatory information in the panes or in tooltips on some controls. The
-          steps in the CSV import process are:
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Transaction Import Assistant</emphasis>: Introductory information panel. Click
-                <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> to continue;
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+        <highlights>
+          <para>The steps in the CSV import process are listed in the left hand pane with the current step
+            highlighted. Explanatory text and the widgets to setup and carry out the step are
+            displayed in the right hand pane. The function of the controls in each step is explained
+            below, in the explanatory information in the panes or in tooltips on some controls. The
+            steps in the CSV import process are:
+          </para>
+        </highlights>
+        <step>
+          <title>Introductory information panel</title>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Select File for Import</guilabel></emphasis>: Display the File
-                selection dialog. Navigate to the file you wish to import then click the
-                <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button;
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+      <figure pgwide="1">
+        <title>The CSV Transaction Import Assistant - Introduction</title><screenshot id="CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant">
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject role="html">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant.png"
+                         srccredit="David Cousens" width="&img-w;"/>
+            </imageobject>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Import Preview</emphasis>: The Import Preview pane controls set options for
-                the import of CSV data and provides a preview of the data to be imported.
-                <figure pgwide="1">
-                  <title>The CSV Import Preview Pane</title><screenshot id="CSV_Import_Preview">
-                    <mediaobject>
-                      <imageobject role="html">
-                        <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Import_transactions_Preview.png" width="&img-w;"
-                                   srccredit="David Cousens"/>
-                      </imageobject>
-                      <imageobject role="fo">
-                        <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Import_transactions_Preview.png"
-                                   srccredit="David Cousens"/>
-                      </imageobject>
-                      <caption>
-                        The CSV Import Preview Pane with settings to import the shown data.
-                      </caption>
-                    </mediaobject>
-                  </screenshot>
-                </figure>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <title>Import preview Controls</title>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para id="trans-import-csv-save"><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Load and Save Settings</guilabel></emphasis>: Once you have set all
-                      the import parameters, you can save these settings by typing in a setting a
-                      unique name in the <guilabel>Load and Save Settings Entry</guilabel> combo box
-                      and clicking the Save icon just to the right of the box. A previously defined
-                      settings group can be retrieved by selecting the appropriate setting group
-                      name from the dropdown list activated by the down arrow at the right end of
-                      the text box. This will set all other settings to the stored values.
-                    </para>
+            <imageobject role="fo">
+              <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Transaction_Import_Assistant.png"
+                         srccredit="David Cousens"/>
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+      </figure>
+          <para>Click <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> to continue;
+          </para>
+        </step>
-                    <para>The delete/trashcan icon to the right of the Save icon can be used to remove the saved settings
-                      group selected from the drop down list for the box.
-                    </para>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Select File for Import</guilabel></emphasis>: Display the File
+            selection dialog. Navigate to the file you wish to import then click the
+            <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button;
+          </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold">Import Preview</emphasis>: The Import Preview pane controls set options for
+            the import of CSV data and provides a preview of the data to be imported.
+            <figure pgwide="1">
+              <title>The CSV Import Preview Pane</title><screenshot id="CSV_Import_Preview">
+                <mediaobject>
+                  <imageobject role="html">
+                    <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Import_transactions_Preview.png" width="&img-w;"
+                               srccredit="David Cousens"/>
+                  </imageobject>
+                  <imageobject role="fo">
+                    <imagedata fileref="figures/CSV_Import_transactions_Preview.png"
+                               srccredit="David Cousens"/>
+                  </imageobject>
+                  <caption>
+                    The CSV Import Preview Pane with settings to import the shown data.
+                  </caption>
+                </mediaobject>
+              </screenshot>
+            </figure>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <title>Import preview Controls</title>
+              <listitem>
+                <variablelist id="trans-import-csv-save">
+                  <title>Load and Save Settings</title>
+                  <abstract>
                     <para>The settings group <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>&appname; Export Settings</guilabel></emphasis>
                       defines a setting group for used for the export and reimport of
                       <application>&appname;</application> transaction data - use this if importing
-                      data previously exported from <application>&appname;</application>;
+                      data previously exported from <application>&appname;</application>.
