[gnucash-de] Looking for rpm including HBCI

Frank Bergmann bergmannf at wasenmeister.de
Son Sep 19 09:33:10 EDT 2004

In Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) cum veritate scripsit :

> I was wondering if anyone knows where I could find the gnucash rpm for
> version 1.8.9 for Fedora Core 2 that includes HBCI?  
> Weiss jemand wo ich ein gnucash rpm fuer version 1.8.9 finden kann, dass auf
> Fedora Core 2 laeuft und HBCI eingebunden hat? 

english summary: FC2 includes latest gnucash and openhbci-0.9.14 and 
libofx-0.6.6 rpms.
For RH9 I created new rpms which I will put online in a few days.

In RH9 waren noch die Libs ofx und hbci im gnucash-rpm.
In FC2 sind die libs vernuenftigerweise ausgegliedert. Man muss also 
(u.a.) die openhbci-0.9.14 und libofx-0.6.6 RPMs installieren.
In FC2 ist die aktuelle gnucash Version 1.8.9 mit den docs 1.8.4 

Ich habe fuer RH9 aktuelle Pakete erstellt (gnucash, guile, 
umb-scheme(slib), g-wrap, ofx und hbci). Ich werde sie in Kuerze online 

Upon the release of the album "Operation:Mindcrime" guitarist Chris DeGarmo
was asked if the band was "planning a subversive revolution against the
government". He responded wryly:
"Hey, we're just writing about cars and women. We've got nothing against
right-wing conservative fascists governments who run the United States."

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