[gnucash-de] Fw: Problem question

Alessandra Witsch alessandra.witsch at hispeed.ch
Di Feb 24 06:59:32 EST 2009

Hallo, ich habe mich in der gnucash mailing list eingetragen in der Hoffnung, dass ich eine Antwort auf mein untenstehendes Problem erhalte. Ich habe mich auch auf savanah.gnu.org angemeldet aber ich finde nirgends eine Option wo ich ein neues Problem (Objekt) eingeben kann. Die Mail an savannah-users kam zurück als delivery failed. 

Bitte dringendst um Antwort.

Besten Dank zum Voraus und freundliche Grüsse

Alessandra Witsch

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Alessandra Witsch 
To: savannah-users at gnu.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:45 PM
Subject: Problem question


A the beginning of the year I downloaded your gnucash program - a great program! - to use it for the book keeping of my small business. I have entered all my accounts and all my bookings from last year and today wanted to generate some reports (journal, the balance sheet etc.). All reports print with characters mirrored, even though the "Print Preview" is correct. I have read through your FAQs and found the entries on this issue. Hence I tried to save the reports on the computer in either word, excel or html. Some will open and print fine, some not. 

But my biggest and real problem is that I have done something with a report and now I can not re-enter the gnucash application. A window pops up with a message "the following URL could not be dealt with: F/Medistick Kontenübersicht 2008". The two files are there! I tried to delete them but then the message would say "the document Medistick Kontenübersicht 2008 could not be found". Please tell me that there is a trick to enter the application anyway. I spent hours to enter all the bookings from last year and would scream if I can't access them anymore just because of a report.  

Thanks for your help and kind regards,

Alessandra Witsch

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