-                  </listitem>
+                  </abstract>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                    <term>Save</term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>Once you have set all the import parameters, you can save these settings by typing a
+                        unique name in the <guilabel>Load and Save Settings Entry</guilabel> combo box
+                        and clicking the Save icon just to the right of the box.
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                    <term>Load</term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>A previously defined settings group can be retrieved by selecting the appropriate setting group
+                        name from the dropdown list activated by the down arrow at the right end of
+                        the text box. This will set all other settings to the stored values.
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                  <varlistentry>
+                    <term>Delete</term>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para>The delete/trashcan icon to the right of the Save icon can be used to remove the saved settings
+                        group selected from the drop down list for the box.
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </varlistentry>
+                </variablelist>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis>: If the data you are importing does
-                      not specify the source account for the transaction an account can be selected
-                      from the drop down list will import all transactions to the selected account.
-                      Leave blank if your imported data specifies a source account;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>File Format</guilabel></emphasis>:
-                      <itemizedlist>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Separators</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this radio button will
-                            allow you to define characters which will be used to distinguish columns
-                            in the input file. The default is comma separated. In countries using
-                            the comma as decimal separator the semicolon is common as column
-                            separator. However spaces, tabs, colons or semicolons or any combination
-                            of them may be used to separate columns in the input file by selecting
-                            the appropriate check boxes. You may also define custom separators by
-                            typing the required characters into the text box and selecting the
-                            <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox. This may be used in combination
-                            with any of the predefined separators;
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Fixed-Width</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this radio button will
-                            allow you to define column boundaries by double clicking at the
-                            appropriate positions in the sample records displayed in the panel
-                            below. Single clicking in a column will narrow, widen or merge the
-                            column.
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                      </itemizedlist>
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Multi-split</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this check box allows
-                      the splits for a single transaction to be defined on consecutive lines within
-                      the file with each line defining a single split. If not selected each line is
-                      assumed to contain the information for a single transaction including one or
-                      two splits;
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis>: If the data you are importing does
+                  not specify the source account for the transaction an account can be selected
+                  from the drop down list will import all transactions to the selected account.
+                  Leave blank if your imported data specifies a source account;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                    <para>Multi-split is a gnucash specific variant of a csv file to support easier
-                      data preparation.
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>File Format</guilabel></emphasis>:
+                  <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Separators</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this radio button will
+                        allow you to define characters which will be used to distinguish columns
+                        in the input file. The default is comma separated. In countries using
+                        the comma as decimal separator the semicolon is common as column
+                        separator. However spaces, tabs, colons or semicolons or any combination
+                        of them may be used to separate columns in the input file by selecting
+                        the appropriate check boxes. You may also define custom separators by
+                        typing the required characters into the text box and selecting the
+                        <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> checkbox. This may be used in combination
+                        with any of the predefined separators;
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Fixed-Width</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this radio button will
+                        allow you to define column boundaries by double clicking at the
+                        appropriate positions in the sample records displayed in the panel
+                        below. Single clicking in a column will narrow, widen or merge the
+                        column.
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </itemizedlist>
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                    <para>Each line should define one split by
-                      <variablelist>
-                        <varlistentry>
-                          <term>transaction-specific fields</term>
-                          <listitem>
-                            <para>date and description as bare minimum
-                              <emphasis>and</emphasis>
-                            </para>
-                          </listitem>
-                        </varlistentry>
-                        <varlistentry>
-                          <term>split specific fields</term>
-                          <listitem>
-                            <para>account and deposit/withdrawal as bare minimum.
-                            </para>
-                          </listitem>
-                        </varlistentry>
-                      </variablelist>
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Multi-split</guilabel></emphasis>: Selecting this check box allows
+                  the splits for a single transaction to be defined on consecutive lines within
+                  the file with each line defining a single split. If not selected each line is
+                  assumed to contain the information for a single transaction including one or
+                  two splits;
+                </para>
-                    <tip>
-                      <para>There is a convenience feature built-in so you don't have to repeat the
-                        transaction fields if the split belongs to the same transaction as the
-                        previous one (though you can repeat them if that makes csv preparation
-                        easier).
-                      </para>
-                    </tip>
+                <para>Multi-split is a gnucash specific variant of a csv file to support easier
+                  data preparation.
+                </para>
-                    <example>
-                      <title>Sample Multi-split.csv</title>
-                      <programlisting language="csv">Date,Description,Deposit,Account
+                <para>Each line should define one split by
+                  <variablelist>
+                    <varlistentry>
+                      <term>transaction-specific fields</term>
+                      <listitem>
+                        <para>date and description as bare minimum
+                          <emphasis>and</emphasis>
+                        </para>
+                      </listitem>
+                    </varlistentry>
+                    <varlistentry>
+                      <term>split specific fields</term>
+                      <listitem>
+                        <para>account and deposit/withdrawal as bare minimum.
+                        </para>
+                      </listitem>
+                    </varlistentry>
+                  </variablelist>
+                </para>
+                <tip>
+                  <para>There is a convenience feature built-in so you don't have to repeat the
+                    transaction fields if the split belongs to the same transaction as the
+                    previous one (though you can repeat them if that makes csv preparation
+                    easier).
+                  </para>
+                </tip>
+                <example>
+                  <title>Sample Multi-split.csv</title>
+                  <programlisting language="csv">Date,Description,Deposit,Account
 05/03/2006,Grocery Store,-45.21,Assets:Checking
 14/03/2006,Employers R Us,670.00,Assets:Checking
@@ -1807,292 +1826,290 @@ Translators:
 ,,60.00,Expenses:Taxes:Social Security
-                    </example>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Miscellaneous</guilabel></emphasis>: The miscellaneous settings
-                      allow you to set:
-                      <itemizedlist>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Encoding</guilabel></emphasis>: This is usually UTF-8, but may
-                            differ for files from other sources;
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Date Format</guilabel></emphasis>: This does not default to the
-                            Locale setting so check it matches the data you are importing;
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Currency Format</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the format of the
-                            decimal separator (full stop or comma or other) for the currency if the
-                            correct value is not supplied by Locale;
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Leading Lines to Skip</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the number of
-                            header lines to skip in the imported file;<footnote id='txn-imp-skip'><simpara>
-                              While we only want to import <emphasis>transactions</emphasis>, some banks send additional informations like
-                              a <emphasis>fieldname</emphasis> header or <emphasis>account status</emphasis> information as header or footer.</simpara></footnote>
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Trailing Lines to Skip</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the number of
-                            trailing lines to skip in the import file;<footnoteref linkend='txn-imp-skip'/>
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                          <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Skip alternate lines</guilabel></emphasis>: Use to skip every second
-                            line in the import file.
-                          </para>
-                        </listitem>
-                      </itemizedlist>
-                      to match the settings for the file you are importing. Tooltips may also
-                      contain information on the setting and options.
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              </para>
+                </example>
+              </listitem>
-              <para>The import panel shows the data being imported as it is interpreted using the settings chosen to
-                define columns and formats. The dropdown lists in the headers for each column of the
-                import allow you to associate a specific column in the imported data with a specific
-                field in the display of a transaction in an account register. At a minimum to import
-                data, columns in the imported data containing the following information
-                <emphasis>must</emphasis> be specified:
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><guilabel>Date</guilabel>: of transaction;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Miscellaneous</guilabel></emphasis>: The miscellaneous settings
+                  allow you to set:
+                  <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Encoding</guilabel></emphasis>: This is usually UTF-8, but may
+                        differ for files from other sources;
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><guilabel>Account</guilabel>: into which transaction is to be imported (or alternatively set the
-                      base account as above);
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Date Format</guilabel></emphasis>: This does not default to the
+                        Locale setting so check it matches the data you are importing;
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><guilabel>Description</guilabel>: of the transaction;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Currency Format</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the format of the
+                        decimal separator (full stop or comma or other) for the currency if the
+                        correct value is not supplied by Locale;
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><guilabel>Deposit or Withdrawal</guilabel>: column.
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              </para>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Leading Lines to Skip</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the number of
+                        header lines to skip in the imported file;<footnote id='txn-imp-skip'><simpara>
+                          While we only want to import <emphasis>transactions</emphasis>, some banks send additional informations like
+                          a <emphasis>fieldname</emphasis> header or <emphasis>account status</emphasis> information as header or footer.</simpara></footnote>
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
-              <para>The dropdown list of <application>&appname;</application> transaction data fields which may be
-                associated with a column of the imported data contains the following:
-                <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>None</guilabel></emphasis>: The column is not assigned to a
-                      transaction data field and is not imported;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Trailing Lines to Skip</guilabel></emphasis>: Select the number of
+                        trailing lines to skip in the import file;<footnoteref linkend='txn-imp-skip'/>
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Ensure the date format in the column
-                      matches the Miscellaneous date Format Setting;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                      <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Skip alternate lines</guilabel></emphasis>: Use to skip every second
+                        line in the import file.
+                      </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                  </itemizedlist>
+                  to match the settings for the file you are importing. Tooltips may also
+                  contain information on the setting and options.
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Num</guilabel></emphasis>: Transaction Num field - Use for check
-                      numbers etc.;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+          <para>The import panel shows the data being imported as it is interpreted using the settings chosen to
+            define columns and formats. The dropdown lists in the headers for each column of the
+            import allow you to associate a specific column in the imported data with a specific
+            field in the display of a transaction in an account register. At a minimum to import
+            data, columns in the imported data containing the following information
+            <emphasis>must</emphasis> be specified:
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Date</guilabel>: of transaction;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Description</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Account</guilabel>: into which transaction is to be imported (or alternatively set the
+                  base account as above);
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Notes</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Description</guilabel>: of the transaction;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transaction Commodity</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><guilabel>Deposit or Withdrawal</guilabel>: column.
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Void Reason</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+          <para>The dropdown list of <application>&appname;</application> transaction data fields which may be
+            associated with a column of the imported data contains the following:
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>None</guilabel></emphasis>: The column is not assigned to a
+                  transaction data field and is not imported;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Action</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Ensure the date format in the column
+                  matches the Miscellaneous date Format Setting;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis>: This header should be matched to a
-                      column specifying the source account for a transaction if it is present.
-                      Otherwise, set the source account in the
-                      <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis> combo box;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Deposit</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply this header to a column
-                      containing the amount of the transaction. Positive amounts in the column
-                      generally represent an increase in the account balance and negative amounts a
-                      decrease in the balance (asset accounts: Checking, Savings). In external
-                      statements supplied by a bank for a check or savings account, a credit (Cr) is
-                      normally an increase in the account balance and a debit (Dr) a decrease in the
-                      account balance. In the banks eyes, your savings or checking account is a
-                      Liability to them;
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Num</guilabel></emphasis>: Transaction Num field - Use for check
+                  numbers etc.;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                    <para>If the amount data is in separate columns for debits and credits you will have to apply both this
-                      heading and the Withdrawal heading.
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Description</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Withdrawal</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply this header to a column with
-                      the amount of the transaction where positive amounts in the column represent a
-                      decrease in the account balance and negative amounts an increase in the
-                      balance (e.g. Liability account: credit card).
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Notes</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                    <para>Where separate columns are used for debits and credit to the account apply it to the opposite to the
-                      column to which Deposits is applied;
-                    </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transaction Commodity</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                    <note>
-                      <para>Some experimentation may be necessary to determine the correct allocation of the Deposit and
-                        Withdrawal headings.
-                      </para>
-                    </note>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Void Reason</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Price</guilabel></emphasis>: The price for commodity transactions
-                      and/or transactions involving currency exchange;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Memo</guilabel></emphasis>: Additional column containing descriptive
-                      information relevant to one split of a transaction. If in the first line of a
-                      multi-split import it will apply to the source account. In subsequent
-                      lines/splits it is applied to the transfer account defined in that line or
-                      allocated to it in the matcher;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Action</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Reconciled</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column indicating the
-                      reconciliation status of the transaction. This generally only applies to data
-                      exported from <application>&appname;</application>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis>: This header should be matched to a
+                  column specifying the source account for a transaction if it is present.
+                  Otherwise, set the source account in the
+                  <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Account</guilabel></emphasis> combo box;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Reconcile Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column which
-                      specifies the date of reconciliation, generally only for
-                      <application>&appname;</application> exported data;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Deposit</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply this header to a column
+                  containing the amount of the transaction. Positive amounts in the column
+                  generally represent an increase in the account balance and negative amounts a
+                  decrease in the balance (asset accounts: Checking, Savings). In external
+                  statements supplied by a bank for a check or savings account, a credit (Cr) is
+                  normally an increase in the account balance and a debit (Dr) a decrease in the
+                  account balance. In the banks eyes, your savings or checking account is a
+                  Liability to them;
+                </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Action</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                <para>If the amount data is in separate columns for debits and credits you will have to apply both this
+                  heading and the Withdrawal heading.
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Account</guilabel></emphasis>: This header should be
-                      applied to a column which specifies the transfer account for the second split
-                      of a single line import and/or for subsequent splits in multiline exported
-                      transactions;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Withdrawal</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply this header to a column with
+                  the amount of the transaction where positive amounts in the column represent a
+                  decrease in the account balance and negative amounts an increase in the
+                  balance (e.g. Liability account: credit card).
+                </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Memo</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column with
-                      descriptive information relevant to a split to a transfer account specified by
-                      <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Account</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                <para>Where separate columns are used for debits and credit to the account apply it to the opposite to the
+                  column to which Deposits is applied;
+                </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Reconciled</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column with
-                      reconciliation status information relevant to a split to a transfer account
-                      specified by <emphasis role="bold"> <guilabel>Transfer
-                      Account</guilabel></emphasis>;
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
+                <note>
+                  <para>Some experimentation may be necessary to determine the correct allocation of the Deposit and
+                    Withdrawal headings.
+                  </para>
+                </note>
+              </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                    <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Reconcile Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column
-                      containing a reconciliation date relevant to a split to a transfer account
-                      previously specified in <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer
-                      Account</guilabel></emphasis>.
-                    </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Price</guilabel></emphasis>: The price for commodity transactions
+                  and/or transactions involving currency exchange;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-              <para>The <guilabel>Skip Errors</guilabel> check box will skip trying to import any rows with errors in
-                matching the columns.
-              </para>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Memo</guilabel></emphasis>: Additional column containing descriptive
+                  information relevant to one split of a transaction. If in the first line of a
+                  multi-split import it will apply to the source account. In subsequent
+                  lines/splits it is applied to the transfer account defined in that line or
+                  allocated to it in the matcher;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-              <para>When you are happy with all the import settings, <link linkend="trans-import-csv-save">save</link>
-                them if you will use the same settings again, then press the
-                <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button.
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Reconciled</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column indicating the
+                  reconciliation status of the transaction. This generally only applies to data
+                  exported from <application>&appname;</application>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Match Import and <application>&appname;</application> accounts</emphasis>:
-                This window allows you to map the accounts identified in the account columns
-                (Account and Transfer Account) with accounts in the
-                <application>&appname;</application> account tree (Account name). Double click on a
-                row to bring up a dialog to select the matching <application>&appname;</application>
-                account. If you have previously imported transactions to this account and account
-                mappings can be matched automatically, this window will not be displayed. When you
-                have selected a match for all accounts, click on the
-                <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button;
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Reconcile Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column which
+                  specifies the date of reconciliation, generally only for
+                  <application>&appname;</application> exported data;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Transaction Information</emphasis>: The Transaction Information panel allows
-                review of data entry settings so far. Clicking Next will perform checks on the data.
-                If there are errors you will be returned to the <emphasis role="bold">Import
-                Preview</emphasis> pane to edit the settings. For no errors you proceed to the next
-                step;
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Action</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Match Transactions</emphasis>: Clicking on Match Transactions will then bring
-                up the main <link linkend="trans-import-matcher">Import Matcher</link> window. The
-                Import Matcher is described in a separate section;
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Account</guilabel></emphasis>: This header should be
+                  applied to a column which specifies the transfer account for the second split
+                  of a single line import and/or for subsequent splits in multiline exported
+                  transactions;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><emphasis role="bold">Import Summary</emphasis>: <application>&appname;</application> displays a
-                summary of the imported data. Click on the
-                <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Close</guibutton></emphasis> to exit the wizard.
-              </para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </para>
-      </formalpara>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Memo</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column with
+                  descriptive information relevant to a split to a transfer account specified by
+                  <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Account</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Reconciled</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column with
+                  reconciliation status information relevant to a split to a transfer account
+                  specified by <emphasis role="bold"> <guilabel>Transfer
+                  Account</guilabel></emphasis>;
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para><emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer Reconcile Date</guilabel></emphasis>: Apply to a column
+                  containing a reconciliation date relevant to a split to a transfer account
+                  previously specified in <emphasis role="bold"><guilabel>Transfer
+                  Account</guilabel></emphasis>.
+                </para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </para>
+          <para>The <guilabel>Skip Errors</guilabel> check box will skip trying to import any rows with errors in
+            matching the columns.
+          </para>
+          <para>When you are happy with all the import settings, <link linkend="trans-import-csv-save">save</link>
+            them if you will use the same settings again, then press the
+            <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button.
+          </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold">Match Import and <application>&appname;</application> accounts</emphasis>:
+            This window allows you to map the accounts identified in the account columns
+            (Account and Transfer Account) with accounts in the
+            <application>&appname;</application> account tree (Account name). Double click on a
+            row to bring up a dialog to select the matching <application>&appname;</application>
+            account. If you have previously imported transactions to this account and account
+            mappings can be matched automatically, this window will not be displayed. When you
+            have selected a match for all accounts, click on the
+            <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Next</guibutton></emphasis> button;
+          </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold">Transaction Information</emphasis>: The Transaction Information panel allows
+            review of data entry settings so far. Clicking Next will perform checks on the data.
+            If there are errors you will be returned to the <emphasis role="bold">Import
+            Preview</emphasis> pane to edit the settings. For no errors you proceed to the next
+            step;
+          </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold">Match Transactions</emphasis>: Clicking on Match Transactions will then bring
+            up the main <link linkend="trans-import-matcher">Import Matcher</link> window. The
+            Import Matcher is described in a separate section;
+          </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para><emphasis role="bold">Import Summary</emphasis>: <application>&appname;</application> displays a
+            summary of the imported data. Click on the
+            <emphasis role="bold"><guibutton>Close</guibutton></emphasis> to exit the wizard.
+          </para>
+        </step>
+      </procedure>
         <para>Multi-split imports of multicurrency transactions and commodity transactions are experimental and

Summary of changes:
 manual/C/ch_Transactions.xml | 823 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 420 insertions(+), 403 deletions(-)

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